Newsbusters : Journalism :: Grape Kool-Aid : Château Margaux


ABOVE: Brent Baker took home a gold
in the potato sack races. He was the only

Over at the Media Research Center’s website Newbusters (which we like to call around here the “Special Olympics” of media watchdog sites), Brent Baker is flailing his arms wildly in order to distract everyone from Britt Hume’s embarrassing admission that his “fair and balanced” news reports were ripped and read from Newsbusters’ right-wing ramblings:

I want to say a word, however, of thanks, to Brent [Bozell] and to the team at the Media Research Center and all the contributors for the tremendous amount of material that the Media Research Center provided me for so many years when I was anchoring Special Report. I don’t know what we would have done without them. It was a daily, sort of a buffet of material to work from, and we — we — we certainly made tremendous use of it.

Needless to say, this led to lots of snickering and giggling from us leftards. And Keith Olbermann even pointed to Hume’s statement when naming him “Worst Person in the World” on the following evening.

Baker’s idea as to the best way to take the sting off of Hume’s unwittingly candid statement is the tried-and-true technique of trotting out some liberal bogeyman — Michael Moore, Rosie O’Donnell, Kyle Broflovski — and then start bawling about how they did the exact same thing. In this case, the bogeyman was Keith Olbermann, and Baker got all “as if” on him:

As if Olbermann doesn’t graze a “buffet of daily talking points” from an “ultra-liberal media site.” The headline over a post earlier in the day on Media Matters’ “County Fair” blog: “Accepting Buckley award, Fox’s Hume thanked Media Research Center ‘for the tremendous amount of material’ they ‘provided me for so many years when I was anchoring Special Report.’” Unlike Olbermann, however, Hume almost always credited the MRC so viewers were informed of his source.

You may want to read that again just to savor the full measure of Baker’s gob-smacking stupidity. Baker “proves” that Olbermann gets his talking points from Media Matters by finding a story on Media Matters about Hume’s speech. Of course, Baker neglects somehow to mention that Olbermann might have gotten his “talking points” from MRC’s own site, which posted the video of Hume’s speech. Or better yet from Newsbusters itself, which posted a transcript of Hume’s remarks, including the bit about how the news went straight from Brent Bozell’s pen to Britt Hume’s lips. Perhaps the reason that Olbermann didn’t credit Media Matters is because he, um, didn’t get the story from them.

I really want to apologize for referring to Newsbusters as the Special Olympians of media watchdogs. That is profoundly insulting to participants in those games, all of whom know how to get from the starting line to the finish line, unlike Brent and his colleagues at MRC who simply jump up and down at the starting line screaming “I won! I won!”


Comments: 186


A beautiful start to my Sunday. Now where’s the bourbon…


Again, it’s interesting to see the left’s double standard on the violation of the P.C. code.




Who said anything about concern?

I’m just pointing out the double standard. If BO had been a conservative, he would have been raked over the coals for his statement. But, as usual, the MSM said next to nothing.


@Adam. Bite me.


Heh. What a classy response.


Interesting, but the chicken-egg question remains: are journalists professional liars *before* they arrive at Fox News (and is that one of the conditions of their employment), or do they become professional liars *after* they arrive, realizing that it’s a condition of their *continued* employment?

We could ask them, of course, but…


Shorter Brent Baker: the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain, therefore Thursday.


You may wish to sort through these 2800 stories to see which were MSM and which were not.


Hy Rghts, cmpr tht t th nmbr f Grg lln “mcc” strs.


‘Bout the same, actually, and Allen never apologized.

But that’s troll-feeding, and I really shouldn’t do that…


Christ, you’re dense.

Classy enough for ya?


Hw bt whn bm sd mrcns nvntd th tmbl (nt tr, t ws th Grmns)?

r whn h sd th Mdl T gt bttr gs mlg thn mdrn SV (ls nt tr).


Shit, do we have to put up with this asshole for another whole thread?


Adam, Obama very quickly offered a sincere and proper apology. Allen and all the other right wing douchbags always double down on assholedom and dig their holes deeper. Allen never admitted it was a racial slur.

So yeah, clearly a case of media bias!


On topic: This is another great example of the right’s psychological need to accuse the left of doing things they actually do. We all guessed that the right broadly coordinates message and talking points, and here’s Fox New’s “respectable” anchor admitting he gets his stories from an organ of the VRWC. No doubt we’ll be hearing more about the nefarious JList full of left wing extremists like (guffaw) Ezra Klein.


@ckc. No, Adam is headed for disemvowelment.


I’m trying to remember any time at all that Bush was “raked over the coals” by the mainstream media.


“’m tryng t rmmbr ny tm t ll tht Bsh ws “rkd vr th cls” by th mnstrm md.”

Y’r kddng, rght?


Mcc sn’t “rcl slr”, btw, t ws frndly ncknm lln md p. Dn’t b s dmn snstv nd gt sns f hmr!


Tintin said,

March 22, 2009 at 18:10

@ckc. No, Adam is headed for disemvowelment.

Tintin for Preznit! Or at least, Treasury Secretary.

Perhaps, Chairman of the Fed, if he would stoop that low.


Opposition parties today, they have it so easy. Why, in my day the president would lie us into wars and the media wouldn’t just keep silent, they’d back him up. Nowadays, the president makes a minor faux pas about who invented the automobile, which is something drunken buddies argue about on a boring Saturday while they’re fixing the Camaro, and they get to be all outraged about it.

Hmm…drunk on a Saturday, bored, stupid…I think I may have hit on something here.


“You’re kidding, right?”



Watching (and listening to) the reichtards head over Niagara in a leaky barrel of their own manufacture is all the humor I need.


Hmm…drunk on a Saturday, bored, stupid…I think I may have hit on something here.

Well, Cleopatra is on TCM right now, and I have some Ketel One in the freezer, so I think I know where my afternoon is heading.


Things of Interest

* Lingerie

WooHoo! Did S,N! just pick up some new endorsements?

The Gyro Captain

Remember lingerie?


These guys overuse “ultra.”

Johnny Coelacanth

“Remember lingerie?”

Hell yeah! I’m wearing some now.

Even More Pedantic Asshole

…but the chicken-egg question remains…

There were eggs looong before there were chickens.

Just sayin’.


Off Topic:

Joe Biden kicks ass.

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN KILLS AT GRIDIRON: “Axelrod really wanted me to do this on teleprompter — but I told him I’m much better when I wing it. … I know these evenings run long, so I’m going to be brief. Talk about the audacity of hope. … President Obama does send his greetings, though. He can’t be here tonight — because he’s busy getting ready for Easter. (Whisper) He thinks it’s about him. …

“I know that no president has missed his first Gridiron since Grover Cleveland. Of course, President Cleveland really did have better things to do on a Saturday night. When he was in the White House — he was married to a 21 year old woman. … I understand these are dark days for the newspaper business, but I hate it when people say that newspapers are obsolete. That’s totally untrue. I know from firsthand experience. I recently got a puppy, and you can’t housebreak a puppy on the Internet.

“Now let’s see: we have a Republican speaker who was born in Austria, and tonight’s Democratic speaker was born in Canada. Folks, this is Lou Dobbs’ worst nightmare. … We are now two months into the Obama-Biden administration and the President and I have become extremely close. To give you an idea of how close we are, he told me that next year — maybe, just maybe — he’s going to give me his blackberry email address. … But the Obama Administration really is a good team. I am the experienced veteran. Rahm can be an enforcer. And Tim Geithner is always there when you need to borrow money. And no questions asked.

“You know, I never realized just how much power Dick Cheney had until my first day on the job. I walked into my office, and you know how the outgoing president always leaves the incoming president a note in his desk? I opened my drawer and Dick Cheney had left me Barack Obama’s birth certificate. … I now realize that we have to be extra careful when we annunciate new policy ideas to make sure they don’t look like they’re personally motivated. For example, the other day there were a whole bunch of stories about the President’s hair going gray; the next day there’s a story about a Vice President who’s trying to grow new hair, and then the day after that, the two of us come out in favor of stem cell research. That looked bad.

“I’d like to address some of the things I said: Like when I said that ‘JOBS’ is a three-letter word. I did say that. But I didn’t mean it literally. It’s like how, right now, most people think AIG is a four-letter word. … Or when I announced our stimulus package website, I was asked how you get to it: All I said was I didn’t know the website number. What I really meant to say was, ‘Ted Stevens didn’t tell me what tube the website is in.’”


What you got against grape Koolaid? The proper comparison is to fetid horse piss.


ABOVE: Brent Baker took home a gold in the potato sack races. He was the only entrant.

He was wearing said (not sad) sack on his head.


He was wearing said (not sad) sack on his head.

I think it was said sad sack, myself.


Tell me this guy doesn’t look like Don Surber


s lbs cn’t tk n ppsng vwpnt.

Hw typcl f thm.


We’re going to have to check with Rush and see what he says. Then we’ll get back to you.


You better get some new glasses, Adam. You can’t see shit through yours.


I love the bit down the page whining about the SF Chron’s coverage of a protest this weekend, and how they didn’t cover the precious Cincy teabagging.

…yet the Chronicle reserves the word “massive” for the anti-war/anti-Wall Street protest while offering no coverage at all for the one in Cincy…

Of course, the actual word “massive” appears nowhere in the Chron article they link to, but that doesn’t seem to bother them at all.

Also, yah guys, it’s just awful and wrong for a newspaper to actually, y’know, report on local events. I mean, I suppose I could see you being pissed off if the Cincy paper ignored your little party in favor of a bunch of hippies in California, but this would be a San Francisco paper reporting San Francisco news. They would be somewhat remiss if they failed to mention a closing of the main drag for Xthousand people to stroll over to City Hall waving cardboard and yelling.

These sub-civilized shitflaps can find their own victimization in a bowl of fucking oatmeal, fercryinoutloud.



Tell me this guy doesn’t look like Don Surber

That guy doesn’t look li- oh Jesus Christ it really does.


s lbs cn’t tk n ppsng vwpnt.

We are not challenging your opinion, we are challenging your facts ,which would seem to be based on something you pulled out of your ass this morning. I personally have seen or heard at least half a dozen critical news stories about this. You are constitutionally entitled to hold any unfounded and half-assed opinion you wish, and I for one will fight to the death for your right to hold it. You do not get to choose your own facts (reality is not democratic, but it does have a well known liberal bias).


N wndr y dn’t lk Mrk Styn nd Stv Slr.

Thy rs ncmfrtbl (bt tr) trths tht shw th lmts f lbrlsm.


Sorry, Rin Tin Tin.

It appears to be a futile undertaking, a losing battle in every sense of the word.

Let’s go see what Lassie’s doing…



Mark Steyn versus Reality

Of course, hardcore Steyn fans are not bothered by mere facts.

Important Truths versus mere facts.

If facts were important, why do we call them mere?

Right, Adam!


… Brent and his colleagues at MRC who simply jump up and down at the starting line screaming “I won! I won!”

Well, when you’ve got that to face everyday, you take your victories where can get ’em.


Thy rs ncmfrtbl (bt tr) trths tht shw th lmts f lbrlsm.

My new answer to wingnut trolls: prove it.

Oh, and PENIS.


My new answer to wingnut trolls: prove it.

Oh, and PENIS.

In this case, tiny limp penis.


True truths! Unlike the other kind of truths.


Pnss nd pp jks. Hw ntllctl.


Sdly, N!–Dly Ks wth Pns Jks.


On level with GOP talking penises.


Did Brit Hume just admit that he and Brent Baker shared a “Virtual butt-fuck” nearly everyday for years?



or should that be



Uhm, that would have probably been funnier coming from ‘Emily’…

Just Sayin’




“Virtual butt-fuck”

Damn it, he told me it was a prostate exam.


Sdly, N!–Dly Ks wth Pns Jks.

By George, I think he’s got it!


I don’t know what we would have done without them. It was a daily, sort of a buffet of material to work from, and we — we — we certainly made tremendous use of it.

In other words, Bozell jets off Hume’s buff.


to the sadly overlords: i commend your decision for disemvowelment. well done, sirs and madams, well done.


Except that Daily Kos is a dull, self-important exercise in navel gazing. Whereas S,N! is pretty much just penis jokes, with a side order of blarts.


Donkey scrotum & Saran Wrap®!


OT – that is, if anything to do with Teh Penis can be said to be off topic here at Sadly – but if you want to see a penis that will redefine your view of that organ, check out this video posted by the good Dr. Myers.


Donkey scrotum & Saran Wrap®!

“River of shit… river of shit… roll on, roll on, river of shit…”


I keep forgetting–is this Brent Bozell the guy who wrote that book with Buckley praising Joe McCarthy as a great patriot, or is it his son?


the bit about how the news went straight from Brent Bozell’s pen to Britt Hume’s lips.

Except that they weren’t talking about “news”, and “pen” is an abbreviation.


@bitter. It was Bozell who wrote the McCarthy book with Buckley. And checking that to be certain I found this picture of Buckley and Bozell. OMFG, Bozell was even uglier when he was young, if that can be imagined. No wonder he’s so puritanical — he clearly never had sex as an undergraduate.

And you all will be seeing that picture again!


And you all will be seeing that picture again!

I’ve seen that picture before. But it makes me laugh my ass off everytime.

I went to college with people just like that!



This thread is boring so I will change the topic with another excerpt from my hometown wingnut paper the Republican-American. I think it ties Clintons penis, Obama’s devious socialist plans, and the Chris Dodd created financial meltdown together very nicely.

‘Dodd eruptions’ provide cover

In the Clinton era, public policy frequently took a backseat to “bimbo eruptions.” Uproars relating to Bill Clinton’s dalliances or worse with Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and others led him to bomb Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan to change the subject. As one scribe put it in 1999: “(E)ach time he drops his pants, a billion Muslims dive for cover.”

Now President Obama is turning that strategy on its head by taking advantage of “Dodd eruptions” to advance his socialist agenda. With the nation focused on Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd’s lies; the AIG bonuses; the frequent screwups by Congress and the Treasury relating to Sen. Dodd’s TARP, the “stimulus” and other bailout efforts; and any number of comparatively small-potatoes controversies, the president has found plenty of cover for Obamacare and a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions.

continued at


OMG! That picture is horrendous. Based on that alone, I have to question whether Bozell has ever gotten laid in his entire life (other than as Buckley’s “bottom”).


Brent Baker and Don Surber wish they were as sexy as the back of a moonbat’s toe.


God, that picture of Bozell and Buckley look like something out of a B-movie about inbred serial killers in the deep south.


But…but…but…just being in the same room with Brent Bozell makes Not-Joe the Not-a-Plumber HORNY!!!!


I am really really really getting tired of all the snide little jokes about how conservatives like butt sex and conservatives suck dick.

Cock sucking and butt sex (ALWAYS in that order) are beautiful, sacred activites. What conservatives do is like the Middle School musical of buggery and sodomy.


The Bozell sitting next to an evidently and understandably terrified William F. Buckley is L. Brent Bozell, Jr. (And how funny is it that that picture is on his Wikipedia page?) The Bozell who founded the MRC is L. Brent Bozell III who is quite literally living proof that anyone can get laid at least once.


And checking that to be certain I found this picture of Buckley and Bozell.

Oh Lord… yikes.

You can just tell what energetic young idealists they were back then – so full of life and hope, so certain that one day they would usher in a golden era of “Rich People Deserve More Money Shall Be The Whole of the Law.”


Candy, those leopard slugs win every competition I can think of.

Galdalf the White

I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a wingnut troll.


Teh Photo: On the left, heroin nod, eyes about to go aaaaalll the way back. On the right, too many white crosses, & the urge to write using lots of $10 words.

And we must remind all who may not know that LBB, Jr., married WFB, Jr.’s sister on order to produce LBB III.


in order to produce LBB III.

Miss Buckley was not a mail order bride.


Shirley you meant “GaltAlf the White?”


Cock sucking and butt sex (ALWAYS in that order) are beautiful, sacred activites. What conservatives do is like the Middle School musical of buggery and sodomy.

We said they did it.

We never said they were any good at it.


That Buckley and Bozell duo look like the two inept henchmen of a Batman-type villain c. 1955. I didn’t know a human head could be that vertical.


Cock sucking and butt sex (ALWAYS in that order) are beautiful, sacred activites. What conservatives do is like the Middle School musical of buggery and sodomy

I would say it has much more in common with British public school or prison buggery where the older student (or prison swinging dicks) effectively rape the younger students (or other helpless dweebs).


I wanted to be a ballerina until the competence of the Leopard Slug took my imagination for a slide .


[ ] and understandably terrified William F. Buckley .
W F Buckley who would have been terrified if he was not so distracted by being damned determined to do Eddie Haskel better just one time , just once .


Wingnut logic: It’s okay that we do something because liberals do it, but it’s still bad that liberals do it.


Usually when liberals make fun of the retarded, they get reamed for it by the traditional media.

Look at all the outrage generated by the conservative media (by which I mean ‘the media’) every time somebody made fun of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush.


I suspect that Bozell/Buckley pic has been Photoshopped.

Where are their post-coital cigarettes?


the non-stop outrage directed at obama hoping something would stick ended up with his election. this continuing always cry wolf tactic from the right is going to put hillary in the white house in 8 years. because even hillary-hits will sound hollow by then.

and you will wonder how i knew that


In the Clinton era, public policy frequently took a backseat to “bimbo eruptions.” Uproars relating to Bill Clinton’s dalliances or worse with Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and others led him to bomb Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan to change the subject. As one scribe put it in 1999: “(E)ach time he drops his pants, a billion Muslims dive for cover.”

When Clinton attacked Saddam or bin Laden, it was merely a distraction from the important issue of the day: who had sucked his dick? Obviously, when Bush attacked them we know it was for legitimate reasons because nobody would blow Bush. Not even Laura.

I wonder how long it’ll be before Iraq and Afghanistan become Obama’s pointless distractions from the birth certificate controversy, the Bill Ayers connection, his super-double failed policies, or hell who can really guess what shit these monkeys will fling?


Wingnut logic: It’s okay that we do something because liberals do it, but it’s still bad that liberals do it.

And it’s not just liberals – e.g. it’s ok that we torture because Saddam Hussein did it, but it’s still bad that Saddam Hussein did it.

Unless they were arguing that Saddam was a liberal, and I imagine that was at least uncommon even among wingnuts.


Saddam was the original liberal fascist


Maybe W did start a war with Iraq because Laura wouldn’t blow him. It is a good an explanation as any.


Saddam was the original liberal fascist

I think Pantload has that in a footnote somewhere.


Maybe W did start a war with Iraq because Laura wouldn’t blow him. It is a good an explanation as any.

Makes more sense than any of the “official” reasons.


And Bozell Sr. founded the company that came up with “Pork, the other white meat.”

There’s a joke in there somewhere.


But can you blame her?


The fact is, Obama is a socialist.


That’s not the real Gary!! There’s no link to his fabulous Twitter stream.


There’s no link to his fabulous Twitter stream.

Who’s followers include Brent Bozell, oddly enough, along with John Boehner, Mitt Romney and Teh Karrrllll.


hell who can really guess what shit these monkeys will fling?

Oh, great. Now this is going to turn into another poop thread.


Hey, it’s already at least partly a penis buttseks thread so why the hell not?


I’m not seeing the problem with this turning into another poop thread. Just me?

Jeffersonian Republican

I love the smell of poop in my restaurant in the evening.


The fact is, Obama is a Muslim.


The fact is, Obama’s wife is a gardener. She had better not share any of those vegtables.

Xecky Gilchrist

I’m not seeing the problem with this turning into another poop thread. Just me?

Funny, after that it turned into solid poop. And that includes this comment.


Who’s followers include Brent Bozell, oddly enough, along with John Boehner, Mitt Romney and Teh Karrrllll.

Don’t be confused. These barely visible little pictures are the people the Twit is following, not his followers.


ABOVE: Brent Baker took home a gold in the potato sack races. He was the only entrant.

He was wearing said (not sad) sack on his head.

No, it’s his underpants he was wearing on his head. It only looked like a potato sack to us sneering liberals who think we’re “too sensitive” to wear burlap next to the skin. In Brent Baker’s world, chafing is a sign of masculinity! That’s why Brent & his BFFs keep shoving their noses into each other’s nethers — they’re checking for manly, Real-Murkin skin irritation. Nuthin’ like Teh Clenis and his dainty silken briefs that were such slut-attractants!eleventy-one!


The fact is, Obama is already worse than Carter.


Brent Baker is soooooo dreamy. I wonder if he’s single?


I’ve always wondered why the Special Olympics logo makes its participants look like cephalopods.


Well, since it looks like a slow afternoon/evening for everyone (including you, Gary), what better time to look at Ann Althouse’s student ratings:

She is like an emu. She writes and talks like a flightless bird who does not understand copyright laws. Also, Gloria Steinem called and she said she wants her to get a self-esteem already! She is a mockery to the paper her law degree was written on.

Her final Con Law exam did not test the material of the course and there was no semblance of fairness in the way she graded. Althouse gave no comments or feedback when questioned about the exam/grade. She is a compeltely unfair and ineffective prof, not to mention a Scalia nut. Bleh. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!

She is horrible. Avoid her like the plague. Her exams do not test the material well at all. Worst prof. ever.

A dissenting view:

Professor Althouse is my favorite lecturer of all time. And easy on the eyes as well!

I call fake troll on that last one.


Of course, Althouse will NOW claim every negative review or evaluation she gets is part of the great librul conspiracy. ‘Cause that’s how the wingnuts roll.


This is OT, but who wrote this on their blog today:

Just when you think shrieking lunatic Pamela Geller can’t possibly get any more raving cuckoo insane, she posts another one of her fetid rants claiming that the birth announcements for Barack Obama published by Honolulu newspapers in 1961 were “forged.”

By the “C-I-A.” Yes, really.

Answer: Chuckie Johnson, of all people.

I love it when wingers go after each other, LOL!


Professor Althouse is my favorite lecturer of all time. And easy on the eyes as well!

How many boxes of wine went into this evaluation?


Look at Ann’s Twit. (That sounds a little odd.)

She wants to murder Ezra Klein. (Well, who doesn’t?)


The fact is, Obama’s wife is a gardener.

The fact is, I am watching Being There

Calming Influence

“Brent Baker took home a gold in the potato sack races. He was the only entrant.”

I watched that race. He should have been awarded the silver.

Our Dead Selves

Look at Ann’s Twit.

I believe the term is “twatted.”

Our Dead Selves

As in, “Look at what Ann has twatted.”


I just watched the 60 Minutes interview with Black Hussein Obama X. He didn’t speak the entire time because there was no teleprompter. Clearly he doesn’t have the ability to speak and analyze like a Sarah Palin or Eric Cantor.


It is about to appear on my telebision. Nothing better on.


Hey, it’s not funny saying that Bozell and Buckley were fuck buddies!

Just like it wasn’t funny saying that Roy Cohn and G. David Schine were fuck buddies who made fag jokes about the State Department to hide their own homosexuality.

Just like it wasn’t funny when Cohn died of AIDS.


But Grover Norquist and John Fund shacking up together — HILARIOUS!


I’m not seeing the problem with this turning into another poop thread. Just me?

I’m in.


Also, Being There is one of the finest movies of all time.


the birth announcements for Barack Obama published by Honolulu newspapers in 1961 were “forged.”

Well, of course. His mother and his secret father Malcolm X were working with the CIA to set up his rise to power. We all know this.


Don’t forget the Time Machine g. Everyone, always forgets the …whaaaaat

Knights in White Satin

Shit Moat? That was the bestest of all threads.


It’s a running pack of lies over there, Britt, but appreciation is always, uh, appreciated.




Oh Noez!!!!! They’re Kerning!!!!

Prepare the shit moats, we’re going in!



GOP predicts doomsday if Obama budget passed

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Congressional Republicans on Sunday predicted a doomsday scenario of crushing debt and eventual federal bankruptcy if President Barack Obama’s massive spending blueprint wins passage.

OMG. If the GOP says we’re headin’ fer Democrap big spendin’ DOOMSDAY, we might as well all move into our root cellars and start overnutrienting on colloidal silver right now. They’d never make a call like that just for politicking.


Brett Hume : Journalism :: MAXIM Magazine : Philosophy

Newsbusters’ citation fail isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. If your reality-filter is made of cobwebs & cowpies, it’s going to take a lot of wrong to make everything look like a unicorn.

Buckley co-authoring an apologia for Tail-Gunner Joe with Bozell (reasonably assuming that his chronic alcoholism & latent psychosis were evident well before he set the HUAC freakshow in motion) tells you everything you need to know about what an “intellectual” he really was. A master of ten-dollar words willing to use them to defend two-bit ideas … the Ur-Wingnut.

Makes you wish Vidal had punched his lights out live on TeeVee – perhaps he’d’ve never gone back into the public eye once he’d been pwned in prime-time by a gay man.


Hi, Jack Epcot here with news from the future! The files of the formerly Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, were opened by North American Confederation Pinnacle Court Order today and its revealed that former two term President Obama’s birth certificate was forged. It turns out he was not born in Honolulu, but in Dodge City, Kansas. His relatives were trying to hide that his ancestor is Marshall Matt Dillon.


jim, show some respect.

HUAC was in existence years before McCarthy came along. He just ripped off their guilt-by-association, I-am-the-law act and made it even uglier and more reckless.


Atlas sez:

UPDATE: I see that this site holds whacked-out positions that I do not endorse (i.e., among other things, 911 troofing – Atlas readers know how strongly I oppose 911 revisionist stupidity – see video), but even a broken clock is right twice a day. This needs peer review – let’s get some digital forensic examination analysis.

Wouldn’t the only actual peer review be from 911 troofers?


That book Bozell and Buckley are looking at: its publication date was more than a month before Joseph Welch made his “At long last, have you no decency?” statement. They had to have written it just before the Army vs. McCarthy hearings. Their timing was like Hewitt’s with his instant remainder fodder.


I stand chastened & humbled – HUAC was indeed a source of joy & wonder for America well before Joseph “Evidence, Schmevidence” McCarthy used it to transform himself into an adjective … & my snarkiness is of course no match for the magical powers of that legendary suitcase with a sheaf of blank paper & a mickey inside.

How dare I cast aspersions on someone whose associates were such good upstanding citizens as Roy Cohn & Richard Nixon?

Thus I must now chow down on a bag of dicks.


I’m not seeing the problem with this turning into another poop thread.

Shit Moat? That was the bestest of all threads.

The best threads are those that are always already POOP jokes, which are then transmuted into fish puns.

For some unrelated wingnut hilarity: “Soccer is ruining America, because it’s only good for getting my fat daughter to shut the hell up. Also, those damned French deconstructionists are making fags of American pragmatists*.”

* I wish he had said this to Richard Rorty’s face.


Hi, Jack Epcot here with news from the future! The Center for Disease Control, or CDC, has announced today that all american males under the age of eighteen have been turned into fags by soccer, even the ones who never play or watch soccer.


Hi, Jack Epcot here with news from the future! Only the motherfucking Wall Street Journal, or WSJ, could postulate that watching golf is interesting, and then that watching golf is inherently interesting because of the snazzy clothes. What the fuck are those borax-scrubbed sphincters relating to?


Brent Baker is soooooo dreamy looks like he gets his haircuts sent in by fax. I No wonder if he’s single? took his mom to Prom.



Someone’s going to start selling waterwings for navigating the Shit Moat.





“Prepare the shit moats, we’re going in!”

LULZ great stuff, justme. Don’t forget your snorkel!


And you all will be seeing that picture again!

Well, I’ve seen Buckley many times, and, as a former subscriber to Mad Magazine, I can say with conviction the other guy obviously provided Don Martin with the model for every character he ever drew. (Of course, Don’s characters didn’t usually look so f*n stoopid.)



Followed your Rate My Professors link and found these jewels for Glenn Reynolds:

“Be warned! His eyes are mesmerizing! Wicked sense of humor to boot.”

“Great teacher, he gets hotter every year!”

“Haha… it’s true. His eyes are mezmerizing! Great guy, super intelligent and funny. Just this one warning…if you take his class and you’re a girl, you will probably spend the rest of law school pining for him.”

This goes well beyond boxes of wine.


YIKES!!! Ann Althouse is getting married…to ONE OF HER COMMENTERS!!! And apparently she’s getting gay married:

No, wait, I’m wrong, that’s not her husband-to-be, just somebody she was telling she was never gonna get marrried. Ever.

This is the lucky Mr. Althouse-to-be:

Apparently he once found a genie’s lamp and asked for a little head.


Water wings for navigating the Shit Moat.

See here.


“… don’t forget your beans & celery …”


She is like an emu. She writes and talks like a flightless bird who does not understand copyright laws.
Slowly but inexorably the entire Interwebs is becoming 3Bullified.


Smut Clyde said,

March 23, 2009 at 12:19

She is like an emu. She writes and talks like a flightless bird who does not understand copyright laws.

Slowly but inexorably the entire Interwebs is becoming 3Bullified.

And who are we to resist?

I say, let us embellish this trend!


and then that watching golf is inherently interesting because of the snazzy clothes

He might have a point.


Maybe W did start a war with Iraq because Laura wouldn’t blow him.

Gondwana has always been at war with Laurasia.

Jack in Orlando

I see this is yet another lib site that is ignoring the Tea Party Movement.

I was in the one in Orlando the other day. Many people there but the MSM is covering it up!

Check out the pics!

BO better watch out. The revolution is afoot!

Viva La Revolution!

Gift suggestions for your Republican Patriot friends and relatives:


Someone’s going to start selling waterwings for navigating the Shit Moat.

I finally understand the allure of the double wetsuit.


BO better watch out. The revolution is afoot!

And here we thought it was ajoke.

L. Brent Bozell III was shocked and appalled to find juvenile humor and disrespect for Christians in a South Park episode. As the wingnuts are shocked and appalled to find that Sadly, No is not a bastion of Political Correctness.

Life is full of these unexpected jolts. Who could have imagined?


Yeah, it’s a “movement” all right.



I see this is yet another lib site that is ignoring the Tea Party Movement.

Wait, is it a Tea Party now? I thought you all were Tea-bagging one another.


Jack in Orlando said on March 23, 2009 at 16:08

I see this is yet another lib site that is ignoring the Tea Party Movement.

I was in the one in Orlando the other day. Many people there but the MSM is covering it up!

Check out the pics!

Most of those protestors would be well-advised not to create signs that refer to “A big-assed mistake.” Just sayin’


Sign at the Orlando tea-party –

“My son fights for Democracy, not Mobocracy!”

Ah, the irony is rich with this one.


The MSM is covering it up.

Indeed. It’s not like the Orlando Sentinel wrote a story about it.


Orlando Sentinel: Feroli said. “We want to speak out against the push toward socialization that we feel is taking place in our country.”

Wingnuts are anti-social.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

GOP predicts doomsday if Obama budget passed

So they’re proposing a $317bn new department to create a color code for just how much to panic over the new budget.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Indeed. It’s not like the Orlando Sentinel wrote a story about it.

The wingnuts keep forgetting that they aren’t going to see newspaper coverage of anything because they don’t read.

Jack in Orlando

BO’s approval numbers are falling every day, libs.

Jack in Orlando

His numbers are lower than Bush’s were at this time in his Presidency.

Dodd and Reid are already in trouble with their Senate seats.

And libs like McCaskill, Warner, and Bayh are already jumping off the sinking BO ship.


BO’s approval numbers are falling every day, libs.

Sadly, no.


Bozell is a legacy wingnut?

This explains much.

Joke in Orlando

Also, POOP!


Bozell is a legacy wingnut?

I’d better go back to bed; I read that as “wingacy lugnut.”

Joke in Orlando

BO isn’t really the president because he was born in Kenya and that’s why he’s more unpopular than Jimmy Carter (who was also born in Kenya).


I read that as “wingacy lugnut.”

I believe that is also the case with Bozell.


Barack Hussein Obama is the single most unpopular Kenyan-born president in the history of the USA. Also, Heartland.


When, in a column attacking Obama on whatever, Bozo III decried the lyrics of a Jay-Z song that was four years old.

This man is in tune with culture, people.

Every poll but Rasmussen

Why don’t wingnuts ever notice me?

Nate Silver,

Same goes for me. You’d think that I’d at least get a Hehindeed from the Ole Perf now and again, but alas, no. I guess I’m not on Gateway Pundit’s level.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Why aren’t wingnut trolls referencing me today?


How come no one is talking about ME ME ME today?!


You know, I find the whole “hot for teacher” thing kind of distasteful in the first place, but I swear to God I had never imagined that someone could be hot for Glenn Botfucking Reynolds. Please tell me that’s astroturfing by some poor, pathetic Instacracker reader.



I expect to be rEMUnerated for my emutional duress during this tough time.


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