Hey! Readers Who Live in Red States! Your Senators Might Be Pro-Torture!

Here is a list of senators who voted against John McCain’s anti-torture amendement (via Laura Rozen):

Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)

If you live in any of these states, feel free to hang your head in shame. Oklahoma gets the Wingnuttery Special Achievement Award for electing not one, but two pro-torture senators.

UPDATE: I’ve been scouring the Internets for the last hour trying to find wingnuts who oppose the anti-torture amendment. So far, there’s been an eerie silence from Malkin, Powerline, LGF, and even the Freepers and Pastor Swank. Let me know if anything pops up throughout the day- there’s gotta be someone wingnutty enough to be unambiguously defend torture. Marie? Are you up to the task?

UPDATE II: In the comments, BillyD reports that the Freepers have indeed risen to the occasion. God bless ’em. Here’s my favorite comment:

My question is, will they accept responsibility, if we have another attack, which may have been prevented by interrogating some terrorists we captured?

Remember, if the FBI had been able to look at Moussaui’s computer, they may have discovered and foiled the 9-11 attack.

Right, because hacking into someone’s computer obviously requires torture. Keep the updates comin’! It’s only a matter of time before the Power Tools weigh in!

UPDATE III: More goodies, this time from Lucianne.com:

Was it a “let’s get aquainted” talk from his captors or torture plain and simple that got McCain to talk. These holier than thou Senators may have time to “play nice” with the people who are trying to kill our soldiers while they are nice and comfortable on taxpayer dollars in DC but the men and women who need the information from their enemies don’t have that luxury.

Yeah, those damn politicians are sitting comfortably in Washington DC while the brave posters at Lucianne.com are… uhm… well…

Anonymous commentors are mildly amusing, but I want an actual wingnut columnist or blogger to take a firm stand in favor of torture. C’mon, guys, I know you’re out there. Who will be the first?

UPDATE IV: Thanks to the miracle that is Google blog search, I’ve found our first winner! Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to HoustonConservative!

John McCain is a fool. His concerns about how American prisoners of war might be treated by their captors, if anyone besides Western cultures abided by the Geneva Convention Restrictions. Evil people don’t abide by the rules, never have, never will. How we treat non-combatants or POWs has no effect on how Americans will be treated. As a former POW in North Vietnam, McCain knows this (or should) than anyone. None of the treatment he received during his imprisonment was in accordance with the Convention rules. These restrictions merely endanger the lives of American soldiers.

Woo-hoo! Now, we just need some more prominent wingers to come out in opposition. Pastor Swank? Whaddya say, pal?


Comments: 28


Hang our heads in shame? Uh, we Alabamians haven’t picked up our heads since Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door. Sorry.


A quick check of freerepublic this morning found a thread.

Who are the 10 patriots??

According to 90 senators, they ordained one little hair of a nasty slimey vermin infested scum murdering butchering terrorist bastard lowlife savage gets harmed mentally or physically.

so on and so forth


Better we torture them over there than we torture them over here.

Or something like that.


“According to 90 senators, they ordained one little hair of a nasty slimey vermin infested scum murdering butchering terrorist bastard lowlife savage gets harmed mentally or physically.”

What? That’s not even a sentence. Does anybody have a Freeper-to-English translator?


Freedom Boarding for EVERYONE!

(with rats in cages)


See, wingnuts aren’t pro-torture, they’re just anti-Bush-taking-responsibility-for-it.


Hey, my Senator isn’t on there. My respect for him just went up 0.3357 points!


Eye Witness Muse, rather droll:

EWM – (October 1, 2005) In his last act before stepping down, indicted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay inserted language into a rewrite of the Endangered Species Act that will extend its protections to scandal-plagued Republicans.

Environmentalists were outraged when they learned of DeLay?s last-minute trick. World Wildlife Watchers President Leon Lyons said, ?we knew they were out to gut the Act, but we never dreamed they?d use the law that saved the Bald Eagle to save their own sorry asses from extinction.?

DeLay snookered Democrats by adding the ?GOP Preservation Provision? to the bill with ink that can only be viewed by wearing the special rose-colored glasses he issued to Republicans.

The new provision creates a ?Dream Team Trust? that provides funding to hire the best criminal lawyers in the country to represent Republicans ranging from White House Political Director Karl Rove to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and even DeLay himself.

It also sets aside acreage in high-value real estate areas, such as Vail and the Hamptons, to create protected reserves for wealthy white Republicans that are being hunted by prosecutorial poachers for their criminality, and won?t survive without federal protection.

DeLay stashed the language within the Act?s subsection on the West Pecos Grease Weasel (to which House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo bears an uncanny resemblance).

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi expressed grudging admiration for DeLay?s pertinacity. ?The man is congenitally corrupt, it?s just amazing,? said Pelosi. ?If they ever do lock him up, they?ll have to use one of those Hannibal Lector restraint contraptions to keep him from biting people.?

Meanwhile, environmentalists were also said to be concerned about a mysterious section in the GOP?s new Endangered Species Act that creates a special one-million acre terrorist-proof ?Green Zone? in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The earmark provides $14.6 billion for Halliburton to manage the project.

Editor?s Note: Please excuse the Muse for reporting fantasy. As a Fairly Unbalanced Journalist, it?s his calling.



Libby- I take it you have Santorum, then? I was personally shocked that he didn’t vote against…


You have to love the Freepers and their keen, in-depth understanding of our system of government:

I don’t know how Bush doesn’t just quit. The president in this country is so restricted by state rights and congress the position is worthless.


Well, I kind of agree with that freeper’s statement in a way. The man holding that position right now is worthless.


I don’t know how Bush doesn’t just quit. The president in this country is so restricted by state rights and congress the position is worthless.

Does this guy even know what he believes?! States rights are a limitation to presidential power? Wow.


I don’t know how Bush doesn’t just quit. The president in this country is so restricted by state rights and congress the position is worthless.

Damn. Maybe we should’ve let Britain win so we can have a nice Jesusland-style monarchy.

Besides, torture is (strike)hard(/strike) God’s work (emphasis mine):

President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq – and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.

In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.

Nabil Shaath says: “President Bush said to all of us: ‘I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, “George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.” And I did, and then God would tell me, “George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq ?” And I did. And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, “Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.” And by God I’m gonna do it.'”

Abu Mazen was at the same meeting and recounts how President Bush told him: “I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state.”

To everyone on the Planet Earth and perhaps Venus:

We’re sorry.


Roberts (R-KS)

Huh? Brownback actually voted AGAINST torture? Or was he just absent that day?


Was it a “let’s get aquainted” talk from his captors or torture plain and simple that got McCain to talk.

Dumbass. McCain has said he told them anything they wanted to hear, not that it was true.

In any event, the military knows that prisoners who are captured will talk under duress, it’s just a matter of time. But holding out for even a few hours can help the rest of your unit.


Wow. Ol’ Fishface, Shelby of AL, didn’t vote against. ‘Course, he’s got lots o’ military in his half of the state…


What all of these freeper jerks and internet wags don’t realize is that you don’t get reliable information from people you are torturing, because they will tell you what they think you want to hear and not necessarily the truth.

Also, if you know that you are going to be tortured if you are caught, won’t that make you less inclined to show quarter to your enemies??

Finally, I hate to keep harping on this, but I still can’t read the comments on the threads that don’t have the ‘continue reading’ option. It flashes on for a second and then blacks out. Sometimes it shows a blue thing that says ‘post a comment’ across the middle, but that’s it.


LGF doesn’t comment on anything but Israel anymore. Delay indictment? Basra Brits arrest fiasco? No comment. They’re a bore. Gotta go further afield for proper wingnuttery. Maybe Bennett will take their place (abort terrorists babies?)


No one, absolutely no one has the right to lecture John “Bamboo shoots up my dickhole” Mccain on torture.
Seriously, it must take some gigantic, titanium balls to step to mccain about torture.


Maybe they think hacking means torturing. You got to get the computer to confess the files.


Ianua Ditis, I get the same thing on my work computer.


His concerns about how American prisoners of war might be treated by their captors, if anyone besides Western cultures abided by the Geneva Convention Restrictions. Evil people don’t abide by the rules, never have, never will.

I await the sequel to “The Fog”. I expect it to be called “Cognitive Dissonance”. It rolls in like a pea-souper, and the zombie corpses of Ronald “Small Government” Reagan and Henry “Nobel Peace Prize” Kissinger reach out of it and grab unwitting victims to consume while muttering about changing the tone in the country.

Look, pal, we’re officially now one of those countries that does not abide by the Geneva Conventions, get it? We are evil people who do not follow the rules. We have your president to thank for that.
I’m not a huge fan of McCain or anything, but he’s not a fool. And he’s on the right side of this one, and you, Houston Conservative, are a prick.


Screw you and your damn blue state! Texas is the greatest state in the greatest country, and there’s nothing you can do to get me to say otherwise. Jealousy will get you nowhere.

Sure, Cornyn’s a jackass, and Bush was able to use my fine state to inflict his boobery on America. But at least we can comfortably wear shorts in January and don’t get subjected to those god-forsaken earthquakes of California. Plus, we get to tell people that we’re from Texas and not whatever craphole you come from. So just stuff that into your blue-loving pipe and smoke it!

BTW, this could be wishful thinking, but I can easily see TX going blue within a decade or so. With a growing hispanic and urban population, as well as the growing body of evidence proving the incompetence of the Bush Admin; it’s just a matter of time. So come on down and join me on the Texas coast and you (probably) won’t regret it. And then you too can tell people that you’re from Texas.


Wow, my first front page reference! I’m putting this on my fridge!


And then you too can tell people that you’re from Texas.

I’m from Boston, sorry. I like being able to order food that isn’t deep-fried.


Too bad the Brits didn’t win the revolution. If judging by the example they left us with Canada (and New Zealand and Australia), we’d have ended slavery in 1833 (instead of 1865) and had a serious anti-slavery movement as early as 1787, universal health care, stricter environmental laws, no death penalty, and lots of hockey. Conversley, we’d have the Royal American Mounted Police instead of the F.B.I… I think it’s a fair trade đŸ˜‰


Are you kidding me? Global warming going the way it is, texas is going to be hotter than satan’s rectum after one of those homo orgies they have in hell.(Source: Hell according to dobson.)

melior in France

Hey, if the Freepers ran Hollywood we’d have the Torture Channel.


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