Shorter David Brooks
Posted on March 4th, 2009 by Tintin
- I am a reasonable moderate. No, really, I am. One of my reasonably moderate beliefs is that the Bush tax cuts for the rich were sound economic policy, whereas Obama’s plan to reverse those tax cuts is an effort to exploit class resentment to forward his otherwise unpopular ideas.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Seb adds: Bonus wanker points. Brooks writes:
The U.S. has traditionally had a relatively limited central government. But federal spending as a share of G.D.P. is zooming from its modern norm of 20 percent to an unacknowledged level somewhere far beyond.
For those living outside the paranoid-delusional universe, the level is neither unacknowledged nor far beyond. To wit (and feel free to click on the image if you lack 20/1 vision):
Shorter shorter Brooks: Moderation in the maintenance of a plum punditry gig is no vice.
Brooks: “The U.S. has never been a society riven by class resentment.”
Uh oh. Now he’s going to have to gobble Rush’s prong.
I, too, am a moderate. There’s gotta be a moderately moderate middle ground between the radical-right’s view that we should bomb and exterminate all Arabs and the dangerous radical-left view of Obama that we should only do so in Afganistan (plus starve the Palestinians to death).
Shhh! Don’t confuse the centrists worldview!
Obama=God, Afghan War Good! Israel even better!
Nevermind he nominated an Israeli/Likud puppet (Hillary Clinton) to be Secretary of State!
Is the picture some sort of elaborate wazzup joke? If it is, I like it, even if I don’t like Bud that much.
i’ve noticed liberals don’t like it much when you call them on their efforts at flinging around class warfare agitprop. i guess you guys know the economy isn’t going anywhere good anytime soon and you’re going to pay for it politically. in 2 years.
…you’re going to pay for it politically. in 2 years.
Yes, when the 5% of Americans who see their taxes return to the levels of the 1990s, they’re going to storm the polls and vote 20 times to outvote the rest of us!
when unemployment hits 10.8 or 11 percent and foreclosures are still spiking, how anxious do you think people will be to keep the party that’s in power (the dems) in power?
At the moment, most Americans are under the (correct!) impression that the Democrats are busy cleaning up the mess left by eight years of Bush-related fiascoes, including his slavish devotion to tax cuts on the rich as basically his entire economic policy. I’m guessing that the American voter won’t have too much trouble understanding how hard it is to undo eight years of Republican incompetence by the time November 2010 rolls around.
Attention troll:
Before every brave declaration made at Sadly No, all trolls are required to preface said declarations with “Bookmark this, liberals” or the like. Similarly, said declarations must be followed by “This is how it will go down” or something similar. This is purely for record keeping purposes, as troll declarations seem to be piling up all over the place.
class warfare agitprop
You haven’t seen anything yet. You want class warfare agitprop?
Kill the bankers! CEO heads roll in the streets! Those fcukers stole your retirement and spent it on themselves! Heads on pikes! And be sure to get those stupid assholes who cheered them along on the TV!
I could go on, but it’s still early and I haven’t finished my coffee.
class warfare doesn’t work. in 2 years all the average joe sixpack type will know is that he’s still out of work or working at mcdonald’s, he still can’t pay his bills, and obama hasn’t fixed the economy (there is no way he can, it’s just too wrecked). at that point they’ll be begging the g.o.p. to take over again.
What’s that you say? Barack Obama is… BLACK? Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. I’d honestly never noticed before, and it certainly won’t have any effect on my terribly serious critique of his policies.
Bankruptcy for the federal government is just around the corner.
Austrian economics essentially says that paper money will devolve to it’s true value.
We need to grow up. Be responsible for our own actions. Stop lying to one another about the value of something that is valueless, whether it be the dollars in our wallets, the 401k’s, the stock market futures, the value of GM or GE, the value of properties (that’s happening now), or the value of a 6 year degree in stupidities which in a real civilization would never be taught as realistic subjects – and which truly qualify the Masters Degree recipients for jobs – at McDonalds. “Would you like fries with that?”
We revolutionary leftists understand that our true power lies in condemning the petit bourgoise false consciousness, superstructure-obsessed internet blog commenters for their cowardly reformism.
Seeing as the trolls are so fucking fond of questions, here’s a couple:
– To Republican voters on an average or below-average wage: did your taxes go down under Bush, as he promised they would?
– To Republican voters on a high wage: do you give a flying fuck whether taxes went down under Bush for Republican voters on an average or below-average wage?
My pre-emptive response to your answers to both of these questions is “Didn’t think so”.
I think the reality that people are really waking up to is that you can’t have a capitalist consumer economy that really works if every policy is designed to transfer wealth to the haves. At some point, the whole thing grinds to a halt when the have-nots don’t have enough money to buy anything.
Funny how “redistribution of wealth” was never an issue when they were reaching into OUR pockets to pad the pockets of those at the top. Weath redistribution apparently is a virtue when it gives all the money to people who don’t need it and didn’t earn it (and challenge me on that, motherfucker: explain how rich people “earned” those huge tax cut windfalls of the past 30 years. I guess it was “hard work” writing out all those really big checks to Republican politicians). Wealth redistribution flowing the other way, though? That comes from the DEVIL and it’s SOCIALISM!
IOW – if you disagree with David Brooks – you are an extremist. Newsflash Bobo, no one sees themselves as extremist – everybody believes that their personal views are reasonable, rational and moderate. That’s why they hold them. Genghis Khan probably thought he was a “moderate”.
Elections have consequences – and chief among them is that you smug assholes in da Village with your bipartisan this and centrist that have not only been exposed (yet again) as the out-of-touch far right jerkwads that you are – but that the current administration is much more in line (ideologically) with where the rest of the country is.
This royal “We” you’re using – I suppose it’s the Applebees Salad Bar crew you’re referencing – NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THEM. AND THEY’RE A LOT SMALLER A GROUP THAN YOU THINK. “We”, the Golden 400 of the Moderate Centrist Mafia- disapprove. Well whoop-de-doo, your fucking opinions don’t mean jack-shit no more. This “We” you use means you and your couple dozen insider friends – AND THAT’S IT. It doesn’t fucking include Joe Klein anymore, and you can tell how much he loves you in that he manages to gobble your knob even when he disagrees.
People don’t think tax cuts are the magic answer to everything anymore. Polling has a strong majority of the population directly in opposition to you. A couple weeks ago, “bipartisanship” was looked at in this TPMDC post. By almost a 2 to 1 margin, the public wants Obama to stick to his guns. By a similar margin the public wants the GOP to stop acting like whiny-ass-titty-babies and “work across party lines”. What does that tell you Bobo? The public doesn’t even agree with your fucking notion of what “bipartisan” means. You aren’t the “moderate” – you’re a fucking hardcore right-wing ultraconservative geezebag. Sure you’re not as crazy and nutty as Palin – but that group of people you’re using to justify your “centrist” position? THEY ARE DERANGED CRAZY IDIOTS. It’s like saying Kucinich is “Moderate” because of Cindy Sheehan.
David Brooks, some people might like to see you declared an “enemy combatant” and put on the “frequent flyer” program for a couple weeks – but as a “Moderate”, I’ll be quite happy with you just shutting the fuck up and eating a bag of dicks.
I’m a libertarian so I had problems with Bush, too.
The Republicans drive a car at 55 mph towards Socialism, the Democrats drive a car at 100 mph towards Socialism. That’s the only difference.
Democrats are busy cleaning up the mess left by eight years of Bush-related fiascoes, including his slavish devotion to tax cuts on the rich as basically his entire economic policy…
…as well as trying to manage the cesspits left for him in Afghanistan and Palestine.
(That was for the political “purists” here who don’t mind using wingnut tactics to attack Obama from the left.)
Once we built a snarky website, we made it fun,
It was fun all the time.
Once we built a website, now it’s done —
Brother, can you stop leaving big bowls of troll chow everywhere? The place is ankle deep in their shit?
Aww. Poor Leftist Greg attempted to be THE Troll of the Thread, but failed.
so you sky-pie liberals are saying that in 2 years when the economy is still in the crapper and the people are looking around for somebody to blame they’re not going to blame the party in control of both the white house and the legislature? that’s a wise strategy, banking on the legendary sophistication of american hoi polloi. lol
I liked the Buffalo Beast’s characterization of Peggy Nooners- that at this point, she’s just writing speeches in defense of her own vanity. The exact same thing can be said for Bobolicious.
Attention trolls:
Tonguejack my shitbox.
Wasn’t Neil claiming to be an Obama voter a while back?
Again, BO’s solution is to print more fiat paper money.
But paper money is worth ZERO and eventually this will be found out.
The other solution is to borrow from China and Japan. But eventually, China and Japan will dump all those bonds.
BO is playing a dangerous game. Funding his Socialism through paper money and massive borrowing.
Soon we will be like German circa 1922 or Zimbabwe. Hyperinflation and unemployment, with everyone dependent on government.
I was taking a cab yesterday to the Applebee’s for some of that fine goddamn salad bar, and my cab driver — totally unsolicited, mind you — my fine, salt of the earth, vaguely ethnic cab driver told me that moderates hate America and should be first against the wall when the revolution comes. This proves something very important about Brooks, it sure does.
neil, my man, you’re being a little eggheady for this crowd. don’t bother with sophisticated analysis, like jay z said “dumbed it down for my audience and doubled my dollar”. you have to use broad concepts and small words.
so you sky-pie liberals are saying that in 2 years when the economy is still in the crapper and the people are looking around for somebody to blame they’re not going to blame the party in control of both the white house and the legislature?
…while you continue to say that people who remain unemployed 2 years from now will realize that if we had just cut taxes for rich people, everything would be great, just like it was back when they still had jobs but were going bankrupt anyway.
Deep thought: it’s not for conservatives.
Haven’t you all ever read Austrian economics?
Oh, white knight…
As we learned during the Everyone! Loves! Sarah! debacle, wingnuts have a serious issue differentiating between Showing and Telling. As in, if everyone really did love Sarah, you wouldn’t have the majority of people polled actually loathing her. And if Obama and crew were really el toasto for ’10, you might actually think the GOP wouldn’t be on the verge of self-implosion at this juncture.
Not everyone will blame those currently in power for the economic situ. Some of us are grownups, in fact.
Mah gold coins, let me show you them!
No, we won’t.
Neil. you don’t have to listen to the voices in your head. Remember those mental exercises we talked about.
What’s that? Troll Chow? Yeah, I’ve got a pallet of it. I don’t mind leaving full bowls of it all over the place at all. You’re welcome, everybody.
Hey, “D.N. Nation.” I’m trying to lead them out the door with it.
Has that ever worked? Once? Anywhere?
Why does his tongue look like an ass? Is Troofie sitting in his throat naked?
I love how, no longer content with claiming the country is “center right”, they’ve decided that plutocratic policies are somehow “centrist”, while populism of the sort Obama preaches (help everyone and things will work their way up to the rich after everyone else has tasted it) is somehow a radical and elitist idea.
Jennifer said, “Yes, when the 5% of Americans who see their taxes return to the levels of the 1990s, they’re going to storm the polls and vote 20 times to outvote the rest of us!”
I thought they were threatening to stamp their feet, renounce their citizenship, and go live in offshore tax havens. Recall the same “threat” was made in the 90’s. It resulted in “a 747-load” of rich bozos renouncing their right to vote (among other things) in order to spend more quality time in the Caribbean. Good riddance! Of course nowadays they won’t even have to get on a plane to attend board meetings, because the corporations have moved offshore as well, meanwhile continuing to soak up lucrative U.S. govt contracts.
How’s that for class warfare? Hello, Troll?
Fuck. That beautiful rant all covered in troll shit.
Okay, I gues we’re gonna do this. Job creation? Is that what you little shitbags are griping about – Master’s degrees flipping burgers? Here, this is a little offshoot from my favorite wikipedia page:
Your precious GOP sucks more at job creation than they do at Limbaugh atrophied wang.
In closing, PENIS.
Is so early.
An eternal optimist, I am.
hey, what can i say. palin was weak. i had to hold my nose to vote for that (historically weak) ticket. we were running against an economic downturn and black jesus.
but in 2 years it’s going to be the dems running against an even worse economy and we have the intervening years to hammer obama and regroup. the american people do not trust liberals. they do not want liberals in charge. last cycle was a “throw the bums out” type deal and in 2 years the dems will be the bums being thrown out. unless you think the economy is going to turn around in that time (fat chance!)
“Okay, I gues we’re gonna do this. Job creation? Is that what you little shitbags are griping about – Master’s degrees flipping burgers?”
I’m saying people need to realize what a degree in the Stupidities Humanities is worth. Which is next to nothing. Instead of crying to Papa Government to bail them out.
Whatever happens in two years, w. k., you’ll still be a racist dick.
dragon dork wang-chung: don’t bother with facts and figures. perception IS reality and the perception has always been that the gop is better with the economy. that we cut deficits. that we create jobs. last cycle was an aberration but in 2 years time what to you think the perception will be of the obama years. (hint: out of work factory workers who can’t make house payments or afford hbo are unhappy factory workers!)
I see that the trolls have ignored my questions, conclusively proving that they “hate it when I point out their hypocrisy” and that I have “gotten under their skin”.
Hey, this is easy!
henry lewis and the news: i don’t have a racist bone in my body. i dislike all forms of racial prejudice. that is why i loathe affirmative action.
so you sky-pie liberals are saying that in 2 years when the economy is still in the crapper and the people are looking around for somebody to blame they’re not going to blame the party in control of both the white house and the legislature?
Audacity of hope. It’s what’s for troll dinner.
I don’t believe that the economy will be “even worse” in 2 years – do any of you reasonable people (note: does not include trolls) believe that things are going to be worse in 2 years? The big concern is getting down to the nitty gritty and doing what needs to be done and taking over the failing banks. At this point, there are some signs here locally that things are already beginning to turn around, but a failure to deal with the bad banks could reverse that. The building industry and related businesses in this area have started to see some improvement in just the past month or so. Granted, they didn’t get hammered here like they did in a lot of places – but at this point, they’ve been down for over a year. Everything else is following in that wake – we’re already almost 6 months out from when the shit hit the fan in September. That means we should see the turnaround within the next year, perhaps sooner as the stimulus spending starts to kick in.
the american people do not trust liberals. they do not want liberals in charge.
Yea, only 53% of them voted for the liberal guy…you’re right. Obama should listen to the will of the people & resign.
Ha penis indeed.
Where’d John K go? I’ve remembered more ren and stimpy quotes to use as responses to his blarrrt..
I enjoyed Tintin’s comment from an earlier thread so much that I bookmarked it.
Happened right about the time “The Authentic” left and “white knight” showed up.
I will put this as simply as I can – since you are obviously incapable of independent thought or analysis.
Evil socialism and commie policies enacted by traitorous Democrats are VERY STRONG AT JOB CREATION. That miserable failure Jimmy Carter created FOUR TIMES MORE JOBS in his one term than King W did in two.
Don’t make me bust out the other wiki page I love so much, the one that shows that the Free Market under Democratic administrations outperforms Republican ones. It’s the same one that shows Republican administrations as being the ones in love with deficit spending and exploding the National Debt.
perception IS reality and the perception has always been that the gop is better with the economy.
Yea, which is why every time there’s a (Republican) recession, people vote Democratic.
And the few times there has been a Democratic recession (FDR), the Democrat was re-elected.
Because as Harry Truman observed, if you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic.
Don’t make me bust out the other wiki page I love so much…
Oh, but please do!
do any of you reasonable people (note: does not include trolls) believe that things are going to be worse in 2 years?
After all, the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet.
“the american people do not trust liberals. they do not want liberals in charge.”
North Carolina.
New Hampshire.
New Mexico.
actor you believe black jesus is a liberal?
he really sold you guys a bill of goods.
Glad someone else notices the not-so-new troll smell.
do any of you reasonable people (note: does not include trolls) believe that things are going to be worse in 2 years?
The country, the way you guys painted him?
Oh. Hell. Yea.
You made your bed, now sleep in it.
By the way, please don’t refer to President Obama as the “black Jesus”.
It offends me as a Christian.
killfile’d again
actor i’m not a christian but if i were i’d be more offended by the party that wants to give federal funding to maplethorpe and piss christ.
I’m much more offended by the party that took us to kill innocent Iraqis. I suspect Jesus will have a much bigger problem with violating the Ten Commandments than putting some pictures up on a wall.
You don’t really want to do this with an ordained minister, brother.
Gee, I never realized this site was for deep analyses of anything. Gosh, you learn something new from trolls every damn day.
Ok, then, a non-troll question, tagging on to what I said upthread: am I the only one who’s seeing a few signs of things starting to look better on the economic front?
“White knight” sounds so much more moderate and reasonable than “grand dragon”.
FTR, I’m the black Jesus.
Jennifer, things are starting to turn around a little, yes. I don’t want to make it sound like I believe the worst is yet to come, but there is a time-bomb out there that, if triggered, will make the housing crisis look like small beer.
After all, no one’s talking about consumer debt beyond mortgages, yet those credit card bills, the ones that have been bundled and securitized like mortgages, and probably as badly mismanaged and more likely more badly mismanaged (sorry, “worse” didn’t seem to fit there), are yet to collapse. This is why the stimulus package was so vital.
Credit card debts lag behind mortgages in terms of deliquencies and defaults, because folks have been able to utilize their home equity to pay those down.
Now, that no longer exists.
obama hasn’t fixed the economy (there is no way he can, it’s just too wrecked). at that point they’ll be begging the g.o.p. to take over again.
So your strategy is that the GOP fucked up so badly that the country is hopeless.
Who let the Ron Paultards in here?
Why don’t you guys go back to bothering the “New Right” repugs, m’kay?
A symbol is a symbol. There’s no more intrinsic value in gold than any other symbol. Ask King Phillip of the old Spanish Empire what happened when they flooded their economy with gold from the New World.
he really sold you guys a bill of goods.
See this is funny.
The righties spent how many months and dollars telling America Barry X was a Muslim Socialist Radical Leftist Blackityblackblack who was going to do all sorts of insane unhinged things to the world, America, our states, our sons and daughters….
And the righties still lost.
How pathetic is that?
If things aren’t better in 2 years, it will be because the bankers *still* haven’t allowed their assets to be valued independently, and the bankers will be the bad guys. I don’t think rational people will conclude they should help the bad guys by putting their good friends, the Republicans, back in power.
I don’t think rational people will conclude they should help the bad guys by putting their good friends, the Republicans, back in power.
…the good friends who, w.k. acknowledges, fucked up everything so badly in the first place.
I’m just flabbergasted by the juxtaposition of honesty and stupidity that guy displays.
George Bush is still a hero after *voluntarily*pissing away a trillion dollars in Mesopotamia, yet Obama is bad because he hasn’t un-screwed George Bush’s pooch in a month and a half?
You trolls are whack.
“am I the only one who’s seeing a few signs of things starting to look better on the economic front?”
Yes. You have zero data to support that things are “better”.
Well, I don’t have “zero” data. The data I do have is admittedly ancecdotal, which is why I asked the question, you rude thing. Enough anecdotal evidence added together is what “data” is.
You voted for the shitferbrains that caused the problem in the first place, Neil. Why in God’s name should anyone take your observations seriously?
GoatBoy, what do you most enjoy about the salad bar at Applebees? Is it the presence of moderate diners, partaking moderately of iceberg lettuce with French dressing? Or is it the Bacon Bits and the moderately stale croutons? Or is it their practice of hiding the salad bar beneath the floor, requiring diners “in the know” to ask their server to open the trapdoor for them?
Anybody else think there might be a chemical giving Limbaugh an extra boost into egomania and aggression? I mean, more than usual?
My elderly father, who has unfortunately witnessed the decline and death of too many contemporaries, happened to be at our house last night when Rachel Maddow was showing some footage of Limbaugh at CPAC.
Afterwards he asked me if I thought Limbaugh looked as though he might be ill. When I thought about it, I started wondering too. He’s got an odd, swollen and waxy effect around his neck and jowls, that reminds me of how Jerry Lewis on prednisone looked. Prednisone can also cause euphoria and extreme mood swings.
If Limbaugh is ill, I’m sure all the attention he is getting right now is a wonderful distraction. If he knew he was in bad shape physically, he might even get some satisfaction from taking the Republican party down with him, in a dramatic hug of death.
Or maybe he just gained weight to do a better impression of the concept of porkulus. I say he’s got porcine nailed.
Credit card debts lag behind mortgages in terms of deliquencies and defaults, because folks have been able to utilize their home equity to pay those down.
Well, that and the 2005 bankruptcy law (thanks, W!) which made it impossible for people to get out from under credit card debt. And the penalties they add on for late payment, etc, make it impossible to then ever get out from under. So they choose to pay those debts and default on the securitized debt, for which the “penalty” is losing the house. But once you lose it, you don’t owe anything on it anymore, unlike your credit card debt. The rich irony is that the very guys who went to Congress crying about the need to deform bankruptcy law are the ones who now need the bailouts – Citibank, Bank of America, Wachovia, etc.
In January, personal income rose 0.4% after declining for the entire fourth quarter of 2008.
Planned layoffs announced for the month of February were down from January’s figure and were scaled back from anticipated layoffs surveyed on Feb. 1
I’d hardly call that “zero evidence”, unless you’re an elitist.
Private sector jobs fell 697,000 in the U.S. in February, according to a national employment report published Wednesday by payroll giant Automatic Data Processing Inc. and consultancy Macroeconomic Advisers.
That’s higher than the 630,000 loss forecast in a Dow Jones Newswires survey, and would be the largest number of jobs lost in one month during this recession. The figure for January was revised to show 614,000 jobs lost, compared with the initial figure of 522,000.
Yup, prosperity is “just around the corner!”
Yeah, right.
I say he’s got porcine nailed.
Jennifer, that’s the worrying bit about the credit card crisis, as I call it. There’s no sensible way out. You’re looking at people paying off their balances… you know, the balances that President Bush asked them to run up earlier this decade?… for thirty and forty years, with no hope of ever paying them off and exhausting any potential inheritance for their heirs.
Talk about a “death tax”! I’d rather give my estate to the government where it might do some good than to Citibank!
Trollie, no one’s saying we’re out of the woods, only that there are some bright spots in the picture, too.
Do please try to keep up.
Do please try to keep up.
He can’t – he’s a conservative. He’s used to magical thinking and so doesn’t understand why this can’t be cleared up over a weekend.
Magical thinking…Wow, LilPig…I didn’t think anyone read that blogpost I made!
George Bush is still a hero after *voluntarily*pissing away a trillion dollars in Mesopotamia, yet Obama is bad because he hasn’t un-screwed George Bush’s pooch in a month and a half?
I wonder sometimes if the trollypants’ goal is to lower expectations for Republicans as well as raise them for Democrats. If Obama hasn’t fixed in 1 month what it took Bush 8 years to enbugger, Obama = not so great, is that it?
And wtf is it with the trolls lately? Did Usenet get piped in here?
Like our hero Rush, we hope America fails. We can’t wait to stand in the rubble saying “I told you so”.
Magical thinking was the whole premise for the Bush Administration. The stupid people wanted a chance for a change, they got hold, and proceeded with “faith-based policy”. Since that predicates on assumptions only a child would believe (“the more you cut taxes, the more revenue you get”, “Inside every Iraqi is an American businessman yearning to breathe free”, “the market will correct for immoral actors” – you know, fairy tales), the world gave them a high-ho hearty bitch slap, since the world works by grown-up rules.
Now that grown-ups are back in the charge, the kids immediately start up the “Are we there yet?”. But then hey, nobody said living in the same country as the retarded would be easy.
give federal funding to maplethorpe and piss christ
I like a lot of Maplethorpe’s stuff, partly because of his eye for composition, partly for his technique, and partly because he did what he felt he needed to do as an artist. He was consistent, and has the added advantage of being dead. Death does wonders for the value of your work.
I also liked the idea behind Dread Scott’s flag piece. But I’m not sure the artist here had legs.
I once showed my late voodocatholic mother in law Andres Serrano’s notorious photo, but didn’t tell her what it was. She thought it was beautiful, and in the context of a devotional image I can see her point. But again, the artist has no legs.
We’re waaaay behind where we should be on local, regional, and national government funding for the arts and arts education. I think funding performing and visual artists can be one of the most cost-effective ways to spend tax revenue.
Maybe, as the Bush Depression deepens, we’ll relaunch programs like the WPA that did so much to bring the arts out of halls and museums and right to the people.
More money for the arts, most definitely, for the next Maplethorpe. For the next Piss Christ.
And wtf is it with the trolls lately? Did Usenet get piped in here?
I expect we’ve been targeted by Erik the Red’s Trike Force.
RWS – Arts education is probably more important than funding the arts. If we can get people to the point where they regard art as something other than an amusement for elitistmuslimofascists, we’ll increase the audience for art and funding will follow.
I’m tellin’ ya, S,N! has been targeted. Conspiratorially or informally, but targeted nonetheless. Maybe just a few of our usual suspects (I’m looking at you Confederate Yankoff) have goaded these trolls into coming over here and pestering us. Kind of like being viciously gummed by newts.
But I take it as an indication of our effectiveness. If we weren’t rattling their cages, they wouldn’t bother.
He’s got an odd, swollen and waxy effect around his neck and jowls
Once he’s finished digesting that small child, Rush will be back to normal.
Aren’t shorters supposed to be funny?
I expect we’ve been targeted by Erik the Red’s Trike Force.
If we weren’t rattling their cages, they wouldn’t bother.
I reckon you’re both on to something. I give daily – five-minutely! – thanks for the new easy one-click killfile script.
Unfortunately, Jennifer, in most cases if the house is worth less than the loan, the balance turns into unsecured debt and you get hassled for it for the rest of your life, just like credit card debt. You didn’t thing the bankers would miss out when bankruptcy laws were “streamlined?”
Oh, swell. A “libertarian” calling for “responsibility.”
Just please don’t leave us! Don’t “go Gault”. We’ll never (uh, yeah. Coffee. Black. Thanks.) survive! And (well, okay; one of the glazed) we’ll say and do anything to get you back! We’re (No, just one. Thanks. I’m good) helpless without you.
And while you’re at it, please don’t throw me in the briar patch.
I’m tellin’ ya, S,N! has been targeted.
I have to agree. I’ve started to avoid the comment threads on new posts whenever I see the post count has shot way up. There’s got to be some way to manage these idiots before they ruin the place altogether.
Also, what BAHAHAHAHA said.
OK, me stupid — how does one add people to the killfile? Is this a page-based thing or browser-based? I’m usin’ Chrome.
You need something—either built into the browser or as an add on—that is compatible with the Greasemonkey software for Firefox. There are compatible add ons for browsers that are not based on Mozilla, so don’t think you’re out of luck just yet.
When/if you find something, go to this Web site and search for S,N! killfile or Sadly, No! killfile or something similar. There are a few different versions so you can take your pick.
Oh, man, RB that is eighteen kinds of awesome. My son has been pushing me to Chrome, but that was one of my few “not just yet” points. Most excellent.
Brilliant! Thanks guys.
Cling dammit, cling and be bitter! NOW!!!
I really don’t think I’d mind comment registration. It’d probably trim down the troll population a lot…
I’ll admit to authoring a few of our ubiquitous parody trolls in the past, but I can assure you that none of these clowns are me.
Note also that they all say pretty much the same damn thing, and have the same pathetic hangup on race. Not saying they’re the Exact. Same. Guy. (HTML, I believe, checked the IPs and said they weren’t), but that they’re probably getting their marching orders together.
Could be Red State Trike Force, could be Confedeezy Yankeezy, who (probably) gave us Troofus way back when. It should be noted that I’m banned in both those places, while this crew whines about free speech when people ignore them here. Heh indoodle.
I reckon you’re both on to something. I give daily – five-minutely! – thanks for the new easy one-click killfile script.
Let me just take a moment here to thank those of you who aren’t so rude as to just ignore me. Thank you for taking me seriously enough to post comment after comment in response to my provocations. I’m so pleased that I’ve been able to wreck so many threads lately but I could never do it on my own so thanks for collaborating with me. I hope you don’t mind me not mentioning you by name but you know who you are and I just don’t know where I’d be without you. Your fellow liberals aren’t impressed by your efforts to pwn me but don’t let that stop you from trying to get the recognition you know in your heart you deserve.
Back to business, I suppose you liberals are all giddy about this morning’s rise in the Dow. Why don’t you get down on your knees and pray to your black Jesus that it lasts? But here’s a hint, you might as well beseech the ghost of FDR who made the depression last longer than blah, blah, blah,,,,,,
I really don’t think I’d mind comment registration. It’d probably trim down the troll population a lot…
I dunno – one of my favorite things about this place is the ability to use different names for comic effect.
Oh, but please do!
Sorry for the delay – but here it is:
There’s even a sort button so if you arrange it by the normalized debt/GDP metric, you get a bunch of R’s at the top, and a bunch of D’s at the bottom.
At the bottom of the page is another table, headed up with a Democratic/Republican admin breakdown.
Democrats – Spending Increase 9.9% Debt Increase 4.2%
Republicans – Spending Increase 12.1% Debt Increase 36.4%
Also, for you Invisible Hand folks:
GDP Increase:
Democratic Admins – 12.6%
Republican Admins – 10.7%
The myth that Conservatards are better stewards of the economy than commie socialist hippies is disproven by the actual numbers. When supply siders claim that tax cuts are the best way to stimulate the economy or that they cause job/economic growth – give them this link.
It’d probably trim down the troll population a lot…
Population? whew. For a second there I thought you said copulation and I almost threw up on my keyboard.
The myth that Conservatards are better stewards of the economy than commie socialist hippies is disproven by the actual numbers.
I have no doubt this is part of why the Goopers have leaned so heavily on anti-intellectualism in recent decades.
You’ve gotta admire the courage of the proprietor’s convictions, absolutely refusing to ban except in cases of personal stalking (e.g., sexual harrassment). They’re doing an admirable thing, IMO, though of course there’s always a price to be paid for such high-mindedness, which we’re seeing now.
I stubbornly cling to the notion that the trolls can be ignored, and that too many of us simply aren’t trying. I’ve seen approximately a hundred variations of “Sorry, that was a one-time only thing, I won’t acknowledge them again, I promise” in just the past few days. Look, it’s actually quite easy: when it comes to troll posts, you don’t even have to read the whole thing. You may not even have to read any of the text. The username is usually a tip-off, and if not you will generally see predictable boilerplate in the first few words.
At that point, you just scroll down until you see a familiar name. Really, the way some people talk you’d think this was another influenza outbreak or something. It’s just a few bitter jackasses posting rubbish on a thread. Use your mouse.
Me said,
March 4, 2009 at 18:40 (kill)
Aren’t comments here supposed to be funny?
Arts education is a necessity, not a frill!!!. !!!111to orders of magnitude!!11!!
I’d like the WPA funding of public arts projects, too, and I would like to see arts education back in the schools. particularly music, close to my own heart.
Like all my fellow Repubicans, I don’t mind earmarks as long as they are for either killing brown people or for lining the pockets of our rich buddies.
But if the earmarks are to help middle class and working class Americans, we hate them. Why? Because we hate America.
So, does David Brooks’s butt look like a tongue?
trolls serve a moderately useful purpose though. the good arguments made here can be used in the real world with the knuckleheads I work with. Also – A LOT of the responses to trolls are really funny (I am thinking of the playing chess with pigeons comment a few weeks ago).
I agree with Me (haha) – the troll stink is apparent almost from the moment of seeing the name, and I just scroll on by.
I’m waiting for the anarchists hold their power point presentation so we can all get organized for the future.
Face it liberals, the economy is in the tank and all Obama is doing about it is spending yet more of our hard earned tax dollars. I had some serious problems with the way the Republicans spent our money in Congress, trying to be Democrat-lite. But nothing compares to the real thing. The Democrats have never seen a spending bill (outside of national defense) that they didn’t like.
I know you liberals don’t work, you’re still living off mommy and daddy, but pretty soon mommy and daddy are not going to have any more money to give you, not with the way Obama is taxing them. But you liberals are too stupid to realize that you’re voting against your economic interests, so why even bother trying to explain it to you?
But we’ve got pallets of troll chow. It’d be a shame to let it go to waste. Besides, once we run out, I swear we won’t go buy five more pallets. This time we mean it. For serious.
the sad thing is, the trolls don’t make good arguments – they are the same tired, absurd talking points we see doled out by their masters (rush, hannity, et al) – they have no legitimacy, and are usually very thinly veiled (if veiled at all) racism.
and then
anybody notice the weird tesseract in the space-time continuum between the hideous Clinton administration, and the failed Obama admin? there’s kind of a little bump there – naah, must be my imagination.
Four out of five trolls agree: pie is teh hawesome!
mingo – sadly the level of debate I routinely get at work (energy sector) is the not any higher than Lord Harry up there… The good thing thoug is that the smack down is so easy!
ben richards – I used to work in the mining sector – I feel your pain.
ahem said,
March 4, 2009 at 18:53
D.N. Nation said,
March 4, 2009 at 16:43
What’s that? Troll Chow? Yeah, I’ve got a pallet of it. I don’t mind leaving full bowls of it all over the place at all. You’re welcome, everybody.
This one was me. I have some sinus allergies today and thought I was GoadBoy.
There was a victory-against-trolls here the other day. John K contributed his favorite smothered chicken recipe, until his boss, Lord Harry showed up to give him a reminder that he wouldn’t get paid unless he toed the troll line.
Hope John K isn’t out of a job now for being human. Well, actually I hope he is. Lord Harry, you’re next. You can find the unemployment office location easily online now.
Whoa, the internet is broken again and someone needs to fix it. It is quite obvious that Brooks speaks with a forked tongue yet he still appears to have a regular tongue.
anybody notice the weird tesseract in the space-time continuum between the hideous Clinton administration, and the failed Obama admin?
Indeed, Bush II = Highlander II: The Never Happeneding
If the Democrats keep on spending money like a teenage girl on a shopping spree, than you liberals are in for a rude awakening come the mid-term elections.
There are many vunerable Democrat senators and congressmen up for reelection, and odds our that they’ll be booted out just like they were in 1994. So, I for one hope that the Democrats keep up the good work, they’ll ensure a Republican landslide in 2010.
Rattle that saber, Harry!
Indeed, Bush II = Highlander II: The Never Happeneding
I forgot to mention that it strongly resembles the other odd little discontinuity between the admin of the Worst Monster in the World, Carter, and the hideous, failed Clinton admin.
I forgot to mention that it strongly resembles the other odd little discontinuity between the admin of the Worst Monster in the World, Carter, and the hideous, failed Clinton admin.
That one is especially mysterious, because the Reagan admin certainly wasn’t imaginary, even if all its biggest troll-trumpeted accomplishments are.
I don’t want to fool with killfile cuz I’m lazy and it sounds like too much trouble. I also don’t want to have to change my name to Jesus for the benefit of those who have killfiles. I would think the trolls would get dizzy from the speed with which I (almost always) scroll straight through their blathering jibber-jabber. I agree that comment registration would quash a great deal of the regulars’ faux-posting hilarity and silliness, which is a big part of why I love this site.
A trolled thread in which commenters can force themselves to simply carry on as if the gnat-brains had never popped up is a thing of sublime beauty. The creeps first become screechingly indignant at not being responded to; then, increasingly desperate, they ratchet up the hatefulness; and finally, realizing that, just as with their mommy and daddy, no one here loves them or intends to pay any attention to them, they throw an impotent tantrum then slink away. That’s much more satisfying than any flailing angry retorts, which is what they’re after in the first place. In conclusion: SCROLL the TROLL! SCROLL the TROLL!
PS — ifthethunderdon’tgetya, did you say you’d been to Vegas? Did you happen to see the Cirque du Soleil Beatles show while you were there? Just wonderin.’
Yeah, Carter was a real disaster. Imagine calling for an alternative energy policy in 1977. Just crazy.
Obama ran on nothing other than feel good speeches and anti-bush. The man has no substince, he has nothing to offer other than the same failed socialist polices of the Carter Administration.
Bobby Jindel on the other hand is a solid conservative. A man who is extremely popular in his state of Louisiana. As governor he has governed as a conservative without compromise. And not only does he have alot to offer the American people, he can also give a good speech with the rest of them.
Obama’s only strength, his speaking ability, will be equally matched be Jindel. Bobby Jindel is just the man conservatives need to nominate as the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. Compared to Obama’s empty rhetoric, there will be no contest.
So, does David Brooks’s butt look like a tongue?
I believe he has accepted an invitation, to wit: tonguejack, shitbox.
I dunno – one of my favorite things about this place is the ability to use different names for comic effect.
MzNicky – I saw O at Bellagio. It rocked. Not quite sure I got it, but if gave me a lot to think about on my way back to another beating at the tables.
I’ve heard that Cirque du Soleil Beatles thingie is really very good.
Yeah, Carter was a real disaster. Imagine calling for an alternative energy policy in 1977. Just crazy.
Yup. I wish I could believe that America has learned something from the WATB temper tantrum collectively thrown in response to that.
I think his tongue looks more like a scrotum than a butt. It would make sense, him being a dickhead and all.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist’s Big Floppy Pockmarked Buttocks That Flutter in the Breeze When He Poots said,
Hey! That’s very nearly an “outing”.
A trolled thread in which commenters can force themselves to simply carry on as if the gnat-brains had never popped up is a thing of sublime beauty.
I respect your aversion to it but killfile helps immeasurably with this, MzNicky. It is also a thing of sublime beauty to see three or four “The Authentic” posts in a row with nothing in them and the word “unkill” by the timestamp.
I’ve heard that Cirque du Soleil Beatles thingie is really very good.
It is indeed. I’ve journeyed to Vegas twice just to see it.
A trolled thread in which commenters can force themselves to simply carry on as if the gnat-brains had never popped up is a thing of sublime beauty.
Serious question – have any of them happened here?
Hey! That’s very nearly an “outing”.
*looks offhandedly at the sky, whistles the theme from “Bridge on the River Kwai”*
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist’s Big Floppy … etc. @19:10:
Wow Xecky. Way way TMI.
PS — ifthethunderdon’tgetya, did you say you’d been to Vegas? Did you happen to see the Cirque du Soleil Beatles show while you were there? Just wonderin.’
My dad saw this recently and raved about it. Said it was the best CDS show he’d seen, period.
Personally, I think Brooks’ tongue looks like it’s just beginning to fork. Or poop. Just my opinion.
Serious question – have any of them happened here?
I recall a few good long runs of troll-ignoring in recent threads, but then unfortunately someone else will come along, get his/her button pushed, jump in and there goes the thread.
OT: A Nebraska man was arrested for putting his kitten in a hotbox/makeshift bong. It’s a formula for a perfect storm of misguided Middle-America busy-body freakout: kittens and pot. The two most extremely obnoxious and judgmental groups in this country are the animal welfare freakout brigade and the marijuana warriors.
Ken Lowery: If your dad’s a Beatlemaniac like I am, it was probably close to a religious experience.
Bookmark this, librulz. Here’s how it’s going to go down.
Blart socialism blart blart black blart I love teabagging blart
Yep, he’s a big Beatles fan. I’m gonna have to make the trip eventually.
That’s why Brooks’ tongue looks like a sweaty pair of balls: His column consists primarily of teabagging himself!
That’s the LOVE show in Vegas, MzN?
I’ve heard good things about it. I wish they would tour it.
The above comment has been bookmarked into the “The Truth” hall of fame folder for later replay.
Oh, and it’s “odds ARE”, not “odds our”, Harold.
I have to agree – the Cirque/Beatles show at the Mirage is tremendous. My girlfriend wanted to see it so I swallowed hard, poneyed up for the pricey tickets, and had the time of my life.
Also: pie, people. Please.
I think he got his trucknutz stuck on it.
Obama’s only strength, his speaking ability, will be equally matched be Jindel
And by Lard Harry, apparently.
PS – Poll: Jindal Favorability Just 15%
There’s talk here in Cali about legalizing pot to get the taxes from it. It’s now the largest agricultural money-maker for us, even beyond that nation-wide food source, the San Joaquin Valley.
It makes sense, really. But I’m sure all the congresspeople, who get a lot of dough from the drug cartelles won’t dare legalize.
Sorry. Can I take a mulligan?
Given how badly Obama kicked McCain’s ass in his first term election, I have little doubt that Obama will make Reagan’s re-election look like a squeaker.
In between, the Dems might lose a seat or two in the House and none in the Senate…
And pick up bigger majorities by stealing other Republican seats. The way the Republican party is self-destructing before our eyes, I figure it won’t be long before it’s a marginalized third party, based in the Deep (and I mean, Deep) South and a couple of survivalist strongholds in Montana and Wyoming.
Oh…and the 100,000 acre annexation of Paraguay that Bush will own.
Lard harry is classic, PeeJ! Why do you need a mulligan?
This is one of those Internet recipies, but we made it and it is, as the kids these days say, the shizznit:
Grandma Ople’s Apple Pie
* 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
* 1/2 cup unsalted butter
* 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
* 1/2 cup white sugar
* 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/4 cup water
* 8 Granny Smith apples – peeled, cored and sliced
1. Melt butter in a sauce pan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add white sugar, brown sugar and water; bring to a boil. Reduce temperature, and simmer 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apples, mounded slightly. Cover with a lattice work of crust. Gently pour the sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off.
3. Bake 15 minutes at 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C), and continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes.
It’s pouring on the sugar and butter mix that makes it great.
Best apple pie I’ve ever eaten, and I’ve eaten a LOT of apple pie!
I dropped a load of troll food.
Scully, you Irish drunk. You always hogged the mic. All I ever wanted was to call a Stev Garvey homer, but NO!–you always conspired to put me on “Guerrero grounds into a double play” duty. Burn in hell, you bastard.
Apparenlty PeeJ, you didn’t read the article you bothered to post. 57% of Americans do not yet know who Jindel is. Who was polled btw? If it is a leftwing polling company, which I assume it is, then I doubt they polled very many people in Louisiana.
Given Jindel is a relative newcomer to the political stage, and outside of Louisiana is known only by political junkies, then the pollling results are not suprising. Especially considering the leftwing bias of most pollsters.
On Topic. More data saying a big FUCK YOU to David Brooks, via BM Matt
Gallup Polling on the Obama Budget:
Self-defined “Moderates” break Generally Positive:Generally Negative over Obama’s budget 46 to 17.
Joe Max, you ever try quince pie? You have to parboil the quinces first, but they are reeeeeeeeeeeeeally tart and so make a nice contrast to the sugar.
I think everybody should go easy on White Knight. What you don’t know is he’s in a wheelchair using one of the public computers at the library. And he’s crapped himself. You’d be bitter, too.
Let’s all try to be more sensitive to folks who are differently-abled. If everybody stops making ad hominem attacks, we can get down to the real issues, like whether Bush inherited the Clinton recession or whether Obama created the Bush recession.
Lord Harry on the other hand is an agoraphobic.
If ya’ll are still collectin’ “anecdotal” evidence about the economy: February is traditionally a pretty bleak month here Cheesehead County German-Luxo-car land. We just hit February’s forecast for the first time since we opened the doors in 2005. Hm.
[/liberal left wing biased poll]
Some Lardbutt Hairy didn’t read the article.
This is my great-grandmother’s recipe:
1 pound minced Babe Ruth
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbs butter
beef stock
two baseballs
crust for one-crust pie
Take a pound of Babe Ruth and mince well. Place in skillet with butter and cook til brown. Add flour and cook until flour is browned. Add beef stock and cook til thickened. Add more beef stock as necessary. Add salt. Slice the baseballs thinly and arrange in the bottom of the pie crust. Put Babe Ruth mixture on top of the baseball slices. Save some of the baseball slices for decorating the top. Bake in 350 degree oven for one hour. Serve with salad.
Apparenlty PeeJ, you didn’t read the article you bothered to post. 57% of Americans do not yet know who Jindel is. Who was polled btw?
Talk about self-referential irony….apparently Lard harry didn’t read the article either!
PeeJ, that Wall Street Journal is just one them thar LIEBRUL newspapers…
Funny how to people like Brooks the government engages in extremist policies just as Republicans are no longer in charge. Ain’t that a cowinkydink.
Hey look the polite troll has made his appearance on this thread. Hizzaaa!!!
Anything the Repubs can’t control leaves them panicked.
That includes life. It’s why they’re big on the Sky God. They think their prayers give them control.
Truth is, they are shitting their pants all the time, about everything.
They have no faith, no joy. Fantasy is the only place they can live.
I haven’t seen my little peepee in years.
People often think their prayers go unanswered. Actually, I answer all prayers. Things is, the answer is usually “Sadly, No!”
fuckity fuckity fuck fuck fuckity fuck
I can’t type for shit neither.
Don’t sweat it, God. Nobody’s perfect.
Well he did have to drown every last one of us at one point…
…57% of Americans do not yet know who Jindel is.
Oh, don’t worry about that. They covered it by asking folks if they remembered the dude in the Cat in the Hat tie who gave a really shitty speech after Obama’s.
opie_jeanne’s best pie crust;
In your food processor, pulse:
1.5 Cups flour
.5 tsp salt
Add .5 Cup butter* cut into 8 pieces
pulse several times until mixture looks like cornmeal
with motor running, add .25 Cup ice water
*margarine may be substituted for butter in this recipe; the dough will be less “short” and easier to roll out, which is good for novices.
Wait a minute. I’m not going back to review, but is Lord Harry posing the idea that Jindal is really really popular and the next upcoming start because nobody except Louisianans know who he is?
This is my great grandmothers recipe:
312 lbs Rush Limbaugh
1 forklift
4 strong men
1 magnifying glass
If you folks are so sure of the fact of global warming, I wonder why we are having so much trouble discussing it – hmm….
I see only one person having trouble discussing it. You might want to re-think that.
Well, apparently I was a little pre-mature in my rantings earlier. Bobo Brooks is still an ultra-conervative right-wing nutjob who has views shared by a smaller number of people than attended the “Tea Party Protests”. But that bit about it all meaning doodly-squat? Apparently I was wrong – a handful of these out-of-touch deranged morons are Democratic senators. Why is it always a gang of fourteen fuckwad princesses that feel the need to fuck the country over? I’m sorry that your feelings are hurt, you big sissies, but suck it up. “Centrist” governing is as dead a label as “GOP”. Please do remember that “Bipartisan” “Centrist” “Moderate” were the cudgels wielded by Village Idiots to justify their lurve of Codpiece McSmirksalot. Because a lot of the public still remembers that.
312 lbs Rush Limbaugh
1 forklift
4 strong men
1 magnifying glass
0 will to live
*margarine may be substituted for butter
Never use margarine! Just how often do I have to say this?
I said the margarine was for beginners. >:-P
So are some of our commenterati not able to see (semi) regulars pleading for a cessation of all troll sustenance providing program related activities but can only clearly see the trolls Being Wrong On The Internet? Or do they see all the posts, but the compulsion to somehow PROVE someone is Being Wrong On The Internet is too strong to resist without an intervention and a twelve step program?
Answer THAT, science!
That Lord Harry can’t spell the man’s name leads me to think he’s of the parody variety.
Or he could just be an idiot.
I figure it won’t be long before it’s a marginalized third party, based in the Deep (and I mean, Deep) South and a couple of survivalist strongholds in Montana and Wyoming.
You forgot
PolandUtah.So the beginners will get a worse result? I didn’t mean to be nasty, but…honestly! Margarine will always ruin everything. It’s what Cheney used to get his hand up Bush’s ass, I’m certain.
That’s the LOVE show in Vegas, MzN?
actor212: Yep, that’s it. It’d be hard to take on tour I would think, because they redid the entire Mirage Hotel and its arena for this particular show. (Used to be the Siegfried and Roy tiger thing, I think?) Anyway — something like 24,000 seats all individually wired with like six speakers — overhead pullies and under-the-floor trap door openings and what-not. It really is extraordinary. The sound quality is unbelievable.
Lord Harry: “I know you liberals don’t work, you’re still living off mommy and daddy”
I wonderin’ if Lord Harry works in the same toatally merit-based “industry” or “line of work” as Authentic/truthy/white knight or whatever his name is today.
…57% of Americans do not yet know who Jindel is.
I don’t have a fucking clue who Jindel is. Maybe you mean Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, Governor of Louisiana?
For fucks sake, how many times have you read his name? It’s either twice or 2000 times, both of which make you deeply stupid for routinely misspelling it. If you’re going to choose an over-privileged anchor-baby pants-on-fire-liar exorcist good-ole-boy-wannabe-nerd corporatist thief for your party’s savior you could at least do the work of learning how to spell the poor bastard’s name.
I haven’t seen my little peepee in years.
Don’t worry Rush, you’re not missin’ a thing.
Oh! Oh! We’re sorry! We didn’t know what we were saying! We were confused! A friend dropped in from out of town! We had a flat tire! We didn’t mean it, really, Mighty Overlord and Head of the One True Party of the USA! Please don’t be mean to us! Please!!!!!!!1111!1
Did anyone notice how incredibly fat I’ve gotten?
@Loneoak 19:20:
That was Schrödinger’s kitteh, that was stoned and not stoned at the same time. Which state it collapsed to depended on whether the box was opened by a fellow stoner or a narc.
opie-jean! I echo my fellow commenters’ horror at the mention of margarine. And in homemade pie crust, no less? For shame! By the way, do you use White Lily flour? That’s the only flour I ever bake with. Also I use half Crisco shortening – half butter in my piecrust.
You pastry infidel!!!
to Rush “Jabba The Hut” Limbaugh:
Why no, sir, we hadn’t noticed how fat you are now, as say compared to when you slimmed down a few years ago, but gained it all back and then some.
We see nothing!
MzN – I agree, even Crisco is better than margarine.
“…57% of Americans do not yet know who Jindel is.”
And some of his biggest supporters,who think he will be the next president, don’t know how to spell his name.
Say, did anyone notice how incredibly fatuous I’ve become?
some of his biggest supporters,who think he will be the next president, don’t know how to spell his name.
It’s even funnier when they misspell “Reagan”.
Yes, we’ve noticed how flatulent you’ve become.
This is a good time-waster. Chinese schoolkids my ass. Hmph.
I like King Arthur flour, and Wade’s Mill from the old mill in Raphine near here
No, surprisingly the results with margarine are good. Not as good as with butter, but quite good as far as taste, plus a novice can build confidence before moving on to the good stuff, but like I said, it’s an OPTION. I told my daughter the butter version when she asked for it, but I told her to practice with margarine and taste it, see how she liked it. She gained confidence really quickly and moved on to butter.
I have to beg pardon because I grew up with margarine so it doesn’t taste strange to me; butter was only for special occasions because “margarine was better for you”.
And I was taught poorly. My relatives used Crisco *shudder*, so margarine was a vast improvement regarding ingredients and I was totally intimidated by handling pie dough. I’m one of those people who agonize over the cost of messing up a recipe so the idea of practicing with food is anathema because it is a waste, and my parents were children of the Depression.
I switched to butter once I really looked at what margarine is and does to you and how much better butter is, and yes, I can tell the difference in the taste and don’t even have margarine in the house now.
I have been jumped on by the boss and will now go and hang… my …. head…
Wait! You use Crisco??!!!! EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
and you call ME an infidel???? harumph! for shame yerownself.
and it’s opie_jeanne. There’s an extra “n” and an “e”… in case I need ’em.
opie-jeanne, there are folks down here who swear by lard…
My partner-critter often uses margarine in delicious baked goods, but she only uses Earth Balance brand. It’s quite tasty and doesn’t have crap in it.
Crisco is perfectly fine for baking. Actually the fat is not as crucial as the flour. White Lily or some other flour made from soft winter wheat is best because it turns out flakier or something.
If you folks are so sure of the fact of global warming, I wonder why we are having so much trouble discussing it – hmm….
Because the breathtaking level of your stupidity immediately puts an end to any reasonable chance of rational debate?
Just a thought.
Also, PENIS.
Maybe you mean Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, Governor of Louisiana?
You mean that guy who won’t accept government bailouts, except when he will?
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Friday that he will decline stimulus money specifically targeted at expanding state unemployment insurance coverage, becoming the first state executive to officially refuse any part of the federal government’s payout to states.
In a statement, Jindal, who is slated to give the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s message to Congress on Tuesday, expressed concern that expanding unemployment insurance coverage would lead to increased unemployment insurance taxes later on.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal brought most of his Cabinet here Monday afternoon to offer moral and tangible support to a group of 500 desperate Pilgrim’s Pride contract growers and employees whose livelihoods are at risk following the company’s decision to idle its northeastern Louisiana and southern Arkansas operations.
Jindal said that the state would apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance from the federal government, which would expand unemployment benefits to employees and provide benefits to growers who aren’t eligible for unemployment benefits. The state was recently granted Trade Adjustment Assistance for International Paper workers who lost their jobs when IP closed its Bastrop paper mill late last year.
Pi-yush, Pi-yush, in the Bi-yush, Bi-yush…
Really, you ought to be tailoring your pie-crusts to the pie you’re making. Savory pies love a lard-based crust, fruit goes with shortening and butter is for non-fruit sweets. Margarine is for… well I’m not really sure what margarine is for.
As for flour, real hippies stone grind their own from organically grown grain. Pastry flour is really only a half and half mix of AP and cake flour anyways, so you can mix your own (more AP for flakier more cake for tendererererer)
Crisco gives a lighter, flakier crust. As does lard. Butter gives it flavor. Mostly it’s the Ho who plays the pastry chef role in our house. He swears by lard for Murkin style pie crusts. Pure butter for tarts & c.
Pi-yush, Pi-yush, in the Bi-yush, Bi-yush…
You know? I want to get down.
Yo yo yo, Sadly, No!, the Mittster’s here to fittster some rhymes all the time if ya feels me gimme a hollaaaaaaa
You didn’t fire John K because I got him to reveal his secret smothered chicken recipe did you?
Because if you did, I would like to send him my stimulus check. I would feel really bad about getting some chump fired just for doing his job.
L.A. Rejects Healthy Penis
Damn Hollywood liberals.
AWESOME!!!!11eleventyPENIS! I am delighted to hear that PENIS is Healthy in San Fran.
For my money, nothing beats a Lard/Butter crust (50%/50%). Lard is actually quite sweet, and may be used for sweet pies too.
Lard holds up a bit better to the heat generated by cutting up the dough.
D-K Wangchuck, you’re right about that.
I see that this is a matter of taste, some of which starts with your upbrining. I don’t think I’ve ever had pastry with lard, but I’m not sure.
I have never seen the type of flour you named, Mz Nicky. I felt lucky when one local store started carrying King Arthur. Whole Foods carries KA, but the nearest one is miles from my house and we stopped making the trek when gasoline ran amok last year and realized that it was more like going to a museum than going shopping, since we usually didn’t buy that much, mostly just gawked at all of the cool expensive stuff.
Oh, and when you get over the margarine comments I made in my recipe (which I knew would cause a firestorm) you might try the recipe and use butter. It’s really a French Pate Brisee except I removed the tsp of sugar because it made the crust burn too easily, and made it too sweet.
opie_jeanne, I’m pretty certain that White Lily is a regional Southern flour. I never saw it when I lived up north.
I must weigh in on the lard-butter-margarine thing – I will not use margarine or crisco – anything with trans-fats in it. of course, pie is pretty much of the diet, too (sob).
Lard is good, but I would like to find a source of better quality lard than the big white brick of manteca.
Ah. I’m in southern California. I haven’t made a pie in a while so maybe I should tonight; there’s a chicken breast in my fridge, so maybe it will be a chicken pot pie from scratch.
pie is OFF the diet. freudian slip, there.
Not only a matter of taste. You find a pastry recipe that turns out a good pie – you become attached to it. A good pie crust can serve you in good stead for zillions of nom nom noms. And it is ever so easy to turn out a bad pie crust – so there’s a fear of trying something new.
But I still maintain that baking isn’t that much different than cooking. Matching your ingredients to each other is what it’s about.
mingo, you have my sympathy regarding pie being off the diet.
There is a town in California named Manteca, because they got into a pissing contest with the railroad and out here, if the railroad map said the name of your town is Manteca, it became Manteca.
So are some of our commenterati not able to see (semi) regulars pleading for a cessation of all troll sustenance providing program related activities but can only clearly see the trolls Being Wrong On The Internet? Or do they see all the posts, but the compulsion to somehow PROVE someone is Being Wrong On The Internet is too strong to resist without an intervention and a twelve step program?
I’m beginning to think it’s some kind of sexual fetish, meself. Too bad, I liked it here before it started to smell like an unwashed peep show booth.
Regarding pie, or at least cookery (I’ve not made a pie– yet): what cookbooks do you guys like?
OpieJ, I could actually use a good chicken pot pie recipe. You have lucky people at your house. The words “from scratch” are the pride of America.
Sweet blood of jeezis, sleep until the desk clerk calls & says, “Pay up or get out” & one misses all the fun.
David Brooks has extremely tiny hands, wears extremely pink ties, works extremely hard to deny the facts in front of his face, and bears an extreme physical resemblance to Egghead Jr.:
Doesn’t sound very moderate to me.
opie_jeanne: I believe White Lily® must be a Suthren thang (duh!). I remember laughing out loud some years back when Williams-Sonoma featured WL flour in the gourmet-foods section of its catalog, at about 3x the shelf price of course. A friend whose sister-in-law lives in Vermont used to have her mother send White Lily flour up to her because she couldn’t find it up thar in Yanqui-land. She said she asked for it once at a store and they told her to try the “ethnic foods section”!!!!111! haw haw haw. Anyway, it’s what I always use. The White Lily mill here in the the glorious border state was sold to I think the Smucker’s corp. (the jelly & jam people) a couple of years ago, and there was quite the uproar from the Suthren biscuit-baker and pie-crust brigade worrying that their wares would never be the same. So far it’s still on the shelves though.
Also, on the flour front – the biggest differences in flours is the protein (i.e. gluten) content. Gluten is also developed from work/kneading. If you work your pastry dough a lot because you have some sort of OCD that makes you re-roll it several times – a lower protein (more like cake flour) flour is better for you.
I use Joy of Cooking, but mostly as a rough draft. cookbooks are jumping-off places for me. It’s very difficult to cook something strictly according to the recipe (almost always need way more garlic than specified for one thing).
I maybe shoulda thunk about the book thing bein a wash when my whole audience can’t read.
opie_jeanne, thanks for the sympathy. I think I could have a piece once a year… rhubarb pie season is coming up, and I so love rhubarb pie.
Like “white” and “knight.”
Brooks = Concern Troll.
Yeah, it was a real moving spectacle to see how many neocon-salad-tossers suddenly “saw the light” & magically morphed into “moderates” circa late September … you know, right about when the poll numbers were a deathwatch for the GOP – when even McCain himself was all but openly saying “let’s face it, folks: I suck hyena dick, & only someone in a vegetative coma would vote for me” & Palin was gyrating & spit-spraying her way across Flyoverland like an Okie blacked out on ‘shine … of course, as “moderates” they can now slag Obama as an “extreme leftist” (ROFLMAO) & help keep that Overton window glued in place. How conveeeeeeeeenient.
Would one be remiss in guessing that all this poutrage from Bobo was mysteriously absent back when BushCo was throwing pallets of 20s off the back of airplanes in Iraq, running habeas corpus through a shredder & defending torture of SUSPECTED terrorists? Sadly, not.
I think his tongue looks more like a scrotum than a butt. It would make sense, him being a dickhead and all.
Perhaps this is the image of which you are thinking.
from the vomit-in-your-mouth-a-little department:
I actually saw a bumper sticker on the way home last night that stated:
I’m Voting For Joe the Plumber
D-K W: Pie crust should NEVER be kneaded! [faints dead away; revives self]
It should be handled as little as possible and rolled out once. Otherwise it gets tough. I think that’s why a lot of people are intimidated about making pie crust, but it’s really easy. And the difference between homemade crust and storebought is night and day.
As long as it isn’t Durham’s Pure Leaf Lard.
I don’t exactly use a recipe, I sort of eyeball it, using this many potatoes to balance that much chicken, brown the onions and sweat the garlic in butter/olive oil, dig around in the veg drawer…. have I got carrots?… I do and they’re nice and fresh…. and some celery…. sweat them all together, fish them out and saute the chicken breast…dig through the herb jars and run out to the muddy garden (it’s raining today) to get some fresh thyme, do I want to use tarragon? did it make any impact last time? uh.. sage is nice with chicken…. or I could use a little oregano if I’m feeling puckish…. I need more thyme and it’s still raining and….
Now what else have I got… leftover peas?… no, but there is a handful of frozen left in the bag, those will go in last, right before I put the top crust on…. and hmmm. There’s that wonderful chicken stock from Henry’s (used to be part of Wild Oats, not as good now but some things are still great), Make a roux to thicken the broth….
I use Joy of Cooking
The Rombauer Special was my first chocolate cake, and is still my favorite. Fanny Farmer is also a great standby.
For not-baking cookery, I really like Alton Brown’s I’m Just Here For The Food. It’s less about recipes and more about cooking.
I liked it here before it started to smell like an unwashed peep show booth.
Tooooo easy.
Regarding pie, or at least cookery (I’ve not made a pie– yet): what cookbooks do you guys like?
I’ve been proselytizing Julia Child’s The Way to Cook since I got my first copy many years ago. Wore it out and got a hard bound copy a few years ago. It’s focused more on technique than recipes. Although there’s plenty of recipes. And it’s a beautiful book – excellent pictures, many of which show the process, not the end result.
hey, opie_jeanne, that’s how I cook…
Makes me think of the old joke (modified for the moment),
Why do pundits wear ties?
To keep the foreskin from covering their faces.
Dragon King, I loled at the OCD problem with pastry.
Yes, I have once or twice had to re-roll the pastry crust, when I didn’t know anything about glutens and stuff, but a rest in the fridge worked its magic and the dough relaxed again.
Pi-yush, Pi-yush, in the Bi-yush, Bi-yush…
I think the code phrase for not-taking-govt-money-except-when-they-do is “Thanks, but no thanks.”
Pie crust should NEVER be kneaded
Absolutely – I totally agree. I meant the whole “developing the gluten” statement generally.
It’s just that there are some people who are a bit obsessively perfectionist about pastry crust and actually re-roll it multiple times. We recognize that this is a horrible no-no, so we mitigate by using low protein flours.
But what about messing up the fat distribution? Well sure, that’s why we keep melted butter and a brush nearby. To add a layer of fat before we fold our dough in half and roll it out again (a la croissant style).
Then again, I am a bit of a pie infidel – I’ve actually baked one in the BBQ.
Keep your day job.
I’d much rather have them fucking each other than fucking our country.
One of the first times I watched Ho make his incredible crust, I gaped in disbelief. It’s too dry, I kept saying, that’ll never work. “You won’t even be able to form, it into a crust fer gawdsake!” He wisely ignored me except to say “shut up or get the fuck out of the kitchen. No, strike that. Shut up AND get out of the kitchen.”
Gawdam he makes a fine pie crust. He sez, the key is it should barely hold together or it’s got too much moisture.
Julia Child rules. As does Alton Brown.
I discovered “Cooks” magazine a couple of years ago and bought “The New Best Recipe: All-New Edition” It’s a supplement to your big basic encyclopedic cookbook that everyone needs one of so that when you are on Jeopardy you can respond with “What is rollmops” when given the chance.
He sez, the key is it should barely hold together or it’s got too much moisture.
true, that, and also not developing the gluten. I like really cold fat bits (usually butter), because (I think) smooshing them out when you roll the dough is what makes for the flakiness.
Lard Harry has the same M.O. as a number of previous troll-nyms in life’s rich ever-changing pageant (Chris St. John, Leader of Scottish Contingent, etc.). Try raving about some freshly-tailored obsession… add increasingly strident comments about racial superiority if no-one is responding… switch tone abruptly and assert some invented detail about a personal life (sausages to eat, puppies to look after, or possibly vice versa)… rinse and repeat.
I have no recipes so here’s an etching of a pig’s head.
Pure Leaf Lard
In red states, even the trees are obese.
it should barely hold together or it’s got too much moisture.
You want to sprinkle on just enough water after you’ve cut the fat into the flour that it’ll form into a ball and pull away from the sides of the bowl. Then you plop it into more flour to roll it out. It does look like it’ll be too dry, but yes too much moisture will weigh it down and won’t allow those luscious flaky layers to happen. I’m a little obsessive about pie crust myself.
Got to go to pottery class. Bye now.
And I actually did start to knead the pie crust dough one time, right after I started taking pottery.
O-J & Wang
Thanks for the Chicken PP recipe – just use a roux, I get it. To you both, my hats are really off. I am an excellent cookbook cook, but my “rock n roll” cooking, as I call it, leaves a lot of folks around here complaining. But then I’m overly fond of garlic and lemons (without which the world might as well end).
If urged, I can give a great garlic paste recipe for basting chicken when BBQing. Got it from an Arab boyfriend years ago (now a muckety-muck at the Arab League) his Mom’s recipe.
For the summer I was paid to bake pies, they taught me that the Butter was to be cold, cut into small cubes and dispersed throughout the dough. The dough was to be handled as little as possible, for fear of smashing the butter cubes. The theory being that the hard cubes would cause the crust to form voids where the butter was after it melted. Worked for me….
I am urging you to give us that garlic past recipe.
What would life be without garlic… oh, yeah, I remember now: my childhood.
PeeJ – Exactly. ICE water only too.
The key is to roll the crust out such that the fat remains in “streaks” through the dough.
That way the flour lays in layers between the layers of fat. The layered effect makes the flakes in the crust.
He sez, the key is it should barely hold together or it’s got too much moisture.
True. During the “resting” phase, moisture seeps out the little pockets it’s in and disperses throughout the dough. The first “resting” period really isn’t as much about resting the proteins, as they have barely been worked at this point – it’s for dispersion of moisture. If your dough holds together before you let it sit, it’s going to be sticking to everything when you try to roll it.
Also, keep harassing him. Telling a pastry maker that they’re DOIN’ IT WRONG may piss them off to no end – but when the product comes out perfectly – the best flavoring is that sprinkling of “and you were saying…”
If urged, I can give a great garlic paste recipe for basting chicken when BBQing.
I just use Italian salad dressing. Works like a breeze and is damn cheaper than any spiedie’s sauce we have around here.
Mr Polk, that was a revelation to me, seeing that flakiness in another, handmade pastry recipe. It was for an apple galette, and the heel of my palm ached when I was done working the dough.
itwasntme, consider this urging for the garlic paste recipe… You’re right about garlic being a major food group. (It’s the unofficial 5th to the 4 Southern food groups — grits, greens, grease and gravy.)
I love Sheila Ferguson’s “Soul Food” cookbook, wherein she reveals the greatest secret in the world for lemon meringue pie. “Peanut Butter Planet” is good too. I still love my old Moosewood cookbook and am on my second “Joy of Cooking.” Also just about any church-lady cookbooks usually have good basic recipes.
I have my mom’s Mehtodist church-lady cookbook and it’s great, but the one I was given at the church in Castro Valley was so bad I didn’t even donate it to the Salvation Army.
Opie – I learned it from Cook’s Illustrated, and they later had it confirmed by a pastry chef at the restaurant I was working at. Her pie dough was the best evar (hope that La Chica doesn’t read this, she is awfully proud of her pie dough).
I can’t stress the ICE water enough.
garlic and lemons (without which the world might as well end).
OK here goes. It needs lots of work.
Take about 2 complete heads of garlic and peel all the cloves. Use an extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemons and kosher salt.
Take a mortar and pestle. Put a little salt in the bottom and add one clove of garlic. Mash that up, then add a little olive oil and mash that in, then add a little lemon juice and mash more. Add another clove to that mixture.Do this about 40 more times. It makes a garlic paste that is to die for. It should be thick, with none of the ingredients separating out. This sweat-filled method brings out the fire in the garlic, it’s actually hot to the taste. Baste the chicken with this while it is cooking, and even Osama bin Laden will be at your feet.
Wow! I had no idea so many pie-crust fanatics lurked amongst the Sadly, No! populace.
I predict “SILLY BRAGGADOCIO EVAPORATED” will be the headline on Troofus’ obituary.
If Troofus were significant enough to rate an obituary, even in “My Weekly Wingnut Reader.”
…forgot to mention you should add, with each additional garlic clove, some of the salt and lemon and oil, or was that clear?
even the trees are obese.
I urge actor212 to continue with this Dr Seuss pastiche.
Simmer over a low flame until all the braggadocio has evaporated.
1. Add a small splash (tablespoon or so) of dry sherry to the ChixPP roux/gravy .
2. We have a piece of marble about the size of a medium/large cutting board for working with pastry dough. It goes into the fridge for at least an hour before hand. It’s essential when making puff pastry dough.
The two most extremely obnoxious and judgmental groups in this country are the animal welfare freakout brigade and the marijuana warriors.
Consider your tree cut down, & the stump salted, Loneoak.
Lemme think…
Red State, Red State, Eating on the porch.
Counting up his tooth.
Crosses left to torch.
Meh. Needs work.
Could I add some garlic to that salted stump without ruining the effect?
THANKS, itwasntme. That sounds incredible.
itwasntme –
I will save that.
What the hell? Did these guys have any hits?
Regarding pie, or at least cookery (I’ve not made a pie– yet): what cookbooks do you guys like?
The wife and I swear by Cook’s Illustrated magazine. Great recipes, test results from the kitchen, explanations of what works and what doesn’t (and why) and easy-to-follow instructions that don’t require a Cordon Bleu certificate to follow. It’s like having crib notes from Alton Brown.
The wife and I swear by Cook’s Illustrated magazine.
Ooh, neat – is there a vegetarian version?
Wow! I had no idea so many pie-crust fanatics lurked amongst the Sadly, No! populace.
Indeed. Maybe I can get some advice for the one pastry I always mess up. Beef Wellington. And not the little individual serving Wellies, but a big old hunk of tenderloin covered in meat paste and pastry monstrosity. Size of a large house cat or a small dog.
My problem is the meat shrinks as it cooks, but the pastry don’t. What to do?
The wife and I swear by Cook’s Illustrated magazine.
Ooh, neat – is there a vegetarian version?
Don’t be silly. Cooks are, by definition, meat.
Regarding pie, or at least cookery (I’ve not made a pie– yet): what cookbooks do you guys like?
They may be out of print, but see if you can find anything by The Frugal Gourmet, a former Presbyterian minister who had a long-running show on PBS (a la America’s Test Kitchen) but who was yanked off (errr, no pun intended) after he was convicted on a pedophilia charge.
He had some really simple and inexpensive recipes and they usually came out really well.
My problem is the meat shrinks as it cooks, but the pastry don’t. What to do?
cook the meat (mostly) first? (not a beef wellington expert). is that a terrible suggestion?
You might be overcooking it, a horrid thing to do to a filet.
I’ll poke around and see if I can find something on the web that’s similar to my own method which works, natch, superbly.
Don’t forget his headstone, which will read:
“A worthless life. Bookmark that, Liberals”
The two most extremely obnoxious and judgmental groups in this country are the animal welfare freakout brigade and the marijuana warriors.
I dunno; sounds like the pie-crust fundamentalists might have ’em both beat.
Weighing in a little late on the pie crust – I’m fond of pie myself. I always like to make a pate brisee with all butter, but have been known to do the typical American Crisco piecrust – and hey, what can I say, it’s my heritage?
I’ve never tired lard but I think I want to. Does the typical “manteca’ in the supermarket work, or you have to to go to Whole Foods or Surfas and get some kinda super pastry lard?
Regarding the dilemma of how to mix in the butter – I have a friend who actually takes her cold butter and uses a cheese grater – the large holes – and grates it right into the flour. She says that makes the butter particles small enough you don’t have to handled it much at all to mix in with the flour.
I’ve never tried it, but she makes damn good flaky crust.
Also, the cookbooks that “Southern Living” magazine puts out each year are great. In more than 30 years of cooking I have NEVER had a bad recipe from Southern Living.
I also like “Vegan Planet,” even though I’m not actually vegan. Still it has some of the best vegetarian recipes ever.
Here is how dinner will go down next week. First, the garlic from Virginia and North Carolina will go in, and they’ll be declared ready for Peeled Cloves. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, pie can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Olive Oil will go in next, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Fresh Lemon Oil, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Kosher Salt will be added to the bowl.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McMarvelous Pie’estry and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to cook this.
cook the meat (mostly) first?
You gotta brown it before assembly, so I guess I could extend this period. Problem is that it sits in the oven until the pastry is cooked – so this’ll leave me with overcooked beef.
I could try extending the browning period, and then baking in a hotter oven for less time… Hmmm, when’s my next opportunity to spend a day prepping Beef Wellington?
Another way to kick troll ass: Bore ’em to death with recipes.
so this’ll leave me with overcooked beef.
which, I agree, is not to be countenanced.
*looks around cautiously* have they left?
What would life be without garlic… oh, yeah, I remember now: my childhood.
Hey. Were we separated at birth? What the hell was w/ those parental units?
You liberals think the American people are left of center and will support President Obama’s socialist policies? Well, here’s a chance to find out. Rush Limbaugh has just challenged Barack Obama to a one on one debate.
This would be a no win situation for Obama. If he refuses, he will be seen as a coward. If he accepts, he will be torn to shreads.
This will be good for us all, we will see which ideology the majority of Americans support, as no one can better articulate conservative principles like Rush Limbaugh.
The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor said,
March 4, 2009 at 22:30
Truly, a classic
The Frugal Gourmet was a Methodist minister; he was accused if sexual harassment and assault by several men but was never charged. He settled out of court. I had the book and even though I enjoyed watching him cook, I really didn’t like the recipes.
Sorry, forgot the link.
Problem is that it sits in the oven until the pastry is cooked – so this’ll leave me with overcooked beef.
Take it out and let is cool for thirty minutes or so before wrapping. This will let the juices soak back into the meat.
Opie, I was channeling Troofie and spoke half truths. Frankly, the story never really impacted me, so I was speaking extemporaneously. Thanks for the correction.
I like the one at Epicurious.
If you don’t have larding fat, you could substitute prosciutto. Key is to precook the beef. Truffles are fabulous but if you can’t get them, don’t worry about it. A good truffle oil, like Jack Czarnecki’s can help it out.
I tend to up the amount of mushrooms and also to use some shitake, porcini etc. Oh! One time I used all lobster mushrooms and it was fanfuckingtastic.
You might be overcooking it, a horrid thing to do to a filet.
Agreed. Rarer is better when it comes to beef.
Waiters around town always smile when I order a steak, because I tell them “still mooing”.
What would life be without garlic… oh, yeah, I remember now: my childhood.
Hey. Were we separated at birth? What the hell was w/ those parental units?
Size of a large house cat or a small dog.
Perhaps not the most appetizing culinary image. This Boeuf Wellington (boot-like?) verges into Steak Lasagna territory. Our research dep’t. will be in touch.
Beef Wellington! why you’re serving that while millions of Americans are wondering where their IRAs have gone! next thing, you’ll be drinking a beer at a ball game, or your wife will be posing for photos with bare arms.
isn’t the layer between the beef and the pastry supposed to be pate (can’t be bothered to find the acute accent thingy)?
no one can better articulate conservative principles like Rush Limbaugh.
– Styrofoam is biodegradable.
– There are more trees in America than when Columbus discovered the New World.
– People fighting in Iraq are phony soldiers.
– Parkinson’s is a disease we can mock
– Torture is no different than fraternity hazing
– It’s bad for whites to abuse drugs, unless they’re Rush
– Feminism was designed to let ugly women breed.
– Football is gang warfare.
– The best way to reduce nukes is to use them
Hey! Lard Harry is right! Rush DOES articulate conservative principles well!
Mr Philistine, my mom was raised in Kansas City, where garlic is somethng them Italians-they’re-all-in-the-mafia-dontchaknow eat a lot of.
When I was in high school Mom discovered garlic. She roasted a standing rib one evening and the smell in the house when I got home from school was like heaven. She didn’t use it for anything else right away.
I think I was senior in HS before I tasted pastrami; a friend handed me half of hers when I asked what she was eating. It was a revelation of massive proportions.
I married at 19, finished college at 26, and never allowed the garlic to run out.
Rush Limbaugh has just challenged Barack Obama to a one on one debate.
Wow. Megalomania knows no bounds.
This would be a no win situation for Obama. If he refuses, he will be seen as a coward. If he accepts, he will be torn to shreads.
Neither does stupidity.
Oooh, now that I’m thinking about Wellingtons, here’s a thought for you vegetarians in the crowd. (This’ll only do the individual serving size Wellington)
Replace the beef with a nice fat portobello (stem removed) – lightly broiled and then allowed to cool to room temperature. Flavour as desired before hand. What I would do is – light salt and pepper, broil right-side up until it just starts to leak juices, flip it over and drizzle some sherry into the cap and broil again for same period of time.
Replace the meat paste with cheese. Swiss or motzarella would be a good match for this. So – basically, wrap the mushroom in slices of cheese. Additional flavors go in at this time (so between the mushroom and the cheese). Traditionally it’s mustard and tarragon.
Wrap the whole thing in pastry. Classic Wellingtons are done in puff pastry, but I’m not a fan of puff pastry (except in Islamofascist baklava). Use whatever pie crust you would for a meat pie – ooops, ummm I mean for a savory pie.
Bake as much as the pastry requires.
Serve with red wine or a dark winter beer.
This would be a no win situation for Obama. If he refuses, he will be seen as a coward. If he accepts, he will be torn to shreads.
Because Presidents should debate each and every private citizen who challenges them.
actor, the only reason i knew he was a Methodist is that I am too, and we’d just gone through a similar local scandal with a minister who worked as a counselor. As. A. Counselor.
It makes one weep.
I knew the local idiot. My best friend is Catholic and when she was pregnant with her sixth he actually tried to suggest she have an abortion, for this planned pregnancy.
How come libertarians keep saying things like “the lamb was divine”?
Jumping back in: Joy of Cooking *is* a good starting-off point, though my husband found that at least in the older versions (everything up to 1974; the later ones have recipes written by Irma Rombauer’s grandson) you could easily *triple* the spices used in, say, a soup recipe and it would not be over-seasoned. Some of that old food was awfully bland by modern standards.
For vegetarian cookbooks (I’m not vegetarian but I really ought to get more veg into my life), the Moosewood cookbooks are awesome (older ones aren’t vegan, mind you; they have no problem with the use of cheese or eggs). I have particularly enjoyed the soup/salad/sides book Moosewood Daily Special.
Shirley O Corriher’s Cookwise is nice too, especially if you like some SCIENCE! with your food.
This would be a no win situation for Obama. If he refuses, he will be seen as a coward. If he accepts, he will be torn to shreads.
Because Presidents should debate each and every private citizen who challenges them.
oh, yeah. fixing the economy PALES beside the monumental importance of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we will see which ideology the majority of Americans support
Uh, haven’t we already seen this? In November? In a sort of “debate,” yes, except that it was a “Loser Leaves Town Steel Cage Death Match.”
I am already ashamed that I’ve bothered to respond to something so fucking stupid & obvious. Let my shame be a warning to others.
“the lamb was divine”?
Cuz the walrus was Paul?
Heh. Waited on his table once. He did have a youngish boytoy with him. His lunch appetizer was a double Bombay, “No fruit, no straws, no fingers”, so he can’t be all bad.
Also, I just stumbled on this, which makes me want to be very careful about the execution of teh steaksagna. The horror. Won’t someone think of the children.
Another way to kick troll ass: Bore ‘em to death with recipes.
Unfortunately it does not work only on trolls.
Replace the meat paste with cheese.
Well, maybe, but how about instead replace it with a pesto of some kind – nuts, herbs, garlic, cheese – then you get that pasty texture instead of melty goop. Or tapenade mixed with cheese.
It was Barack Obama’s handmaidens who singled out Rush Limbaugh as the leader of the Republican Party.
So shouldn’t Barack Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, accept the challenge of the leader of the Republican Party to a debate?
Remember, it was President Obama’s toadies who gave Rush the title, leader of the Republican Party.
Does the typical “manteca’ in the supermarket work, or you have to to go to Whole Foods
Absolutely true story:
Shortly after moving to Portland I had lard on my shopping list. I couldn’t find it at Fred Meyer’s. Couldn’t find it at Safeway. Went to Whole Foods and looked around with zero success. So I asked the guy behind the meat counter if they had lard. The guy looks at me like I’m a loon, leans over the 130 pounds of bacon on display in front of him and says, “Of course not! This is a health food store, man.”
Epilogue: I asked at Fred Meyer and they led me to the lard. Which was sitting on a shelf. Somewhere unrefrigerated In the middle of the store. I picked up a package and had the woman read the label where it says “Keep refrigerated.” “Okay but that’s where we keep it” she told me.
I finally found a good source. Ahh, yet another thing I miss about living in central PA Amish country – rendering lard.
I’ve never even tried a beef Wellington. I always read the recipe and figure I’d screw it up, and I just buy the standing rib and roast that instead…. but maybe I’ll try it one of these days just to say I have.
Thanks PeeJ. I never did think to check epicurious for Wellies. I’ll do me some reading and give it a shot at the next opportunity. It’s not like I make Beef Wellington everyday.
mingo, the meat paste layer is supposed to be a paté – sometimes it’s foix gras – sometimes it’s mushrooms and butter – sometimes it’s sausage sans casing. Really, “Wellington” has been perverted enough to basically mean “wrapped in pastry”.
So shouldn’t Barack Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, accept the challenge of the leader of the Republican Party to a debate?
Post a pie recipe or shut up, Lard Harry.
– Feminism was designed to let ugly women breed.
No, no, no! Feminism is so ugly women no one wants even to look at can get jobs, instead of being put on the ice floes.
Check your talking points!!
yet another thing I miss about living in central PA Amish country – rendering lard.
I lived across the river from a fat-rending plant when I was a kid. We couldn’t keep the windows open for the stench, and it’s not like the river was a few feet across. We were more than a mile away.
justme, that photo will help keep me on a diet. blerghhh!
the Limp One actually challenged Obama to a debate?
Jesus fuckety fucking fuck on a fuckstick with extra special fuck sauce (I knew I could work that into a culinary thread).
Do they know how stupid that looks, or do they really think this is a viable scenario?
ok, it has stopped raining. time to go to class.
no, really.
I lived across the river from a fat-rending plant when I was a kid.
So you knew the Limbaughs?
“the lamb was divine”?
Here you go.
Or tapenade mixed with cheese.
Veggie Wellingtons this week-end, provided I can find me some good portobellos.
My mother, (half of her ancestry Italian, yet) just didn’t like the stuff (& there was indeed snootiness involved) so I was at least in my 20s before really being exposed/digging it.
DKW (btw, did you know there used to be a DKW motorcycle? Maybe there still is, I dunno) baklava is not made with puff pastry. That would be phyllo dough you’re talking about. Maybe there’s a reason you think you don’t like puff pastry?
Obama will not dare share a stage with me. WIth one mighty fart from my cyst-ridden posterior, I’ll blow that calorically-challenged stringbean into the next county.
“the lamb was divine”?
Roasted whole on a spit, right there in my yard. Absolute heaven.
So shouldn’t Barack Obama, the leader of the Democratic Party, accept the challenge of the leader of the Republican Party to a debate?
Oooh, this is fun. Can I join?
So shouldn’t Barack Obama just admit in an address to congress that he was smuggled into this country at birth and was raised an Islamofascist Marxist just like we all know he is wink wink?
So shouldn’t doughnuts and twinkies be counted as vegetables so Rush has a chance at eating a healthy meal?
So shouldn’t the Democrat President just accept that a Republican would naturally be smarter and better at being in charge and therefore appoint Rush as his shadow adviser?
So shouldn’t the cyst in Rush’s ass be classified as a solar system by the International Astronomical Union?
“Uh, haven’t we already seen this? In November? In a sort of “debate,” yes, except that it was a “Loser Leaves Town Steel Cage Death Match.””
The explaination for this is simple. John McCain was a weak candidate who failed to excite the conservative base. Most of the support he recieved (from myself included) was lukewarm, and mostly out of opposition to Obama than any genuine support for McCain or his policies.
Barack Obama had the enthusiastic support of the American leftwing. He recieved millions of dollars in funding from all the major leftwing special interests and celebrities.
Who do you think the moderates (you know, the people who make up the majority of the electorate) are going to vote for? The Republican candidate who recieves very little enthusiasm from his own base, or the Democratic candidate who has the leftwing’s enthusiastic support bordering on cultish worship?
Moderates, by there very nature are not politically saavy, or else they wouldn’t be moderates. So when they see one candidate recieving borderline worship from his base, and the other recieving the lesser of two evil treatment, its not surprising Obama won the election.
The all-garlic menu at “The Stinking Rose” is one of the few things I miss about L.A.
Of course, the aroma seeps through your pores for a week afterward.
You know, the Obama administration makes me nostalgic for the openness and hospitality of George W. Bush. Remember that time he sat down and talked with Cindy Sheehan as she asked? And the time he invited Max Cleland up on the porch in Crawford to deliver that letter about the Swift Boats. The kindness and generosity his press office showed Helen Thomas. Not to mention all those wonderful open Town Hall meetings that anyone could come to…..Yep, he was such an open and approachable guy.
That would be phyllo dough you’re talking about
Whups. Of course. I ain’t never tried making baklava before, I just remembered it as having all them layer of sweet honeyed goodness.
Thanks muchly, I can now go on with unreserved contempt at puff pastry!
Also, a DKW motorcycle? Does it have a loud PENIS?
Truly, justyou, there is nothing new under this tired old sun. (I thought I was so damn clever.)
I can’t quite figure out if that’s appetizing or “Meet Your Meat” Territory (not that I ever figured that out, either).
Y’all should try the Larousse Gastronomique.
You can learn to cook in metric.
Who do you think the moderates (you know, the people who make up the majority of the electorate) are going to vote for?
Umm, perhaps you’re just visiting this planet recently? We had an election. They voted for Obama.
I stink, therefore I am.
Umm, perhaps you’re just visiting this planet recently?
Calculating at the speed of light, I don’t think we’ll have to worry about seeing that guy for thousands of years.
Moderates, by there very nature are not politically saavy, or else they wouldn’t be moderates.
The only comment necessary is that we see on which side this ninny has decided to be immoderate.
Well naturally you’ll stink of garlic. This will tell you who your friends are. (But avoid going to the UK or Canada for business for at least two weeks).
the Limp One actually challenged Obama to a debate?
Just think – if Obama refuses, Limbaugh’s fans might not like him anymore
John McCain was a weak candidate who failed to excite the conservative base. Most of the support he recieved (from myself included) was lukewarm, and mostly out of opposition to Obama than any genuine support for McCain or his policies.
Cuz if your support had been any stronger, you would have voted for him twice or even three times!
Meanwhile, McCain nearly drew as many votes in losing as Bush did in winning in 2000, and only 4 million fewer than Bush in 2004. Meanwhile, Obama drew up 8 million more votes than McCain, which means he would have beaten Bush by four million votes when people actually liked Bush.
Nice try. Next?
One man, one vote, chum. Your side lost. Go cry in the corner.
Moderates, by there very nature are not politically saavy, or else they wouldn’t be moderates.
Because nothing says “intelligent” like not even considering there are two sides to every question!
Case in point: David Brooks.
Moderates, by there very nature are not politically saavy, or else they wouldn’t be moderates.
You, by your very nature, are an atrocious speller.
Just look at the predicament Obama’s aides have put The One into.
Big surprise that our new troll gets his news from WorldNutDaily and American Spectator.
Y’all should try the Larousse Gastronomique.
You can learn to cook in metric.
Is there a recipe for Freedom Fries within?
Is AmSeptic still around? I figured Mrs Mellon Scaife won it in the divorce settlement and turned it into a blog about Yorkies.
“Meanwhile, McCain nearly drew as many votes in losing as Bush did in winning in 2000, and only 4 million fewer than Bush in 2004. Meanwhile, Obama drew up 8 million more votes than McCain, which means he would have beaten Bush by four million votes when people actually liked Bush. ”
And we all know what color those new voters were.
Shit-jack my tongue-box.
Color? American. What color are you, Lard Troofie?
My point in making that comment was not racist, it was simply to point out the fact that the 8 million new voters who put Obama in office were mostly inner-city blacks who never voted before in their lives.
actor makes sound like it was a significant new voter turnout, and that means the country is turning further left, when in fact it was a-political inner-city blacks who care nothing about public policy save their welfare checks, just voting for one of their brothas.
Sorry actor, but those people would never have even voted if Hillary Clinton or anyone else won the Democratic nomination.
My point in making that comment was not racist
followed up with:
when in fact it was a-political inner-city blacks who care nothing about public policy save their welfare checks, just voting for one of their brothas.
No further comment.
it was simply to point out the fact that the 8 million new voters who put Obama in office were mostly inner-city blacks who never voted before in their lives.
And they are less American…how?
Were they 18?
Were they citizens?
Did they vote legally?
Just because they decided this time to vote as opposed to last time, you should consider yourself fortunate to have won even these past two elections, that you managed to frighten and intimidate them into submission. Not anymore!
As for whether the nation is turning left, it isn’t.
As these voters exemplify, it was a lot further left than you want to admit!
Yes, handy, apparently, these voters were red,
whiteand blue, if you believe Lard Harry.But you have no other point.
opi_jeanne: I’m starting to wonder if we were separated at birth. Parental unit from Kansas? Married at age 19? Brung up Methodist? Childhood marred by severe lack of gastronomical delights? OMG.
actor, my point was simply this. sigh… If a blackman was not the Democratic nominee then these people would never had voted in the first place.
If Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination, without those 8 million new voters, McCain probably would be President right now.
This is not a new base that the left can consistently rely upon for votes. These people don’t care about public policy, they just wanted to see a black man become President.
If you fail to see that, then you’re even more naive than I thought.
By the way, Lardie, there was only a 2% bump in turnout in 2008 as opposed to 2004.
Now, that’s hardly sufficient to explain an 7 million vote swing from Kerry to Obama. That would, assuming all 2% went to Obama, give him an additional 2.2 million votes.
So where’d the other 5 million votes come from?
Also, DKW: I have had veggie Wellington — it was lovely. May have been portobello mushroom, I dunno. But — but — how can you not care for puff pastry? Oh dear!
Is there a recipe for Freedom Fries within?
p. 273- sliced like a waffle, fried in lard: Pomme d’Liberté.
Waffle Frites?
Sounds like John Kerry had a hand in those…
Possibly from Republicans who cast a protest vote for Obama because they didn’t like McCain. You would be surprised how at how many conservatives did exactly that.
Smut Clyde: You are quite a gifted artist, young man. Thank you for always sharing your doodles with us.
Possibly from Republicans who cast a protest vote for Obama because they didn’t like McCain.
Five million Republicans can’t be wrong!
If Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination, without those 8 million new voters, McCain probably would be President right now.
followed by:
Possibly from Republicans who cast a protest vote for Obama because they didn’t like McCain. You would be surprised how at how many conservatives did exactly that.
No further comment.
Five million Republicans can’t be wrong!
Because conservatism can’t fail, it can only be failed?
Sarcasm doesn’t play subtle well on-line.
Like I said earlier, John McCain was a weak candidate. He is a rino…meaning…republican in name only. He is at best a moderate, considerably to the left of the average Republican voter.
He is in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens, he recieved an F rating from Gun Owners of America, he opposed the Bush tax cuts, he voted against a federal marriage amendment, he was a member of the imfamous gang of fourteen, and the list goes on and on how many times he has disappointed conservatives and stabbed us in the back.
Many conservatives did not vote for McCain, some even voted for Obama hopint (rather foolishly) that he would cause enough damage to the country that a true conservative would be nominated as our party’s candidate in 2012.
It looks like those conservatives are gonna get their wish.
Handy, good point. Suddenly, the 8 million black votes morphed 2.2 million black votes AND 5 million disgruntled Republicans.
Unless Alan Keyes voted 5 million times.
He is at best a moderate, considerably to the left of the average Republican voter.
And yet, not only did he win the Republican nomination, but he won it with a clear majority of the voters.
Look, Lardie, Republicans only make up 28% of the voting public, after eight years of Bush.
Deal with it. You’re a minority, and an even smaller one than you were before.
You would be surprised how at how many conservatives did exactly that.
I’ll bite. Exactly how many conservatives “did exactly that?”
And how, exactly, do you know, exactly?
I will now prove my superior intellect by sticking this pencil in my eye.
The only reason John McLame even won the Republican primary, is because we foolishly have an open primary.
Left-leaning Independents and Democrats voted for the most liberal candidate in our field hoping to sabotage a conservative victory.
What we need, as I believe I mentioned on a previous thread is a Republican primary open only to people who have been registered as a Republican for at least one year. Mitt Romney would have been our candidate if that was the case.
For some inexplicable reason, when I saw this cartoon:
I kept thinking about these threads. Can’t figure out why….
The only reason John McLame even won the Republican primary, is because we foolishly have an open primary.
Funny, we Hillaryites said the same thing about Obama.
And isn’t this the same primary system that selected Bush? Are you suggesting that, for twelve years, conservatives failed to get the right man in place?
Maybe a change in tactics is called for.
Or better, a change in policies.
The only reason John McLame even won the Republican primary, is because we foolishly have an open primary.
Left-leaning Independents and Democrats voted for the most liberal candidate in our field hoping to sabotage a conservative victory.
Actually, it was Rush Limbaugh who advocated this tactic. Only he advocated Republicans crossing over to voting for Hillary to sabatoge Obama. See how well that worked out?
Maybe a change in tactics is called for.
Or better, a change in policies.
Look, princess, we don’t do “change.” That’s your guy’s motto. We stick to what we’ve got, and we LIKE IT!
President Bush wasn’t perfect either, but he was considerably more conservative than McCain. The only two objections I had to Bush’s Presidency was his open borders stance on illegal immigration and his spending.
Maybe a change in tactics is called for.
Or better, a change in policies.
Hell, I can’t even change my underwear without a diagram.
The only two objections I had to Bush’s Presidency was his open borders stance on illegal immigration and his spending.
The only two objections I had to Bush’s Presidency were his first term and his second term.
Harry has to be a parody. No one is this stupid on purpose.
It was Barack Obama’s handmaidens who singled out Rush Limbaugh
Mr Titled-Person Parody-Troll, if you’re trying to say something insulting about Obama and his staff, then bear in mind that the ‘handmaiden’ trope classically carries positive connotations for both parties (“Natural philosophy is the handmaiden of theology”).
Fail again. Fail better.
The only two objections I had to Bush’s Presidency was his open borders stance on illegal immigration and his spending.
So you were okay with him ordering cutbacks in VA medical services for disabled veterans, then?
I only ask that because I myself am a disabled veteran, you see, and I’d like to know just where you stand on that.
I just want to be clear about this:
Conservatives had three chances to put forth a true conservative since the Clinton administration, and conservatives feel they’ve failed despite the fact that this is a “right-leaning” country?
And yet they think somehow 2012 is going to be different?
Thank you for always sharing your doodles with us.
You have no idea how much self-control it took, not to link to Bellmer’s “cephalopode” images during the cephalopod thread.
So you were okay with him ordering cutbacks in VA medical services for disabled veterans, then?
Why should I care? I’ll never have to serve in the military, with my hydroxephalic brain, flippers for hands and feet, and polinoidal cysts.
Hey guys!
I’d like to know just where you stand on that.
OB-Gyn Kenobi, much as I appreciate your service for your country, I have to question your remark here.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would like to know where this troll stands on any issue.
The only two objections I had to Bush’s Presidency was his open borders stance on illegal immigration and his spending.
So you’re saying that these two minor quibbles…assuming that you’re a fairly average conservative…drove five million Republicans to vote for Obama?
I am a compulsive wreck. Somebody please PLEASE stop me from treating in good faith with those who will never respond in kind. It’s ruining threads and lives.
actor my friend, illegal immigration is not a “minor quibble.” Far from it, it is the single most important issue facing this country today.
What is the point in defending our country from terrorists if we don’t have a country left to defend? That is exactly what will happen if our borders are not secured and the illegal aliens deported.
Our nation, our culture, our tradtions, our common language will be replaced by those of the third world. Along with the higher level of crime and disease brought by the new, unwelcome arrivals.
Illegal immigration, and more specifically, stopping illegal immigration is the most important issue of all, the issue that will make or break any future Republican Presidential candidates from now on.
The fact is, any hobby horse I happen to perch my spotty ass upon instantly becomes the Single Most Important Issue Facing This Country Today through the process of Hannitization.
Quiz for time travelers — what year was this claim first made?
Our nation, our culture, our tradtions, our common language will be replaced by those of the third world. Along with the higher level of crime and disease brought by the new, unwelcome arrivals.
1) 1798
2) 1842
3) 1881
4) 1906
5) 1955
6) 1982
7) 2009
(Jeopardy “Think” music plays)
High Lord Hairy Fishnuts chunked:
Wait a minute… a couple days ago you said Fred Thompson would have been the candidate! So which is it?
Are you just a narcoleptic amnesiac like Old Fred, or are you just changing your story as you go along like Mittens?
At least get your stupid talking points straight before you come in here and needlessly embarrass yourself, m’kay?
Troll does not need to keep a story straight.
Troll needs your attention.
My attention would be better held by Klingon-Vulcan pon farr slash. But I’m flexible: cephaloporn trolls would also not be kill-filed.
Anybody remember the Galloping Gourmet?
Someone mentioned seahorses in the cephalopod / child-name thread. I couldn’t find this image at the time — the artist is not well-represented on the web — but here it is now.
cephaloporn trolls would also not be kill-filed.
Send out the Hentai sign!
Is that the same artist as the octopus-hat you posted in that thread? I like the work, what’s the name?
I’m coming late to the party, and it’s my wife who makes the pie crusts from an old family recipe (butter, no lard, and NEVER margarine), but for the veggies in the audience, I’d like to recommend Deborah Madison’s cookbooks. Especially her recipes with chickpeas. They’re all good. So is her veggie broth recipe and her beet soups. And she knows about garlic. I grew up in a largely garlic-free household because half my family is allergic to the Allium genus. My wife has told me that she intends to divorce me if I develop that allergy, and I’ve told her that she won’t have to–I’ll just shoot myself.
MzNicky, I remember the GG.
You can’t be as old as I am, so I’m going to assume you watched it as a child.
I am a wanker
When Ted Kennedy’s bloated corpse is finally tossed into a slag heap, I will still be unworthy to suck his dead cock.
Hit me again. Harder. I love it.
OK, coming out of lurker mode to ask your help:
I had this pumpkin pie that had a butter cookie crust. It was vanilla-flavored and sweet. Tried to make it, failed miserably. Any good recipes for this?
Also, I’ve been trying to find a good, simple focaccia recipe to use as a pizza crust. Any ideas on that?
RE: David Brooks, Rush, and all their sadness…you know, I just have to laugh at it. How sad that these people are all sounding like nutso conspiracy theorists all over the place! What an embarrassment. They have so little that’s useful to contribute. How do they not see that they’re looking like whiny little schoolyard kids? I guess that’s what being slaves to the “stern daddy” does to you.
Octopus-hat was “For the True Anatomy” by Barry Cleavin. Whenever the late lamented Qetesh the Abyssinian claimed to be “playing the cello” in response to trolls (rasp, rasp), it brought to mind a NSFW Cleavin print called ‘Violated’.
Seahorse image is by Toyen (also late and lamented). Her erotic prints include some classic depictions of the proverbial big-bag-of-dicks, but tragically, I cannot find them on the Interducts.
Driving back from pottery class, I heard Frum bloviating on the radio about Keynes and about how multipliers don’t blah blah bart blart etc.
And right in the middle he admitted that the mag/lev high speed rail project on the East Coast, to Boston from…. NY? would have a lot of value, but then he said that the high speed train from DISNEYWORLD to Las Vegas blah blah blartity blart.
Really, Disneyworld. Not Disneyland. I live in Anaheim, so I notice mistakes like that. Not only can he not be bothered to get the original proposal correct which was not Disneyland to anywhere, he even gets it wrong by a couple thousand miles.
(and I’m thinking how cool it would be to be able to shoot right across the country to Florida on a high speed train.)
Those places are FUN, which David Frum is opposed to.
“Those places are FUN”
I can think of several dozen adjectives one could use to describe those two places. Fun didn’t make the cut (much less FUN!)
I like Disneyland.
Clearly you’re no fun.
To be fair I’ve never been to Disneyworld, but the land really is a marvel of creative design, planning, and general fun.
We really could use some HSR in America.
I went to Disneyland the first year it was open. I was 6 and my parents took me out of kindergarten on my birthday to go.
I currently live 2 miles from the park and I have gotten over my early adult disdain for the place. I like hearing the fireworks every night in the summer, right at 9:25. Sounds like WWIII but it cracks us up, when we notice.
I still think the love life of seahorses is underrated.
And while the Larousse Gastronomique has cooking instructions for camel, I don’t think it has any seahorse recipes.
I’d love to see Bush spending as a % of GDP.
You can’t be as old as I am, so I’m going to assume you watched it as a child.
Honey chile, I’m pretty sure I’m the oldest commenter on this here blog. I believe it was in my early teens (mid-’60s) that the Galloping Gourmet was on the black & white TV set. Because he had a British accent my family assumed he was “homoseckshul.” I just thought he was funny.
Trilateral Chairman: Thanks for the recommendation. I love chickpeas. Will check out Deborah Madison’s books.
OB, while you are pondering how to reply to my doubts on global warming on a previous thread, I’d like to know how you think you can pretend that controlled immigration from countries sharing a similar background to Americans can possibly be compared to the current situation of flooding us with tens of millions of Third Worlders.
The requirement for substantive reply from you extends to all threads. I will not engage you on *any* topic unless and until you provide substantive replies per my previous posts on the topic.
I’ve always made pumpkin pie with a regular crust. Pumpkin cheesecake, on the other hand, I like to use a gingersnap-crumb crust. It would probably be good w/ regular pumpkin pie, now’s I think about it. You want?
“No one is this stupid on purpose.”
“Nothing’s on purpose, ma’am.”
I don’t bake, but I cook every night. Tonight, Paul “Our Household God” Prudhomme’s chili. (Shocker: No oregano. WTF?)
And a big hell-yes to Cook’s Illustrated (subscribe online and get search capability. They say, “We roasted 3, 692 chickens to find the best way…”)
And are we all hep to Penzey’s Spices? Never buy spices in the supermarket ever again. Well-priced, delivered to your residence of residence, and a great selection.
And a big hell-yes to Cook’s Illustrated (subscribe online and get search capability. They say, “We roasted 3, 692 chickens to find the best way…”)
The new issue was sitting on the magazine rack at Costco this evening, just awaiting the attention of me and the wife. Recipes inside include lemon chicken, braised brisket, chicken Kiev (a particular favorite of the wife’s), Swiss rosti potatoes (OM NOM NOM NOM), asparagus salads, samosas, naan and bananas Foster. All that and a shitload more, and for only eight bucks. Every issue’s like an individual cookbook. Such a deal.
Since Jeff Smith (the Frugal Gourmet) was a local guy, I have to clarify some of the statements that have been made. He was in fact one of the early victims of right-wing talk radio.
Jeff was a well-known liberal and contributer to liberal causes. This made him one of their first targets. One of the local right-wing radio assholes got somebody to call into his show accusing Smith of having molested him 40 years before. Soon: lo and behold, somebody else calls in saying “The same thing happened to me!” OMG! Independent confirmation!
Soon these plants were suing Smith for this alleged abuse. He fought it for a long time, but he’d had heart surgery in the past and finally paid off just to get a little peace, and died soon afterwards.
I consider him a martyr, and one of the clearest demonstrations of why this plague must be eliminated once and for all. If holding Rush Limp-rod up to the ridicule he deserves can contribute to that in any way, I say, bring it on!
IS it me, or does David Brooks have an ass on his tongue?
Are you liberals just compulsive liars?
Where IS that mirror!!!
Lurkbot, thanks for that info; I hadn’t heard that before. I saw that the two assistant chefs accused him of sexual harassment, which is not the same as what the others accused him of. It was shocking to us when we heard it, like I said.
Really nasty if the others lied about something like that for politics.
MzNicky, I was born in 1950 and will be 59 next week.
opie_jeanne: Wow! You ARE old. 🙂 The Spouse will turn 59 in two weeks.
Tintin the Deleter strikes again.
Because pointing to an obituary about the Frugal Gourmet is Racist.
80 degrees in Kansas City today, Troofie. What about that global warming, eh?
actor my friend, illegal immigration is not a “minor quibble.” Far from it, it is the single most important issue facing this country today.
You’re right.
Throw open the borders and live up to the credo imprinted on the Statue of Liberty.
End of discussion.
(following an argument where anecdotal evidence is argued by his side to be inadmissable)
Here’s some more anecdotal evidence!
Classic Actor212 said,
March 5, 2009 at 16:58
(following an argument where anecdotal evidence is argued by his side to be inadmissable)
Here’s some more anecdotal evidence!
Wow. The stupidity of this post is astounding!
I was tweaking Troofie’s nose, asshole, giving his wrong-headed argument back to him.
I think the stick up your ass needs cleaning, by the way, and you’ve now been pwned twice today by me.
MzNicky, today is my spouse’s birthday. He turns 62.
What I wanna know is how did we get so old so fast? Why, just yesterday we were college kids listening to acid rock and watching friends disappear either to Canada or Vietnam, praying for an end to the war as well as a high number in the lottery.