**BREAKING: Must Credit Costco Coulter**
While the MSM flounders about telling us about a shooting rampage at a Binghamton, N.Y. immigration center that left 13 dead including the gunman, Debbie Schlussel scoops the world on the REAL story …
As Schlussel reports, ‘it looks like most of those who were at the American Civic Association at the time of the rampage didn’t speak English. And yet, most were there to take the citizenship test.’ Further:
Yes, some of the people were there in an English class, but how many who couldn’t speak English were among those taking the citizenship test?
Probably more than you’d think.
Pending the almost-certain-to-emerge revelation by Pam Atlas that this horrific crime somehow involves Islam, Schlussel takes the early lead in tearing the lid off the truly important facts in this awful story.
Probably more than you’d think.
Oh but don’t you see? Weil sie Englisch nicht koentenn, sie Untermenschen sind.
aside to Godwin: Did I go to far?
Is this site horrendously slow or what?
Debbie is a vile human being.
This is what I read.
a shooting rampage at a Binghamton, N.Y. immigration center that left 13 dead including the gunman, Debbie Schlussel.
The innnert00bz must be clogged with the fevered mutterings of millions of hatred-crazed wingnuts.
Please tell me she didn’t actually pen these consecutive sentences:
“One point of immigration law that isn’t enforced nearly enough is that those seeking citizenship must take the citizenship test in English.
There are few exceptions, like if the applicant mentally incompetent.”
Fräulein Schlussel is a classic example of why we should revisit Afroyim v. Rusk. That is some prime un-american thinking on display there.
Man, the Sadly No Server is wheezing along on one cylinder and some rank biodiesel contaminated with french fry chunkage.
I’m sorry, what?
That’s not the wheezing-on-one-cylinder sound effect?
Crap. Sorry.
Carry on (slowly)….
Ho-hum. Get back to me when one of these gibbering clowns starts yammering about how the victims were total pussies, and how a real American would’ve taken out the gunman like the Deerslayer firing a bullet through the eye of a needle from 100 yards away.
The woman is a vampire. I’d recommend someone drive a wooden stake through her heart, except a) it would be cruel to the stake, and b) she has no heart.
Oh hell yeah.
Debbie’s right.
We can’t have a bunch of Americans who can’t speak english. Where would that leave us? Next thing you know they’re gonna start granting citizenship to people who aren’t even WHITE! I KNOW! We’re fucked, eh?
Once we get this shit cleaned up we’re totally going after people with accents. And speech impediments. Fuckin commie hairlips…
Schussel , STFU!! (I knew this was probably coming, but one can always hope. *sigh*) Dumb #%##%%#!!! The citizenship test was being given, but also English classes, and probably people there for various other reasons (me ,delivering flowers, for ex.) . Connecting interpreters with people who need them is one of their services. Usually for complex medical or legal issues, that require that communication be clear and precise, and understanding of the issues confirmed.
For every educated, employed,multiingual individual, there’s usually some relatives who come over also, that are less fluent.Also, this area has been a designated refugee resettlement area. Some people have to leave their homes too abruptly to learn proper English . They game the system by getting shot at and bombed.
Btw, though the ACA has been characterized as “an immigrant center” by the national media, it’s more than that. It’s a a two-way street. It’s for the community at large, also . Most of the people I know involved with it , are from here .
So, what language are they taking the citizenship test in? Isn’t it only available in English?
Little Debbie never ceases to amaze. She’s always finding an even more bizarre take. Truly an original.
Maybe Debbie can find out in what language the funeral services are held.
Geller earlier today (my emphasis, her hyperactive xenophobia):
An update indicates that it’s all Clinton’s fault.
Schussel , STFU!! (I knew this was probably coming, but one can always hope. *sigh*) Dumb #%##%%#!!! The citizenship test was being given, but also English classes, and probably people there for various other reasons (me ,delivering flowers, for example [not today, but many other times].) . Connecting interpreters with people who need them is one of their services. Usually for complex medical or legal issues, that require that communication be clear and precise, and understanding of the issues confirmed.
For every educated, employed,multiingual individual, there’s usually some relatives who come over also, that are less fluent.Also, this area has been a designated refugee resettlement area. Some people have to leave their homes too abruptly to learn proper English . They game the system by getting shot at and bombed.
Btw, though the ACA has been characterized as “an immigrant center” by the national media, it’s more than that. It’s a a two-way street. It’s for the community at large, also . Most of the people I know involved with it , are from here .
What the fuck is she saying? Because the place offers English classes, citizenship classes, and citizenship tests, some of the people taking the test may not speak English to her rigorous standards? There’s no reason to make such an assumption, but even if there were, who cares? THEY’RE DEAD YOU HORRIBLE PERSON.
See the AP story D. Aristphenes links. It, like the current New York Times article, says class, not test. Schlussel’s test line comes from Rep. Maurice Hinchey, who may not have had the most accurate information on this and other details today (see The Lede).
See the AP story D. Aristophanes links. It, like the current New York Times article, says class, not test. Schlussel’s test line comes from Rep. Maurice Hinchey, who may not have had the most accurate information on this and other details today (see The Lede).
Hey, can we leave Costco out of this? Costco is a great company, very progressive and treats its employees like royalty. Plus, I love shopping there! seriously, I can fill up my freezer with high-quality meats, frozen goods, you name it. I know Sam’s Club Coulter doesn’t roll off the tongue quite so melodiously, but if you want to pick on a mass-retailer, I’m just sayin’…
They may have tightened up the rules, but there used to be an age exemption (over 50) from the requirement to speak English. I tried it on at my interview, just on principle (English English being my first language), pointing out to the official that I was over 50. “Ah,” she replied after barely a pause. “You weren’t when you applied.” Which was true. So I had to prove I could comprehend the subtle nuances of the language. Ot at least say something like “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.”
Slow down. You’re posting too fast.
Of course, our definition of “too fast” is two posts per week.
an “Asian” male (not the UK Asian?), 20’s,
I.e. not South Asian (Indian / Pakistani).
This is important from the perspective of anyone who does not want to commit the social faux-pas of cheering for a murderer, only to discover that they were supposed to be demonising him.
My headline:
13 new aspiring Americans lost to the Land of the Free. Their bilingual abilities and their cultural heritage will be missed by all of us: we are the poorer today for this terrible tragedy.
Republican sociopathy never ceases to amaze. These are the people who start pogroms and imagine they are “real Americans.”
‘it looks like most of those who were at the American Civic Association at the time of the rampage didn’t speak English. And yet, most were there to take the citizenship test.’
Oh of course: she’s either just plain wrong or lying. “Most” weren’t there to take the test, and the survivors were less like to speak English as well because the shooter went into the citizenship classroom, not the English classrooms.
Class ? Test? Given that every “news” source had a different story, much of it wrong, about a lot of things , hard to tell. I haven’t caught up with the latest. Been busy, and it’s depressing.I was under the impression (from where? ) that both were happening, or supposed to, sometime today . ?????
Here’s the local paper
http://www.binghamtonpress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage ,
in case you need it . Not the greatest, but better than outside sources. At least they weren’t misidentifying which bridge was closed . ( FauxNews?CNN? almost had me going miles out of the way, wondering why that bridge was closed)
isn’t it obvious…..non-english speakers = not worthy of being american citizens = deserve to die.
jerry falwell can’t be too far away.
By the way, the exams that count for the naturalization process are administered by U.S. Immigration and Citizenship Services personnel at USICS facilities. They form part of the formal interview (see p. 37 [pdf]). The exceptions to the English requirement are on p. 26.
By the way, just preemptively, can we PLEASE agree not to feed the trolls when they show up, as they inevitably will. We were having a great time in the last thread (slow servers notwitstanding) until some idiot bridge troll showed up and started demanding we all argue with it, which, of course, a bunch of us were all too happy to do. It’s simple. just walk by them, don’t make eye contact and don’t flinch when they start to rant. Believe me, they will. go. away.
Slow down. You’re posting too fast.
Ha ha! I got in a double post and didn’t even get that “Slow down, tiger” warning, I’m not logged in, and I slipped in a pdf link. I’m gaming the system! Molasses on the server is my friend.
I’m going Galt on laughing at Schlussel.
Mayflowers Only said,
“jerry falwell can’t be too far away.”
Does anyone think this is accidental on the day that activist judges in godless Iowa overturn a ban on teh gay marriage?
I think not.
Do not feed. Yes.
Especially when you end up slinging statistics at each other. That’s really “pwning” them.
The exceptions to the English requirement are on pp. 26-27.
[Let’s see if I get a message saying “It looks like you already said that.”]
Slow down. You’re posting too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.
Is it OK if I imagine WordPress as having a voice like Petulia Clark?
It looks like you already drank that…
I’m In:
Slow down, you post too fast
You leave your followers aghast
Kickin the shit outta the Taliban
Lookin for Terrs and Feeling Groovy
I am very concerned that not engaging the trolls will make you liberals look like liberal fascists who are afraid of free speech and dissenting viewpoints.
Mike in Binghampton – hope you are keeping it together as best you can, or not, if you need to do that.
I have to admit I feel a little slimy right now … just as Schlussel and Pam always – always, without fail – introduce utter foulness into the conversation whenever a crime like this happens, so do I now go to their sites when something like this happens, because I know they will deliver something to post about.
Like I said … slimy.
Steerpike said,
April 4, 2009 at 3:16
…By the way, just preemptively, can we PLEASE agree not to feed the trolls when they show up…
Does calling them names count as feeding? Because I’ve been saving some up and I missed the last troll that showed up….
Eh, sorry, Steerpike. Lack of sleep and allergies (and one doubtlessly exacerbating the other) made me have very low tolerance for watching people jizz themselves over death yet again.
Pammy is doubling down on the stupid:
If NY didn’t have such draconian, anti-second amendment gun laws and one of those hostages was carrying – this nightmare would be over. Gun control laws kill innocent people.
Sometimes the placement of too many refugees in one area has overwhelmed local communities and stirred tension.
Is there a wingnut talking point she left out?
Oh, that’s it.
I thought they couldn’t possibly go any lower than Confederate Wankee calling that Virginia Tech victim a coward because he didn’t want random armed doofuses trying to come to his rescue.
In less than ONE WEEK, we have this Schussel stepping over the still-warm bodies of more shooting victims to bitch that some of them maybe couldn’t speak English well.
Where is the bottom? Where is the honest to God bottom so that these people can’t sink any lower?
I imagine WordPress sounding more like Tor Johnson.
Watertiger wins the innert00bz!
Psychosis means never having to say you’re sorry.
If the USA & Russia started a nuclear war tomorrow, Schlussel’s last post would be on how it was all started by illegal immigration, & Atlas would be fricaseed in the middle of a 20,000-word dithyramb blaming it on Islam.
If they could stop jumping for joy (“probably more than you think”) long enough to do any blogging, that is.
After all, these are the cultural heirs of the folks that once packed theater-houses to watch explicit footage of the grisly aftermath of Hiroshima – & laughed their asses off the entire time. Expecting basic human decency from them is like expecting ballet from earthworms.
Perhaps the site is sooooooooo fuuuuuuuuuucking sloooooooooow because, due to the economic downturn, WordPress has been forced to lay off a significant percentage of its hamster workforce.
I’m posting too fast? You’re loading A WORD AT A TIME!
First of all can I just say that I’m some what relieved that it’s not just my computer and lack of computer skills. Apparently something other than my lack of computer skills has caused a slow down. When reading this post the first thought that came to mind was a trip to Scotland taken by my aunt and uncle to visit their son. Because we are of Irish descent and are familiar with Irish dialect they figured that the dialect was somewhat similar. My aunt quickly found out that that was not the case. When they got off the plane she said she was just playing along, pretending she understood what they were saying. So basically fuck Debbie Schlusselcan’tgetfuckedbyanyone, I’ve heard her speak, and in my opinion, she isn’t speaking English.
well, wouldn’t debbie be happy the shooter killed all them non-english speaking furrners?
Aliens Taking Citizenship Test Didn’t Speak English
What’s really strange about this is that in pretty much every scifi I’ve seen, the aliens have in fact been able to speak English.
If these ones couldn’t, I’d draw the conclusion that they weren’t real aliens.
Well, Pammy claiming that the massacre is the result of not having enough well-armed immigrants os close…
“Yes, some of the people were there in an English class, but how many who couldn’t speak English were among those taking the citizenship test?”
Debbie Schlussel is fucking jew and she writes this? does she think her great grandparents emigrated right after graduating from Cambridge?
Oh. Ok.
That’s great news.
I’ve NEVER killed anybody who speaks english.
So I’ve been agonizing over it all for decades for nothing.
I’ll shut up now…
“Expecting basic human decency from them is like expecting ballet from earthworms.”
Yeah, Debbie really is the lowest of the low. There doesn’t seem to be anything redeemable about her as far as I can see. I can laugh at Pantload and Ace of Spades but Schlussel is just to…ick.
Is this site horrendously slow or what?
It is for me.
I’m very impressed by S, N!’s performance in the last while, tho. Remember the days when the site would offline for a few days every time they mentioned Michelle Malkin?
Welcome t’Amurrica Hung Chung,er whatever yer name is. Here’s yer gun. It’s Glock “9”, which is as ‘Murrican as y’can git. Now, if ya see any suspicious-lookin’ furriners around, ah want yeh t’be sure to shewt ’em. In fact, why’ncha jes go ‘head ‘n shewt yerself now ‘n save us all a buncha trouble?
By the way, Tinsley is on some kind of weird vendetta against small hamburgers lately. Doesn’t this deserve a S’N! post?
I’m sure it makes more sense in German.
No mention of teh ghey. (I’m just guessing, no way in hell am I clicking on the link to her scheissefest).
Damned if I can remember where I heard it, but:
“Madam, I would call you a cunt, but you lack the warmth and the depth.”
I bet some of the victims had unpaid parking tickets too.
Death is too good for them.
>Is this site horrendously slow or what?
>It is for me.
It’s Atrios and his mighty blog. I followed his link here, and apparently so have a few others.
OT: today is the deadline for accepting state stimulus lolly, & the last 3 holdouts – Sanford, Jindal & Palin – magically had a change of heart & accepted every last penny of the funds offered. Money talks & bullshit walks – in Prada shoes no less.
You can’t say the GOP doesn’t stand by its principles … because it has none.
Mike in Binghampton, thanks for your insight and information.
Damn, I’m glad I’m not Debbie Schlussel. It would suck to be Debbie Schlussel.
I am concerned that the hostility of you crazy libs toward Debbie Schlussel will make you crazy libs look crazy.
She has a right to her opinion.
And, because you disagree with me and, in addition, you hate America, you don’t have a right to your opinion if it involves making fun of someone I agree with.
Can I get disemvowelled now?
I always wanted to get disemvowelled!
I’m not going to claim any connection to Binghamton…my partner’s ex was from there, I’ve been there all of once (it’s about an hour south of here)…seemed like a nice little place.
Anyway, guys, it’s Binghamton. No ‘p’.
Debbie’s not alone
A sub-normal intellect in Binghampton N Why shoots up an immigrant service center
whipped up no doubt with anti-immigrant rhetoric
from Lou Dobbs and even more disgraceful individuals
in our media
no doubt without a job
but lots of guns, as is his right
under the Second Commandment
The sainted Renee Montaigne on NPR
who makes more than 300,000 dollars a year
talking to Bill Jaeger of WKSG in Binghampton
They both deplore the shooting
and in great depth explore
the who, what, when, where
of the episode
and even speak of the heavy, difficult rain that was falling
that impeded, I suppose, the guardians of truth
But no mention at all
in this extensive interview,
by either the sainted Renee or the slightly less sainted Bill Jaeger
Margaret Thatcher on TV
shocked by the deaths that took place in Beijing
It seems strange she should be offended
The same orders are given by her
Sinead O’Connor where are you now
I wonder
It’s the same damned one.
…but how many who couldn’t speak English were among those taking the citizenship test?
Considering that a guy who couldn’t speak English was the wingnuts’ favorite President, what’s wrong with letting non-speakers of English vote?
Oh that’s right, he was appointed — it’s the voting that bothers her. Real Americans(TM) never tolerate electing a leader.
The Loud Obbsians were in a bind today (as was Obbs himself), not knowing which brown people to hate the most.
They appear to have settled on the victims, since gun rampages are something that they seem to want to preserve for citizens.
Speaking of which, guess who took the night off?
What a fucking coward. Still, I suppose if you’re incapable of saying anything nice about immigrants, it’s best not to say anything at all.
Wow, she is just such a bad person. Amazing.
The fact is, even tho this is a sad tragedy, liberals aren’t seeing the silver linings in the NY immigrant shootings: for one, brown people today thinned the herd by eating their own. Not to mention this highlights Obsama’s failed policy of taking away guns from real Heartland NY Americans. This scumball woodent have stand a chance fully-armed citizenry. Keep sticking your head in the sand libs. The fact is gun control worked this time because American hating immigrants were eliminated but the fact is the guns would have stopped it. Suck on that.
heh, do you know how many people I’ve murdered with my gaming system?
Hey, can we leave Costco out of this? Costco is a great company, very progressive and treats its employees like royalty.
I know, how about “Home Depot Himmler”?
Oh, and Debbie: my late dad was born in Poland and was captured by the German army in ’39 and sent to a work farm in Austria. After the war he wandered around Europe as a refugee before making his way to the U.S. in the early ’50s. He had the equivalent of an eight grade education and spoke a language that was a weird pidgin English/Polish/Russian/German, with some Italian and a few Yiddish words thrown in for good measure, and some people had trouble understanding him, but he managed to communicate OK for the most part. So this is a roundabout way of saying:
Go fuck yourself, you unspeakable piece of shit.
“Madam, I would call you a cunt, but you lack the warmth and the depth.”
Most excellent.
This is how I console myself about the visits to S,N! from the racist-scumbag stalker troll(s)… each visit is a reminder that however low I sink in my personal conduct, whatever I do in
momentslong periods of weakness to debase myself and hurt the people who love me, at least I’m not Truthy. This cheers me up no end, so the guy does serve some useful function. See also: making silver linings out of a pig’s ear [note to self: check with Teh Analogy Police].It sounds like Debbie Schlussel fills a comparable role.
debase myself and hurt the people who love me
Jee wilikers, take it easy on yourself … After all, if they love a man who’s weak & self-debasing, they deserve to be hurt, don’t they?
Just before 7 am EST.
Site still slow.
I was promised a rubber ducky?
Must feed hamsters.
This seems fairly standard Blaming the Victim(s.) Whoever they are.
And yet they love to play the Victim. Not that disparate thoughts ever bump into each other in their echoing craniums.
Surely it would only be a fair test of intelligence if the immigrants were forced to take the test in a language which no one knows.
I speak some spanish and could communicate adequately if I were in a spanish speaking country. However, if I were a survivor of a shooting spree while in that country it is likely the I would have trouble thinking and communicating in that mental state in english. My spanish abilities would likely go right out the window at that point.
I do like the way Schlussel says that they all deserve to die and Geller says they all deserve to kill.
Sorry, if I were only aware of all internet traditions, especially those of Sadly, No! I would have said:
Shorter Debbie Schlussel: They all deserve to die
Shorter Pam Geller: They all deserve to kill
“And how he got into my pajamas I’ll never know…”
Actually, are we sure this isn’t in fact the new right wing approved Darwinian-flavored “intelligence test” for immigrants? Lock them in a facility and send someone in to shoot them down, and the survivors have proven their evolutionary immigration worth such that they now get to live temporarily in the United States and work as cheap illegal hired help in wealthy suburbs?
I have sent a message to our Overlords, who, among other things feed the hamsters that power our server, asking them to check on things since the site is terribly slow right now.
Like diogenes with his lantern I have been traversing tha slime that is wingnet land and the vacuous wasteland that is the msm searching for an honest person who will bring up tha fact that easy access to guns in this country contributed to yet another horrific shooting spree (hey people this has been happening a lot lately, why is noone callin it an epidemic!) Well so far I’ve just gotten all slimy but there must be one honest person out there who will talk about this, right people??? (wait is there an echo in here, oh shit gotta stop waking up smokin. . .)
One strange byproduct of this story (due deference: respect to those affected, not looking for silver lining, just noting) is that Phil English’s pre-Dahlkemper whipping boy, Dr. Stephen Porter, is being treated with respect for the first time in his career because of his extensive experience in Binghamton. Local media outlets, and we do have some good local news out here near Erie, are treating the story with respect.
I wish that evolution were not scientific fact for it shames me to be genetically linked to a being as vile as Deb Schlussel.
The last surviving hamster, exhausted, bleeding and bereft, is composing his suicide note as we speak.
All further Sadly, No! business will be conducted via smoke signals or semaphore until we get this mental telepathy thing worked out.
Goodbye cruel internet.
One advantage to meeting the English-language exception for naturalization: It makes Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA,” which formed part of the citizenship ceremony under the previous administration, a little easier to bear.
Though I guess the whole “Gov. Paterson disses 9/11 victims even though he didn’t” meme is starting to re-sour me on life in general. cf. Mr. Serious-Journalist Suspenders at Top of the Ticket.
…Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA,” which formed part of the citizenship ceremony under the previous administration, a little easier to bear.
please tell me you’re kidding. Ok, knowing what I know about the previous administration, I’m sure you’re not. I feel fortunate that I never learned of this while they were in office, as it would have broken the final thread holding my sanity together. I remember my first thoughts on 9/11 going something like this: 1) oh dear lord, those poor people; 2) sweet christ, how are we going to handle this with a chimp in office; 3) good god, now there’s going to be NO ESCAPE from that crapulous Lee Greenwood piece of shit for MONTHS if not YEARS.
Then again, I’ve never pretended to be other than a very bad person.
Schluss-lush has updated her post. It seems the immigrants hiding in the bathroom didn’t wash their hands before they came out. Absolutely wingnut true.
side topic: Major league baseball has announced that all ballgames will play and stand in observance of, in addition to “The Star Spangled Banner” and “America The Beautiful”, Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA”. (period outside quotation marks courtesy of Major League Baseball all rights reserved.)
Jennifer: They played it at a ceremony I attended in Jacksonville in 2006. They played it in Baghdad last year. And according to this guy, who did the ceremony just a week ago in Pomona, they’re still playing it.
Kiffen – Die Toten Hosen.
The fact is, what’s the problem here? Some illegals won’t have to be deported now, and they did it to themselves. Real America does not mourne these leaches.
One, it wasn’t a test at all, and the premise of her piece is just false.
And two, prattling about the level of their English is like faulting a rape victim for possibly having parked illegally earlier that day.
For these reasons, her piece strikes me as deeply psychotic.
Debbie Schlussel, psychotic? You don’t say!
Why this idea that America ought to speak only English? REAL Americans only learnt English when the damned white immigrants made them learn it.
So the question of Americas correct official language comes down to a competition between Aleut, the Mayan derived languages, and 3 or 4 families of “indian” languages. And maybe whatever the hell the Hawaiians used to speak before the white people turned up.
Damn.. Looks like that might mean accepting about a hundred or so official languages, to be fair about things. If we are going to go that far, we may as well add English to the list, to avoid discrimination against recent immigrants.
My headline:
Registered Gun Owner Goes on Murderous Rampage.
Debbie is so needy, and appears to possess the sine qua non for success in modern fake-conservative punditry: severe emotional damage.
Glad to see you’re liking them Totenhosers, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©!
I’ve been trying to think of some way to properly convey my disgust, and just can’t.
Simply amazing. I suppose we are to understand that Ms. Schlussel approves of the killing spree, as it targeted smelly immigrants and those who might be helping them.
Still trying.
Also, just to nitpick the stupidity heaped on top of the sociopathy,
The fucking picture is clearly the cover of a video.
Atrios also linked a fun WSJ article about Frau Schlüßel, which asks the question: “What does it take to be a talking head?”
The answer has always been:
1) A complete lack of self-respect and basic human decency.
2) …
3) Not much else.
Happened yesterday. Mr. Pam Atlas posted almost immediately (I’ll paraphrase because I really don’t want to go to her site) – if one of those people had been packing it wouldn’t have happened. She also said gun control laws kill innocent people.
I did not ask her what if the person packing had been the first to be taken out. Nor did I ask her if she thought non-white non-citizens should all be packing.
I do not understand this “registered gun owner” phrase.
Not all states require “registration”. However, a licensed firearms dealer is required, under the laws and the terms of his license, to record the buyers information (including DL Number) and the firearm information (including serial number), so there is de facto registration in all fifty states. When ownership of that firearm is transferred through a licensed dealer, the information about the ownership of that firearm is updated.
Now, since these are legal purchases, they do not attract any attention or scrutiny after the mandated background checks. So if somebody can explain to me how this is supposed to prevent gun crime, I’d like to hear it. Certainly, these records may make gun crimes easier to solve, although when legal firearms owners use their guns violently the crimes are seldom difficult to solve. But they do nothing to prevent the illegal and violent use of that firearm in the first place.
Any criminal, or for that matter anyone who cannot, for any given reason, pass a background check will purchase their firearms outside of the federally licensed process, and therefore the purchase will not be “registered”, preventing any official linkage of the gun owner and the gun.
I just find it amusing that so many processes get put in place that have no value to solving the problem at hand, but merely serve to make us feel better about not solving the problem. The problem is gun violence in America – guns are too easy to get and too easy to use. The challenge is their special place in the American Constitution. We need to change that pesky second amendment, but if we do we leave ourselves open to other groups seeking to change the first and the fourth, or other constitutional provisions that we deem valuable.
If anybody ever comes up with a solution, I’d love to hear it…
If Debbie had blogged “some of the murdered people may have been gaming the system after 9/11, she probably wouldn’t be with us today.
So let me see….here I am a person taking classes at the immigrant center, but like all good Americans, I’m packing a concealed handgun.
Some guy comes into the reception area and shoots a receptionist. I whip out my handgun and….
a guy across the room, another fine American packing a concealed handgun, whips out his handgun and, thinking I’m an accomplice of the guy that shot the receptionist, he blows me away.
And then another guy across the room whips out his concealed, and blows the second guy away. And then the original assailant blows HIM away, but a guy whips out of a classroom doorway with his gun and blows him away.
And then the SWAT team kills the last guy. See? Works great.
It’s amazing really, how peroxide can penetrate the thickest skulls
I’ve got a solution Mikey..
Full socialist healthcare, which covers things such as psychiatric help, and penile augmentation surgery. This should help reduce the number of people who want to own a gun for no good reason.
Then cancel that fucking stupid “war on drugs” and legalise weed to reduce crime in general a bit, and discourage organised crime too.
Then take serious steps to fight poverty, to reduce the motivation to resort to crime to meet basic needs. Higher minimum wage, and a plain old cash benefit to all low income persons, regardless of their employment status might help.
Then you might manage gun crime levels on par with Canada, which would be a distinct improvement.
Oh wait, that would be SOCIALISM wouldn’t it? never mind then.
I see S,N!’s overlords have discovered a new strategy to defeat the troll infestation. Just dial the server speed back to a notch in between “Glacial” and “Continental drift”. The trolls’ attention-span issues will take care of the rest. Brilliant!
Though the second amendment does offer a way out:
Are YOU a “well regulated milita” you fucking psycho? No? Well put the glock DOWN. How about you? no, your klan membership doesn’t count, so no you cant have an AK.
Want a gun? well join a well regulated militia then.. we call it the national guard nowadays. Hope you enjoy your holiday in Iraq!
All we need is half a dozen DFHs on the supreme court..
Anyone want to shoot Alito or Roberts?
Anyone want to shoot Alito or Roberts?
A few years ago, I was having a bad time and went to a head shrinker. He asked, “do you want to hurt yourself? Do you want to hurt anyone?” My response was “you mean aside from Cheney, Bush, Scalia, Thomas, Frist..?”
There’s my point.
If you’re hanging your hat on a straight “militia” interpretation of the second amendment, the killing’s never going to stop. You’re NEVER going to get that interpretation – any faint hope that might ever happen died with the Heller decision. So it’s a pipe dream, utterly impractical while thousands of kids die.
I don’t pretend to know what the answer is, but somebody’s gonna have to do a LOT better than that, Mr. Puppet….
Meanwhile, three police officers killed in Pittsburgh, PA.
What’s the reaction to that going to be? One can only wonder …
Well let’s be honest.. changing the interpretation is a LOT more practical than actually getting rid of the amendment altogether!
The most likely solution is probably the American electorate getting so fed up of BS about the constitution that people prefer their legislators simply ignore it whenever social standards deem it convenient.
There are a thousand and one ways of chipping away at the gun crime problem, from gun registration to public education, but the second amendment IS a bloody big problem unless it gets reinterpreted or eliminated altogether.
It isn’t like the constitution was always so sacred. Prohibition was enacted by constitutional amendment, and removed by another amendment… That doesn’t show any great respect for the document does it? The constitution fetishism seems to be a post war thing. As America moves away from its “last superpower” status, things may change again.
The founding fathers are mythological creatures, magical unicorns who were all wise and all knowing, who farted rainbows and never owned slaves. It takes a massive social upheaval and 2 or 3 generations to change that kind of perception.
Best you can really hope for is the next century produces a leftwards drift, that simply involves less and less respect for the second amendment, just as the right wing don’t respect the first when people are calling them bastards.
Oh well. I think the American left wing just has to accept that the US military and the US healthcare system murder more people than gun crime does, and concentrate on dealing with that first. Agitating for gay marriage would have been utterly futile 100 years ago, but looks possible today..
It would’ve been nearly as futile just 20 years ago. We’re still in a pretty crappy place, but we’ve come a long way from DADT (now on the chopping block) and DOMA, which will probably have at least its most harmful sections repealed.
My favorite comment so far:
Ezzthetic said,
Aliens Taking Citizenship Test Didn’t Speak English
What’s really strange about this is that in pretty much every scifi I’ve seen, the aliens have in fact been able to speak English.
If these ones couldn’t, I’d draw the conclusion that they weren’t real aliens.
So the question of Americas correct official language comes down to a competition between Aleut, the Mayan derived languages
Why Mayan? I’m all for Aleut (and Inuit and Yupik), but Algonquin/Ojibwe, Navajo and Dakota is the right way to go. And if you want to piss off the wingtards times million, let’s throw in Michif – it’s half French. Nisayaa, aaniin ekidoyan?
Has the broken economy negatively affected SN’s hamster workforce? Page loads are slooooooooooooow as molasses.
I’m pretty sure whatever’s gone wrong with the Sadly Server Farm, it’s Angela Merkel’s fault.
If she’d just bust loose with a few stimulus Euros we wouldn’t have to be going through this…
I’m pretty sure whatever’s gone wrong with the Sadly Server Farm, it’s Angela Merkel’s fault.
Unfortunately America no longer has a President willing to rub her back and shoulders.
Has the broken economy negatively affected SN’s hamster workforce? Page loads are slooooooooooooow as molasses.
Apparently so. I see that my disappeared 1st post, yesterday, finally showed up. (2nd try on this one )
mikey, re your handgun process question : Besides whatever state and federal forms and checks are required, there is one additional step here .Not sure if it’s a state reg., or just Broome County. The applicant must get written recommendations, from people that know them (#?) , sent to the Sheriff’s office .( I’ve writen one such letter.) The Sheriff has the final say as to whether the application is approved.
Pammy’s Islamic connection? One of the victims, Layla Kahlil, survived 3 car bombings in Iraq , before coming here. Don’t know what that means, if anything, but Pammy & fellow-travelers will probably find something.
Btw, saw a former coworker among the survivors. Thinking of him and his wife, makes me wonder if we can work a deal with somebody to trade winguts for others’ “huddled masses”. It’d be less entertaining for us, but might make this country a better place.
Too late for them now for the dead only speak latin.
Schlussel is still in a snit because she wasn’t born in time to be a concentration camp guard in Nazi Germany. What a low piece of human garbage.
Schlussel is still in a snit because she wasn’t born in time to be a concentration camp guard in Nazi Germany. What a low piece of human garbage.
Now now. She’s upset she wasn’t born in a time to be a sonderkommando in Nazi Germany. She’s exactly the kind of person the Nazis would’ve looked for in their collaborators. Mean, hateful and self-loathing.
There’s an update!
“Now that the blood has been soaked up and the chunks of brains and bits of flesh have been flicked off, it’s been determined it was in English after all. My bad!” Lil’ Debbie
Breaking: The maternity ward at the local hospital is full of new American citizens who don’t speak English !