Have A Few Tasty Wingnuggets


ABOVE: Jay Nordlinger

Jay Nordlinger writes a little column over at America’s Shittiest Website™ called “Impromptus” in which he writes about all the things that annoy him, which happen to be quite a lot of things. Think Andy Rooney, but much much longer and way less funny.

Jay no doubt thinks of his little musings as witty aperçus or trenchant pensées. I like to think of them, however, as wingnuggets, and today’s “Impromptus” column from Jay is just chock full of ’em. Of course, they’re much tastier and less filling after they’ve been, well, shortened a bit.

  • Another reason I hate Obama is I saw somebody selling Obama rubbers on the street. You never would have seen a W condom, that’s for sure.
  • I think it’s about time we go back to calling people with Down Syndrome “retards.”
  • If I were gay (and I most certainly am not) there’s still not enough Viagra and blow in the world to make me able to get it on with Justice Souter
  • I don’t read The New Yorker any longer because its film critic once said that right-wingers don’t have colored friends. Well, I bet I have more colored friends than that reviewer. There’s the lady in the mail room, and Ramesh, and K-Lo. She’s Hispanic. That counts as colored too, right?
  • Well, it’s not quite true I don’t read The New Yorker anymore. I do look at it when I think there are things in it that might upset me. Take the current issue. They have pictures of Rush Limbaugh on the cover as a bawling baby. I hate it when people like Rush get ganged up on. (Except of course when people gang up on Obama it’s okay because he’s a socialist who gives shitty presents and sounds like a moron when his teleprompter goes on the fritz.)
  • People who are on Facebook or Twitter have no right to complain when their phones get tapped without a warrant.
  • Negroes have funny names. What’s wrong with Trevor or Biff?

Comments: 393


Did you want Freedom Fries with that?


Another reason I hate Obama is I saw somebody selling Obama rubbers on the street. You never would have seen a W condom, that’s for sure.

Errrrrrrrr, cuz, Bush believed in abstinence?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

One of the curses of the age, I think, is euphemism. This is part of the Oprahfication of America (to use a shorthand).

Also, I hate it when people make acronyms for things for no reason at all. I call these assholes “Acronym-Loving-Twerps” or ALTs for short.


Negroes have funny names. What’s wrong with Trevor or Biff?

It’s a Navajo basketball player they’re talking about.

After all his name is Grlenntys Chief Kickingstallionsims Jr. It’s Navajo and means “Strength of the Fallen Rocks.”

Trilateral Chairman

f I were gay (and I most certainly am not) there’s still not enough Viagra and blow in the world to make be able to get it on with Justice Souter

heh heh. I’ve always wondered about Nordlinger, who is a suspiciously unattached man (“suspiciously” by conservative standards, that is) who spends his days writing frippery about music. He’s exactly what I’d expect a closeted conservative pundit to be.


@El Cid. I think Jay probably saw this picture of Kickingstallionsisms.


Actually, I give up, maybe just the name’s Navajo. My ability to be intrigued by conservative cultural outrage is at an ebb today.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

In 1984, there are Two-Minute Hates

Umm, look at the whole Rushbo thing! Clearly it’s teh leftists that are the real hatemongers!!!!

Further proof can be found in a quick review of Jay’s post to that point:
– Birth Control
– Enemy Combatants
– PC-speak
– Iran and Saudi Arabia
– Liberal Activist Judges
– The New Yorker

Further, Jay would like to point out that it’s really the kids these days that are the cranky old coots, with their stubborn refusal to get offa his lawn.


I think it’s about time we go back to calling people with Down Syndrome “retards.”

Yes, but you see, it’s Sarah Palin who’s the retard, not Trig.


Also, I hate it when people make acronyms for things for no reason at all. I call these assholes “Acronym-Loving-Twerps” or ALTs for short.

Make that G-ddamn Acronym-Loving Twerps. Or GALTs.


Obama Derangement Syndrome is on the rise dramatically. I can’t believe these are the same people who once complained about Bush Derangement Syndrome. The Obamaphobia is far tooo widespread and began way too early in the campaign to even compare to any hatred of Bush.

I found an interesting photoshop from some Obamaphobes, and since I think that things should always be re-photoshopped I just had to do it. I really suck at photoshop though. The original is a better job, but lining up Obama, Stalin and Hitler? Yeah, these people are nuts.


Did I do that wrong or something? It was supposed to be a link


His writing style reminds me of when you take a shit, then just when you are cleaning up and ready to go, you suddenly have to go back for a little more. Then you do that again, and maybe a third time. Is it something you ate? Is it a virus?

With conservatism, it’s both!

POOP jokes.


While I know many guys who want a bush on their “little soldier” (to borrow from the General), does anyone know of a bigger turn-off than Little KIng George (ok, maybe Cheney Panties might do the trick).


You never would have seen a W condom, that’s for sure.

They weren’t popular because they offered no real protection(always breaking and heading to Crawford) but blamed the Clenis when the inevitable occurred.

One of the curses of the age, I think, is euphemism. This is part of the Oprahfication of America (to use a shorthand).

In what reality is “the Oprahfication of America” is shorthand for “euphemism”? And euphemism is a horrible curse of the age, but long-winded pejoratives euphemistically termed “shorthand” are A-Okay?


I think the President should be spending more time on the economy and getting a competent Treasury Secretary rather than filling out NCAA Brackets and going on Jay Leno.


For Sale: one extra “is,” cheap.


“You never would have seen a W condom, that’s for sure.”


What can we do to get NRO & the other runners up for the world’s ‘Shittiest Website’ title to allow folks to comment on their articles?

Nothing. Yea, I know. Maybe what’s needed is an NRO retort site like the Drudge Retort site. One that summarizes & links to the articles but then lets users say what they think. It would be a much better read than the real site. I suggest it get’s done to all the TownHalls & like minded troglodite sites.


So I see the Democrats are going to use an unconstitutional ex post facto law against individuals.

Shouldn’t this send a chill down everyone’s spine? A powerful federal government using its powers to punish private individuals after the fact, despite the fact the bonuses were in the original contract?

Bush's Empty Bottle

I am appalled, I say apalled, by this discussion of trenchant pensées!

Oh. Nevermind.


Like when they made UAW renegotiate their contracts?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

One of the curses of the age, I think, is euphoniums.



Shouldn’t this send a chill down everyone’s spine? A powerful federal government using its powers to punish private individuals after the fact, despite the fact the bonuses were in the original contract?

I smell a Libertarian…smells like cabbage.


Like when they made UAW renegotiate their contracts?

You don’t know what an ex post facto law or bill of attainder is, do you?

Anyone upset about wiretapping or who thinks the PATRIOT ACT was unconstitutional should be outraged over this, too.

Trilateral Chairman

What can we do to get NRO & the other runners up for the world’s ‘Shittiest Website’ title to allow folks to comment on their articles?

People have apparently been bugging them about this for years, and they’ve basically said they’re not going to do it. In the early days of the Corner, Jonah gave the lame excuse that they would have to figure out how to implement and moderate it (of course, then as now there were any number of solutions available). More recently, Ponnuru said somewhere that he found that reader comments largely consisted of drivel and bile (this from someone who regularly posts threads at the Washington Post website).

I suspect the real reason is pretty simple: They just don’t want to face the music because they know they can’t handle it. Could you imagine what would happen if readers were allowed to respond to Jonah’s posts? Everything he wrote would be immediately blown out of the water by people who actually knew what they were talking about. I’ve always suspected that he likes the Corner *precisely because* it allows him to toss off idle comments without having to bother with inconveniences like researching, editing, and thinking.

So an NRO retort page (National Retort Online? National Review Review? I’m no good at this sort of thing) is the only way to go. The NROniks would studiously ignore it, I’m sure, but it might work if it got picked up by other bloggers….

Prudence Goodwife

“Language can either clarify or murk up. And I believe that the Obama people — and modern liberals at large — are great murkers-up”

Perspicacity thy name is Nordlinger.


Well, I didn’t read Nordlinger’s column, thank a merciful Christ, but I did venture onto The Corner, and it seems they’re really running with this sub-mental teleprompter gag (Limbaugh has dubbed Obama “TOTUS”, in case you’re blissfully unaware). Sweet passionate Jesus, are they really going to go with this crap for the next 4-8 years? I’d rather be stuck on an island with only The Collected Works of The Truth to keep me company than suffer through something this paralyzingly stupid.


I think the President should be spending more time on the economy and getting a competent Treasury Secretary rather than filling out NCAA Brackets and going on Jay Leno.

I’m glad you concur that it was horribly tragic and stupid of Bush to play guitar at McCain’s birthday when thousands were dying in New Orleans during the Katrina aftermath.


People have apparently been bugging them about this for years, and they’ve basically said they’re not going to do it.

Neo-cons were the kids on the playground who stuck their fingers in their ears and said “La La La! I can’t hear you!”


I think the President should be spending more time on the economy and getting a competent Treasury Secretary rather than filling out NCAA Brackets and going on Jay Leno.

By the way, what is it about Republicans that they think they are entitled to boss around a black President?

Vestiges of slavery, perhaps?


Shouldn’t this send a chill down everyone’s spine? A powerful federal government using its powers to punish private individuals after the fact,

Sometimes they are even called “Prison Terms” and “Fines”.

despite the fact the bonuses were in the original contract?

and even “Fraud”.


“Negroes have funny names. What’s wrong with Trevor or Biff?”

Hey, I didn’t ask to be dragged into this.


this is from Nordlinger’s “Why I stopped reading The New Yorker” column-link:

“P.S. Did you get The New Yorker’s spelling of “specter” — “spectre”? Are they an American magazine or what? I mean, that’s the kind of affectation in which I just can’t coöperate!”

Alternate spellings? How un-American!


BTW, those are some impressive mental gymnastics to equate “Contract renegotiation” with “100% tax rates unless you fork over the dough voluntarily”.


Sometimes they are even called “Prison Terms” and “Fines”.

No, this would be like you committing an act, then six months later Congress makes it a crime and sends you to prison after the fact.

See the difference?


You don’t know what an ex post facto law or bill of attainder is, do you?
You mean like granting immunity to telecommunications companies who participated in the illegal domestic wiretapping program? Yeah, I know ex post facto. Making a bill that affects this year’s tax code isn’t ex post facto. STFU.


Adam, before you start opining on ex post facto laws and bills of attainder you need more legal training than simply having sat around in your skivvies watching Law and Order reruns. The ex post facto provision applies only to criminal prosecution so wouldn’t cover a claw-back or a tax provision. Bill of attainder problems are more difficult because there are so few cases. However, the clause wasn’t seen as prohibiting a law that forced Richard Nixon, and Richard Nixon alone, to turn over public property to Congress. Also, most of these problems can be alleviated by how the clawback is drafted. If it covers all persons payed retention bonuses from Federal funds dispensed to private companies from the FRB, both in the past and in the future, the problem pretty much goes away.


Shorter Willy and actor212: Look over there! BUSH!

Nice try, but it doesn’t come close to addressing the issues I raised.


However, the clause wasn’t seen as prohibiting a law that forced Richard Nixon, and Richard Nixon alone, to turn over public property to Congress.

I’d say there is a big difference between the President of the United States (who is a subject of a criminal investigation at the time) and a private citizen.

Also, most of these problems can be alleviated by how the clawback is drafted. If it covers all persons payed retention bonuses from Federal funds dispensed to private companies from the FRB, both in the past and in the future, the problem pretty much goes away.

If they do that I’ll have much less of a problem with it.


Just pointing out pertinent examples so you may grasp the difference. Still out of reach for you, I guess.


If the feds had just let the company fail we wouldn’t even be having this discussion, or have to be outraged of private jets or bonuses. Just sayin’.


“think the President should be spending more time on the economy and getting a competent Treasury Secretary rather than filling out NCAA Brackets and going on Jay Leno.”

Yeah, I remember how poutraged you shit-stains were when Bush spent more time on vacation than any other president. As for bills of attainder and ex post facto legislation are you talking about Terri Schiavo?


Adam, see Calder vs. Bull and US v. Carlton. Know what you’re talking about before calling other people dumb. Otherwise, you embarrass yourself.

Also, learn to read. I was pointing out your selective outrage and also that wingnuts clearly don’t consider all contracts sacred.


Hey, Adam, kindly explain the applicability of bills of attainder and ex post facto legislation to contract disputes.


Adam is now furiously Googling “bill of attainder.”


@Adam. Nixon was not President at the time of the act seizing his private papers. (I mistakenly typed “public property” for “private property” in my comment)


Fraud scams are often like that Adam. Not strictly illegal at the time but deemed so after the fact.

This time we have very good idea of who perpetuated the Fraud and an immediate form of relief.

No, I am not “worried” about what this implies about the power of the Government.

We are at War Adam. Remember? We have Unitary Executive President Obama who is fully authorized to do whatever is needed to protect the National Security of the United States of America.

so chill…


Wasn’t “murking things up” the whole point of the “enemy combatant” designation in the first place?

Oh, but for cruel self awareness, I too could have been a conservative sucking on the wingnut welfare teet and hanging around with K-Lo and all the guys. My what fun we might have had joking about teleprompters and sucking on teets and all that sort of stuff.

I used K-Lo and teet in the same sentence. Please kill me, please.


I’d also like to know what the AIG issue has to do with concerns over 4th amendment violations.

Trolls should really turn down the smug — it makes them look even worse when their wrongness is pointed out.


I’ve always suspected that he likes the Corner *precisely because* it allows him to toss off idle comments without having to bother with inconveniences like researching, editing, and thinking.

Also, we already know he does much of his research by asking his readers to tell him what a proper wingnut should already know but I bet he squeezes out a lot of his content by digesting unsolicited reader emails. If they allowed comments Loadberg’s sources would probably put a lot of their tips there instead of emailing it privately and then what?


Hey, Adam, what is the remedy for a contract procured by fraud or unconscionablity?


I’m not a “neocon”, war supporter or Bush voter. I’m a Buchananite Paleocon, thanks. So you can stop burning all that straw now.


Something tells me Adam is about to declare victory, explain that he has better things to do, leave for a minute, high-five his buddies, and come back with something about how black people caused the housing crisis.


Breach the damn contract. The remedy is for them to sue AIG. Let them stand in line behind everyone else, let a judge decide in 2 or 3 years. If they were wronged, they can pick up a check if any money is left.


Adam, why haven’t you posted your SAT scores yet? How can we trust anything you say without seeing the vault copy of your SATs?


I like how the race card gets played before anyone even mentions race. Priceless!


The black people caused the housing crisis.


That Adam wasn’t me. It was a namestealing troll.


Adam, why haven’t you posted your SAT scores yet? How can we trust anything you say without seeing the vault copy of your SATs?

What the hell are you going on about, exactly?


National Retort Online? National Review Review?

NRO: Cornered?

On AIG, would the de facto change in ownership affect prior contracts?


“I’m not a “neocon”, war supporter or Bush voter.”

That’s nice, dear. Now are you going to actually answer any of the questions you were asked, or shall we assume you’re an asshole now and save ourselves a lot of time?


Something tells me Adam is about to declare victory, explain that he has better things to do, leave for a minute, high-five his buddies, and come back with something about how black people caused the housing crisis.

Not unlikely if he’s the same dick who was declaring himself a Steve Sailer and VDare fan in that Douchehat thread last week.


Adam’s real name is Adahmo Mustafa Hussein. Just saying.


R.D., I suspect this new iteration of the One True Troll is about to become an “sshl”


Meanwhile, back at the Nordlinger column:

And Americans are always squawking about privacy! When President Bush instituted some perfectly sane clandestine programs to protect us from terrorist beasts, everyone — or many people — said, “Oh, no, privacy!” And yet everyone insists on being the star of his own movie, on the Internet.

Nordy insists on criticizing the Prez on the internet, but when the black-helicopter agents pick him up for some perfectly sane enhanced re-education, he’ll be like, “Oh, no, electrodes on my genitals!”


I think the President should be spending more time on the economy and getting a competent Treasury Secretary rather than filling out NCAA Brackets and going on Jay Leno.

Isn’t that wonderful. If you make another nice crayon drawing, we’ll put it up on the fridge.

joe in oklahoma

the guy (Jay N) must really be bored. not enough to do, maybe?


What the hell are you going on about, exactly?

It’s an internet tradition. There’s an excellent explanation here.


tigrismus said,
“On AIG, would the de facto change in ownership affect prior contracts?”

I would say no, but see “Breach the damn contract!” above.


What the hell are you going on about, exactly?

Way to not answer the question, “Adam”. Why do you refuse to come clean on such a simple matter? What are you trying to hide?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Back to the topic of Nordlinger- he comes across like a wannabe Ed Anger, but without the flair for metaphor.


I think we should make me a feature of every thread.


“When President Bush instituted some perfectly sane clandestine programs to protect us from terrorist beasts . . .”

Oh great! Now ALL the mammels hate us. Thanks President Bush.


Negroes have funny names”

“…don’t have colored friends … more colored friends than … counts as colored…”

Just as HTML Mencken a few weeks back, you never miss an opportunity to express your latent racism by projecting (albeit mild) racial epithets on a winger.


So about all those anti-terrorist laws Bush enacted…

When does the PATRIOT ACT get repealed?


Breaching that contract is class warfare and big government interference. If they do that they can take your house for no reason. Do you really want that, liberals?


Adam at 18:40 is a troll.


It’s easy to ask questions. That’s why wingers love to do it. It’s a lazy man’s pursuit.

It’s harder to answer them, and harder still to anticipate them.

Wingers never seem to answer our questions. I wonder why that is.

Johnny Coelacanth

From nerdlinger’s post:

They say that Obama is a great communicator, and that George W. Bush was a poor one. I rather like the way Bush communicated, frankly. He communicated to me just fine — but I, of course, am not the average voter (or journalist).

That, Jay, is obvious.


You never would have seen a W condom, that’s for sure.

So much for “leave no child behind”…


h yh, hw’s tht bm/Gthnr/G/Ddd/Frnk/cnmy thng wrkng t?
ny mr ppnt wthdrwls ths wk?


Adam at 18:40 is a troll.

Ah, but who isn’t ?


All Adams in this thread are trolls. But are all trolls in this thread Adam?

Think about it.

Percy ‘Mad Dog’ Plumflute

In 1984, there are Two-Minute Hates — hate sessions lasting two minutes. I think that, with Rush in this latest round, they are well past their two minutes.

{head explodes}


Shouldn’t declaring all Adams trolls ex post facto send a chill down everyone’s spine? Do you want to set such a precedent?


But you know what would make a justice a true force for good? A willingness to apply the law, come what may: and to let legislators write the law. Is that unsexy? Maybe (and we know how sexy Justice Souter is). But it remains good judging.

It aint at all sad that. No, dipshit. See Article III Section 2.


Random musings . . .

Must remember to change name back to gocart.

Ahh, Ed Anger, brings back memories of when one had to get one’s wingnut dosage from the print media. What ever happened to newspapers anyways.

Speaking of, did anyone see the frontpage headline of todays New York Post! Hint: It has something to do with a feline and a long leather strap.

Final thought, have any of you ever tried to Nordlinger a comment thread? Eh, not so hard.


The fact is, why do liberals hate Rush Limbaugh so much, why do they try to prove him wrong, but fail? Because he is right, and always has the facts. he checks them carefully. Liberals, however, just make up facts to fit their socialest agenda. That’s the difference. But liberals don;t have anything but hate.


“Former president George W. Bush — I hate writing those words as much as his foes love them ….”

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, there are members of Bush’s immediate family who aren’t this sycophantic.


Limbaugh fact checks, I think even Limbaugh would dispute that


One of the curses of the age, I think, is euphemism

Meeting Rush by Jay Nordlinger:

It pleased him to crouch in front and shit
On a tranny whore with clothes askew
While I stood near that I might savor it
And write it up for National Review


Breaching that contract is class warfare and big government interference. If they do that they can take your house for no reason.

“They” can take your house for pretty much no reason already,

I suppose it is big government interference of a sort but that doesn’t adequately capture the fact that the “big government ” owns the company. You’re complaining that the owner is interfering with the company? Doesn’t sound very libertarian/objectivist to me.


I hate writing those words as much as his foes love them ….

Actually, us foes would have much preferred if things had never progressed beyond “Governor Bush”.


One of the curses of the age, I think, is euphemism

So we can look forward to seeing “killing innocent bystanders” instead of “collateral damage”?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I rather like the way Bush communicated, frankly. He communicated to me just fine

He sent little starbursts to Nordlinger through the screen.


The fact is, why do liberals hate Rush Limbaugh so much, why do they try to prove him wrong, but fail?

Limbaugh is fatter than Al Gore and Michael Moore put together.

But liberals don;t have anything but hate.

Not true: we love islamohomoabortofascism. It’s what makes our agenda the socialest!


Yes indeed, how DARE Obama tax back completely unearned bogus bonus pay from such a fine upstanding corporate citizen as AIG!

It’s definitely one of those unAmerican anti-constitutional ex post facto judicial-atrocity thingies – the sort of thing mercifully absent during the last 8 years – or at least VERY IMPOLITE!

Next thing you know he may even start prosecuting those responsible for the deaths in custody of those “enemy combatants” &/or the surviving victims of “Enhanced Interrogation” – & at that point, surely the sky shall fall!



Actually, us foes would have much preferred if things had never progressed beyond “Governor Bush”.

I don’t know..”convicted war criminal George W. Bush” works for me.


But liberals don;t have anything but hate.

and porn! don’t forget the porn! um, or so I am told..


Nurdingler’s book is sold at NRO.

The book is $24.95, but is being offered through NRO for $21.95.

Teh great Gazoogle shows me only one place to get it, that being store.nr… It’s like those roadside hucksters with signs reading “SALE! 50% OFF”.

nb: I put the period outside intentionally. I did it because I didn’t want anyone to think there are periods on those signs. In my experience they are littered with apostrophes but short on periods. You don’t like the way I did it, you can fuck off.

Also, PENIS.


the “LATE convicted war criminal George W. Bush” works for me.



Silly Nordlinger…plastic sheaths for rolled newspapers *could* be used as Obama rubbers, but not necessarily…


Liberals have TEH BUTTOCKS! What more coud we possibly want?


PeeJ must be pregnantly, his period’s late!!

hello, hello, is this mike even on??


I supposed a used packet of ‘W’ ketchup could be a W rubber.


Hey guys, I have an idea, howsabout we put Gary and Adam in a islamosocialistimo internment camp and make them get gay married and then do stem cell research on white Christian embryos and stuff.


How Tasty Was My Little Wingnugget. Good movie.


Calling someone a “less funny Andy Rooney” is not unlike saying he’s a “less charming Hitler”!


Aw, it was such a cute little concern troll, but it gave up easily.


Woodrowfan said,

ba dum bump!

Seriously though, I reallly really really want to have a gaybortion.

For my next trick, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to do that guy whose pic tintin posted the other day….


I don’t get the teleprompter thing. (Well, it’s wingnuttio, so of course there’s nothing to get.) But still, it’s not like President Barry X is the fucking first person in the whole damn world to use a teleprompter fer crissakes. And also besides, did any of these cluckheads see Obama yesterday at the town hall meeting? Like walking around with a microphone and speaking extemporaneously and candidly to a live audience? May have missed it, I don’t think there was a teleprompter involved. In conclusion, Rash Phlegmblob can shove a teleprompter up his flabby white ass. Really! He can!


Breaching that contract is class warfare and big government interference. If they do that they can take your house for no reason. Do you really want that, liberals?

Ya mean like how under Bush’s Patriot Act, they already can?


MzNicky, whenever one of these wingnuts asks about Obama’s teleprompter, I ask them why Rush wears reading glasses while doing his radio show.


Nice try, but it doesn’t come close to addressing the issues I raised.

What you raised weren’t issues, however. Therefore, we mock you.


Bring on the Super Crazy: Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Jonah Goldberg, together, on TV, in this time-frame continuum, decrying the ugly populism they’re seeing nowadays.


NRO: Cornered?

I love this idea. It’s like when the old Spy magazine featured fake letters to the New Yorker magazine because the real New Yorker didn’t have a letters column. They do have one now, I always liked to think in part because Spy shamed them into it. NRO, of course, has no shame, so perhaps it’s up to us to do it for them.


If the feds had just let the company fail we wouldn’t even be having this discussion, or have to be outraged of private jets or bonuses. Just sayin’.

So since AIG was a Bush administration debacle, he should have listened to us liberals who said “let it go”?


The fact is, why do liberals hate Rush Limbaugh so much, why do they try to prove him wrong, but fail? Because he is right, and always has the facts. he checks them carefully.

So polystyrene IS biodegradable and trees DO cause air pollution?


So since AIG was a Bush administration debacle, he should have listened to us liberals who said “let it go”?

Mhmm, and to those of us on the right of him who said the same thing.


I don’t get the teleprompter thing.

Yeah, the teleprompter thing is weird. It seems to be comprised of two opposing pieces of myth – 1) that he’s a great speaker but without substance and 2) that he says “uh” sometimes so that must mean he can’t even speak “without his teleprompter”. I’d be curious to know whether the Obama teleprompter myth came into being somewhere along the same time as the fake teleprompter story about Palin came up. Is there a relationship in wingnut culture with these two stories?

It’s particularly weird because there’s a huge body of evidence on view everyday that Obama can speak without a teleprompter, and extremely well.

The fact that it’s being fanned by a guy like Rush Limbaugh, who’s NEVER appeared in a setting where he has to speak extempraneously, makes it even werider.

It’s like a cognitive dissonance sandwich.


Not quite accurate to say “liberals” opposed it, though, unless you count Barney Frank as a conservative. You could, but I’d question your sanity!


“Breaching that contract is class warfare and big government interference. If they do that they can take your house for no reason.

“They” can take your house for pretty much no reason already, …”

as in Texas Rangers Stadium deal…


Nor it is accurate to say Conservatives opposed it, since a conservative administration started the process.


slow down it looks like youre posting too quickly.


Adam, liberals opposed it.

As a moderate who defended bailing out AIG (because frankly, we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now, as you’d be sitting at the street corner, panhandling for food if AIG had failed), I can assure you that I was considered a RINO for even thinking there was some merit to it.


Come to think of it, since not every person in America opposed it, nobody opposed it!


I hear Obama also wears a little device on his wrist to tell him what time it is. Maybe we should call him WOTUS.


Sorry, those last two Adams are me being a horse’s ass.


Can you please stop spoofing me?

As a moderate who defended bailing out AIG (because frankly, we wouldn’t be having this discussion right now, as you’d be sitting at the street corner, panhandling for food if AIG had failed),

Sure, and the smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud, too.


Also: “wingnuggets” is cute.


Can you please stop spoofing me?

Can you stop conflating “all” and “some”, like you did with the Barney Frank bullshit?


Can you stop conflating “all” and “some”, like you did with the Barney Frank bullshit?

How about this? The Democratic leadership in the House went along with it, as did a majority of the Democratic House caucus.

And this: more Republicans voted against TARP than Democrats.


It wasn’t some Evil Bush Konspiracy. They would have never gotten it through without the complicity of the Democratic leadership.


Gee, Adam, you mean it’s OK when the Bush administration conflates a crisis to scare people to vote for a package, but you’ll hold that against the people who voted for the package?

How many times have you beaten your wife, Adam? Is it her fault or yours?


I love GOP logic!


I eat my own turds!


I like poop pie.


I know the new wingnut Revisionistastic way of doing things is to pretend they didn’t slavishly adore W and thought he was a goddamn librul, but BOY is Adam swinging from pole to pole on this one.


Gee, Adam, you mean it’s OK when the Bush administration conflates a crisis to scare people to vote for a package, but you’ll hold that against the people who voted for the package?

I don’t think it is okay when anyone does it.


So why in the name of Christ are you blaming ONLY liberals and Democrats?


You know, there are other political positions besides “Obama worshipping liberal” and “NRO-reading war mongering, internationalist neoconservative”.


So why in the name of Christ are you blaming ONLY liberals and Democrats?

I’m not. I’m saying the majority of Democrats, including their leadership (which is liberal) supported TARP.

It was the far left AND far right that opposed it.


Why in the name of Christ are you acting like lefties were the only ones opposing it?


Adam, show me where anyone here has said that?


“You know, everyone’s opinion is overly simplistic but my own.”


I vote for disemvoweling. He’s worn out his welcome.


So since AIG was a Bush administration debacle, he should have listened to us liberals who said “let it go”?

That was YOU, actor212.


I’m saying the majority of Democrats, including their leadership (which is liberal) supported TARP.

Because, he now repeats, we were told by a fucking REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT that the economy would completely collapse if this wasn’t passed.

Republican. Conservative. Got it now?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Actor, I met your friend Joyce Randolph on the Solemn Feast of St Patrick. It was surreal, I was at the Women’s Republican Club, taking advantage of cheep eets and concern trolling the crowd (“The party has to stop taking its cues from the South”).

I won them over with a rousing rendition of “The Wild Rover”, then headed down the the Armory on 26th to drink with the Fighting 69th.


Because, he now repeats, we were told by a fucking REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT that the economy would completely collapse if this wasn’t passed.

Nancy Pelosi could have said “Gee, George, you’ve bullshitted us so many times before you can go pound sand. I’m not even allowing it to come up for a vote. Piss off.”


So since AIG was a Bush administration debacle, he should have listened to us liberals who said “let it go”?

That was YOU, actor212.

Yup, it was. But you’ll note that does not exclude other voices who agreed with us.

Do you speak English as a first language? Second? Third?

I think you ought to turn in your diplomae.


Liberals are icky icky poo!


You met Joyce?

God, I haven’t seen her since my Dad died! How is the old bird?


The implication in your post is that liberals were leading the fight against TARP, which isn’t even close to being true. The loudest voices against it were right wing conservatives in Congress.


Swinging from the Gallup poll.


The implication in your post is that liberals were leading the fight against TARP, which isn’t even close to being true.

Where did I specify “Congress”, Adam? Can you read, yes or no? I realize the Reagan education cuts were tragic, but there’s no excuse for this lack of simple English comprehension on your part.

I can recommend several remedial books. “The Pet Goat” springs to mind.


Wait….B^4…the Women’s Republican Club? On 51st?

Damn…you aren’t in a certain social fraternity founded in the 1850s, by any chance, are you?


Congress is what matters, because that’s where it was voted on.

If “liberals” were so strongly against it, it would have never seen the light of day.

But at the end of the day the leadership of both parties are beholden to the same Wall St. interests.


Anyway since the discourse on this comment thread has reached the scatological, I think it’s time to quit.


But at the end of the day the leadership of both parties are beholden to the same Wall St. interests.

Fair enough. It takes money to run a campaign, and Wall Street has money.


You have to declare victory first and then say you shan’t return.


If I were gay (and I most certainly am not) there’s still not enough Viagra and blow in the world to make me able to get it on with Justice Souter

Souter vs. Nordlinger…


Adam said,
March 19, 2009 at 18:41

Adam at 18:40 is a troll.

Department of Redundancy Department?


My flinging of turds has been mightily succesful! Since you libz won’t answer my devastatingly acute questions I’m leaving and I’ll never come back.


I never said I wasn’t coming back, that’s a lie.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Anyway since the discourse on this comment thread has reached the scatological, I think it’s time to quit.

Wow, you’re WAAYYY late on that. There’s a POOP joke 3 1/2 hours earlier than you made that statement.

I guess all I’d like to say is that this “opposition” from the right to the bailout is less about conservative small-government anti-socialism than it is about self-serving greedy self-interest. Case in point:


Liberals have TEH BUTTOCKS! What more coud we possibly want?

Teh Boobies?

I know, YMMV.


Someone who leaves a Sadly No thread because of Poop Jokes, doens’t know Sadly No threads


Liberals have TEH BUTTOCKS! What more coud we possibly want?

Teh Boobies?

I know, YMMV.

I make a mental substitution in my own head.

I know, I know, Department of Redundancy Department.


Someone who leaves a Sadly No thread because of Poop Jokes, doens’t know Sadly No threads

Has anyone said PENIS yet?


Thanks for the link to the Marvel wiki last thread, ca.


“I never said I wasn’t coming back, that’s a lie.”

No, you expressed a firm understanding of ex post facto legislation and bills of attainder yet went really quiet and tried to change the subject when a number of questions were posed to you regarding your obvious pig-ignorance of both. So:

How do bills of attainder apply to contractual disputes?

What is the remedy for contracts procured by fraud and/or unconscionability?

What would be the result of breach of contract in this case under the terms of the contract and/or in proceedings in bankruptcy?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, I’m quite enjoying others beating my PENIS. But be warned that despite all your beating of my PENIS, my PENIS will still come. It will come soon…





Thanks for the link to the Marvel wiki last thread, ca.

De nada. I was a big Marvel fan in my youth – had a pretty decent collection of FF (#40-something to 100), Daredevil, X-Men….alas, my dear departed Mom shitcanned them all when I went way to college. Oh, well.


Inother news…

Acting with lightning speed, the Democratic-led House has approved a bill to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from firms bailed out by taxpayers.

The vote was 328-93.

Said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We want our money back and we want our money back now for the taxpayers.”

Republicans called it a legally questionable ploy to paper over Obama administration missteps.

Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the bill was “a political circus” diverting attention from why the administration hadn’t done more to block the bonuses before they were paid.

And John Boner can kiss my PENIS.


Oh, and go Cal.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The fact that it’s being fanned by a guy like Rush Limbaugh, who’s NEVER appeared in a setting where he has to speak extempraneously, makes it even werider.

Well, he spoke extemporaneously on ESPN.

No wonder he needs so many call-screeners and hand-holders and butt-wipers.


These threads go really fast when 1/3 of the posts are from killfiled trolly-wollys.

Bored and underworked

Slow down, you post too fast
You’ve got to make this trollfest last

Slow down the thread’s not done
The PENIS war has just begun

Eff you wordpress
oh eff you wordpress!!!

Officious Pedant

Adam said,
March 19, 2009 at 17:40

You don’t know what an ex post facto law or bill of attainder is, do you?

Anyone upset about wiretapping or who thinks the PATRIOT ACT was unconstitutional should be outraged over this, to[o]

Wow, talk about taking the stupid for a ride around the block, huh? Try this one, moron: FISA was the Law of the Land, as opposed to an employment agreement between two oganizations. Which is also the issue with AIG. That contract can be renegotiated. And should be, since it is tax dollars being used to pay out these bonuses. When the government, via the bailout, becomes a significant shareholder in a company, that shareholder can demand a review of the contract. If necessary, it can also demand that those bonuses be withheld. See the difference?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Josh Marshall.

What is so damaging about this isn’t the money — which is almost trivially small compared to the many hundreds of billions we’ve already committed. The problem is what appears to be the president’s mortifying impotence in the face of bankers and financiers who created the problem. The president speaks and acts for the federal government, which is to say, the American people, who have mobilized more than a trillion dollars and all powers of the state to repair the damage emerging out of the financial sector. And with all that, he’s jacked up on a employment agreement between a company the government now owns and derivatives traders who sank the world economy and may quite likely be looking at criminal charges for their activities in the not too distant future?

Anyone can look at that and see that the equation of power and accountability is all screwed up.

There it is. Not only did these fucking lousy shitbags bone the global economy, but good… Not only are they mooning the everyone from their corner offices atop a mound of bonus monies for screwing the lot of us… Not only are they doing all this with the smug self-important air of someone that knows that you can’t do dick fucking all to them… They have been proven thus far to be EXACTLY RIGHT on that last count.

Someone needs to smack the shit-eating grin off these assholes.


Thanks in advance for the correction regarding PENIS


Oh, and go Cal.



See the difference?

I can’t imagine this squeezenugget admitting that he can. That’s the inherent pointlessness of internet arguments.


Fuck, that little Randle guy is good.

Sorry, liveblogging the Cal-Maryland game.


I remember hearing about some Democratic Congressman who Limbaugh had called an “idiot” and said other nasty stuff about. The Congressman asked to go on Rush’s show and respond, and Rush wouldn’t agree.

They’re cowards, the lot of them. They think they get to spew and no one gets to question them. And, I guess it’s unsurprising – when was the last time the MSM challenged anything they said, no matter how patently outrageous?


And John Boner can kiss my PENIS.

Oh GOD no, you don’t know WHERE that thing’s been. At least wash his mouth out with soap first.


commie athiest,

Randle, while a tremendous talent, no doubt, tends to turn the ball over a lot and play sloppy. Does he have his act together today? (At work – can’t watch, sadly.)


Randle, while a tremendous talent, no doubt, tends to turn the ball over a lot and play sloppy. Does he have his act together today? (At work – can’t watch, sadly.)

He’s basically keeping them in the game right now.




Someone needs to smack the shit-eating grin off these assholes.

Unfortunately, American history seems to side with the assholes.


But that doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t try. The short term bouncing around ought to do them some good.


Adam said,
March 19, 2009 at 18:41

Adam at 18:40 is a troll.

Department of Redundancy Department?

Well, considering his first comment was about something other than the post at hand, his insults of regulars, his disingenuous style of argument and basic nit-pickery, you can’t say he was wrong.


you expressed a firm understanding of ex post facto legislation and bills of attainder yet went really quiet and tried to change the subject when a number of questions were posed to you

Just a guess, but those were probably phrases straight out of Limpblob’s mouth today.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Acting with lightning speed, the Democratic-led House has approved a bill to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from firms bailed out by taxpayers.

While they’re there, why not wind up the top marginal rate to 80%?

Just say, “We didn’t want to do it, but a few bad apples forced us. Don’t blame us, blame them.”


Someone needs to smack the shit-eating grin off these assholes.

I’m still running that sentence through my mind. There’s just something about it that my brain refuses to deal with.

Oh fuck, are the pedant police around? Fine, I’ll be my own diaskeuast: “something about it with which my brain refuses to deal.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The short term bouncing around ought to do them some good.

Well, we’ve got some bouncing going on. Now if only the Senate would amend that “90% tax on bonuses over $250,000 at financial institutions receiving bailout money” by adding a couple zeroes. To wit “900% tax on bonuses over 2.5 million…”

I don’t care if some of the senior managers get away with bags of lewts, I just want the fuckers at the very top to get it as good as they were givin’ it.


T.G., very low-scoring game. 34-31 Maryland at the half.


A “W” condom- its the perfect thing to wear for the frat boy trying the “Oops, wrong hole!” trick for anal- unprepared, dumb and likely to result in a swift kick in the balls its the perfect metaphor.


Thanks commie! Sounds like they’re grinding it out. Think they can win it?


Well, we’ve got some bouncing going on. Now if only the Senate would amend that “90% tax on bonuses over $250,000 at financial institutions receiving bailout money” by adding a couple zeroes. To wit “900% tax on bonuses over 2.5 million…”

This ought to be fun, watching the ardent neo-cons reconcile their lust for venegeance on the bailout, as Adam so amply demonstrated today, with their love of tax cuts!


Bohner, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck can all kiss Commie Athiest’s penis also. Serves them right. Oh and another thing PENIS, PENIS, PENIS!


TG – they need to start hitting their threes, but it’s doable. Maryland isn’t playing great, so it’s leaving Cal the opportunity – hopefully they’ll take advantage.


Bohner, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck can all kiss Commie Athiest’s penis also.

Well….I’m willing to share.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

In the interest of PENIS, I’d like to add PENIS.


I think it’s about time we go back to calling people with Down Syndrome “retards.”

Or that wonderful euphemism coined by Dr Down himself: Mongoloid, owing to the flat face and epicanthic folds typical of a Down Syndrome case.

Residents of Mongolia were all “are not!” and the name was dropped back in the sixties, in favor of the current “possessive” nomenclature, which is itself somewhat deprecated. As has been pointed out, Dr Down neither owned nor invented the syndrome, so we may be calling it “trisomy 21” instead soon enough.

Personally, I prefer the simple term “fucking moron”, as in “Adam, you’re a fucking moron.”


commie, I like Cal’s defense, so I’m not surprised they’re keeping Maryland at bay. Hopefully they can hit some shots. Thanks for the info!


Bohner, Limbaugh and Glenn Beck can all kiss Commie Athiest’s penis also.

Cue the YouTube:


What the….?

Of course, I meant:

Or that wonderful euphemism coined by Dr Down himself: Mongoloid, owing to the flat face and epicanthic folds typical of a Down Syndrome case.


5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Penis

You rascal! Have you been getting out at night again? Naughty fella …


Sorry, Cut’n’paste fail.


No. 1: Your Penis Does Have a Mind of Its Own

Also known as Little Head Syndrome.


And of course, no PENIS thread is complete without this:



I think the girl penis in the first frame made my head explode.

Is that possible?



your head exploding? Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s possible….


That’s like the left-wing Veggietales…

Indeed. I’d like to see Veggietales top this, though:





McCain never even got the hang of Cue Cards.


Not that it ever seems to be kept straight (and thus won’t matter, in the same vein as Al Gore might as well have said he invented the Internet), but Congress wasn’t part of the original AIG bailout in September. The Federal Reserve (NY) loaned them $85 billion (at 8.5% over LIBOR) in exchange for a 79.9% stake in the company and a pledge of most of it’s assets. And Congress wasn’t involved in the additional loan in October — again, that was the Fed NY. Granted, TARP funds were used in November ($40 billion to buy senior preferred stock), but the horse was well out of the barn at that point. Essentially, the Fed came in and provided DIP financing for a bankrupt AIG without AIG declaring BK (which would have made the situation worse — declaring BK would have made all of AIG’s gambling debts, I mean swap contracts come due immediately). Whether any of that was a good idea (and whether it’s a good idea to have Timmeh at Treasury when the initial loans were Bernanke and his decision — and he might be reluctant to change course and instead keep trying to salvage something, somehow), that’s another story. And whether the way our Federal Reserve system is set up (thanks to Wall Streeters with the same ideology then as today) is a good system — doubtful.


I think the girl penis in the first frame made my head explode.

I would have suggested Ann Coulter, but since it’s a penis of color I’m stumped.


Indeed. I’d like to see Veggietales top this, though

They promised they wouldn’t publish that.


I would have suggested Ann Coulter, but since it’s a penis of color I’m stumped.

LaShawn Barber.


And so children, the moral of this story is that Jay Nordlinger is a penis.


Just cuz it’s wearing lipstick doesn’t mean it’s a girl.

Also, penis-thing-I-didn’t-know #4 hurt me to think about, I can’t even imagine what it did to dudes.


And so children, the moral of this story is that Jay Nordlinger is a penis

That’s an insult to penii everywhere.

Nordlinger is a prick.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That educational penis link also demonstrates how far ahead the Europeans are when it comes to science:

In an MRI picture, the penis looks distinctly boomerang-like, as noted by a French researcher who studied men and women having sex inside an MRI scanner.


@Adam: I’m not a “neocon”, war supporter or Bush voter. I’m a Buchananite Paleocon, thanks. So you can stop burning all that straw now.

Hey, why didn’t you show your laminated pass at the door? You gotta understand what kind of right wing *ahem* person we usually get in here (See: Ruppert, Gary.)

You could call my dad a “paleocon” (A Goldwater man), so I thought I recognized the style. Goldwater I could respect in some ways, especially toward the end of his life – same with Buckley. Goldwater had no time for “social conservatives” and considered them a plague on the Party. Buckley came to admit that without the Civil Rights Act, it was very unlikely the southern states would have ever become desegregated “naturally.”

I can at least have civil debates with Buchananites (hey, it’s why Pat and Rachel Maddow are buddies.)

Look, I had the same concern about any kind of “ex-post facto” clawback, and pretty quickly I thought that if it just applied to all officers of firms receiving TARP funds then the problem is neatly solved. AIG is just the case that’s in the news. I don’t think for a minute they’re the only “best and brightest” getting a fat kickback, on account of their rare talent for monumentally fucking everything up.

Just curious – how do you feel about being driven from the legacy of WFB Jr. by the Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh mouthbreather brigade? Sure, the Left has it’s share of Ward Churchills and Bob Akavians, but we don’t give them mass media TV and radio shows to bloviate with. Certainly no mainstream elected politicians listen to them.

Whassup with that, Adam?


Just cuz it’s wearing lipstick doesn’t mean it’s a girl.

Case in point: RuPaul.

And Robert Smith, now that I think of it.



In fairness to the us, he was surveiling his wife and her lover.


Hmmm, let’s see…

No. 4: You Can Break Your Penis
There is no “penis bone,” but you can break your penis all the same. It’s called penile fracture, and it’s not a subtle injury. When it happens, there’s “an audible pop or snap,” Montague says. Then the penis turns black and blue. And there’s terrible pain.

Penile fracture is rare, and it typically happens to younger men because their erections tend to be quite rigid.

Here’s how to avoid penile fracture: don’t use your penis too roughly. A common way that penile fracture happens, Montague says, is when a man is thrusting too hard and fast during sex, and slams into his partner’s pubic bone. Also, a woman who moves wildly while on top of a man during sex can break a man’s penis.

OK, I think I need to go lie down now.


I read the actual thing and I’m convinced it’s someone taking the piss out of the (making fun of the) genre of arch English actors diaries. Sort of like “Saw Larry Olivier at the Garrick, asked him if he’d had a good lay or was it Leigh? My friends and I all laughed but he stormed out”
Or like James Walcott with the intelligence removed.
Imagine if there was a baby black person who was retarded, what a funny name you could give them.

And you can buy a whole sodding book of his bon mots which

Mark Helprin, the novelist and analyst, says that reading these pieces is “like opening one present after another.”

Like those burning presents people leave on other peoples doorsteps?


That was so painful I screwed up the tag.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Imagine writing the grant proposal for that:
Investigation of Human Response During Coitus by Use of Magnetic Resonance Imagery.

Either that or some “researcher” just happened across two techs gettin’ it on at the office. Either way – MRI sex sounds really hot.


D-K W,

It’s a new form of porn. Since they can’t go any closer to the vagina during penetration even with the new HiDef cameras, they decided to try showing it from the outside in.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Whoops, I meant
“Recherche sur la réponse humaine pendant les rapports sexuels au moyen du langage figuré de résonance magnétique”


For some reason I’m reminded of this.


Well played, MzN!

*polite golf clap*



It’s called penile fracture, and it’s not a subtle injury.

I’ll just bet it isn’t.

I am laughing my penis off at the understatement.


Also, a woman who moves wildly while on top of a man during sex can break a man’s penis.

I hate it when that happens.


actor212: Beefeaters gin, real dirty, up and with olives. Don’t mind if I do!


Goldwater I could respect in some ways, especially toward the end of his life – same with Buckley. Goldwater had no time for “social conservatives” and considered them a plague on the Party. Buckley came to admit that without the Civil Rights Act, it was very unlikely the southern states would have ever become desegregated “naturally.”

Of course, Buckley’s National Review came out foursquare against desegregation in the 50’s and 60’s, and Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To Goldwater’s credit, though, he resisted his advisers’ attempts to demonize “negroes” and left it to Nixon and Reagan to fully capitalize on the Southern Strategy.


That Girl, if you’re there – not looking too good for Cal right now. Down by 10, under 2 minutes.


actor212: Beefeaters gin, real dirty, up and with olives. Don’t mind if I do!

I knew you were a “dirty” girl, MzNicky. Although I prefer Grey Goose.

Let the martini flame wars begin.



Chopin vodka, but yes, dirty.

Chopin (and the Polish one that I can barely pronounce, nevermind spell) is made with potatoes, not rye, and doesn’t give much of a hangover. Best vodka around.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

and the Polish one that I can barely pronounce

Wybrowa? Too oily for me. I like Lukosawa though.

Also, does it still count as a martini if you just take the bottle out of the freezer and pour into a glass? If it helps, sometimes I say the word Vermouth out loud.


commie atheist: Sometimes if I’m feeling all fancy-schmancy I order Bombay Sapphire (or is it Sapphire Bombay?) in my martini, but I always seem to like it better with Beefeaters. Truth be told I probably wouldn’t know which was which anyway. I do like about 2 parts olive juice to one part gin.


“Recherche sur la réponse humaine pendant les rapports sexuels au moyen du langage figuré de résonance magnétique”

Ça c’est CHAUDE!


does it still count as a martini if you just take the bottle out of the freezer and pour into a glass?




Close. I think it’s spelled Lusoskowva, but I couldn’t begin to be certain. I usually just find it on the shelf or point.

I like them dry, too. Me, I just show it a picture of a bottle of Noilly Prat.


Myself, I prefer to try all the different styles and mixes of martinis at one sitting to make an adequate comparison.


One martini purist I know pours a little vermouth into his glass, swirls it around, then pours it back out. That’s just about enough.


Zombie, I only make it to the fifth or sixseth martooni before I blartsnaggleburglllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh….


I do draw the line at martinis that are the color of any building in South Beach.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well shoot, you were right about it being hard to spell.

Also nice just out of the freezer, Stolichnaya. Not nice just out of the freezer, Moscovskaya. Remember, you want the red/orange label not the green one.


Ths gy ht th nl n th hd wth hs clmn. ll f ths PC tlk s dstrctv t frdm f spch, whch f crs lftsts pps snc thy wnt t slnc thr crtcs.

‘v gt nws fr y, rgrdlss f wht y lbrls thnk, ppl dn’t hv rght t b nt ffndd. Tht’s wht mrc s ll bt, th frdm t sy wht y wnt, whn y wnt. Hmsxls r fggts. th mntlly dsbld r rtrds, th physclly hndcppd r gmps.

Wh gvs fck wht th PC plc thnk? Thy pprntly hv nvr rd th frst mndmnt.


JeffRep, thank god you’re straight, or you’d hit the trifecta, huh?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Who gives a fuck what the PC police think? They apparently have never read the first amendment.

The one about congress making no law abridging the freedom of speech?

Since when were the “PC Police” legislators, tardlicious?



You also do not have the right to not be mocked for being a squeezenugget, or a right to not be disemvoweled or a right to comment here, so straighten right the fuck up and get a martini, jello-head.


All of this PC talk is destructive to freedom of hate speech, which of course leftists oppose since they want to silence see no reason to be purposely hurtful hatebags, unlike their critics.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You also do not have the right to not be mocked for being a squeezenugget…

Heh. It is funny how the fRighties think the first amendment says “We has freedum ov speech!”

In those words, only not spelled so well.


Ths gy s dd n, rght n bt bm t. Wht s t wth ll f ths bm mrchnds? ws drvng thrgh ghtt n th wy t wrk bcs thr ws trffc jm n th hghwy. nd sw ths blck ghtt kd wrng n bm t-shrt, ghtt styl.

sd t myslf, “wht th fck!” Ds ths dt bm rlly wnt t ssct hmslf wth th gttrsnp f scty? Hnstly, nd thy cntnsly dvrtsd hs ngrtn n th tlvsn vr mnth bfr t ws vn d.

Pthtc! Th msm wld nvr hv gvn ths srt f trtmnt t McCn hd h wn th lctn. S bm s blck. Wh gvs flyng fck?! Th nxt thng y knw h’ll b hstng rp cncrts t th Wht Hs.

Ths s wht mrc gts fr lctng n ffrmtv ctn sclst fr Prsdnt.



actor212 said,

March 19, 2009 at 23:15 (kill)

I do draw the line at martinis that are the color of any building in South Beach.

fuck it, I’ll drink those too. I’m easy.


JefRep I’m with you on this man. Fucktha P.C. Police. Oh and did I mention that your momma is a cunt and she tells me you have a very small penis? Good day sir.


Manhattans straight up. Whoever came up with the idea of sweetening rye was a goddamned genius.


pps fr spch, bcs dn’t blv ppl shld hv th frdm t tll m whn shld sht th fck p.


Free speech means you can’t wear t-shirts I don’t like if you’re black.


I would have said his mom was a vagina but I didn’t want Jeffersonian Republican to get all “Why you being all politically correct?” on my ass.


How the fuck can you make a martini with vodka? Martinis do not have vodka. Martinis are made with gin. Preferably by mumbling the word vermouth under one’s breath while pouring the ice cold Tanqueray Ten or Bombay Sapphire into the chilled glass.

You guys are talking about martini style drinks made with vodka. Can’t imagine what possible interest there could be in such abominations.




Can’t imagine what possible interest there could be in such abominations.

En masse, they make the Republican leadership clever, Rush Limbaugh amusing, and Ann Coulter…nah, no drink is that good.


What’s wrong with black t-shirts?.


Of course, street vendors would never try to sell a product that’s actually in demand. They’re clearly all subscribed to Ezra Klein’s listserv.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

How the fuck can you make a martini with vodka?

Shaken, not stirred.


In re the Penis:

My partner’s poor old dad died of penile cancer in November. By the time it was done with him – he’d refused surgery and tried to treat it with mushroom extract and aloe vera, fer chrissakes – he had a huge, gaping, deep hole where all that manly stuff once was. So I’m going to have to pass on the penis education link. I know more than I ever wanted to know about Things That Can Go Really, Really Wrong With The Penis.

As for you, Mr. Nordlinger, I have this to say about your brave attack on the terrible, stifling political correctness that has you under its thumb: Please, please come to my racially diverse neighborhood, set up on the street corner, and start calling a spade a spade. Hey, screw that PC crap, right dude? You’re a bold, brave man of principle, amiright? You surely have no fear of those colored folks; after all, some of your bestest friends are colored I await the results of your social experiment with interest.


Th ghtt swn hv th frdm t drss hwvr thy wnt. Hwvr, ls hv th frdm t rfr t thm s trsh, nd th scm f scty.

Ys th t-shrt cmpns hv th frdm t mk bm ghtt t-shrts. Jst bcs thy hv th frdm t mk ths shrts dsn’t mn tht ths shrts r nt fckng pthtc.

t fgrs th blck cmmnty s hrldng thr “chmpn f th ghtts”, nd bm wllngly sscts hmslf wth sch slm. Nt vn Jmmy Crtr wld dmn hmslf n sch wy.


Wait… Mark Helprin’s a wingnut? Wingnut admirer? Odd. (That said, I made two attempts at getting through Winter’s Tale, and failed both times. It’s the kind of novel I like, generally, but it just bored me.)

Shorter Jeffersonian Republican

Quick! Someone call me a waaaaaaaahhmbulance!

Plus: niggers.


The good thing about drinking scotch is that it’s uncomplicated.

You don’t need any mix, you don’t need a freezer, hell, you don’t actually NEED a glass.

This is good after you’ve had seven or eight….


Twenty Years of Whining, Whining, WHINING About "PC"

…that nobody loves playing the victim game more than conservatives.


Can’t imagine what possible interest there could be in such abominations.

They have alcohol in them.


How the fuck can you make a martini with vodka? Martinis do not have vodka. Martinis are made with gin. Preferably by mumbling the word vermouth under one’s breath while pouring the ice cold Tanqueray Ten or Bombay Sapphire into the chilled glass.

You guys are talking about martini style drinks made with vodka. Can’t imagine what possible interest there could be in such abominations.

Goddamn you and your politically-correct martinis, Peej. It’s obvious that your distaste for cocktail diversity has warped you beyond redemption.



As for mixed drinks, the old fashioned is the very best in the fall and winter. I always ask for an extra cherry; after they soak in the whisky, they are food of the gods. In the summer, I’m partial to gimlets, gin preferably but vodka is good, too. I can do without martinis, although I won’t turn one down. Hell, I won’t turn anything down. Drinks, anyway.

Templeton Rye and Maker’s Mark make the best OFs.


The good thing about drinking scotch is that it’s uncomplicated.

My wife loves scotch, but I’ve never been able to get into it; her favorite is Laphroiag.


Wait… Mark Helprin’s a wingnut? Wingnut admirer? Odd. (That said, I made two attempts at getting through Winter’s Tale, and failed both times. It’s the kind of novel I like, generally, but it just bored me.)

The Nothing is Random chapter in Winter’s Tale is one of my favorite pieces of writing. Even though I don’t agree with the philosophy expressed, I find it beautiful. That said, you’re right about the rest of the book being boring. The scene where Peter meets the girl – can’t remember her name – is okay.


Nordy’s little column:

P.P.P.S. I have a dear friend who had a son born severely retarded. She was talking to me one day about terms. There came a time, she said, when “retarded” was considered mean and coarse. But, when her son was born, “retarded” was the nice, progressive term. “They used to have ‘Homes for Idiots,’ you know.” “Retarded” was progressive because it meant merely late, delayed, stalled, held up . . .

So, retard was “progressive” 30 to 50 yrs. ago, & better than idiot, therefore let me stand athwart history again, screeching “Stop!!”

See also: nigger, coon, darkie, colored, negro, blah blah blah. Couldn’t we just have stopped at, say, “colored?”


They’ve been piling on Rush quite a bit lately, haven’t they? I mean, from the White House on down. Much of the country seems to be mobilized against him. I hate this sort of bullying and mob mentality, and you might too.

Quelle sac de douche! All this talk about the free-market & democracy pretty much disappears as soon as anything goes against their desires.

Not to forget the sheer unbridled horror of Obama t-shirts!!!! Being sold by small businessmen!


Sometimes I mix cheap rum with store-brand cola. Am I in the cool kids club yet?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

you don’t actually NEED a glass. This is good after you’ve had seven or eight….

At that point, you may not need a glass, but you might need a funnel in your mouth.


JeffRep you’re back. I missed you buddy.

That JeffRep swine has the freedom to dress however he/she/it wants. However, I also have the freedom to refer to he/she/it as trash, and the scum of society.

Yes the goat penis dildo companies have the freedom to make JeffRep’s favorite toy. Just because they have the freedom to make those sex-toys doesn’t mean that those sex-toys are not fucking pathetic.

It figures the goat dildo loving community is heralding JeffRep as their “champion of the goat dildos”, and JeffRep willingly associates himself with such slime. Not even Bill O’Reilly would demean himself in such a way.


Ooh goody – I get to do my suave, urbane martini line.

One’s just right. Two’s too many. Three is not enough.

The Ho and I have too many every night. Or maybe not enough. Hell I usually can’t even remember what we had last night.

Also, poop.



Change “dress” to “pleasure himself”

Jeffersonian Republican's True Identity

My obsession with race, it is familiar to you, is it not?

I thought so.


I mix cheap rum with store-brand cola

Form follows function.

My eternal favorite: Bacardi® 151 & Dr Pepper. A little more sophisticated & high-dollar, I know.


It’s obvious that your distaste for cock and tail diversity hais due to your warped you beyond redemption perversity.




N.C. said,

March 19, 2009 at 23:49 (kill)

Sometimes I mix cheap rum with store-brand cola. Am I in the cool kids club yet?
Until one of these millionaire banksters hires me to design their house, I am with you….

Only sometimes?


gocart mozart said,

March 19, 2009 at 23:51 (kill)

JeffRep you’re back. I missed you buddy.

Now that’s just wrong.


What’s all that paperwork piled on Jay’s desk there? He’d better do more accounting & less channeling Larry King’s newspaper column.


I have to make myself a drink. I’ll be right back.

Fill in the Blank

Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : ______


zombie rotten mcdonald said,
“Now that’s just wrong.”

All I did was change a few words. Was it better in the original racist?


Hey, is Jefferson a parody? I assumed it was–the exaggerated outrage over kids wearing Obama tee-shirts just seemed too over the top to be real–but others are taking it seriously.

I guess it reached the point long ago where the wingnut position was so ridiculous that it became impossible to parody, or to tell parody from the real thing.


My parents drank martinis 40 years ago. Who knew they would end up being hip?


Look upthread zombie. No disrespect.


The ghetto swine have the freedom to dress however they want. However, I also have the freedom to refer to them as trash, and the scum of society.

And we have the freedom to refer to you as a racist, Neo-Nazi piece of garbage. See what you did!


Lolly, I can’t tell anymore either.


Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : ______



Jeffersonian Republican writes: I was driving through a ghetto on the way to work because their was a traffic jam on the highway.

This is the part I liked best, because crazy JeffRep appears to think that it is necessary to provide a plausible excuse for how he came to be driving through “the ghetto”, like a note from Mommy.

Got some issues, dude, not the least of which is your inability to determine the difference between silencing critics and laughing one’s ass off at their stupid, stupid antics.

Which is of course what we’re doing here. Thanks for teh stupid, Jeff!

And re vodka, as long as it comes in half-gallon plastic bottles, I’m cool.


Jay Nordlinger is totally not gay, and I know because this one time he got Ross Douthat drunk and was going to do him, but then he found out that Ross was using birth control and he said, “No way!”


Oh, GM, have Jeffy killfiled. I don’t see most of his spew.

Makes it easier to enjoy the cocktails.


I mean I have Jeffy killfiled.

I blame Obama t-shirts.


I have a son with Down syndrome so I object to calling Nordlinger “retarded” because in his case referring to him that way would be an insult to all people who are mentally disabled. I think the proper way to refer to him would be as “a typical GOP asshat.”


My parents drank martinis 40 years ago. Who knew they would end up being hip?

Oh, gawd, the cycle never ends, lemme tell ya. Wide, narrow, wide, narrow, wide …

Long, long ago (forty very odd yrs.) it was double+un-fashionable for the young & “hep” to drink at all. We called the beer drinkers “foamies,” & mocked them from our higher (reefer) consciousness.

That changed. But now it’s as if all has been done, & we’re just picking through the ruins for something clever that hasn’t been exploited to recently, ironically or not.

And to today’s young people (Get off my metaphorical lawn, you little … !) those martooni drinkers of 40 yrs. ago are their grandparents, exotic creatures seen through the mists of history, not parents seen every night.


Got an offer to spend a month working in Ludwigshafen Germany (apparently near Mannheim). Any input on the area? Seems pretty industrial.

I guess I’ll finally get to go to Europe (not quite how I pictured it)


Only sometimes?
The other times are the times when I’m not drinking, of course.


Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : ______



Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : ______



Jeffersonian Republican writes: I was driving through a ghetto on the way to work because their was a traffic jam on the highway.

This is the part I liked best, because crazy JeffRep appears to think that it is necessary to provide a plausible excuse for how he came to be driving through “the ghetto”, like a note from Mommy.

“a ghetto!” yeah, Jeff. The generic “ghetto.” Who uses that word, anyway? C’mon Jeffy boy, impress us, where were you really driving?

Jeffy probably means a non-gate-guarded housing development.


Pssst. Ok. Here’s the plan.

Gonna make a righteous Schnitzel tonight, with buttered egg noodles served with my famous “Cheater’s Mushroom Gravy” and a big pile o’Cole Slaw.

With biscuits and honey.

Don’t tell the trolls…



I’m coming over.


Jeffy probably means a non-gate-guarded housing development.

Actually, I suspect he would use the term to describe any urban environment populated by more than 8% Caucasian people.

He very likely only feels comfortable in a suburban type environment with wide streets, sprinklers on the lawn, stop SIGNS, not signals, unaccented english and fast food restaurants anchoring strip malls…



And to today’s young people (Get off my metaphorical lawn, you little … !) those martooni drinkers of 40 yrs. ago are their grandparents, exotic creatures seen through the mists of history, not parents seen every night.

I’m an exception to that rule. I grew up with mom and the grandparents, and Gramps drank Popov or Jimmy Beam straight out of the bottle, chased with a Meister Brau or a Grain Belt. Mom just drank the Meister or Grain. Gram didn’t drink, ‘cept a little brass monkey on a special occasion. I always thought martinis were oh so sophisticated, because people would drink them on soap operas. Seemed the height of class to my unformed working class eye.


I remember my parents grooving on “Stingers”.

Not sure what they were, except they were built on creme de menthe and were green and would cause my mom to pass out in her closet…




1 1/2 oz brandy
1/2 oz white creme de menthe

I can tell just by looking at that recipe that it would taste great and I wouldn’t be aware of the punch it was packing until I was face down on the carpet. I try to stay away from yummy drinks for that very reason.


served with my famous “Cheater’s Mushroom Gravy”

For Adulterers Only?


Theirs were green. I guess they didn’t get the memo on the white CdM.

I always just thought there was rum in there.

Just brandy? Wow. ‘Cause those suburban sixties maniacs would get destroyed drinking those things.

Bouffant’s right. We thought people who drank liquor represented all the evils of “The Establishment”.

‘Course, after I got back and started on building a REAL addiction, drinking was just something you did all the time, mostly beer and wine, but Jack too, but it was always underneath the REAL buzz that came from the drugs. One of the things that real acid aficionados will tell you is alcohol is how you control the “edge” when you’re coming up on a 2500 mic peak and you just might have to break something.

Oddly, by the mid eighties when I was completely strung on speed, I had stopped drinking alcohol at all. When you’d been awake for a week and had barely eaten, one beer could pretty much shut you down. You could spot us easy, haunted eyes and tweaky behavior and a GREAT big plastic glass of ice tea in hand, ALL the time…




For Adulterers Only?

Actually, that’d be cool. I wholeheartedly APPROVE of adultery. The best relationships by far are with married women.

But actually, I call it that because it’s not really “gravy” at all, in that you don’t have to use meat drippings/juices or any brown bits to make it, and it’ll fool anybody. You don’t have to have any meat at all. And it’s really flexible. You can drop in half a cup of sour cream and you’ve got a “whatever” stroganoff. You can dump in half a cup of half and half and you’ve got righteous “country gravy” for CFS or biscuits. It’s a great little “cheat”…



commie athiest: do not, under any circumstances, google Peyronie’s Disease.

You have been warned.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : ______

Litter box

Don't Fuck Around

How about just chugging 40 ounces of high gravity malt liquor?

And the Answer Is

Jefferson : Republican :: Garfield : Shaven

Obama Gaffe Alert

President makes fun of the handicapped on Leno, says (“I usually bowl like I’m in the Special Olympics!”)



M. Bouffant said,

What’s all that paperwork piled on Jay’s desk there?

Rejection letters from Penthouse.
“You seem to have us confused with ‘Inflatable Goat Magazine’.


I’d subscribe to Inflatable Goat Magazine.

Just sayin…


Dragon-Kingian Wangchuckian

I never understood the idea of ice cold gin. Them spirits masters have carefully selected out a perfect balance of herbs and botanicals – drinking it cold is like drinking while smoking.

Gin I have at room temperature out of a bone teacup, and I am very partial to Bombay Sapphire. But I’m a bit eccentric that way.

Them decadent mid-20th century Establishment folks may have had some messed-up shit, but the whole idea of cocktail hour is truly civilized.


Why have cocktail hour when you could have cocktail day?

Dragon-Kingian Wangchuckian

Why have cocktail hour when you could have cocktail day?

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


Glub, glub, glub…



Almost wishing I hadn’t pretty much lost my taste for liqour.

Still on a higher spiritual pane, though.


And a plane. (“Pane” not an acid joke!!)

And a goat. “Maaaaa!!”


I have to go buy some whine.

Be back soon!


I can totally relate.

I’m on a higher spiritual Pain.

But I’m actively working to dull it.


Dragon-Kingian Wangchuckian

goat? plane?
I’m not interested in stuffing face in the rain, on a train, I should introduce you to my friend pain
Not in the dark, not up a tree,
Not on your fine china with Earl Grey Tea
No boxes, foxes, houses, mouses, husbands and wives – no spouses!

Dragon-Kingian Wangchuckian

Did thunder take all youse guys with him or something?

Okay, more Moxy, but this time related to the topic at hand:


s tht y lbrls hv ttmptd t slnc m. S mch fr fr spch s spps? Wht’s nxt n bm’s gnd, th frnss dctrn?

Frgt pltcl crrctnss, th trth hs bn n frnt f y ll lng. Why s t tht nghrhds tht r mjrty mnrty hv mch hghr crm rt thn mjrty wht nghrhds?

Th nswr s prtty bvs, lts s f y’r hnst ngh wth yrslvs t nswr t.


<>Why s t tht nghrhds tht r mjrty mnrty hv mch hghr crm rt thn mjrty wht nghrhds?

Th nswr s prtty bvs, lts s f y’r hnst ngh wth yrslvs t nswr t.


Th 1969 Nw Yrk Mts?



Want fries with that?


Ooh, now there’s a policy I like.


So I guess from now on, each blog entry will have a list of what is and isn’t acceptable topics in the comments?


Over 300 comments, and JR is the best the TrollPack can bring to the plate?

This place has changed, man…..


As (apparenty) Sadly, No!’s first disemvowled troll feeder, I’d like a commemorative medal in my honor. Also a party.

Also an explanation as to why mocking trolls, as opposed to engaging trolls in pointless arguments, should be a punishable offense.


I particularly liked his whinging about being disemvoweled after trying to lecture on the concept of free speech.

It has made my evening drinks taste especially sweet, flavored with troll tears.


I would guess it’s the direct responses and quotes, SomeNYGuy. Especially during a discussion of cocktails, the derailing of which should probably involve jail time.

But I don’t think you’re the first DTF…..


@SomeNYGuy — happy to arrange a party in your honor and to give a commemorative medal, although you’re not strictly the first. Since trolls like any attention, mocking them encourages them just as much as arguing with them. And JR has a history under other names.

Also, quoting them while mocking them allows their comments to escape disemvowelment. But the idea isn’t to punish the troll feeder since the commenter name is deleted and we’ve all been guilty of feeding the little devils from time to time!

And just to be clear, only a select group of trolls are subject to disemvowelment. Run-of-the-mill trolls who come here and more or less behave are encouraged for their entertainment value and will be allowed to keep their vowels intact.


And how simple and freeing it would be just to ignore the stupid.

Just as if it wasn’t even there. Just because there’s nothing to be gained by talking to it, and everything to be lost.

Just because the win can NEVER be by engaging, but will only ever be by making them slink off to try to find some other sucker who will argue (mock) with them…



Maybe not the first, but as of now the ONLY person on this thread to suffer such a fate. Direct responses and quotes? Plenty of it above.

Could it be my use of the world “beryllium” that gave offense?


Run-of-the-mill trolls who come here and more or less behave are encouraged for their entertainment value and will be allowed to keep their vowels intact.



Could it be my use of the world “beryllium” that gave offense?

How could it not?


I thought it was “Belgium” that was the most offensive word.


But how can the multitude that is Gary Ruppert ever be called Run Of The Mill?


What mikey sez.

You just LOSE/FAIL when you even admit the existence of the clowns. And it’s the nature of humanity (as well as those who comment here) to strike back, even in Nowheresville. It only takes one to break discipline & encourage the cretins.

Ruppert, on the other hand … is perfect for Tooter, or whatever that is.


But how can the multitude that is Gary Ruppert ever be called Run Of The Mill?

Etymology, man. Run of the mill = mass-produced = Gary[s]


Could it be my use of the world “beryllium” that gave offense?



…more or less behave….

It’s a difficult line to define. That’s what I’m counting on.


I used to get high on life. Then I built up a tolerance.


Also, mikey needs to learn how really easy it is to make spätzle. Anything else with schnitzel is a travesty even greater than the so-called “vodka martini.”

Please note proper period placement tyvm.


Sometimes I feel like strapping on my boots and running a couple miles.

I find if I lay down for an hour it goes away….



I dunno, man, the noodles in mushroom gravy were pretty damn good.

Let’s check out this whole spätzle thingamabod.

Heeeeeyyyy, now. This has potential.

I’m in! More due diligence to do…



..is it like spackle?


I had a roomate from Germany who made us some spaetzle once.



I ain’t eatin no spackle.

Oh God did some one say Beryllium??
Now we’ll all have to sing Jerusalem.

Felch Marmaduke

FYI, gang — this guy ‘Adam’? I fucked him in the ass while he was writing his contributions. Just wanted you to know (he’s in the John right now cleaning up).


So, Duke, how was he? I’m guessing helium heels, wants to be dominated. I think of the type as anti-power bottoms.


And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen

And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills


Got an offer to spend a month working in Ludwigshafen Germany (apparently near Mannheim). Any input on the area? Seems pretty industrial.

I spent a few weeks in Mannheim once and I think the restaurant my German colleagues took me to for some traditional German fare was in Ludwigshafen. My advice to you is that if anyone offers you handkäse you are to stand up and exclaim, WOLLEN SIE NICHT, WOLLEN SIE NICHT!1!!!ein!!! You will never be unable to unknow what it tastes like if you give into the pressure to eat it. It seems to be a hazing ritual they have for American visitors. Besides eating at one of the best Indian restaurants ever, House of India ( Goethestraße 8) I didn’t find anything particularly fun to do in Mannheim but Heidelberg is not too far away and that’s worth seeing. Frankfurt itself was more fun than people told me it would be but I was there during Christmas season.


FWIW, I don’t get the “disemvowelment” or changing in ANY way the comments of recognized regulars here. For fuck’s sake. Messing with the comments of your loyal Nosers, while permitting rampant wholesale threadjacking and a codified hands-off policy toward trolls? W.T.F.??

Here’s a suggestion, S,N hosts: You don’t like your devoted followers feeding the trolls? Then give up your counterproductive Puritanical policies and fucking BAN THEIR ASSES already. Don’t be blaming the victims. Spotty “disemvowelment” and then ragging on those who “feed” the increasingly prevalent trolls isn’t getting it. Soon you’ll have all trolls all the time if you edit your regulars and spottily permit the trolls’ comments. This is ridiculous.


Words of Wisdom
This saddens me, but it has to be done:

Elder Lettuce
(Summon Great Old Roughage)
Casting cost: Twelve cobags of any colour
Attack: Special
Defence: 1
Effect: Place five emu tokens on card when summoned. Each turn, Elder Lettuce causes rains of chundermuffins on all creatures, dealing damage equal to the total number of emu tokens in play.

When there are more emu tokens than creatures in play, Elder Lettuce is removed from the game and replaced with a few shreds of green vegetation, and its IP address.
Mendacious D

And now I must return to work on my loan narrative. (Doesn’t that sound EXCITING!1!?!)

Johnny Coelacanth

mikey sez:

“One of the things that real acid aficionados will tell you … Oddly, by the mid eighties when I was completely strung on speed …”

Hey mikey, we shared some of the same hobbies. Sounds like you were a bit more, um, dedicated than I was but by 1986 all the good acid was gone. Or so they told me. Then all the acid was gone, good or bad, and everybody was doing crystal meth, instead.

Me and all my cranked out, acid tripping pals were enlisted Navy, stationed on a ship out of San Diego. Oh the stories I could tell; like the one where I was talking with my friend Spike about the best places on board ship to get high and he told me he liked to smoke in the flammable liquids storage locker, because nobody would ever look for someone smoking in there …

Rest easy folks, your national security remains in capable hands.


Rest easy folks, your national security remains in capable hands.

Elder Lettuce will get righteous on your asses. If it ever gets outta the sink, that is.


Got an offer to spend a month working in Ludwigshafen Germany (apparently near Mannheim). Any input on the area? Seems pretty industrial.

An invitation to somewhere in Baden-Württemberg? I’d run screaming.

But for just a month? Could be fun. There are probably nicer (Cologne, Munich) and more interesting (*cough* Berlin *cough*) parts of Germany, but “industrial” in Germany doesn’t typically mean the barren grey urban sprawl deathscape of a Buffalo or Detroit. There are factories, and then there are the cute cities, towns and rural areas in the immediate vicinity.


Thanks. I think I’m going to do it. Having not travelled much, I can’t pass it up.

I’ll steer clear of teh handkäse, thanks.


I don’t get the teleprompter thing.

It’s because he’s black. Doesn’t matter that everyone since St. Ronnie uses it, different rules.

They like different rules. It’s the forensic equivalent of “quit hitting yourself.”


The New Yorker should be read just like Playboy. Only for the cartoons.


The New Yorker should be read just like Playboy. Only for the cartoons.

And Seymour Hersh.


And the fiction.


Don’t feed the trolls. Bitch slap the trolls.

Turbine Yukon Palin

I think the girl penis in the first frame made my head explode

Don’t worry, it wasn’t a “real” girl. That was just Bill. Bill feels prettier in liptick and mascara. And he’s asking us to call him “Loretta.” It’s cool. You can do that in SF and no one really blinks an eye.


If I were gay (and I am most certainly not). Huh, methinks you doth protest to much.


Any chance he could be the spawn of Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer?


(comments are closed)