One Man’s Tragic Descent Into Wingnuttery
Here’s a blast from the past- Chaz Johnson before he completely lost his mind:
4/27/2001: Journalism & Democracy
here’s an excellent and important article by Bill Moyers titled Journalism & Democracy.
Yes, you read that right. That was Charles Johnson praising an article that Bill Moyers wrote for The Nation.
And it’s not just that he was more open-minded politically- the guy used to have something of a life. Here he is praising the late, great comedian Bill Hicks. Here he is going on long bike rides (and as you all know, engaging in exercise is the surest way to get yourself discharged from the Keyboard Kommandos). Here he is talking about his days as a studio musician. Here he is approvingly linking to
Sure, there were early warning signs of wingnuttery (his irrational fear of Muslims existed well before 9/11). But overall, he was a fairly well-balanced geek with a pretty good sense of humor- a far cry from the paranoid, bigoted torture enthusiast he became after 9/11. How does this happen? What makes a regular person descend into wingnuttery? The horror, the horror…
Um…because there’s no profit in rationality and a calm approach to life’s tragedies?
Um…because there’s no profit in rationality and a calm approach to life’s tragedies?
Yeah, but he’s not just doing it to make money. He really believes it. It’s kinda disturbing how quickly someone can go completely mad…
I mean, here’s a typical comment at his site:
I sure wish they had seperate subway cars for liberals and anybody else who doesn’t think the islamist terrorist threat is for real. As much as I’d hate to wish death upon anybody, better them than me. Perhaps they’d believe the threat if a bomb went off in their subway car.
What sane person, with any sense of basic humanity, encourages this kind of thinking from his readers? I mean, I remember when I got pissed at people for calling someone white trash- I can’t imagine how pissed I’d be if one of our readers started fantasizing about somebody’s DEATH.
Separate, cattle cars for liberals, to take them to the special “summer camps” he’d like to set up for them.
It’s remarkable, though, what being scared will do to a person. Sad, really.
Psychotic break?
nutty banana’s
Re: the wingnutty subway comment. What makes him think that the terrorist would bomb the liberal car rather than the wingnut one?
Because the Wingnut Car won’t let any Muslims/Arabs/Swarthy people on it. All the terrorist will then go to the Liberal Cars. Of course, you can bomb one train car without destroying the rest of the train, can’t you?
Truly tragic… he actually seemed like the kind of guy I’d hang out with pre-tinfoil days- a bit on the conservative side with somethings, but pretty normal (I have friends and reletives back home that are waaaayyy more conservative and racist than he was- the kind that fling around anti-semitic comments like it ain’t no thang… ah, such is Southern Iowa).
I don’t understand why everyone considers terrorism such an overriding and overreaching threat. I know 3000 people died on 911 and so on and so forth, but realistically you’re more likely to get killed by a serial killer. Not to mention a regular crime of passion killing. Or a drunk driver. Or fucking salmonella.
What i’m trying to say is of course we take reasonable steps to prepare for these risks but terrorism seems to get this nutty pass over all else.
I think i just realized why. The word i used there was reasonable. The more capitalistic we get the more valuable and rare a commodity like reason seems to become.
I won’t get killed by fucking salmonella ‘cuz I’ll use a rubber.
Maybe he found Jesus? That seems to send quite a few people over the edge.
I think he’s on a power trip. He loves the hordes, seemingly controlling their thoughts. It’s a nice little dictatorship over there. Everyone can indulge their fantasies of being in control. They are a bunch of frustrated weiners that are obsessed with controlling and ordering their world.
Yeah, maybe. Personally, I’d rather be doing what I’m doing right now.
Much less destructive. 😉
Dude-you have sex with single-celled organisms? I mean, what pickup lines can you possibly use? “Hey, babe, haven’t I seen you around this spoiled food before?” Get. Help. Now.
I mean, they’ll only wind up rejecting you by saying, “No, thanks-we prefer dividing all by ourselves.”
Forgive me as I’m just a teensy bit drunk right now but I feel compelled to chime in. I’ve known people like Chazmo and I’d have to say that it’s brain chemistry pure and simple. Something happens that blows their mind and somehow their grasp on reality is an incidental casualty. Fear and paranoia become their driving force and black and white becomes their medium. It’s a sad, sad world they live in like rabid dogs frothing, pitiable, sad and ultimately lost causes.
If we lived on Gilligan’s Island I might suggest another sharp blow to the old noggin as a cure but alas we don’t and a constant torrent of vomitous unstoppable cobbagery is the unfortunate result.
The Jesus suggestion is plausible, but I’m putting my money on the guess that his girlfriend left him for someone wittier, more generous, and kinder to small animals… you guessed it, a Liberal.
My loves*, forget Chazmo. He’s unworthy of your time. Please direct your rapier wit to the charming** Pn.*** Coulter’s October 5th article “This is What Advice and Consent Means”, in which, while not backing off the totally evil liar thing, Mr. Bush is both scolded and mocked.
Also, French is used by Pn. Coulter.
It is somehow even creepier than a normal**** Ann Coulter piece. Mind-blowing guaranteed or your money back*****.
* Author of this comment may not actually love the reader of this comment.
** “Charming” is accurate here to a value of “Just as pleasant as spending time in a locked closet with fetid peccary viscera”.
*** Pn. signifies “Person”, which is as close as I’m going to get to an honorific for Coulter until they start making specifically unisex articles.
**** You know what I mean.
***** There is no money.
Yeah, maybe. Personally, I’d rather be doing what I’m doing right now. []
Um, Bruce? Why do you have a severed penis in a glass of milk? I’m just asking. Don’t get mad, please. Just, you know, asking.
He’s unworthy of your time.
I agree, but it’s kinda fascinating from a psychological point of view, seeing a normal person completely crash and burn. I think Pinko Punko and Gregor have the best takes so far.
D. Sidhe, you said you loved us. Now you say you may not. I can’t take this any more, this hot and cold. I’m going back to the salmonella. At least with a bacterium, you know where you stand.
Although, now that I think of it, salmonella is kind of kinky. “Salmonella species are Gram-negative, flagellated facultatively anaerobic bacilli characterized by O, H, and Vi antigens.” The Gram-negative stuff doesn’t bother me, but I have to admit I am a little weirded out by the flagellation bit.
Dude-you have sex with single-celled organisms? I mean, what pickup lines can you possibly use?
“Hey, baby, let’s split.”
No, Karl, that’s just a frosty mug with beer in it. Besides, I don’t like milk.
Dan Someone, you I love, not least because of the flagellation comment. I’m merely qualifying it because I have no idea who’s actually reading it. I’d hate to be offering my blanket affection and acceptance to trolls and such. Even my legendarily non-discrimnatory tastes have their limits.
Specify, or qualify. That’s my motto.
I sure wish they had seperate subway cars for liberals and anybody else who doesn’t think the islamist terrorist threat is for real.
Yeah, put the small handful of liberal NYC subway riders in one extra car, and that will let the huge masses of conservative NYC subway riders enjoy their rides in piece. Brilliant.
“As much as I’d hate to wish death upon anybody, better them than me.”
Seems to sum up the Bush Doctrine rather nicely, except for the first part of the sentence.
D. Sidhe loves me!!!1!
As much as I’d hate to wish death upon anybody, better them than me.
Ah, Me-ism, the one religion most popular among many neocons.
Charles Johnson is not a very good blogger. People dont visit his site to read his witty or insightful comments about current events because um….well he has none. He has no analytical ability to speak of.If he had any he would have used it by now. He cuts and pastes large swathes of other peoples creative work and then adds superlatives like ‘astoundingly’, ‘outrageously’, ‘unbelievably’ etc.
(TunnelvisionChuckie has no insightful comments, but his inciteful comments he sells wholesale, Heh)
His large traffic comes from LGFers revisiting the forum to see if anyone has replied to their latest inane comment post about banging Michael Moores head in with a cluestick or grotesque Rachel Corrie and Cindy Sheehan jokes.
Its a slow motion chatroom with a single topic. If it were available on Yahoo! it would be the ‘anti-Muslim’ room. (Invitation only of course)..
His descent into wingnuttery is lasting so long because he hangs around with complete strangers who are hysterical, naive outcasts who encourage that mindset.
D. Sidhe, I am now basking in your love, like an iguana in the Mexican sun. Seriously. I’m all leathery-skinned, and I’m lying on a flat rock. It’s really kind of uncomfortable.
But I’m glad I don’t have to go back to the salmonella. I really don’t think I can have another relationship with anybody who’s facultatively anaerobic.
Also laughable about “Squeaky” Johnson and his motley crew: much as they love dishing out endless insults and even a death threat or two, they scour the internets for anyone dissing them and wail about “stalkers”. What pathetic babies they are!
If he was once normal, then why did he name is web site (and comapny?) little green footballs? Naming a company after slang for hand grenades is seriously fucked up.
It means hand grenades? I thought it meant boogers. Boogers fits them better.
“Perhaps they’d believe the threat if a bomb went off in their subway car.”
Because 9/11 wasn’t enough? I think we all learned that “terrorism is real” then, if we didn’t already know. But we just don’t see the need do go bat-fucking-crazy.
I think that is the real reason behind CJ’s wingnutty descent. 9/11 so rocked his world, and if others don’t feel the same, then it is almost disproving his feelings or making them invalid. He needs for everyone else to justify his hysteria by being equally nutty. and when people don’t, he just gets more over the edge.
To sum up, it is our fault. Blame America first and all that.
Flat, sun-warmed rocks are actually quite comfortable, especially ones by rivers. But then, up here in the Washington sun, they don’t get as hot as they do in Mexico, would be my guess.
I like iguanas a lot, Dan, and am pleased to be able to bring you that happy iguana-y feeling.
But in the interests of being slightly creepy as always, allow me to direct you to this page on Iguanas and Their Homemade Sexual Surrogates (Because Neutering Your Iguana Is Harder Than You Think).
uh oh, this is the lizardoid tendency within the gates.
By the way, if Absolutely Sweet Marie is reading this, here is a useful article (by a Jew) about why banning Michael Lerner from last year’s ANSWER/Stop The War speakers’ list was not ‘anti-Semitic’ but anti-zionist and why there is a difference :
Attention from everyone in U.S.A. I am Jheka and I am Russian and I am friend of charles and lgf.
I’m available for opportunity to chat and maybe make talk with YOU. In my new American blog YOU can also see that I am available and ready for maybe chat about my friend charles and lgf.
Well, if YOU are ready I am ready so we can go to my blog and chat about lgf or whatever. Do not be afraid if I am man with strong opinion. I have learned all the opinions in the modern day of U.S.A. from email and some from world wide web.
BTW…I know the location of the g spot. I have tried this place on myself and it is correct. Yes and also I have very large amounts af hair surrounding (encompassing) my g spot.
It is seriously jaw dropping.
I have groomed most of this hair off with water and the spoons I am clean.
If YOU do not believe me YOU can come to my blog I will show YOU and we can discuss whatever.
I am happy to have chat with YOU and if you want we can discuss charles and lgf.
Do NOT deny my request.
Thank you Jheka
In fact, I strongly support the neutering of Lizardoids.
Though I suspect it is unnecessary.
Miaow!!! Charles’ chief knob-sucker and ass-kisser is “Iron Fist”, aka Steve Johnson of Knoxville TN who outed himself on LGF while bragging about his deadly martial-arts “skillz” a while back. Fist, aka Robert Steve Johnson, is a pathetic wanker, a small, pudgy bald guy who has posed as a “biker bouncer” and “computer expert”. One night, a while back, he drunkenly confessed to “killing my best friend Sam” and spending time in the pokey for manslaughter. He also brags about his gun collection and when asked how he, as a felon, is allowed to own guns, claims his “NCIC record was wiped”. So, the guy is a pathological liar and general low-life. He also claims to be a masterful chef and cites his years as a line-cook at Red Lobster. This is believable. He was memorably exposed as a liar and asswipe by Evariste of Discarded Lies.
uh … jheka … you should be telling that to this guy:
shoulda made a link : linky
Rowan, that’s one of the most oddly compelling and honestly told stories I’ve ever read. Two thumbs up!
Frequent poster “Iron Fist” a favorite of Johnsons posts death threats on LGF, and not for the first time. Authorities in Knoxville TN should know this guy has identified himself as “Steve Johnson” of Knoxville, claims to be a gun-owning felon and frequently promises violence against Muslims and Leftists.
#63 Iron Fist 10/8/2005 05:55PM PDT
#56 Ann,
No shit. If the Muslims don’t STFD and STFU and, well, quit killing people, then we’re just going to have to start killing them.
I want the goddamn Muslims to fucking appologize for the increased terror alert this weekend. I just checked CAIR’s website. Still no plea for their co-religionists to call off the bombing that we are now told is scheduled for tommorow.
If something goes down tommorow, we can only assume that all Muslims support it.
‘Cause there ain’t been a damn one of them asking for it not to happen.
If something goes down tommorow, we can only assume that all Anonymous posters support it.
‘Cause there ain’t been a damn one of them asking for it not to happen.