OMG Astroturf: Liberal Group Appears Openly In Public
Longer Glenn “I Know You Are But What Am I” Reynolds:
- Knowing as I do that the ‘tea party movement’ was conceived and organized by Republican consultants and right-wing 501(c) foundations with major assistance from high-traffic right-bloggers, talk radio figures, and remnants of the Ron Paul campaign, I inhabit an opaque self-narrative common to the libertarian mind, imagining myself as a mordantly sly rogue, a winkingly engaging but soul-weary realist suggestive in my case of the con men in Spider Robinson’s Lifehouse and Kornbuth’s “The Time Bum,” or actually, come to think of it, more like Fritz Leiber’s foundational sword-and-sorcery character the Grey Mouser, as conceived in books such as the classic novel The Swords of Lankhmar and the equally classic story anthology Swords Against Death, and as envisioned by artist Paul Jaquays in early printings of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons supplement Deities and Demigods (a.k.a. Legends & Lore) — as opposed to how others see me as I keep trying to dupe my readership into believing that the ‘tea party movement’ is a spontaneous mass uprising of ordinary citizens while liberal groups are fronts for unspecified conspiracies, which is as a shifty and vain provincial lawyer orbited by a growingly despised resource of fools, one indeed that seems to be purifying through self-attrition into an n-dimensional hyperturd of elemental Duh.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Tintin adds:
Professor InstaHick’s first link in his post is to an article by Rhys Southan, a budding tea-bagger and wannabe filmmaker, whom a right-wing site “embedded” on the ACORN bus tour. Rhys has had a rather spotty journalistic career, having been fired by the now-defunct New York Sun for reviewing a play that he admits he’d only seen “about half of.” So one has to wonder whether anything he reports back from the bus ride is true or not, including his little “amusing anecdote” about how the bus riders were all dumbfounded when an organic grocer said that the AIG execs, who shopped at his store, were “nice people.”
If you want to know more about Rhys, go read his stunningly awful blog which currently appears to be read only by his brother and a few other members of his family.
Sometimes I worry about you, Gav.
is just fucking brilliant, though.
So, this guy’s too lazy to do an actual post detailing his thoughts on these links, seeing as how he hasn’t got any thoughts to begin with.
Ok, Insty is Working As Intended.
I liked Otis’ stuff better.
This is longer and more thoughtful than anything Reynolds has written.
Fafhrd in this version of reality is played by?
Are you sure he isn’t picturing himself as the Melnibonean hero Elric as depicted in the same book? His skin does have a paste-like if not pasty quality, and I can vaguely remember some reference to him at one time having a sword. I believe it was during a Gladiator Phase, so it was probably not a soul-sucking sword. Does he have a sister?
Looks like on the previous link there, on the same topic, you could have scored a two-fer: Glenn Reynolds linking to Don Surbur, making the same non-point. It’s like a quantum singularity of pure wingnut something.
(Still amazed by “n-dimensional hyperturd of elemental Duh.” Well-played, sir!)
The fact is, liberals, your hate of Instapundit and the Tea Bag Parties shows how out of touch you eletists are with the Heartland, where we understand how reality works. Your boy Obsama is going down.
Pen? Sword? Teh Sammich? InstaJohnGalt wields them all mightily! I quake with fear, I tell you, quake! Surely these teabaggers are amassing at my gates and surrounding me. Twill be a long siege with much misery and wailing and broken fingernails and pouting and stomping off the battlefield because someone wants to use Edition 3 rules while other stink these are the suxx0rs and we should be using the fourth edition (but what was wrong with the 2nd edition, shouts a lone voice at the back.)
Truly there is no honor among libertarian cyborg law professors.
Holy Shit! That guy painted my house last week, swear to god!!
Screw it, let’s just play World of Darkness.
Somewhere Glenn Beck is crying.
Truly there is no honor among libertarian cyborg law professors.
Yet, we can still help them celebrate their weddings…
*Hearts bulging out of eyes*
Thanks, Gav, I needed that.
btw, if that’s a real picture of him then that Ryan guy is so totally not gay. He’s like as totally hetero as Karl Rove and Chris Hitchens combined.
I haven’t visited his site so I don’t know if he’s out or not. Can somebody else check for me while I look for my 12-sided die? kthxbai.
It’s really getting infantile. “My protest rally didn’t bomb! YOUR protest rally bombed! So there!”
OK, I followed the link and I’m going to assume “stunningly awful,” is the kindest thing you could find to say about Mr. Southan’s blog. The fact that the top post is currently a parking meter that reads FAIL with FAIL stamped all over the picture says it all.
Gosh yes. Where would one go to find people who are suffering in, for example, this market economy? Wait … Eww! You’d have to talk to poor, unemployed people. Yuck!
“Diabetes Laffs”?
I mean, it’s kind of a joke, but not LOL. It’s way more amusing that he actually had to share that. That’s a joke I’d hear at a bar, and if I was drunk, would laugh, but by the time morning rolled around and I’m nursing the hangover, I would have forgotten about it.
But then I read this:
“Comedy about Obama’s Kenyan family coming to stay at the White House. Like a political Beverly Hillbillies.”
And the suck is comedy gold!
(but what was wrong with the 2nd edition, shouts a lone voice at the back.)
In the Foreword to the 2nd Edition Players Handbook, Zeb Cook mentions a conversation at a gaming convention about the changes being made. I was part of that conversation. 🙂
Sadly, my only claim to fame.
I don’t know how you can say that blog is awful, tintin. I can’t stop laughing.
Oh, God:
“A good stand-up comic gimmick would be to pull a Babe Ruth: just before you tell a joke, point at the person who will crack up at it.”
Yeah, the ONE person. This is awful, but in a delicious sort of way.
The fact is, everybody with half a brain knows that “players’ handbooks” and “Monster Manuals” and “Deities and Demigods” were just another name for plastic polyhedral bureaucracy. A good DM allowed players’ initiative (no pun intended), drive, and imagination to fuel the campaigns. God, you libs must have been just horrible to roll 20siders with. Sad. Pockmarked. Spazzes.
Besides, it’s totally obvious that teh whole nation is up in arms over Porkulus and <ominous atmosphere>SOCIALISM</ominous atmosphere> and people are pretty much happy with AIGFP bonuses.
That is a frickin’ beautiful sammich InstaSophist is holding.
I’ll go one better. I’ll bet none of you sadsacks ever knew the pleasure of slaying a tarrasque and strutting around using a shield yielded from the tarrasque’s corpse, and wielding a stolen Githyanki Silver Sword. This is why you are cowards with no idea about the dizzying heights of wealth that can be achieved by unfettered capitalism.
Monty Haul woohoo!
Glenn Reynolds linked to a sketchy dude? No way.
Additionally, keep bothering yourselves with ACORN, wingnuts. No one cares.
Do you want a Vorpal Sword with that Deck of many Things?
15:03 take that back, bastard. It was a legitimate, well run campaign. Anybody can achieve that kind of success. It’s all a matter of knowing when to hack and slash vs when to cast.
Incidentally, libs, did you know the Boy King’s approval rating is down to 50/50? Bookmark this
Oh noes! Only about as many people who voted for him like him? Heavens to Betsy what a comeuppance!
Still twice as popular as the moronic dolt who rubbed his shit all over the world thinking it was fun to get his hands in warm places.
IOKIYAR, Teh +5 Holy Avenging Sword of Greater Righteousness
Flametongue in response to public appearance of algore, logic-bane, adds double enhancement bonus to AC against reality. Self-smiting on non-criticals, kills the English language on critical hits.
Insipid evocation with crafting requirements of Obtuse-ness, Selective Memory and the distilled bitterness of decades of lonely frustration.
Nate Silver on the Zogby poll:
jonny quest:
dude was at 70% approval not that long ago now he’s down to 50. but hey if that doesn’t bother you, then that’s cool. like obama said (read out loud) just the other day “you’re doin’ a heckuva job, timmy”.
That bag of infinite holding isn’t going to fill itself!
It’s Tragic, This Gathering.
You were too kind to that guy’s blog.
It’s like a clearing house for stupid.
It’s Tragic, This Gathering.
Too Meta?
Nate Silver dunks on wingnuts once again.
Nate Silver rationalizing poll results he doesn’t like? The hell, you say! The hell.
Nate Silver rationalizing …
Math FAIL.
Wingnuts is stoopid.
go to the board and demonstrate the math, then. talk us through it. don’t forget to show your work. or, you know, cherry pick and find “experts” who agree with you and nod along so hard your neck snaps! either/or
Wingnuts cherry-picking poll results from Zogby and Rasmussen they like? They hell, you say! The hell.
go to the board and demonstrate the math
English FAIL. “Rationalizing” isn’t “showing your work.”
Like I said, wingnuts is stoopid, which explains a lot. Can’t write, can’t count ….
Wingnuts cherry-picking poll results from Zogby and Rasmussen they like?
Indeed. There’s, like, a whole link up there, ‘n stuff. Do wingnut sites still look like Gopher circa 1996?
Then again, it wouldn’t help. Dumbass doesn’t know what “outlier” means.
rationalizing? go to the board to do the math? Okay.
D00d, you can have a hate-on for 538 as much as you want, but they back their shit up with actual numbers. Maybe you disagree with Nate’s interpretation, but you can’t accuse him of hiding shit or making unfounded assertions.
From Ryan Southan’s blog of epic FAIL:
I didn’t think I could write schoolyard style jokes, but I bet this one could catch on with kids, especially in church camp.
“What does Moses say when he is constipated?”
“Let my poopie go!”
Looks like he’s trying to capitalize on the popularity of POOP! Unfortunately, as it turns out, he’s right: he can’t write schoolyard style jokes, just like he can’t write anything else.
They can and they will. Why let facts and reality spoil a perfectly good narrative?
How many of these people believe Eve rode a dinosaur? (Not to mention believe in a literal Eve?) Math never stood a chance against that kind of willful ignorance.
Looks like Pasty Paladin’s laughable ignorance has been preserved by a rock-solid intellectual cowardice. As long as he doesn’t read, he can stay stoopid.
Wingnuts are the Schrödinger constituency.
Wingnuts are the Schrödinger constituency.
Now, now, leave us not besmirch Professor Schrödinger. He presented the cat as something that cannot exist (it doesn’t make sense to talk about a cat being half alive and half dead at the same time, so at some point between the micro and macro scale, the Copenhagen Interpretation breaks down). Wingnuts most definitely exist, sad to say.
and, PENIS.
Talk about epic fail, southan’s blog stinks. It’s like a bad, very lazy version of the commercial that exhorts inventors to “send your inventions…for protection!”
I think the trolls should read this and then STFU.
The fact is, I don’t read 538 or Snopes because liberal bias.
Talk about epic fail, southan’s blog stinks.
Seriously. Dude can’t even spell his own first name correctly.
(Sorry, tintin — I don’t seem to be able to help myself.)
When did numbers & facts become rationalization? Rationalizing would be more like saying that your 23% popularity rating is due to having to make the hard decisions rather than being a complete fuck-up.
Um, I was going to say Johnny D. Symon, but actually I think Michael Gaynor.
Bookmark this, wingnuts
The fact is, no conservative blog will link to Nate Silver or address his arguments, thus, he does not exist.
No matter who HehIndeedy pictures himself as, h4rdk0r3 nerdz have him pegged as the guy who takes off all his armor in the main square in Stormwind, does the little male human dance, then tells stale Chuck Norris jokes until everyone on the trade channel has him on /ignore.
Come on, Gavin, who else could Fafhrd be but Erick the Dim?
“He was the sort of person who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armour shouting ‘All the Gods are bastards!'” — Terry Pratchett
Um… do wingnutz not know what “tea-bagger” means??? Seriously?
No, they don’t. And don’t you dare tell them.
One of TBogg’s readers asked Chris Muir if he actually knew what “teabagging” meant. Muir responded that, yes he did, but he was using it in a mature way, or something. Central to his point.
I pictured him more as CMOT Dibbler.
From the WaPo article at Prudence Goodwife’s 17:00 link
The only way I see of reviving Bush’s legacy at this point is if a stable Iraq produces a statesman who manages to achieve peace in the Middle East. And even that depends on how well Obama handles the draw down of our troops. If Obama manages to pull Afghanistan and/or our economy out of the holes Bush helped dig, Obama will rightfully get the credit. Clearly No Child Left Behind has never done anything dazzling.
I notice in wikipedia that Truman’s reputation was resuscitated around the time of his death in 1972, when he provided a humble counterpoint to Nixon’s arrogant, foul-mouthed sleaziness. I also notice that Truman was the president who recognized Israel. In addition, he had the advantage of presidenting at the beginning of a tremendous economic boom, after he negotiated the U.S. through the conversion from a wartime to a peacetime economy–not without going through a lot of turmoil and periods of deep unpopularity.
So, how bad a president will we have to have to resurrect Bush 43’s legacy as an “it wasn’t as bad as we thought at the time” legacy? I shudder to think.
But it would be great if some fantastically charismatic Iraqi were produced from the turmoil of that nation who could end the violence and start the Middle East down a path of peaceful coexistence among Arabs, Jews, Iranians, etc. Bush’s luck would be our luck too. I’m not holding my breath.
Have pity on those of us who don’t know the first thing about D&D. Unless, of course, I’m completely surrounded by people who are steeped in it and fantasy novels and comic books and such, which I also know nothing about, in which case I’m doomed to reading a bunch of cultural references I can’t decipher.
Bush advisers clutch at Truman as if he were a political life preserver.
As did Bush himself, but I think he was just jealous that Truman got to use nukes.
dude was at 70% approval not that long ago now he’s down to 50. but hey if that doesn’t bother you, then that’s cool. like obama said (read out loud) just the other day “you’re doin’ a heckuva job, timmy”.
It’s not as if he’s even quoting honestly; Obama never actually said “Heckuva Job”… in fact, White Knight/The Truth has been corrected on that before, blaming Obama for something Bush said, so it’s clearly a sore point on the insane right that their Dear Leader got caught being that incompetence. But go through all the google links with the above quote since Obama’s appearance on Leno and not one has anything other than the original Bush quote and an attempt to draw a parallel.
But hasn’t Tintin already explained that this obsessive compulsive is posting from his home 24/7 because of a seriously poor mental health problem and lack of social skills?
And just to remind you all; THIS is the kind of political mind you are dealing with
Remember what he did when the results came in too…? He claimed for hour after hour that he was working on something which would put all you liberals in your place, and when he finally revealed what it was … it was a quote from a Republican source discussing Carters’ administration, with “Carter” replaced with “Obama”…
Yeah, he’s THAT intelligent.
And exactly THIS dishonest; Here’s where all his various alternate names get devoweled and then deleted, even though he insists he only ever used two;
Did he actually get on the bus, or did he base his entire article on seeing a bus on TV?
Gavin, a bravura performance of sheer nerdliciousness! Well played!
In this little Lankhmarian lark, would it be safe to say that Dick Cheney is Quarmall, the subterranean witch-king of the eponymous realm?
I liked Otis’ stuff better.
There’s a shrine erected to him on teh t00bz.
WOLVERINES!!!!!NERDS!!!!010101!!!dude was at 70% approval not that long ago now he’s down to 50.
Both Bushes were near 90% at the beginning of their wars and both left office humbled and disgraced.
And the only president to leave office with a higher approval rating that he entered with was Clinton.
You remember him, right? The dude y’all hated so much but everyone else learned to admire?
From his blog:
Yo, actor, sorry if I seemed I blew you off on Thursday. You see, this place called the real world has a habit of intruding on me sometimes. I’ll go on your blog to tell you my brief Joyce Randolph story, so as not to intrude on the proceedings here.
…but you can’t
accuse him of hiding shit or making unfounded assertionsdo fucking anything without looking like an idiot.Diaskeuasted for completeness.
Also, PENIS.
“This is longer and more thoughtful than anything Reynolds has written.”
That’s not saying much. A wet dog turd smeared on a piece of blank paper is more thoughtful than anything Reynolds has written.
That was great.
PROTIP for oblivious UK parents: Your 18-year-old son is already scrubbing off his PENIS, possibly as much as several times a day.
And also longer and more thoughtful than anything Reynolds has.
From teh blog:
“My own take on this is that it should probably end with a school shooting, ala “If….”. But that’s only because I think all movies should be more like “If….”. It probably wouldn’t actually be appropriate in this case.”
Wow, what a beacon of clarity. You should probably end with a shooting. Actually, you shouldn’t. I can see why he is in such high demand!
Wow, PeeJ, how did you put that little pop-up thingy on “PENIS”?
Um, that didn’t come out the way I intended.
[a href=”” title=””][/a]
Replace with triangular brackets.
The Dunning-Kruger effect should be renamed the “Glenn Reynolds effect”, or at least the “Troofy/WK/Authentic/WATB effect.”
PeeJ, that is a fine example of a Longstanding Tradition
O/T (surprisingly)
Chriistopher Walken is a twitter comedian. Srsly.
“It’s not as if he’s even quoting honestly; Obama never actually said “Heckuva Job”… in fact, White Knight/The Truth has been corrected on that before, blaming Obama for something Bush said, so it’s clearly a sore point on the insane right that their Dear Leader got caught being that incompetence. But go through all the google links with the above quote since Obama’s appearance on Leno and not one has anything other than the original Bush quote and an attempt to draw a parallel.”
Misattributing quotes is an old wingnut trick. I recall some list of “stupid quotes” put together by some asshole back in the day to “prove” that Clinton was a moron, and indeed, the quotes used were very, very stupid-sounding.
The only problem being they mostly were all from Dan Quayle. A couple were from other far-right sources (I’ve forgotten who; maybe there were a couple of Reaganisms thrown in). And we’re talking about some of Quayle’s more famous boneheaded remarks, fuck-ups that were very widely known to be his. So, the whole ‘point’ of the exercise was simple, childish taunting of the “I know you are, but what am I?” variety.
Heh, Glen Reynolds sure makes liberals mad. The only other two people I’ve seen libs get this upset over were Ayn Rand and Jesus.
That last one you mentioned. You might want to rethink that.
He must be effective since he makes you libs foam at the mouth and rant.
Jesus- both the guy (Jesus of Nazareth) and the Son of God (Jesus Christ)- does not make me “foam at the mouth and rant.” The warped view some people take of his teachings sure does.
I was talking about Reynolds, not Jesus.
Additionally, I don’t rage over Ayn Rand because I’m a liberal, I rage because it’s horribly dull, self-absorbed pap. The philosophy is worth a discussion when you’re in high school. Anyone who thinks it’s totes awesum after that is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Additionally, I don’t rage over Socialism because I’m conservative, I rage because it’s horribly dull, self-absorbed pap. The philosophy is worth a discussion when you’re in high school. Anyone who thinks it’s totes awesum after that is wrong, wrong, wrong.
No, you weren’t. You just stepped into a trap.
But if we’re talking about Reynolds, yes: Supporters of genocide, assassination, endless ad hoc reasoning, transhumanist nonsense, Don Surber, torture, racism, etc. do make me foam at the mouth. Just who I am, I guess.
I’m not a socialist. Whiiiiiiiiiff.
Name one thing from Reynolds that is “racist”, please.
Do you support Obama?
Then you’re a Socialist. His policies are Socialism, end of story.
I’m not foaming, I’m just enjoying my vegan, fair trade homoislamoabortofascist latte with extra solar-steamed soy milk.
1) Linking to InstaPunk.
Name one thing from Obama that is “socialist,” please. A warning: I will not accept bailouts, being a liberal, being African-American, or hints at nationalization as proof of “socialism.” If you think Timmah Geithner’s current economic plan is “socialism,” you severely need education on the term.
OK, boring. You too can find organic, cruelty-free killfile at your nearest CSA.
His policies are Socialism, end of story.
Yes. Who could forget when Obama banned private property and seized all the factories and banks. His daily lectures on scientific dialectical history and class self-awareness were also kind of a dead giveaway.
<i.He must be effective since he makes you libs foam at the mouth and rant.
Wheeee!!! Your completely ignorant world view is showing. The one where everything is Right or SATAN.
Effective (i.e. Good) == upsets liberals.
Therefore GWB == Effective.
Therefore Ebola == Effective.
Therefore GWB = Ebola!
Please keep it up, it’s you ignorant schmucks with your “with me or with the terrorists” viewpoint that fuels teh comedy-gold.
P.S. Us bleeding heart liberals, with our ultra-naive rose colored glasses and “the State should help EVERYONE” attitudes always take it as a personal failure when people kill themselves.
Taxing the productive to benefit the parasites. That’s socialism. National Healthcare is Socialism. ACORN is a Socialist organization. “Spreading the wealth” is Socialism. Giving tax breaks to people who don’t pay taxes is Socialism. The “stimulus” is Socialism.
I know, I know. I’m awfully curious where this guy is going, though. I’m expecting a real whopper of an argument to come out. Too bad all I’m getting is a trickle of fail. C’mon, troll, make it worth my while.
“Yes. Who could forget when Obama banned private property and seized all the factories and banks.”
Hitler didn’t nationalize, but he was a Socialist. There are varying degrees of Socialism.
Jesus is my homeboy.
Not to mention that you right-tards would label him as some far-left moonbat who is untethered from reality.
Perhaps bright boy here could point out to us some strictly capitalistic economic system from any time in human history that has outperformed the “mixed” capitalistic/socialistic economic systems in use throughout the Western world. I don’t think he can do that, so what his complaint boils down to in the end is that those of us who value performance over ideology are wrong, wrong, wrong, because a strictly capitalistic economic system would be Teh Awesum and would like be totally pure, and that it’s worth living in a refrigerator box to see just how far the Masters of the Economy can outpace the rest of us and stand astride the world, because again, Teh Awesum.
Just out of curiosity Dave, can you name anyone who you don’t consider to be a Socialist?
“Just out of curiosity Dave, can you name anyone who you don’t consider to be a Socialist?”
Ronald Reagan.
Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, etc., I can name plenty of people.
Milton Friedman. Hayek.
Hitler didn’t nationalize, but he was a Socialist.
Not according to Hitler. “National Socialist” has the word “socialist” in it, leading many a mindless wingnut to assume that it’s a ‘degree’ of socialism.
Heh. Stoopid.
What Hitler, et al., actually said about rejecting socialization and embracing the free market is alien to an ignorant wingnut.
So is just about everything else.
A progressive tax system is not socialism. Fail.
You can view national healthcare as 1) having socialist tendencies or 2) the government stepping in where the free market is inadequate (see also: the building and maintenance of interstates, the public school system). You cannot view it as strictly socialism. Fail.
Obama does not equal ACORN, and vice versa. Save your boogeymen for someone who cares.
A progressive tax system is not socialism. Fail.
A progressive tax system is not socialism. Fail.
The government stepping in where the free market is inadequate (see also: the building and maintenance of interstates, the public school system) is not socialism. Fail.
I now implore you to do the following:
1) Read a book.
2) Explain to yourself that under your rules, Ike was a socialist.
“National Socialist German Worker’s Party” wasn’t Socialist?
Mussolini was a Socialist, too, Fascism is just a kind of Socialism (National Socialism) whereas Communism is International Socialism.
Two peas in a pod.
In the troll mind, poop jokes = “foam at the mouth and rant”
If someone is this incapable of comprehending discourse, it’s no surprise he can’t fathom the meaning of political theories.
FAIL. Time to disemvowel him.
Then again, lots of people think Hitler was a vegetarian. Just as wrong.
Hitler didn’t nationalize, but he was a Socialist
And there’s the key to understanding whingnutz, in so far as they are understandable. It doesn’t matter what someone is or what they do, only the label matters.
Clue: Hitler was not a socialist. Ever.
“A progressive tax system is not socialism. Fail.”
Really? Karl Marx endorsed it as part of the Communist Party program. He favored an inhertiance tax, public schools, and government regulation of corporations.
Aaaaaaaand he whips out the Jonah. Yay.
Dave, was Reagan a socialist?
“National Socialist German Worker’s Party” wasn’t Socialist?
That’s correct. Welcome to the real world. We’ll see if you can handle it.
Fascism is just a kind of Socialism (National Socialism) whereas Communism is International Socialism.
Probably not.
“Clue: Hitler was not a socialist. Ever.”
He hated department stores (the Wal-Marts of their day), endorsed gun control, forced abortions, massive “stimulus” spending, and favored animal rights and environmentalism.
Heh, sounds like a Democrat.
Dave sure does sound like a new voice around here. Not like all those other boring trolls who were the same idiot.
Karl Marx endorsed it as part of the Communist Party program. He favored an inhertiance tax, public schools, and government regulation of corporations.
Wow. Looks like a lot of the founding fathers were communists.
American FAIL.
The troll must be from Mumbai. It doesn’t know anything about this country.
As well as reading, using the bathroom, getting up in the morning, and eating, all of which must define socialism. Also, in Daveland, communism is socialism. Nazism is socialism, Obama is a socialist, ding dong diddily doddily poop.
Here are Karl Marx’s 10 conditions for Communism.
We have quite a lot of them endorsed by the Democrat Party.
10 Conditions For Transition To Communism
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.[6]
He hated department stores (the Wal-Marts of their day) …
Looks like dumbass saw a movie, or something.
Boring. Disemvowel him.
Troll swings for the FAIL HOMER
and hits one out of the park!
That is one of the funniest bits of troll FAIL I’ve seen in a long time.
Every single one of those planks has been or is close to being implimented in this country.
His policies are Socialism, end of story.
Because SHUT UP, that’s why.
Dave, you’d probably be surprised to learn that we’ve heard all this crap before from other trolls who were – surprisingly – smarter than you. And it’s stil FAIL.
We have quite a lot of them endorsed by the Democrat Party.
Uh, maybe #10, along with most Republicans.
1- Not supported by Democrats.
2- Supported by many, many politicians around the world, many of which aren’t even close to socialist. Including Ike, who you haven’t even touched.
3- Not supported by Democrats.
4- N/A.
5- Not supported by Democrats. Supported by some of the Founding Fathers, though.
6- Not supported by Democrats.
7- Not supported by Democrats, unless you think environmental protection applies here, which it doesn’t.
8- Not supported by Democrats.
9- N/A.
10- Supported by, oh, 90-95% of Americans.
Let’s go through one by one:
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. (“Land reform”)
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Already implemented)
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. (The death tax)
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Not implemented)
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (Federal Reserve Bank, implemented)
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. (FCC, “Fairness Doctrine”, Department of Transportation)
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (Department of Agricultural, “public works”
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (Obama’s “volunteer” service)
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the population over the country. (Urban planners, HUD)
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.[6] (Teacher’s Unions)
Dave, as a strict not-socialist, is fine with children’s factory labor in its 19th century form.
Why don’t you run with that? Tell Mittens to make that a platform for ’12.
Because SHUT UP, that’s why.
Apparently, conservative was the best he could do. Never made it any further.
Hey, fuckwit, answer the question: were Reagan, Ford, Nixon, and Ike socialists?
Heh, most children would probably learn more in a factory than they would in a Teacher-Union run school where they’re taught Socialist, Multi-Cultural clap trap boilerplate.
Additionally, it should be noted that Glenn Reynolds, who you originally defended, works for a public institution. So.
Ronald Wilson Reagan.
B-film Actor. Then president of the labour union representing actors.
Nixon and Ford were RINOs.
Reagan was moving this country away from Socialism, but his gains have largely been reversed by Clinton, Dubya, and especially Obama.
You mean like the University of Tennessee?
I think the funniest thing about these trolls is that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the New Deal, and Keynesian economic theories, saved capitalism from its own excesses. Now, after thirty years of dismantling the New Deal, and removing the regulations that were enacted to “bridle” financial institutions, capitalism is tanking because of its own excesses.
Let’s go through one by one:
Yeah, and you still blew it.
Randomly tacking on government programs isn’t the same thing as having a point, never mind that you’ve borrowed everything you’ve said from somewhere else, because you’re too stupid to come up with your own ideas.
This is why we already know what you’re going to say: we got it from the source (and laughed). Strictly speaking, no one needs you. You’re just an echo.
I support the privatization of all Universities.
We’re close to that, as it is. Today the vast majority of their funding is from private sources. They should cut the cord of the nanny state and live or die in the marketplace.
FDR prolonged the Great Depression, period.
Why does Glenn Reynolds work for a public school, then?
Wlcm t th futr, btch.
Doop-de-doo…just waitin’ for Dave to explain why we should trade in the mixed capitalist/socialist economic structure we have – a structure that has produced greater economic benefits than any other in world history – for something that doesn’t work as well.
There you have it, LIEbruls: GOPers taxing at a rate HIGHER than as poposed by Obama =/= not socialism.
Hey, Dave, at what point between 35% and 38% does taxation cease to be “socialism”? Maybe Obama will choose that non-socialism rate to make you happy.
I think the funniest thing about these trolls is that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that the New Deal, and Keynesian economic theories, saved capitalism from its own excesses
He also doesn’t get Reagan’s use of the most socialist part of the American economy, the military, to launder debt into an economic bubble … which then burst.
“Hey, Dave, at what point between 35% and 38% does taxation cease to be “socialism”? Maybe Obama will choose that non-socialism rate to make you happy.”
The only non-socialist policy would be the abolition of the income tax.
I support the privatization of all Universities.
Said with all the conviction of one who couldn’t even get into his local community college.
Because he hates America? Why would you suggest America is imperfect, Dave?
FDR prolonged the Great Depression, period.
I’m glad you finally got your period, but if you’re too dumb to read a GDP growth chart from that period, you have nothing to say.
Or a low, flat, non-“progressive” tax.
As for economies where capitalism worked, look at Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, and the Baltics please.
Now I’d like Jennifer to tell me how well the Socialists of the USSR did in their grand non-capitalist experiment,
The only non-socialist policy would be the abolition of the income tax.
Still no clue what “socialism” means.
Certainly weak enough in the head to be a conservative.
“Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.”
Hitler or Michelle Malkin?
Still waiting on an answer on the Reynolds question.
Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, and the Baltics please.
One thing that all of these titans of pure capitalism have in common: socialistic public health care systems.
By the way, I was joking about the “new voice” bit.
When Hitler spoke of “liberalism” he meant European Classical Liberalism, i.e. small government, free markets, etc.
Not the FDR Socialist “liberalism”.
Know your history and quite reading your Teacher’s Unions written textbooks.
Now I’d like Jennifer to tell me how well the Socialists of the USSR did in their grand non-capitalist experiment,
The … what of the USSR?
The Communists of the USSR modeled their economic development on American-style company-town-capitalism, where the corporation owned all the housing, the stores, ran the official unions, and of course the factories. The communists figured that since American industrialists had abandoned capitalism, why should they try it?
Any surviving communists are probably laughing at Republican-style corporate socialism, which has also failed.
“The only non-socialist policy would be the abolition of the income tax.”
Gotcha. Then Reagan WAS a socialist, right?
Used by professors in Glenn Reynolds’ law school.
Additionally, Singapore is semi-authoritarian, so…
Heh, at least there the parasites can’t vote themselves largess from the public treasury (which always leads to the downfall of democracies by national bankruptcy, which will be the end result of Obama’s policies).
Not the FDR Socialist “liberalism”.
Actually, that pejorative use of the word “liberalism” dates from the work of Arthur J. Finkelstein, a Republican campaign manager who used it to describe the left generally beginning in the late 70’s (before he ran off to marry his gay lover). It has no basis in poli sci or economic history, and would not have been recognized at all in the mid-20th century.
So, you’re still mouthing the propaganda of a self-hating gay Republican, you’re just too stupid to know it.
Thank God our long national nightmare is over!
Dave, Reagan was, in fact a socialist right? As is Reynolds for working at a public university, right?
Now I’d like Jennifer to tell me how well the Socialists of the USSR did in their grand non-capitalist experiment,
“non-capitalist” does not = “socialist”, doof. FWIW, the USSR was never a “communist” state; it was a totalitarian dictatorship and a kleptocracy.
But stop avoiding the issue: history has shown that mixed capitalist/socialist economic systems produce more wealth than any other type. The only question is what’s the proper mix of capitalism to socialism. All rational people understand this, which is apparently why you do not and come around advocating a Dickensian economic system, which while it will produce the greater disparity of wealth you so desire, will perform more poorly for everyone involved, including your Titans of the Economy. So your argument is, we have to do it that way because it’s more “pure” or some such bullshit, even though the results suck ass for everyone involved.
Nobel material, to be sure.
Do you have a fear of secretive and powerful centralized governments? You can solve all your problems with a dose of Reagan Knob Gobbling!
Iran-Contra? Invocations of Executive Privilege to deny your diaries to the courts is anti-socialist.
And more reassuring is the use of CIA and COINTEL resources for harrassing political activists. Totally anti-socialism.
Remember, no one stands for liberty more than the man who brought you The War On Drugs.
And when Hitler condemned Universal Education he was obviously talking about.. ?
Let’s see, it’s got wings, webbed feet, feathers and a duckbill.
It waddles, much like a duck.
It goes quack quack, as does a duck.
Heh, why won’t Dave address the questions concerning me? Indeed.
which will be the end result of Obama’s policies
The man’s lack of any grasp of the past inspires no confidence in his ability to predict the future.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:
from bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to complacency;
from complacency to apathy;
from apathy to dependency;
from dependency back again to bondage.”
“In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.”
– Edward Gibbon
Dave, since the 16th amendment provides for the application of the federal income tax, isn’t the constitution de facto socialist? Hey, Dave, do you know who got the 16th amendment passed?
I like to play with my turds before I eat them.
Anyway, I’m out of here. Later, Socialists.
Heh, now the troll is thumbing through his right-wing e-forwards. Indeed.
Run away, Dave!!!
It’s really fun to have a turd in each hand and go choo choo choo and smash them into each other.
Anyway, I’m out of here
‘sokay. We’ll kick your lame ass around some more later.
It’s getting easier all the time.
Ding dong dilly, loony libs! You got skillschooled by Dominant Dave! Suck on that SPREAD, silly socialists! Urban out.
“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.”
– famous socialist A. Hitler
Those quotes were fabricated. How about sourcing them next time?
Dave, come back! We all think you are very interesting and have remarkably insightful things to say. Don’t run away!
“Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction….all character training and religion must be derived from faith.”
A. Pastor Swank
B. Michelle Malkin
C. Adolph Hitler
D. Pat Robertson
I’ll come back if you subscribe to my newsletter.
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianty’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world the relations between men and gods were founded on instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence would have developed in the direction of world domination and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilization at a single stroke. Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that was in the natural order of things.
Heh, most children would probably learn more in a factory than they would in a Teacher-Union run school where they’re taught Socialist, Multi-Cultural clap trap boilerplate.
Shouldn’t every child have the joy of learning what it’s like to get one’s hand caught in a machine, or the pleasure of learning what a repetitive stress/strain injury is?
Enough with the troll feeding, you know who may be even better than Erol Otus? Dave Trampier– he was the 20th Century’s answer to Albrecht Dürer or Gustave Doré.
Dave’s not here, man.
I’ll take door number 2!
Dave, what was the political makeup of the Congress that got the 16th amendment passed?
The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society.
Goddamn, this troll is boring.
Didn’t the world see, carried on right into the Middle Ages, the same old system of martyrs, tortures, faggots? Of old, it was in the name of Christianity. To-day, it’s in the name of Bolshevism. Yesterday, the instigator was Saul: the instigator to-day, Mardochai. Saul has changed into St. Paul, and Mardochai into Karl Marx. By exterminating this pest, we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea.
Aww, maybe if we all weren’t such a left-wing echo chamber we would have been open-minded enough to tolerate Dave’s thoughtful, insightful, and (most of all) original arguments without collectively foaming at the mouth..
No wait! Door number 3! Yes, I want what’s behind door number 3! Give it to me give it to me give it to me I want it it’s MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE
Those quotes were fabricated. How about sourcing them next time?
Yeah, really! Take my “secret conversations of Hitler” that I wrote eight years after Hitler’s death! Great stuff!
Aww, maybe if we all weren’t such a left-wing echo chamber we would have been open-minded enough to tolerate Dave’s thoughtful, insightful, and (most of all) original arguments without collectively foaming at the mouth..
Those of us who own vinyl records are familiar with DaveTroll’s message…”Obama’s a socialist *pop* Obama’s a socialist *pop* Obama’s a socailist…” Give the tonearm a bump, willya?
Damn, this started out as a good thread, what with PENIS and POOP galore, and then for some reason everyone decided it was a good idea to argue with “Dave.”
It is never a good idea to argue with someone named “dave.” Trust me on this one.
we would have been open-minded enough to tolerate Dave’s thoughtful, insightful, and (most of all) original arguments
Did I mention I have a bridge to sell? I bought it from space aliens.
I LOVE Obama’s policies!
My bad.
“Secular schools can never be tolerated..” April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of 1933.
“Those who want to live, let them fight..” from Mein Kampf, chapter “On Nation and Race”
““Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.”
quoted by Hermann Rauschning in “Hitler Speaks”
No, really! I have to keep saying that I love Obama’s policies! Or they’ll hurt me again!
Help me, mommy! Mistress Coulter is mean to me when you’re not looking ….
I like them, too. Maybe Obama can make himself President for Life just like me. He already has a Cult of Personality I’m REALLY jealous of!
I’m so funnay.
Let’s see if we can figure out this “Dave” troll:
1) Never served in the military but was of course the most rah-rah, flag-waving, pro-war doofus prior to our invading Iraq.
2) Fat. (This is a given with ultra-right, Reagan-fellating wingnuts; I think deep in the boiling cauldron of hate that is the heart of a rightie, there lies a tubby little paste-eating fat kid who hated the “cool” people because he couldn’t be one).
3) Hates all of the following: African Americans, gays, women, Hispanics, unions, ACLU, New Deal, Great Society, etc. In other words, he hates anyone who is not a fat, hate-mongering, right-wing asshole like him.
4) Never gets laid. Ever. Ever. Did I mention he hates women? Who of course reject him with a haughty laugh? Even if he were gay he’d not score with men either.
5) Is broke, works at a shitty, underpaid job, and does not hail from the wealthy or meritocratic elite. If he has any college it was at a state school and with generous state aid.
Anyone wanna lay down bets 1-5 are not 100% accurate?
“2) Fat. ”
Yeah! Conservatives are fat asses! You tell ’em!
And ugly, conservatives are ugly unlike us sexy libs.
Hmm. I believe Jesus told the Jews to pay their taxes to the Romans. So was Jesus a socialist? Or was their taxation by Rome not socialist because the Jews didn’t benefit from those taxes. Of course I believe the poor in Rome received handouts from the government, to keep them from getting so hungry they’d riot. So in the long run, those taxes probably went to bread and circuses for the Roman populace, banquets and whores for the rulers and the military adventures of the Roman army.
Personally I think Jesus was all about going along to get along as far as government went, as long as government let you practice your religion. After all, his disciple Paul was fine with slavery, as long as everyone was nice to each other, and fulfilled their duties. Jesus and Paul thought their followers should be focused on getting ready for the end of the world and life in heaven. So the early Christians were ok with taxation but not with being forced to worship Roman gods. Jesus and Paul didn’t think their followers should be all hot and bothered about things like capital gains tax or estate taxes. Jesus did say that it was harder for a wealthy person to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. And no, camels and needles were not a different size back than.
It’s interesting that most Americans are much wealthier in comforts and possessions than just about everybody back around 30 CE. But it doesn’t seem to bother those Americans who are call themselves Christians.
New thread, plz !
And ugly, [sic] conservatives are ugly [sic] unlike us sexy libs.
Heh. Rachel Maddow knows how to use proper punctuation.
… unlike stoooopid wingnuts.
The real question is:
Which one of these clown is Ryan Southan?
Nice try, Ryan, but until you lick Rush’s sack you get nothing and like it.
HOLY SHIT! Michael Moore is fat?! This changes EVERYTHING! Because that was totally the most egregious of Trolly McTroll’s projected characteristics.
Michael Moore, fat… Jesus… my world is crumbling.
Or was their taxation by Rome not socialist because the Jews didn’t benefit from those taxes.
Aside from aquaducts, sanitation, roads, irrigation, medicine, education, and the wine? Public baths, and it’s safe to walk in the streets at night, Reg.
At the top of my blog I say:
The thing is, something bit me in the ass once and I didn’t know what it was. Do you folks have any idea what it might have been?
Leave poor Leiber out of it. You’re right about Southan’s blog, though.
Isn’t that a great idea? Haw haw haw What a smartass am I!
FDR prolonged the Great Depression, period.
Seven out of eight years before WWII under FDR saw a growth in GNP.
Better check your math, son.
The fun never stops at GayPutzRiot:
Why Do Liberals Hate Ann Althouse?
Scalia Urges Patience with Barney Frank’s Heterophobia
Random Enviro Wacko Thought of the Day
Better check your math, son.
but.. but.. he said PERIOD!!!!! You can’t say anything after that!!! Waaaaah!!!
Not much of a thing to be effective at.
the Michael Moore is Fat arguement, or when the going gets tough the tough pretend it is 2002
I miss 2002 a lot.
Massive government spending did NOT end the Great Depression. It was World War 2!
FFS, people. This idiot troll is advocating for an America that has never existed and will never exist, doesn’t know shit about shit, doesn’t understand that actions trump labels, and can’t even adequately define the labels to begin with.
And yet still you go round and round with him.
The only thing I’ve learned from this thread is that teacher’s unions are the new talking point.
Which, yeah, run with that, GOP. Start talking about fat cat teachers and how they should be paid less, and see where that gets you.
Giant Swinging Blue Penis in the Watchmen
all right. Who fed the troll?
Jesus Christ g, YOU DID.
Well, I just put out a bowl of pistachios. then they served up a happy-hour banquet.
Seven out of eight years before WWII under FDR saw a growth in GNP.
You know, I gave him a map to that fact hours ago. And here he is either not knowing it still or playing dumb still.
Wasn’t it at Duke that they found conservatives are MORE likely to believe something if they know it’s not true?
Explains a lot.
Speaking of cognitive dissonance, sometimes when I’m really really bored I look for bizarre shit at craigslist m4m casual encounters, Sometimes I run across the strangest things. Like this:
Wasn’t it at Duke that they found conservatives are MORE likely to believe something if they know it’s not true?
I’m convinced there’s a parallel universe impinging on ours, and that these infestations of right wing thinking are from there.
In that universe, everyone has a unicorn, the poor are richer than the rich, white men were slaves in the South, and FDR annexed the Sudetenland.
Thinking more about that, I wonder if that’s why FReepers have a problem with the Fairness Doctrine?
You know, because then it means people might be exposed to…GASP! HORRORS!…facts!
Oh, C’mon, PeeJ. Just admit to being a freak and get on with your life. =)
Life? What is this thing life?
Just because big buff dudes like to pump their fleshlights together does not make them gay in any way, shape, or form.
It is similar to weight lifting. You always have to have a spotter.
Safety First!
Now now, JPF, we were all told back in high school hygiene that a circle jerk was just natural and healthy exploring, and not about being gay or not.
That lesson stuck so far in some people’s heads that Republican Congressmen still do that regularly and swear they just, you know, haev a wide stance.
Cogent commentary on the financial crisis:
At this point, President Obama appears to be content with just chewing bubble gum.
pumping a fleshlight
Is that what you kids call it these days?
”Obama’s a socialist *pop* Obama’s a socialist *pop* Obama’s a socailist…” Give the tonearm a bump, willya?
Garry Trudeau used to use the sound-effect “bip” for that skipping noise, which I thought was perfect. In any case, your illustration is perfect – and points out yet another way in which life for These Kids Today is impoverished. Plus, never shall they know the joy of playing LPs at 78 rpm.
I have more ideas than I’ll ever use: ideas for movies, books, inventions, utopias, businesses and a lot more. Most of what I post here is up for grabs, but only if you email me and get permission first. And if you have ideas that you’re squandering, send them to me. I’ll post them for the world to take… if the world has any use for them.
That reminds me of the movie “Night Shift,” where Michael Keaton’s character says, “I’m an idea man Chuck, I get ideas, sometimes I get so many ideas that I can’t even fight them off!”
Rhys Southan = guy played by Michael Keaton in “Night Shift.” Take it to the bank.
m, gys?
ws bnnd frm ths st. cn’t vn s t frm hm. ‘m t f twn fr nw s th P dsn’t rgstr gnst thr blcklst.
t’s fnny tht y s m vrywhr, bt th hsts (f thy hv ny blls t ll) wll dmt thy blcklstd m.
nd jst wntd t sy tht y hd t bn m; ddn’t rn wy.
Gdby, hypcrts.
Have a nice life Authenticals.
[/pee wee herman voice]
Snc ‘m hr fr th tm bng…
<blckqt>Wsn’t t t Dk tht thy fnd cnsrvtvs r MR lkly t blv smthng f thy knw t’s nt tr?
Rght. Tht xplns th lbrl fclty sgnng sttmnt frmng thr wn stdnts fr flny rp bfr th fcts wr knwn.
Bt thn gn, y r lbrls – f sm wht bys spnd thr lvs n jl n th nm f pltcl crrctnss, tht’s K Wth Y.
Another great movie idea from young Mr. Southan’s blog, it just needs a small tweak or two:
Short film: Obama‘s immediate predecessor is visited by
threethousands of ghosts who show himhis life and the lives of his loved oneshow they would not have died in WTC, the Pentagon, and Iraq had he been incarcerated for drug use.And, just like every other day, one anecdote based on a faulty premise disproves an entire scientific study.
Why don’t the trolls come in here and type “I’M A COMPLETE IDIOT” and then leave? It would sure save them a lot of time.
Why don’t the trolls come in here and type “I’M A COMPLETE IDIOT” and then leave? It would sure save them a lot of time.
That’s longer than “I like pie!”
And I just wanted to say that you had to ban me
Wow. You finally admit responsibility, just before you disappear forever.
[I know, but it’s just a teeny little bit of chum for the chump and besides, his parents are make him leave the hotel room soon and that will be the blessed end of that. ]
And I just wanted to say that you had to ban me; I didn’t run away.
Bravely bold Sir Troofie
Rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die,
Oh brave Sir Troofie.
He was not at all afraid
To be killed in nasty ways.
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Troofie.
He was not in the least bit scared
To be mashed into a pulp.
Or to have his eyes gouged out,
And his elbows broken.
To have his kneecaps split
And his body burned away,
And his limbs all hacked and mangled
Brave Sir Troofie.
His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his bowls unplugged
And his nostrils raped
And his bottom burnt off
As he trolled the SadlyNaughts…
But then again, you are liberals – if some white boys spend their lives in jail in the name of political correctness, that’s OK With You.
Oh, you mean like the hundreds of black men and women arrested on trumped up charges in Texas? Ever hear of Tulia?
Right. That explains the …
No, it doesn’t.
The usual conservative fail.
You mean all it takes to be banned from Sadly, No! is to spend over six months spamming every thread you see with persistent, repetitive, off-topic screeds, harrassing the regulars, changing your name to avoid spam filters, and ignoring any and all substantive responses in the service of a racist, pig-headed agenda?
Why, that could be any one of us!
Why is it that Troofie makes more sense after he’s been disemvoweled?
never shall they know the joy of playing LPs at 78 rpm.
Alvin and the Chipmunks!
Why, that could be any one of us!
Well, I’m not going to believe he’s gone just yet. He’s been a persistent, resourceful little shit.
…even so, I’m going to celebrate a bit. Can we dig him a little grave for me to dance on?
The audio controls in Quicktime and other free programs let you adjust pitch and playback time.
The audio controls in Quicktime and other free programs let you adjust pitch and playback time.
I’m glad to hear that – but It’s Just Not The Same™.
Analog “warmth” &c.
… a self-hating gay Republican…
Yeah, like there are other kinds of Republicans…
I used to jam a piece of cardboard in between the turntable and the chassis and you’d get a mildly variable low speed drag as the drive struggled onward…
I will miss you, Actor212, although I’m a little disappointed that your final email to me was on topic. The classic actor212 (caution: no genuine acting experience inside) message triumphiantly and truculently completely misses the point.
Although as usual you still couldn’t answer me: why does framing innocent white boys make up for alleged racism elsewhere?
Poor liberals. You’ll be more comfortable without me, that’s for sure, but know that you lost and had to ban me. I’m not surprised the hosts haven’t admitted it.
My brothers used to give carousel rides to their toys on my turntable.
There was also the rubber band between tonearm and its stand that’d give you a variable skip…
Rachel Maddow…ugly? I know the troll is stupid, but damn, that’s a whole new level.
She’s totally on my list of crushes-on-lesbians, which includes the likes of Sarah Bettens, and Tegan and Sara Quin.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
Careful with that axe, Eugene.
I recommend dfx Scrubby.
The Authentic has been dealt with again. You have to wonder why the first thing he did when he logged onto his hotel’s WiFi was run over here to see if he could see the site and comment.
You have to wonder why the first thing he did when he logged onto his hotel’s WiFi was run over here to see if he could see the site and comment.
Because he’s a troll, and that’s what trolls do.
He was out of quarters and couldn’t make the bed vibrate.
I wonder if Obama will have to use his teleprompter to avoid uh… know..uhhhhhh duh….
It was also fun to play records at 33 1/3 speed. I used to tell my little brother that the guy on the record was melting and that’s why his voice got so low and slow.
g, also with the carousel rides! Then we’d turn the speed up high and the little soldiers and stuff would go flying off.
Plus, never shall they know the joy of playing LPs at 78 rpm.
I have a Carpenters 45 (“Goodbye to Love”) which, if played at 33.333333, makes Karen C. sound like a cross between Andy Williams/Perry Como.
Because he secretly loves us, but was never taught — and never learned — how to properly express affection. He never learned how to show interest in the opposite sex beyond pulling a girl’s ponytail when he was seven. Or snapping bra-straps on young teenage women. Or saying stupid, cruel, degrading things to females to hide the hurt and confusion.
Because he can envision no other role for himself but that of the socially-awkward, “why don’t people like me?” child who has to act out to even be noticed.
Because people probably shy away from him in real life, and, not knowing how to make friends, but not able to bear the feeling of being separated from his fellow man by this insurmountable chasm of lonliness, gets us to react to him — in any way, even a negative way — to validate his existence. So we can’t pretend he isn’t there.
But, sometimes, at night, after a bad day . . . he secretly wonders if he really is there. And then he realizes just how little difference in the world there would be either way.
She’s totally on my list of crushes-on-lesbians, which includes the likes of Sarah Bettens, and Tegan and Sara Quin.
Amanda Fucking Palmer
Turbine…you make me want to weep for that poor wretched soul.
As long as he STFU.
EABOD, Troofy. See ya!
Heeree iis hoow iit wiill goo doown neext weeek. Fiirst, thee reesuults froom Viirgiiniia aand Noorth Caarooliinaa wiill coome iin, aand theey’ll bee deeclaareed foor McCaaiin. Yoouu’ll bee diisaappooiinteed, buut “noo biig deeaal, chaangee caan’t coomee ooveerniight” wiill bee yoouur coommeent. Flooriidaa wiill goo reed, aand aa liittlee neervoouusneess wiill creeep iin. Thee uusuuaal suuspeects wiill faall iintoo thee uusuuaal caateegooriiees. Aas thee niight draags oon, Oohiioo, Coolooraadoo, aand (muuch too yoouur hoorroor) Peennsylvaaniiaa wiill bee tooo cloosee too caall.
Myy aadviicee aat thiis pooiint too yoouu wiill bee too goo too beed. Yoouu wiill waakee uup too aa McCaaiin preesiideencyy aand thee Greeaat Liibeeraal Freeaakoouut wiill bee oon.
Boookmaark thiis, liibeeraals, aas thiis iis eexaactly hoow iit iis gooiing too goo doown. Yoouu wiill bee woondeer hoow thee heell I waas aablee too caall thiis.
Hoperope isop hopowop itop wopiloplop gopo dopowopnop nopexoptop wopeekop. Fopiropsoptop, tophope ropesopuloptopsop fopropomop Vopiropgopinopia anopdop Noporoptophop Coparopolopinopa wopiloplop copomope inop, anopdop tophopeyop’loplop bope dopecoploparopedop foporop MopcopCopainop. Yopou’loplop bope dopisopapoppopoinoptopedop, boputop “nopo bopigop dopealop, cophopanopgope copanop’top copomope ovoperopnopigophoptop” wopiloplop bope yopourop copomopmopenoptop. Foploporopidopa wopiloplop gopo ropedop, anopdop a lopitoptoplope noperopvopousopnopesopsop wopiloplop copropeepop inop. Tophope usopualop sopusoppopecoptopsop wopiloplop fopaloplop inoptopo tophope usopualop copatopegoporopiesop. Asop tophope nopigophoptop dopropagopsop onop, Ohopio, Copoloporopadopo, anopdop (mopucophop topo yopourop hoporoproporop) Popenopnopsopyoplopvopanopia wopiloplop bope topoo coploposope topo copaloplop.
Mopyop adopvopicope atop tophopisop popoinoptop topo yopou wopiloplop bope topo gopo topo bopedop. Yopou wopiloplop wopakope upop topo a MopcopCopainop popropesopidopenopcopyop anopdop tophope Gopropeatop Lopiboperopalop Fopropeakopoutop wopiloplop bope onop.
Bopookopmoparopkop tophopisop, lopiboperopalopsop, asop tophopisop isop exopacoptoplopyop hopowop itop isop gopoinopgop topo gopo dopowopnop. Yopou wopiloplop bope woponopdoperop hopowop tophope hopeloplop I wopasop aboplope topo copaloplop tophopisop.
Heeree iis hoow iit wiill goo doown neext weeek. Fiirst, thee reesuults froom Viirgiiniia aand Noorth Caarooliinaa wiill coome iin, aand theey’ll bee deeclaareed foor McCaaiin. Yoouu’ll bee diisaappooiinteed, buut “noo biig deeaal, chaangee caan’t coomee ooveerniight” wiill bee yoouur coommeent. Flooriidaa wiill goo reed, aand aa liittlee neervoouusneess wiill creeep iin. Thee uusuuaal suuspeects wiill faall iintoo thee uusuuaal caateegooriiees. Aas thee niight draags oon, Oohiioo, Coolooraadoo, aand (muuch too yoouur hoorroor) Peennsylvaaniiaa wiill bee tooo cloosee too caall.
Bela Lugosi lives!!!!
Bela Lugosi lives!!!!
I beg to differ.
FYWP! I finally post a YouTube link and you eat my fracking post.
Is it WP-trouble keeping the number of posts so low in the last little while? Or is it that it just seems low, the way you’d feel really small after you’d had a tumor removed – several months or years after it should have been removed, and it had grown to weigh 600 pounds?
Oh, hey… so I reading about this Rhys Southan guy.
It seems he and a female friend (girlfriend?) stole some scripts from Sony studios, re-wrote them in parts, and made a documentary film of the caper. The friend got busted and prosecuted, Southan skipped town.
If you all haven’t seen this, these graphic illustrations of the economic meltdown are most excellent. Be sure to scroll down and watch the animated one, “Crisis of Credit” by Jonathon Jarvis.
Jeez, it oughta just be renamed “Sadly, TrollChow”….
Sara Rimensnyder and her friend Rhys Southan
Wow. Are these made-up names? Too many “S” es and “y”s
And what a classy guy.
Stunningly Awful?
Stunningly Awful?
He hands you a Cyrano’s Nose of Suckitude, and all you can deliver is “stunningly awful”?
Anyway, the “diabetes laffs” post captures this plasmodium’s psychopathic lack of empathy for anyone whose concerns lie outside his narrow little experience.
Perhaps his encore will be gangrene jokes.
I ate his sammich.
And then I drank his motherfucking milkshake.
On his front lawn.
Without trousers…
Uhh…umm…gee….you know….HOPE CHANGE….uh…yeah.
There is no honor among libertarians.
More ‘great ideas’ from the stunningly awful blog:
Or else she actually is raped and no one believes her.
It’s when they go from silly ‘ideas’ which show their callous attitudes to insulting, obvious wish-fulfillment of their psychotic urges, that teh funny goes away…
Rhys Southan.
Ross Douthat.
A subtle pattern begins to emerge.
Uhh…umm…gee….you know….HOPE CHANGE….uh…yeah.
Is this supposed to describe some alternate reality? Because I’m not seeing any of that in the reality I’m living in right now.
OK, the Fairness Doctrine. The RWers claim that..
a) the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and
b) that the Fairness Doctrine would force conservative voices off the air in order to make room for liberals.
ummmmm, anybody else see the contradiction here???
Take that, Ed Henry you ass!
“OK, the Fairness Doctrine. The RWers claim that..
a) the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and
b) that the Fairness Doctrine would force conservative voices off the air in order to make room for liberals.
ummmmm, anybody else see the contradiction here???
No contradiction.
Just because we believe the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal doesn’t mean we support government coercion and violation of the1st Amendment to make it balanced.
Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE! Uh…um…yeah.I inherited it! It’s Bushes fault. HOPE ‘N CHANGE!
That’s all the right has. Pathetic.
Yep, it’s living in an alternate reality.
Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.Obama is great! High popularity! What Tea Parties? He inherited it.
Also, POOP!
All I can do is close my eyes and imagine John McCain up there answering questions, and I weep quietly to myself. If I believed in a god, I would say a prayer of thankfulness.
It’s an amazing oddity, actually. Probably Psychology scholars should study it. It’s gotta be a new phenomenon in mental illness.
One of the most well-spoken, articulate, and truly gifted speakers in decade is finally in the President’s office, after eight years of the absolutely undisputed worst speaker, and the idiots who worshiped the guy with marbles in his mouth decide their best shot is to say that the new guy can’t talk so good.
Also, POOP!
Hey, you with the ban-stick – I think you missed a spot, there.
Maybe it’s just that they’re stupid. The hallmark of Rovian tactics was to take your opponent’s strength and turn it into a weakness.
These fools are trying to double down on it, but they’re too stupid to figure out how it’s supposed to work. Clue-stick, idiots. Your message is supposed to be ground in plausability.
Next thing they’re going to try is to call Obama fat.
g, it’s because we made fun of Boosh, so now they have to make fun of Obama FOR EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS!1!1! whether he does them or not.
All I can do is close my eyes and imagine John McCain up there answering questions, and I weep quietly to myself. If I believed in a god, I would say a prayer of thankfulness.
Bush would look you straight in the eye and give you a straight answer from his gut and meant it.
Obama, OTOH, (when he isn’t reading from a teleprompter) mumbles, stutters, says some boilerplate, then tap dances around a question like Sammy Davis, Jr.
g, it’s because we made fun of Boosh, so now they have to make fun of Obama FOR EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS!1!1!
I think it’s because they’re trying to magical-think the world into one where Boosh never existed, and the stupidity he had is kind of leaking out around the edges. Like if you tried to pack a wheelbarrow full of shit into a coffee can, it’d ooze all over when you went to smash on the lid.
Obama is more like a celebrity than a real Commander-in-Chief.
Bush would look you straight in the eye and give you a straight answer from his gut and meant it.
But only if you got past the pre-screening for EVERY SINGLE EVENT HE EVER DID. It’s pretty easy to answer questions if you get to write them yourself. Then again, considering how Boosh fared, perhaps it’s actually ‘hard work’.
Also, PENIS.
Yep, it really doesn’t matter what he says or how he says it, the Alternate Reality talking points are fully in place and will be spouted ad infinitum. Spin away, assholes.
This little soft ball presser doesn’t change the fact that many in his own party are already jumping of the Obama $3.6 Trillion Budget ship.
Most of the time, Obama was vague and didn’t really connect with the people, dodging straight questions. Long-winded, professorial answers to simple, direct questions. Not what people like in a President.
Barack Obama is fat! Sooooooo fat! Morbidly obese! Fat-fat-fat-fatty-fat! How can you trust a man with so little self-control he’d allow hmself to resemble a weather balloon on a cheesecake binge?
I mean, he’s chubsy-wubsy fat. Really. And he’s also fat.
Now George W. Bush was so fit, you could bounce a quarter off his butt. Not fat like fatty-fat Obama.
WordPress sucks the farts out of dead bears.
“…soft ball presser”
…you try it sometime – you’d be (truly) inarticulate, with or without your foot in your mouth, in a flash.
Barack Obama is fat! Sooooooo fat! Morbidly obese! Fat-fat-fat-fatty-fat! How can you trust a man with so little self-control he’d allow hmself to resemble a weather balloon on a cheesecake binge?
I mean, he’s chubsy-wubsy fat. Really. And he’s also fat.
Now George W. Bush was so fit, you could bounce a quarter off his butt. Not fat like fatty-fat Obama.
Man, that guy is fat.
What is the whole “A is A” thing? Another one of those Objectivist drooler things that means “everything I believe is self-evidently true, so I don’t have to bathe”?
Again, I’d like the liberals on here to explain how Obama deals with a lot of Democrat Senators (the moderates) already opposing his budget? Hmmmmm?
I’d like a pony.
As for, “A is A”:
Obama was vague and didn’t really connect with the people
Which is why he lost that election. Oh, wait.
Rather, let me say, blart is blart.
He bought the election with the help of a lap dog MSM.
…aah, *that* A is A[3]
Again, I’d like the liberals on here to explain how Obama deals with the dead light bulb in my mother’s basement? Hmmmmm?
A lap dog would go very nicely with my pony.
Doyyyyyyyyy! Mlayyyyyyyyyven!
No one gives a flying fuck.
I go days without seeing my penis.
As Rand wrote, “I need some young cock. But if he in turn takes up with some young pussy, I’ll bury him.”
A is not A.
I fucked a goat once.
Seriously. Why can’t trolls have the quieter kind of mental disorders? Like the ones where you sleep a lot and shun human contact? I guess they wouldn’t be trolls, then. But people should realize that when they feed a troll this clinical, they’re getting caught up in a really yucky passion play where you will always be Pilate and they will always be Jesus, and they will always, always be right.
Please, leave the mentally ill alone. You’re not going to make them better here.
And it would be the wrong answer.
Fuck. YES. I would go straight for her. (Although, I don’t think she’s a full-time lesbian, based on what she’s said. Net effect of this on her awesomeness? Nil.)
Well, just keep your goat away from my pony! (Or my lap dog will make sure that you regret your impertinence.)
Holy shit. That’s the much vaunted Randian pure logic?
If Existence is Identity, shouldn’t it be A is ‘Be’? Also, fantastic that the entire definition is as vague and loose as possible, while at the same time maximizing pretentiousness.
“an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes” -I can’t imagine a phrase meaning any less.
I like big butts. Can’t lie, honestly.
in Canada, eh is eh
“Atlas Shrugged” changed my life.
In my youth I dropped a copy on my instep, and I’ve walked with a pronounced limp ever since.
Still avoiding the 800 pound gorilla in the room–Senate Democrats running away from Obama’s budget.
…are you sure that that’s pronounced “limp”?
Lap dogs are convenient for blaming when the pants get a little wet.
I think I’m clever, but actually, fart.
My pony is still avoiding your goat. The gorilla will be dealt with by my lap dog.
Atlas Shrugged changed my life. Turns out the book was easier to fuck than a girl, so.
In my youth I sipped from a jar of Ayn Rand’s vaginal secretions and I’ve spoken with a pronounced lisp ever since.
“an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes” -I can’t imagine a phrase meaning any less.
Indeedy, since entities have attributes and are not made of them.
I’ve spoken with a pronounced lisp ever since.
…pronounced “lismp”
Shiver me timbers. Avast and swab the mizzenmast ye scurvy scallywags.
“Existence exists” is about as deep as a monolayer.
lesson learned: playing with myself after eating cheetos makes my wee wee orange.
Fart is fart.
Blart is blart.
ergo, AL GORE IS FAT!!!!
So… I haven’t actually read any Ayn Rand books. Is it specifically said in them that Objectivists shouldn’t bathe, or do they simply choose not to?
Note the use of “simply choose”, favorite phrase of condescending dickweeds.
fart is fart
blart is blart
ergo AL GORE IS FAT!!!
Creed rules. Heartland.
Still avoiding the 800 pound gorilla in the room. The least you could do is say hello to my mother.
oh, it is an agonizingly difficult choice, fraught with …. that with which these choices are typically fraught.
Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!Penis. POOP! You live in your moms basement. Virgin. Disemvowel him! We win!
This book is sold by weight, not vollume. Contents may have settled in shipping.
Long-winded, professorial answers to simple, direct questions. Not what people like in a President.
Yeah. The people want sound bites. They want to hear about the President’s “resolve,” that he’s going to stay the course no matter how wrong it is. They want to hear nicely packaged and firmly stated lies, like “We don’t torture.” Best of all they want to hear a president who’s so self-deluded he actually believes his own lies!
Your message is supposed to be ground in plausability.
Sorry, not laughing at you. Just at the concept of the wingnuttery being at all in touch with reality.
Long-winded, professorial answers to simple, direct questions. Not what people like in a President.
Simple, direct answers from the gut, eh – like “Existence exists, ergo rich people deserve more money.”
“Malfunctioning Sadly No Commenter Robot” has more substance than actual troll.
Obama is more like a celebrity than a real Commander-in-Chief
A : A :: Obama : “real Commander-in-Chief”
As Rand wrote, “A leaf cannot be all red and green at the same time..”
Oh, Ayn, we could never pull the wool over your eyes! Now watch you don’t get too much glue on those, or the pages will stick together.
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Long-winded, professorial answers to simple, direct questions. Not what people like in a President.
Yes, Bush is what people liked. This would explain his stunningly good poll numbers, for example. Or the fact that he barely won either election. Or the fact that there were entire calendars – the kind with 365 different quotes – devoted to his slip ups.
Remember when George W. Bush choked on a pretzel? LIttle known fact: he required my assistance to remember which gagging sounds to make.
As Rand wrote, “A leaf cannot be all red and green at the same time..”
Ergo, rich people deserve more money.
Still not seeing why she’s so profound.
Your message is supposed to be ground
And brewed in a french press.
Ahhhhh. That first sip of message in the morning is GOOD!
Obama is more like a celebrity than a real Commander-in-Chief
The President is Commander in Chief of the active duty military and the National Guard if federally activated. That’s it. He’s not Commander in Chief of the whole fucking country.
You guys say it like it meant “Supreme Leader” which I find more than a bit creepy.
Wait, I think I understand now…
Existence exists, and thus it follows that coalescence coalesces and sunsistence subsists and therefore tumescence tumesces. And while this is alreasy and epiphanicic epiphany that is epiphanizing, the Law of Identity – that Existence is Identity, whoah – like Keanu Reeves I now know
Kung-FuObjectivism.See, logically it follows that Identity must exit. And also Identity idents – therefore tumescence must follow from in my pants. It’s so obvious to me now… PENIS is PENIS.
Remember when George W. Bush choked on a pretzel?
LIttleWell known fact: herequired my assistance to remember which gagging sounds to makewas actually falling-down drunk.fzd
Just think what it would be like if A is A-hole were disemvoweled.
(puts a styrofoam “e” under his pillow for the Disemvoweling Fairy)
We’re really, REALLY obsessed with masturbation.
We’re really, REALLY obsessed with masturbation.
Which is why it’s so handy the proprietors refuse to ban wanker trolls.
another lesson learned: the cat doesn’t like it when you touch him in his bad touch place….
Still avoiding the 800 pound gorilla in the room–Senate Democrats running away from Obama’s budget.
Ahhhh, to be stupid and ignorant as the right-tards are – a world where Party Discipline and monolithic obeyance to the talking points are the pinnacles of Democracy.
You may think of it as a horrible existence, but they do say that ignorance is Bliss.
…the Axiom of Existence
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Chad… be very afraid.
You may think of it as a horrible existence, but they do say that ignorance is Bliss.
Not if the angerbots who post here and on the rightie blogs are any indication.
Remember when George W. Bush choked on a pretzel? Well known fact: he was actually falling-down drunk.
Hey now, never attribute to booze that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Another insight! I now know why Galt-ers are such whiny ass titty babies (aside from than the fact that only the whiny ass-est of titty babies could have even a shred of sympathy for John Fairy Princess Galt).
Objectivists object.
Rand’s abuse of the tautology really is hypnotizing. She strings her reader along through a series of “Yeah…no shit” moments before introducing her Static Electricity Engine and the Passion of John Galt. (Little known fact: In People’s Republic of America inventions patent you!)
In a lot of ways, her style resembles that of a mature Dostoevsky, But without a sense of irony, it doesn’t work.
Bush would look you straight in the eye and give you a
straightexhaustingly focus-grouped, carefully scripted answer fromhis gutKarl Rove or Dick Cheney and looked like he meant it.I dropped my fleshlight.
Bush would look you straight in the eye and give you a
straightexhaustingly focus-grouped, carefully scripted answer fromhis gutKarl Rove or Dick Cheney and looked like hemeant(almost) understood it.Bush would look you straight in the eye and give you an exhaustingly focus-grouped, carefully scripted answer from Karl Rove or Dick Cheney and looked like he meant it.
Yeah, but it sure fooled all those yayhoos who thought that pig ranch was for real – you know, the one he sold off even before Obama took office, once its usefulness for manly fakey photo-ops was exhausted?
I dropped my fleshlight.
you win the intertrons
Bush vs. Obama deficits in pics:
But remember, he “inherited” it! Lol.
Of course, any good left over during the Clinton years was due to Bush I and Reagan. But, the current economic crisis? 100% caused by the guy who’s been in office around 50 days. Uh huh.
I don’t even like Obama much, but this kind of willful stupidity is what pisses me off.
I dropped my my sheep.
What do I win?
Bush was eloquent as preznit, too.
I dropped my my sheep.
What do I win?
Anti-stammer meds.
I dropped my my sheep.
What do I win?
…you win a a fleshlight! Use it wisely, my son.
What is the whole “A is A” thing?
Tautology – the last refuge of pinheads.
The greatest orator in the White House since JFK is a bumbling doofus without his Teleprompter to guide him … just as the same Hitler who gassed socialists by the truckload is now magically a socialist himself … just as ANY sponsorship or organization of a liberal event automatically makes it “Astroturf” but NO amount of outside control, pre-planning or sponsorship can EVAR delegitimize the righteous wrath of a conservative rally … ladies & germs, welcome to Teh Wingnut Kingdom: a place where dreams CAN come true – if you’re enough of a sick fuck.
…dreams CAN come true – if you’re enough of a sick fuck
…but…but…but…I’m young at heart!
I’m awfully surprised that w/ all the talk of TelePromptering, no one seems to have brought up this.
Without sheep, wool itself would be unpossible.
And without wool, underpants would be comfortable.
Let’s hear it for poly esther!
Tautology – the last refuge of pinheads.
…so, A is A means that the world is what it is, therefore it is what I say it is, la la la I can’t heeeeaaarrr you? It explains much.
And yet it still fails to explain the need for the adherents of Objectivism to smell like armpit bacteria and hideous intestinal gas.
…the need for the adherents of Objectivism to smell like armpit bacteria and hideous intestinal gas
Perhaps you’re confusing cause and effect here.
(my underpants are polystyrene)
My underpants have tiger stripes. On the outside.
Let’s hear it for Polly Styrene!
My underpants are color coded.
Yellow in front.
Brown in back.
Ahh hell. Where does red go?
I have an idea for this kid — eat teh sammich.
Also: “A Is A” is the title of Part 3 of Atlas Shrugged. The other two parts also have their names borrowed from fundamental Aristotelian concepts. Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow is split into four parts and is, therefore, superior in every way.
So, I’m poking through the g-list wingnut sites (even added a coupla new ones to my blogroll) when I come across this little doozy from one of my favorites:
Uhm….that’s not quite right, sweetie.
But, c’mon, seriously – Treasury, Commerce…who cares? It’s still all about money and shit, right?
Meanwhile, the usual half-wits have been too busy with such
run-on sentencesinsightful comments as “This is what happens when you have hippies from the 60’s, who become economic advisors, and druggies form the 70’s, both who never learned how good morals and ethics in a society and the importance of the economic wheels creat a profitable opportunity for people and businesses to grow, running your country.” tonoticecall attention to such a basic factual error.I think Sparkie’s lil’ buddy, Dewey, said it best: Smartest thing he’s EVER did was to turn that job down.
Are these people trying to be stupid, or are they just genetically programmed to be that way?
MMMMmmm. I just love the way you hold me when you flip me over and play me, liberals!
Did his post even mention race?
Probably not.
But play me again libs. OHHH yeah, play me some more!
OT Funtime: Feeling nostalgic for the Grade-A neocon comedy lollercoaster that was THE HALF-HOUR NEWS HOUR? Then see how much of this primo boffo you can stomach without reaching for the barf-bag … go on, just TRY to beat my record of 92 seconds – & for even more jocularity, note that four more Canadian soldiers just got killed fighting in Afghanistan.
In the wake of the inevitable shitstorm, the host has already apologized, which means it doesn’t really count, LOL!
fucking bigot
…hey, look over there!!!
“Remember when George W. Bush choked on a pretzel? LIttle Well known fact: he required my assistance to remember which gagging sounds to make was actually falling-down drunk.”
Yeah, but he still needed the TelePrompTer. (Why does no one spell it correctly?)
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
The other, of course, involves orcs.
Red in the back. It’s your hemmorrhoid speaking.
i had to skip the last quarter of the comments or so (trolls aggravate my allergies these days) but WOW. that is one of the most abysmal blogs i’ve ever seen. but! there is hope for emerging self-awareness:
To imagine the prototypical Randroid/libertarian society all you have to
do is think of a thirteen-year-old spoiled brat stamping her feet and
screaming “You’re not the boss of me!” for all eternity.
One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
The other, of course,
involves orcsis set on Gor.My underpants have tiger stripes. On the outside.
Where else would they be?
I would just like to say that Edward Gibbon never expressed any thought so straightforwardly in his life. Seriously. Read Decline and Fall and you’ll see what I mean.
will miss you, Actor212, although I’m a little disappointed that your final email to me was on topic. The classic actor212 (caution: no genuine acting experience inside) message triumphiantly and truculently completely misses the point.
You want to know my resume, Troofie?
Call my agent and offer me paid work, son. I said that from day one and maintain it to this day. You want my mask off, take your own off first.
As for the rest of your post…
“What is the whole “A is A” thing?”
It’s from general semantics; a reminder that the map is not the territory. A is A, not your mental representation of A. I don’t know what it has to do with Randian bullshit.
All underpants are comfortable if you wear them on your head.
Do these stripes make my head look fat?
My underpants have secret stripes on the inside.
LIKE TRAKC MARKS@###!!!!!#$???
That is how you t-roll, chundertwazzes.
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