I have here in my hand a list of 205 names of Communists…
…working for the Government Accountability Office. Shrill is in the air:
Federal auditors said on Friday that the Bush administration violated the law by buying favorable news coverage of President Bush’s education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party. […]
Lawyers from the accountability office, an independent nonpartisan arm of Congress, found that the administration systematically analyzed news articles to see if they carried the message, “The Bush administration/the G.O.P. is committed to education.”
The auditors declared: “We see no use for such information except for partisan political purposes. Engaging in a purely political activity such as this is not a proper use of appropriated funds.”
The report also sharply criticized the Education Department for telling Ketchum Inc., a public relations company, to pay Mr. Williams for newspaper columns and television appearances praising Mr. Bush’s education initiative, the No Child Left Behind Act.
Well, at least it’s a good thing we’ll be able to dismiss the findings of this report:
The investigation by the accountability office was requested by Senators Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, both Democrats.
Kennedy is fat and drunk. And he killed a woman. Bullet dodged!
This GAO is an anachronism. Dear Leader already had his Accountability Moments, one of them he won 51-49, the other 5-4.
What trips my balls off is that we need a hoard of AUDITORS to bring up the fact that this might be wrong. Just another example of the GOP’s New Morality that’s sweeping the nation. If you say it a lot, it becomes true. If you get away with it, Jesus must think it’s okay. I mean…the PRESIDENT…BUYING….NEWS?!?!? I’m trying to think who, exactly, must be spinning in his/her grave. Oh, that’s right, everyone who struggled to build the heritage of political liberty in the US.
And it really chaps everyone’s bum at NewsMax, WorldNetDaily, TownHall and MichNews that they’re lying and spinning out of sheer love and altruism and doing it without public funds. (..although I suspect they’re really not.) Especially MichNews, which, in the world of informational pornography, theirs is the equivalent of some fat guy wanking off in front of his webcam and letting everyone watch for free.
Senator Kennedy is fat…and Michael Moore is fat! New health warning: Liberalism makes you fat!
Right, those fat liberals.
As Minister of Enlightenment, Goebbels Rove had two main tasks:
to ensure nobody in Germany Americuh could read or see anything that was hostile or damaging to the Nazi Republican Party.
to ensure that the views of the Nazis religious right were put across in the most persuasive manner possible.
I don’t think we should be trying to “plant” democracy in Iraq, when we don’t have it right in Washington.
Anyone who doesen’t think that kind of shit is a big deal needs to pull their head out of their ass, because you know for every stinking turd left behind by bush that we see, theres 10 more we don’t.
How much of the news fed to us from the last 6 years has been run through Rove’s patented truth machine?
ummm my last comment was supposed to strike out goebbles and nazi and replace them with the following words. I thought it would be visually effective. Unfortunately it looks like I fucked it up.
Damn. And I only ever got paid in man-chowder.
Damn. And I only ever got paid in man-chowder.
That’s what you get for accepting in to the first contract offer instead of negotiating.
The first offer is always low!
I’m trying to think who, exactly, must be spinning in his/her grave. Oh, that’s right, everyone who struggled to build the heritage of political liberty in the US.
Posted by res publica
SOOO Sadly SOOO true!!! Well put!!
The first offer is always low!
This is true. Those bastards will lowball you every time.
So, the thing with Maggie Gallagher, that was cool, though? It’s only Armstrong we expected better from?
Honestly, though, you gotta wonder what other lies they’d be willing to tell for a buck. Now *that’s* media credibility! Take note, Marie Jon’!
Timmah, as you’ve probably guessed, strike-thru text doesn’t work in S,N!’s comments. I find it’s a hit-and-miss thing, as there are some classy bogs where strike-thru text works (like World O’Crap), and some where it doesn’t. Of course, here, the Big Guys (Gavin, Seb, Brad, and jeff-perado) can use strike-thru text in the main posts. Just us peons can’t.
Also, the comments engine doesn’t seem to understand non-standard characters (like “hearts”).
Oh hell, Timmah – I kinda LIKE the name “Goebbels Rove”. It’s got panache.
“Goebbels Rove”?
Wasn’t that what hard news man Jeff Gannon was for?
Despite the incredibly distasteful image, suburban refugee, I feel you should be elevated to God of Wit for that one, at least for the remainder of the weekend.
So, the thing with Maggie Gallagher, that was cool, though? It’s only Armstrong we expected better from?
It’s that whole “soft bigotry of low expectations” thing in action.