Real Time With Andrew Breitbart

Billed as an “Internet News Entrepreneur,” an unkempt and clueless Big Andy Blartblart was on Bill Maher and the results were hilarious. Watch this short clip (with a few helpful annotations that I added):

Of course, Breitbart’s contention that Limbaugh has never said anything racist is almost as preposterous as saying that Limbaugh bears an uncanny resemblance to Brad Pitt.

For reasons that are not entirely clear, the folks at Blartblart’s Big Hollywood posted the entire video of Blartblart piddling on himself. Predictably the commenters there thought that it was the black man on the show who was racist.

UPDATE: Now listen to Blartblart talk about the “black studies intelligentsia crowd” complete with scare quotes and then decide who’s the racist here.

Better yet, although I thought 9/11 “made” Blartblart a conservative, he now says it was solidarity with poor conservative Negroes oppressed by the “black studies intelligentsia crowd” that made him see the light. What an odious lying sack of meretricious shit this guy is.


Comments: 270


Seriously!? Limpbough has been spewing noxious vapors into the air 15 hours a week for 21 effing YEARS?!!

That’s roughly 16,000 hours. Yikes!


“If you had to spew nonsense 15 hours a week, you would end up saying racist stuff too!”


Why is the black man always trying to beat Limbaugh down?
Can’t a honky earn a decent buck makin’ fun of poor folk anymore?


Micheal Eric Dyson pwned his ass!


“Internet News Entrepreneur”. Nothing says credibility like that label.


So, RB has gotten me interested in making YouTube videos. I can now say I have the software to do so, but can someone answer a technical question for me (yeah, me of all people)?

How do you do those YouTube annotations? Please tell me it’s not a Web based thing and that you can do that in a video editor…


So, RB has gotten me interested in making YouTube videos

Let me rephrase that to one of his post titles: “Making cheap jokes, even cheaper with technology.”

Knight in White Satin

Is he ‘cut’ or not?

I merely ask for infomation.

I mean information (but I LOVE the word info-mation)

PS: I used to be Fozzetti, called after one of my husband’s numerous Fozzy Bears, which my daughter dressed up in girl-doll clothing. I’m tired of Her. Fozzetti, not my daughter.


Also If one hasn’t listened to every single hour, one is taking The Gas Giant out of context.


Internet News Entrepreneur is a more honest label than Citizen Journalist. Make shit up, get paid!


I am shocked SHOCKED to hear unsubstantiated scurrilous smears about St. Oxycontin Rush being racist.

Your money’s on the table, chocolate.


First time I’ve ever seen Breitbart on TV.
He’s even doucheier than I imagined.


Unfortunately this is another one of those occasions in which, though I like Bill Maher, he goes off on something for which he hasn’t yet prepared an argument, so we get a shoutfest for 10 minutes off the subject.


If you guys go to Youtube, be sure and check out the Steyn video Tintin’s got up. That’s priceless, Tintin.


Somebody should tell Bill Maher about feeding the troll.

When you argue with idiots, you invariably get some on you.

I guess on TV disemvowling isn’t an option, huh?

‘Cause I’m thinking it would be funny.

They could do closed captions for the logic impaired if they felt the need…



How do you do those YouTube annotations? Please tell me it’s not a Web based thing and that you can do that in a video editor…

You can do the annotations in a video editor, but YouTube also lets you do it on the YouTube site after you upload a video. Frankly, it’s very easy on the YouTube sites and the annotations appear immediately after they’re published.


Am I the only person here that was overcome by an uncontrollable urge to masturbate during that clip?



I guess on TV disemvowling isn’t an option, huh? ‘Cause I’m thinking it would be funny.

OMFG that would be hilarious — because you can disemvowel the subtitles. I don’t have time to do that today — but it will be done.


If you guys go to Youtube, be sure and check out the Steyn video Tintin’s got up.

? ‽ ?


Breitbart has that same douchey aura about him that Hitchens and in fact Bill Maher do. Also, I don’t care if he is liberal, Bill Maher is a pig and an enema-bag.


Also, I don’t care if he is liberal, Bill Maher is a pig and an enema-bag.

I haven’t watched his show in a while, but when he started talking about women I would always get uncomfortable. Not because I’m gay but because it bothers me when people have to broadcast their personal pathologies for the world, in such an obvious way. Dude’s got issues with teh females.


“If you had to talk on air for 15 hours a week, you would diddle Puerto Rican boys too.”


Dude’s got issues with teh females.

He fucked Ann Coulter. That’s all I need to know. Ewww.


It looks like I’m the first to note:

Maher quotes the line about “Obama and his Negro army is coming to get you.”

BREITBART says, “Who is this racism coming from?”

Maher: The racism is coming from Rush Limbaugh.

And then Breitbart–who is the one who was first to characterize the comment as “racism,” goes on a self-righteous rant about how terrible it is to call someone a racist “in America.”

All Maher had to say was, “Dude–I didn’t call Rush a racist. You did.”

I don’t blame him–in fact he wanted to shunt the whole topic of Rush off to the side–but jeez. Breitbart is like a standup comedian. It doesn’ t matter what’s really true, or what the hecklers yell, he has his act and he’s going to get through it. What a complete and total horse’s ass.

Dyson is brilliant but looks disturbingly like Drew Carrey.


Jesus, Loneoak, that is out of line and totally unfair. Dominican boys.


Dude’s got issues with teh females.

He fucked Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter is therefore a man, QED.


Recently Maher (I think maybe it was on Larry King’s show) denied that he and Coulter had ever been romantically involved. I tried to type that without vomiting but I did get a bit burpy.


as preposterous as saying that Limbaugh bears an uncanny resemblance to Brad Pitt.

On the other hand, Limbaugh and Breitbart could be brothers.

Dude’s got issues with teh females.

Did you see the rest of the show? Because when Sarah Silverman was on, Maher couldn’t stop blushing and gushing his admiration. He was like a little boy kneeling at the altar of Venus.


tigrismus said,
March 15, 2009 at 20:34

Jesus, Loneoak, that is out of line and totally unfair. Dominican boys

Oh, I figured everyone already knew about the Dominicans. I’m speculating on the Puerto Ricans. It would be irresponsible not to.


Dude’s got issues with teh females.

No kidding. That’s why he’s a pig. And an enema-bag.


I’m pretty sure Maher invited Silverman on to see if he could score a date.


Well, I’d certainly kneel at the altar of Ms. Silverman’s Venus, if you follow my genetic drift.


Breitbart sounds like he actually says at one point “You can’t call someone racist in America!” I think he was stumbling toward arguing that you have to prove someone’s something before you say that they’re something. Which is of course absurd. Perhaps he was getting at “you have to have proof,” which Maher did. Anyway, what a smarm-blossom.


Wikipedia, that most reliable of all internet gossip sources, says Maher dates black pourne stars.


Okay, that last comment made no sense whatsoever. Nevermind.


Maher never recovered from the rejection he received in high school. Now that he’s rich and famous and short and not very attractive, he’s getting even.


and he read the bible of all losers who just don’t get it: “Nice Guys Finish Last”


Thank you, hard-working Tintin. I was going to have to wait until this showed up on HBO2, & of course would have forgotten when it was on …

unkempt and clueless Big Andy Blartblart

He seems to think he’s a Hollywood of the ’30s style reporter: looking rumpled, etc. confirms his authenticity. (Whatever any of that may or may not mean.)

If his fellow “Internet News Entrepreneurs” PJ Simon & Ratt Drudge hadn’t already copped the fedora look, I ‘m sure BlartyBlartBlart would be running around in one w/ a press card stuck in the hatband.

Too much time watching “good” movies on TCM, not enough connection to the current millenium.


Hey, want to know the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?

One’s a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other is a dirigible.


This fucking blog is sorely lacking in goddamn profanity lately.
Also poop.


Maher has been a douche since the 1980’s when he was opening for David Brenner at Catch-A-Rising star for 50 bucks per set.
Now that he’s rich and on TeeVee, it’s only more noticeable.


You know how lame Breitbart is when he begins a sentence with, “I used to be a liberal…” So what? How does that give you credibility? He also tried to insult Dyson with some “black studies” sneer, then he bizarrely tried to make him out as some sort of French deconstructionist.


Did you see the rest of the show? Because when Sarah Silverman was on, Maher couldn’t stop blushing and gushing his admiration. He was like a little boy kneeling at the altar of Venus.

What was up with that uncomfortable moment when he tried to give her his mug of water? There was a reference to the playboy mansion, did Maher fuck Sarah Silverman?


Breitblart is at the forefront of protecting our society from early 1990s post-modernist literary theorists.


Also, Blartblart was extremely irksome and made absolutely no meaningful contribution to the show. Loathsome.


As far as I’m concerned, outspoken public atheists get a significant pass.

Many of them seem to be dicks, and this unfortunately DOES contribute to the general opinion that all atheists are dicks, but it takes a certain amount of courage to talk sense in the face of the ubiquitous belief that it’s perfectly reasonable for educated 21st century grownups to structure their lives around invisible superheroes who live in outer space and the book about them written by 7th century superstitious authoritarians and hucksters.

There are SO few people with a wide audience willing to question the ridiculous beliefs of the bible thumpers and start to make the very conversation possible that I tend to support them even if they are not individually likable (a certain besotted englishman comes to mind).

Remember, atheists are THE MOST HATED minority according to recent polling data. We need people to realize that what we have to say makes sense…



Remember, atheists are THE MOST HATED minority according to recent polling data. We need people to realize that what we have to say makes sense…

Maybe, but according to the most recently released poll of religious self-identification, we’re the 3rd biggest ‘religious’ group in the U.S., after Catholics and Baptists. And closing.

You never know — we could become the silent plurality all too soon.


Bill Maher has his flaws, but I’ve given him a big pass, too. Anyone who called Bush and his administration douchebags during all 8 of the years Bush was in office gets a pass as far as I’m concerned.


He also tried to insult Dyson with some “black studies” sneer

That part amused me. Dyson’s talking about the coded language of racism, and Breitbart pulls out the dismissive “black studies intelligentsia crowd” code phrase. Dyson’s response: My degree is in religion, I currently teach sociology. You, Breitbart, just scored on own goal.


an own goal


George Bush’s first post presidential “speaking engagement” [aka garbled idiotic ramble in which he justifies the invasion of Iraq @ $400 a rubber chicken plate] is in the hometown of Canada’s prime minister.


Maybe, but according to the most recently released poll of religious self-identification, we’re the 3rd biggest ‘religious’ group in the U.S., after Catholics and Baptists. And closing.

You never know — we could become the silent plurality all too soon.

I was happy to see those numbers, but lets be honest about them:

1) The measurement was not atheist/agnostic, it was ‘no religion’ which would capture people with no thought/politics on the matter and I therefore wouldn’t include them as allies.
2) The ‘3rd biggest’ claim only works if you count ‘no religion’ as equivalent to a Xtian denomination. Which is ridiculous. It hardly makes sense to subdivide Xtians to that extent, especially subdividing all the Protestants. Even the way they subdivide the Protestants didn’t make a lot of sense: ‘evangelical’ as a stand-alone group separate from ‘Baptist’ isn’t very tenable.

I’ll second Mikey on the ‘outspoken atheists get a pass on being assholes’ notion. Maher definitely makes me cringe when he starts talking about women, but you know, most good entertainers are assholes.


I’ll ride w/ mikey on this one. Few of us are perfect, & while Maher certainly does have some problems “relating” to the somewhat less awful half of our awful species, he is a comedian, & it’s hard to shut those types up, whether about what pigs they may be or how they are otherwise able to think clearly on many other subjects.

As an example of how hard it is to shut some typists up, see here for how we, the despised by all decent people, are nonetheless movin’ on up!


the dismissive “black studies intelligentsia crowd” code phrase

As usual, truthiness is one of the core tenets of conservatism. Why actually think about things and debate them, when you can just go with your gut? People who dismiss women’s studies and the like are never merely challenging the conclusions, they’re mocking the whole elitist air of seriously considering the issues at all, let alone talking about different perspectives and examining your own beliefs.

The mind, it boggles.


@ Loneoak: Well excuuuuuuse me for choosing to look at the bright side. You’re right, I’ll make sure and get back to pissing on cornflakes but quicklike. You know how I tend to have an overwhelming tendency for a bright sunny outlook.


Maher definitely makes me cringe when he starts talking about women, but you know, most good entertainers are assholes.

Hmmm, let me try something. “So-and-so definitely makes me cringe when he starts talking about blacks, but you know, most good entertainers are assholes.”

Nope. Doesn’t work.


Few of us are perfect, & while Maher So-and-So certainly does have some problems “relating” to the somewhat less awful half of our awful species black and brown people, he is a comedian, & it’s hard to shut those types up, whether about what pigs how racist they may be or how they are otherwise able to think clearly on many other subjects.

That doesn’t quite get it either, does it?


You never know — we could become the silent plurality all too soon.

Silent nothing, the ass kicking will begin as soon as we equal religious+1. Then the make-up sex, but only gay for Moral Former Majority’s members*. Otherwise to each his/her/their own(s).

*tee hee!


I’ve been seeing those poll numbers quite a lot lately and I have a problem with the way they’re generally interpreted. The consensus is that more people are areligious now than were, say, 10 years ago. I haven’t reviewed the details – phrasing, stats, etc. – and I’m no Nate Silver but….

I haven’t seen anything that makes it clear whether people are in fact less godstruck these days or whether – I think this is the more likely explanation – people are more willing to say they don’t go for that cosmic debris.

Prolly becuase I saw what happened over several decades with gay people coming out of the closet, I think the willingness to “admit” to atheism (or agnosticism or whatever) is rising faster than any actual underlying change in belief.

In any case, I’m all for atheist lib. And let me say how much I hate that term atheist. But I better not get beating that dog.


er, get started on


Point taken, MzNicky. My justification was crappy. I will cringe even deeper in the future. At least he wears his misogyny on his sleeve for the most part. However, I need to get my entertainment somewhere in this patriarchy.

And El Cid, I’m an optimist for the most part, too. I was gladdened enough by that survey to post it to my FB page and got a big reaction, including one of the two conservative Xtians I know trying to defend against my misunderstanding of Xtianity, which was hilarious. But once I started to actually read the survey results in more depth, I was pretty surprised by how weird their interpretations were. Like, why do Xtians get subdivided like that along denominations, yet Jews and Muslims are a single category? It’s not as if Baptists and Anglicans are in different religions, they just interpret their shared mythology slightly differently. Although I suppose if you group all the Xtians together then we are second largest group, which is pretty cool, but still nowhere near a plurality.

So we’re not the 3rd largest religious group in the US. Meh. We are however the fastest growing religious group in the US! Fuck yeah!


So we’re not the 3rd largest religious group in the US.

Rather, I should have said that we don’t really have a sense of where we lie unless we get a better survey.


Dammit, NOW you tell me, after my ass-kicking foot already got all itchy.


Look here, brother, who you jiving with that cosmik debris?


I don’t think Maher’s sexism is equivalent to Limbaugh’s level of racism, it also isn’t the core of his appeal to his audience. We may like Maher, but we like him despite the sexism, not because of it.

Also, he clearly has redeeming features other than that. It’s not as if Rush’s views on say, Just War theory or economics are insightful and revealing.


This Bernard Chapin essay, currently featured at Pajamas Media, is just what conservatives need to jump-start their big comeback.


He also called Ayers a terrorist. I think that flies in the face of “we don’t count the Anthrax Attacks or Malvo as terrorist attacks because they were perpetrated by Americans, not Arabs” meme.


I don’t think Maher’s sexism is equivalent to Limbaugh’s level of racism

No one said it was, and that’s not the point anyway. Maher’s sexism stands on its own. You may like him despite it, and I dislike him largely because of it. (Well, also I don’t think he’s funny and I find him insufferably smug and not a real original thinker besides.)

I’m just so fucking tired of sexism getting a pass, when racism, homophobia, etc. are not tolerated, as they should not be. If you said “we like so-and-so despite his racism, not because of it,” you’d be shot down in a heartbeat.


I’m only going to say (in my own pathetic defense) that sexism & racism are not that conflatable, most racism being cultural difference that fixates on the easy & superficial, while there really are differences between the sexes. Not an excuse, or even a reason, but it makes it easier for a generally rational person to go along w/ society’s whatnot.

Yes, many of the differences ‘twixt cats & kittens (You see the sexism inherent in the language there?) are culturally reinforced & exaggerated.
And the point of sexism & racism is divide & conquer so that the few can more easily control the many. Both bad, both to be stopped, not quite the same.

Also, B. M.’s misogyny is only known to us because he’s jerk/fool enough to expose it in the first place, which is more than can be said for most righties.

Johnny Coelacanth

“So-and-so definitely makes me cringe when he starts talking about blacks, but you know, most good entertainers are assholes”

Is that false equivalency I smell?


PeeJ thinks more are willing to say they’re post-superstitious than in the past. I agree, & the lumping of agnostic, atheist, decline to state, no religion into one is less than ideal, but this is still cheering:

The study found that the numbers of Americans with no religion rose in every state.

“No other religious bloc has kept such a pace in every state,” the study’s authors said.

Nothing stopping us now. Certainly no gawd.

Grand Moff Texan

And still: no intelligent conservatives.

Ever wonder why?



Whiny little fuck, too. Ain’t he?

Is it just the mists of memory, or wasn’t there once a time when teh right would actually put forth unto the airwaves people with some sense of continuity or cause-and-effect? Some basic grip on logical structure, if only enough to be able to torturously twist it? Some minor understanding that lying is a craft, and at least the desire, if not the talent, to practice it well? Christ, they’ve gotten lazy.


“No other religious bloc has kept such a pace in every state,” the study’s authors said.

I must quibble. We would be an irreligious bloc, neh?


Bill Maher is odd because he keeps doing the right thing overall — i.e., providing a show that’s a good platform to mock righties & fundies, or serving as the centerpoint for making the Religulous movie. But on his own show, I usually moderately enjoy the opening monologue, and ‘new rules,’ but the parts requiring Maher to interact with people, usually not.

In the free-form discussion, Maher either doesn’t know the subjects he’s talking about and just starts repeating pre-formed points he wanted to make (i.e., whenever he thinks you’re endorsing religion), or he’s just sort of a d*ck and not getting what people are arguing, or he’s doing these live via satellite interviews that hardly ever go anywhere and involve him mainly being disappointed because the satellite guest had no idea what his mumbled attempted joke was.

It’s really weird.


Well, technically, it’s the difference between reading written material (Written by a huge, mostly male staff) & winging it, esp. if winging it while prepared w/ talking points that you might get hung up on.


That study is going to take a bit to digest properly. I have a hard time figuring out how they’re lumping shit together when they say things like this…

The U. S. population continues to show
signs of becoming less religious, with
one out of every five Americans failing to
indicate a religious identity in 2008.

• The “Nones” (no stated religious
preference, atheist, or agnostic)
continue to grow, though at a much
slower pace than in the 1990s, from
8.2% in 1990, to 14.1% in 2001, to
15.0% in 2008.

Huh? No identity must be different than no preference, I suppose.


They also have “Deists” at 12%. I can sort of lump them in with the “We’re not totally batshit crazy” crowd.


The fact is, we the godful patriots of the heartland will rise up and smite your illegegitamite goverment foisted on us by voter fraud courtesy of ACORN. Socialists.


The fact is, socialism. Destroying freedom. That’s what you are.


El Cid: agreed.


The fact is, Liberals are worse than Hitler.


There’s a reason we call it the heart-land and not the brain-land.


I guess fake Gary’s finished his sunday afternoon chores, eh?

I’m surprised he hasn’t run afoul of WordPress “Slow Down, You’re Posting too Fast”…



I agree that B.M. is a jerk and sexist, but I just want to make this point—to be a celebrity usually involves personality traits that most of us find highly repulsive, including sexism and massive egocentrism. Even the guys on “our side”. I mean, there were times in the past half-decade that Keith Olbermann has been the only place on the teevee that told the real truth and espoused viewpoints of the left that were highly unpopular. But I’ll admit the man has done more than a few things that have made me cringe, and his act is starting to get old. But I get the feeling that he’ll keep going well past that expiration date, because of that egotism I mentioned above.

I don’t think that any one of us, who are not sexist, racist, and/or homophobic, and not particularly full of ourselves, could ever make it in the media world. So on balance I think we should be grateful that there are people who do that are willing to say things that we agree with, most of the time. I don’t make excuses for Maher’s sexism but I’m just saying that with anyone that famous there’s going to be something wrong with them, as it just comes with the territory.


I’m with MzNicky on BM.

I watched “Religulous” being curious and having a conservative christian background. I do like some of what he exposed on that topic. Fine.

But because he’s on target in one area is not an exoneration in others.

His contempt of women oozes from everything he does.

He’s a piece of shit.


Damn crows.


I guess fake Gary’s finished his sunday afternoon chores, eh?

So there’s fresh newspaper on the cellar floor and the Cheeto packets are all picked up.

Bill Maher is quite odd.


I’ve made rapid fire comments on a few occasions without getting bitten by “Slow Down Cerberus.” OTOH, I’ve been mauled when posting the first comment since the previous evening.

In conclusion, I suspect WP is totally broken in that regard, accomplishing precisely zero of the programmer’s intent. We now return to our regularly scheduled profanity.

Also, poop.


The fact is, we the godful patriots of the heartland will rise up and smite your illegegitamite goverment foisted on us by voter fraud courtesy of ACORN. Socialists.

Talk talk talk. Gary always talks a big game about smiting and how he’ll smite our brains out, but then he acts all tired or headachey. Has he ever once smote us without us pouring liquor down his throat? Plus he ate all the illegegitamite even though we’re showing distinct signs of vitamin B deficiency. Watch out, Gare-Bear, our we’ll start ramming our homoislamoabortofascist agenda down somebody else’s throat.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Damn crows.

Yeah, that is kind of an unfortunate typo. If it is a typo – I don’t think I can stand watching the vid.


Those black studies intelligentsia crowes look at an independent-minded black conservative like Clarence Thomas and they get jealous, jealous again. With footnotes.


Here Come Those Tired Old Tits Again!


I posted this yesterday, but in case any of you missed it, you should definitely check it out. It’s the dogs sleeping with cats moment in the struggle for equal rights for gays and lesbians.

Frat boys bashing on fag bashers – I’m glad I lived long enough to see this.


It does seem Gary is hitting the grain alcohol a little early today.


Soooo, what’s up with Pakistan? OTOH, it is terrifying to contemplate the government failing. OTOH, it seems like a surprising cross-section of people are simply demanding rule by law and there just aren’t enough thuggish cops to kick their heads in anymore so maybe the failed state will be replaced by a functional one.


Before Dennis Miller “flipped” I always felt he and Maher were basically the same guy, that is, occasionally funny but too often relying on their own contempt for the imperfections in life and sa mug self-righteousness to get a few laughts (“and how about those stewardess…I’m sorry, flight attendants.”) I think that says a lot about the audience, too, though. We Americans just love our irony I guess. (Yeah, I know, real rich coming from somebody who participates on a snark blog). I find Maher’s views on religion to be largely nauseating and ill-informed.

Still, it’s nice, in a way, that the latter kept his sanity post-9/11 and has tried to make some kind of forum on TV where people with opposing viewpoints can argue intelligently. In 2003, before Air America and before I discovered the left blogistan, Maher’s show was a refreshing antidote to all the ra ra cheerleading that was going on about the war. His take down of Sarah Palin back when she was announced was pretty much right on (he made it more about the right’s hypocrisy about claiming Obama lacked experience as well as her phony record of “reform” in Alaska).


Parody troll is bad at parody:

“godful?” Really? Is that the best you can do, Gary?


Why can’t I get the “black studies intelligentsia crowd” to come to my parties? I’ve Miriam Makeeba records, Miles Davis records, even the 5th Dimension. And the food is good.

But still, they won’t come, and they prevent other poor conservative negroes from coming. It’s a crime, I tell you. We can stay up late and watch Soul Train out-takes, which I’ve got on DVD.

Darn you, black studies intelligentsia crowd!


I dunno, loanoak.

Sharif’s a corrupt right wing plutocrat who only rolls out the islamic populism when he gets booted out of power. Remember, one of the times he was PM before he wanted to institute a kind of watered-down form of Sharia law but he also wanted to designate himself “commander of the faithful”. Whatever that is.

Zardari’s a little better, but he’s also in way over his head and also has a history of serial corruption. He’s really only PM because the elections were held so quickly after his wife’s murder.

Iftikhar Chaudhry’s a bundle of contradictions. He was very likely to nullify Musharef’s election, but he also signed off on Musharef’s coup, providing it’s early legitimacy. He might very well reinstate the corruption charges against Zardari, or he might reimpose exile on Sharif. Or he might be one of their kingmakers.

Pakistan deserves something better than any of these manipulative thugs. Benazir, in spite of her very real faults, was their best chance. No matter what Zardari does, he’s done. He looks weak, like he backed down. He’s deeply unpopular and he has no real power in Punjab.

We’re still only on chapter one of this story…



From Breitbart’s most recent Washington Times column:

Even though Mr. Dyson filibustered in a poetic jargon only a linguistics student could decipher, and Mr. Maher glared at me in his trademark smirk, and the audience booed my every utterance, I left knowing I won the rigged bout simply by showing up.

Victory, sweet, sweet victory!


Nlsn prclms

<blckqt>th bk bt thm wrttn by 7th cntry sprstts thrtrns nd hckstrs

Yp, Mhmmd ws fll f sht. Gd t s lbrl dmt ths, lthgh mst f y r hppy t s Mslms s sfl dts n yr fght gnst Chrstnty.

gr wth y lbrls – rlgn s ttl nnsns. hv nthng bt cntmpt fr ny blf systm whr th tnt f tht systm r hld n fth, vn n th tth f cntrdctry vdnc, whr ths wh wn’t blv r trtd s hrtcs, whr fct fndng s xctd n srvc f frgn cnclsn – h, bt w wrn’t tlkng bt glbl wrmng, wr w?


h ys, th “thnc stds” ppl. Thy try s hrd t snd dctd. t s msng t lstn t thm prpnd bt bsltly nthng, chtng thmslvs nd vryn rnd thm f rl dctn, nrtrng grvncs tht d thm gd nly f thy gt n th cdmc r ffrmtv ctn grvy trns.

t s wst f hmn ptntl, bt lt’s fc t, thy wrn’t gng t d nythng f sgnfcnc r bnft nywy. spps t s chpr thn pttng thm n wlfr r wtng fr thm t fll nt prsn. Bt – dmn – t s fnny t wtch thm try t s bg Ltnt wrds.


Seriously, commenting on the fact that sex was used to sell airline travel back in the past when the term jet-set was an indicator of social status is proof of sexism? Not merely an admission that corporations would appeal to businessmen through their pants?

Check who pays the bills at Scores sometime and get back to me.

“It’s funny because it’s true” is just as relevant as “Sex sells”.


You got an ‘F’ Mr. Authentic because you slept through the few classes you bothered to show up for.


What an odious lying sack of meretricious shit this guy is.

I’d be interested in an opinion about this Breitblart feller.


Say, whatever happened to Doctorb (Science)?


I left knowing I won the rigged bout simply by showing up

SWEET, I have GOT to try this in Vegas!


The Authentic wouldn’t know an academic if one bit him in the ass.


So calling someone a racist is the worst thing evar? Well that’s a relief.

Rush Limbaugh is a baby raping drug addict who regularly defecates in baptismal fonts.

Hey, I didn’t say he’s a racist!

And I haven’t read all of the comments but I’m going to assume I’m not the only one who noticed he seems really jumpy about the member of the black studies intelligencia sitting beside him. Speaking of which:

UPDATE: Now listen to Blartblart talk about the “black studies intelligentsia crows” complete with scare quotes and then decide who’s the racist here.

Please stick a “d” in “crows.” What is currently posted nearly caused one of your more quick tempered readers to suffer a rage induced stroke.


Hey, it’s not like I’m going to unkill it to see for sure, but shouldn’t that be reading “Disemvowled Troll – The Authentic?”

Why isn’t it permanent?




I won the rigged bout simply by showing up.

That’s about what they say to Special Olympics participants, isn’t it?


you’re not missing anything, mikey. still brain-dead.


if they get on the academic or affirmative action gravy trains.

As opposed to the Repub gravy trains the pundit class such as the like of Breitbard enjoys. But I guess he doesn’t count since he’s rooting on “your side.”



This is central to my point.


h, th lbrl ttmpts snrk.

Hr s < hrf=”” rl=”nfllw”>gd xmpl f wht ntllgnt nd dvsttngly fnny snrk ctlly lks lk. Rd t nd lrn, lbrls.

r gt Nlsn t tlk bt wht h flld hs nrms gllt wth tdy. Tht’s th sl xtnt f yr “hmr.”

Safeway Cashier

We got a troll cleanup on Aisle 3.


For at least the next ten years, the legitimate and appropriate response to questions like “what did Rush ever say that was racist?” (assuming you haven’t done your research and don’t have the quotes at hand) is to Go Goldfarb: “I think you know perfectly well which statements we’re talking about here.”


I knew I shouldn’t have bought this jar of hazelnut chocolate spread.


Can’t clean it up until it’s been disemvoweled.


I still think everyone ought to call it Big Hollywood Butthurt. And call him Andrew Butthurt.


I agree with Mz Nicky and think it’s specious reasoning to say that racism is cultural, whereas there are real differences between genders. The truth is that there are more within-sex differences than between-sex differences. I loathe Maher, even though I am to the left of him. Also, I don’t think he’s an atheist; I think he’s an agnostic. Speaking as an agnostic myself, and speaking of inter-group differences, there’s a big difference between us. I don’t like to align myself with atheism for many reasons, most of which have to do with the fervid zealotry I see in people like Hitchens.


Wow. Someone pissed in Toofy’s corn flakes this morning.

Shame I missed it.


Nah, Sorry Truth, I’m smarter and funnier than Ann Coulter. I got into a better law school and I’ve won a lot more cases. And so are most people here. Very little that she says is particulary intelligent or funny. it’s just sort of pathetically shocking, like when she told that amputee that “people like him were the reason we lost Vietnam” and that Clelnad lost both legs and an arm because he “was going back for a beer” at Khe Sanh. Yeah, that’s really “intelligent and devastatingly funny” snark.

The conservatives want to be inoculated from being called racist because it’s “unamerican” and unfair to slur somebidy like that. problem is, Brietbart asked who the racist comment came from and only after he knew the source did he start in about how unfair it was to to call Rush a racist. In fact, nobody did, Maher just answered his question about “where did this racism come from”

Now crank up the disemvowler, toot sweet.


Well, YES.

I want to see the end of “Faith”. I want to see religion, as an excuse, as a platform for oppression, as a reason to force people to adhere to an arbitrary and unsupportable dogma to simply fade into a history in which it has lost it’s usefulness.

You can hide behind all sorts of labels, “Deist” or “Agnostic” or any other stupid excuse to protect your right to your 72 virgins or your harp and wings or whatever other childish fiction you can’t turn loose of, but we NEED people to say it loud and clear: There are no fairies, no godlets, no messiahs, no “holy” spirit thingamabobs. We’re on our own, we GET that, and it’s up to US to make this place livable for every single human, because in the end, THAT’S our tribe.

To perpetuate the fear and loathing, to continue to enforce some kind of hierarchy that can say YOU can get married and YOU can’t, YOU can get pregnant but we can tell you what you can and can’t do about it, YOU can be part of the brotherhood of the book, but YOU are an infidel, to think there is some value in an outmoded system of oppression and hate, to think that you are protecting women, of all the madness, but accepting some kind of religious power structure is far beyond sad. It is a bald faced lie.

These structures are the PROBLEM, and breaking them down is the only viable long-term solution. So you can seek to silence voices that don’t adhere to everything you believe, or you can make alliances with anyone who can lead us to the place we ultimately want to go.

Purity now, or some kind of sustainable future.

I’m too old, and frankly, too broken and disillusioned to even begin to care what you choose. But I have a very strong sense you’re not thinking it all the way through…




Mikey, does this mean you will not bow down and worship Dave Broder’s poop sculture?



I don’t like to align myself with atheism for many reasons, most of which have to do with the fervid zealotry I see in people like Hitchens.

My particular variety of belief about things supernatural has nothing to do with ‘alignment.’ Strikes me as odd that you would choose agnosticism or atheism because some Brit is a dry-drunk wankstain.


Mikey, does this mean you will not bow down and worship Dave Broder’s poop sculture?

Well, I’m going to spend a couple hours in the indoor range tomorrow morning working with both .45s.

And I guess I could use another target. Sure…



That qualifies as worship in my book.

Happy huntin’!


hey, disemvowler works retro, cool. Then disregard that last post, which shouldn’t be hard.


The expression on Breitbart’s face throughout the segment reminded me of John Cleese doing a slow burn in “Fawlty Towers,” just before he blows his top. He knows he’s wrong, he knows he’s about to be exposed and humiliated, his precious “dignity” is all he has left — and it’s all expressed in the way he purses his lips. Uncanny!


Oh, I was going to look at A. C.’s fabulous snark, but now I can’t. Boo hoo.


Hns, y shld rd nn’s lst clmn. t s trly fnny nd btng t th sm tm. Prhps f y rd t, y cn s wht “hmr wbst” s trly sppsd t b. Sh clls t th hypcrtcl Dmcrts wh mk tns f mny, dnt nxt t nthng cmprd t Rpblcns, nd thn cll n vryn (ls) t gv. Yh, y’ll crng s hr shfts ht hm, bt tht’s th pnt f fnny wb st dvtd t pltcs.

Nw, fr nntntnl hmr, rcmmnd lstnng t “frcn stds” cdmcs dscss thr sbjct. t s hlrs t lstn t thm drp 25-cnt wrds nt thr cnvrstn, s thy dmly grp twrds cmprhnsn f sngl, chrnt thght. nn’s crrnt clmn ddrsss tht, t – r, s sspct, r y lbrls t cwrdly t cnfrnt ppsng ds?

h, nd Nlsn, gr wth y bt rlgn. Whnvr th cnclsn s bggd frm slctv fcts, whnvr fth sprcds th bsrvtn f th snss, spclly whnvr sch fth s sd t cntrl th bhvr f thr ppl, thn th prncs spcts f rlgn mst b rsstd. Bt ngh bt th Hly Glbl Wrmng Fth….


some Brit is a dry-drunk wankstain.

I must have missed it: when did he dry out?


But enough about the Holy Global Warming Faith….

If I were to shit in your mouth day after day after day do you think you would remain healthy?


Hee hee.

That just keeps crackin me up.

Hey Authentic. Fck u!!

hee hee…


Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Y’know, I suppose I’ve got it a lot easier. Maher’s contempt for a) the religious, b) women, and frankly his shoddy political views make it really easy to avoid the “oh gosh, I wish he weren’t so contemptuous of women, but I like when he makes fun of the fragile little image of religion he has”. Nope, he’s just a fuck to me.

That said, I suppose it’s better for him on our side than going the Miller route and getting a show on Fox to lambast the left. However, if his only virtue is “well, at least he’s not on their side”, there’s probably other people who could do better than him.


Hmm, Nlsn, thght y wrn’t rdng my psts.

Bt hr t s gn, jst n cs:

Hns, y shld rd nn’s lst clmn. t s trly fnny nd btng t th sm tm. Prhps f y rd t, y cn s wht “hmr wbst” s trly sppsd t b. Sh clls t th hypcrtcl Dmcrts wh mk tns f mny, dnt nxt t nthng cmprd t Rpblcns, nd thn cll n vryn (ls) t gv. Yh, y’ll crng s hr shfts ht hm, bt tht’s th pnt f fnny wb st dvtd t pltcs.

Nw, fr nntntnl hmr, rcmmnd lstnng t “frcn stds” cdmcs dscss thr sbjct. t s hlrs t lstn t thm drp 25-cnt wrds nt thr cnvrstn, s thy dmly grp twrds cmprhnsn f sngl, chrnt thght. nn’s crrnt clmn ddrsss tht, t – r, s sspct, r y lbrls t cwrdly t cnfrnt ppsng ds?

h, nd Nlsn, gr wth y bt rlgn. Whnvr th cnclsn s bggd frm slctv fcts, whnvr fth sprcds th bsrvtn f th snss, spclly whnvr sch fth s sd t cntrl th bhvr f thr ppl, thn th prncs spcts f rlgn mst b rsstd. Bt ngh bt th Hly Glbl Wrmng Fth….


Because that is what you are demanding of us, “This shit isn’t hurting you, so stop worrying about it!!”

That is the whole of your argument…


hey, disemvowler works retro, cool.

Yep, it sure does:

Hns, y shld rd nn’s lst clmn. t s trly fnny nd btng t th sm tm. Prhps f y rd t, y cn s wht “hmr wbst” s trly sppsd t b. Sh clls t th hypcrtcl Dmcrts wh mk tns f mny, dnt nxt t nthng cmprd t Rpblcns, nd thn cll n vryn (ls) t gv. Yh, y’ll crng s hr shfts ht hm, bt tht’s th pnt f fnny wb st dvtd t pltcs.

Nw, fr nntntnl hmr, rcmmnd lstnng t “frcn stds” cdmcs dscss thr sbjct. t s hlrs t lstn t thm drp 25-cnt wrds nt thr cnvrstn, s thy dmly grp twrds cmprhnsn f sngl, chrnt thght. nn’s crrnt clmn ddrsss tht, t – r, s sspct, r y lbrls t cwrdly t cnfrnt ppsng ds?

h, nd Nlsn, gr wth y bt rlgn. Whnvr th cnclsn s bggd frm slctv fcts, whnvr fth sprcds th bsrvtn f th snss, spclly whnvr sch fth s sd t cntrl th bhvr f thr ppl, thn th prncs spcts f rlgn mst b rsstd. Bt ngh bt th Hly Glbl Wrmng Fth….

Oh, and I think our Truthie has been leaving his boots under other people’s beds.


I like to watch the vowels disappear. It’s like magic!

Johnny Coelacanth

What’s wrong with contempt for religion? Fuck a bunch of religion. It is, on the main, a perversion of man’s instincts to seek explanation and avoid death.


T fnny. Y lbrls s m bsltly vrywhr, nd yt hv nvr pstd nywhr nr s mch s y sm t thnk. t mss m whn n f y rns ff nd rnts t hw y rmmbr m frm sm thr st, tht y knw ll th nms pst ndr, tc, whl th rlty s tht pst hr ndr “Th thntc”, frmrly “Th Trth”, nd frqnt n thr sts.

nd yt y r scrd stff f m. Y fnd rdng th fcts prsnt t b prfndly dstrbng bcs thr <>s n nswr fr thm, thr thn hnd wvng, nslts, nd drwnng m t.

Gd lck wth tht, hypcrts.

Johnny Coelacanth

***Crickets chirping***


Bkmrk ths, lbrls!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

What’s wrong with contempt for religion?

A lot of things? Especially when it seems the loudest proponents of it don’t seem to know much shit beyond Cliff’s Notes of any religious thought, and paint every faith with the brush of whatever stupid, small petty fundamentalist group they can find or grew up with.

Johnny Coelacanth

Lighten up, Leon.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

You first, Johnny.


What’s wrong with religion?

Let me count the ways.

On second thought, I’d rather have another martini.

Johnny Coelacanth

Sorry, that last comment of mine was more curt and less dismissive than I meant it to be. Religion is superstition in more respectable clothing. Superstition is contemptible because it is an abrogation of reason. Science and wonder are better than religion and faith, because the latter does not require me to believe in things for which there is no evidence.

Johnny Coelacanth

I meant ‘former’ natch.


<blckqt>bcs th lttr ds nt rqr m t blv n thngs fr whch thr s n vdnc


Y mn thngs lk “cldst wntr n Chcg n tn yrs == rrftbl fth prf tht Glbl Wrmng s hppnng”?


Excuse me, but that’s first order bullshit.

I don’t need to know the slightest embarasing fractal of “religious thought” in order to have contempt for it, because it is built on the most ridiculous of premises. Some super duper creature created the WHOLE universe but gets pissy if you and I don’t “worship” him/it? Are you fucking serious?

This is a stupid argument, because one side is built on stupidity and ignorance. Yeah, I get that tenth century humans didn’t have a better explanation for why the crops failed and the children died, but hey, guess what?

Twenty first century humans DO. So it becomes an argument without a genuine proponent. Let’s just drop the pretense. If you’re afraid you won’t “go to heaven” when you die and you’re an educated adult, you should be ashamed of yourself…



Here ya go:

When anyone asks you if you believe in gawd, just calmly and seriously say “Oh, no, I’m not superstitious” and walk away, while they struggle to figure out what the fuck just happened.

I first stumbled on the method years ago and found it works wonderfully.


Andrew Butthurt – if the shoe fits, take it off & throw it!

That “Black Studies” shit is more than a decade old now. I’d say by now said dog-whistle is rusted shut & they need to get a new one – & in the wake of BushCo’s Magic Techicolor TARP “porkulus” doesn’t cut it. The sweet part is Andy himself admitting that the GOP (aka “The New Improved Taliban – Now Lemony Fresh!”) is spinning its wheels & devouring its young. It is the duty of all good American liberals to let them know just how much this behavior infuriates them, thus giving them an incentive to keep it up until they flatline.

The thing about Maher that I can’t abide is the perpetual sneer … the same reason I never got into Billy Idol.

Johnny Coelacanth

How does one pronounce ‘Breitbart’? I want to say it like “Brightbart” so I can make it into “(not too) Breitbart.”

Johnny Coelacanth

It does, apparently, rhyme with “bright fart” so, Andy “Not Too” Breitbart it is.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Yes, one side is built on stupidity and ignorance! That’s going to fucking win me over.

Why don’t you examine your own goddamn stupidity and ignorance, realize science is just a fucking method to arrive at explaining the physical world and not something which is going to provide philosophy or art or a sense of community or any of the other things religion has provided over the centuries.

Further, examine the assumptions and faith you take science on, that science itself makes to come to its conclusions. It is designed by human hands and human minds just as well as religion was, and whatever pitfalls came from faith will arise in science.

And finally, “super duper creature created the WHOLE universe but gets pissy if you and I don’t “worship” it” doesn’t even approach a good percentage of religious practice, so you pretty much spell out your goddamn ignorance by taking that tack like every other asshole who thinks “sky-fairy” is the height of wit.

Your experience does not define all faith, so fuck you and fuck your contempt. If you’re afraid my faith in something outside myself is going to fucking do something to you, then fucking take it up with me personally since I’m the one you have to worry about. If you won’t, then shut the fuck up.


Y wll b wndr hw the hll m bl t d ths.


Pls p ttntn t m!


Fck y Wrdprss!


Your first mistake: thinking anyone was trying to win you over/.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

A conflict with a religious authority is one of the earliest memories I have. My super-religious grandfather, bless his soul, took me to his church (old-fashioned Latin Mass Catholic) before I could read, maybe age 4. He knew I wasn’t being raised with religion. He brought me to the Father after the service, perhaps to show me how religion was wonderful or something. I think he mentioned to the Father that I wasn’t a believer. The Father gave me a quick, kindly, cathecism. I replied with this statement after some extolling of God’s virtues and how he created Heaven & Earth: “Who created God?”

He got a strange look in his eye and returned me to the custody of my grandfather.

To this day I think religion is a bunch of fairy tales, but I DO NOT begrudge another person who is a believer, or try to convince him of my “truth”. The attempt to convert others is one of the most objectionable things I find about people whether they are religious or atheist. The only time that religion has to be stopped is when it steps on my toes, and that is largely a problem of antisocial psychotics who happen to use religion as their cudgel.


Hey Leon, two things.

First, you DO realize that didn’t make any sense at all, right? Kinda of like the whole superheros who live in outer space thing.

And hey, Leon? “Shut the Fuck Up” as an argument for religion?

Hey, THATS original. You oughta write speeches for the pope, genius…


Johnny Coelacanth

“That’s going to fucking win me over. ”

I don’t think he’s trying to win you over.

“… provide philosophy or art or a sense of community or any of the other things religion has provided over the centuries.”

But now we know that people don’t need religion for those things. We might need -something-, but do we need to believe in a transcendent creator outside of space and time to have them? No.

“whatever pitfalls came from faith will arise in science”

That’s glib, but untrue. Science is the search for facts; faith is belief in facts that can’t be certified. I don’t take science on faith, either.

I question my assumptions; that’s why I’m not a religious person. I keep my rampant empiricism in check by reminding myself that the universe is unimaginably strange, and we can only directly perceive a very small slice of it. This is not an argument for mysticism or the supernatural. There is no “super” natural. It’s all natural, we just don’t understand it yet.

“fuck you and fuck your contempt.”

Really? There’s a difference between holding a belief in contempt and treating people with contempt.


Why don’t you examine your own goddamn stupidity and ignorance, realize science is just a fucking method to arrive at explaining the physical world and not something which is going to provide philosophy or art or a sense of community or any of the other things religion has provided over the centuries.

People provided community, art, and philosophy. Religion may have been at the center of the content of the community, art, and philosophy, but religion doesn’t “do” anything. People might do these things “because of” religion. But it seems pretty obvious to me that people would do—and have always done—these things regardless of religious beliefs because we just are that kind of creature. Surely you don’t think if the majority of folks were areligious, like say in Scandinavia or Japan, there would be no community, art or philosophy?


It amazes me how threatened people like Breitbart and our resident troll are by “black studies.” Because they realize it contradicts their own understanding of African American legacy in the US which is essentially: “They were slaves, but now they’re not but they’re a bunch of single welfare mothers raising sons who either end up incarcerated or dead or both, and essentially our lot is poverty and ignorance because they’re obviously lazy and slow.”

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

You oughta write speeches for the pope, genius…

Don’t think he’d have me.

Not a Catholic, for starters.

There’s a difference between holding a belief in contempt and treating people with contempt.


Surely you don’t think if the majority of folks were areligious, like say in Scandinavia or Japan, there would be no community, art or philosophy?

Nope. On the other hand, I don’t think those regions are devoid of the cultural elements that previous relationship had developed. At the least, religion is a useful touchstone for those ideas, even if you’re culturally moving beyond it as the central facet.


For what it’s worth (i.e., nil) I’ll say my say and then head for bed.

Those who hold (dare I say cleave?) to religion demonstrate a particluar modality which, to me, is, telling. There is a tropism evident in the otherwise realist stances of religionists which indicates an unfounded centrism. The tropism of which I speak is told by the universal “it’s all about me” reaction whenever those same peope are challenged.

It is inculcated, I believe, by the same mentational operants that lead to religious adherence in the first place. We all, at one time, believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Many people came to realize that those were mythical things and we grew out of them. Yet very many people who would once fiercely defend the existence of Santa and Peter Rabbit but now discard them as childish fantasies none the less continue to cleave (there! I said it!) to the notion that GOD is, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, in charge and running the show.

The developmental psychologist David Bloom (Yale, I think) has shown very clearly that belief in GOD is an artifact, a spandrel if you will, of our human ability to reason abstractly. Many people are able to “step outside their boxes.” We have developed what I call “meta egoism.” Some of us have, that is.

Who among us (I speak of we dickwad atheists) us has not remarked, when merely questioning the religionist cant, that the first reaction is invariably “you’re attacking me?

That’s the rub. It’s not about you. The hierodules and demigogues have got you thinking that you are the most important thing/being/whatever in the universe. That is precisely the problem with religion: you personally don’t fucking matter and in the long term you aint nuthin but spider poop. A sparrow fart, lost in the breeze.

Get over yourself, girl.


So, seems to me, here’s the sitch.

You have a belief that the finer points of human civilization are impossible without religion.

I have a belief that religion is a drag on the finer points of human civilization, that indeed, religion is the primary thing preventing the growth of human civilization.

Pretty obvious no convincing is going to be done here, but I’m going to continue to dedicate my efforts to the eradication of superstition in all it’s useless guises. You can join Dobson and Phelps and resist this process, but it sure seems obvious to me you’re on the wrong side of history, my friend…



you know, i really hate rush limbaugh – and he’s said some clearly established, indisputably racist things (the whole “bone in your nose” bit, donovan mcnabb, i’m sure there are more i’m forgetting), but tintin, the article you linked to about the “top 10 racist things about rush limbaugh” includes a couple really noxious ones that there’s no actual source for, and i’m not sure he ever said. the whole “you know who deserves a posthumous medal of honour? james earl ray… we miss you, james” bit, for example, i’m just not prepared to believe he ACTUALLY said (because, jesus, how would it not have caused an uproar? it’s so much more offensive than the mcnabb thing, and THAT was cause for major controversy) without an airdate and good sources. all of the sources i can find on it on the internet come from either wikipedia or some book someone wrote called “100 people who are ACTUALLY screwing up america”, neither of which are good enough.

rush limbaugh is repulsive, says racist things, and is generally an awful person. his own words and actions are enough to clearly establish this. we don’t need to make shit up, and i don’t think that S,N! should be linking to made-up shit.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


On the other hand, unlike Dobson and Phelps, I’m not the one arguing for the utter eradication of a facet of human thought because I find it disagreeable. Me, I just wished you would shut the fuck up about how you want to destroy faith and religion because blah, blah, blah, ruin of society.

You sound like them, but tie them to me.


I spent some time listening to hate radio while driving in middle Ohio today. They were railing on the alleged black college studies cabal and even threw in some Nazi comparisons.

This was before I even saw the clips in this post. How do they cordinate their racism so well? Is there a playbook somewhere?

Of course the radio folk brought up the Duke lacrosse team as the ultimate example of how whites are treated unjustly in the justice system. I’m not kidding.


STFU is always such an effective argument. h/t mikey


how you want to destroy faith and religion

Evidence please.


click to activate and use this control

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


“Pretty obvious no convincing is going to be done here, but I’m going to continue to dedicate my efforts to the eradication of superstition in all it’s useless guises.”

Looks like evidence to me.


The thought of Ann Coulter repeatedly shoving her shaft into me is less than appealing.

Some people have a way with words. The Authentic is not one of them.


having just had the chance to finally see this, i must say two things: holy FUCKING SHIT breitbart sit the fuck down BITCH.

part two: i knew this guy back in the 90s, this breitbart fellow. hung out at the same parties, knew the same people kind of thing. and that guy was NEVER a “liberal democrat”–he is just lying through his fucking teeth on TV. fucking no talent ass clown.


RE: religion: it appears to me that the primary problem with it is that those who believe, in the main, do so because they were taught as very young children that “this is the way things are, this is the truth.” And because in regards to religious belief the entire foundation of their “faith” rests on clinging to the idea that what some adult told them from youngest childhood is “THE TRUTH,” taking the word of someone else, someone of “authority” in regards to what they should believe becomes the default setting throughout life. It literally never occurs to them that they are ascribing “perfection” in terms of knowledge to a fellow human being which is one of the biggest no-nos of all in what is allegedly their system of belief.

Think about all the nutty things that fundamentalist Christians BELIEVE are in the Bible that aren’t really there. And these beliefs are widespread, indicating that they’ve been incorporated into the dogma of various fundamentalist churches. Therefore, even though Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, he hates fags – because Pastor Bob says so.

I think there is a definite correlation between intelligence and religious faith or lack thereof – with high intelligence greatly increasing the likelihood of a lack of belief. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t some very very intelligent people who have religious faith – just that they are as a group less likely to be believers. For the simple reason that it’s impossible to be truly intelligent without the ability to think for oneself, and the more you think for yourself (and the less you rely on what some adult told you when you were young) the more untenable religious faith becomes. It becomes an Occam’s Razor thing, where the weight of the unbelievable and contradictory things you are being asked to believe simply can no longer be supported. At the very least, I think if you were to sit down and have an in-depth discussion with the smartest people on the planet, the top 1/10th of 1%, regarding their religious faith, you wouldn’t find a single one whose beliefs aren’t extremely unorthodox – because reasoning out the way to make religion fit with science etc is the only way they can maintain any type of faith. The BS quotient on the myths and fables is just too high of a hurdle for them to be literalists – they have to reason through or entirely jettison big parts of it to be able to accept any of it.

What’s really sad is that the whole discussion pretty much inevitably devolves to “IS NOT!” “IS TOO!” every damn time it comes up. And most of the folks on both sides are tools – the faithful for their insistence that I need to “respect their beliefs” even as they’re disrespecting my lack of them, and the atheists for their failure to concede that there’s anything at all of value in various religious belief systems. So, OK, yes, there’s a lot of hokum there about virgin births and what not – but that’s not an excuse to overlook the larger truths, for example that in every generation there are those who stand up for the downtrodden and are persecuted by the very people they were trying to help as thanks for their efforts – that’s a very powerful plotline pretty much universal to human experience, at least as long as we’ve been living settled lives, and in terms of major world religions, it’s a very humanistic message and take on things – more human-centered than pretty much anything else out there.

Which makes it all the sadder that so many bleating sheep insist on mucking it up with a bunch of stuff about god and magic. If you want to rail on the christianists for anything, beat them with that stick.


“What an odious lying sack of meretricious shit this [conservative internet pundit] is.”

Sub-editor’s note: Redundant/tautological.


Oh, and take that bag of dicks out of your mouth when you talk, Truthy. Can’t understand a damn word you’re saying.


Well. You have to give him credit. He managed to make it through the whole interview without calling the black dude a nigger living on the public dole.

The right is making progress!


Hns, y shld rd nn’s lst clmn. t s trly fnny nd btng t th sm tm. Prhps f y rd t, y cn s wht “hmr wbst” s trly sppsd t b. Sh clls t th hypcrtcl Dmcrts wh mk tns f mny, dnt nxt t nthng cmprd t Rpblcns, nd thn cll n vryn (ls) t gv. Yh, y’ll crng s hr shfts ht hm, bt tht’s th pnt f fnny wb st dvtd t pltcs.

Nw, fr nntntnl hmr, rcmmnd lstnng t “frcn stds” cdmcs dscss thr sbjct. t s hlrs t lstn t thm drp 25-cnt wrds nt thr cnvrstn, s thy dmly grp twrds cmprhnsn f sngl, chrnt thght. nn’s crrnt clmn ddrsss tht, t – r, s sspct, r y lbrls t cwrdly t cnfrnt ppsng ds?

h, nd Nlsn, gr wth y bt rlgn. Whnvr th cnclsn s bggd frm slctv fcts, whnvr fth sprcds th bsrvtn f th snss, spclly whnvr sch fth s sd t cntrl th bhvr f thr ppl, thn th prncs spcts f rlgn mst b rsstd. Bt ngh bt th Hly Glbl Wrmng Fth….

Y lbrls s m bsltly vrywhr, nd yt hv nvr pstd nywhr nr s mch s y sm t thnk. t mss m whn n f y rns ff nd rnts t hw y rmmbr m frm sm thr st, tht y knw ll th nms pst ndr, tc, whl th rlty s tht pst hr ndr “Th thntc”, frmrly “Th Trth”, nd frqnt n thr sts.

nd yt y r scrd stff f m. Y fnd rdng th fcts prsnt t b prfndly dstrbng bcs thr <>s n nswr fr thm, thr thn hnd wvng, nslts, nd drwnng m t.

Gd lck wth tht, hypcrts.


Yeah, you’ll cringe as her shafts hit home

Jesus. I’d heard the rumours, but I didn’t realize she had more than one.


I see religion as a form of psychosis, so I’m trying to eradicate a mental illness not exterminate an idea.

From the wiki:

People experiencing psychosis may report hallucinations or delusional beliefs, and may exhibit personality changes and disorganized thinking. This may be accompanied by unusual or bizarre behavior, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the activities of daily living.

This pretty much defines most religious thought and behavior. Doing anything but trying to disabuse people of this illness is akin to saying “I hear the voices too” to a schizophrenic.

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

You liberals see me absolutely everywhere, and yet I have never posted anywhere near as much as you seem to think. It amuses me when one of you runs off and rants at how you remember me from some other site, that you know all the names I post under, etc, while the reality is that I post here under “The Authentic”, formerly “The Truth”, and I frequent no other sites.

Haven’t we already been through this? There’s no point trying to deny that it’s you when we’ve seen you get constantly disemvoweled under multiple different names now; nor does anyone really care if there’s an odd time that people occasionally mis-identify your psychologically damaged self for one of the other shrieking dumb racists that lurk in the backwoods out there, because it doesn’t make your points any less shriekingly racist and dumb, nor does it change the fact that you are sometimes posting every minute for hour after hour here; But most importantly of all, your attempts to play psychological games whilst you are, for you at least, relatively sane would have a lot more impact if people were as insane as you are and forgot what they just typed only yesterday. And even more impact if they weren’t going to not only start quoting you so you can’t wriggle out of what you said when your posts get endlessly deleted for crossing the line (on a comedy site no less), but are for once going to take your advice and start bookmarking every page where you compromise yourself so everyone can see what a habitual liar you are.

Starting with here, where you admitted that you were posting under other names than “The Truth” and “The Authentic”.

“I have so far kept to my agreement with Gavin to use only “The Authentic Moniker”

“(although it is very cute that you liberals are seeing me everywhere – in truth I have never posted as much as you think)”

“In return, my posts are being deleted – so we’ll see how long this agreement holds up”

And bonus fun points for your trying to be honest and admitting that yes, Alec 2 was right when he pointed out your oh-so-impressive resume; All found here, fact fans…. where yes, because as predicted he couldn’t keep to even an “agreement” to stop being a colossal asshole, his posts were deleted again. Good job I’ll save them for you for Posterity, eh “Truth” and “Authentic”?


And yet you are scared bored stiff of me.




T fnny. Ys, <b> m vrywhr. Y r hlrsly wrng bt m bt thn gn, y r lbrl – y r hlrsly wrng bt mny thngs.

Lt’s gt bck n tpc. Tntn lnks t rntng mrn wh mks p qts bt Rsh, ths prvng Rsh t b rcst. s pntd t pthrd, ths qts r nsrcd nd f crs r cmplt nnsns. T th typcl nthnkng lbrl, ths rnfrcs thr prjdcs nd thrfr r ccptd s nqstnd fct.

Jst lk th Glbl Wrmng Rlgn tht y lbrls hv sbstttd n s yr rlgs fth, wtht skppng bt.


Fuck. On second thoughts, Truthy, put the bag of dicks back in your mouth. Your disemvowelled self made more sense.


Kk, s r y clmng tht Tntn’s lnk (“prvng” Rsh s rcst) hs thntc Rsh qts?

Ths ght t b fnny. Lbrls, strt yr hnd wvng!

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

Yes, let’s get back to the topic at hand, and skip over the fact that you’ve just been proven a liar. After all, it’s rare enough that you even address the topic of the thread, usually choosing to derail it by trying to talk about your obsessions with race. Fortunately, this thread is about the insane Right’s obsession with race, so you can do both at once!

Except ooops… the bottom of the link given shows video of Rush saying himself nasty racist things. So er… debate over.

But nice try on trying to then change the topic again. Global Warming? Like we’d listen to you over the majority of the world’s scientists. Because you’re “The Truth”, remember? And you give us such informed, non-partisan and rational, logical statements as… yes… this;

It is not going to happen, liberals. Your echo chamber is reverberating now with your shouts of victory before you’ve won a single state. I almost feel badly for you, because when McCain wins, your astonishment will be overwhelming. I say “almost” because your ideology is nasty, anti-free speech, and absolutist, and every decent person will sigh in relief when it goes down to defeat once more.

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.



t’s nc t hv my vry wn bsssv rspndr! gss ‘v tchd nrv, hvn’t ?

Rd th rtcl tht Tntn lnks t. Hlf th cmmnts r frm ths wh sympthz wth hm bt nd vrfctn s thy cn s Rsh’s qts fr thr wn ttcks n hm. Th slnc s dfnng.

r s th fct tht Tntn’s “prf” s ttl nnsns lss ntrstng thn yr fld ttmpts t dntfy my psts?


Lt’s gt bck n tpc. Tntn lnks t rntng mrn wh mks p qts bt Rsh, ths prvng Rsh t b rcst. s pntd t pthrd, ths qts r nsrcd nd f crs r cmplt nnsns. T th typcl nthnkng lbrl, ths rnfrcs thr prjdcs nd thrfr r ccptd s nqstnd fct. Jst lk th Glbl Wrmng Rlgn tht y lbrls hv sbstttd n s yr rlgs fth, wtht skppng bt.

Rd th rtcl tht Tntn lnks t. Hlf th cmmnts r frm ths wh sympthz wth hm bt nd vrfctn s thy cn s Rsh’s qts fr thr wn ttcks n hm. Th slnc s dfnng n rspns. Ths s nt dmnstrtn f th typcl lw nfrmtn lbrl vtr, blvng wht thy r tld wtht qstn.


I hope our hosts are saving the pre-disemvowelled posts.

For the grand jury.

After the shooting spree.

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

It’s nice to have my very own obsessive responder! I guess I’ve touched a nerve, haven’t I?

Hardly. I’m waiting for pasta to boil. But I consider it my duty every now and then to try and help the mentally ill, and prevent them from aggravating their symptoms… in your particular case, by pointing out that people really aren’t as insane as you, so your constant attempts to argue with or just outright offend them is only going to make you even more enraged and ill.


You say; Read the article that Tintin links to. Half the comments are from those who sympathize with him but need verification so they can use Rush’s quotes for their own attacks on him. The silence is deafening.

However, I said before that; Except ooops… the bottom of the link given shows video of Rush saying himself nasty racist things. So er… debate over.

You may at this point be struggling with the concept, because you don’t understand genuine debate, so I’ll spell it out; I already told you I’d read the thread. Can you see now why your claims are laughable the moment you make them? I actually did read it (and quickly, another skill they teach you in academia is skim-reading for information). I know you are talking crap. I’ve seen references. THEY… ARE… ON… THE… POST… It’s audio of Limbaugh speaking himself, in a youtube video.

But you seem to think that just making the insinuation after the fact will persuade people they didn’t actually do what they just told you they did. Or saw what they can clearly see is there if they go back to the reference given.

And then you insult liberals for asking for it to be sourced in comments. And yet minutes ago you accused liberals of accepting anything they were told. Which is it Truthie? It can’t be both.

Whilst you couldn’t be bothered to source it yourself either. The sources being on the article you told others to read. Now being genuinely intelligent, rather than a malformed internet freakchild, I know I can independently source the quotes myself too. It only takes a second or two… in fact, I’ve done it in the time between my two responses. Because I’m both talented and honest.

You’re not though. And you prove it with every projecting post. Obsessed with you? I’ll be offline after dinner. You’ll be here all the way through the daylight hours and beyond.

As for me… now I’m off for some pasta and cheese… can’t recall the name it’s given when put together though. Perhaps you could tell me? Mac something, isn’t it?

And then afterwards, we can pretend you didn’t tell me, and thus it shows how ignorant you are of what pasta and cheese together are.


Yp, NYGy, “pntng t TnTn s lnkng t ttl fctn s prf” == “vlnt rght wng rctnry.”

Y lbrls d rlz tht yr vcs ntllctl dshnsty s gng t ctch p t y vntlly, rght?


Okay, who let the troll out of the bag?

What’s lacking from last night’s unpleasantness re: religion/no religion seems to be spirituality. You can be a spiritual being without subscribing to the tenets of one of the major monotheisms (or polytheisms, or any other established belief system). To me, a spiritual person is one who chooses to believe that most likely there is/are some other plane or planes of existence beyond what we can grasp with our five limited physical senses. Also, speaking for my own self only, with that spirituality goes a life dedicated to helping all others who currently find themselves trapped in a physical existence during the same time that I am. I mean, look at us! Surely we are not the be-all/end-all of conscious existence! We’re pathetic! Just a rung or two above most animals, for crissake. Many of us (right-tards, for example) are not even there, no offense to animals.

I have no difficulty believing in psychic phenomena, “ghosts,” past-life experience and future life, of some sort, somehow. Not wishful thinking, just that I’ve perceived evidence myself of such things with my own five senses and have no reason to dismiss similar occurrences of others whom I know. That indicates to me there’s something beyond this, my own current inhabitation of this particular meatbag. I have no idea what, or where, or whatever; nobody does. Maybe when this body dies I die too: lights out, that’s it. On the other hand, maybe that’s not the case. In either event, what difference does it make what I or anyone chooses to believe — as long as I’m not acting all “I’ve got the answers and you don’t because you don’t do this or that blah blah blah”?

As for traditional montheistic hero worship and all its historic destructive baggage, I left that behind a long time ago and feel the world would be a much better place if everyone else did likewise. Unfortunately, as I frequently bemoan, I am not the goddess of everyone and all space and time. All in all a grave injustice of the universe.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well, I’m expecting a new thread soon-ish, so I guess it’s late enough in this one to do a bit of troll-bashing.

Good luck with that, hypocrites.
Thanks, Troofie. I seem to recall you asking us to bookmark a big pronouncement of yours. Here’s a hint, when you swagger in with these delivered-from-above pronouncements of yours – the great liberal freak-out of Nov. 5, 2008 will always be in our minds.

Tintin links to a ranting moron who makes up quotes about Rush…
Well, okay. Let’s do a little digging and see what we can come up with:

The wiki says that quotes 1 and 2 are disputed. Then it gives sources and references for 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. 10 is already backed up with youtube clips.

And #4, about Darfur?

There you go – eight of ten sourced, 2 disputed.


I only glance at “The Authentic”‘s comments when they’ve been disemvowelled. That’s because it’s funny to see his gutteral oinkings and laugh. Otherwise: Scroll Sadlies, Scroll!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

As pointed out upthread, these quotes are unsourced and of course are complete nonsense.
Oooh, delish. Maybe “digging a little” took some time, but it allowed Troofie to spew out this little gem before I managed to Submit Comment.

Let’s tackle some of the more tasty sourced quotes:

Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.


They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.

Which also winners such as:

Spike (Lee), if you’re going to do that, let’s complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out.


I have this marvelous idea that I am bothering you Liberals. That is all us Republicans have to distract ourselves from the pain of losing so badly in November, and even more importantly, how empty our lives are.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You liberals do realize that your vicious intellectual dishonesty is going to catch up to you eventually, right?
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner for least self-aware comment EVAH!!!!

Hey Teh Off-Troofie-tic, you gonna go on about how all those quotes are made up still? Cripes, you can’t have alread forgotten Barack the Magic Negro? You can’t honestly believe that Big Pharma ain’t a big fat racist scumbag? I mean, isn’t that why you idolize him so?


For those who watched the whole thing at Big Hollywood…

It was really aggravating to watch Breitbart pull out the canard about “socialism” right after Maher criticized the Iraq war, saying we could have better spent the money on health care.

Why is it socialism to spend money on government health care? But it’s not socialism to spend money on government bombs and guns? That never made any sense to me.


Right wingers hate helping people who aren’t rich.

RIght wingers love dropping bombs on foreigners.

That’s why spending money on health care is socialism. But spending money on wars is approved by Republican Jesus.

Robert Byrd (D-WV)

There’s white niggers and black niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time.


h, drppng n t s y wrstlng wth Tntn’s md p qts nd gt trtd t ths cmmnt frm MzNcky:

<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ‘v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw <>gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.

Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.


“what a lying sack of meretricious shit he is”

it’s nice to see libs FINALLY calling it straight on what bill maher really is!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Nice Troofus. Hey look both sides do it too!

My old mom told me, ‘Robert, you can’t go to heaven if you hate anybody.’ We practice that. There are white niggers. I’ve seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word…

Yeah, he was quoting his Mom. And he still apologized for it.

Regardless, since Byrd was one of the Gang of 14, he can eat a big bag of dicks for all I care. Doesn’t make Rushbo any less of a racist.

Johnny Coelacanth

Here’s my favorite comment from the linked article, in defense of Rush:

“Saying things that SOUND racist does not make you one.”

Right. It’s probably just coincidence that Rush constantly says things that sound like racism.


Yes, one thing I’ve noticed about you liberals is just how gullible you are.

You guys fell for that WHOPPER from Bush about Iraqi WMD hook, line, and sinker. Us conservatives never doubted for a minute he was lying.

Robert Byrd (D-WV)

If you notice, all I quoted my mom on was ‘Robert, you can’t hate anybody’.

Everything else was outside the quotes, including “white niggers”.

If I was a Republican, I would have had to resign my Senate seat. Thank God for the Democrat Party!!


Yes, just another data point that liberals have no interest in science per se; they are only interested in controlling the behavior of other people.

You guys want to ban abortion because you want to control women’s behavior. Us conservatives want choice to be legal.

On the subjct of science, you Liberals actually believe in creationism. What a bunch of loons you are. We conservatives believe in the scientific principle of evolution.


How’s that nigra girl who I knocked up doing?

How’s that little pickaninny I fathered doing?


the thing about rush is…nah i can’t even finish. limbaugh IS a pill popping racist and we need to brush him aside and leave him to the dogs the way you libs did with gore in ’00.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh, and the Rush quotes are, as you admit, unsourced, because they are completely ficticious.
Two of ten are unsourced. As far as I can tell, they are disputed quotes. I’ll give you those two – I’ll even concede that the entire Gane-McCalla article is tainted since it includes questionable material.

Doesn’t make Rushbo any less of a racist. Even a cursory amount of research will turn up mounds of evidence. Remember Donovan McNabb? Remember how long Rush lasted as a sports anchor and why he got shit-canned? Barack the Magic Negro?

You aren’t kidding anybody. Admit it Troofie, Rush is racist – it’s one of the reasons why he makes your tiny little wee hard.


h, drppng n t s y wrstlng wth Tntn’s md p qts nd gt trtd t ths cmmnt frm MzNcky:

<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ‘v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw <>gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.

Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Johnny Coelacanth

So, what’s the office death pool due-date on Big Hollywood? With their stellar writer’s pool full of Z-List ‘celebrities’ and unfunny comedians, I give ’em six months and they’ll have gone the way of all those other conservative internet ventures. I can only hope Breitbart loses a bunch of money in the process.


Please, folks, stop feeding the trolls. You have to realize the The Authentic, who blogs 24/7 from a residential account because he has no job, has no colleagues at work to talk with and apparently no friends who tolerate him either. The only way for him to seek companionship is by trolling this place and trying to engage you into arguing with him. It’s a pointless task. In his mind, he will always be the victor and you the dumb gullible lib that he has just bested with his self-imagined piercing intellect. If you stop feeding him, he’ll go away and comment threads won’t be littered with his crap.

And remember, just because the trolls are being disemvoweled doesn’t mean that comments feeding the trolls won’t be subject to the same fate.


Ys, jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

Y gys wnt t bn brtn bcs y wnt t cntrl wmn’s bhvr. s cnsrvtvs wnt chc t b lgl.

n th sbjct f scnc, y Lbrls ctlly blv n crtnsm. Wht bnch f lns y r. W cnsrvtvs blv n th scntfc prncpl f vltn.


My favorite story about religion is really a story about Christianity.

In 1054CE, light from a nearby supernova reaches Earth. The event splashes enough light into our sky that it can be seen alongside the daylight sun. It is brighter than everything in the night sky except the Moon. People all over the world — primitive, unenlightened people in Asia, Africa, the Americas — record the event. All over the world, that is, except in Christian Europe. Aside from some garbled account in an obscure Irish monastery about the appearance of the Antichrist, Christian Europe takes no notice of the event.

In devoutly Christian Europe, all eyes are kept firmly on the dirt: ain’t been no changes to the heavens since Jesus ascended. Christian Europe at that time had a very strong sense of community. They shared an elaborately detailed theology, an edifice of philosophy untainted by empiricism. And, yes, you can see it in their art — in contrast to that of those North American savages who had the temerity to depict the the supernova.

By all means, continue to respect the “philosophy or art or a sense of community or any of the other things religion has provided over the centuries.”

Johnny Coelacanth

Where’s that can of Troll-B-Gone? I sense entirely too many vowels and waaay too much free time on somebody’s hands.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig


After your description of his pathetic life, now I feel sorry for Troofy. Let’s be good Liberals and show him some compassion. Let’s help him find some friends!

Does anybody here know how to set up a Paypal account to buy a loser a blow-up Love Doll?


Wht’s wrng, Tntn? nnyd tht w dscvrd th rtcl y lnkd t s n nsrcd pck f ls?

Typcl gllbl, lw-nfrmtn lbrl.


h, drppng n t s y wrstlng wth Tntn’s md p qts nd gt trtd t ths cmmnt frm MzNcky:

<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ‘v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw <>gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.

Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Anti-White Hate Speech

Do you libs need to see some examples of me?

I make Rush’s racism look tame!

Tyson Leroy Brown (21-year-old Spokane, Washington, black man after walking up to a white student, knocking him unconscious and kicking him) — “I should have kicked him until he’d never get up … I’m a racist, and I hate all you white boys.” [Rob McDonald, “Cops Say Student Attacked Because of Color,” Spokesman-Review (Spokane), Nov. 19, 2005.]

Art Torres (former chairman, California Democratic Party) — “Remember, [Proposition] 187 [the measure to cut public benefits to illegal aliens] is the last gasp of white America.” [The Social Contact, Summer 1998, p. 290.]

Willie Brown (Mayor of San Francisco to a white parent complaining that affirmative action would penalize his children) “I don’t care about your idiot children.” [The Social Contract, Summer 1998, p. 290.]

Malcolm X — “The death of over 120 white people is a very beautiful thing.” [Speech in Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a plane crash. He also said on numerous occasions, “The white man is the devil.”]

Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (in a conversation with Justice William Douglas about racial preferences) “You guys have been practicing discrimination for years. Now it is our turn.” [William O. Douglas, The Court Years 1939-1975, New York, Random House, 1980.]

Amiri Baraka (black poet and writer)

“You cant steal nothin from a white man, he’s already
stole it he owes
you anything you want, even his life. All the stores will
open up if you
will say the magic words. The magic words are: Up against
the wall
motherfucker this is a stick up!”

There’s more where


i will only say this once: authentic, you’re not doing the cause any favours. this is a site full of some relatively clever people and it’s more fun to engage than simply to spew pabulum. there’s joy in riposte, no joy at all in randomly spraying all over like a monkey on diet pills.

Johnny Coelacanth

“leave him to the dogs the way you libs did with gore in ‘00.”

It’s early yet, but I’ll bet that’s the stupidest thing I’m going to hear today.

Anti-White Hate Speech

Paul Mooney (black comedian) — “White people are scared, because minorities are taking over. White people are worried because they can’t out-f*** the Mexicans — minorities in numbers alone are taking over, and white folks are scared because they are afraid that we are going to do to them exactly what they’ve done to us. And they are absolutely right. When the s*** turns around, we are going to treat you exactly like you’ve treated us: like s***.” [Danyel Smith, Full Moon, The Bay Guardian, 3/3/93.]

Leonard Jeffries (chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York, interviewed in the May, 1995 issue of Rutherford magazine) :

Q: But the black man is no longer a slave.
A: The slave should be waking up, thinking of ways to slit the slavemaster’s throat …
Q: What kind of world do you want to leave to your children?
A: A world in which there aren’t any white people …

Prof. Jose Angel Gutierrez (University of Texas, Arlington) “We have an aging white America. They are dying. They are shitting in their pants with fear! … I love it!” — [Speech of Jan. 1995, quoted in Coe, Reconquista, p. 16.]

Art Carey (white columnist) — “White Guys also tend to have wide hips, flat butts, bulging love handles, fat guts, sunken chests, weak chins, spindly arms, treble voices, red necks and, after a certain age, thinning hair or bald heads. Some may find these anatomical peculiarities appealing, believe it or not … Think of the most obnoxious White Guy you know. Guess what? He’s going to croak … you get to watch White Guys die.” [Art Carey, “The Great White Dopes,” San Jose Mercury News, June 15, 1993.]


my bad, johnny. i remember now that superb job of debunking the media script about how gore was a lunatic megalomaniac who believed he had invented the internet and been the basis for love story. i remember what an effective job libs did of rising to his defence. 😀

turnabout is fair play, buddy. if all cons get blamed for bush’s iraq policy because we didn’t object enough, all libs get the blame for not doing enough to defend gore against pipsqueaks ostensibly from his own side of the aisle (frank rich).


tintin: ban ban.


White people who are afraid of black & Latino hate speech make me ashamed to be white.

However, there are even more reasons to be ashamed of being a white Southerner, so all things considered I’d rather feel the shame of my bedwetting white co-racers.


Gee, you’d think that after a historic event that may be the best thing to happen to black/white relations in the country, there might be a different reaction than “black people are all terrorists who hate us! Waaaaah!”

Grow up already. You’re embarrassing all the other white people here.


l Cd – wht n dd cmmnt. Blck rcsm s <b>ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)


<blckqt>ths s st fll f sm rltvly clvr ppl

Rlly? ll s s pns, rcps, nd drlng htrd.

Myb y cn fnlly nswr th chllng ‘v psd fr mnths: Pnt t n ntntnlly fnny pst, tht dsn’t ddrss m r cncrn m n sm wy.

Gd lck!


<>Rlly? ll s s pns, rcps, nd drlng htrd.

Thn why d y sty? Fck ff.


G, ‘m hr t pnt t th hypcrsy (nd n Tntn’s cs, trght flshds) f lbrls. knw t mks y prfndly nsy t b cnfrntd wth ths, whch s why cm n fr prtclr ttcks n ths st.

lthgh hlrs cmmnts lk MzNcky’s ” blv n psychc phnmnn” r nc trt. nd whr s th rlbl, dll-wttd trclnc f ctr212?

By th wy, jst lstnd t Dysn rntng n Mhr. Dysn psd th qstn, “D y thnk blck stds prfssrs lck th fclty fr crtcl thght n thr ln f cdm?” Ys, nd ll th fx-ntllctl rvng n th wrld wn’t chng tht.


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ‘v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw <>gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.

Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)


Disemvoweled unemployed troll: The Authentic said,

March 16, 2009 at 16:33

Aaaahahahahahahahaha. That’s awesome, Tintin. Thank you.


h, pr Tntn. knw y r rdng ths. Knw ths: y’v bn mbrrssd n yr wn st fr lnkng t md p qts.

nd – n rgrds t wht y thnk y knw bt m – vn whn y’r rght, y’r wrng.

a different mikey

That old ‘Troll-Be-Gone’ is so 20th century. Now it’s all about ‘Integrated Pest Management’. You have to switch treatments periodically to prevent genetic resistance.

I can’t believe it’s not ALL ONE GUY. Does the Intertoobz mean an infinite number of doofuses?

I am objectively pro: troll control.


I’m confused. The proprietors made the decision and are making the effort to disemvowel The Blarthentic Blarth. So why are people still engaging it?

And unfortunately, because I saw some of its pre-disemvoweled comments, I now have to consider what kind of person collects alleged racist comments by minorities for just such an occasion! This is not a healthy use of a person’s time.


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)


“White people love Wayne Brady so much, because he makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X”
Paul Mooney


Lym, t s jst t pnt t hw vry cmmn rcsm s mngst blcks nd hspncs. Blck rcsm s dg-bts-mn; t s wht w xpct. Whn wht prsn sys r ds smthng rcst, thgh, t s mn-bts-dg: bg nws cst t cst!

Tht’s th fndmntl hypcrsy f lbrls, prtndng tht thr s prblm wth (vrtlly nn-xstnt) wht rcsm, ll th whl wnkng t ctl vlnc dn t wht ppl by blcks.


The fact is, liberals suck. Also, the media is biased, and Obama is a terrorist president. Megan McCain is fat so she has nothing worthwhile to say. SO is Algore.


The fact is, I have never known any white racists. But almost every black or hispanic I have seen is a racist, they all hate whites. So why should we love minorities, again? I mean, we were here first, this is our country, not theirs.


The fact is, you just deleted The Authentic’s posts. You are a hippocrit.


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)


Shrtr Th thntc

“N-wrd N-wrd N-wrd”


Shldn’t tht b “N-wrd, N-wrd, N-wrd?” Jst skn’.


Prediction: this week, Big Hollywood Butthurt will be awash in hagiographies of Ron Silver, and how he was mistreated by all those Hollywood liberals.


s fr mrkt pprtnty hr.

Trfy – wld y lk t by vwl?

Myb $5 vwl, r pssbly pr wrd, f th prprtrs r flng gnrs.

‘d sggst tht th prcds, f crs, g t th NCP.


So far, BigHo only has a link to the NYPost about Silver.


Megan McCain is fat so she has nothing worthwhile to say.

Gary, have you been sneaking a peek at Wonkette?


RE: Ron Silver

“If we don’t get this right,” he told the New York Times about the war on terror, “all the other things don’t matter worth a hill of beans. I’ll live to fight another day on health care, environmental concerns and sensible gun legislation.”

So he was tragically wrong on the first point and ironically wrong on the second.


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!
n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.
h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctcs. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)

Kp mnglng ths, Tntn! knw y r mbrrssd t hv lnkd t st wth fctcs qts t “prv”yr pnt: hnd wv wy!


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctts. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)

Kp mnglng ths, Tntn! knw y r mbrrssd t hv lnkd t st wth fctts qts t “prv” yr pnt: hnd wv wy!


<blckqt> hv n dffclty blvng n psychc phnmn, “ghsts,” pst-lf xprnc nd ftr lf, f sm srt,

Y w m nw kybrd, MzNcky; y nd t wrn smn whn y r gng t mk thm vlntly lgh lk tht. Ww – tht wll b fn n t kp rnd!

n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

h, nd th Rsh qts r, s y dmt, nsrcd, bcs thy r cmpltly fctts. s typcl lbrl, th thr f thm cldn’t rsst drppng n ls mngst th tr qts. Why? Bcs lyng jst cms ntrlly t lbrls.

Blck rcsm s ntrly mnstrm, xpctd nd cmmn bhvr. Mnwhl, Tntn nd hs fllw lbrls hv t mk p qts frm Rsh t gt ny trctn t ll. t’s prtty clr whr th trth ls. (N wndr h dsprtly tks prt my psts!)

Kp mnglng ths, Tntn! knw y r mbrrssd t hv lnkd t st wth fctts qts t “prv” yr pnt: hnd wv wy!


<>n thng ’v ntcd bt y lbrls s jst hw gllbl y r. MzNcky rjcts th ttl nnsns f rgnzd rlgn nd nstd mbrcs th vn bggr nnsns f psychc phnmnn.
Jst nthr dt pnt tht lbrls hv n ntrst n scnc pr s; thy r nly ntrstd n cntrllng th bhvr f thr ppl.

Rght. Bcs n dt pnt s sffcnt fr y t gnrlz n ntr thry frm. Crllry: MzNcky = ll lbrls. Mn, y’r stpd.

Ths s why wn’t tlk t y ny mr, dpsht.


S w gr tht MzNcky s gllbl fl?

Pr, pr lbrls. Y r <>s ccstmd t rgng wthn n ch chmbr r – s n Mhr’s shw – wth lrg, htng, gnrnt dnc t yr bck. n yr wn mrts, thngs dn’t g s wll fr y.

Hrry p nd mngl ths pst, Tntn! t wll dstrct vryn frm th fct tht y lnkd t md p Rsh qts!


To those among us who are so helpfully translating Herr Trout – kindly dummy the fuck up.

This is the first time it’s been TRULY entertaining since it came here, & you Handmaids-O-Hate are chumping it, big time.

Sadly, I too once made the error of repeatedly engaging it, thinking that with basic education in Reality 101, it might have enough mental integrity to admit its high concentration of hardcore fail, or that its idiocy is not a valid source of righteous pride. Silly me.

You’re not “winning” against anybody, you’re getting used as a handy-dandy foil by a human cyst, one that is now obviously calcified beyond any hope of irrigation – so PLEASE leave it alone.

Without dialogue it’ll become bored & find others elsewhere to pitch its glistening brown logs of “wisdom” at (or possibly even get a real life)… respond, & you’re being played for a fool by a time-thief & energy-vampire with an endless supply of pointless horseshit, which it will gladly recycle – indefinitely.



Can’t disagree with your larger point, but I have to thank those who are responding that as a consequence of doing so the rest of us all get to enjoy him getting disemvoweled left and right, which for some reason continues to bring a smile to my face.


You guys fell for never believed that WHOPPER from Bush about Iraqi WMD hook, line, and sinker. Us conservatives never doubted cared for a minute that he was lying.

There, done fixed it for yah.


Hey Tintin,

Thank you thank you thank you thank you for working to put an end to this stupid fucking troll. I long for the halcyon days of my youth, when 300+ comment posts on SN meant that something great had happened. Had Confed Wankee’s goon squad stopped by? Had the great sandwich battle erupted again? Did Mencken finally release part two of his Godlstein takedown?

It’s never that anymore. It’s 150 posts from the OCD troll, 150 posts responding, and a handful of heroes struggling against the tide to keep teh funny alive.

Keep up the good work, please.


You are a hippocrit.
I confess, I do not know this word. I am lamentably well-acquainted with the word ‘hemocrit’, and I conclude by analogy that ‘hippocrit’ is a measurement of how much of one’s bloodstream is occupied by ponies.


Or hippos, surely.


<blckqt> hndfl f hrs strgglng gnst th td t kp th fnny lv.

Pnt t ths s-clld fnny, f y cn. ll s s bnch f cdmcs, x-hpps, lw nfrmtn dllrds, nd lnlyhrts tllng ch thr hw hp nd wtty thy r.

Mnwhl, Tntn mngls my psts nt (s h prtnds) t prsrv th ntgrty f ths pths-ndcng st, bt rthr t cvr p th fct tht h ws clld t fr lnkng t fk Rsh qts t mk hs cs.

Typcl lbrl hypcrsy.


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