Obsessed With Teh Gay?

B.C., Imperial Torturer, isn’t. Not at all:

STFU, Go Suck A Dick & Buy A Sense Of Humor

Here’s a note to all of the queers, trannies, dykes, fur-lovers or whateverthefuck you’re calling yourselves this week:

Look, we really don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut on a short pier if you enjoy being the star goalie in the San Cram Crisco Professional Tonsil Hockey League, but we’re getting fucking tired of you being ‘offended’ at every little joke made about your limp-wristed, cum-guzzling, rectum-ripping lifestyle.

It’s enough to make B.C. throw on a pair of assless chaps and get really rough with these whiners … grrrrrr!


Comments: 161


Just because he can’t stop thinking about having sex with men, that doesn’t make him gay. He could be bisexual. Or a Republican.


I’ll bet he takes offense at jokes about Jews, though. Especially gay Jews.


Gays are the real bigots.


I believe the term is “aggressive bottom”. Is that correct? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Furlovers? Is he talking about this?


Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Is this an Open Letter to Vitter (R-perv), Craig (R-closet), Hastert (R-closet), Foley (R-emailing perv), or some other repig?


Yep, this man deeply desires to be hit with an entire bag of dicks. Immediately, if not sooner.


He does seem to know a lot about the mechanics of teh ghay. Must be a severe desire to “know thy enemy”…


“Why do all these fags keep sucking my cock?”


B.C. also wants teh fagz to just shut up when he and his male friends dress up in bondage gear and do graphic satirical sex plays to mock homosexuality. Because, can’t they take a friggin’ joke?


Why do I sense the father next door character in American Beauty in this doofus?


Edgy blogger is edgy. Also gay.


I wish I could remember who said that conservatives think about gay sex more than gay men do.


I used to note with interested the guys in the military who would go on and on about that bullshit story of Rod Stewart who drank so much cum he had to have his stomach pumped. they seemed fascinated by it. I would ask them more and more questions about it, trying to get more “details”. Eventually they would creep even themselves out about it and then change the subject. sometimes that took some degree of time.


so, I am seeing a trend here (on very little evidence; my specialty) what with the mike addams genius below, andrew klavan (yellow-bellied, lily-livered, scrawny-chested libruls!!!) towards head-butting, full-bellow aggressiveness. Is this to emulate their butt-empimpled hero? or do they think we will shake in our birkenstocks and run away because of the afore-mentioned yellow-belly, etc.? Or is it all they have left?


What’s the big whoop? This is tame. Anybody here read the Rude Pundit? More specifically, anybody else here who used to read the Rude Pundit, until teh funy evaporated entirely and the weekly riffs on Karl Rove’s Leather Slave turned into regular, apolitical, surrealistic one-fisted open-wound-humping BDSM prison-sex-in-Hell PCP porno? I’m the only one, huh? Yeah, okay.

Somewhere between the book and the CD, something HAPPENED to that guy, seriously. It’s like, “What exactly exploded in Michael Jackson’s skull right after ‘Thriller’ went intergalactic triple-plutonium? Because DAMN.”


I wish I could remember who said that conservatives think about gay sex more than gay men do.
I think it was Mr. Fucking Obvious.


Sez teh Rottweiler:

You flaming butt-snugglers & flannel shirt-wearing clam-shuckers can make fun of poor, under-educated white people…

Oh god yes, we homos use to run in wolf packs in high school and torment all the poor redneck white trash like Rottie! We were soooo horrible, dunking their heads in toilets, stealing their lunch money, and making fun of their fat bellies and mullets. OMG. I feel horrible I was such a bully!

I, for one, speaking for all the cum-guzzling cummunity of mean, mean meanies, wish to extend an olive branch to those tormented little rednecks like Rottie who were the victims of our bullying and abuse.

No wonder this redneck moron is so full of hate and malevolence! WE faggots did it to him!


You flaming butt-snugglers & flannel shirt-wearing clam-shuckers can make fun of poor, under-educated white people…

What about all the poor, under-educated white homosexuals? Or are they all presumed to be like this B.C., Imperial Ass Torturer, and closeted?


I reckon he had to lay down for a while after that post.

Maybe I grew up in the wrong kind of neighborhood but whenever I read or hear some wank screaming “You’d better shut up!” I always think “Or what?”

So these little rants are very strange to me. I mean really, what’s he going to do when people call him a useless tool and tell him to StFu, again?


Quite obsessed with the Rotties. Has Santorum been informed of this?

a concerned citizen

Shorter nicedoggie: Shut up about homosexuality or I’m going to put my cock in your mouth to make you shut up.


Well, from the name of the blog, we see that he likes to wear collars and be on his knees.

Take it for what you will…


He’s so proud of his political incorrectness. I bet he likes to imagine that he’s pissing off all the liberals and gays. He’s sitting in his chair right now fuming, his mind a cloud of anger, and his only consolation is, “Yeah well, I bet I pissed them off real good in return!” I have bad news for him.


The Breitbart provides perspective and a corrective to this liberal propaganda.

The right, for the most part, embraces basic Judeo-Christian ideals and would not promote nor defend the propaganda techniques that were perfected in godless communist and socialist regimes.


The Huffington Post, Daily Kos and other left-leaning sites benefit from the right’s belief that there are rules and decorum in political debate and civic engagement. Of course, every now and then, a curious right-winger will go in and engage in discussion at a left-wing site, but rarely under purely disingenuous and mass coordinated means.


The Rainbow Batman Has An Extensive Collection of Gladiator Movies

I’m reminded of how Julius Caesar’s enemies used to accuse him of having been the bottom in relationships with various men. It’s all good as long as you’re the pitcher and not the catcher, amirite?


I’m sorry, I thought the ‘Net asploded when Althouse announced she’s engaged to one of her commenters.


Well, Children, that sounds like sweet, sweet, lovemaking!


Were they telling jokes? Were any of them funny? Or were they “jokes” of the “gay people dying or getting killed or beaten HAHA IT IS TO FUNNY FOREVAR” variety? Cuz that post reeks of “hey it was a joke don’t you have a sense of humor YOU FUCKING FAGGOT I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS.” Online threats masquerading as jokes is one of the baser, more cowardly types of bullying, and the rabid puppies are all over it.


“Why do all these fags keep sucking my cock?”

Definitely. Maybe if he puts on an intimidating-looking leather thong and assless chaps with menacing metal studs…


Online threats masquerading as jokes is one of the baser, more cowardly types of bullying

it is literally the only ‘humor’ they understand.


Look, I really don’t give a flying fuck about you queers with your tawny back muscles and shaved abs, your fucking gay oiled chests and gaywad firm buttocks, your fag homo way of stepping out of the shower, gay-ass body dripping and gleaming, the water clinging to your faggoty plump dick, while Thad waits on the queer bed, a look of want in his eyes. I could give a tin shit about their hungry embrace, their greedy mouths, their searching gay-fag hands….

Um, excuse me a moment…


B.C. said,



Has anyone coupled this jerkwad up with our good butty over at TehGayPatriot?

I bet they’d make a SMASHING pair!


It’s enough to make B.C. throw on a pair of assless chaps and get really rough with these whiners … grrrrrr!

Oops. I hate being the second person to bring up assless chaps. More coffee needed…


Is this to emulate their butt-empimpled hero? or do they think we will shake in our birkenstocks and run away because of the afore-mentioned yellow-belly, etc.? Or is it all they have left?

You forgot “all of the above.”

General Woundwort

B.C. is NOT homosexual. To be a homosexual, you have to be human first. He doesn’t qualify.


Aren’t all chaps assless, by definition?


Aren’t all chaps assless, by definition?

I know several chaps who play ruggers for Oxon and they are most assuredly not assless…


Editorial Comment: The aforementioned “B.C.” is not the currently posting bc. As a matter of fact, this bc (whom I’m willing to bet has had more circumnavigations of the sun that the aforementioned “B.C.”) would certainly appreciate these initials being less egregiously abused by sniveling wankers.

That is all.



Every conservative who goes on like this is fapping it to gay porn on the sly and terrified of being found out. EVERY. DAMN. ONE.


but we’re getting fucking tired of you being ‘offended’ at every little joke made about your

On behalf of teh ghey agenda, I apologize for sending your blood pressure through the roof and stressing you out probably causing you to develop cardiac disease and maybe even have a stroke. Girl, that’s a helluva hissy fit you thew! We are terribly sorry that we didn’t know how you would take it.

Now that we know how easy it is to send into paroxysmal rage, to watch you turn into a flaming power bottom, we will certainly be more careful to offend you in future.


Anybody else here have a boner?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

do they think we will shake in our birkenstocks and run away because of the afore-mentioned yellow-belly, etc.?

Yes. Despite the fact that a church full of unarmed, panty-waist hyperliberal Unitarians managed to disarm and subdue a gun-wielding conservatard maniac not so long ago. And they didn’t even kick the shit out of him even after he killed a couple of them – and wouldn’t that just give Conservative Jesus a bug up his ass?


[…]but we can’t make fun of your species-eliminating genetic mutation lifestyle*? Get the fuck over yourselves.

*Note: That IS what a genetic mutation for exclusively non-procreative, same-sex sex between all members of a species would lead to, within a single generation, so save your fingers and the Emperor’s bandwidth and STFU if you were going to argue about it.

GURLZ! They’re on to our plan! Now how will we ever kill off the entire human race? Back to the drawing board!


Assless Chaps would be a great band name. Just sayin’.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Now how will we ever kill off the entire human race? Back to the drawing board!

Heh. Maybe this is the most backward-ass compliment you’ll ever receive, but you all are terrible mass-murderers.

Why are the conservatards so concerned with the human race dying off? Is it because, though there are more than 6 billion people on Earth, only a few million really count as “people” as far as they’re concerned (i.e., white male rich American)?

Do they think that someone else’s not having children stops them from being able to? They know even less about sex than I thought.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

you all are terrible mass-murderers.

That is, ineffective mass-murderers. Um.


They’re on to our plan! Now how will we ever kill off the entire human race?

Vote Republican!


Why are the conservatards so concerned with the human race dying off?

this is something that has mystified me for years. perhaps it’s because many of the 6 billion are, well, a little too brown?


The Breitbart provides perspective and a corrective to this liberal propaganda.

Much of the nutosphere is swooning over that article but Dan Riehl is not impressed and has some harsh words for AllahPundit, Patterico and Roger Simon for not being quite the same kind of asshole he is and for not having Godlstein’s back:

But few if any of the somewhat Right-leaning stalwarts Breitbart (sic) sees himself as speaking to have the balls to say much of anything seriously antagonistic at all. They’re happy for whatever crumbs of legitimacy they can gather as they stumble about more worried about their own credibility, than any ideological fight.

Give me a freaking break here, Breitbart (sic). The Right on line doesn’t need to be infiltrated. It has long been nurturing the seeds of its own destruction by elevating people who have already swallowed most of the little blue liberal pill of political correctness in a chase for prestige, or cash.

Fucking PC cocksucking sellouts. Bonus fun in the comments there:

Somebody in the leftward blogosphere is systematically identifying and coordinating review of and commentary on conservative blogs. We need to identify who is doing it and how, and we need to expose them.

I discovered this on my own blog when I received a small flood of visits from a lefty site called “sadlyno.com.” A commenter there was inviting readers on the site to visit my blog and observe something I wrote that he felt was especially silly. From specific details in his description of my blog, it was apparent he’d been reading it systematically for at least a year, even though he clearly felt contempt for my opinion. Why would he do that, unless assigned? This has been repeated several times. My blog is not large; I get a few hundred hits a day. But apparently, it’s large enough to warrant at least one, assigned lefty observer.

You may dismiss Breitbart if you like, but really we should not shoot our own side. He’s drawing attention to something real, and it has to happen if we’re ever to escape the PC prison you’ve described so aptly here.

Posted by: Plumb Bob | Monday, March 30, 2009 at 06:57 AM

Which of the proprietors here is responsible for handing out the assignments and where the fuck is mine? Fuck you, Gavin, Tintin, D.A., Brad whoever it is. Youse can all bite me.


Do they think that someone else’s not having children stops them from being able to?

They’re concerned the gays will detonate the Gay Bomb, thus rendering all those macho manly men immediately impotent, except if exposed to pictures of Grecian urns depicting games of “leapfrog”….


Which of the proprietors here is responsible for handing out the assignments and where the fuck is mine?

I thought you got Maximos.


I keep getting sick and not coming in on assignment days. Thank the merciful stars for precognitive dreams! By the way, you better get that new mole checked…

Also, if the ghey is a genetic mutation for “exclusively non-procreative, same-sex sex,” how do they know it’s not Jebus’s way of minimizing the abortocaust?


From the comments at B.C.’s thread:

Have you noticed, that since odumbo was inaugurated that the occurrence of mass shootings has become an almost weekly event? We had another today in Santa Clara Ca.

I just find it curious that this is happening, it didn’t seem so frequent while W was in office………

He’s just SO CLOSE to awareness, but he can’t quite make that last Occam’s Razor-oriented leap of logic, can he?


Somebody in the leftward blogosphere is systematically identifying and coordinating review of and commentary on conservative blogs.

This somebody is Gary Ruppert, of course, identified by internet counter-intelligence expert Amy Alkon.


Why are the conservatards so concerned with the human race dying off?

I have (almost) always been so amused by the whole extinction thing. I used to point that what they said is true but also that if everybody killed themselves we could extinctuate the species even quicker!

The best part, for me, is how it goes hand in hand with the other wonderfully amusing meme they all harbor – gay sex must be the greatest pleasure on earth. All it takes is one time and BAM! “It’s irresistible! We can’t let anyone even know about it becuase then they’ll want to do it and if they do it OHHH MYY GODDDDDD my jeans are sticky.”

By the way, that’s how we recruit, you know.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

how do they know it’s not Jebus’s way of minimizing the abortocaust?

Because avoidance of pregnancy is also abortion – it’s why they’re now attacking birth control.

Srsly, soon enough they’ll be saying abstinence is murder.


By the way, that’s how we recruit, you know.



“Why are the conservatards so concerned with the human race dying off?”

Simple economics really. Until the proper robots are developed to do all the work, someone has to do the heavy-lifting in the salt mines. And as These guys AMPLY demonstrate, it certainly will not be them.


Why are the conservatards so concerned with the human race dying off?

Maybe a trick picked up from policy debate that trickled down to the functionally illiterate: as long as you have a shred of evidence along down the chain, you can argue that one tiny action, like increasing funding for NASA, will lead to the end of the human species. (BTW, Michael Stipe was a policy debater, and thus the whole “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” schtick.)

Or maybe they are just asshole, panic-attack-stricken, motherfucking morons.


Somebody in the leftward blogosphere is systematically identifying and coordinating review of and commentary on conservative blogs. We need to identify who is doing it and how, and we need to expose them.

Wingnut projection rises yet again! In the comments here at S,N! HQ, was kicking around the idea that the rash of Truth/Authentic/white knight/Scotsman/blah-blah posts were part of a nefarious plot by wingnut operatives to target lefty blog comments sections.

I was only half-kidding, but now I see I wasn’t nearly paranoid enough!!!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Or maybe they are just asshole, panic-attack-stricken, motherfucking morons.

That’s the theory I’ve been most convinced by so far.

I think somewhere in there is the idea that human extinction means they will be gone, and the world can’t possibly get by without them on it. Your own mortality is hard to accept, especially if you’re an asshole, panic-attack-stricken, motherfucking moron with a ridiculously inflated sense of self-worth.


In the comments here at S,N! HQ, was kicking around the idea that the rash of Truth/Authentic/white knight/Scotsman/blah-blah posts were part of a nefarious plot by wingnut operatives to target lefty blog comments sections.

This typically fine post from Thers is worth reading.


There’s something about the rottie bitch that makes me think of brings this to mind.


we really don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut

Well, he kind of mangled the expression, which I first read in Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece, Slaughterhouse 5. It was actually Take a flying fuck at a rolling donut. Take a flying fuck at the moon.

And for that reason (that this shitpile appropriated an expression from one of my most beloved authors), I am offended.



Without desiring to belabour the point, this is, notwithstanding its historical truth in outline, purely hieroglyphic, in the Voegelinian sense of a form of discourse which somehow marches onward even though its historical, social, and material conditions have been espied by Minerva’s owl in the shades of night: Where once this discourse evoked concrete social circumstances, it now evokes nothing at all, save the desire of some to both acknowledge reality and pretend that it is something other than it is.

Like I’m going to be taken in by your latest JanusNode project. I bet you think I snatched an elk from the Bronx Zoo and wasted an entire Sunday dissecting him on my kitchen floor trying to locate his thorax and now I’m hiding from the authorities, afraid to return the van to U-Haul, don’t you? Yeah, nice try.


I just posted this to “Plumb Bob’s” blog:

Excuse me, but I was assigned to infiltrate the [unfolds paper]“Bob the Plumber” blog by my Dark Lord Masters of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy [tm], but all I can find is this “Plum Bob” blog.

Am I in the right place?


We’ll see if it lasts…

Principal Blackman

Why do all these fags keep sucking my cock?

I see I’m not the only one who was immediately reminded of this classic from The Onion.


As I recall it, it was “why don’t you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the moooooon.”

NB: I misremembered the witch doctor song so severely I don’t trust my recollection on this at all.

Also, I am fucking tired of their being fucking tired of someone being offended by their offense. And in conclusion, PENIS.


*Note: That IS what a genetic mutation for exclusively non-procreative, same-sex sex between all members of a species would lead to, within a single generation, so save your fingers and the Emperor’s bandwidth and STFU if you were going to argue about it.

OH Noes! I was totally going to argue that the human race would evolve so that same-sex sex would result in pro-creation and now I can’t!


I’m tired of Plumb Bob, Lawnguylander.

You can have him (If Gavin says it’s OK, of course).


I gotta tell ya, they are obsessed with teh buttseks. Jebus, I’m gay but that doesn’t mean I want to even think about plumbing Bob. And he’s BLOGGING about it. Obsession I telz ya, obsession.


I bet you think I snatched an elk from the Bronx Zoo and wasted an entire Sunday dissecting him on my kitchen floor trying to locate his thorax and now I’m hiding from the authorities, afraid to return the van to U-Haul, don’t you?

Tigrismus said you’d be doing that, so I went along…


I did not! I only insinuated it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As I recall it, it was “why don’t you take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the moooooon.”

Indeed, and it was from Slapstick (though may also have shown up in Slaughterhouse Five, I don’t recall.)

Some years I’ve been very tempted to write-in Dr. Wilbur Daffodil-11 Swain for prez.


PeeJ said

Thanks for the correction. My copy of Slaughterhouse 5 is somewhere under a pile of gay por…, er, I mean, back issues of Better Homes and Gardens.


My copy of Slaughterhouse 5 is somewhere under a pile of gay por…

Gay pork: The Off-White Meat.


Guess the diversity training at the Hillborough County Park Dept. didn’t take for the Imperial Torturer.

Michelle Bachmann

Ding dong dilly, loony libs! Maybe if the clowns here at Sadly, D’oh! weren’t wasting their time trolling conservative blogs, the Obummer’s Sillytimulus Socialization Loser Package wouldn’t be the disaster it is! But no, the Mess-iah really has no idea what he’s doing! A SPREAD of WRONG he is! Badoodle-boo-yeah, take that one to the bank and smoke it, loony libs! Michelle out.


Not so fast! According to the FAQ, it first appeared in Schlachterhaus 5.

A favorite quote among at least a faction of the newsgroup readership,
the quote is thought to have originated in “Slapstick” (1976.) It
appears numerous times in that book, and actually becomes a bit of a
plot point. The quote is “why don’t you take a flying fuck at a rolling
doughnut? Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?”
(pp 163, among others.) But it was also found (by Kevin Brophy
(kevinb@drk.com) in “Slaughterhouse-Five.” “‘Go take a flying fuck at
a rolling doughnut,’ murmered Paul Lazzaro in his azure nest. ‘Go take a
flying fuck at the moon.'” (pp 147) This is the earliest known
appearance of the quote to date.

And I was thinking I had read it in Jailbird. I’m tempted to say my memory aint what it used to be but I can’t remember.


Diana Moon Glampers for President!


Oh jeez, I just checked my spam folder and somehow the email assigning me Don Surber ended up in there. Sorry, Gavin. But I’ve been there for the past 10 minutes and I’m already bored with him. He’s too bland, not violent enough and sorry, thunder, Plum Bob’s a little more paranoid but he’s really the same variety of wingnut so no point making that deal. I want one like Godlstein or Confederate Yankee. Who has a bona fide internet tough guy they’re looking to unload?


And I was thinking I had read it in Jailbird.

I was thinking Breakfast of Champions, so there you go.


Damn, for an Imperial Torturer this guy sure is emotionally fragile. So the effeminate, limp wristed Gaydars got oh so offended by you? Aren’t you a totally tuff hetero Republican Spartan who is not at all gay, as the fags are forcing you to think about that stuff all day with their faggyness?

So what’s with all the fucking whiney crap?


We’ll see if it lasts…

It won’t.


Even if the incidence of evil libs making snarky comments on wingnut blogs has increased, Beerblart just can’t fathom that a whole lot of us evil libs are just coming up with the same idea at the same time – kind of your “an idea who’s time has come” kind of thing.

But the wingnuts, being the personality types that worship authoritarianism, can’t imagine something happening without it being nefariously co-ordinated by some kind of left-wing version of their own authoritarian masters. I mean, come on, getting Left-wing blogosphere to organize on anything is like herding feral cats.

I know it’s like a universal panacea, but more pointing and laughing is in order here.


Andrew Breitbart is so smart. Andrew Breitbart is so brave. Pajamas Media’s blogger subsidy program shuts down Wednesday. Andrew Breitbart is one of most important voices in conservatism today.

Teh Whingnutz of Murka

I know you are but what am I?


Lawnguylander said,

March 30, 2009 at 20:00

Oh jeez, I just checked my spam folder and somehow the email assigning me Don Surber ended up in there. Sorry, Gavin. But I’ve been there for the past 10 minutes and I’m already bored with him. He’s too bland, not violent enough and sorry, thunder, Plum Bob’s a little more paranoid but he’s really the same variety of wingnut so no point making that deal. I want one like Godlstein or Confederate Yankee. Who has a bona fide internet tough guy they’re looking to unload?

Could be worse…you could have Althouse.


By the way, that’s how we recruit, you know.

You and Amway.


It won’t.

My browser sez it’s still there.


I bet you think I snatched an elk from the Bronx Zoo and wasted an entire Sunday dissecting him on my kitchen floor trying to locate his thorax and now I’m hiding from the authorities, afraid to return the van to U-Haul, don’t you?

Ecce homo, ergo elk.


I just peeked into GayPutzRiot’s den of inanity. YAWWWN. I need a new assignment. Something I can really bore into. I want to enjoy plumbing its depths. I’ll leave my calling card at the door.


Thx, PeeJ. My memory hasn’t totally disintegrated yet.

And that pille o’ magazines is still undisturbed. Hey, what’s this one on the top? Hmmmmm….


For those of you earlier in the thread wondering who mentioned the the issue of conservatives obsessing on gay sex–

It seems to me Republicans spend more time thinking about gay sex than any other group of people in the known world–even more so than gay people trying to find other gay people with whom to have sex.
(From the Algomordo (New Mexico) Daily News; the headline reads “Republicans: Stop thinking about gay sex” )

That was a couple years ago–I saved in my “Gems” file. Guess it was an editorial; I don’t seem to have an author on it.


Sorry, guys, I can’t infiltrate right wing blogs tonight. I’ve got my fantasy baseball draft and other totally fucking important things to do. Anyone wanna sub for me?


Ryck’s first footnote:

[1] The spirit of the infective drool of the idiot Marxists


OK–so it was Jeff Stevens we need to credit for that very apt observation.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig


That guy sounds really tough from his ranting. So tough, in fact, that he doesn’t have a comment section.

Wingnut logic sez that not having an open comment section is being tough because you have to withstand the organized left-wing snark pointing out how non-tough you are for not having a comment section.


We’ll see if it lasts…

It won’t.

It didn’t.


My browser sez it’s still there.

Not anymore!

I am in despair! How will our Vast Left Wing Conspiracy ever prevail against the awesome power of the “delete” key?!?!


Buck up, there, Joe old chap. I’m sure one of our intrepid number will devise a means to preserve right-wing deceit.

Perhaps we should ask Mr. and Dr. Mrs. Marita for their advice.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

From that Wild N’ Crazee guy plum bob:

“The correct response has to be distinctly and explicitly Christian, because liberty arises out of Christianity. ”

This is bad news. One of the leaders of the Vast Left Wing Conspiricy must now assign somebody to get into the WayBack machine and tell those Greeks, Romans, and everybody else who lived before 33A.D that they didn’t have liberty.

Don’t worry about the costs, use Soros Requisition Account #665G-JJU


Metaphor Mixologist Ryck: Dummier ideas are cooking in the infected neuronal sets of the left.

I really don’t see how they could be any dummier than that.


ARRGH….stupid preview… let’s try that again:

Shorter B.C., Imperial Torturer™©®€¢£:

Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?

Hope that works…


All. One. Guy.


Anyone wanna sub for me?

Dude, the proper term is “bottom,” if you’re asking…


You dare thwart The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy by mashing that DEL key!!! Really, you needn’t bother as no one reads your blog anyway.

Timer start:


because liberty arises out of Christianity

Right. “Render unto Caesar,” “turn the other cheek,” and all that…


“turn the other cheek,”

actor, please stop obsessing about gay sex.


Sorry, I spent the weekend with some Republicans.

It was horrible, but I did get my taxes lowered.


Do they think that someone else’s not having children stops them from being able to?

You know, I’ve had the thought for quite some time: wouldn’t it be fascinating if the number of gay people who wish to adopt were roughly equal to the number of abandoned/unwanted children? Wouldn’t that be just a fine how do you do? It would almost be as if, oh I don’t know, nature intended it that way or something.

Is there a way of finding such statistics, if indeed they exist?



Studies show that there are about 130,000 children waiting to be adopted at any one time, and that roughly 25,000 will simply become adults waiting to be adopted.

I’d put a fair amount of money that we could easily find 25,000 same sex couples who would love to adopt but can’t.


@PeeJ You dare thwart The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy by mashing that DEL key!!! Really, you needn’t bother as no one reads your blog anyway.

The formatting is really messed up over there, PeeJ. Can a blog engine be worse than goat-blowing WordPress?




Hey French Kitteh, was it a tickler?



Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Not so fast! According to the FAQ, it first appeared in Schlachterhaus 5.

My mistake.

Hi ho.


Thanks for all the extra hits, folks, but I’m very curious… how did my comment on RiehlWorldView manage to come up in a pig rut fest over someone’s irritation with overly aggressive gays?


wouldn’t it be fascinating if the number of gay people who wish to adopt were roughly equal to the number of abandoned/unwanted children?
If the children were left in baskets on the doorsteps of he prospective adoptive parents, it would be clear that someone had acted with gay abandon.



actor212 said,

March 30, 2009 at 21:06

Studies show that there are about 130,000 children waiting to be adopted at any one time, and that roughly 25,000 will simply become adults waiting to be adopted.

I’d put a fair amount of money that we could easily find 25,000 same sex couples who would love to adopt but can’t.

From which we may easily infer that the legislators who chose the current system consider no parent at all superior to gay parents. Given what we know about the gay lifestyle, that may actually be a wise assessment.



Cuz we can multitask.



Legislators have been known to be wrong, or will you admit the stimulus package as passed was perfect now?

Thanks for playing along…


By the way, Plum Bob, precisely what do you know about the “gay lifestyle” apart from what you might have seen in some “Larry the Cable Guy” movie?

We’re interested in hearing your answer, of course…



We’ll see if it lasts…

Mine’s already gone. That was quick.


I’m very curious… how did my comment on RiehlWorldView manage to come up in a pig rut fest over someone’s irritation with overly aggressive gays?

You may wish to read the thread you’re commenting in for enlightenment.


“Dude, the proper term is “bottom,” if you’re asking” ….

This was one of those posts where I cursed S,N! for not having an “edit” feature. Like right after I submitted the comment.


read the thread

There’s the problem right there, that first word.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Thanks for playing along…

If not for playing along with Breitbart’s butthurt notion that only liberals are trolls.


Xecky, yea, I was willing to cut him some slack as a legitimate commenter until he took that gratuitous swipe at gay adoption.


And B.C. is not, I repeat NOT, anxiously awaiting this.


I’m very curious… how did my comment on RiehlWorldView manage to come up in a pig rut fest over someone’s irritation with overly aggressive gays?

We left-leaning commenters are very bad about staying on message unless were are explicitly told to so by our handlers.


were we are


Staying on massage? Handlers? What?


So conservatives used to stand athwart history yelling “Stop”, but now they are standing athwart their blogs, pressing “Delete”?

Now THAT’S some decline.



I just caught PlumBob in a lie on his own blog, flat out and baldfaced and he accused me of discourteous posting and threatened to delete my comment AND ban me from posting!

As if…


From which we may easily infer that the legislators who chose the current system consider no parent at all superior to gay parents.

As we all know, right-wingers have long asserted the superiority of legislators in making choices about how children should be raised in private homes.

Given what we know about the gay lifestyle…

Yes, all of the gays you know are self-loathing closet cases, and that metric ton of gay porn in your home has some disturbing images in it. None of that has anything to do with hardworking taxpayers who just so happen to be gay — and proud.

19 Centuries of Good Christian Lion-Bait, Serfs, Slaves, etc.

The correct response has to be distinctly and explicitly Christian, because liberty arises out of Christianity.

We beg to differ.


I’m very curious

Oh, that part’s coming through loud and clear, believe you me.


Ah, the bittersweetness of the irony in this comment at “anti”-idiotarian’s webshite:

Jaybear, Colonel of Imperial Ancient Artillery says:
March 30, 2009 at 10:46 am

hey, I just noticed a weird pattern of events here.

Have you noticed, that since odumbo was inaugurated that the occurrence of mass shootings has become an almost weekly event? We had another today in Santa Clara Ca.

I just find it curious that this is happening, it didn’t seem so frequent while W was in office………

Gee, one might almost think it had something to do with prejudiced crackers becoming increasingly unnerved.


I just got this from Plum Bob, who got on my ass for being “uncivil” in comments at his place:

Go read the blog, you piece of shyte. I’ve corrected the post to satisfy you.

You lied outright. It was the most direct misquotation I’ve seen since I got onto the internet in 1988. You are a fool, a liar, a hypocrite, and a vicious asshole. I am an honest man attempting to draw attention to an inicipient tyrant.

Don’t bother coming back to my blog, asshat. You’re banned. Fuck off. I don’t know how shits like you live with yourselves, but I pity you.

Mind you, all I did was quote him directly, refuted his wrong point, and when he all but called me an idiot, pointed out that he said one thing then turned around and claimed he said another thing, and basically said he told a lie.

That was my incivility…poor little man. Pwned!



Do you deny *snorting*?

Answer me, sir!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Gee, one might almost think it had something to do with prejudiced crackers becoming increasingly unnerved.

Quite. It’s sad that he’s only catching on, while we here in the Vast Sadly, No Conspiracy were already predicting the right-wing prejudiced crackers going off the deep end (again) as soon as a Democrat, any Democrat was in office back in what, October, if not earlier?

Honestly, right-wing douchebags, we knew you were going to try killing us all, didn’t you?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

back in what, October, if not earlier?

In about Jan. 2001, really, but more so when they were first saying the President was the Unitary Executive God. When was that, 2003?


This “blog” has forever been batshit insane. They are crazy in an impotently enraged way. I’m surprised no one from the site or from their insane commentators has gone off the deep end and become “an hero”.


Given what we know about the gay lifestyle, that may actually be a wise assessment.

Given that you know nothing about gays, that would be an incredibly stupid assessment.

FYI, the “gay lifestyle” of my best friend and his lawfully wedded husband has made them excellent adoptive parents to a couple of kids who would otherwise have “aged out” of the foster care system without finding a family. Yer pwned, boy.


This “blog” has forever been batshit insane. They are crazy in an impotently enraged way. I’m surprised no one from the site or from their insane commentators has gone off the deep end and become “an hero”.

I bet it would take a crowbar to get most of them out of their chairs.


Do you deny *snorting*?

Answer me, sir!

I snorted.

But I didn’t inhale!


Damn, I love it when B.C. talks dirty to me.

Northern Observer

Well I’m with BC on this one, enough with the gays already.
Homosexuality is boring.


Given what we know about the gay lifestyle, that may actually be a wise assessment.

Oh, I wish I had a “lifestyle”. Instead, I’m just a nerd on the internet. Actually, lezbos (as per the stereotype, and all stereotypes are true, ask Mr. PlumBob here) are very dull and unsexy and thus make ideal parents. But right-wingers forget that queer ladies exist because they’re too busy thinking about anal sex between men.


Well, my ‘gay lifestyle’ must need retooling (pun intended). Between taking the older son to school this morning, groceries, laundry and dishwashing at home, and being here when the younger son gets HOME from school, I had to re-schedule all the drug-taking and sex-having till later this week. Now my husband is helping the younger kid with homework while I’m starting the sauce for the lasagne tonight.

Seriously, though, I’m starting to suspect that RWNM yobbos like this get all prickly about same-sex marriage and adoption because stable, boring married couples with kids completely wrecks their whole fantasy of ‘cum-guzzling, rectum-ripping’ good times.

Addendum: I worked, until recently, in San Francisco. When the last department head transferred out from Boston, he discovered that the only staff member with school-age kids was the office gay guy. I think it was a little bit of culture shock for him.


I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned this, but… “San Cram Crisco”? It doesn’t really scan–too many consonants.

Though the furry lobby should be ecstatic that they now rate right up there with gay people in the pantheon of scary scary deviants.


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