We’ve Switched Donald’s Coffee To De-“Gaffe”

Let’s see if he notices!

The Unfairness of Reviving the Fairness Doctrine
Posted By Donald Kent Douglas On March 5, 2009


The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas. The logical outcome of that competitive impotence is to simply remove the market mechanism itself. This is the essence of state-socialist ideological advocacy. An ideological truth — socialism — that is so frequently resisted by the slow-witted cattle of the leftosphere, is in fact being repackaged, ironically, as “robust, informed, and mature discussion” toward state violence and control of freedom of speech and commerce.


Comments: 83


Hotness 2: Teh Enhottening!


Also: “state violence?” Is he seriously accusing the left of endorsing state violence?



So bottom line, socialism is fair, since Donnie here is againt fairness and socialism.


The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

So this is what explains that stunning McCain/Palin victory in November.


The wingnuts are so crazy, delusional, and marginalized right now they’re becoming cute and cuddly like your batshit insane uncle who lives in your grandma’s attic and only comes down for meals and to use the potty.


Thankfully, since the Bush Jr. administration gave President Black Hussein Obama X complete and unrestrained leeway to carryout surveillance and invasion of Pr. Douglas’ communications, he will shortly be receiving a visit from the IRS he will not soon forget.


The logical outcome of that competitive impotence is to simply remove the market mechanism itself.

“competitive impotence”? Uh — and also, can someone explain to me what is meant, even putatively, by this statement? I’m not conversant in batshitterese.


If they keep screaming “socialism” about this rather moderate (and popular!) emergency plan to help the country out of an economic crisis, perhaps Americans will stop being so scared of the word. So bring it on, by all means.


Furthermore, is this person suggesting that righties are “sharp-witted cattle”? I’m so confused.


Hold On.

Where is this massive movement to re-enact the Fairness Doctrine? was I asleep?


The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

[Canned Laugh Track]

Please, please, PLEASE find a pic of this Donald Kent Douglas schmoe and PhotoShop him holding a rubber chicken. This guy’s got a future as a slapstick comedian! I mean, really, that’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve read in months.

Maybe as an encore Douglas will fart and sing “Volare” like Newbomb Turk in The Hollywood Knights.


What J Neo said.

“Hey. The stimulus plan saved my job and house. If that’s socialism, and so is Universal Health Care, maybe that’s a good idea too…”


“The wingnuts are so crazy, delusional, and marginalized right now they’re becoming cute and cuddly like your batshit insane uncle who lives in your grandma’s attic and only comes down for meals and to use the potty.”

… and who eventually shoots up a unitarian church ….


Leftists know that the success of right-wing talk radio over the last couple of decades is proof of public demand for conservative opinion.

This, of course, explains t3h War on Drugs. And discouraging coca cultivation in South America and poppy cultivation in South Asia. ‘Cause, you know, give the people what they want and all that.


That scratching sound you hear is the Overton Window scooching over to the left, bit by bit. Thank you, Republican morons!


The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

Somebody tell Big Hollywood and Big Pajamas! Prosperity is just around the corner!


Leftists know that the success of right-wing talk radio over the last couple of decades is proof of public demand for conservative opinion.

But it doesn’t disprove a lack of demand for liberal opinion. OTOH, the fact that the only radio talk-show host (that I know of) to be MURDERED IN HIS DRIVEWAY was a liberal might just tamp down the supply a bit.



More sociallyizums.

That giant vacuum cleaner that sucked up all the money – we’re about to get a look inside the bag.


I guess I hallucinated the last forty years of complaints about The Librul Media, since that would have meant the Right couldn’t compete. Not surprising, considering everyting I’ve ingested since then.


But it doesn’t disprove a lack of demand for liberal opinion. OTOH, the fact that the only radio talk-show host (that I know of) to be MURDERED IN HIS DRIVEWAY was a liberal might just tamp down the supply a bit.

Air America blah blah no such thing as Ed Schultz blah blah FOX News was really successful for a while blah blah no one reading blogs counts blah. Blah.

QED, you’re wrong.

Honestly, I think Alan Berg was somewhat of an outlier, if only because he was even allowed on corporate controlled media to begin with. And if you’ve got to go back more than 20 years to make a point…


Legalize: Good point. However, that particular wingnutty church-shooter-upper wasn’t a lovable old coot living in the attic. He was a five-times-married laid-off loser who read Coulter and Hannity and hated gays and the coloreds and Unitarians and was in fact simply searching for estranged wife No. 5 while he happened to have his shotgun with him, and then he just remembered that one time she had gone to that particular church, and especially he wanted lie-bruls with all their socialism that provided him with unemployment checks and eventually paid for his public defender after he shot two people dead and wounded six others during a children’s play to die.


The logical outcome of that competitive impotence is to simply remove the market mechanism itself.

And the logical outcome of that is that conservative Republicans now dominate American politics, and will continue to do so on a near permanent basis!


Also, blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart Limbaugh blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart blart tax cuts blart.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Is it Faux-gers or is it NesGaffé?

Regarding the RateMyProfessors thing, 69 ratings? Really? I guess the most confusing part is the clarity rating of 3.7. After reading “The Unfairness of Reviving Something That Only Opponents of It Are Whining About” I’m surprised that there isn’t a negative sign in front of that number.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also, PENIS.

Classic Actor212

So this is what explains that stunning McCain/Palin victory in November.

Actually, this explains November 4 much better.


Leftists know that the success of right-wing talk radio over the last couple of decades is proof of public demand for conservative opinion.

Going strictly by the laws of supply and demand, since most right wing radio hosts give their programming away to stations in exchange for a percentage of the ad revenues, it’s a little hard to determine that there’s this “public demand” for conservative talk radio.


I think we should revive the fairness doctrine, if only to give teh wingnuts something REAL to complain about. I mean, they’re trying SO HARD, I think they should be rewarded…


Ah that was mine, of course, but it fits for actor212 as well.

Too funny.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Leftists know that the success of right-wing talk radio over the last couple of decades is proof of public demand for conservative opinion.

…because the radio markets are completely free, and not at all monopolized.





Hey, wait. Didn’t the holy invisible holy hand of the holy freemarket just strangle Jammies Media?


You know, considering how many trolls are mulching the comments around here, you’d think they would be more supportive of the fairness doctrine, as exemplified by the Sadlies.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Actually, the invisible hand was strangling it from the start. The reasoning behind the meltdown was that the ad-revenue income stream was always essentially non-existent. I can’t find Simon’s original post explaining it, but here’s another one with the money quote:

Actually that part of our business has been losing money from the beginning, so the people getting their quarterly checks from PJM were getting a form of stipend from us in the hopes that advertisers would start to cotton to blogs and we could possibly make a profit. Didn’t happen. No wonder those people are kicking and screaming now that they are off the dole.

Wingnut welfare. In Simon’s own words.


The great thing about wingnuts is Fairness Doctrine or no, they will be WATB about it.

Even when nobody at all is calling for re-enacting the FD, they will wail and scream and smear shit on the walls about the impending destruction of their freedom to wail and scream and smear shit on the walls.



So the idiot was wasting his starting capital paying these “stipends”, while waiting for the ad revenues to roll in, rather than writing up a sharing agreement where once the money rolled in *koffkoff*, the arrears would be made up?

Didn’t it occur to him that it would make things harder for the whole venture?


I’m available if somebody with money wants to pay me to listen to Rush. Is that fair enough?


And plus, that was a great post Jillian.


actor212, somehow I don’t think that was his own money he used to “start up.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Even when nobody at all is calling for re-enacting the FD, they will wail and scream and smear shit on the walls about the impending destruction of their freedom to wail and scream and smear shit on the walls.

hee hee

It would be fun to start the rumor that the FD is no longer in play, but that they will require shows that use call screeners to announce the fact every half-hour.

“The opinions presented on this program are unable to withstand scrutiny or challenge, so they are protected by a team of call screeners who will reject any caller who sounds like they’re not in 100% agreement with the loudmouth-in-chief.”



It wasn’t, no, but it was capital he had donated to him by people who either wanted to see the venture succeed or were taking a tax loss. Either way, I’m betting they hated seeing their money flushed away.


“Kay Thaxby”, from the previous thread, is possibly the greatest nym ever, and judging from hte Google it hasn’t been used by anyone yet in the whole internets. Although I was tempted to use it, I’m sticking with my current nym, but someone needs to snap this up while it’s still fresh.




That scratching sound you hear is the Overton Window scooching over to the left, bit by bit. Thank you, Republican morons!

Word up! As Colbert said last night, “Crank up the crazy and break off the knob!”



It would be fun to start the rumor that the FD is no longer in play, but that they will require shows that use call screeners to announce the fact every half-hour.

That’s a little unfair. Any good show has call screeners and cough delays to prevent assholes from hopping on the CSPAN call-in and trying to get in the word “penis”. You really don’t want to be overly exposed to the frothing rage-ers that call in to talk radio. I mean, even blogs have content filters, for goodness sake.


It is kind of funny that it’s been the crazy screeching that moved the Overton window to the right, and it is the continuing crazy screeching helping to push it back to the left.


Ever notice what pissants these trolls are that they come on HERE of all places to whine about the FD, yet never seem to get around to discovering that every fucking wingnut blog on the intertubes has closed comments sections? “Marketplace of ideas” my ass…


Yes, Bigby, one has noticed that….


Fairness Doctrine? Obama and Pelosi have both said they’re not interested in reinstating that. Teh Fairyness Doctrine, OTOH. that Obama is instituting, the one forcing everyone into gaymarriage, will be announced tomorrow.


Gilligan spelled wrong, link fixed. The pro-victory professor is still pro-victory. That will never change.


Joe Max: I just saw the repeat of last night’s Colbert Report and am still laughing myself silly.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I mean, even blogs have content filters, for goodness sake.

Sorry, I keep forgetting they’re not all Sadly, No!

(I kid. I understand there are minimal restrictions here.)


Forced gay marriage? Sounds ab-fab! I’ve got double-dibs on that dishy kid from that new vampire flick Twilight.


Why would Sadly No place restrictions on minerals?

Quaker in a Basement

The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

It’s true. Mr. Clemens explained why long ago. Something about “truth getting its boots on.”


MzNicky: “I just saw the repeat of last night’s Colbert Report and am still laughing myself silly.

And we were wondering what they would do for material once Bushie was out of office. Wingnut crazy: the gift that keeps on giving.

One of their best pair of shows in a long time. John Cole said that “for once, while still funny, Stewart looks really pissed and disgusted,” but I’ve seen Jon in that mood before. The tell is how he leads into the commercial break: if he says, “we’ll be right back…” in a voice of resigned, ironic sadness, he’s letting his pure disgust with what he just made fun of leak through. Though I agree with Cole that Stewart looked particularly pissed off and disgusted last night.


“What does ‘Mountain Grown’ mean, Mrs. Olsen?”

“Why, it means that Juan Valdez gets up early in the morning *of the day before,* in order to hand-pick only the ripest wing nuts at their peak of perfection. Then he fills them in his burlap bags, straps them to his trusty burro Pajamas, and brings them to our specially-underwritten foundations, where they’re roasted and broasted and toasted to bring out all th–”

“I thought we were talking about coke, Mrs. Olsen. You know–something useful.”


To be fair, it’s obvious that the Fairness Doctrine IS the Mein Kampf of liberal fascism:

During its time, the Fairness Doctrine mandated that broadcasters on the public airwaves give equal and balanced airtime to multiple perspectives covering topics of fundamental interest to the public welfare.

Sounds like the thin edge of the wedge of Homosexual Communist Islamo-Satanism to me!

The right opposed this on grounds of “free speech” – essentially claiming that a narrower range of perspectives was the better scenario for Americans’ intellectual freedom. “How can I keep getting folks to buy into my totally refuted horseshit if you get equal time to point out the stink? This is a cultural Holocaust! FASCISTS!” Who says conservatives aren’t creative thinkers? Chucking out mandatory equal time for different viewpoints worked out just fine – if your name happens to be Rupert Murdoch.

Hmm. So Douglas has his extra-absorbent knickers in a knot over a Fairness Doctrine that isn’t making a comeback, & he uses this opportunity to let us know that the same left that just stomped the shit out of the GOP in the marketplace of ideas (& judging by Obama’s approval ratings, is continuing to do so ever more thoroughly – with their generous help) can’t compete there?

Wow, fail squared.


Jon Stewart’s win! line of the night:

“But you ‘people’ just don’t get it – giving Obama a sixty-eight percent approval rating. F**king morons. I know you people, you six-pack sipping, iceberg lettuce-eating, America-loving non-elitists, sitting down in your ivory basements thinking, ‘Isn’t the Dow Jones Industrial Average just a short twitch numerical representation of a bunch of guesses about other peoples assumptions about the financial well being of an arbitrarily chosen group of thirty out of tens of thousands of possible companies?’ NO! You’re WRONG! It is a real-time, cause-and-effect precision barometer of how the president is doing! “

The "The Dow Jones Tanking Means Obama Is A Failure" Troll

Damn you, Joe Max. Damn you to hell!

The Goddamn Batman Competes In The Marketplace Of Pain

the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

Right. Because An American Carol was such a smash hit, while Milk was such a flop… oh, wait.


Next thing you know, they’ll be trying to use the “fairness doctrine,” to ban songs such as this one, critically acclaimed as the #8 best record of 2006 by Blogcritic Al Barger:

Neil Young (Have You Forgotten)
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008, 2009



#8 best record of 2006 by Blogcritic Al Barger

When it gets to #7 on some obscure dyslexic autistic teenage girl in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, let me know.

So I can mock it more.


Don’t wait for that because it’s not going to happen any time soon. Mock it now. Everytime folks mock my music, I see a surge in sales, and I’m one step closer to being able to give up the day job I went to school 10 years to get.


Grade 10 is the gateway to opportunity.


Don’t wait for that because it’s not going to happen any time soon.

Sucks that bad, huh? Can’t even get some emo teen to give you a thumbs up?


Can’t even get some emo teen to give you a thumbs up?
I refuse to look in Urban Dictionary to see what that means.


Smut, think The Cure only more so.


“Emo” I know; I was more concerned about the thumb-involved activity. Those young people and their dirty talk.


Rush & Co fear that for every bigoted hafl-assed comment they make, they must allow a Liberal to make a Socialistic comment. For every Dittohead that calls in and rants about stocking up on guns&ammo, ginormous cans of veges and 11 lbs of peanuts, they must allow a DFH to call in and talk about gay marriage.

Maybe Sat Night Live could do a take on it.


For every Dittohead that calls in and rants about stocking up on guns&ammo, ginormous cans of veges and 11 lbs of peanuts, they must allow a DFH to call in and talk about gay marriage.

Even worse, Rush thinks that his next three marriages will have to be gay ones.


Haven’t the gays suffered enough?


Haven’t the gays suffered enough?

They still call themselves “gay”, don’t they? So no. Marry, dammit! Be miserable like the rest of us!


“Grade 10 is the gateway to opportunity.”

Mustn’t knock “grade 10.” I’ve spent some of the best years of my life there.

“Sucks that bad, huh? Can’t even get some emo teen to give you a thumbs up?”

No, not so bad. After all, I was emo before it was cool to be emo.


No, not so bad. After all, I was emo before it was cool to be emo.

Emo was never cool.


Ah, yes, a rant from the pathetic fuck who teaches at a community college.*


*Listen, I know that community colleges are legitimate places of learning. Many folks use them as a gateway to colleges and universities, like people embarking on a new/second career, people who didn’t do well enough in high school but have, for whatever reason, come back to make it work.

I can appreciate that very much.

But this stupid fuckwad couldn’t survive for 5 minutes spouting his bullshit in a more rigorous setting. I mean, poli-sci at the community college level can’t ever be anything more than a basic introduction to the field. To pretend anything more is just delusional.

The only thing more egregious than this poor fuck’s current ability to exploit the innocent would be if he tried passing off his bullshit in a junior high school. He’s a fucking child molester with a teaching certificate.


Ha ha! Check out the update on the S,N! post Douglas linked to. Awesome.


The brutal truth is that the left cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.

Clearly then, by this logic, the last two election cycles must mean that Obama and the Democrats in Congress are not really part of “the left.”

Ok, we can agree on that at least.


I just dig the phrase “marketplace of ideas.”

That is all.


‘Kay Thaxbai’

As far as awesome nyms go, OB-GYN Kenobi is pretty cool.

‘These aren’t the ovaries you’re looking for.’


(comments are closed)