Ho-Hum, Sight Of Trivial Personalities Decomposing In The Yadda-Yadda1

Shorter Michael Wolff of Vanity Fair:

Above: Vanity Nair™

Barack Obama Is a Terrible Bore

  • Barack Obama lacks substance, for he is failing at his task of amusing me.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

1 Cf.

Bonus Shorter Mark Steyn:

Re: I guess it’s official

  • Even A-list liberals like Michael Wolff are beginning to wake up to the recession caused by Commissar Hussein Obama.

Bonus Roughly Proportionate Glenn “At-By” Reynolds:

Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 6:59 pm

  • Even leading liberals criticize Obama with outrage like the gigantic grassroots Tea Parties missed by the MSM, who properly asked Obama “Are you punch drunk?” while Mark Steyn with the Michael Wolff shows that we conservatives were right all along because of the first link again, plus a right-wing blogger made the exact same joke that another right-wing blogger made over a month later. Because here is a link to a buffoon yelling nonsense at the TV. Still more confirmation comes via the buffoon’s comments, as a far-right royalist who believes in predestination and practices polygamy discovers in the Obama/60 Minutes transcript an infelicity of speech that had previously gone unnoticed, making Obama now be caught making another gaffe yet again.

Comments: 176

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Even leading liberals criticize Obama with outrage like the gigantic grassroots Tea Parties missed by the MSM, who properly asked Obama “Are you punch drunk?” while Mark Steyn with the Michael Wolff shows that we conservatives were right all along because of the first link again, plus a right-wing blogger made the exact same joke that another right-wing blogger made over a month earlier. Because here is a link to a buffoon yelling nonsense at the TV. Still more is found via the buffoon’s comments, as a far-right royalist who believes in predestination and practices polygamy discovers in the Obama/60 Minutes transcript an infelicity of speech that had previously gone unnoticed, making Obama now be caught making another gaffe yet again.

Or: Heh.


I wish I could create an alternate universe to live in with my brains, like they do. Mine would have a lot more hot naked Asian guys, plus ponies! Ponies for ALL!


Actual quote: “But now, at week 11, we’re face-to-face with the reality, the man can’t talk worth a damn.”

He managed to write that whole column – which is nothing but more telepromter! bullshit – without using the word teleprompter even once.


I do enjoy how the recession failed to start until Obama got into power. Who would have thought that the disaster of late summer / early autumn 2008 was his fault. I mean, banks did not look at sub prime returns during the naughties because interest rates were kept artifically low, diminshing returns on ‘prime’ mortgages. They looked at them because of Obama!

I hear Obama started World War One. Prove me wrong…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, President Obama is boring.

You know what’s not boring? Being in a truck with no brakes, being driven by a drunk, downhill in busy traffic, with a whole cargo of nitroglycerin.

Or, put succinctly, this.


Yup, it’s official. We elected a teleprompter (TOTUS).


POLITICO: NYT hits Obama. “The leading liberal voices of the New York Times editorial pages all criticized—and, in some cases, clobbered—President Obama on Sunday for his handling of the economy and national security. . . . The sentiment, coming just two months after the president was sworn in, reflects elite opinion in the Washington-New York corridor that Obama is increasingly overwhelmed, and not fully appreciative of the building tsunami of populist outrage.” Well, he could start here. That won’t help the “overwhelmed” part, though.

UPDATE: CBS to Obama: “Are you punch-drunk?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Ouch: “At this stage in 1977, even Jimmy Carter wasn’t Jimmy Carter. But, 30 days in, the horror of what they’d wrought began to dawn on Brooks, Buckley and the Obamacons. And, after a mere 60, the A-list libs are starting to figure it out, too.”

MORE: Charlie Foxtrot: I told you so.

Plus, Obama sounding like Dick Cheney?

STILL MORE: “Thoughtful Thinkers Think.”

Shorter Glenn Reynolds: Hey, I found some people who agree with me. This is news.


So Obama laughs while talking about the economy and you breezily dismiss it by using redirection.

Yep. Because there’s something inherently gallowshumorous-y about people losing their livelyhoods. Nuance, baby.

Well I guess snorting and snickering during a serious discussion about the worst economy since the Great Depression is no more inappropriate that saying “Bring it on” to terrorists, because, after all, you gave Bush a pass on that faux pas.

Oh, wait…

Well I’m not cutting your guy any slack, lefties. Everything you accused Bush of being Obama actually IS, and you all are going to get a full dose of your own medicine. Any honest observer can tell that the guy is in waaaaayyyy over his head.

“Heckuva job, Timmy”? Not his exact words but still accurate. He supports Geithner unconditionally, apparently. Even you own Brad Reed is unimpressed with the Obama/Geithner economic “plan” (I think they’re really just winging it. YMMV.).

So belly up to the bar boys and girls; you ordered your poison and now you’re gonna drink it. Tastes great, less filling!


I read the Wolff “piece” and I’m left with ‘my, what a frakking dipshit, and that goes for 87% of the commentors, too’ as my takeaway.

I watched the 60 minutes bit last night and said to ‘regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his policies, isn’t it nice to have an adult in the WH after 8 years?’

I’m so tired of having to share a planet with all these maroons.


Shorter wingnuts:

Obama should stop being so grave about the economy! Obama should be more grave about the economy!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Stupid troll is stupid.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s Teh Great At-By!

I still don’t get the Carter bashing. Jimmy teh peanut farmer could not “connect”?
Carter 70:27
Reagan 70:27

Obama 72:19


I know this is way the fuck off-topic, but if anybody out there knows this Jesse Watters creep, would they kindly pulverize his kneecaps with a lead pipe for me?

I’d love for him to meet up with somebody his own size.


I have to admit, I really reallly really do not understand this whingnutz teleprompter meme. These are the same people who, during the campaign, complained loudly (and with zero eloquence) and constantly that “all he’s good at is giving speeches.”

Now, I understand that whingers are by definition incapable of experiencing cognitive dissonance but how the fucking fuck did that ridiculous teleprompter meme get started?

I picture them gouging their cranial orifices with serrated sporknives while saying “I am NOT gouging my eyes out!” The more I think about it, the more I like that image.


“Because here is a link to a buffoon yelling nonsense at the TV.”

Nuff said! And does the TV address the issues? I think not! Q.E. fucking D., libs!


Hey Justme,

Thanks for http://driftglass.blogspot.com/2009/03/invasion-of-wall-street.html

Pretty much genius considering that one of our nation’s most shameful anniversaries has just past. Those bastards.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Deinstitutionalized, Ms Terkel should have employed the Mackris Gambit.


I’d love for him to meet up with somebody his own size.

that’s not part of the plan….

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

These are the same people who, during the campaign, complained loudly (and with zero eloquence) and constantly that “all he’s good at is giving speeches.”

Yup, and called Dumbya “Churchillian” in his eloquence.


Every time I see or hear Michael Wolff I am drawn to the unavoidable conclusion that he fucks dead people.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Every time I see or hear Michael Wolff I am drawn to the unavoidable conclusion that he fucks dead people.

I can see the movie title, The Sixty-Ninth Sense.


Does Glenn Reynolds ever actually say anything or is he just an elitist, academic one man version of Memeorandum?


I hear ya NY but the pic up there looks to me like a horribly deformed PENIS. It’s disturbing because I like penises.


the pic up there looks to me like a horribly deformed PENIS
I’m sure that shirt collars are a kind of symbolic, compensatory foreskin.


OT but PammyCakes is now officially “off the hook”

“That criminal gang would not be running this country.
Foeshizzle. Do you expect the corrupt Congress to
take action on this?”


The Sixty-Ninth Sense

I cannot believe that Google says no one has done this movie title yet! Those slackers down in Van Nuys better get it together!


Mmmmm, I’d like to kiss those fulsome, meaty lips of his.


Dear wingnutosphere: The Swiss Alps called, and they want their echo back.



Ia that Foehammer’s offspring?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

cannot believe that Google says no one has done this movie title yet! Those slackers down in Van Nuys better get it together!

Make it so, Snowwy!


Re: Pammy Cakes

Let me be the first to say that that ACORN shit she’s pushing is nuttier than a squiral’s turd.



And it is surprising The Sixty-Ninth Sense hasn’t been done. One would think the folks that gave us Titty Slickers 2: The Search For the Gold Curlies and Shaving Ryan’s Privates would be all over that. So to speak.


The Michael Wolff necrophiliac martini: equal parts gin and formaldehyde.

Of course, the gin has to be Embalmbay Sapphire.




He looks like Telly Savalas. Also: Ewww.



Yes, he often likes to drink it out of the decedent’s asshole.


Oh. And also: Since when is the President of the United States supposed to be an entertainer? For crissake these bitchy media ego-bags are the bores at the party, not the goddam president of the whole fucking world for crissakes. I hope he falls face-first into a vat of cheese dip.


See, this whole “OMG, even the NYT hates Obama now!!” thing is really not surprising. Keep in mind that the right wing never ever criticizes its Dear Leaders, not notime, not nohow, no matter how moronically criminal or criminally moronic they act. So when they see somebody on the left (and they all think the NYT is somewhere to the left of Lenin) who is less than orgasmic over every move Obama makes, it’s like seeing a three-headed calf. They’re calling each other up and blogging and twittering and masturbating furiously over the obviously imminent collapse of the Obama Messianic Socialist Police State and Sewing Circle.


Two months is only enough time to ruin an economy, not save it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Barack Obama Is a Terrible Bore

Well, this is true. Obama is much too interesting to be an effective bore.


doopdeedoo, riffling through my Rolodex…

OK, there’s the producer. And there’s the sound guy. And there’s one, two, three models. Gonna need more models, fo sho. I’ll handle the camera work on this one personally, heh.


So now we’re calling Dr. Evil a liberal?


Well, I can see why Wolff is so critical. Obama isn’t nearly as scintillating and witty and George W. Bush.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The Michael Wolff necrophiliac martini: equal parts gin and formaldehyde.
Of course, the gin has to be Embalmbay Sapphire.

Nice! Reminds me of this:

Last call for alcohol. Last call for your freedom of speech. Drink up. Happy hour is now enforced by law. Don’t forget our house special, it’s called a Trickie Dickie Screwdriver. It’s got one part Jack Daniels, two parts purple Kool-Aid, and a jigger of formaldehyde from the jar with Hitler’s brain in it we got in the back storeroom. Happy trails to you. Happy trails to you



I think the title of this post should have been “Who loves ya Baby?”


Is that vaseline, or is his puffy lower lip also just naturally greasy?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think the title of this post should have been “Who loves ya Baby?”

I prefer the disco version.

Be forewarned, you cannot unclick this link…


B.B.B.B., there appears to be a wealth of Savalas Family videos at that link. Chris Savalas, George Savalas…

Isn’t one of the little furries on Sesame Street named Telly Monster?


Bookmark it, libs. The day even Obama’s own supporters started to turn argainst him. Even John Cole is saying that Team Obama is blowing its one and only shot at the economy. Personally, I love what the Republicans are doing–keep fighting against the policies even though we can’t really vote them down. Then we’re on record opposing this travesty when unemployment hits 15%. When that many people can’t pay their bills they’re going to be begging for us to come back in and demolish both Obama’s ravings and what’s left of the New Deal. It will be a harsh pill at first, but medicine doesn’t always taste good after all.


What about the highest number of foreclosures since WWII which occurred in 2007 (they’ve only gotten worse since).

Gosh, that has to be Obama’s fault! And the wars he started! Why are the troops at risk in Iraq?



Savalas Family videos at that link. Chris Savalas, George Savalas…

nsavalas (Nick) is the nephew of Telly & son of George (Stavros) brother of Telly. See also savalas.tv.

And a personal acquaintance of mine, which is not worth much, & may cost you “loaning” Nick the money for a beer.


May I?

When that many people can’t pay their bills they’re going to be begging for us to come back in and demolish capitalism both Obama’s ravings and what’s left of the New Dealownership class.

No problem. Anytime. Happy to help.




Thanks, Mr. Wolff, for illustrating why we wouldn’t miss 95% of the media if they all disappeared tomorrow. Just because something is shown on the TV doesn’t make it a TV show. I know you were excited that we had a president who played dress up — fighter pilot one week, ranchhand the next — but it was an illusion, Michael. Bush was a resident in the neighborhood of make-believe.

Real adults in a professional environment have adult conversations. I know it’s harder to follow along with these types of conversations after 8 years of a president who talked to us like we were infants. But please try to expand your attention span, you fucking toddler.


Froley @ :39– Using swear words doesn’t make you a big boy.




Calling a meaningless intensifier a “swear word” indicates you’re far from adulthood. Adults would say, well, nothing. And few people over ten use the expression “swear word.” Are you 12 yet?

Klan wanna-be loser.

Xecky Gilchrist


I have to agree. Keep it up, and Kerry doesn’t stand a chance in the election.

Concern trolling always makes me flash back to 2004, even when it’s fake.

Hoody-poo, servin’ up a spread of Badoodle-boo-yeah, &c.


Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 6:59 pm

“At by?” When’s that singularity getting here? ‘Cause Glenn is going to miswrite some code for his new robo-body, & his robot pee-pee isn’t going to work. Then Robot Dr. Helen (LIke Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, et al., never take seriously a doctor who uses his or her first name only.) will be off for a new humanoid vibrator.

Is this the kind of keen observation that the Perfesser uses grading students & writing his books?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Memo to Michael Wolff:

Boring is the new sexy.

Yeah, I’ve posted this before, but it is to awesome forever.


Bouffant–I typically ignore you, much the way everyone else here does. They do so out of a grim sense of politeness, I do so out of boredom. Now why don’t you go sell some plasma so you can buy a bottle of Thunderbird and go sit in the park drinking with the third cousins of stunt stand-ins for former C list television personalities and the hookers who love them.



Big Bad Bald Bastard

Irony cleanup in aisle 115!


John Cole’s Balloon Juice

Consistently wrong since 2002.


Uh oh, Power Line is depressed: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2009/03/023140.php (via Glenzilla’s twitter feed)

S, N! need not even cover this. The comedy speaks for itself.


Hey, I post alternative opinions here so I expect to take some heat. But seriously, how sad is it that Bouffant holds all the correct opinions, runs around humping legs and micturating upon all the furniture and the rugs, pecking and flailing away with his saddening semi-coherence and the people whose approval he seeks rarely bother to bend over and pat his head? You libs need to take better care of your useless and infirm–we like to stick ours out of the way over at PJTV and other such enterprises.


I am depressed because the president of the United States is a fool who will immiserate us, render us wards of the state and lose us our life and liberty to those who understand what they are about.



Boring, failing troll fails boringly.


we like to stick ours out of the way over at PJTV

So THAT’s why you come over here. PJTV is dumping their junk here.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You libs need to take better care of your useless and infirm–we like to stick ours out of the way over at PJTV and other such enterprises.

You didn’t even make the PJTV cut, these useless and infirm are your betters.


Oh please. With the exception of the blog’s writers/owners, actor212 and maybe another poster or two I can’t think of right now, I am by far the wittiest and most intelligent commenter here. Bookmark that libs.


Conservative fantasy:

Og, Bog, and Grog were out hunting mammoth one day somewhere in the mountains of Prehistoric Europe. Grog’s job was to select the most succulent, Grade A Prime Mammuthus primigenius available in the Mesolithic grocer’s aisle and herd it towards his spear-bearing buddies who were hidden in the brush. Grog made his choice and, using his trusty, flaming torch, chased the big woolly one brush-ward. Unfortunately, in the midst of all the excitement, Grog forgot the cardinal rule of torch-bearing hunters everywhere: always stay at least ten stone lengths away from the back end of a mammoth after it’s eaten a fir tree for lunch.


Shortly after, the house of Bog’s muddy thinking descendants did, in fact, join its clone in demolished repose at the base of the ravine. I wonder how long it took the family to finally accept reality and acknowledge their dwelling’s fate. I wonder how long it will take Bog’s descendants in America to acknowledge what they are doing to this country?



Big Bad Bald Bastard

I am by far the wittiest and most intelligent commenter here. Bookmark that libs.

Pale Paladin, this sentence is sure to haunt you as long as you tilt at Sadly’s windmills- bookmark that.


No, I’m the biggest loser on the beach.


Pale Paladin–I like that. Should’ve gone with Pallid Paladin, though. So elegant.


Paging tintin, Teh Disemvoweler! tintin! Please give Gavin the disemvoweler access code! Something both putrid AND smug is scurrying about, last seen in Aisle 1:33.

By the way, Gavin: I hope the Mrs. Dr. is feeling well these days. I thought of her the other thread when SOME Naughtlians were making rude remarks about breeders. Best wishes.


Make that Aisle 1:47. Just follow the slime trail.


I am by far the wittiest and most intelligent commenter here

Bwa to the ha ha.

Personally, I love what the Republicans are doing

Me too. Their whining, ineffectiveness, and complete lack of a point about anything are surely the road to their magnificent comeback.


I am by far the wittiest and most intelligent commenter here.

I am fondly remembering the Annieangel photoshop.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Make that Aisle 1:47. Just follow the slime trail

You mustn’t have watched the leopard slug video, MzNicky. If you had, you wouldn’t be disparaging slime trails.


OK, trolling is officially classic rock. I feel like it’s 1998, or like Aqualung just came on the radio.


Iaym: So I guess you feel like the Boy King laughing like a hyena about the economic crisis during the 60 Minutes interview is the right course of action. To each his and or her own, je suppose.


Goodness, I seem to have hit a nerve somewhere.

Carry on ignoring me.


Personally, I love what the Republicans are doing–keep fighting against the policies even though we can’t really vote them down.

And yet all opinion polls indicate that just you and the the rest of the 28%ers from the old regime seem to be the only ones that love what the Republicans are doing.

So, please – keep applauding.


B4: I love penii as much as the next person, but I draw the line at insects.

M. Bouffant darling: I for one never ignore you. Would that les trolls would ignore all of us. Oh wait, this one didn’t ignore you, did it?, having mentioned you by name and all.

Also: I suggest that “pecking and flailing away with his saddening semi-coherence and the people whose approval he seeks rarely bother to bend over and pat his head” is the very model of the modern trolletariat.



SomeNYGuy said,

March 23, 2009 at 23:09 (kill)


Yes, he often likes to drink it out of the decedent’s asshole.

Being ever the technician at heart, I have considered this, and I can only wonder. After death, the sphincter muscles would relax. Would this not cause the cocktail (sorry) to drain back into the decedent before it could be consumed? I am unsure, for my experience with the dead was limited to hunks and chunks.


white flight's night light

Mommy, I’m askeered of the niggers! Can’t I sleep in your bed for just a few more years?


More from Bubba’s find:

Og went on to father Homo sapiens (“knowing human”) while Bog went on to father an entire subspecies known as Homo sibi destruens (“man destroying himself”). Though they appear physically identical and share a majority of cognitive abilities, Homo sibi destruens (“HSD”) is decidedly different from Homo sapiens in one critical area: they are unable to absorb the lessons of history.

“Man destroying himself?” Sounds more like a climate change denier than an Obama voter.

And the obligatory “No really, it happened, I saw/heard it” anecdote:

Walking out of a Hollywood coffee house just after the so-called “Stimulus” was passed, I followed two prime HSD specimens down the street. As they entered their fully loaded Prius complete with scary, propagandic, Obama bumper sticker circa Leninist Russia, I overhead one, young rail-thin blonde talking with another. Instead of pondering how more than doubling our nation’s debt, nationalizing private industry and an unprecedented expansion of government will hobble their bright, shiny futures, I heard: “Let’s see, I had a non-fat, soy latte for breakfast, Acai Berry smoothie with a scoop of protein powder for lunch, hand full of unsalted almonds, which means, if I work reallyreally hard in Pilates…”

I’m not sure Ms. DiPippo has more than a one-track mind. She certainly doesn’t understand the concept.


The fact is, Obama is a socialist.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

B4: I love penii as much as the next person, but I draw the line at insects.

No love for mollusca? You’d be sorely vexed at PZ’s Party Palace. As far as insects go, there was a nasty little piece about bedbugs, posted by some bastard.


I should also like to call your attention to the Wikipedia entry for “The Dollyrots”, an excellent and, unlike Barack Hussein Obama, ENTERTAINING rock band outta Ell Aye. It says, if I may quote:

The Dollyrots were founded by Kelly Ogden and Luis Cabezas, who had known each other since the 8th Grade. Originally the group was created for fun while the two were attending New College of Florida. The onus to go professional was made due to the results of the 2000 US Presidential Election.[3] As Ogden recalls:

“We were watching the 2000 presidential election results, and at four o’clock in the morning, when we found out that George W. Bush had won, Luis and I were like, “The world’s probably gonna end anyway, and I don’t want to go to med school,” so we thought, “Let’s just do the band,” says Ogden. “So that’s when it happened. We had no future anyways, so let’s just be in a rock band!”[3]

How can you not be charmed and entranced.

Buy the CD. Download the album. Kiss the lead singer!



Troll is irony-impaired.


Also: I suggest that “pecking and flailing away with his saddening semi-coherence and the people whose approval he seeks rarely bother to bend over and pat his head” is the very model of the modern trolletariat.

MzNicky wraps it all up. My work here is done.


Mikey, what might be difficult (or physically impossible) for mere mortals like you or I is second nature to the mighty Corpse Fucker. After all, he can make the dead rise again! Well, parts of the dead…


Smut Clyde said,

I’m sure that shirt collars are a kind of symbolic, compensatory foreskin.

Oh come on! It’s not the shirts that make them complete pricks.


wht knght


Big Bad Bald Bastard

You know, M.Bouffant, if I weren’t ignoring you out of a grim sense of politeness (WTF does that even mean?), I would point out the irony of a Big Ho contributor identifying someone concerned about diet and exercise as a “man destroying himself” type.


Walking out of a Hollywood coffee house

So there’s a crazy person wandering around Hollywood seeing scarey messages in peoples’ bumperstickers, and taking umbrage that strangers aren’t reading her mind?


Oh, dear. I clicked over to That Girl’s Powerline link and saw the great big banner ad “ANN COULTER – FREE!” and assumed that meant they had purged the site of anything by or referring to the Trannysaurus Wrecks.

Sadly, no!


So there’s a crazy person wandering around Hollywood seeing scarey messages in peoples’ bumperstickers, and taking umbrage that strangers aren’t reading her mind?

Uh, two or three, at least. And I haven’t been there that much of late. (That being a reference to my socio-cultural observational abilities, not to my adding to the paranoid population in Hollywood.)


I done heard tell of the Dollyrots, but have never “heard” them. So I’ll be reserving my kisses.


Dollyrots from the head down. I know; I actually saw Straight Talk with her and James Woods.


I’m late to the party but Wolfie is right. Let’s get back the guy who talked about ob-gyns not getting enough love with their patients and putting food on families. Now he was articulate.


Oh, dear. I clicked over to That Girl’s Powerline link and saw the great big banner ad “ANN COULTER – FREE!” and assumed that meant they had purged the site of anything by or referring to the Trannysaurus Wrecks.

Sadly, no!

Sorry for the disappointment.

Unfortunately for MAnn, she can’t even give it away for free.

Doctor Missus Marita

By the way, Gavin: I hope the Mrs. Dr. is feeling well these days

MzNicky, I’m hanging in there ok. Missed the commentary on breeders, which is probably not a bad thing. Thanks for asking. 🙂

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“We were watching the 2000 presidential election results, and at four o’clock in the morning, when we found out that George W. Bush had won, Luis and I were like, “The world’s probably gonna end anyway, and I don’t want to go to med school,” so we thought, “Let’s just do the band,” says Ogden. “So that’s when it happened. We had no future anyways, so let’s just be in a rock band!”[3]

So, the Dollyrots resulted from Ogden and Cabezas “going Galt”… fun bubblegum pop, cute lead singer (kinda Lohanesque), on Joan Jett’s label.

What’s not to like?


I feel utterly powerless to do anything about the fellow in the Oval Office who combines infantile [political radicalism] and adolescent grandiosity in roughly equal measures. It seems to me that every day he is responsible for assaults on the freedom and well being of the American people. I can’t keep up and I can’t stand to pay attention.

Reading “Scut” Johnson(“He had yellow eyes. So help me God, yellow eyes!”) is like dropping acid and watching Disney movies, but less grounded in reality.


And you gotta be careful with my media recommendations.

I’m a HUGE “Babes in Toyland” fan…


Xecky Gilchrist

So, the Dollyrots resulted from Ogden and Cabezas “going Galt”…

Kind of the opposite, IMO – Going Galt is a pouty, punitive bit of withdrawal designed to punish Everybody Who Was Ever Mean To Me™.


I am depressed because the president of the United States is a fool who will immiserate us

I was immiserated once, and man, that stings like a bitch, let me tell you.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well then ca,
Pull yourself another drink and I’ll immiserate with ya.


I was immiserated once, and man, that stings like a bitch, let me tell you.

You can say that again. When they’re forcing the miso soup into your veins, it’s those little chunks of tofu that really hurt.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Incidentally, I turned up the real reason why the wingnuts are so allupons about the Teleprompting. Bushie’s hasn’t called ’em off yet.

Anyways, while we’re reliving oldies but goodies – I think this bit has already become a classic.

The Tragically Flip

Glenn Reynolds: He is the embodification of all the conservative “Sig Sigmas” : Sneering, Certitude, Wrongitudiness, Cowardice, Hypocrisy and Undue Success.


I am by far the wittiest and most intelligent commenter here.

The desperation of these clowns is really disquieting. They really are rooting for the continued degradation of the economy. I mean, cheerleading for the crushing of middle class standard of living. If the economy levels out at the end of this year, they will shit bleeding organs. Hey everybody, buy some stock! Buy low now!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Let’s try that again…
Bushe hasn’t called ’em off yet.


I wish I could create an alternate universe to live in without many brains, like they do.


Mine would have a lot more hot naked Asian guys, plus ponies! Ponies for ALL!

Um, I think they’ve got you beat on those scores, too. No offense intended, just sayin’.


Homo sibi destruens (“man destroying himself”).
Not to get pedantic, but ‘sibi’ is the dative case (as any fule kno). Write out “Homo se-destruens” 100 times.


Dr. Mrs. Marita darling: The first three (and perhaps half, or even four) months are the worst for nausea. Hang in there; if you’re still feeling queasy, it WILL abate. Just keep telling yourself that morning (ha! afternoon, evening) sickness is a good sign that the l’il sucker is establishing her/his territory but good. Once you feel the kick it’ll be real and so awesome beyond anything you can imagine. My best dreams are still the ones in which I’m pregnant and feeling kicks. It’s a metaphor I know, but still.

My daughter, who is rapidly approaching age 30, unfortunately miscarried right before Thanksgiving, and she and her husband are, ahem, giving it their all to get where you are now. Best to you both. THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD IS DEPENDING ON IT!!111!!!!!1!!!!


I wonder how long it will take Bog’s descendants in America to acknowledge what they are doing to this country?
Since the subject is Mammuthus primigenius, Wikipedia reckons that “A combination of climate change and hunting by humans is the most likely explanation for their extinction”, so my money is on another 35,000 years.


Bonus Roughly Proportionate Glenn “At-By” Reynolds:

The “Rue-By-At” of O-Glenn Khay-Rolds.


Dragon-King Wangchuck darling: Thank you thank you for that clip. I’ve saved and will use it often, especially on my local “news” website as a response to the fucking retarded (yeah, I said it!) TOTUS fucktards’ comments.


Oh, isn’t that sweet. Newtie found him a poll that says independents like generic Republicans better than generic Democrats.

Republican pollster Glen Bolger, who worked on the survey for Public Opinion Strategies, says that this is the first time since 2004 that he has seen independents favoring Republicans on the generic ballot test. Although he concedes that poll participants agreed — by margins of 6 to 11 points — with Democrats more than Republicans on each of the issues tested, he contends that the generic question’s results are “evidence that voters, particularly independents, are worried that they overcorrected in the 2006/2008 elections combined, and now have more of a liberal slant to government than they want. They want change but with checks and balances.”

Well, if a Republican pollster thinks so, he must be right, right?


mikey darling! Really? “Babes in Toyland”? Annette Funicello, Ray Bolger, Tommy Sands? OMG, how many times did I have to watch that wretched video with my kids! Oh wait — the InternetsTubes inform me there’s a rock band of some sort that has claimed that name. Perhaps that’s what you are referencing. In which case, nevermind.

Xecky Gilchrist

he contends that the generic question’s results are “evidence that voters, particularly independents, are worried that they overcorrected…

Wait – he’s saying that even though the liberal ideas are winning, people are realio trulio supporting the conservatives?


Wait – he’s saying that even though the liberal ideas are winning, people are realio trulio supporting the conservatives?

I believe that it’s central to his point.

Knights in White Satin

I never thought of describing the commenters at S,N! as “Grimly Polite”. It just never crossed my mind, tho I don’t know why. I sounds like a phrase from a bad Regency Romance, like “With grim politeness Lord ColdStone asked Lady Lacey to dance, knowing she would stumble around like a seasick horse, and probably trip him.”

But now I see how truly, madly, grimly polite you all are… especially Mikey, tho Bouffant comes in a close second. Gary, however, never seems to be really paying attention. One imagines he has cartoons playing on his TV while he writes his latest “missives from morons”. WiKni is giving his remarks complete attention, you gotta, to be as intelligent and witty as he. Or him.


Indeed, MzN.

One suspects you’d be a Kat Bjelland fan, whether you liked the music or not.

She’s beautiful, tough, aggressive and not just a little angry.

My dream girl…



There was a “Babes in Toyland” with Laurel and Hardy that I remember from childhood. Does that date me or what?

Xecky Gilchrist

Does that date me or what?

Not necessarily. Did you see it new in the theater?


Does that date me or what?

AV squad in elementary school: I showed that movie a dozen times in one week when I was ten. The neurons killed aren’t coming back.


Nah, Teevee, back in the ’60s. I’m old, but I’m not I’m not that old.

Xecky Gilchrist

Nah, Teevee, back in the ’60s. I’m old, but I’m not I’m not that old.

Heh. I saw it as a kid, too – on 16mm in elementary school, early 70s.


You had TV in the 60s?



Heh. I saw it as a kid, too – on 16mm in elementary school, early 70s.

My audience?! NYC public?


mikey: Being a geezerette, I had to Google “Kat Bjelland.” The delightful Wikipedia mentions such apparently rock-group related entites as Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Jack Off Jill, 7 Year Bitch, and Fluffy, none of which I have ever heard, either. Which, given my advanced age and attendant disregard for nearly anything post-Beatles (with certain exceptions) is unsurprising. However, I can still recite from memory all the lyrics to “Tom and Mary” and “Never Mind, Bo-Peep,” no matter how hard I try to not do.

Xecky Gilchrist

My audience?! NYC public?

Sadly, no – Ogden, Utah. But it was a kindred spirit of yours, no doubt.

Xecky Gilchrist

(i.e., that showed me and my classmates the movie).


But it was a kindred spirit of yours, no doubt.

Wads of toilet paper stuck to the boys’ room ceiling? Hall monitors – wingnuts in training – kissing up to the authorities and lying about hall passes? Teachers preparing students for the working life by giving, as prizes for good penmanship, samples of good penmanship that would have been useful to have before the homework was due?


I wrote too soon.

Xecky Gilchrist

I wrote too soon.

As may be, but all those things existed at my school, too.


As may be, but all those things existed at my school, too.

My heart swells with patriotic pride.


Honestly, you libs, if my mummy could get a hold of you, she would force you to drink the medicine I have to take every night, you know, the stuff to keep me calm. Well after the incident at the grocery store back in 2006, I have not been allowed to leave the house unsupervised, but that Border Collie was asking for it, I tell you. So bookmark this, libs, mummy is always right, and I’m not a naughty boy.


If white knight’s “mummy” is an actual mummy, I’m pretty sure Michael Wolff would like to have her phone number.


Love the tagline for that website – “read less – know more” … so I’m assuming this guy reads 24/7. Yeah, Obama is so dull he might not even declare war on anybody … or leave the next POTUS a huge smorgasbord of fuck-ups like the edge-of-your-seat, oh-sweet-Jesus-what’s-he-going-to-ruin-next Bush did.

Just doesn’t know what to say? Can’t connect? I suppose that explains why his approval rating actually went UP after he took office, despite inheriting a tanking economy. Oh, & the obligatory bash on Jimmy “I Fostered A Lasting Peace Between Egypt & Israel & All I Got Was This Lousy Book-Tour” Carter says everything you need to know about this waste of protein … helpful hint: if you want any of us to take you seriously, try not opening your opinion-piece with “sheesh” unless you want to create the impression that you typed it out on a Commodore-64 & drive a K-Car … stop pretending you know how to write & get a real fucking job, skinhead.

Walt Disney's frozen corpse

Say what you will about Wolff’s writing style; he’s still a heckuva great kisser.

Xecky Gilchrist

Not sure I really really want to know, but what’s with all the necrophilia jokes about this yayhoo?


I’m a HUGE “Babes in Toyland” fan…
“Toys in Babeland” also appeals.


Bush didn’t get that complaint because he belongs at the table. He was admired for his ability to relate to the staff. Obama has to “sing for his supper” because he is the flavor of the month who was invited to entertain the other guests. He is the poet or explorer or film actor that keeps lots of boring old rich people from having to talk to other boring old rich people.

I love that someone who compares running the country to planning for an Edwardian dinner party starts off by urging Barack Obama to “be a man.”


7 Year Bitch

Good band.


Trolls don’t love me anymore?


The Dow: Ur doin’ it wrong!


The Dow rallied in response to the improved prospects for Sarah Palin/Joe teh Plumber in 2012.


Gotta love that first comment:

“He will do till either you get elected president or someone else who meets your high standards comes along.”

That’ll leave a mark!


I just don’t get why nationalizing the banks is less problematic than “buying up overpriced stocks”. Why isn’t it the same effing thing? BTW, comma outside of quotes because: fragment.

The late Natasha Richardson

Xecky, while there is no actual proof that Michael Wolff is a necrophliac, it would be irresponsible not to speculate. Just look at him, for God’s sake. Also note the aroma of embalming fluid on his breath.

So please, please, please don’t divulge the exact location of my gravesite to him.


Why isn’t it the same effing thing?

Because (a) the current plan is for the government to “take the toxic assets off the banks’ books,” i.e. private profit, public risk; (b) it leaves in charge the same greedy clowns who got us here — why argue over their bonuses, when we could just FIRE THEM? — (c) once we own the banks, we can do the full & public accounting these clowns have resisted thus far. As Atrios has explained, part of the problem so far is that none of the banksters (I prefer “bakstas”) has to admit insolvency.

Sorry if that came off a bit rough. The needless suffering these clowns caused argues for pitchforks and tar, not arguing over bonuses.


Also, “bankstas.” Bedtime for me!


In case I wasn’t clear, I do get that shareholders get cleaned out in a nationalization, but I was wondering…who even banks on that?


I think that bonuses are bonuses, but that isn’t the point, now is it?
Who has ever thought of stock options or bonuses without considering the underlying company, amirite?


It’s really nothing but a political calculation about what’s possible and what’s not.

The Fed is legally empowered to make “loans”. If you are the executive and you need funds to nationalize, you have to appropriate them.

Thru congress.

So if you can make the case that the banks are illiquid rather than insolvent, that is, that these “legacy assets” are actually undervalued due to the economy being in the bucket rather than worthless in an absolute sense, you can present this as the best solution.

Plus, of course, if you give people enough free money and they buy the crap from the banks, the banks can (theoretically) get private capital and become financially healthy again. If you offer people free money and they STILL don’t buy the crap from the banks, you’ll know the banks are actually and officially insolvent and you’ll have to take them into receivership, but at that point nobody will be able to argue with you.

If you think about it politically rather than financially, it’s a pretty good plan…



I’m shocked and offended that Barack Obama isn’t a good enough sport to attend the press’s Gridiron dinner to joke with members of the press. What a stuck-up serious grind of a guy. I mean – yeah, the economy is serious, but can’t the guy lighten up a little?

Oh, wait. Hang on, let me take this call.

Ahem. I’m shocked and offended that Barack Obama has the insensitivity and temerity to laugh and joke while being interviewed on 60 mintues about the economy. Doesn’t he know how serious this is?


buy the crap from the banks

I saw a sign yesterday advertising crap at $1.39/pound. I picked up a couple of pounds. It’s good to have some on hand – you never know when guests will just drop in, and when they do they’re gonna want some crap.


I think it’s fair to say that none of us have all the crap we need.

It could be because the banks are hogging it all.

We’ve gotta get that crap back out to the people!



The problem with buying extra crap when it’s on sale is that it really doesn’t keep well. Unless you freeze it.


I like to pour a little extra virgin olive oil on my crap – just enough to cover, to prevent that brown crusty top from forming.

I also keep it towards the back of the fridge, where it’s colder and people are less likely to see it.


The good thing about anal-retentiveness is, well, retention — the crap stays fresh right up to the moment I need it.


try not opening your opinion-piece with “sheesh” unless you want to create the impression that you typed it out on a Commodore-64 & drive a K-Car

Aw, man. Oh shit, that probably gives the impression I drive a beetle and use a PDP-10…


regarding the Sheeshmeister…
For him, a Radio Shack TRS-80 and a damn Edsel.


Consarn it, I punched this into a UNIVAC and drive a team of oxen.


Ah, MzNicky, though I’ve seen the Laurel & Hardy version several times, the Disney “Babes in Toyland” is still the one for me. I was surprised to learn, a few years ago, just how completely different it is from the original stage version. Disney’s hirelings repurposed the songs they kept in, and the song I enjoy the most when I watch it is entirely new (“Slowly, slowly, he sank into the sea…” with Henry Calvin and Gene Sheldon). Ray Bolger’s good in that, too, and… well, Annette… mmmmm… she was at her best, I’ll say.


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