Vote Early, Vote Often

Cap’n Ed Morrissey (RETD) now fancies himself not merely a blogger but a talk show personality as well with his very own program, an Internet-only YouTube thingy called, not surprisingly, the Ed Morrissey Show. You could sort of say he’s aspiring to be the new Rush Limbaugh, and if Ed put on about five more pounds and popped a couple more bottles of Vicodin, the similarities between the two hosts would be downright uncanny.
But you got to hand it to Ed, when Rush is down, as is he is now, Ed sticks out a hand to help, ignoring completely that Rush is a competitor, because helping a fellow talk show personality is just the right thing to do. Those Dems may think their campaign to label Rush as the head of the GOP is working, but Ed has proof that it’s not — he’s got himself a poll.
Poll: Who leads the Republican Party?
According to Rasmussen, most Republicans answer with a shrug. Over two-thirds of Republicans say “no one”, while only two percent agree with the Operation Rushbo attack operation out of the White House. So far, Operation Rushbo looks like a failure. &hellip All this shows the fallacy Rahm Emanuel has tried to employ in Operation Rushbo.
It’s times like this when you wonder whether Ed wouldn’t be better off if he went back to managing call centers full time, because he obviously doesn’t have even the slightest understanding of anything that he writes about. Really. I mean people whose only understanding of the political process comes from watching reruns of “The West Wing” understand more about politics than Ed does.
Operation Rushbo, as Morrissey calls it, wasn’t about convincing Republicans that Rush is their actual leader any more than Operation Scary Marxist Negro is about convincing Democrats that Obama is actually a card-carrying socialist. No, Operation Rushbo is designed to appeal to the Democratic Party base and to unaffiliated voters. If the drug addiction, serial divorces, and the sex tourism stuff didn’t loosen the GOP’s liplock on this corpulent gasbag, certainly saying that he’s the true leader of the GOP isn’t going to change any Republican minds either and it wasn’t intended to.
But now for some bonus fun. Ed has a little poll asking his readers who they think is the head of the Republican Party. He wants to talk about the poll on his Internet show on Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Well, we’re Ed’s readers too, aren’t we? So we can all vote too, can’t we? I think Rushbo needs a little Sadlynaut love in that poll, don’t you? Then Ed will have to do a lot of mumbling about how polls like this aren’t really scientific or anything, particularly when they’ve been hijacked by a bunch of flying moonbat monkeys from a comedy blog.
i miss the days when one could just say blart and be done with it
You shut your mouth
how can you say,
I go about things the wrong way,
I am human and I need to be loved,
just like everybody else does
Rush Limbaugh is a Patriot and a Real American. I for one would gladly accept him as the leader of the Republican Party. If Rush were in charge all along the Party never would’ve abandoned its conservative principles and would not have lost control of Congress and the Presidency.
This guy is just delusional.
Morrissey sucks.
Rush Limbaugh is a
Patriotstud muffin and aReal Americangreat kisser. I for one would gladly accept himas the leader of the Republican Partyin my bed, in my mouth and in my hungry, hungry bunghole. If Rush were in charge all along the Party neverwould’ve abandoned its conservative principles and would not have lost control of Congress and the Presidencystops — hillbilly heroin, Viagra and underage Dominican boys for everyone. Yours in Christ.That was some fast Sadlynaughtification. I mean, Sarah Palin is already the top choice after No One. Then Rush, Michael Steele, and Bobby Jindal.
Oh wait. Are there any non-joke options?
“…the Operation Rushbo attack operation..”
I am in total agreement w/ opie_jeanne.
And now I must change browsers & vote again. Can’t let Sarah Palin beat ol’ Rush.
Are there any non-joke options?
No joke. When asked whom they would like to see as the head of the Republican Party, the vast majority of Americans say “no one. Abandon ship. Stick a fork in ’em, they’re done.”
Sorry, I went there and got distracted by the
drugs in my bloodstreampretty lights and voted for Sarah Palin instead of Rush. She’s just as much of a joke as Rush, so … I’ll fire up the laptop and vote for Rush.I voted for urban-suburban hiphop settings on the first go, and moosemama has a strong case too. But where’s Joe?
Dear Raptor Jeebus, please let them run Palin in ’12. And ’16.
I voted for the white guy, who’s white. Just like me.
From the poll comments:
Obama is the BEST thing that ever happened for the Republican party a clear and concise differentiation emerges every day, tea parties are showing up all across the country, a ground swell of grass root conservative activism is now engaged, a LINE IS BEING DRAWN IN THE SAND!!!…
The sands, they are a-shifting…
…and how can we expect the Democrats to fix the economy when they can’t even create jobs for our fallacies?
You misspelled “phalluses.”
Cap’n Ed Morrissey (RETD)
That stands for ‘retarded,’ right?
…A shit-moat is being dug in the yard…
…A shit-moat is being dug in the yard…
How dare you make fun of my service?
I’ll have you know I was the captain of the HMS Pinafore, and our local paper gave me a rave review.
Next up, I’m Katinka in The Mikado. I can’t wait!
But where’s Joe?
Indeed. When you are hunting around for a new
figureheadleader for a party that seems to be dominated by astroturf and false-flag lobby groups of the “all-male Women-for-Conservative-Values” kind, then surely the ideal candidate is a guy with no record of grass-roots activism, who won his first 15 minutes of fame by claiming to be an Undecided Voter and who has been lying ever since about every aspect of his career and prospects.Crunchy Con at work:
Free speech roolz.
I call real Ed Morrissey.
Anyone opposed to hot teen lesbian sex is deeply disturbed.
“all-male Women-for-Conservative-Values”
You just reminded me of a fond memory.
When I was a child, the New York Times still accepted ads for porn movies. I pointed one out to my father and asked, “why does this one say all male cast?” My poor, embarrassed, but quick-thinking father replied, “it must be a submarine picture.”
Oh, dear. The “Ed Morrissey” above is me.
Now we’re all Spartacus again.
Do you think it would help to explain to him that it doesn’t matter if Republicans think Rush is the leader of the Democratic Party? The point of making Rush Limbaugh the elephant mascot of the Republican Party is to make the party radioactive in the eyes of independents and conservative voters.
If by this point in the game you’re still willing to admit that you’re a Republican then you’re so coo coo that nothing is going to convince you to vote for another party. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who such a person thinks is head of that failed party.
That should be evident, but I forget some times that Republicans aren’t very good at seeing the obvious.
Do you think Rod Dreher is a top or a bottom? Sure, the first name says “top,” but the photo says “bottom.” In my humble gay opinion.
Ed Morrissey c’est moi.
We are all sub-Morrissey now.
Now we’re all Spartacus again.
Only if I get a shot at Antoninus. Tony Curtis is so dreamy.
Dreher is the meat on the sandwich. The pig on the spit, if you will. And I know you will.
Apres moi, le Ed Morrissey.
((I am going to post this again without typos. I r lame.))
Do you think it would help to explain to him that it doesn’t matter if Republicans think Rush is the leader of the Republican Party? The point of making Rush Limbaugh the elephant mascot of the Republican Party is to make the party radioactive in the eyes of independents and conservative voters.
If by this point in the game you’re still willing to admit that you’re a Republican then you’re so coo coo that nothing is going to convince you to vote for another party. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who such a person thinks is head of that failed party.
That should be evident, but I forget some times that Republicans aren’t very good at seeing the obvious.
I am in total agreement w/ opie_jeanne.
Oh, I see. That Morrissey, not the Limebag. (Forgot Ed wasn’t the Cap’n’s last name. Just thought his first name was “Special.”)
Anyway, they both suck.
Rod? Rush? Steele?
Is this a thread about the GOP or about poppers?
We had joy
We had fun
Morrissey sons in the sun
Why shouldn’t Ed Morrissey aspire to become a “talk show personality”?
All he needs now is a talk show and a personality.
All he needs now is a talk show and a personality.
Annoying Douchebag isn’t a personality?
I demand they bring back Dick Armey. And Peter Luger.
pigswan on the spit, if you willFixeled for extra culturativity.
What do you need those guys for?
Sorry, I meant Dick Lugar. Just as good.
Peter Luger is the famous Brooklyn steakhouse. Sue me; I’m hungry.
Now, far be it for me to lead honest folks astray, but a funny thing happens when I delete my “” cookie.
Freep on.
Shitmoats drain too quickly in sandy matrices unless an impermeable clay foundation is present. Is there a Clay Foundation out there to underwrite us?
Girat, regirat garcifer
me rogus urit fortiter
propinat me nunc dapifer
(Male Chorus)
Miser, miser!
modo niger
et ustus fortiter!
Poll: Who leads the Republican Party?
According to Rasmussen, most Republicans answer with a shrug. Over two-thirds of Republicans say “no one”, while only two percent agree with the Operation Rushbo
A shrug or no one is infinitely better than Rush, no matter how you slice it.
How amusing that no one is leading the Republican Party, though.
Is there a Clay Foundation out there to underwrite us?
I wear a heavy coating of foundation, but I suspect that’s not what you mean.
How amusing that no one is leading the Republican Party, though.
The former “leaders” have all run away to count their money, leaving their minions holding the bag. Thus, the increasing desperation of our troll population.
Aiken relate.
How amusing that no one is leading the Republican Party, though.
Recent polls seem to indicate the Democrats are leading the Republican Party, and by a substantial margin.
How amusing that no one is leading the Republican Party,
It may be that the Party constitution does not permit a corporate entity in the form of a Foundation to be elected as chairman.
How can I stuff myself into a spit-roasted swan? And what would you call me then?
Didn’t Ayn Rand write something about a Foundationhead?
A light afternoon snack.
Didn’t Ayn Rand write something about a Foundationhead?
I’m pretty sure Foundationhead is what Ayn Rand gave Nathaniel Branden.
First I was bummed that the poll didn’t offer a “suggest your own” option, so we could all put in “Xenu.”
Then I voted for Rush anyway, like a good Sadlynaut, and discovered who these poor deluded souls have decided to follow instead. I guess they’re being led toward the moose.
or mooses?
Sarah Palin is literally next to nothing in the poll.
I’ve just replaced all the music on my daughter’s iPod with the Carmina Burana suite! Let’s see if she notices!
Since I learned Nancy Reagan’s secret fellatio techniques from the source (and unlike my mentor, I don’t have “cankles”) I am unstoppable.
Funny how the “winner” of that poll so far (second only to that exemplar of conservative culture, the brilliant & charismatic No One) is Sarah Palin … the neocon superstar who’s had about the same media exposure as Greta Garbo lately, & who (wisely) pulled a no-show at their recent rage-orgy.
Obviously the key to success in leading the GOP is to just not show up – after (sort of) turning down the role of party leader. Heck, why not? It took killing the economy & running its mutilated corpse through a wood-chipper to get them to stop fapping madly over George W. “I Never Met A Vacation I Didn’t Like” Bush.
Now watch me gun down a wolf & her cubs from this helicopter.
You betcha!
I resent the implication that I had the thickest ankles in Hollywood. Haven’t you rubes ever seen King Kong?
I rest my case. Bring me another glass of stem cells, Beulah.
The recent drift of this thread has me both sleepy and aroused– off now to fondle the fundament– er, ponder the fundamentals.
“Other” is currently at 5%. I’m guessing that’s evenly divided between fans of Joe the Plumber and that 13-year-old kid from CPAC.
Um, while Capt Mr Ed&trade is distracting our attentions, the Ludicrous project is applying the lessons of John
GlaumarungGalt to, of course, modern medicine…Shrug/No one in ’12!!
the Ludicrous project
Did they inspire the Anti-Hippocratic Society in Autopsie, or was it the other way around?
Welp, they’ve got their talking points – No One is winning.
Republicans: the first fascists in history to fall into lockstep behind No One.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Kein Fuhrer!
I predict that within 10 minutes, Limbaugh will be winning.
Unbelievable. Someone is scripting votes for Palin now. They are interfering with the honest outcome of this contest!
More from the
AutopsieLUDICROUS project’s self-defense kit:Their kung-fu is
damn WP & html tags, and home school
Wait a minute – so what he’s saying is that Rush is great and he really admires him, and so do other Republicans, but (because the Democrats are trying to paint him as the party leader) Republicans actually don’t pay attention to him and he’s a loser? Oh, yessir, your vicodin cocktail is coming right up, Mr. Limbaugh.
Oh god, he looks like the banjo kid from Deliverance!
Oh, man. As of now, their top three contenders are Rush, Palin, and No One. I’m not sure which of those is worse.
I predict that within 10 minutes, Limbaugh will be
winning.whiningFized tht fr u
Mooseburgers couldn’t lead the way out of a hot tub.
At least, that’s what the poll voters are hoping for.
This is just not right. Over 800 people in my house voted for Limbaugh, and now PollDaddy has banned all of them. But they haven’t removed their votes.
Meanwhile, someone else is cheating by repeatedly clicking up Palin’s totals. Don’t be fooled. Palin’s vote count is a FRAUD. The only two contenders here are Limbaugh and No One.
C’mon people! These polls don’t freep themselves!
Ed Morrissey said,
March 10, 2009 at 7:24
You shut your mouth
how can you say,
I go about things the wrong way,
I am human and I need to be loved,
just like everybody else does
Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ….
According to Rasmussen, most Republicans answer with a shrug.
Sorry, no. I won’t do it.
I don’t want the job. I don’t need the job. I already have a job.
And just who is this Rasmussen fellow, anyway? Is he the one who discovered the south pole? What the hell does he know about republicans?
i’m a rightwinger and rush limbaugh has never spoken for me. he’s a bellicose creep with poor fashion sense and no discernible pedigree other than “huckster”.
since i’m acknowledged as the most intelligent rightwinger any of my acquaintances know, my opinions and perceptions inform my corner of the world about what the true Conservatives believe, and i have never had any affection nor sympathy for limbaugh.
So the upshot here is that Rahm Emanuel’s Evil Conspiracy of Evil to demonize Rush Limbaugh is failing, because most Republicans understand that their party has no leadership?
Way to go, Cap’n Crunch.
Be careful not to mess up this poll, guys. What you don’t want to do is, if you’re using Firefox, after you vote, go to Tools and then Options. But if you do, make sure you don’t follow that up by clicking the Privacy tab and then clicking Show Cookies.
But if, accidentally, you do all of these things, make very sure you don’t find the folder for, open it, find the cookie named PD_poll_1439692, click it, and click Remove Cookie.
The reason I warn you not to do these things is because then, if you forgot that you already voted in the poll, and then came back to it later, the site would let you vote again, which would have the unfortunate effect of skewing the poll results.
I know you all have the right amount of respect for Internet Polls, and will take precautions against the kind of misclicks I have warned you about here.
since i’m acknowledged as the most intelligent rightwinger any of my acquaintances know
… a position formerly held by a Tickle Me Elmo doll.
Rushie is now Number 2, beating out “No One” but still slightly behind Sarah Starburst.
Vote now!
Why is there no choice for Barack Obama, Our Lord and Messiah?
since i’m acknowledged as the most intelligent rightwinger any of my acquaintances know
… a position formerly held by a Tickle Me Elmo doll.
Did they lose the doll?
Did they lose the doll?
It’s suing on pedophilia charges.
Now Elmo, just point to where the bad Republican touched you…
I did my patriotic duty but, drats, Palin is still, um, leading.
Newsflash: white knight made to apologize to Limbaugh, claims he meant no disrespect.
Linus – you should also add that you DEFINITELY don’t want to whip up a quick script with AutoHotkey or a similar tool. That would be uncool, because it would allow you to vote 100 times while you’re on the can in the other room.
It’s going to take someone who’s a L33t H4xx0r to grant Rush the victory he so richly deserves … the poll is being counterfreeped by someone/s running a cheat-script. Watch what happens when you refresh the results page.
Meanwhile, in a basement somewhere in America …
Lulzcow Jackpot!
Ah, the fringe-benefits of dumbing-down education!
Sadly, excess IQ points cannot vaccinate against the ravages of galloping stupidity.
Just ask Condoleeza Rice.
Just want to point out that, while the poll tries very weakly to not let your vote count, if you’re blocking cookies it will let you vote and vote and vote. I just put Limbaugh up another 20 votes. Have you done your part to bother a wingnut today?
Elmo was touched there.
And there.
And there.
And there.
And there.
Oh, and Elmo almost forgot. There, there, there, there, and in there!
Poor Republican Elmo…
When I was a child, the New York Times still accepted ads for porn movies. I pointed one out to my father and asked, “why does this one say all male cast?” My poor, embarrassed, but quick-thinking father replied, “it must be a submarine picture.”
And when I was a child, I was watching TV (the Mary Tyler Moore show, if memory serves) with my mom. My parents always taught me to ask what a word meant, if I did not know. I have no memory of the context, but I do recall my mom choking for a second when my pre-teen self said “Mommy, what is an orgy?”
I still admire her quick re-definition – a “wild party.”
I feel sorry for McLame. I’m going to cast
one ofmy votesfor him. And Jindhal too. Poor l’il guys.I just voted- 12:45 Pacific time. I want to inform you that, although that fat liar is getting a lot of votes, it looks like he is not going to beat out Sarah Palin for the title.
it looks like he is not going to beat out Sarah Palin for the title.
Yeah, the WWE “story lines” are so predictable.
There is some funny shit in the comments at Hot Air:
How much do you want to bet that the results of this poll will not be reported in the MSM? They dare not.
That’s it! The MSM is way too spooked to reveal the existence of a completely bogus poll conducted by a nobody!
MSNBC conducted a poll to rate Obama’s performance as President: 69% gave him a D or F.
(Blinking) I think I missed that! Was it another scientific poll like this one?
Also, apparently Oh Captain, My Captain did his broadcast and was dubious about the poll results, suggesting that it had been freeped. His commenters will have none of it!
Ed is starting to sound like Obama and his trolls dismissing the results of the poll. He fails to admit that Sarah was running at about 25% all through the day yesterday before the spike to the high 30’s. You can tell that Sarah is not Ed’s first choice and that he is unhappy at the results of the poll.
And finally Ed can’t bring himself to perhaps admit that once the word got out on the Internet and through word of mouth about the existence of the poll that supporters of Sarah went online and voted and that it was not troll-driven at all.
People who support Sarah let us realize this: there are not only powerful forces against us on the Left but there are equally insidious forces supposedly on our side who want to take Sarah out as well. We must be vigilant of a 24/7 basis; not only do we have to look to who is in front of us but unfortunately we have to look over our shoulder quite frequently as well.
We must be vigilant of a 24/7 basis; not only do we have to look to who is in front of us but unfortunately we have to look over our shoulder quite frequently as well.
You betcha. You never know when Putin will rear his head.