Because I choose not to run
Posted on March 12th, 2009 by
This would have been slightly more topical back in October, but it’s just too good to pass up:

Right, “Bush opts to defy his stated desire.” What was wrong “Bush was lying all along”?
Posted in Uncategorized
Defying his stated desire probably sounds like a jug band playing “Turkey in the Straw”.
They had to state it in terms of decision, him being the Decider and all.
Plus defying is for strong manly conservatives, lying is for squishy femmy liberals.
George prolly thought Guantanamo was one’a them there tequila bars. You know, with the little taquitos and dishes of olives instead of popcorn and cocktail weenies.
Back! Back, my stated desire!
I opt to defy you!
Opt to defy your stated desire, worm.
Now lick my boots.
I know I promised I wouldn’t cum in your mouth, but I opted to defy my stated desire.
To spend one night with you
In our old rendezvous
And share a kiss or two,
That’s my stated desire (which I may opt to defy.)
Do I dare to eat a peach?
Or take a walk along the beach?
And would I court the universe’s ire
Should I opt to defy my stated desire?
Guantanamo is W’s chastity belt.
The first opter to defy his stated desire is the feller.
Oh, you have to consider the context. Bush was all ready to close Guantanamo just as soon as:
1) adequate provisions could be made for the terrorist enemy combatants;
2) the war in Iraq was brought to a satisfactory conclusion;
3) Saddam’s WMDs were discovered;
4) it rained beer in Texas.
Stated desire,
Closing of Guantanamo.
Pull the other one.
Opt to defier of stated desire, opt to defier of stated desire, pants on fire.
Come on baby my defier
Let’s opt to thwart my stated desire
Huh? Is confused. Do you mean is that link a parody? Isn’t a chastity belt for opting to defy one’s desire?
Sounds like an episode of the Red Shoes Diaries.
He was President that played by his own set of rules.
She was a prison camp from the wrong side of the tracks.
Defiance brought them together.
Um, yeah…that’s from October. Are you like, not in America, or something? Like some foreign continent, or whatevs?
My stated desire was to lose weight and quit smoking, but I courageously opted to defy it.
Confronted by my own intransigence, I chose to cut and run.
(Mikey Gerson wrote this for me.)
I had some detainees and they wouldn’t loose their tongues
So I poured hot water on their left hand lungs
Then I poured hot water on their right hand lungs
And them detainees like songbirds did sungs
Gitmo in the straw, combatants in some chains
Gitmo in the straw, combatants in some chains
Roll ’em up and twist ’em up in a long time standing
Frequent flyer them to a tune called Turkey in the Straw.
you mean is that link a parody?
Don’t think so. Found it on the first search for “chastity+belt+men”. And was amazed. And horrified. I mean, they might as well come and say “Jesus wants you to put your dick in this plastic thingy so you don’t fuck anyone but the little lady.”
“Jesus wants you to put your dick in this plastic thingy so you don’t fuck anyone but the little lady.”
Magic underwear!
) it rained beer in Texas.
And this had the best chance of happening first under lame chimpy.
Oh, and as for October surprises, I’m still waiting for NutQuarter to release that whitey tape.
The LIE-brul media always has to paint everything in the worst way possible.
“Jesus wants you to put your dick in this plastic thingy so you don’t fuck anyone but the little lady.”
Huh. Jesus is constantly counseling me to put my dick in all SORTS of people and places. It’s, like, his very first suggestion every time.
The waitress will come over to the table to hand me a menu and just like clockwork jesus is whispering “put your dick in HER!! Heh heh heh.”
Sounds to me like jesus is at least inconsistent as hell, and maybe even schizo…
Is that anything like “Dick in a box”?
Th Lbr gvrnmnt f Grt Brtn s tlmtly rspnsbl fr th slmfctn f thr nc prd nd mghty ntn. Th PC mltcltrl rgm sks t rs ll spcts f Brtsh cltr whl smltnsly llwng mslm mmgrtn frm th trd wrld.
Rd ths rtcl lbs, wh knws t my chng yr mnds.
I’m not much of a believer, but I LIKE mikey’s jesus…
As long as he can stop the GWB chuckling, that is…
The waitress will come over to the table to hand me a menu and just like clockwork jesus is whispering “put your dick in HER!! Heh heh heh.”
Is that who’s whispering that all the time? I did wonder.
Come on, mikey; listen to Jesus…
Sure I died to save mankind, but I opted to defy my stated desire.
If only the troll links would return disemvoweled web pages, too.
And no, I don’t click on troll links. But I would if they’d come back disemvoweled.
just like clockwork jesus is whispering
Tell me more about this Clockwork Jesus. Does he come with Westminster chimes?
What’s so wrong with peace, love and hubba hubba?
PlasticRubber hubba hubba is the problem.Clockwork Jesus is real horrorshow.
Sounds to me like jesus is at least inconsistent as hell, and maybe even schizo…
This poses an interesting philosophical question: If the voices whispering in your ear are schizo, what are you?
You liberals won’t be so snarky in 2010 when the voters reject Obama’s socialist polices and vote the Republicans into power.
I tell you, I hope Obama continues down the path of socialism, it will only serve to further discredit the Democratic Party and liberalism itself as an ideology.
Face it libs, the American people don’t like socialism and don’t like big government. It looks like your’re gonna have to learn it the hard way at the ballot box.
What’s so wrong with peace, love and hubba hubba?
It ain’t funny, that’s what.
As long as he can stop the GWB chuckling, that is…
Always thought that was chortling.
Ah well. I stand corrected…
the hard way at the ballot box.
What’s that, Clockwork Jesus? You think I should stick my dick in it?
chortle me, mama, eight to the bar….
You liberals won’t be so snarky in 2010 when the voters reject Obama’s socialist polices and vote the Republicans into power.
The power of the Snark is undeniable!!
Zombie Thomas Jefferson knows what I mean, uh-huh….
ZTJ just wanted to smoke a little hemp and get it on with the ladies….
So that must be a beer stain Clockwork Jesus is sporting on his shirt, and not a sacred heart. The teetotaling Evangelicals will surely be offended, as will the Catholics, but I bet the Lutherans will find Clockwork Jesus A-Okay.
His 12 droogs brought the donkey to Clockwork Jesus, put their coats on it, and he sat on it. The donkey purred away a real horrowshow – a nice, warm vibraty feeling all through his guttiwuts.
The power of the Snark is undeniable!!
I need an old wit and a young wit-ersnapper.
The power of Snark compels you!
In the name of the Turkey in the Straw I cast thee out!
In the name of Cloclwork Jesus, I cast thee out!
In the name of smoking some hemp and getting it with the ladies – I cast thee out!
Republican Presidents are incapable of lying.
Fuck a buncha clockwork.
Republican Presidents are incapable of lying.
because doublethink allows them to believe, to truly believe, whatever is coming out of their piehole at any given moment, even if it is directly contradicted by something they said two minutes earlier or three minutes later.
It’s a gift, it’s exquisite performance art, but what it is NOT, is truth.
What Steampunk Jesus said.
If only the troll links would return disemvoweled web pages, too.
You could always Swedish Chef-ify them. For example:
Fuck a buncha clockwork.
Teh First National Jesus-Off!
Clockwork Jesus delivers teh Sermon on the Mount!!
Steampunk Jesus calculates log tables wjile walking on water!!!
Punctuation Jesus puts periods on both sides of the ) as well as turning commas to apostrophes!!!!
Vendo-mat Jesus feeds the multitudes with a few fish and loaves (of quarters)!!!!!
More Exclamtion Points Than Your Normal Week-End!!!!!
Tithing your salary gets you the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge!!!!!!!
Republican Presidents are incapable of lying.
also incapable of telling the truth.
Moustache rides, $5!
Republican Presidents are incapable
of lying.fixed that for you.
FYWP does not trust my ‘Tik-Tok’ link. Hmmpph.
Thomas Friedman has stolen Tik-Tok’s moustache. That is all.
Clockwork Sex-Droid said
Wow, brings need meaning to the term “grind my gears”.
Because fighting one’s own self in great masculine defyance sounds more macho, instead of saying he’s full of shit or is indecisive or had second thoughts (well that’d be just flat out unbelievable since there wasn’t a first thought).
I am aware that Steampunk relies heavily on a clockwork motif, but still. Also, Clockwork Sex-Droid (Glenn Reynolds wants to subscribe to yr newsletter, btw).
You are reading along all amused and up jumps Jeffersonian Republican trying to scare the beejesus out of libs. Like that’s possible after the past 8 years…of Cheney.
JR–Just remember tax cuts need incomes to cut taxes from. What else ya got?
Glenn Reynolds wants to subscribe to yr newsletter, btw
The cover art for “Tik-Tok of Oz” (thank you, Gazoogle Image Search) is the creepiest thing I’ve seen for, oohh, about 15 minutes.
Other examples of where W thwarted his own stated desire:
To restore integrity and dignity to the White House.
Uniter not a divider.
Compassionate conservative.
Fiscal conservative.
Stop sucking off Saudi princes.
Victory over teh Pretzel.
Read an entire book, one that doesn’t pictures on every page even!
As long as this doesn’t turn into a comic geek fight about which Jesus is more awesomer and divine, I’m cool with the discussion.
I’m not an authority by any means, but I THINK clockwork is not powered by steam (more likely a wound spring of some sort, or maybe some cams and shit.). While steampunk can utilize clockwork, but must be powered by pressurized steam.
At any rate, all praise to mechanical jesus in all his forms and guises…
Oh, and we oughta check with that holy spirit thingamabob…
“fight about which Jesus is more awesomer and divine”
Apple Jesus is much more well designed and user friendly than Microsoft Jesus.
Microsoft Jesus has all those viruses! Ick.
Yeah, the security issues in Microsoft Jesus drove me into the arms of open source Jesus. Yahwehbuntu is my current distro.
The new Apple Jesus require Proprietary headphones!
I’ve got to say, the Swedish Chefalizer is extremely cool.
Kweschun for grammar expertitos –
What’s the plural form of Jesus?
Also, what is their collective noun? Would they be a flock? A gathering? A pantheon? A pod?
Someone’s going to Hell for this one.
“Also, what is their collective noun? Would they be a flock? A gathering? A pantheon? A pod?”
A Martyr. A murder of crows, a martyr of Jesii.
Hmm, how shall I put this…
Upon close inspection of the male chastity belt, it just seems to me that, given the poor record of Republicans with women, this may well serve as an acceptable substitute… Or in other words, could it be, that the “chastity” belt actually defies its stated purpose?
Oh, wait, was that the whole point? Man, I am dumb… My friend that is… Oh, never mind…
PEEEN-ISH-A. Bork, bork bork.
All hail Kiwi ingenuity:
Apparently the collective noun for a collection of undefined materials is a ‘crux’.
This is the crux of the matter.
You know how much funnier this shit is without some lame-ass troll interrupting with an attention grab every other comment?
All hail the disemvoweler!! tintin rocks.
Dragon-King Wangchuck ,
Me think, it’s just “Jizz”
Also, allow me to point out – first the disemvowelling, then the steampunk. It’s only a matter of days before we start seeing non-stop posts about DMCA and copyright abuse.
Yes, Dragon-King, it is up to you to stop it with your PENIS.
before we start seeing non-stop posts about DMCA and copyright abuse.
Well, truth be told, I DID reverse engineer clockwork jesus and developed a little php routine that bypasses the Content and History Replication Inversion Tool.
As you may know, CHRIST technology prevents people from seeing through the patented mumbo and it’s technological successor for enterprise jesus platforms, jumbo.
As such, according to the DMCA I can’t even print my DE-CHRIST code on a freakin TEE SHIRT!
Now how is that ok?
What’s the plural form of Jesus?
A drywall crew.
as a liberal, I feel guilty about that last….
“A drywall crew.”
Heh. Also, lol.
Oh, and we oughta check with that holy spirit thingamabob…
Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Magic Smoke, it’s all the same. Behold the pneuminous!
Torture, like Steven Crowder, is funny, funny, funny.
don’t, it was funny as hell.
Dear god, keep the Kiwis away from anything that might be, shall we say, “valuable”. Ostrogoths would feel embarrassed is all I’ll say.
Which of them Jesus’s can turn my tap water into 1945 Château Mouton Rothschild? That’s the one I will vote for.
The fact is, look what your Obsama-led class war has resulted in:
Yes, Gary Johnson is right!
We should just keel-haul the bastardos. eff their bonuses, and their ‘rising salaries’ too!
W’s desire was to close Gitmo. What they left out was that it was his desire to close it after torturing everyone there until they were dead. That, sadly, he was not able to do, so against his will, it was kept open.
Did anyone else go to Loneoak’s chastity belt link? gawd, what an idea and all in see-through plastic with a ring you adjust. Hardly a turn-on, but what did I expect–some penises actually all locked up. hahaha
non-stop posts about DMCA and copyright abuse.
I see what you do there.
From the testimonials.
and such as.
alright, non-zombie posting here;
Tonight, I am busy in the midst of a little design project. In the past, I have used MST3K and Monty Python as background entertainment in these interludes, because I have found that laughing is a great way to make the endorphins rush and the brain limber and the hands expressive….
Tonight, it’s the Sadly, No commie-entariat. So thanks all, and especially thanks to Tintin and the proprietors for cleaning up the nasties to allow the funny back in. It’s making my work better.
As the kids would say, LOL. Working for me, it is.
The testimonials are great. Another masturbation preoccupation: “I also had a problem with frequent masturbation that had a big impact on my performance with my wife. We are not into any weird domination at all, as we are a Christian family.”
Bookmark this, libs!
Repoobleecun Preseedents ere-a incepeble-a ooff lyeeng. Bork Bork Bork!
What’s with this Bjork Bjork Bjork? I thought she was like so 10 minutes ago.
I’m a noun, a verb, and an asshole.
Tonight on “Stuff You Really Don’t Want to Know About and Will Be Sorry Once You Do” – male chastity belts.
My stated desire was to lose weight and quit smoking, but I courageously opted to defy it.
A man after my own heart.
“Bork” oor “Burked” es ferb
Veelliem Seffure-a ooff Zee Noo Yurk Teemes ettreebootes “pusseebly” zee furst use-a ooff ‘Burked’ es a ferb tu Zee Etlunta Juoornel-Cunsteetooshun ooff Oogoost 20, 1987. Seffure-a deffeenes “tu bork” by refference-a “tu zee vey Demucrets sefeged Runeld Reegun’s numeenee-a, zee Eppeels Cuoort joodge-a Rubert H. Bork, zee yeer beffure-a.” [10] Thees deffeenishun stems frum zee heestury ooff zee feeght oofer Burk’s numeeneshun. Bork Bork Bork![4] Bork ves veedely looded fur hees cumpetence-a, boot refeeled fur hees puleeticel pheelusuphy. In Merch 2002, zee vurd ves edded tu zee Ooxffurd Ingleesh Deecshunery under “Bork”; its deffeenishun ixtends beyund joodeeciel numeenees, steteeng thet peuple-a vhu bork oozeers “usooelly [du su] veet zee eeem ooff prefenteeng [a persun’s] eppueentment tu poobleec ooffffeece-a.”
Perheps zee best knoon use-a ooff zee ferb tu bork ooccoorred in Jooly 1991 et a cunfference-a ooff zee Neshunel Oorguneezeshun fur Vumee in Noo Yurk Ceety. Femeenist Flurynce-a Kennedy eddressed zee cunfference-a oon zee impurtunce-a ooff deffeeteeng zee numeeneshun ooff Clerence-a Thumes tu zee U.S. Soopreme-a Cuoort. She-a seeed, “Ve’re-a gueeng tu bork heem. Ve’re-a gueeng tu keell heem puleeticelly. . . . Thees leettle-a creep, vhere-a deed he-a cume-a frum?”[11] Thumes ves soobseqooently cunffurmed effter oone-a ooff zee must deefisife-a cunffurmeshun feeghts in Soopreme-a Cuoort heestury. Bork Bork Bork!
Um, excuse me.
Just a quick question. Help me out and I’ll be on my way.
What is this “problem” of frequent masturbation you speak of?
Why would “frequent masturbation” be a problem?
I’m thinking jesus decides what we can do, what we’re capable of, what we can “Squeeze out” of our lives.
And Clockwork jesus keeps telling me to do it some more…
I choo choo choose not to do what I choose!
I like paste!
A man after my own heart.
How many calories does it contain?
I never woulda stopped going to church if they preached about Mikey’s Jesus.
gss mssd th rprt tht sttd Gtm prsn ws clsd.
Bgrm prsn s stll n prtn t.
Trps r stll n rq.
Crrpt Clntn rtrds hv bn ppntd. Wll, sm hd t wthdrw, bt thn gn, w dd gt Trsry Scrtry wh ddn’t fl th nd t py hs txs.
Grgntn sms f ntrcbl mny hs bn dmpd nt crprtns.
Hlth cr s n xctly th sm mss s t hs bn, wth Bg Phrm cntnng t b hg dnr t bth stblshmnt prts.
Yh, bm s rlly fllwng thrgh. Gd jb n th snrky* Bsh cmmnt, thgh.
* Nt tht t ws fnny. Stll wtng fr n ntntnlly fnny pst t ths “hmr” st.
I don’t have a fucking clue in hell what’s going on here. If I don’t understand SOMETHING in the next five minutes, I will be forced to go watch the season finale or whatever of “ER” with the spouse. Have mercy please.
PS — “Authentic”
deservesis begging for disemvoweling ASAP.Good old fashion random madness, Mz.
Smart people saying dumb things ’cause they can!
Oh, and it’s funny.
Actually, The Authentic might be helping to serve a purpose here.
It’s true that Gitmo ain’t closed yet – but I am liking that this is now an affront as opposed to “well, of course!”
So yes, Mr. The Authentic – lend us your trollish trollery to help push that there Overton Window leftwards.
I don’t have a fucking clue in hell what’s going on here.
♫All you need is poop…
Poop is all you need ♪
I don’t have a fucking clue in hell what’s going on here.
Try Three Bulls.
Oh waiter… I found some vowels in my Authentic troll bits. Could you take them back and remove them pronto?
Frequent masturbation is a feature, not a bug.
Oh waiter… I found some vowels in my Authentic troll bits. Could you take them back and remove them pronto?
And while you’re at it, could I put my dick in you?
“If you don’t stop that you’ll go blind!”
“Can I just do it until I need glasses?”
Get More Stalls Open! Present Brackish Bullshit Again!
could I put my dick in you
The power of Christ compels you
I only seek to honor His name.
Oh, and get off. That’s important too…
Look, it’s been a long run, but no matter what, even if the crowds keep applauding and begging for encores, even a show like “Guantanamo” has to close.
There once was a big tough decider,
who said ‘Heh, don’t you call me no liar.”
The question you pose
Bout the jail I said that I’d close,
Doesn’t matter, I defy my desire!
Because it is bitter, and because it is my BLART.
could I put my dick in you
Cue teh chorus from FAITH HEALER.
What is this “problem” of frequent masturbation you speak of?
Well, now and then one is compelled to attend the funeral of a close relative, or renew one’s license at the DMV, or vote in a booth with a broken curtain.
Also, it’s not a Martyr of Jesii, it’s a Mess o’ Messiahs.
I’m outed — I’m Jesus. Holy shit.
Look, it’s been a long run, but no matter what, even if the crowds keep applauding and begging for encores, even a show like “Guantanamo” has to close.
As my father said to my mother at intermission of the Broadway production of Mama Mia!, “Gloria, if you try to make me sit through the second act I’m going to hang myself from the mezzanine rail.”
How about a mass o’schisms?
SomeNYGuy said,
March 13, 2009 at 5:11
I’m outed — I’m Jesus. Holy shit.
Hellfire and eternal damnation are your just desserts!
Would you like the jello™?
That would indeed be a suitable punishment. I fucking hate Jello™.
What about Jello™ with cream cheese and pineapple, SomeNYGuy?
I’m outed — I’m Jesus
Don’t flatter yourself. Jesus was outed years ago.
Okay, I’m ready to confess. I killed Chandra Levy.
Looks like my interview with Jim Cramer broke the internets. Or ended the world.
Munching down on that bag of dicks, eh? Didn’t momma tell you not to talk with your mouth full?
Well, Jesus is a the greek form of the Hebrew word Joshua right? So just like the plural of the greek word ‘octopus’ is octopode, it must therefore follow that the plural of Jesus must be Jesode*.
*any resemblance to actual knowledege of greek is purely coincidental.
Jesode is pronounced “chode”
“I’ve got a Porsche”
My mommy is good lookin’.
And daddy is rich.
What about Jello™ with cream cheese and pineapple, SomeNYGuy?
DANGER: Mormons!!
I’m getting nauseous just thinking about that. Urrrp.
It’s not a recipe. It’s a sign of the Apocalypse.
And then, this one time at Jesus camp? Pastor stuck his penis in my poopy chute!
No no no, when Teh Apocalypse™³²®© finally show up, he/she/it/bird will be showered with Ring Dings.
This will be OUR sign to begin the Boobie parades.
This idea of “boobie parades” intrigues me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
fck y, shlmp
I commend all SadlyNo readers to Dr Orly Taitz (and commenters)! Living proof that there is no Peak Wingnut, and that the supply will never run out:
“Supreme Court of the United States
Gail Lightfoot, Neil B. Turner, Kathleen Flanagan, James M. Oberschain, Camden W. McConnell, Pamela Barnett, Evelyn Bradley
Debra Bowen, Secretary of The State Of California
Dr Taitz clearly received her law degree from a Cornflakes packet.
Why is Abraham Lincoln chasing that stripper with a bayonet?
This will be OUR sign to begin the Boobie parades.
Don’t fire till you see the pink of their aureolas.
I was going to ask if there were a reason I shouldn’t go to sleep now. Obviously, there isn’t …
The cover art for “Tik-Tok of Oz” (thank you, Gazoogle Image Search) is the creepiest thing I’ve seen for, oohh, about 15 minutes.
The original Tik-Tok was indeed clockwork, wound up with a key, and in many ways the prototype of the media Robot Servant. (I don’t think he ever actually monotones “Danger, Dorothy Gayle” but even at the age of 8 I could see the resemblance.) (And given Tik-Tok’s porn-stache, insert your own Friedman joke here.) But as far as I was concerned, the *really* creepy character in OZMA OF OZ was Princess Langwidere, a fashionable maiden who swapped heads instead of changing outfits… the concept of a functional consciousness which functioned completely independent of the brain gave me nightmares.
P.S. THANK YOU, oh Sadly Masters, for the disenvowelment plug-in!
Also, Durrrr.
Thank you, Lawnguylander,thank you.
I was going to ask if there were a reason I shouldn’t go to sleep now.
The clowns will eat you.
Why is Abraham Lincoln chasing that stripper with a bayonet?
I was not previously aware that any reason was required.
Look, it’s been a long run, but no matter what, even if the crowds keep applauding and begging for encores, even a show like “Guantanamo” has to close
Should be Guantanamo! (with exclamation mark). Think the Cuba scene from Guys and Dolls.
I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I had to stop masturbating so much.
I said ‘Why?’
He said ‘So I can examine you, for God’s sake.’
OT, such as the topic is, the disemvoweling is heaven on earth for those of us reading and posting from hotel lobbies using Safari on an iPod. Praise Mikey’s Jesus…or is that fuck for Mikey’s Jesus.
I never got into the Oz books past the second one, because the idea that I might really be a girl under a magic spell just sorta freaked my shit out.
I opt to defy my stated desire for a Mecha-My-Little-Pony. But only until someone designs & constructs one that conforms to my exact obscene & lethal specifications … after that point, heck, it’s all good.
What’s with this Bjork Bjork Bjork? I thought she was like so 10 minutes ago.
She’s the only thing from Iceland that hasn’t gone bankrupt.