Wingnuttery At Its Finest

To again demonstrate why today’s Republicans are the party of moral values, I bring you this article from Jim Kouri of

Terrorist Whines Over Being Tortured
By Jim Kouri, CPP

An alleged member of Al-Qaeda, charged with plotting to kill President George W. Bush, claims Saudi Arabian interrogators used torture techniques, including chaining, beating and whipping, to make him talk.

Ahmed Abu Ali, an American citizen, said he was beaten and whipped shortly after being detained in Medina, Saudi Arabia during his first days of a 20 month captivity.

Oh, boo-hoo-hoo! What a whiny asshole! Christ, he makes it sound like they tortured him or something…


Comments: 6


In other news, Tom Delay whines about having his mug shot and fringerprints witnessed. Wussie!


I suppose if you called him on it, CHIEF Kouri would say it was the sub-editor who wrote the headline.


How weird that he’s willing to put the word “alleged” right there in the 1st sentence, and uses “suspected” a couple of times too. I would think he’d refer to him as “of Arabic descent and therefor obviously guilty and obviously deserving of torture”.


How weird that he’s willing to put the word “alleged” right there in the 1st sentence, and uses “suspected” a couple of times too. I would think he’d refer to him as “of Arabic descent and therefor obviously guilty and obviously deserving of torture”.

I know. I’m shocked the article wasn’t called “Pussified Camel Jockey Complains About Missing Fingers, Lungs.”


Not having ventured onto the dreaded MichNews website (I mean, eew!), can someone tell me–does the “Mich” refer to the state of Michigan, or just some dude named , um, Mich?


Or would that be “Mitch?”


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