Who else can come up with more useful aspects?

K-Lo, everybody’s favorite, uh, something, shows she has difficulties telling the distinction between fiction and documentary (don’t let her anywhere near Dennis Prager’s articles!) in Tuesday’s edition of The Corner:

I’ve actually thought more than once that one of the useful aspects of West Wing is to show how influential a political wife can be (i.e. not always for the good)–Bartlett?s is quite the activist when it comes to her issues, sometimes making him more radical than he would have been.

Yes — there’s nothing like drawing real life lessons from TV drama. After all, if you can’t rely on the tax-hiking, government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, left-wing freak show, Hollywood elite liberals who are said to bring us most of our TV programs, there is no hope for any of us. And so encouraged by K-Lo, we offer:

  • I always thought one of the most useful aspects of The Simpsons is to show that nuclear plants are very safe, even if safety inspectors aren’t very good at their job.
  • I always thought one of the most useful aspects of Sabrina the Teenage Witch is to show that with sufficient intelligence and training, cats can master the intricacies of English grammar and be extremely funny at the same time.
  • As always, readers are invited to submit their own most useful aspects in the comments.


    Comments: 22


    I always thought of the most useful aspect of “The Andy Griffith Show” was demonstrating how the South would be a delightful, charming place, if you got rid of all the black people.


    I always thought one of the most useful aspects of The Beverly Hillbillies was showing that with a little tender lovin’ care and just the right herbs and spices, Grannie’s Possum stew can be a taste treat for the whole family.


    A most useful aspect of Hogan’s Heroes was showing how much fun it is being a POW.

    monkey knife fight

    Don’t even get me started on “MacGyver”. Dude could’ve actually made his house safe with duct tape and plastic wrap.
    Yep, many lessons were learned on that show. Like, right now, I’m in handcuffs, but I’m just about to reach a snowglobe, and that’ll get me out of this mess.


    I thought one of the most useful aspects of Survivor last season was showing how totally hot even the average guy can look in sopping wet boxer shorts.


    Sounds like Gail and Amber have certain things in common.


    I thought one of the most useful aspects of The Flinstones was in showing the relationships between humans and dinosaurs in prehistoric times. (That show might be before your time, S/N!)


    oops, Flintstones


    I thought one of the most useful aspects of Batman was showing that criminals like to try to kill superheroes in really weird ways, such as freezing them or turning them into sheet music.


    I always thought one of the most useful aspects of Star Trek was to show that travel at speeds far exceeding the speed of light is possible.


    “(That show might be before your time, S/N!)”

    Ah, we remember seeing it dubbed in French with ‘local’ (Qu?b?cois) actors. Whether this means the show never made it to Europe or that people in Qu?bec loved the Flintstones, we do not know.

    On that note, the Qu?bec-dubbed version of Slap Shot is one of the funniest movies ever made. (Assuming one understands some French.)


    “I thought one of the most useful aspects of Batman was showing that criminals like to try to kill superheroes in really weird ways”

    As long as we’re on the subject, why do we imagine you being a fan of Ace & Gary, The Ambiguously Gay Duo? You want some cock lovers, well…


    I always thought one of the useful aspects of South Park was that talking poop is, in fact, friendly and an enjoyable part of the holiday season.



    Just cause I went to school in PA doesn’t mean that I’m a Randian Princess. Dammit.


    Sorry, Gail. I was just suggesting that you love cock, as Amber does, not that you are a Randian Princess. As for S/N!’s insinuations, although I seem to be talking about the subject of cock way too much of late, I am not familiar with Ace and Gary, the Ambiguously Gay Duo, and am heterosexual (married, with kid), thank you very much.


    In case you are not familiar with the allusion, Gail, I was referring to this (scroll down to 1/03/04 12:17 a.m. entry by Amber).


    Bonanza usefully showed that the most wholesome, clean-living All-American families are those that don’t have any women around to muck things up.

    Buffy usefully showed that you really have to watch out for vampires, especially in high school.

    Spongebob usefully shows that squirrels can live under water with no ill effects, and that starfish are stupid


    I always thought that one of the useful aspects of Square One TV, was that if you were ever a small yellow blob, and were told only to eat EVEN NUMBERS, FOR GOD’S SAKE MATHMAN, DON’T EAT 3 OR YOU’LL GET EATEN BY THE GIANT TORNADO, WHATEVER HIS NAME WAS!!!! STUPID MATHMAN!!!


    Hmm, that reminds me of the children’s riddle, “Why is 6 afraid of 7?” Answer: “because 7 ate 9!” (I am trying to make my comments more wholesome than they have been of late.)


    Ah, we remember seeing it dubbed in French with ‘local’ (Qu?b?cois) actors. Whether this means the show never made it to Europe or that people in Qu?bec loved the Flintstones, we do not know.

    When my wife, daughter, and I were in Argentina last summer, we saw The Simpsons dubbed in Spanish (Los Simpsons). All the characters spoke with the same Mexican voice. We didn’t understand very many words (we speak very little Spanish) but found it hilarious nonetheless (we’re easily amused).


    The best part of “Happy Days” was its showing how fun the McCarthy era was! And I think we all learned something from the bomb shelter episdode. Oh, and when Richie had the crush on the divorcee Ralph Malph told us that divorced women are hot to trot. Still words I live by.


    This post is really funny, as usual. But it’s also unfair. It’s possible to learn true things about the world from watching fictional television.


    (comments are closed)