Making Rush the GOP’s mascot

Greg Sargent has the goods:

Top Dems Planning Amped Up Efforts To Elevate Rush As GOP’s Public Face

Top Democratic operatives are planning a stepped up campaign to promote Rush Limbaugh as the public face of the GOP — an effort that will include recruiting Dem governors to make this case on talk shows, getting elected officials to pen Op eds arguing it, and running more ads pushing it, a senior Democratic operative says.

Key leadership staff in the House and Senate, and in all the political committees, have been encouraged by senior Dem operatives to push this message wherever possible, the operative says.

“I’m encouraging everybody to go out and say this,” Paul Begala, the well-known Dem strategist, just told me by phone. “I’m hot for this. Let’s get this out every way we can.”

Begala is emerging as a major cheerleader and public face for this effort, though he says he’s not formally directing it. He described the effort as “organic” right now, though senior Democrats are discussing ways to formalize it.

They won’t have to work very hard. After all, Republicans keep falling over themselves to kiss Rush’s ass on just about every occasion. As GOP Rep. Phil Gingrey wrote to ditthead nation:

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and other conservative giants are the voices of the conservative movement’s conscience. Everyday, millions and millions of Americans—myself included—turn on their radios and televisions to listen to what they have to say, and we are inspired by their words and by their determination.

Guys, some advice:

If you want to be the party of hard work and family values, you should probably find someone to be your ideological figurehead who isn’t an admitted drug addict or a suspected sex tourist. Common sense, people.


Comments: 768


The words of Corporal Klinger echo down the years:

“If my dog had a face like that, I’d shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I can haz fonny photoshop of elephant without trunk or big ears?

Smokin C-gar?



“If you want to be the party of hard work and family values, you should probably find someone to be your ideological figurehead who isn’t an admitted drug addict or a suspected sex tourist. Common sense, people.”

Or a “super-patriotic” draft dodger, who slithered out of serving his time in the military due to having a pimple on his fat, greasey ass.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hindoo Exorcist Jindal can go back to where he came from – Baton Rouge. I’ve got my fingers crossed for:
Big Pharma/Palin 2012


Yes, he has millions of fans in a nation of 300 million. But most of the country is creeped out by him. Newt, too, when he was Speaker. Now Jindal comes along like a gift.

The four pillars of the GOP are sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, and creationism.


If you want to be the party of hard work and family values, you should probably find someone to be your ideological figurehead who isn’t an admitted drug addict or a suspected sex tourist.

Or a racist motherfucker when more and more normal people don’t want anything to do with racist motherfuckers.


The four pillars of the GOP are sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, and creationism.

And ignorance!

The FIVE pillars of the GOP are sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, creationism, ignorance…and a fanatical devotion to the stupid….

AMONG the chief pillars of the GOP are…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The four pillars of the GOP are sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, and creationism.

Hm, greed has to go in there somewhere. Five pillars?

Oh, and lying. Six?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The four pillars of the GOP
Well, with Michael Steele heralding in the hip-hop GOP, it’s five pillars. You forgot climate change denial.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Oops, pardon, actor.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Authoritarianism… got’s to have hte authoritarianism.


How in the sweet blue hell is Rush Limbaugh not in jail? Buddy of mine just got through doing 36 months for ten ounces and while he is a drummer, bless his heart, he is not a lying, racist, gaseous hate-monger and disingenuous hack who found a vein of fear and loathing in the American psyche, a vein any honorable man would forget, and mined it for all the pieces of silver he could get his pig little hands on. Seriously, ain’t that some shit?


This is a hopeless campaign. Rush is so self-effacing, so modest, so willing to give credit where it’s due, that he will never be persuaded to put himself forward as a leader of Republicans. He’ll just stand there, writing Becky in the sand with his big toe, and smiling shyly. He’ll never take the bait.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oops, pardon, actor.
Well that goes double for me. I guess there just too much of the GOP that’s begging to be pillar-ied.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I think they’re just trying to goad Rush into saying something really stupid really publicly, but only after all the Redoublechins have signed loyalty oaths to Rush.

It’s the kind of political trick you can see coming a hundred miles away, if you reflect for a second or two. Hard luck for the Republicans that they won’t think about it at all and will continue to behave like stimulus-response microbes.

Sorry, porkulus-response microbes.


No problem, fellows. GMTA and all that.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Wow, I’m hyperventilating.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

No problem, fellows. GMTA and all that.

What’s funny is that we all hopped in and suggested a bunch more pillars – which were all different, and yet all essential.

DKW is right about the pillar-ying.


Yes, who better to try and brand the Democrats as a bunch of slavish Obama cultists than the guy who inspired his followers to invent the phrase “megadittoes”?


PLEASE throw me in that briar patch, B’rer Fox.


le inspiration

The FIVE pillars of the GOP are sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, creationism, ignorance…and a fanatical devotion to the stupid….

AMONG the chief pillars of the GOP are…

“…sexual deviancy, bigotry, war mongering, creationism, ignorance, a fanatical devotion to the stupid, hijacking works of art in the name of our culture and climate change denial…dammit! Hey, black guy…what’s your name again?”

“Uh, Michael Steele? You guys just voted for me to lead the–”

“Sorry, that’s too much clicking for me to decipher. You do it!”

“Alright…*ahem* NO ONE EXPECTS THE…uh, what’s my line?”

“intellectual might”



“Right. Our chief…ummm….”


“Our chief pillars are…”



[mumbles]“sexual deviancy”

“Seriously? I didn’t think you swung that way–”

“Look, our chief pillars are blahblahblahblah…JUST FUCKING BE AFRAID ALREADY!”


The pillars, however many of them there are, must rest on a foundation of ?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The pillars, however many of them there are, must rest on a foundation of ?



I liked this bit from the “sexual tourism” link:

These are not nice questions, which is why most people won’t ask them. But Rush is not a nice guy. And when a pundit whose party pokes its noses into people’s private affairs as a matter of policy is caught pocketing pills to pump up his penis, on his way back from a country plenteous with prostitutes…

Well pardon me if I’m compelled to prod and ponder why this public personality required a prescription for his penis in that place, and where he put it while he was there.


OT, but pleasant anyways: Dobson is stepping down:


Yes, who better to try and brand the Democrats as a bunch of slavish Obama cultists than the guy who inspired his followers to invent the phrase “megadittoes”?

Projection, thy name is wingnut.


Common sense, people.



Yes, Daddy Dobson will be spending more time with his family, mistreating dachshunds.


Yes, Daddy Dobson will be spending more time with his family, mistreating dachshunds.

And showing his penis to toddlers.


The contributions go in with your name on them, Trolly.


Pat Buchanan touches boys?


How in the sweet blue hell is Rush Limbaugh not in jail?

Money. Friends in high places. Autographs.


Patrick Buchanan. He is honest and boy does he ever touch a nerve when he speaks the truth.

You mean like when he said the Iraq war was a boondoggle?

Or when he says American foreign policy is beholden to the Israeli lobby?

Which one did you mean?


Common sense, people.

“Common sense” to those people is that the earth is flat & the sun revolves around it.


Now, it is true that the demographic nightmare you’ve unleashed …

Aw, give us a break. Demographic engineering has never gotten a fair chance ever since Buchanan’s buddy Hitler got slapped down.


Try Patrick Buchanan. He is honesta racist and boy does he ever touch a nerve when he speaks the truthspanks the monkey.


How in the sweet blue hell is Rush Limbaugh not in jail? Buddy of mine just got through doing 36 months

your buddy obviously ain’t a rich white guy, Matt.


uhhh, guys? Those aren’t pillars.



Top Dems Planning Amped Up Efforts To Elevate Rush As GOP’s Public Face Anal Warts



The four pillars of the Democrat Party are:

*Something for nothing
*The Race Card
*Tax hiles


I think I’ll add “Class envy” as the fifth pillar, but that could under “something for nothing” too.


What Rush be up to lately: Convening a “summit” to determine why women don’t like him.

And from the <a href=”″.movie posters linked to B2the4: “One a Hillbilly Half-Wit, the other A Psycho-Killer”

Sound like any party we know?

And what’s up w/ this preview? Does it crap out if we offer more than one link? If we put up w/ trolls all the time, let’s loosen the spam filters.


Or, I could fucking look at what I’m doing wrong, & do it right. Maybe one link per comment is all I should allow myself.

Let’s try it again.


OK, it worked but preview didn’t. I surrender to the forces of intergalactic pumice.


In other news:

California’s unemployment rate jumped to 10.1 percent in January, the state’s first double-digit jobless reading in a quarter-century.


Stephen Levy, senior economist for the Palo Alto-based Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, said the last time California unemployment topped 10 percent was June 1983.

Hmmmm…who was it who was President in 1983? I forget.


And from the movie posters linked to B2the4: “One a Hillbilly Half-Wit, the other A Psycho-Killer”



“Hmmmm…who was it who was President in 1983? I forget.”

We were still suffering from the failed policies of Mr. Carter.

Reagan had to get the fed to induce a recession to bring inflation down.


The economy turned around later on. That’s why Reagan TROUNCED Mondull in 1984.


If you want to be the party of hard work and family values, you should probably find someone to be your ideological figurehead who isn’t an admitted drug addict or a suspected sex tourist. Common sense, people.

Of course that’s what they’ll because it’s not about making good decisions, it’s about pissing off the other side. Johnny doesn’t want Susie’s doll, but if he can make her unhappy by taking it, guess what he’ll do? Remember, they don’t want to govern, just to win. That’s the lesson from Katrina, Iraq, and the current economic situation.


Hmmmm…who was it who was President in 1983? I forget.

Some guy. Raygun.

He lowered taxes. The economy tanked. He had to raise taxes. The economy recovered.

Clinton raised taxes. The economy soared.

Bush II lowered taxes. And now we’re where we are.


Aw-reet, actor 212 has my back!! (Creepy image? You decide.)

Oh, if only this were like FDL, where we could all register, & link & bold & italicize w/ mere clicks, & wish each other good morning & talk about kitties & …


Reagan was a net tax cutter.


Reagan was a net moron.


Rush is asking the wrong question. It should be “Why don’t I like women?”

The answer is well known.


I, on the other hand, am a net tough guy.


“Man, I wish I had invested my money better.”

– Ray Milland, 1972


“#actor212 said,

February 28, 2009 at 0:15

Reagan was a net moron.”

Yeah, that’s why he kicked the ass of both Carter and Mondale, right?


Reagan was a net tax cutter nut tox critter.



Reagan was a net tax cutter.

And a deregulator. It isn’t a coincidence that the two worst banking crises in the last half-century happened as a direct result of the Republican penchant for deregulating business in general and banking in particular.


We also elected Bush twice, George. That’s not speaking highly of the intellectual development of the South.


That’s not speaking highly of the intellectual development of the South.

Some of us didn’t vote for him.


“We also elected Bush twice, George. That’s not speaking highly of the intellectual development of the South.”

The whole nation except for MN and DC voted for Reagan in 84. Try again.


The South did help elect Mr. Carter, so maybe you’re onto something.


Carter and Mondale couldn’t even carry NEW YORK STATE, lol.


OBK, don’t extract data that is unsupported by the facts. 😉


I’m sick of people bagging on the sexual tourism industry. Every job counts.


I want to attend Rush’s “Why Do Women Hate Me?” conference. I’d be more than happy to offer a first-hand demonstration of why women hate his stinkin’ reptilian guts.






Buchannon’s work of late as an MSNBC pundit has shown more intellectual honesty than is typical for right wingers, but it is laughable to claim he is the standard bearer of the GOP. Rush has an order of magnitude more influence than Buchannon. Let’s recall Buchannon ran as a third party candidate as recently as 2000.

Also, Buchannon is deeply racist and in a country where whites will soon be in the minority, even if the Republicans listened to him, they would be consigned to a generation in the minority.

What never occurs to conservatives is that their actual values are abhorrent to many many people, and being more true to the values of hating immigrants, women, the poor and homosexuals will not help the GOP win elections. Buchannon is a mostly intellectually honest person with horrible horrible views. So no, running on the theme “this time we’ll really do all the awful stuff we didn’t do last time we were in the majority” isn’t going to do it.


George, as a NYer, I can assure you there are large parts of this state that make your little Bugtussle, TN look cosmopolitan.


OBK, don’t extract data that is unsupported by the facts. 😉

I didn’t vote for him, and neither did my wife. That’s “some of us.” :p


/troll feeder on

We were still suffering from the failed policies of Mr. Carter.

So, 2 and 1/2 years into Reagan’s term, the bad economy was still Carter’s fault. I take it, then, that you are willing to give Obama at least that long to fix the even worse economy that George Bush the Lesser left us in. If not, STFU.

/troll feeder off


Mondull and Carter lost fucking BROOKLYN, lol.


The fed? You mean Paul Volcker?

the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker, initiated in the last year of Carter’s presidency,[4] and to long term easing of supply and pricing in oil during the 1980s oil glut. By the time Reagan took office, stagflation was near its end

Reagan took credit for lots of things that were started in the Carter admin. Deregulation – of the airline and trucking industries, was Carter and it was a good thing. Deregulation of banking started under Ford (Gawd, anyone remember “Whip Inflation Now”, Ford’s economic “policy” ). It’s the banking deregs that finally killed capitalism.


Speaking of degenerate asshole conservative scumbags:

Prosecutors wanted Foggo to serve 37 months behind bars for his crimes.

His attorneys argued for probation instead of jail time. The sticking point for the prosecutors, represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Forge, was whether Foggo had truly accepted full responsibility for his criminal actions. They were particularly incensed that Foggo continued to describe himself as a patriot.

“A man who exploits a national crisis by defrauding his country for years should have the humility to refrain from calling himself a patriot,” said Forge.

Foggo attorney Mark MacDougall immediately rose and countered that his client is flawed and a criminal, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a patriot.


The Abramoff scandal involved lawyers, lawmakers and lobbyists who made no pretense of being in it for anything other than cash, perks and favors. But the four men at the heart of the Cunningham scandal — Duke, Foggo, Wilkes and defense contractor Mitchell Wade — wrapped themselves in the flag as they pursued their agenda of avarice and carnal pleasure. They proclaimed themselves patriots while systemically bilking the military intelligence budget year after year.

Yup, patriots, every last one of them


Actually, there’s a Bug Tussle in AL and a Bugtussle in KY, but I do not believe there is one in TN. But I’ve always preferred to use “Eastaboga” as my expression for an out-of-the-way ville in the Deep South. Check it out:,_Alabama


I “grew up” in the Alabama part of Pennsylvania.


BTW, did anybody ask whites if they want to be a minority before we decided to have massive illegal third world immigration? Just curious.


There’s really no such thing as a new troll, is there?


Gawd, anyone remember “Whip Inflation Now”, Ford’s economic “policy”

I think I have a WIN button lying around somewhere.


George is so close to awareness, and yet…


While we have many great placenames here in Arkansas (Ink, Blue Ball, Evening Shade, Rover to name just a few), my personal favorite is Possum Grape.


J— said,
February 28, 2009 at 0:21

Humans First!

“You think that government knows how to wage war better than you do?”


“You think that government knows how to fight fires or catch criminals better than you do?”


“You think that government knows how to build schools, bridges and tunnels better than you do?”


Teabaggers for America, 2009


Y’know it’s pretty clear that the government can stage a rally better…


The pillars, however many of them there are, must rest on a foundation of ?

Cognitive dissonance.


Do not overlook Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky.


my personal favorite is Possum Grape.

I always liked Slap Out, AL. I don’t think it is much more than a road sign and a couple of houses.


Two Egg, FL


BTW, did anybody ask whites if they want to be a minority before we decided to have massive illegal third world immigration? Just curious.

Great question, and as a follow up, did anyone ask native Americans if they wanted to have their continent stolen before we decided to have massive illegal first world immigation? I too, am merely curious.


Years ago, when Virginia had great success with their “Virginia is for lovers” campaign, more than a few wags had bumper stickers made reading “Virginia … but only Pennsylvania has Intercourse.”


Fate, Texas, which sounds like the next hit show from the producers of JERICHO!


did anyone ask native Americans

I blame Diebold. Also moose and squirrel.


“Great question, and as a follow up, did anyone ask native Americans if they wanted to have their continent stolen before we decided to have massive illegal first world immigation?”

No, and I don’t want to end up like them. That’s my point, dumbass.


If you want to know why our borers need protecting, ask a Native American.


More images from “what can only be described as a ‘first step.'” What a surprise, Joe the Plumber showed up, as did Dole Master Simon. Check the picture of the cops and the commentary on it. I like the bemused look on the near cop’s face.


More good times – the career of Joe The Plumber, upon which Pajamas Media has apparently based their entire business model, is reaching epic fail level:


Just curious which “our” you’re referring to, George. Please elaborate, with specific demographics.


My borer’s just fine, thanks. Not my fault that yours is not functioning properly.


I’m loving the mental image of George and his spawn being forced to live on a reservation. Hopefully their free government blankets won’t be infected with smallpox.


“Just curious which “our” you’re referring to, George. Please elaborate, with specific demographics.”

Native-born Americans.


Why should we have to become a minority in our own country? Why are liberals pushing this?


More images from “what can only be described as a ‘first step.’”

Christ on a cracker, what a bunch of spoiled brats.



George said,

February 28, 2009 at 0:23

Mondull and Carter lost fucking BROOKLYN, lol.
Ronny and the Republicans made sure 52 Americans remained hostages long enough to win an election.


the career of Joe The Plumber

So, whatever happened to that plumbing business he was going to buy? I seem to recall that taxes were going to prevent him from pursuing his dream of being an unlicensed plumber and hiring other unlicensed plumbers to do unlicensed plumbing work for him.

Yeah, taxes. That must have been what stopped him.


Mondale Mondale Mondale!

Take that libs!11!


Why should whites have to become a minority in their own country when no one asked them if they wanted to?


Native-born Americans.

I assume you mean in this generation. My friend Joe’s parents, for instance, immigrated here from Italy, but he was born here. So is he OK, but his parents need to go? Or are they OK because they’re Italian and not.. you know… Latin?


Why should we have to become a minority in our own country?

That’s nowhere close to happening.

Need a coupon for Pampers, tough guy?


You know, at first glance, I thought that was Stephen Colbert. I also like Malkin’s laptop. I would say that’s a DFH design on it if I didn’t know better.


what can only be described as a ‘first step’last gasp

Wow, 300 people, after several weeks of hype is the best they can manage? Sad, sad little teabaggers.

And I really hate people who use their small children as props (no matter what side of the political spectrum). If you’re going to do something this stupid, leave the kids at home with a sitter. That way the kids don’t have to feel ashamed of you when they get older and see the photographic proof of your stupidity


“That’s nowhere close to happening.”

It is happening as we speak. Look at what the demographics are supposed to look like in 2050.


I don’t see any minority.

i see humans.

Why should we care if there are more of one color than another? It’s not a bag of jelly beans.


George —

You’re dodging me. I assume I’m OK because my Irish ancestors came here in the 18th century, but I’m wondering about the huge waves of Irish who came here in the late 19th century. Are they OK because that was awhile ago? What about the waves of Italian immigrants after? Also OK, because time has passed? And, I assume, because they’re not too dusky.


Why do you think Japan limits immigration? Because they want to stay Japanese.

Why is it “racist” if we want to mantain our demographics?


Although, I do admit that we seem to be outnumbered by the nym-changers in my killfile….


Hmm. You know, my city is loaded down with a HUGE Vietnamese and Korean population, partly because Texas Instruments was specifically hiring people from those countries and relocating them here. UTD’s existence is predicated on these people, actually. Do they need to leave, too?


It is happening as we speak. Look at what the demographics are supposed to look like in 2050.

I have a better idea. How about *you* present your statistics, and show us where you got them so that we can go have a look at them too. That sound fair and reasonable to you?

You *do* realize that when people immigrate here and have kids, those children are “native-born Americans,” don’t you? Boy, I’m sure glad my great-grandpappy came over here in 1906 — if my family had been here less than a century, I’m sure you’d find some way to rationalize shipping my family back to Eastern Europe.


“Also OK, because time has passed?”

In 1920 we cut off immigration for nearly 50 years so they could assimilate. It seems to me we need another “cooling off” period.


George —

Because Japan is a tiny island nation and space and resource considerations are considerably more urgent than ours. Seriously, though, answer my questions.

Grifting in the wind

Joe-the-Plumber spoke to 1/4 full room. It was pathetic. I got video of how fucking empty the room was. I tried to make an echo off the walls but I got yelled at. Video to come.


All he’s Trying to do is make a little SCRATCH off a few morons!

But NOOOOO! We can’t have that now can we?


when did we start talking about Japan?

Why is that relevant?

Doesn’t this forensics meet have a moderator? Stay on topic, people, or you WILL BE PENALIZED!

I believe the penalty involves Amy Alkon.


Italians, Irish, and Jews were westerners from western European nations.

Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, etc., are much harder to assimilate.


Why do you think Japan limits immigration? Because they want to stay Japanese. Why is it “racist” if we want to mantain our demographics?

Have you ever actually *been* to Japan? Ever actually spent time around any Japanese folks and discussed this issue?


George —

Why do we need another cooling off period? So white people won’t be in the minority?

Interesting. You’re actually rallying to maintain racial hegemony. I can’t imagine why anyone would call that racist.


Let me put it this way:

What would be easier for a small town in Maine? One thousand Englishmen immigrating, or one thousand Zulus? Answer that.


“Interesting. You’re actually rallying to maintain racial hegemony. I can’t imagine why anyone would call that racist.”

Are the Chinese racist? Are the Japanese racist? Are the Arabs racist? They have laws aimed explicitly at maintaining THEIR racial hegemony in their own nations.


Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese, etc., are much harder to assimilate.

tell it to the Borg.


Italians weren’t English speakers when they got here. And you may or may not know that people were saying the same crap then that you’re saying now about them. But you don’t seem to mind.. is that because the Irish and Italians and Jews are now considered “white,” even though they weren’t a hundred years ago?


Are the Chinese racist? Are the Japanese racist? Are the Arabs racist? They have laws aimed explicitly at maintaining THEIR racial hegemony in their own nations.

some of them, yes.

Short answers to stupid questions….


Who would you rather have to move to your small town? A thousand Englishmen or a thousand Zulus? Who do you think would cause more problems?


What would be easier for a small town in Maine? One thousand Englishmen immigrating, or one thousand Zulus? Answer that.

How about a thousand Somalis? It’s been done.


What would be easier for a small town in Maine? One thousand Englishmen immigrating, or one thousand Zulus? Answer that.

I don’t know, what’s the conversion rate of unicorns to leprechauns? Try to stick to the real world.

Are the Chinese racist? Are the Japanese racist? Are the Arabs racist? They have laws aimed explicitly at maintaining THEIR racial hegemony in their own nations.

I don’t.. one second.. no, we don’t live in any of those places. So I’m not sure how that’s relevant.

I wonder if you think the text on the Statue of Liberty is just PR.


Is the Japanese and Saudi immigration policy racist?

If it is, I don’t see why we can’t keep our racial hegemony if they get to keep theirs.


I kind of like having a tall, good-looking, non-ballhogging, high IQ, populist politicalfuckinggenius as the leader of my party and my country. Stupid doesn’t cut it for me. I’m sure you agree.


I assume I’m OK because my Irish ancestors came here in the 18th century, but I’m wondering about the huge waves of Irish who came here in the late 19th century. Are they OK because that was awhile ago?

May be OK now, Ken, but it wasn’t back then:


“I don’t know, what’s the conversion rate of unicorns to leprechauns? Try to stick to the real world.”

Lewiston, Maine had thousands of Somalis descend on their town and its caused all kinds of problems.

:”I wonder if you think the text on the Statue of Liberty is just PR”

That stupid poem written at the base wasn’t even there when the statue was built, and it was written by a Communist poet. It’s agitprop.


Shorter Brad:

We’re jealous because liberal talk radio is so crummy we have no one to look up to.”


Pure undistilled Liberal Fascism:



Lewiston, Maine had thousands of Somalis descend on their town and its caused all kinds of problems.

I’m sure the problems would have been just as severe if *any* thousand or so people with limited job and English speaking skills suddenly showed up. The problems weren’t a function of the ethnicity or race of the immigrants.


Lewiston, Maine had thousands of Somalis descend on their town and its caused all kinds of problems.

And yet, life goes on. You seem unaware that this country is built on waves of immigrants coming here, generation after generation. I cite again the massive Korean and Vietnamese population here, or the massive German population in central Texas — seems to have worked out OK.

That stupid poem written at the base wasn’t even there when the statue was built, and it was written by a Communist poet. It’s agitprop.

Ah, so now we’re picking and choosing our American traditions as it suits us.


Idiot troll is an idiot, and has effectively killed the thread.


We’re jealous because liberal talk radio is so crummy we have no one to look up to.

If you’re really LOOKING UP to talk radio.. ouch, man. Talk radio is a wasteland.


“I’m sure the problems would have been just as severe if *any* thousand or so people with limited job and English speaking skills suddenly showed up.”

It’s more than that. They were NOMADS. Some of them didn’t even know how to flush a toilet or open a door! And they had no concept of a “job”, it is costing the town and state millions in tax dollars.


If it were a thousand Swiss or Swedes there wouldn’t have been nearly as much of a problem.


Melting pot? What melting pot?


Honestly, all people do anymore is attack drug addicts. What gives? Rush was just trying to be all of my friends. But fatter.


If it were a thousand good Anglo gents, it wouldn’t have been nearly as much of a problem.


This is especially addressed to the lib femminists:

What do you think would be the effect on women’s rights if Saudi Muslims had as much influence as Irish Catholics in this country politically?



Yeah, I gotta stop this feeding-the-trolls bit. He doesn’t see he’s yet another step in the long, sad tradition of xenophobes with no self-awareness. Dude is actually holding up Saudi Arabia as a good social model to follow.

And we got the other sad clown who thinks people on talk radio should be looked up to. Speaking as someone who’s actually worked in radio… that’s just sad.


If you want to know why our borers need protecting, ask a Native American.

If there are any Indians here, let me ask — why do our trolls need protecting? Should we establish a witless protection program?


It’s more than that. They were NOMADS. Some of them didn’t even know how to flush a toilet or open a door! And they had no concept of a “job”, it is costing the town and state millions in tax dollars.

That’s a function of culture, not of race.

I already pointed out that these folks would have have limited job skills. Did it ever occur to you that they might not have any idea how to look for a job in the US? I expect if I plunked you down in BackofBeyond, Indonesia, you might have a little trouble coming up with gainful employment yourself.


“Dude is actually holding up Saudi Arabia as a good social model to follow.”

I think Japan is.

Rusty Shackleford

Emma Lazarus was a Communist?


“s. Did it ever occur to you that they might not have any idea how to look for a job in the US?”

Yes, and that’s why we never should have let them in in the first place. We should have made them stay in Somalia! You know, where Somalis live.


Good thing in wasn’t Swedes or the whole town would be a socialist commune by now.


“Emma Lazarus was a Communist?”

Yes. So of course she wanted open borders.


I don’t see why we can’t keep our racial hegemony if they get to keep theirs.

“But Mom, all the other countries are having sleepovers! Why can’t I have a sleepover? Huh> HUHHHH???”

“Hush now, and eat your strained peas.”


If it were a thousand Swiss or Swedes there wouldn’t have been nearly as much of a problem.

Aaaaaaaand again we’re back to the culture thing, but it’s still thinly-disguised racism.

Tell me, George — how do you feel about the brown people from Mesko that come up here and work hard in construction and landscaping and such? Any problems with them?


Ken– he links to vdare. This isn’t a normal person.


It’s more than that. They were NOMADS. Some of them didn’t even know how to flush a toilet or open a door! And they had no concept of a “job”, it is costing the town and state millions in tax dollars.

look at that. racist troll just argued against his point.

Nothing to do with their race, just the experience they came from; a program (probably what, administered by the gubmint?) to help them integrate, find places to live, understand the society, may have made a diff, wot?

Instead of just dumping them and then blaming the immigrants when they don’t understand how Starbucks works.

Rusty Shackleford

Can’t find any reputable citations for Emma Lazarus being a Communist.


I say we have 85% of our immigration white European, 15% west African/carribean African.. Then our culture would be maintained.


Ken, they didn’t call them the “Know-Nothings” for, well, nothing. And the king of the present-day know-nothings is El Rushbo.

Like someone said on a previous thread, kind of funny that a bunch of people calling themselves “mega-dittoes” rant and rave about the “cult of Obama.”


“Tell me, George — how do you feel about the brown people from Mesko that come up here and work hard in construction and landscaping and such?”

They shouldn’t be allowed. Japan doesn’t have immigration, and they seem to have no problem with labor. Teenagers can do those jobs for extra pocket money, or you could even use prison labor. Or automation.


i leik chocolate milk!


I say we have 85% of our immigration white European, 15% west African/carribean African.. Then our culture would be maintained.

No Asians or Pacific Islanders need apply. We don’t need their raw fish and tiki bars.


Then our culture would be maintained.

And the Georges of a generation ago would be saying the “culture you want to maintain” was one THEY were fighting AGAINST. Same with the generation before them, and on and on.

You’re a sad little bitch, George. Go screw.

Lowery OUT.


What’s wrong with Europeans who aren’t white, George?


I’m gonna ask this again, especially to the “Feminists” on here:

What do you think would be the effect on women’s rights if Saudi Muslims had as much influence as Irish Catholics in this country politically?


Can’t find any reputable citations for Emma Lazarus being a Communist.

For fuck’s sake, you are arguing with somebody who links to vdare.

It’s a human chatbot. It has no brain. Just STOP.


ken, I think you’re right on this one. killfile.

please, somebody start talking about degenerate sexual practices.

Rusty Shackleford

Matter of fact, this indicates that Emma Lazarus was opposed to Communism.

“‘I shall never believe in [Communism],’ she said.”


They shouldn’t be allowed.

Huh. And here you said earlier that your issue was with people coming here and not finding jobs. Then you said that white folks’d be okay by you. But it looks like job-finding brown folk need not apply.

Shrug. You’re a racist. Good for you.

Japan doesn’t have immigration, and they seem to have no problem with labor.

Again I ask — have you ever *been* to Japan?


Belgium and Holland are already being turned into Muslim colonies, but do you think Egypt would allow millions of Dutch to move to Cairo and become citizens? HELL NO!

Rusty Shackleford

For fuck’s sake, you are arguing with somebody who links to vdare.

It’s a human chatbot. It has no brain. Just STOP.

You are correct, but sometimes you learn things from trolls. Like today I learned that Emma Lazarus was not a Communist.


I can say this about the hispanics, at least they’re Christian. I’d rather have this country turn into Brazil than Algeria.


Muslim colonies? Did i miss the press release?


Brussels will be majority Muslim in 20 years.


Belgium and Holland are already being turned into Muslim colonies, but do you think Egypt would allow millions of Dutch to move to Cairo and become citizens? HELL NO!

I was under the distinct impression that conservatives didn’t give a shit how furriners ran their countries; that we do things the Uhmurkin way over here.

Was I wrong about that?


It’s a human chatbot. It has no brain. Just STOP.

Speaking for myself, it’s Friday afternoon, almost six-thirty, and I just shook up a lovely martini, so I’m in a good mood and playing with the trolls. We ignore them, they post. We engage them, they post. Whaddya gonna do?

Rusty Shackleford

Emma Lazarus will be a Muslim in 20 years.


$51 dollars now going to ACORN! Or maybe a Somali charity in Lewiston, Maine.

In your name, Vdare! ACORN thanks you!


Top Democratic operatives are planning a stepped up campaign to promote Rush Limbaugh as the public face of the GOP

That’s the plan? 2009 and that’s the plan?

Kinda like playing ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ without a blind-fold…


I just shook up a lovely martini

What a good idea. I think I’ll pick up some fruit juices and dark rum on the way home.


Blood-orange margarita is what I’m thinking of, blood oranges are in the market lately.


I was under the distinct impression that conservatives didn’t give a shit how furriners ran their countries; that we do things the Uhmurkin way over here.

It’s the conservative unjustified entitlement complex. “The slants and the dune coons get to be racist, so why can’t we??”

Rusty Shackleford

Brussels sprouts will be a Muslim vegetable in 20 years.


Speaking of changing the topic, do you think the following is parody or honest to Ahuru Mazda sincerity?

Please do not cheat and look it up.

Bobby Jindal was terrific. His response is the most effective I can remember since Ed Muskie’s fireside chat following Nixon’s State of the Union in 1970. The staging was beautiful — the old South governor’s mansion with the big magnolia tree in front leading in to his slender young son of immigrants serving as Governor. He presented an alternative vision that was not mean sprited, but optimistic. Will this do for Jindal what the 2004 keynote speech did for Obama?


the hispanics, at least they’re Christian. I’d rather have this country turn into Brazil than Algeria.

Brazilians don’t speak Spanish.



Fuck you, I know that. But they’re called “hispanics” under our system cause they’re from Latin America, you nitpicker.


Convening a “summit” to determine why women don’t like him.

Rush needs a summit to figure this out? I’ll do in in five minutes, for free.

The testicle kicking is optional, but also free!

Act now! Though I’ll still feel this way in several years, a sense of artificial urgency has a great influence on simple minds.

And don’t forget my personal favorite, Yeehaw Junction, FL.


“It’s the conservative unjustified entitlement complex. “The slants and the dune coons get to be racist, so why can’t we??””

Well, why can’t we? No one has answered that.

Why are white westerners the only ones who aren’t allowed to be “racist” in their immigration policies?


Whaddya gonna do?

My suggestion is to mumble vermouth under your breath as you pour the ice cold Tanqueray 10.


Well, Brad may be wrong after all. It appears that the new face of Conservatism is a 13-year-old kid:

How, exactly, a 13-year-old (Krohn turns 14 on Sunday) got to this place is story of an intense, downright obsessive, interest in politics. Sitting at a table and signing copies his books — his red tie flopping on top of the white tablecloth, a flag pin pinched to his sports coat — he assigns credit for his fast ascension to none other than Bill Bennett.

I got into politics when I was eight years old. Six years now. And I got involved because I started listening to talk radio.

You really can. Not. Make. This. Shit. Up.


Why are white westerners the only ones who aren’t allowed to be “racist” in their immigration policies?

To make sure you stay as frightened as possible George.

I mean holy fuck it’s not rocket science.


Fuck you, I know that. But they’re called “hispanics” under our system cause they’re from Latin America, you nitpicker.

You really are an ignorant fucking troll.

You don’t answer simple questions that are put to you, and when someone calls you out on your asshattery, you start calling them names. Here’s a hint — it isn’t someone else’s fault you’re a racist dumbass.

See where you can find Brazil or Brazilians in here (outside of the mention of Portunol, spoken in the Brazilian-Uruguayan border region)


Still not ONE real answer to a simple question.


“Well, why can’t we? No one has answered that.”

Well, curious George, perhaps a better question would be “Should we?”


“The U.S. Office of Management and Budget currently defines “Hispanic or Latino” as “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American”

I believe Brazil is in South America, you liberal tool.


Why are white westerners the only ones who aren’t allowed to be “racist” in their immigration policies?

Because we’re better than that.


Well, we’re better than that. I’m pretty sure you aren’t.


We engage them, they post.

Engage is an awfully complimentary term for what goes on.

Whaddya gonna do?



My suggestion is to mumble vermouth under your breath as you pour the ice cold Tanqueray 10.

Hey! That worked! (Well, Bombay Sapphire, but still…)


“Well, we’re better than that. I’m pretty sure you aren’t.”

Why is it bad to have your immigration policy benefit the natives of your country?



Rusty Shackleford said,

February 28, 2009 at 1:23 (kill)

Emma Lazarus will be a Muslim in 20 years.

I thought it was the Mormons that did that….


“The U.S. Office of Management and Budget currently defines “Hispanic or Latino” as “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American”

So all those Mennonites in Paraguay speaking their kooky Dutch are Hispanics. I see. Carry on genius.


“Hey! That worked! (Well, Bombay Sapphire, but still…)”

In some European cities Muslims are lobbying to have alcohol sales BANNED in certain neighborhoods in the name of “cultural sensitivity”.


“The U.S. Office of Management and Budget currently defines “Hispanic or Latino” as “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American”


Hispanic. A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

I believe Brazil is in South America, you liberal tool.

You have been PWN3D, conservaliar.


Look, Righteous, I’m not the one who made up the definition. I think it’s too catch-all, too, but take it up with the Census bureau, pal.

North African immigrants aren’t called “African-Americans” either.


And according the govt. yes, those Dutch-speaking menonites are hispanic.

Just like a Moroccan immigrant can’t say he is “African American” though he is literally from Africa.


In some European cities Muslims are lobbying to have alcohol sales BANNED in certain neighborhoods in the name of “cultural sensitivity”.

And I can’t buy booze in Georgia on Sunday because it offends white Christians.


And I can’t buy booze in Georgia on Sunday because it offends white Christians.

And until last year, I couldn’t order wine from my favorite vintner and have it shipped to me in Georgia.

All because of the “cultural sensitivities” of the theists in this state.


Nice ducking away from the simple question by diverting into semantic bullshit, but I have two questions that haven’t been answered:

1)Why is it bad to have your immigration policy benefit the natives of your country?

2)What do you think would be the effect on women’s rights if Saudi Muslims had as much influence as Irish Catholics in this country politically?


“You really can. Not. Make. This. Shit. Up.”

You can almost see the wheels turning…

“Well, we can’t attack this Negro in office. People aren’t interested in that. What we need is someone of our own that is unassailable… what about a kid? No one can lay a glove on a 13 year old! Genius!”


I was being serious George.

The idea is to give you something rant and rail in fear about while your wages are leeched to the CEO and your health care becomes a band-aid and pep talk.


Muslims kill their own daughters for “living like western whores” and you complain about Christians limiting alcohol sales on Sundays.

You guys remind me of the white Russians that were having tea parties in the last days of the Czar while ignoring the fact they were about to be killed by Communists.


I agree the corporations are to blame for employing illegal labor, putting the almighty dollar against the welfare of their own countrymen.


Ugh. Repetitive troll is being repetitive again, and once again he’s getting traction with weak fucking shit like “LOLZ, Mondale got his ass kicked !!11”.

C’mon people, I’m not going to do a Mikey and lecture you all before stomping out of the room, but can we at least agree not to take the bait unless it’s at least a little better than that?


Ok, you’re not allowed to complain about Democrats or liberals until we start killing our daughters then.


Bombay Sapphire is the next best thing.

Also, WP eated my comment with a link to a picture from the tea party link above. “Tea bag the Democrats befoire they tea bag us” has to be the best sign EVAH! From a freeper, no less. Also, why is he(?) wearing a POOP sticker? Name tag? Truth in advertising? Is it like a pink triangle or something?


I blame these damn foreigners for rolling this expensive cigar I am smoking so poorly. Stupid thing is unraveling…

Ship em all off to camps, I say…


Nice ducking away from the simple question by diverting into semantic bullshit

Fuck you, liar. *You* brought up the semantic bullshit. Don’t get pissy just because you fumbled the ball and got owned.

but I have two questions that haven’t been answered:

Your whining would be more worthwhile if you hadn’t dodged so many of *my* questions. Now be a man, go back, find them and answer them, as I am about to do for you.

1)Why is it bad to have your immigration policy benefit the natives of your country?

I didn’t say it was. I think that the way *you* appear to want to go about it is a bad idea, and racist in nature.

2)What do you think would be the effect on women’s rights if Saudi Muslims had as much influence as Irish Catholics in this country politically?

Personally, I don’t want *either* of those groups to have any influence on women’s rights.


“Ok, you’re not allowed to complain about Democrats or liberals until we start killing our daughters then.”

You’re killing the country, which is even worse. Primarily through forced massive immigration.


Ok, I’m done. Life’s too short, etc..


I suggest you re-read Authetic’s insights:

“Ah, the immigration debate.

Well, as I mentioned (on topic no less) above, Pat Buchanan is the true face of conservative leadership. Controlled immigration from Europe is one thing; flooding the country with tens of millions of Third Worlders is another. All this sophism about “when did your family immigrate here” is just liberals pretending that there is no distinction between the two.

I am a student of history, and I am aware that the demographic trends are against white people in America. Liberals gloat in that fact because they (short-sightedly) see political power coming from that. I would ask liberals – if they live in an urban area – how many white South Africans they know. South Africa and Zimbabwe are countries recently changed over from white rule to black; how are they faring?

I am not sugarcoating anything here. Black racism is well established in the US. Imagine what it will be like when whites truly are the minority. I don’t have an answer, and (returning to the topic) neither does Rush.

Open your checkbooks, liberals – or has that bit of liberal braggadacio already bit the dust in the face of weak academic paychecks?”


I would ask liberals – if they live in an urban area – how many white South Africans they know

I know one. What do I win?


You’re killing the country, which is even worse.


Purple prose, penalty ten yards.

Primarily through forced massive immigration.

Obviously our foreign trade deficit wouldn’t be so massive if we didn’t import all those dirty brown furriners. If only we had a dirty brown furriner industry here in the US.


in the face of weak academic paychecks?



Wow!! ACORN is getting $63 dollars from me today – every time a troll posts I’ve pledge to give a dollar to ACORN.

since this troll shows its URL, I’ll be sure to note that the donation is in it’s name!!!

thank you kindy, “George” troll – ACORN will be delighted with your donation!


Ooh, and Kim du Toit is a white South African too. That’s two! By The Truth’s Law of The Plural of Anecdote, that means we’re under siege by a epidemic of white South African immigrants.


He’s on to us! The plan to forcefully ship massive numbers of gaymuslims wetbacks and slanteyes, in foetid conditions aboard unsafe vessels, from their native lands to the US where they will become our overlords and enslave us is revealed!

Isn’t that how it worked last time?


Soccer balls, Rush.

Imagine soccer balls.

As you slip into a drugged sleep, worrying about your Dittoheads losing their jobs while simultaneously discovering their credit cards have jumped up to 29% interest. And while they have been paying their mortgage, the bank has (whoopsie!) lost the record of the last three payments, and they are now IN FORECLOSURE.

Hear the sweat off their brow beading onto the phone as they wait on hold while “The Girl from Ipanema” plays incessantly, forever connected with the death of all they ever wanted from life…

Bend it like Beckham!


Well, George we can solve those invasion worries by making them all citizens. Get them some labor protections too.

Now that they’re not an invasion threat nor competition what would be your problem?


Also, WP eated my comment with a link to a picture from the tea party link above. “Tea bag the Democrats befoire they tea bag us” has to be the best sign EVAH!

That whole article is mind-bogglingly good, so good that I had to look through the rest of the blog to see if I was being had. Nope, just tea-bagged.


Pledge what you can, Sadlies – Every time a troll posts a comment, it’s your choice how much to donate to a liberal cause. I’ve chosen to pledge a dollar for each comment – I’m up to $63 so far (parody trolls don’t count – nor to trolls that make me laugh).


“Well, George we can solve those invasion worries by making them all citizens. Get them some labor protections too.”

Then we will get more illegals. And have to make them citizens. Etc. Until the whole country looks like Guatemala.


Go to South Central L.A. sometime. It’s like Mexico there.


Convening a “summit” to determine why women don’t like him.

I bet convening a summit leaves him more out of breath than actually reaching a summit would for anyone else.

The testicle kicking is optional

Oh HELL no it isn’t.


$66 to ACORN in your name, troll.

And actually, South Central L.A.’s got some pretty cool places. But you probably don’t know the area well, so that’s why you’re parrotting someone else’s talking points.


Pledge what you can, Sadlies – Every time a troll posts a comment, it’s your choice how much to donate to a liberal cause. I’ve chosen to pledge a dollar for each comment – I’m up to $63 so far (parody trolls don’t count – nor to trolls that make me laugh).

I’ll put in the same amount to a local project. This is a good idea and I’m for it.


How about a campaign to place large homemade signs along freeways, like the freeway blogger? Just shine the spotlight on all these creeps (I mean pillars of conservatard ideology). They really are ripe for ridicule.


Then we will get more illegals. And have to make them citizens. Etc. Until the whole country looks like Guatemala.

Welcome to our History, George…

One glorious day in the future we’ll truly all be the SAME COLOR!


I know a white South African. She was my history professor’s wife, ironically enough.

Shame there aren’t too many of them, South Africa having been a primarily black country to begin with… of course, Troofy, being a ‘student of history’ (*snicker*) would know that. And actually, South Africa’s doing far better today economically than it ever was under apartheid rule; it is also switching to a services-based economy, which puts it head and shoulders over its neighbours.

Also, my boss is Latina, and I haven’t faced any discrimination for being a WASP.

Chicken Little racist troll is a Chicken Little racist.


“One glorious day in the future we’ll truly all be the SAME COLOR!”

Ask Brazil how that worked out. Hint: it didn’t.


Ok, here you go:

1) It does. It would benefit people born here even more if we increased immigration, since immigrants are among the most productive, hardest-working people in the country. We need more of them.

2) Depends on which Saudi Muslims they happened to be, but IIRC the official Catholic position on birth control and abortion is, they’re agin’ it, and yet women (despite the nefarious Irish Catholic fifth columnists!) still have the right to both. So, I’d say it would have no effect at all.

There’s your answer. Now go outside and play.


You guys remind me of the white Russians that were having tea parties in the last days of the Czar while ignoring the fact they were about to be killed by Communists.

Mmmm… white russians… :drool:


What possible point can there be in quoting my post from a few minutes ago in full?

What possible point can there be in your existence?


Until the whole country looks like Guatemala.

Mmmm, Guatemalan food!


No, I agree with your comments and I think the liberals need to read it again.


Funny, a guy from Brazil was just telling me about their ascendency in the agricultural markets.


No, I agree with your comments and I think the liberals need to read it again.

I read it twice. It was shit both times.

If you had an argument you would have made it. That’s why you make so many comments — you’re nothing but hot air.


Go read “Camp of the Saints”.


Shut up Georgie.


Who is that Jonathan Krohn guy? Was he in the Viennese Boys’ Choir?


Authentic fucked up blockquote. Fuckhead.


$72 to ACORN today!


What is this POOP thing? Does is stand for something? SpongeBob’s “People order our patties” comes to mind, but I doubt this is it.


Who is that Jonathan Krohn guy? Was he in the Viennese Boys’ Choir?

I dunno, but I sense that many Republicans will take a keen interest in the young lad.


$100 to a local middle school through DonorsChoice, because I’m pretty sure Jorge y La Verdad will manage another 28 posts before the night is through. Thanks for the inspiration, g.


Shut up George.


On a previous thread I showed you FBI statistics proving blacks are fifteen times more likely to kill a white person than vice versa.

Disproved with links by actor212.

The result of that post was a frantic deleting of everything I wrote by the cowardly editor Tintin.



The testicle kicking is optional

Oh HELL no it isn’t.

Well… first, one has to find them…


I thought Joe the Plumber was the GOP’s official mascot?


…sometimes you learn things from trolls.

Take this line, for example: …he kicked the ass of both Carter and Mondale.

Damn! I never realized that Carter and Mondale shared a common butt.


Jonathan Krohn hits the big time:

Results 1 – 1 of about 1 for Jonathan-Krohn. (0.06 seconds)

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Sort by date Sort by date with duplicates included
« View all web results for Jonathan-Krohn
3 injured in Dodge County crash
The Reporter – ?Feb 22, 2009?
Three people were injured in a two-car crash early Saturday morning along Highway 26 in the Town of Clyman, Dodge County. Neil Krohn, 26, of Madison was …
Slick roads contribute to accidents in Dodge The Reporter
all 3 news articles »

Grifting in the wind

I thought Joe the Plumber was the GOP’s official mascot?

Apparently he doesn’t draw a big enough crowd!



Damn! I never realized that Carter and Mondale shared a common butt.

Buttsharing is one of the privations Americans must endure to get through this recession.


Authentic, do you feel, that simply because of your ‘race’, you are superior to these people you want to ban?


From the Gwinnett Daily Post:

The home-schooled student interviewed [Georgia] state legislators Tom Rice, Barry Laudermilk, Tom Graves and Clint Day. He also interviewed conservative talk show host Michael Medved during his research.

He talked with Medved. He knows his stuff.


Troofy, first off, find some data that is less than ten years old. The crime rate in South Africa is dropping, and violent crime of all varieties in South Africa has been declining steadily in SA for the past six years. The CPI, on the other hand, has been rising which shows that the people of SA have less confidence in their government; this is not an indicator for systematic anti-white racism, however.

Also, Helen Suzman never ‘repented’ anything regarding her role in the dismantling of apartheid, though she was critical of Thabo Mbeki’s handling of social issues and foreign affairs in SA.

Next time, try using, um – what do you call them – oh, right, ‘facts’ to back up your argument before you go trumpeting your ‘wit’. You will seem like less of a sad clown that way.


I dunno, but I sense that many Republicans will take a keen interest in the young lad.

Oh, the Rush Limbaugh jokes just waiting to be made!

No, no, I don’t want to interrupt the moment of Zen…


“Authentic, do you feel, that simply because of your ‘race’, you are superior to these people you want to ban?”

I’m not Authentic, but I’ll take a crack at this.

I don’t think I’m superior. I do think, however, that different races have different personality traits and average behaviors, intelligence, etc.


I’ve always preferred to use “Eastaboga” as my expression for an out-of-the-way ville in the Deep South.

Ob/GynK: My favorite is “East Jesus, Texas.” As in, “No wonder it took me so long to get here, I had to park way out in East Jesus, Texas!”


Hey George, want to get together for some swordplay? I have quite a big one by republican standards (3″!!!)


Think about different dog breeds, and how some are aggressive some are not. Some are smarter than others. Etc.

It is the same thing with humans and racial traits.


Think about different dog breeds, and how some are aggressive some are not. Some are smarter than others. Etc.

It is the same thing with humans and racial traits. It is as simple as that.


George, you’re a terrified little bigot and I’m not really interested in your opinion.


And no, I don’t think whites are the best in every area of those traits. In many, other races are “better”.


I don’t think I’m superior. I do think, however, that different races have different personality traits and average behaviors, intelligence, etc.

I’ll agree with that. Conservatives and republicans have been shown to generaly be mentally ill in at least two scholarly studies, and we all know of their propensity for crime, hate, anger, stupidity, brainlessness, perversion, airport bathroom stall cruising, narcotic convictions, war crime convictions, genocide, and pure evilness.


I still can’t figure out that POOP acronym. One search led to the standard comment…

Lew Waters said…

The left wingers trying to poo poo exposing this fool just shows how truthful our words are.

The Truth Shall set ya’ll free, The Monkey That Became President
20 February, 2009 11:50

I note Rightwingsnarkle picking fights at the monkey link.


Only, that disquieting sensation in you which says “now that was an intellectually cowardly thing to do” might bother you.

Yes, it bothers me that you would tell such stupid lies.

I understand that, since the election of a black man to the Presidency, you have been more or less shitting yourself continuously.

You are really, really afraid of black people. It is quite possible that you literally start leaking urine when you see a black guy approach.

Nobody cares about your tinfoil hat ideas any more. It’s not the 1920s. The majority of Americans have gotten over race. All of this tripe you obsess over will simply dry up like old leaves and blow away with the passing of time. And so will you.


Um, sorry to break it to you, George, but real life is not like The Elder Scrolls III: Oblivion or Dungeons & Dragons where different ‘races’ get different stat bonuses.

Darth Revan throws a 20 / 20 massive critical for reasoning. 😛


Nobody cares about your tinfoil hat ideas any more. It’s not the 1920s. The majority of Americans have gotten over race.

Tell it to Rev. Wright, for that matter!


Sorry, TES IV: Oblivion. I fail my nerd-dom.


“Um, sorry to break it to you, George, but real life is not like The Elder Scrolls III: Oblivion or Dungeons & Dragons where different ‘races’ get different stat bonuses.”

Actually it is quite similar. Even in sports, it shows up.

Count how many black swimmers you see in the olympics, then look at the number of white sprinters in running.


“Um, sorry to break it to you, George, but real life is not like The Elder Scrolls III: Oblivion or Dungeons & Dragons where different ‘races’ get different stat bonuses.”

Actually it is quite similar! Even in sports, it shows up.

Count how many black swimmers you see in the olympics, then look at the number of white sprinters in running.


Wow. ACORN is rackin’ up the donated $$ from THIS thread!


As for being a “bigot” is one a “bigot” if you care more about your family than other families? Of course not! So why are you a bigot if you care more about your race than other races? It is just an expansion of the same concept.


Shut up Martha.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Witnessing the pure terror that an African-American President gives George and Troofie never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, fails to make me grin.


Tell it to Rev. Wright, for that matter!

You never got over his appearance on your TV. The cushions on your couch were just soaked right through.


Prisoner of Obama’s Policies.

Damn it, I was hoping that Porkulus would be in there.


Count how many black swimmers you see in the olympics, then look at the number of white sprinters in running.

Then look at the number of Canadians in ice hockey.


How many black hockey players are there?

Then look at basketball.


None of this, of course, is PC to say but a lot of people know it in their gut privately.


I can say socialism, and I can spell it too.


and while he is a drummer, bless his heart, he is not a lying, racist, gaseous hate-monger and disingenuous hack who found a vein of fear and loathing in the American psyche, a vein any honorable man would forget, and mined it for all the pieces of silver he could get his pig little hands on

A win to Matt T. No more needs be said.


As for being a “bigot” is one a “bigot” if you care more about your family than other families?

Are you a bigot if you purchase the family next door and use them as your slaves?


You do agree blacks are more likely to commit crimes, yes The Authentic?

And that they have lower intelligence on average?


You know, you really should be sending those donations to our hosts.

Just sayin’


What would be easier for a small town in Maine? One thousand Englishmen immigrating, or one thousand Zulus?

and then

Lewiston, Maine had thousands of Somalis descend on their town and its caused all kinds of problems.

Zulus, Somalis, whatever. They all look alike and so forth.

I don’t see why we can’t keep our racial hegemony if they get to keep theirs.

What are you, five years old? Jeezus Krist.


“Zulus, Somalis, whatever. They all look alike and so forth.”

More semantic B.S.


Does someone have a killfile link?


Oh wait, I get it. I have to get over the fact that discrimination against white people is legal and that blacks are fifteen times more likely to murder white people than vice versa,

Yes, you have to get over the fact that we are right and you are full of shit. Got it in one!


I can say socialism, and I can spell it too.

The “why should I pay” line is pretty irritating after eight years. If you’re going to be knocked out for the better part of a decade I would like to hear a replay of the sweet resonant sound of the board clunking your noggin.


Idiot troll is an idiot, and has effectively killed the thread.

It’s what they live for. Feeding and responding to them makes them thrive and win the InterTubes. I know, I do it too when teh stupid gets too thick to breathe. At least I’m putting my money where my troll-feeding mouth is.


Visit me, bottom right. BLOGWHORING WITH A PURPOSE.


Cultural preference does not translate to ability. Since hockey is most played in Canada / the Midwest, most hockey players are Canadian / Midwestern. Not that difficult to grasp.

Also, though there is some correlation of race and physical attributes (simply because of the way genetics works) physical attributes are generally more correlated to nutrition and upbringing than to race. Look at sumo wrestlers, and then look at the rest of Japan’s population. Another example would be that Beijingers are a lot taller on average than rural Han Chinese, the reason being not genetic difference, but rather the fact that Beijingers tend to be economically better off, and thus eat healthier.


“Cultural preference does not translate to ability. Since hockey is most played in Canada / the Midwest, most hockey players are Canadian / Midwestern. Not that difficult to grasp.”

There are plenty of blacks in Chicago and Detroit.


Oh, nutrition plays a role, too. But SO DOES RACE!


Ok, this isn’t even mildly amusing anymore. Enough already.


Apropo of nothing, she said with a grin,

but if the only thing one can possibly be proud of is the genetically determined amount of melanin in one’s skin…

then you got nuthin’
you’re full of turkey stuffin’

and your self esteem is based on chagrin.


““Somalis can’t swim” ”

That’s NOT what I said. I said on average they aren’t as good at swimming. ON AVERAGE.


Some of them didn’t even know how to flush a toilet or open a door!

I worked with an outreach group back in the mid-80s to help settle two Cambodian refugee families in our community. I will never ever forget driving them away from the airport that night, and wondering what was going through their minds. It must have been like coming from zero to one thousand, landing on a planet of plenty after barely surviving a hellish home that had turned in on itself. Even the streetlights were a wonder to them. We delivered the first family to a small trailer that one of the group had donated, along with the land, for the family to live in at first, until they were settled. It was adequate and clean but small, with two bedrooms, a bathroom and a combo kitchen-sitting area. They entered and looked around and asked how many families will live here? We said, uh, just you guys. They started crying. They were used to shitting in a hole in the ground while looking over their shoulders for Pol Pot’s soldiers, but they figured out how to flush a toilet pretty damn easily. Within two years they’d bought a split-level house on a cul-de-sac for themselves and members of their extended families. So go fuck yourself with your racist bullshit and tonguejack my shitbox besides, you fucking asshole.


Darth, if South Africa is such a paradise, why have so many white South Africans emigrated? This ought to be good.


I don’t play this game with pathetic trolls, not when I work in the same building as ACORN. As it is, I never claimed SA was a paradise. Come back when you have something more interesting than straw-men, kthxbye.


And how much money did all the re-settling cost taxpaying citizens?


This is especially addressed to the lib femminists

Like I’m going to respond to a fuckhead who can’t even spell “feminist.”


And not just the immediate settlement.

I mean the kids that will go to our schools, the medicade they will use, the welfare they will take, & etc.


You pick a liberal shibboleth – like “whites are racist” – and show how that is complete nonsense.

The thing is, I keep using terms like ‘bigot’ and ‘racist’ and YOU keep assuming I’m talking only about “White” people.

Authentic, do you think, that because of your ‘race’, you are ‘Superior’ to those you want to ban?


I resent my name being abused like this.


George, I know you think that was a masterstroke, but believe me, nothing would make me happier than you, personally, getting a tax increase.


“The Authentic” is correct, George;
it really messes up his claim that whites aren’t racist when you come in here spouting racism. Mmmkay?


In some European cities Muslims are lobbying to have alcohol sales BANNED in certain neighborhoods in the name of “cultural sensitivity”.

In some Tennessee cities Godbags are lobbying to have alcohol sales BANNED in certain neighborhoods in the name of “Godbaggery.” Your point?


OMFG! The Muslims are the new WCTU! Run for your livez!

What pants-wetters these right-wingers are.


Prisoner of Obama’s Policies.

So, basically, they’re calling themselves POOP. Excellent.


So, basically, they’re calling themselves POOP. Excellent.

They’re reclaiming it.


mznicky, I always take pleasure in your deft way with words. 🙂


thought so


POOPy Republicans is nothing new.


“it really messes up his claim that whites aren’t racist when you come in here spouting racism. Mmmkay?”

I’m not a racist, just a racial realist.


Are you a bigot if you purchase the family next door and use them as your slaves?

Depends if you enslaved them do to their race. But if you looked past what race, color or creed they are, saw in them the humanity that all men and women carry and THEN clapped them in irons, you are not bigot.

You are however an asshole.


I wholly endorse the GOP making Rush the Cyst their “face”.


Attention SadlyNo Photoshop Dept.

You can git your teabag (fer real) protest snap over at TBogg’s. Scroll a little. To.die.for.


Yup. Farmers who are, for the most part, um, black…

And you need to update your stats. Violent crimes have been decreasing by about 3-5% every year since 2002 in SA. It’s still bad, but it isn’t as bad as its neighbours. Likewise, the CPI in SA is still low in comparison to the rest of the continent.

I enjoy how these idiots like to say liberals play the ‘race card’, but then turn around and bay after every whiff of supposed black-on-white racism they can find. Now I’m no fan of garden-variety liberalism, but at least they get their facts straight. The lulz from the wingnuts OTOH just too good.

Also, I enjoy that a troll, by definition a basement-dwelling loser, is demanding to know how I make my living.


I’m up to $63 so far (parody trolls don’t count – nor to trolls that make me laugh).

Ditto. What a great day!


Can’t help but notice you’re the one deciding which “Racial Traits” are valuable and who posses them, George.

Funny how that works…


The conditions of bourgeois society are too narrow to comprise the wealth created by them. And how does the bourgeoisie get over these crises? On the one hand, by enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces; on the other, by the conquest of new markets, and by the more thorough exploitation of the old ones. That is to say, by paving the way for more extensive and more destructive crises, and by diminishing the means whereby crises are prevented.


The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself.


In some European cities Muslims are lobbying to have alcohol sales BANNED in certain neighborhoods in the name of “cultural sensitivity”.

Heck, they have whole dry counties in some states.


He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth.


And we haven’t even discussed Zimbabwe.

My what an innnnnnnnnteresting monster. You know, such an innnnnnnnnnteresting monster needs an innnnnnnnnnteresting hairdo.


At first, the contest is carried on by individual laborers, then by the work of people of a factory, then by the operative of one trade, in one locality, against the individual bourgeois who directly exploits them. They direct their attacks not against the bourgeois condition of production, but against the instruments of production themselves; they destroy imported wares that compete with their labor, they smash to pieces machinery, they set factories ablaze,


The various interests and conditions of life within the ranks of the proletariat are more and more equalized, in proportion as machinery obliterates all distinctions of labor, and nearly everywhere reduces wages to the same low level. The growing competition among the bourgeois, and the resulting commercial crises, make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating.


The fact that Rush Limbaugh can’t get a date despite a $600 million dollar contract…

well, damn, it shows that even prostitutes have some standards.


Mexicans have failed to create a successful society in their homeland.

When the same people come here, what makes you think they won’t make this country as backwards as and as much of a failure as Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, etc?


Attention SadlyNo Photoshop Dept.

You can git your teabag (fer real) protest snap over at TBogg’s. Scroll a little. To.die.for.

Worth the entire killed thread.

Many lulz.


In proportion, therefore, as the repulsiveness of the work increases, the wage decreases.


Rush should, in fact, be the very avatar of the Republican party, which will definitely bring the kids, the wimminz, and the colore.. oops, the brown folks just flocking back to the party.

(determinedly ignoring stormfront pukebags).


If we make Rush the GOP flagbearer, does it mean that we all have to smuggle illegal narcotics, or just do sex tourism in the Dominican Republic?


You pick a liberal shibboleth strawman – like “whites are racist”

Fixed that for you.


It truly says something about Rush when he couldn’t even get one of his wives to stick around for the money.


As privates of the industrial army, they are placed under the command of a perfect hierarchy of officers and sergeants. Not only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois state; they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, in the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself.


I’m actually hoping the Sadly,No! Photoshop Dept. will dress the teabaggers in pinafores and frocks for their tea party.


All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real condition of life and his relations with his kind.


I’m waiting for Mr. Steele to rip off his blackface mask and reveal that he is one of Us.

I’ve heard that Bobby Jindal is going to be doing that any day now.


[speaking of George]

In FACT he was a BIT of a FLOP!!!


C’mon people, I’m not going to do a Mikey and lecture you all before stomping out of the room, but can we at least agree not to take the bait unless it’s at least a little better than that?

Oh, fuck you. I missed something I used to enjoy and I reacted somewhat peevishly. “Do a mikey”? Yeah.

Enjoying the witty repartee?



Dear Michelle Malkin:

I am available for your teabagging pleasure.

Just keep your poop to yourself, as I am not into that.


It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade.


It is enough to mention the commercial crises that, by their periodical return, put the existence of the entire bourgeois society on its trial, each time more threateningly. In these crises, a great part not only of the existing products, but also of the previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed.


They had to be burst asunder; they were burst


The whole of this objection is but another expression of the tautology: There can no longer be any wage labor when there is no longer any capital.


The bourgeois claptrap about the family and education, about the hallowed correlation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor.


Thus, the aristocracy took their revenge by singing lampoons on their new masters and whispering in his ears sinister prophesies of coming catastrophe.


The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner.


You want fries with that?


Christian socialism is but the holy water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat.


It proved, incontrovertibly, the disastrous effects of machinery and division of labor; the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises; it pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities in the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationaliti


Anything to drink?


It is well known how the monks wrote silly lives of Catholic saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathendom had been written.


It was a sweet finish, after the bitter pills of flogging and bullets, with which these same governments, just at that time, dosed the German working-class risings.




POOP should stand for “POOP on Obama’s Policies.” Or “Prisoners of Obama’s POOP.”


The ancients blamed human nature for the presence of evil in the world.


POOP should stand for “POOP on Obama’s Policies.” Or “Prisoners of Obama’s POOP.”

That’s just returded.


a deluge of anti-restrictive protests has fallen, quasi de vulva erumpens,


I bet it becomes extremely poopular with Republicans.


And we haven’t even discussed Zimbabwe

See, George? This is how it’s done by the “professional” troll. Go google “Zimbabwe”.


That’s just returded.

Retursion is an important Internet Tradition.


If we descend from the sphere of ideas to the realities of the world, the antagonism will appear still more grave and threatening.


As for being a “bigot” is one a “bigot” if you care more about your family than other families? Of course not! So why are you a bigot if you care more about your race than other races? It is just an expansion of the same concept.

I’m a white dude, and I sincerely hope that you and I are not related in any way, shape or form.


POOP should stand for “POOP on Obama’s Policies.” Or “Prisoners of Obama’s POOP.”

POOP should be disbanded and replaced by the Courageous Republican American Patriots.


I’ll say it again – POOP should be dissolved, liquidated, flushed.

It should be forced out. It should be dropped.


That’s practically as good as the Conservative Reform Alliance Party ( to which Stephen Harper belongs!


George, I know you think that was a masterstroke, but believe me, nothing would make me happier than you, personally, getting a tax increase.

All yr wallet are belong to us.


In terms of important internet traditions, I think we need look no further than Rushius Septimus Jupiteri the Gas Giant and the Courageous Republican American Patriots. For lo their scribblings and rantings would fill a shibboleth such that observers would say “That is a shibboleth load, there”.
And thus might the pickthanks of blogs steal in upon the coattails of the Gas Giant and preen and posture in their imagined self-importance trumpeting his absurdities. Lo unto the ends of the earth would they preen like the peacock yet with less cognitive skills.
Aye these are indeed the end days.


Mexicans have failed to create a successful society in their homeland.

Right. No government, heavy industry, tourism or anything.

/dumbass off

When the same people come here, what makes you think they won’t make this country as backwards as and as much of a failure as Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, etc?

Look, asshole, you might as well stop bringing Brazil up, because every time you do, you’re going to get your ass handed to you. Brazil isn’t an economic failure — it’s the 11th largest national economy in the world.



“Brazil isn’t an economic failure”


POOP should be disbanded and replaced by the Courageous Republican American Patriots.

To be handled by the Supercilious Haranguing Idiots (Temps).

Tenth largest economy in the world. Mexico is 13th. My facts trump your picture.

Stop trying so hard, troll. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.


CPAC Organizer David Keene Claims, under a golden bust of Dubya, Conservatives Were Fed Up With Bush ‘For Some Time’


The fact is, institutionalized racism against white people is unbridled anti-Americanism.

Grifting in the wind

That Gingrich fellow is dreamy.

Grifting in the wind

And he has Posters too.


So Long Joe!


The fact is, institutionalized racism against white people is unbridled anti-Americanism.


The fact is, white people white people white people
racism is unbridled unbridled unbridled
Americanism institutionalized institutionalized institutionalized





unbridled anti-Americanism

Yeah, what we want is some bridled Americanism.

feel free to label at will


OK — I’ve hit my daily limit. $100 goes to ACORN:

Donation Information:
$100.00 to ACORN Institute

Contact Information:

Credit Card Information:

Gift Information
This donation will be made on behalf of Trolls -$1 per comment, $100 limit


The fact is, institutionalized white people against Rastafarians are ungerbiled anti-Armenians.


The fact is, institutionalized white people against Rastafarians are ungerbiled anti-Armenians.

For a moment of panic there I was thinking you were dissing the unigerbiled.


g, you’re a peach.

Good for you.

When trolls don’t care about facts, sense, or anything else, at least something good came of it.

The tequila is getting to me, so good night, Moon.


just a few posts pointing out liberal hypocrisy.

Actually, the hypocrisy would be your own. I can hardly wait for your next move of the goalposts.


Let’s do some of the math
Let’s do some of the math
Let’s do some of the math

donations won’t help him certainly pinch you.
pinch pinch pinch

white Americans
white Americans
white Americans

purely for spite
purely for spite
purely for spite



did you just want to show off your innumeracy to everyone

tell us more about Zimbabwe


The story so far:

Troofus is some kind of “academic” who was passed over for a job he/she wanted. The job was given to a person of color.

This disappointment unhinged Troofus to such a degree that he/she can do little but troll this blog with repetitive, smug, factually questionable boilerplate.

The funny part is, Troofus assumes that he/she was passed over due to affirmative action/anti-white racism. Could that be the only possible reason? It certainly couldn’t be because he/she can’t conceal his/her virulent racism long enough to get through a job interview, or is socially maladroit/maladjusted, or a raving loony, or obtained his/her academic credentials by accumulating breakfast cereal boxtops, or perhaps even has two heads and a prehensile tail?

Try Bob Jones University, Troofus. They’ll love you, and I hear they need someone to hose down the outhouse.


I was thinking you were dissing the unigerbiled.

Never! I stand in solidarity with my gerbiled comrades everywhere, no matter whether they are accommodating a solitary small rodent or a multitude.


Troofus is some kind of “academic”

Top guesses:

1) Engineering
2) Business
3) Economics
4) Computer Science

I hate to say it but I look around at school some days, and I just want to cry.


That one lady with the eight gerbils does kinda suck though.


“Authentic”: You forgot about me. I’m matching g, which means $200 goes to ACORN today because of you. ONLY because of you. Keep yappin’ and I’ll keep donatin’. Whether you consider my contributions “insignificant” or not is irrelevant. Your obnoxiousness here directly benefits ACORN, or perhaps NAACP, or whatever we deem most diametrically opposite of YOU, from here on out. The more you and your ilk try to annoy your intellectual superiors here at S,N!, the more you enable my funding of our favorite LIBERAL causes. I remind you that I can afford it, and that it’s fine with me if my entire charitable contributions budget for the year, which is not negligible, gets spent here fighting you and yours. That is as far as I choose to address you directly.


Perfect musical break from J—, thanks!!

“Too much Babylon” in-fucking-deed!!

Not to mention all the “suh-suh-suh-suh-suh!”


Yeah, let’s talk about Zimbabwe!


get your wallet out!

Help! I’m being mugged by a white person! Again!


Missing the plot completely

Tell us more about how Zimbabwe is germane to anything local (perhaps Mugabe has a hidden cadre of local supporters – could that be the plot?)


This comment definitely goes into the “ad hominem” bucket.

I haz a bukkit!


Yeah, let’s talk about Zimbabwe!

George has obviously hit the great gazoogle.

The Great Gazoogle

George has obviously hit the great gazoogle.

And I hit back. Knocked the little shitbag flat on his pimply ass.


Ha ha! Troofy Troofy Two-By-Four says he has friends!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

When a couple of regulars here guessed “academic” for that little wart troofy, I LOL. No way he is. I think people are inflating him to justify answering him.

Remember, nothing you say will make him be any less scared or filled with hatred towards African-Americans. NOTHING.

The best thing that anybody could do for troofy, George, and the rest of the dead-enders who try to rile up Liberals, AKA Sane People, is to give them the phone number of Kevorkian. They would be much, much happier than they are now, and we would be as well.


especially bullying academics

Says a lot about this troll. ‘The nerds stole my lunch money and beat me up! I need a wide in the Waaaaahmbulance!’


Yep, this is every bit as fun and interesting as it was two years ago.

Can’t imagine what part about it offends my delicate sensibilities.

Y’all have fun now, heah?



academics accustomed to kowtowing or bravado

Either way, I come

of course you refuse me directly

Transition to Black Rule?

Transition to Black Rule?

Jared Taylor, Special to AR News, November 14, 2008

The presidential election of 2008 brings to mind another vote that took place 16 years ago in South Africa: the referendum in which whites voted to turn power over to blacks. Though it has long been overshadowed by the 1994 general elections that brought the African National Congress (ANC) to power, it was the referendum of March 17, 1992, that ended white rule.

By 1992, President F. W. de Klerk and his National Party government had repealed all the major apartheid laws. The ANC had been unbanned, and Mr. de Klerk had started discussions with Mr. Mandela on a new constitution that would enfranchise blacks and “share power.”

Andries Treurnicht and his Conservative party led the opposition to these negotiations, saying the president had no authority to negotiate a new constitution. Mr. de Klerk decided to put the question to the people. If he won the referendum, he would push on to a new constitution; if he lost, he would resign and call a general election.

The referendum asked the following question: “Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on February 2, 1990, and which is aimed at a new constitution through negotiation?” (It was on February 2, 1990, that Mr. de Klerk announced the unbanning of the ANC and the release of Mr. Mandela from prison.)

The National Party—the traditional party of the Afrikaners—mounted a massive campaign for a “yes” vote, warning that a “no” would mean more international sanctions and black violence. One of its campaign posters was of an armed member of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement—a militant white organization—with the slogan, “You can stop this man! Vote YES.” In other words, the real menace for South Africa was a white man with a gun.

The Conservative Party, which campaigned for a “no” vote, warned that “power sharing” was just another name for black rule, and that whites had the right and the duty to govern themselves.

How did the people of the Great Trek, the Battle of Blood River, and the Boer War vote? They feared international isolation more than they feared black rule; whites voted 68 to 31 percent for “continuation of the reform process.” Nor was this a decision forced upon Afrikaners by white English-speakers. Though some militant groups boycotted the referendum, all election analysts agree that a majority of Afrikaners voted “yes,” and some even believe there was more support among Afrikaners than British South Africans. Whites therefore had the chance to keep their country, but gave it away. That vote ensured the ANC victory of 1994 and everything that has followed.

American whites are not quite as eager as the South Africans were. In the November 4 election, only 43 percent voted for black rule—pardon me, for Barack Obama. Fifty-five percent of whites wanted John McCain to be their president but it was blacks and Hispanics who got the president they wanted, not whites. Every year, as the number of non-whites increases, whites will have less say about who rules them.

Entirely aside from politics or questions of competence or experience, the election of a president most whites did not want is a jarring symbol of lost autonomy. If their numbers continue to decline, whites will not get the schools, the neighborhoods, the culture—and ultimately, the country—they want.

Perhaps it is because whites have brought diminished status upon themselves that we are expected to take pride in it rather than fight to reverse it. As Paul Krugman explained helpfully in the New York Times, “If the election of our first African-American president didn’t stir you, if it didn’t leave you teary-eyed and proud of your country, there’s something wrong with you.” This means there is something wrong with at least 55 percent of whites, but that has been the Times’s position for years.

Mr. Krugman’s joy in Mr. Obama’s victory is shared by whites all around the world. “We have great hopes that we are standing at the dawn of a new era,” wrote the Norwegian daily Aftenposten. “One Giant Step for Mankind” read the front page of England’s Sun newspaper. A headline on the London Telegraph website declared: “Barack Obama Victory Allows Britain to Love US Again.” The Times modestly headlined its election story, “The New World.” Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada spoke of Mr. Obama’s “tremendous, historic” victory, and the Toronto Sun called it “an historic milestone like no other.” Le Monde in Paris noted that “from Left to Right, [French] politicians have been competing for superlatives with which to praise the election of Barack Obama.” Milan’s Corriere della Sera wrote that Mr. Obama was “the man who can save America from utter breakdown.”

This chorus of rejoicing has eerie parallels to how the world’s whites welcomed black rule in South Africa. In 1993, Mr. Mandela and Mr. de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize for their new, “power-sharing” constitution. Mary McGrory of the Washington Post gushed only slightly more than most when she wrote in her May 12, 1994 column that “Nelson Mandela has won what the [Washington] Post calls ‘one of history’s sweetest victories over racial subjugation’ and he is going to keep it clean and beautiful so that newspaper readers will think they are reading scripture when they read dispatches from South Africa that cannot be read except through tears.”

Fourteen years later—just 14 years later—does anyone have second thoughts? Under white rule, South Africa was climbing steadily in the UN’s Human Development Index. It reversed course the first year of black rule and has dropped ever since. South Africa can no longer keep accurate crime statistics, but it is unquestionably one of the most dangerous places on earth. Anyone who can afford to lives in a private fortress, and carjacking is so common it is considered foolish to stop at a red light after dark. limits shipping to South Africa because postal workers steal so many packages. Interpol reports that South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world—and the highest AIDS rate. About one-fifth of South African men admit they have raped a woman, and an estimated 35 percent of the armed forces have AIDS. Race preferences for blacks are so ruthless that approximately 50 percent of white men are self-employed and nearly a million whites have emigrated, most citing crime and race preferences.

Surely, not even Mary McGrory would think this sounds like the Book of Matthew. And how about Mr. de Klerk? Would he not give up a hundred Nobel Peace Prizes for a country in which his grandchildren could be safe and proud?

Of course, our election is different from the South African referendum but the effect is the same: Whites are placing their destinies in the hands of others. The South Africans did it suddenly; we are doing it gradually.

Let us hope whites all over the world save their newspapers from November 5, 2008, with their extravagant headlines and dizzy hopes. Let them reread them 10 or 15 years from now—and let them think of South Africa.


Just came back from happies @ Bluehour. They have a great artisanal cheese fondue for $6, margherita pizza for $5, streak frites, fried olives, pork confit sandwich etc etc. Had too many martinis*. Beats the fuck out of watching people feed trolls.

And, got say hi to Gus Van Sant. I love Portland.

*Martinis: One is just right. Two is too many. Three is not enough.

Truth Before Dishonor

Do you remember what happened when Christians protested and boycotted The Last Temptation of Christ? Liberals laughed at them and told them to keep doing it because it pumped up ticket sales.

The more liberals squawk and whine about Rush, Sean, et al, the more people will tune in and hear the context and facts and reject liberalism.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

And, got say hi to Gus Van Sant. I love Portland.

I love Portland. I worked on a movie there in the 90’s. Actually discussed politics on the set with Heather Locklear. She is a doll, but stupid as shit and a conservative to boot.

The latter two characteristics always seem to go together.


you are taking money out of your own funds purely for spite

Sadly, no. I am supporting causes I believe it, and your actions are providing a structural method for doing it. But believe what you want, I actually don’t really give a shit what you think. I don’t even read what you post – now that your posts mean something very different to me, I don’t have to read them, just count them.

Thanks! You comments really help me shape and structure my donation plan! You’re a big help, Trolly!


While we’re waiting for a new thread to cleanse our palates, how about these developments:

*President Obama has discarded an 18-year-old government-mandated directive concerning media coverage of the (six-years + continual) shipping home of flag-draped coffins of US troops, declaring that such decisions should instead be left up to the families of the deceased. Imagine that.

*Also, President Obama has a different approach than did our previous “leader” to health-care workers who feel the need to impose their personal godbaggery upon the general populace they are being paid to serve.

Face it, con-tards. It’s a new day in America. You fuckers lost. Get over yourselves. No one cares about your bullying bullshit anymore.


I had a “friend” in college who hailed from Rhodesia. Then he hailed from Zimbabwe. Racist little fuck. All full of himself and the White Race on account of how the dumb niggers couldn’t do nuttin right. They had EVERY opportunity but just wouldn’t step up to the plate and, you know, IMPROVE THEMSELVES.

I know that aint you, Neville. Even you weren’t as fearful and hateful as the troll. Plus, I have to believe that you grew up some in the last 30 years whereas it’s quite clear the troll is still a scaredy titty baby.


Every year, as the number of non-whites increases, whites will have less say about who rules them.

Welcome to representative democracy.


2) Ad hominems: OBK hand waves that I’ve moved the goalposts (give me an example!)

Not an ad hominem at all.

You started out (on an earlier thread) complaining that black-on-white hate crimes outnumbered white-on-black hate crimes. After several posters pointed out that you were conflating *all* black-on-white crimes as prima facie hate crimes, you changed your tune. Now you simply prattle on about the relative amounts of white-on-black and black-on-white crimes without making the erroneous, explicit linkage you were trying to present earlier. But as far as I can see, you’re still implying the linkage; you’re just not as vocal about it as before.

QED. Moving the goalposts. Nothing ad hominem about that.


The more liberals squawk and whine about Rush, Sean, et al, the more people will tune in and hear the context and facts and reject liberalism.

As for myself, I’m a gun-owning disabled veteran who was raised in — and still lives in — the Deep South. If anyone is your target demographic, it’s me. And y’all lost me for good in the last few years. Being snotty and nasty isn’t going to convince me to come back. Rudeness and browbeating isn’t going to win my vote back. And lies, misrepresentation and outright dishonesty isn’t going to burnish your image in my eyes.

You are not winning voters with your positions and arguments. You are losing them. That’s how you lost mine. And if you’re not interested in what people like me have to say, then you deserve to go on losing.


I hadn’t thought of it in this way before but now I realize how perfect it is.



Truth Before Dishonor

OB-GYN, I’m a gun-owning parent of a female soldier who spent time in Iraq. And as a Pro-Lifer, I find it very difficult for anyone with such a moniker who speaks troof to powder while standing alongside people who want to destroy an innocent life to suggest I am on the wrong side of evidence-based truth.


Oh god, funniest troll thread ever!

Brilliant. I loved the naked equation of America and “natural born” with purely hundred percent white people and the complete unawareness that it’s not immigration that’s making us browner, it’s fucking. The kids today are fucking. They’re fucking other Americans, other Americans who may not share the same skin color as them because frankly skin color is kinda a stupid thing to get hung up on. But thanks to the trolls out there, these kids fucking are changing the landscape of the skin color, “nativist” war, cause each one of their kids is now that new evil skin color by virtue of fucking and the nativists have less and less of a reason for their fight.

Seriously, we have “white”. I love it. German, Irish, Italian, Eastern European, Jews (yes, they were considered a race too, they still are to a degree) all weren’t white, weren’t American not that long ago. Suddenly, they’re in with the European MUTTS. That’s right, white is pseudo-european originated MUTT. The thinnest veneers of history, shared culture, and the like unfortunately defined in their history entirely by their mistreatment of every social race they deemed NOT-white.

What’s most brilliant and hilarious is that these two lovely lovely racists in their odd zeal to; what, convince themselves that if they can only reveal the liberal anti-racist conspiracy all the brown people would finally go away for ever(?), have managed impressively to be their own lovely counter-statement.

Their statements, their convictions are verbatim the exact reasons (right down to the “women, what will happen to your lives or rights”) used against MY grandparents, one Irish, one Italian. They are the same epithets and suggestions posed, the same arguments used, again for decades. Hell, watch a movie from the early 60s and you can see for yourself how long it took for a “greasehead” to be considered white. Same arguments about ghettos, “assimilation”, etc… and of course the same assumption oddly of euro-supremacy as if the slaves who built this nation should forever have no say in the telling of its history.

All of this over their heads, but still, brava brava, I was highly entertained. Now, please tell me what the newly updated white race has to fear from the growing brown people who are totally all coming from outside our country with pitchforks. I’m dying to hear this one.

P.S. In Denmark, I’ve seen the massive muslim invasion. Their children are also fucking. And open to be really really gay. Glad those evil muslim values proved so totally resistant to assimilation in the natural born set. Ooh and Bobby Jindal. Totally resistant. Oddly all the Irish Catholics in Massachusetts seem to still carry a lot of Irish stuff and they’re still going to that evil, society destroying Catholic Church…hmmm.


Whatever. You’re entitled to your own opinion. What the fuck did you come here for?


Heh, The GOP isn’t fighting the last war. They’re fighting the one that they lost forty years ago. With the exact same tactics, only extremified.

Thank you, troll, and I wish you the very best success in spreading your message. Pretty soon the GOP will split (into the Paulians and Palinese, or something) and we’ll be treated to the speactacle of vicious cannibalism as you turn the only weapons you know about on yourselves.

Gaaad, I love it.


Oops, I meant that for the latest Trooffy – not the Cerebral Hound.


Maw learnded me to copy’n’ paste so’s I can use big words to prove I hates nigras.


OB-GYN, I’m a gun-owning parent of a female soldier who spent time in Iraq. And as a Pro-Lifer, I find it very difficult for anyone with such a moniker who speaks troof to powder while standing alongside people who want to destroy an innocent life to suggest I am on the wrong side of evidence-based truth.

evidence-based truth – accept no substitutes.


Oh, who wants bets on the next “non-white” race to be included in the “white” race to ensure the primacy of the concept for future racists? My bet is on either Asians or Latin@s.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig


Mugabe wasn’t as evil, nor did he commit genocide against a race of people on the other side of the planet.


Hee hee, g, sorry. To be fair, I did type all that.

All while laughing my goddamn ass off.

How can we protect our precious national culture without “white” dominance?



The more liberals squawk and whine about Rush, Sean, et al, the more people will tune in and hear the context and facts and reject liberalism.

Uh-huh. Right. You wish.


How can we protect our precious national culture without “white” dominance?

Fuck that. What’s important is protecting our precious bodily fluids.

Waiter! Another bourbon and branch.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

And as a Pro-Lifer,

I prefer to call you guys Pro-Government-Control. It is a much more accurate description, seeing as how the real issue for you guys isn’t life, but rather “punishment” for a woman having the temerity to actually enjoy sex.


Coming down from the laughter high, thanks g for your donation to schools. I hope your donation goes to ensuring greater care goes to the early 20th century portion of the history classes, because there is apparently a lot of zoning going on in that section that really shouldn’t be.

Or even throughout most of the 1800s. It was a mostly universal part of lesson plans to talk about nativist reactions to each of the big europeans immigrations, right?

Or is that one of the lessons like “The War of Northern Aggression” that’s “edited” in Southern and southern-sympathist schools.


Mugabe wasn’t as evil, nor did he commit genocide against a race of people on the other side of the planet.

I have to give you that. But they both appropriated their national resources for their cronies, and destroyed their respective economies.

Thus far, I see it as even. Anyone else? Anyone?

Truth Before Dishonor

MzNicky, just a simple question. What 24-hour cable news station has the highest ratings? Another simple question. Why didn’t Air America get any ratings in the vast majority of their broadcast regions?


I wouldn’t want Mugabe on my side – nor Cecil Rhodes.


My bet is on either Asians or Latin@s.

Ah married me one’a them there Latinas, and she’s purty brown. Ah think the Jee-Oh-Pee’s gonna give them yaller folks the next pass.

WASP translation: Asians in the 21st century are the Italians and Irish of the 20th century.


Cerberus: I’d put money on Asians. They’re the ones that William Shockley originally postulated were the intellectual “master race” — not Caucasians. Somehow his theories get lost in the great white racist struggle.


Cable news should be the government! Why didn’t we think of that before?


I wouldn’t want Mugabe on my side – nor Cecil Rhodes.

Advantage, Bush.

Would you want W on your side?

Back to deuce.


You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

But they both appropriated their national resources for their cronies, and destroyed their respective economies.

With that in mind, your analogy might better be stated as:



But MzNicky, all you need to do is find the right authority figure and then you stop thinking and parrot all their talking points like a brain-dead zombie, right?

It really bothers them that they can’t find the “source of our talking points” doesn’t it? They can’t imagine that anyone could actually be researching and figuring out things for themselves without someone else telling them how to think, doesn’t it?

Might be why they feel joyous if they find liberals arguing and debating especially with famous liberals, because they feel it’s evidence they’re losing their hold on authority figures and will be in the market for new ones.

Truth Before Dishonor

Lipstick, what’s your reasoning for the existence of Concerned Women for America? And did you know they actually have three times the membership of NOW?


just a simple loaded question.

Fixed that for yer.


…reasoning for the existence of Concerned Women for America

you think, therefore they are.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

The fascination that the Pro-Government-Control nutjobs have with strangers, as long as they are women, sex lives is something to ponder.

“Twisted mental cases” suffices to describe my thoughts on the matter.


TBD, what’s your reasoning for the fact that fifty-four percent of Americans voted for Obama in the last election?

If you say ‘media bias’, particularly after your comment about cable ratings, you will have officially provided me with my best laugh of the day.

Truth Before Dishonor

Here’s a Democrat talking point you won’t want to remember:

From Brainy Quotes:

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital… the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.
John F. Kennedy

George Bernard Shaw

Might be why they feel joyous if they find liberals arguing and debating especially with famous liberals, because they feel it’s evidence they’re losing their hold on authority figures and will be in the market for new ones.

“That a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.


Ooh, funny thing about Asians, we’ve been massively massively limiting their immigration here. So much so that western Canada has become immensely asian because to emigrate to America, you’re better off getting Canadian citizenship first, because INS HATES giving citizenship to asians. The only “evil scary illegal” I’ve been close friends with is in that situation now.


Umm, what year was it that Kennedy said that?

oh, yeah, right. quite a while ago.


The fascination that the Pro-Government-Control nutjobs have with strangers, as long as they are women, sex lives is something to ponder.

“Twisted mental cases” suffices to describe my thoughts on the matter.

Oh, that’s simple. It’s how they get off.

Nietzsche explained it quite well in his Zur Genealogie der Moral.


Posting late in epic schizophrenic thread!

Offering an overpaid drug-soaked pedo egomaniac like Limbaugh the role of mascot to a dying party – a role he’s already doing his best to bestow on himself – nah, it’ll never fly. He’s WAAAAAY too bright to take the bait, amirite? I mean, just look at how bad be owned you dumb liberal Yankees with “OPERATION CHAOS” – LOL, you never saw it coming, did you? Yes, President McCain & Vice-President Sarah Palin are deeply grateful for your gullibility!

You know, if all you snarkmeisters hadn’t’ve interfered (or if you’d done so more creatively), you could’ve had a sweet trollwar up there. Less typie-typie, more lurkie-lurkie.

Oh, if only Herr Trout had his way … just imagine perennial loser Pat “Hitler Wasn’t As Bad As You All Make Him Out To Be” Buchanan as the “new” GOP poster-boy … mmm, he’s almost as sexay as Rush, too!

Trout sure does know how to pick a winner (see “Bookmark This, Liberals”)! Between his penchant for outdated, cooked &/or cherry-picked stats & George (is that you, Mr. Bush?) & his “racial realism” it’s a wonder more neocons aren’t going John Galt for real, simply to elude the aura of Pure Concentrated Fail blazing from their fanboys’ every excretion. THEY are the real pillars of the Republican Party – the Party knows they’ll vote for & apologize for it like the good little apparatchiks they are, no matter how often it fucks them over – & they’re made of Play-Doh.

Live by Teh Stupid, die by Teh Stupid.


Here’s a Democrat talking point you won’t want to remember:

From Brainy Quotes:

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital… the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.
John F. Kennedy

You’re right, I didn’t want to remember it (and fortunately for me, I didn’t). You might want to include a point to your comments.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

According to wikipedia, NOW has about 2 1/2 times the membership of Concerned Pro-Government-Control Women For America.

Lying troll is lying.


Here’s a Democrat talking point you won’t want to remember:…

Very good, my cute capricious capuchin. Alas, it applies only in the context for which the statement was formulated. As in, a non-recessionary economy. As usual, the little flapping freaky fromage picks up a sharp arrow and promptly gashes its own wrists with same.

Adam Smith's Invisible Handjob

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital… the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.

That was some of my best work.


gawd, we’ve got another troll. I guess I gotta find another good liberal cause to tot up donations for this one’s comments. It’ll take a while to find the right one.

I think we need some kind of counter – like a pot, or an ante. The Trolly comments add to the score, and every time a regular donates, the ante goes down.

I’d really like to set up a mechanism here so that when Trolls post, it ends up being a benefit to a good liberal cause. And each to his own means, too, I might add – whether its a penny a comment or a dollar a comment, everytime a troll posts here, I want it to benefit a cause the Troll is against.

Can we figure out how to do it?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Ohhhh, political quotes. I love political quotes.

“A conservative is someone who believes the problem with our economy is that poor people have too much money.” – Bob Orben, speechwriter for Gerald Ford

Truth Before Dishonor

Revan, I spent the last 9 years on a unionized manufacturing job. I was even night shift union steward for over a year. Nobody in the plant watched the news. Nobody listened to any talk radio. Everyone said “I’m not into politics.” And yet, they were all, including management, firmly tied to the Democrat party.

Nobody cared enough to actually be informed about any governmental matters, but they were all certain they were Democrats. A large part of the problem is a lack of interest in what happens to the country or state. That is a major reason for the correlation between voting numbers and results. The lower the percentage of eligible voters, the higher the political acumen and conservative vote.

That’s not to say there aren’t uninformed conservatives or informed liberals, because there are. But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat.

And, regardless of your position, a higher rating status does not mean a majority but a plurality. There is a difference. And the trend is going away from the obviously liberal media toward the center-right media.


Oh god, pro-life is the big fight now? Ugh, I’m out of here. As a biologist, my future vagina actually strangles snowflake babies to death just looking at the insipid proudly ignorant pap they throw out. It don’t have a brain stem, it has no potential consciousness, no consciousness, no meaningful sentience, not human.

Some men have never gotten over that reproduction is something they’re mostly tangental to, have they?

But but but, my penis. It has super powers, it makes the homonculus inside her uterus with magic. I don’t have to pay attention to the fact that if my insipid religious idea of how babby is formed is correct, then the overwhelming majority of “babbies” are aborted naturally. Also, separation of church and state, biology rules, not someone’s opinion of their hyper-intelligent sperm.

When someone’s sperm gets a full-ride to any Ivy League (wait, George Bush)- Nobel Prize, call me.


Lipstick, what’s your reasoning for the existence of Concerned Women for America? And did you know they actually have three times the membership of NOW?

But only a fifth of the membership of the Wolverines Against Nookie Kampfgruppe (WANK) and only a twentieth of the membership of the Pristine Erogenous Region Vigilantes (PERV).

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Uhh, “Truth” Before Dishonor, I have proven that you lied. Specifically about the membership numbers of NOW vs. Pro-Government-Control Women “For America”.

It seems you have little, if any, truth or honor. Crawl back into your Talking Lying Point hole.


I want it to benefit a cause the Troll is against.

What’s his local mental health outreach organization? I’m pretty sure that’s high on the list of things he’s against. They keep knocking at his door and asking all those questions, y’know?


But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat.

I think you’re uninformed if you don’t acknowledge the phenomenon you’re talking about happens on both sides.

But whatever. You’re a troll. Why should I give a fuck about what you say?


…a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat

Well, it must be a good thing to be uninformed then! (How’s that for meeting ignorance with sophistry!)

Truth Before Dishonor

Lipstick, try using wiki as your major source in any upper-level college course. See how that works out.


Nobody listened to any talk radio.

A sure sign of profound political ignorance.


Concerned Women for America? The “women’s” organization that for years upon years was headed up and run by a white Christian male and whose “women” membership has always been highly suspect? That Concerned Women for America?

Ooh, can we also talk about the Christian Discipline movement or those people who sell those “modest” swimsuits?


But but but, my penis. It has super powers,


Adam Smith's Invisible Handjob

There is a difference. And the trend is going away from the obviously liberal media toward the center-right media.

Nope. Traditional media (e.g. newspapers, radio, all TV reception modes (i.e. airwave/cable/satellite)) are actually *losing* share. You obviously haven’t read any Arbitron books in the last 5-10 years.

And y’all get PWN3D in internet media.

Truth Before Dishonor

Hey, g, go back and look at that sentence right before your snip. If you read that sentence, you’ll see I did acknowledge what you said I didn’t acknowledge.


Try using your bad sourcing as your major source in any college course and see how it works out.

My school gets my careful research and study references, trolls get laughs and laughs. Oh and the quick and lazy way to avoid referencing a stack of books you won’t read that describe the intricacies of a reality you deliberately ignore and assume a base of knowledge you never in your life will strive to attain.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

The lower the percentage of eligible voters, the higher the political acumen and conservative vote.

Actually in my experience, and everyone I know (and I know several poll workers), areas with more pedophilia convictions and drug wars always vote Republican, while those areas with more marital stability (like Mass.) and income (like NYC) vote Democratic.

Did you kow that a majority, if not ALL, of convicted pedophiles with an identifiable political affiliation are Republicans?

It must be hard to be a member of that group of perverts, drug addicts, serial divorcees, and mentally ill wife-beaters.


If you read that sentence, you’ll see I did acknowledge what you said I didn’t acknowledge.

A troll classic.

Truth Before Dishonor

Wife-beaters? My daughter bought them all the time before she went into the Army. She probably still buys them. Oh, yeah, she’s Pro-Life too.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Lipstick, try using wiki as your major source in any upper-level college course. See how that works out.

The numbers for Pro-Government-Control Women “For America” are very suspicious as the wiki article points out. They don’t seem to be able to provide a true list of members. I’m sure half of their members are named Minnie Mouse, if the typical projection MO of republicans holds true.

Your silly “argument”, to be true, would mean that every article in wiki is questionable, which is just stupid. But you are a republican, so when you’re stupid you’re strictly typical.


Wait, if being educated makes you more Republican, then why do they complain about the evil ivory tower elite universities that are completely staffed with liberals?

Or did they all John Galt themselves and are responsible for our soaring and indomitable banking industry and its massive successes?

Truth Before Dishonor

That’s not to say there aren’t uninformed conservatives or informed liberals, because there are. But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat.

Copied from above and brought back down. As I said, I acknowledged what was claimed I didn’t acknowledge. Next try.


That’s not to say there aren’t uninformed conservatives or informed liberals, because there are. But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat.But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat.

You have ZERO data to back it up, so if you intend your first sentence to “balance” your second, you’re full of shit.

You have no “percentages”. You have only the anecdotal evidence of your own experience. You know what, asshole? I have a similar experience of working as a union steward, and my experience totally negates yours.

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, I’ll see your straw man and raise you another:

Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, teach.


Unfortunately, ckc, it’s too long to become the next ‘I Am Aware’.


Copied from above and brought back down. As I said, I acknowledged what was claimed I didn’t acknowledge. Next try.

Yes, yes – clearly the subtleties are lost on you.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

More political quotes! I love political quotes!

“The tax cuts will make the economy grow. As people do better, they start voting like Republicans – unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.” – Karl Rove, New Yorker magazine, Feb 19/26 2001 (combined issue), page 78, interview. This is a direct quote.

I wonder if the current troll, as well as troofy and george, know that Karl Rove considers them stupid uneducated buffoons.

Probably not. That is why they are stupid uneducated buffoons.



Actually, I would even be willing to bet they have at least half the names they claim. I disbelieve that a majority of those actual names are women. It’s sort of like pro-life groups in general. The protests are oddly male-dominated for something that only affects women.

Plus it’s the pet project of Beverly LaHae, wife of the author of the Left Behind books. That’s a massive stock of psycho cultists with literally nothing to do until the end of the world who can be directed to “a good cause”.


Well, this troll is going to benefit lots of good liberal causes. But not tonight. I have dinner waiting.



You really, really have no idea what university professors do, do you?

Truth Before Dishonor

G, I hate to beat you over the head with your own words, but… oh, heck, I love beating you over the head with your own words.

I think you’re uninformed if you don’t acknowledge the phenomenon you’re talking about happens on both sides.

Those are your words after my words where I, in fact, did acknowledge the phenomenon.


Those who can’t, teach.

As a teacher, I say, fuck you.


Yep, this is every bit as fun and interesting as it was two years ago.

Can’t imagine what part about it offends my delicate sensibilities.

Y’all have fun now, heah?


Grats on pulling a mikey, mikey.


The lower the percentage of eligible voters, the higher the political acumen and conservative vote.

If we reduce the percentage of eligible voters to zero, we will attain political nirvana.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

author of the Left Behind books. That’s a massive stock of psycho cultists with literally nothing to do until the end of the world

I imagine those guys laughing every time they make a book royalty deposit at the bank.

“What a bunch of maroons! They keep buying the crap we write! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH”

A classic case of laughing their way to the bank.


Oh, and you took my sarcasm seriously?

Why didn’t your conservative space brain clue you in?

Is it the fact that you exist on a higher wavelength than us mere mortals?



I would just point out that for all the opining about the validity of Wikipedia that goes on, it does seem that a fair number of people don’t realize that (in theory) you really can’t just put whatever shit you want on there and have it stay. You have to source your claims just like you would in any other medium. That in mind, Wikipedia articles thus provide you with an excellent list of sources should you need some for an academic endeavor.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ahh, the capslock-as-proof-of-being-right thing. I wondered when that would come out.

Truth Before Dishonor

Now that my fake CFW stats have revealed me as a liar, I think I should change my nym. Which do you guys prefer:

Drinks Before Dinner
Pearls Before Swine
Shake Before Using
Wash Before Wearing
Twelve Years Before the Mast
I Before E Except After C

Naturally, feel free to add your own suggestions.


Wikipedia is a good starting point to develop a base of knowledge. Same with the sources it provides.

The reason it’s not looked kindly on, even if you copy the source links and use those instead is that an actual research paper is supposed to go beyond “just” the initial base of knowledge and actually show some in-depth understanding and critical analysis of the subject.


I wondered when that would come out.

There’s nothing like a child’s sense of wonder.


Huh, space brains can’t detect even the most basic of sarcasm.

Leonard Nimoy, is that you?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Here are my estimates of the IQs of the trolls on this thread.

Troofy: 105
LAD (Lying And Dishonor): 95
George: 75

Although I have been accused of grade inflation in the past when grading students….


Call Before Digging

Truth Before Dishonor

Sorry, CWA not CFW. I’ve been drinking heavily.

Truth Before Dishonor

It sure takes a lot of class to “borrow” someone’s moniker just to mock that person. I’m sure it took at least three brain cells to think up that one. I’m so impressed.


I’d be willing to entertain 12% more of his incoherent ramblings if he adopted the nym: “I Guzzle Hot Man Jizz”, but that’s just how I roll.


Mainly because we need more yaoi if we’re going to have troll infestations. Maybe even get some 12-year old slash writers. It’d be painful at first but at least it’d clear the trolls out for good.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ah, libs, libs, libs, you just can’t accept that I’m perfect in every way and totally 100% Caucasitastic and 110% Republicagilistic so thus, ergo, QED, I am always right about every little thought that pops into my head, since I am the oracle of race wisdom, forever and ever, amen, heh, indeed, it is to laugh. Libs.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

if he adopted the nym: “I Guzzle Hot Man Jizz”, but that’s just how I roll.

I vote for “I Guzzle Fat Man Jizz”, in reference to the convicted drug addict who has an AM radio show.


It sure takes a lot of class to “borrow” someone’s moniker just to mock that person. I’m sure it took at least three brain cells to think up that one. I’m so impressed.

[Stamp foot] Before [Bursting into tears]

Truth Before Dishonor

It is interesting the liberal blogs I’ve seen hope conservatives die. It is also interesting the one liberal blog on which I have posted had someone steal my moniker to mock me. It is also interesting I haven’t seen those actions against liberals on conservative blogs.

Very informative, indeed.




But Rush’s sperm is the holy land. We are not to touch it, only to bow before its glistening perfection. So says Our Lord, Rush, so say we all.

Truth Before Dishonor

I guess conservatives have higher standards than liberals, yes?


commie atheist-

Never. You’re trapped in the temporal loop. There is no escape from the Troll Zone.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

It is also interesting I haven’t seen those actions against liberals on conservative blogs

That is because the second a comment appears on a conservative blog that says anything to the left of “I hate all negroes” they are banned and the comment is expunged.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I guess conservatives have higher standards more divorces, higher drug addiction rates, less education, and lower standards of living than liberals, yes?



I got banned from FDL after about three days.


I guess conservatives have higher standards than liberals, yes?

The genie will grant you three guesses – after that, you’re fucked.


Those are your words after my words where I, in fact, did acknowledge the phenomenon.

Yes, dishonestly. Which is why I called you out.


Wait, he’s complaining about being mercilessly mocked on a liberal blog as an invading conservative voice…and it’s our fault and somehow reflects poorly on us that his derailing into narcissistic idiocy wasn’t treated as the solemn words of a philosopher king?

Pft. God damnitt, I’ll never get to sleep as long as I’m stuck laughing like this.


I wondered when that would come out.

I would come out

proof-of-being I wondered when

the capslock

the capslock

Truth Before Dishonor

Oh, lipstick, I can guarantee you that is a lie. Try Wake Up Black America or Patterico’s Pontifications or a whole series of other conservative sites. But you already knew you were lying.


I got banned from FDL after about three days.

Ah, yes – they’re VERY patient over there.


It sure takes a lot of class to “borrow” someone’s moniker just to mock that person.

you must be new here.


I’ve been curious about The T.’s claim about black-on-white murder being more prevalent than white-on-black murder, but never really all that interested to look into it until tonight. I decided to pair off the FBI’s crime stats against the Census data to get some per-capita murder rates; since the white and black populations in the US aren’t equal, murder rates per N people might be more worth knowing.

The FBI says there were 934 black-on-white murders and 337 white-on-black murders in 2005; the Census’ American Community Survey says there were about 215,333,394 white people and 34,962,569 black people, give or take about 100,000 for whites and 41,000 for blacks.

Black-on-white: 934 / 215,333,394 * 1,000,000 = 4.3 black-on-white murders per 1,000,000 whites

White-on-black: 337 / 34,962,569 * 1,000,000 = 9.6 white-on-black murders per 1,000,000 blacks

It looks like a black person is more likely to be murdered by a white person than vice versa (though the probability is still pretty vanishingly small).

Truth Before Dishonor

Ahh, Cerberus, I am so enjoying my time as the target of ad hominem attacks. I haven’t had this much fun listening to attack-dog lies aimed at me in a long time.


Shorter new troll:

We may wish your hideous leper people eliminated, but at least we respect proper decorum and standards and don’t resort to the common actions of base ruffians. What ho!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Oh, lipstick, I can guarantee you that is a lie.

Go fuck yourself. I’ve been banned on about 20 conservative blogs because I dared to give those idiots a taste of reality.

But fuck yourself GENTLY, ok? I’m a Liberal, after all.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ahh, but lipstick, I don’t resort to profanity when I get angry. Must be that “higher standard” thingie. 😉


attack-dog lies
ad hominem attacks
I am so enjoying my time
me in a long time

the target I aimed at
my time
a long time


I guess conservatives have higher standards than liberals, yes?

Well, yes. That follows naturally from their higher level of political acumen.

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, that was shorter for what? It seemed rather long-ish.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

What do you republican trolls think about the fact that Karl Rove thinks you’re a bunch of uneducated tools?


God damnitt, I’m so wired because of all the laughter.

New troll, you’ve got to tell me where you picked up the idea that saying ad hominem demonstrates how gosh-darn smart you are, because I hate to tell you it really doesn’t mean what you think it means.

In brief, there is a wonderful tool on the magic internet machine that includes a magical site where you can read up and gain a basic sphere of knowledge. It has been referenced several times. I suggest you look into the word “sarcasm” and possibly ROFTL and pft, I’m going to shit my pants, this troll is so delightfully proud of his total ignorance.

Oh, Daddy Dobson has dropped out of the anti-gay business, this is truly a day of merriment and joy.


Poll question: which do you think is more likely to be Truth Before Dishonor’s true identity?

(A) George/Acronym’s mom.

(B) The Authentic’s drag persona.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Ahh, but lipstick, I don’t resort to profanity when I get angry. Must be that “higher standard” thingie. 😉

I wasn’t angry and it wasn’t profanity.

Fail troll fails (and is still a proven liar)


New Troll is Aware of all internet traditions.

Tell us about the cats who want to have cheeseburgers but oh noes, they can’t haz cheezburger.


Based on the style, I’m guessing 14-year-old libertarian. Not enough ranting about the master race to be related to Troofus, not enough self-awareness to be out of high school.

Truth Before Dishonor

While I don’t believe in evolution, you folks sure are proof of devolution. Look how quickly you folks devolved into personal, non-substantive attacks instead of debating subject matter. Vous etes tres mal.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Based on the style, I’m guessing 14-year-old libertarian.

Maybe it’s the new 13 star of the republicans who gave a speech at CPAC. Learned everything he knew by listening to Hate-Radio for years. Now THAT is a mentally ill kid.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Sorry, “13-year-old star”. FYWP


Oh, Daddy Dobson has dropped out of the anti-gay business.

He’s no dope. The real profits are in ShamWows.


Based on the style, I’m guessing 14-year-old libertarian.

Eh, I have the guy killfiled so I can’t say for sure, but the easy way to spot that type is a strong tl;dr tendency and an earnest aura of evangelism that says they really believe that Ayn Rand is a prophet, and (more importantly) you’ve never heard this particular point of view before.

They get meaner as they get older, but the ones who’ve just had their Atlas Shrugged cherry popped haven’t yet realized the ugliness of the philosophy and why people react accordingly.

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, contrary to most people, I wish I were fourteen again sometimes. I would be more true to Christ the second time around.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

While I don’t believe in evolution, you folks sure are proof of devolution

If you leave RIGHT NOW we promise we won’t devolve any more.



While I don’t believe in evolution,

And you’re bitching about people in the “Democrat Party” being uneducated?

How old is the universe? Did man co-exist with dinosaurs?


While I don’t believe in evolution, you folks sure are proof of devolution. Look how quickly you folks devolved into personal, non-substantive attacks instead of debating subject matter. Vous etes tres mal.

Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


While I don’t believe in evolution, you folks sure are proof of devolution.



Vous etes tres mal.

Mi tia es enfermo pero el camino es verde.


We are devo!


While I don’t believe in evolution, you folks sure are proof of devolution.

I’ll bite – what’s “devolution” (and is it in the Bible)?


I would be more true to Christ the second time around.

Don’t sweat it; He was fucking around on you behind your back.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

How old is the universe? Did man co-exist with dinosaurs?

You won’t get an answer. I’m still waiting for an answer to my question on their thoughts about the fact that Karl Rove thinks they’re uneducated fools.


I think it’s confirmed that it’s the 13-year-old. No one else whines that hard when everyone isn’t centering themselves around them and treating their intrusive and stupid topic of debate as the real subject and one worthy of proper respect. Well, maybe Paris Hilton or George W. Bush, but I’m not entirely convinced either really left their early teens.

I’d say younger, but the desperate need to use terms they don’t get smacks of the brat who realizes that he needs a new vocabulary to seem like he merits attention in the adult conversations at and when he deems it crucial to join in as the sole and only topic.



non-substantive debating devolved

I don’t believe
I don’t believe

tres mal.tres mal.tres mal.


Jesus loves the little children.

Truth Before Dishonor

I’ll bite – what’s “devolution” (and is it in the Bible)?

It’s in the Book Of Devo, Chapter 2, verse 3.

Truth Before Dishonor

Devolution is when a bunch of people leave subject matter to make personal attacks against someone with whom the bunch of people (bananas, comes to mind) disagree. Such as you folks.


Jesus loves the little children.



yeah, 13.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Devolution is when a bunch of people leave subject matter to make personal attacks against someone with whom the bunch of people (bananas, comes to mind) disagree. Such as you folks.

OK, no more attacks.

What do you think of the fact that Karl Rove thinks you are an uneducated idiot?


Cerberus, contrary to most people, I wish I were fourteen again sometimes. I would be more true to Christ the second time around.

Now that has to be a parody troll.

Truth Before Dishonor

Hey, Cerberus, how can I whinge about nobody paying attention to me when everyone is paying attention to me instead of debating the topic with me? Oh, and just in case you missed it, there’s that nuance thingie.


So our new troll really is the new pinup boy of CPAC, the fourth Jonas Brother (Bonus Jonas!)

Like the disease he shares a name with, young Mr. Krohn made me shit myself with laughter.


Now that has to be a parody troll.

Or me!

Truth Before Dishonor

I suppose my 31 composite ACT in 1983 and my academic scholarship would suggest I’m not quite as unintelligent as some people choose to believe.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Like the disease he shares a name with, young Mr. Krohn made me shit myself with laughter.

That joke went polyp in the toilet bowl.


…debating the topic
what was the topic again?


This is almost as good as the curved penis guy.


Devolution is when a bunch of people leave subject matter to make personal attacks against someone with whom the bunch of people (bananas, comes to mind) disagree.

So what’s it called when one person makes a personal attack (like dismissively calling a group of people “bananas”) at the same time that person is supposedly decrying personal attacks?


But but but MY topic, MINE. If not, you’re all mean attacky people and poopyheads. Why won’t you argue MY topic? Mommy! The internets is mean.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Same formula, pal, but thanks for trying to do Teh Math. I think you liberals are really better off at the soft “sciences”, mmmkay.

Big, BIG fail on the math. You can’t just throw orders of magnitude around and come to the same conclusion.

Your statistics skillzz are just as nasty as your racism is.

Truth Before Dishonor

Roxy, that would be called running out of cheeks to be slapped, or “turn-about is fair play,” take your pick. 😉


…elementary stats

well, maybe arithmetic

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, you can’t honestly think I’m whinging, can you?


So what’s it called when one person makes a personal attack (like dismissively calling a group of people “bananas”) at the same time that person is supposedly decrying personal attacks?

Contemporary conservative ethics!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Hey Lies And Dishonor, Authentic, Troofy, George, and the rest of the trolls:

What do you think of the fact that Karl Rove thinks you’re all a bunch of uneducated monkeys?


Wow, that was creepy. Just when I compared him to curved penis guy, he started with curved penis guy’s creepy “flirting”. Coincidence? Or is it all a mirage from the space brains of conservatopia?!?


..running out of cheeks to be slapped

it’s the “turn the other cheek until you run out” passage (look it up)


I suppose my 31 composite ACT in 1983 and my academic scholarship would suggest I’m not quite as unintelligent as some people choose to believe.

Yeah but how old’s your Canadian girlfriend?


Troll is a very very slow troll.

Maybe it’s a fetus. Pre-sentient.


Just noticed, your academic “scholarship”, eh?

Yep, definitely a teen.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Maybe it’s a fetus. Pre-sentient.

More likely younger than that, as in “wadded up kleenex” young.

Truth Before Dishonor

Lipstick, if you scroll up, you will find a possible answer that doesn’t quite fit your “when did you quit beating your children” type question. Then again, you might not find it since your IQ only approaches triple digits.

(Am I getting that liberal snark thing right?)


(Am I getting that liberal snark thing right?)



Rush’s sperm! I knew it! It truly is holy and it’s homoculii do not need the weakness in the female vessel to come to fruition.

Truth Before Dishonor

Stryx, that was a great movie. And, other than the profanity, I identified with the one you are identifying me with. Just sayin’.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Lipstick, if you scroll up, you will find a possible answer that doesn’t quite fit your “when did you quit beating your children” type question. Then again, you might not find it since your IQ only approaches triple digits.

My little scroller thingie doesn’t work, and besides that, I’m a devolved Liberal. So why don’t you repeat, or just cut-n-paste, your feelings about the fact that Karl Rove thinks Republicans are a bunch of uneducated chimpanzees.

Grover Norquist & John Fund

Now, now, young Master Krohn, it’s way past your bedtime! And lucky you! You get the nice warm spot between the two of us!


Let us all be kind. Humour is hard for those gifted with the space brains of Greater Wingnuttia. How else could they see through the Satanic lies of the Evolution Industry or the cabal of Jewish bankers that run everything.

Hands within hands. Who has time for comedy with so many conspiracies to fight? We’d understand if we shared the burdens unfairly placed on the space brained. Luckily his Canadian girlfriend is there to comfort him.


Oh Christ. Two trolls feeding one another. Time to go to bed.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Once again, for the benefit of the trolls, here is what Karl Rove thinks about Republican voters:

“The tax cuts will make the economy grow. As people do better, they start voting like Republicans – unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.” – Karl Rove, New Yorker magazine, Feb 19/26 2001 (combined issue), page 78, interview.

That nasty Liberal Karl Rove called you Republicans a bunch of uneducated rubes! Doesn’t that make you Republican uneducated rubes ANGRY?


Not convinced? Try this on. Let’s say there were 1 million white people in a city, and 10 blacks. Let’s say 3 of the blacks got their jollies murdering whites, and 1 of the whites does.

Ooooo, I love these kinds of questions. So let’s say that 2 of the black men get on a train (let’s call it Train A) that’s leaving City B at 1 p.m. and 1 of the black men and the white guy board a train (let’s call it Train C) that’s leaving City D at 1:30 p.m. City D and City B are approximately 837 miles apart. Meanwhile, Train E is on a path that will intersect the route from City B and City D precisely ten minutes after Train A and Train C have passed one another on the tracks.

Given the above facts, consider the following question: Do you think that the if there really was a city that had 1 million white people and 10 blacks, Trolly McTrollster would be on the first train there? You may write your answer in the space below:


Truth Before Dishonor

Aww, lipstick, I’m sorry I assumed you were smarter than you are. It won’t happen again. I hope your little helmet doesn’t fall off your head when you get on the short bus.


Ok, wrap it up people, I believe Roxy has won the thread. She may now dispose of it as she sees fit.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Aww, lipstick, I’m sorry I assumed you were smarter than you are. It won’t happen again. I hope your little helmet doesn’t fall off your head when you get on the short bus.

Hey, I don’t care. I’m not the one that Karl Rove is calling an uneducated monkey.

The people he was referring to are Republicans.


Ya, but where we gonna go!!!


blockquote>Given the above facts, consider the following question: Do you think that the if there really was a city that had 1 million white people and 10 blacks, Trolly McTrollster would be on the first train there? You may write your answer in the space below:

Oooh! Ooooh! Let me guess!

The city used to have 150,000 black folk but the Klan lynched all but the 10 who work in the country club’s kitchen.

Truth Before Dishonor

Awww, so soon? And mommy just said I could stay up a couple more hours to play with my little friends.

(allusion to another movie for stryx to find)


I’m sorry I assumed you were smarter than you are.
..and we’re sorry we made you think so hard. Have a cookie.


Don’t forget that great quote from Andrew Card where he states as a matter of fact that the white house loved right wing bloggers because you could rely on them to repeat “exactly what you tell them.”

Truth Before Dishonor

Thanks, but I don’t eat cookies anymore. Side Effects, you know.



You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Don’t forget that great quote from Andrew Card where he states as a matter of fact that the white house loved right wing bloggers because you could rely on them to repeat “exactly what you tell them.”

I’ll have to search for that one. Sounds good. Re that theme, the trolls must think they are smart because the convicted narcotics addict who has an AM radio show keeps telling them that they’re smart.


And mommy just said
Awww, so soon?

I could stay up
to play with my little
to play with my little
to play with my little


my little
Awww, so soon


And don’t forget John DiIulio, Bush’s first director of faith-based initiatives, who said the Bushies routinely referred to their fundamentalist base as a bunch of kooks and nuts.


Back on subject for a second, as of Jan 30,

28% of Americans approve of Rush Limbaugh. 45% disapprove.

That 28% includes the 60% of Republicans who approve of him.

Meanwhile conservatives are holding a conference where they try and figure out how to win back the trust of the American public, where they will give an award and keynote address to…Rush Limbaugh.

What colour are the unicorn ponies in conservative-land?

Truth Before Dishonor

Surgery to correct approaching deafness, scrips for pain, addiction to scrips, yeah that’s a problem. What about having a room-mate who runs a homosexual prostitution ring from the house? Nope, that’s not a problem. Next?


Deafness is a common side-effect of oxycontin abuse. Next?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

And don’t forget John DiIulio, Bush’s first director of faith-based initiatives, who said the Bushies routinely referred to their fundamentalist base as a bunch of kooks and nuts.

A theme emerges from this accumulated wisdom. It could be succinctly stated as:

“Republican Voters are uneducated buffoons and tools”

The beauty part, of course, is that it is those nasty Liberals Karl Rove, Andrew Card, and John Dilulio who make that j’accuse.


But a great percentage of uninformed vote Democrat …

Surgery to correct approaching deafness, scrips for pain, addiction to scrips, yeah that’s a problem. What about having a room-mate who runs a homosexual prostitution ring from the house? Nope, that’s not a problem. Next?



What about having a room-mate who runs a homosexual prostitution ring from the house?

George Bush and Karl Rove weren’t room-mates, liar.


Meanwhile, Train E is on a path that will intersect the route from City B and City D precisely ten minutes after Train A and Train C have passed one another on the tracks.

These wouldn’t happen to be magnetic levitation trains, would they?

Truth Before Dishonor

7 pc of Americans listen to Rush
28 pc of Americans approve of Rush
45 pc of Americans disapprove of Rush

It seems a high percentage of people who don’t listen have formed an opinion. How did they form an informed opinion? What a quandry.


7 pc of Americans listen to Rush
28 pc of Americans approve of Rush
45 pc of Americans disapprove of Rush

Oh no! It’s the pc police!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Surgery to correct approaching deafness, scrips for pain, addiction to scrips, yeah that’s a problem. What about having a room-mate who runs a homosexual prostitution ring from the house? Nope, that’s not a problem. Next?

Actually, not next. In one case it is the drug addict himself breaking the law, in the other case it is a roommate whom you have no control over.

Why do those space brain conservatives make such 2nd grade logic blunders? Maybe those nasty Liberals Rove, Card, and Dilulio were right.


What a quandry.

It’s easy to find – right next to the laundry


Should I tell him about the magic of the internet machine or do you want to break it to him first? Be gentle, his giant space brain is causing oxycontin deafness.

Engelbert Humperdinck

“Tell me when will you be mine?
Tell me quandry, quandry, quandry…”


What about having a room-mate who runs a homosexual prostitution ring from the house?

No, thank you. It’s a generous offer, but I’m afraid my house would be overrun with Republican Congressmen and we’re fresh out of slings.

The Authentic Three

You libs can’t stand the facts I post! Like these:

1) negroes are bad, very very bad.
2) actually #1 is the only fact I know

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Republican Congressmen and we’re fresh out of slings.

As long as you have a supply of fresh diapers and/or wetsuits, the Republican congressmen won’t mind.

Truth Before Dishonor

Come on, Wyatt, you can come up with a better personal-type attack than that. That is third-rate compared to your comrades.


2) actually #1 is the only fact I know

(and I’m a bit iffy on that one}


Truth seems to think that this is where the best and brightest of liberalism come together to have very serious conversations about serious things.

If you fart on him, he will turn the other cheek. If you scream at him, he holds up a mirror. He will continue his sit-in at the lunch counter of liberal indifference until the scales fall from our eyes, and we understand the plight of white christian men in this country.

Very Ghandi of you, Troofie. Any day now we will move past the laughing stage. Also, POOP.


Wait, personal attack…

How many gay johns come to your flat?

Or are you saying you, yourself are a gay john Republican congressman?

Finally, are you Eric Cantor?

Jeff Gannon, ace reporter

No, I did not run a gay prostitution ring from the White House, where I spent many overnighters during the Bush administration according to Secret Service records.

Truth Before Dishonor

Hey, go to Wake Up Black America and tell him he hates blacks because he’s a conservative.

That hasty generalization about conservatives hating blacks is common among some anti-conservative circles.


Well, he’d go to the one of dem dere academic summits, but he can’t get his mom to drive him. Plus they turn you gay with homo beams and rob you of the space brain you need to unravel the nigra conspiracy.


That hasty generalization about conservatives hating blacks is common among some anti-conservative circles.

Well, how could we have made that egregious error! Is our face red!!!

Not-Joe the Not-a-Plumber

No, I did not run a gay prostitution ring from the White House, where I spent many overnighters during the Bush administration according to Secret Service records.

And I am Jeff Gannon/James Guckert’s stunt double.

Don’t be mean — the poor old whore is over 50 and can barely get it up anymore.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

That hasty generalization about conservatives hating blacks is common among some anti-conservative circles.

We should introduce you to troofy.

I claim dibs on the ringside seat for the Conservative Cannibalism which will follow this epic meeting.

BTW, Lies And DIshonor, did you know that those nasty Liberals Rove, Card, and Dilulio think you’re an uneducated tool?

Truth Before Dishonor

Actually, it is a bit humorous to hear people calling me a racist, considering my heritage.


Come on, Wyatt, you can come up with a better personal-type attack than that. That is third-rate compared to your comrades.

Oh, believe me, when and if I decide to strike at someone with a personal-type attack, that person stays personally-typedly attack-ished.


Actually, it is a bit humorous to hear people calling me a racist, considering my heritage.

Being related to Michael Steele, Alan Keyes or Juan Williams doesn’t count.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Actually, it is a bit humorous to hear people calling me a racist, considering my heritage.

Try telling that to troofy.

BTW, you still haven’t answered my quesion. What do you think of those obnoxious Liberals who think you’re an uneducated monkey?

A bunch of chickens

We support Colonel Sanders!



We’ve got a 1/16th cherokee here.
Hint: No one genuinely of a non-white race refers to it as their heritage. Even if it’s mutt.


I have nothing against niggers; I just wouldn’t want to marry one.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Being related to Michael Steele, Alan Keyes or Juan Williams doesn’t count.

These guys never get their hands shook at GOP functions and still can’t figure out why.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ahh, and snyg isn’t being racist at all. What about the former OK congressman Watts? Or Lynn Swann? Since you don’t like an ambassador, do you like a member of SCOTUS? Or are they all race traitors? And what about those latin-american members of GWB’s cabinet? Do they count?


I am a simple Democratic voter. However, I am willing to change if someone could provide any of the following:

1) An anecdote about a black person being mean
2) An example of a black person who thinks that other black people are stupid for not voting Republican
3) Statistics that suggest that people who do not like Rush Limbaugh do not regularly tune into his program.

Truth, do you know of a newsletter that I might subsribe to?


people calling me a racist

my heritage
my heritage



You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Lies And Dishonor sure follows the troll code: Keep asking questions, never answer any.

This is how 2nd graders have to deal with the world, which kind of explains why republicans are considered uneducated fools by nasty Liberals.


Wow, all of my posts have been deleted.

You are probably lying, either that or you are too stupid to deal with WordPress.


TBD, look up the word “kapo” re: concentration camps. Some cowards will do anything, even turn on their own, if they think they’ll get preferential treatment from those in power.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

You are probably lying

I call “probably definitely whining”.


That’s impossible, the space brain surely can solve the mystery that belies FYWP.

Hell, I bet wordpress is like an easily shattered Matrix to the space brains of Conservatism. Only through focus can they see the patterns of blacks and Jews that plot behind the wordpress format.


Truth Before Dishonor

Pedestrian, while you’re being an attack-dog and your 1 and 2 are over the top stupid, your 3 was written incorrectly.

One of your friends already said 45 pc of Americans don’t like Rush.
There are 300 million living in the US.
Rush has roughly 20 million listeners.
That means roughly 7 pc listen to Rush.
Since 45 pc is greater than 7 pc, that means people who do not regularly tune into Rush’s program don’t like Rush.

Furthermore, I strongly believe you will find many commenters here who do not like Rush and do not listen regularly.

So you’re “provide any of the following” test has been blown out of the water.



Pumps fist!
[crash] collapses.


This is how 2nd graders have to deal with the world, which kind of explains why republicans are considered uneducated fools by nasty Liberals.

Not to mention their fellow Republicans.

Say, what DO Republicans think of their fellow Republicans who consider them to be a bunch of easily-fooled, uneducated monkeys? Somebody really ought to be asking them that question.

Truth Before Dishonor

So, snyg, you are indeed calling any non-white people who vote Republican race-traitors? How tolerant of you.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I don’t know why conservatives hang on every word of a convicted narcotics addict.

It’s almost as if they’re uneducated tools or something. I heard that opinion of republicans from three nasty Liberals.

A bunch of chickens

We have freedom of choice: original recipe or extra crispy!


that means people who do not regularly tune into Rush’s program don’t like Rush.

Oh, hey, man, that’s a harsh assumption.


Again, I introduce you to the magic of the internet machine. With this magical device, you don’t need to actually go to all the trouble of being a regular listener to magically access many choice, context-laden segments of his program.

You also seem sketchy on the concept that people may have at one time tried Rush, listened to him, or even tried him regularly before deciding to cease listening, because his sacred sperm burned their evil faggotty hearts.

Again, I contend that conservatives seem fundamentally unable to comprehend that liberals don’t have specific authority figures they worship and believe unconditionally. There’s a reason why most don’t listen religiously. It’s because you can get more than enough (with context) in a ten-minute bite and you can then listen to the wealth of other voices and even look up facts on your own like a thinking person.

Your teachers at school talk about this troll when you’re not yelling at them about how evolution is proof of the devil.


So, snyg, you are indeed calling any non-white people who vote Republican race-traitors?

In the current political climate? Unequivocally, yes.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Hugo Chavez has a weekly radio address. I’m going to guess that maybe 0.1% of American conservatives hear that show.

Yet 99.9% of American conservatives hate Hugo Chavez.

This is central to my point.

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, please go back and look at the parameters I was provided. Once you’re done with that, put the goal posts back where you found them before you hurt your back, mmkay?


Listen to me talk about my own children some time. I hate their guts. Why do they have to be so damn black?


Get to know me!

If you know me, you’ll love me! Why won’t you get to know me? You are making me very sad. Look, here’s a picture of some pretty kittens!



Was there any doubt that Truth Before Dishonor is The Authentic? Ban this lying asshole now, please.


So, snyg, you are indeed calling any non-white people who vote Republican race-traitors? How tolerant of you.

Lets make a deal. If conservatives stop telling George Soros how he should spend his God-given speech-money in the free market of ideas, we will stop talking about which party non-white people should not vote for.

Truth Before Dishonor

snyg, you really need to calm down a bit. That vein in your head is pulsating a bit overmuch. Anyone with access will know I haven’t posted here before today. Really, calm down, mmkay?


I think some posts from Monsieur T about my calculations got lost along the way somewhere, but I can pick out the pieces from replies; I was mostly just trying to normalize the figures since otherwise it’s comparing apples and oranges.

The number of black murderers is disproportionate, but (1) the rate at which they commit interracial crimes is actually disproportionate in the opposite direction compared to white murderers; (2) the number of interracial murders is small compared to intraracial murders, and (3) black people are disproportionately the victim of murder, as well. There’s a problem here, but it’s not Racial Holy War.


You do realize that the words you used don’t mean what you want them to mean, don’t you?

Listen kid, growing up will be a fraught time, you may even meet a black person or a homosexual or a black homosexual. She might even be a lesbian like Wanda Sykes. The point is, at that time, they won’t be impressed that you’re straining to sound intelligent, they’ll actually expect you to use words as if they mean something. They may even mock you when you interrupt their talking to each other to ask them to focus entirely on you and your issues.

You’ll need to be prepared, otherwise, they’ll reveal the truth. That all minority groups are secretly zombies who’ll eat your space brain and then you’ll no longer be able to work the internet machine to find your precious porn.

I guess what I’m saying is stay in school.

Truth Before Dishonor

Cerberus, I would thank you for your considerate advice if you ever gave me any. I’d rather give you some advice. There’s this thing called google. Learn what it is and learn how to use it, mmkay? Then, maybe, just maybe, you might not be so confused about my age. Or, don’t. Let me enjoy your false superiority complex.


Is it Muffin Holy War instead? Because I don’t want to cross a Blueberry Muffin in a dark alley.

Actually, I’ve always found the amount of fear white people have of intruding “black” spaces rather ironic as most generally don’t care whereas a black person in a universally white area has a lot more to fear. It’s very similar really to the weird primordial fear straight men have of gay bars as if the gay patrons will somehow turn and devour them.


The Truth, The Authentic, Truth Before Dishonor and whoever else you may be, we’re only here to provide you with your jollies. It’s what we live for. If you’ve had your fun, we’re satisfied, gratified, and happy to be of service.

But you’re not fooling anyone except yourself.


I’ve nothing to add here, but there’s a hell of a lot I wish I could subtract.


Using google, I will find the secret age of the nym “Truth Before Dishonor”…which will totally come back with your posts first.

You really are at war with words aren’t you? What did words do? Kill your dog? Poison your fish?

Point to the doll where the words touched you.

Truth Before Dishonor

snyg, whether you believe I’ve been here before or not won’t make my hamburger taste any different.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ahh, someone found my sub-standard blog. There ya go. 😉

Truth Before Dishonor

And you really need to upgrade your firefox.


Is it Muffin Holy War instead?



won’t make my hamburger taste any different.

For the sake of all that’s holy, please do not let him begin talking about “special sauce.”


I think when the troll starts talking aloud to the invisible people in his head, we’ve mined the last of the humour potential.

That’s some serious self-obsessed delusion there.


snyg, whether you believe I’ve been here before or not won’t make my hamburger taste any different.

You’re right. They’ll always taste of “shame” and “fail.”


Well, Rush’s homonculii children had to be stored somewhere, after all.

Truth Before Dishonor

Whoever it is from Norvell, MI, running an Apple OS X with FireFox 2.0 found my blog because I told you folks there was a thing called google. 😉


I fucking hate clicking over, cause you learn shit you just can’t unknow:

When I was in high school, I could be counted on to interject a Christian perspective into the secular debate of the high school curriculum. I did it all the time. I remember one particular incident. As I was leaving Geology class, something caught my ear so I stood in the doorway of the classroom to listen. A girl had gone to the teacher to ask him a question of great interest to me. “What does he do? Read the Bible every day or something!?” The question, and its delivery was so full of attitude it was easy to understand. The girl was shocked and amazed and disgusted by the fact someone would actually read the Bible in the first place, let alone read it regularly.

Now I readily admit I did not read the Bible every day then and I read it even less now, but her derisive attitude still stood. And it was that very derisive attitude toward those who read the Bible regularly in general and me in specific that caused my week-long emotional reaction.


Whoever it is from Norvell, MI, running an Apple OS X with FireFox 2.0 found my blog because I told you folks there was a thing called google. 😉

Wow, you’re sooooooooo brilliant and awesome and scary. Practically a Bond villain.


Of course they did.

Tell me, when you talk about the need for rain, do the storm clouds gather in?

Is the bunny talking to you all the time or only when you look at those pictures?

These are very important questions.

Truth Before Dishonor

Ok, you guys win. I am going to bed.


Whoever it is from Norvell, MI, running an Apple OS X with FireFox 2.0 found my blog because I told you folks there was a thing called google. 😉

Oh my god, Mr. Dishonor, you must get out of that house! The call is coming from upstairs!


Ah, never mind.

Truth Before Dishonor

Stryx just proved it, Cerberus. He’s the one on an Apple OS X, running FireFox 2.0


Whoever it is from Norvell, MI, running an Apple OS X with FireFox 2.0

That comes awful close to the one actual ban-able offense around here.

Your info is wrong (surprisingly) but you don’t know that.


You do realize you made his paranoia about the mushroom people fluoridating his toothpaste like fifteen times worse by tracking him down, right?


And it was that very derisive attitude toward those who read the Bible regularly in general and me in specific that caused my week-long emotional reaction.

Uncontrollable weeping? Hives? Compulsive masturbation? Spontaneous combustion?

Truth Before Dishonor

Stryx, you know that feedjit application you saw on the side of my blog? It’s readily available to everyone and free to use. That is where I got the information.

Arrival or Departure Country Browser OS Website Long description Current time: 02:30:02 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
[United States]
Norvell, Michigan arrived from on “Truth Before Dishonor: Nobody Asked Burris For Money Or Did They?” by searching for Truth Before Dishonor.
02:08:04 — 22 minutes ago
end copy/paste


Fun facts from history (As interpreted by the AP.):

One year ago: President George W. Bush told a White House news conference the country was not recession-bound; Democratic candidate Barack Obama said the economy was “on the brink of a recession” and blamed economic policies espoused by Bush and Republican presidential contender John McCain.

Truth Before Dishonor

That didn’t show it all, anyone can see the os and browser used


Now that I know the troll is “more to be pitied than censured,” I bid you all goodnight.

Truth Before Dishonor

If you want to learn my reaction, you’ll need to find out from stryx or find my entry and read it for yourself. Oh, the agony. Whatever will you do? /sarc




Ok, g’night.


That place is a toxic mine of issues.

I’m beshitted. It’s like I accidently saw The Heinous Gasbag naked.

Truth Before Dishonor

Thanks for the five-star reference, stryx.


attention troll wants attention

Troof Before Honor


pedestrian said,

February 28, 2009 at 9:56

attention troll wants attention

No I don’t!


Huh? I thought the GOP was RUSH’S mascot…


This bloated corpse of a thread needs to be laid to rest in the cold, damp ground.


It appears blogs can have stalkers. Damn shame.

Truth Before Dishonor

It’s not that you touched a nerve, it’s that nature abhors a vacuum… and you are the definition of suck.

You are boring and no one wants to read your attention whoring.


Authentic complained:

Checking in here, I note that the editors have deleted all of my comments…

Excellent! Thanks, eds!


In particular, I’m sure that Alec is pretty darn embarrassed that I called out his innumeracy.

(1) I’m not Alec. I’m someone else that’s agreed with him about providing an easily kill-file-able pseudonym when arguing with Viewers Like You.

(2) Heh, “innumeracy”. Sure, bub.


I cannot for the life of me understand why wingnuts insist that President Obama is a socialist or some Robin Hood when he plainly isn’t.


Reviews are in. The Tea Party Revolution was an “unqualified” success”
Bradley Ems is such a rebel.

And Bradley Ems emails from St. Louis: “I don’t know if you’ve gotten any pictures from St. Louis (I’m too swamped at work to have attended), but KMOX just reported that the tea party here was expected to draw a small group of 50…over 1,000 showed up. There is something brwing in the heartland.”

bold emphasis mine; misspellings & bad grammar Bradley’s,


Dear oh dear oh dear.

See, this is what happens when trolls are fed.

I’ve been guilty of it myself, lord knows we all fail our tests.

But if you’d just leave them alone, they’d surely wind up blowing their heads apart cleaning their guns with the safety off or choking to death on the latest cheez-flavored fried corn snack food atrocity while frothing like rabid wildebeests, desperately panting and slobbering for the attention of humans.

For they grow fat on your attention (and pork rinds) and dwindle into insignificant madness when faced with the truth that their insane yammerings are so easily discarded that intelligent people can converse intelligently while ignoring the nonsensical gibberings of foulmouthed malcontent wingtards like themselves.

Fuck ’em all off and let them pray to their god for revenge and redemption, then watch with glee as the the nonexistent void denies them even the tiniest shred of vengeance or validation, which they themselves know could never possibly be granted due to their colossal unworthiness and general fuckuppery.

Then, and only then, will you have achieved victory.



Wow, I’m hyperventilating.”

What is that thing? A Goldwing with knobbies??


700+ comments? OK, who mentioned 9-11 or the Gold Standard??


9-11 was caused by Zombie William Jennings Bryan.

Rusty Shackleford

WTF happened here last night?


That’s so cute. St. Louis was far and away the big success story with about 400:,0,1816861.story

Elsewhere the teabaggers were lucky to get a few dozen. Pittsburgh cancelled due to rain and Texas was deflated by a rib cook-off.

It looks like Obama snuck way too much money into the stimulus for re-education camps, aka “volcano monitoring.”


Well for one thing the point of the post is to take on the leader of the conservative movement, it isn’t surprising it drew a disproportionate amount of trolling effort.

Rush is shortly going to be a wedge issue. That has to have struck a nerve.


Anyway, the question is:

Rush- cut or uncut?

I dare you to contemplate it.

Truth Before Dishonor

My favorite part is how Republics get all butthurt when you mention that their ideological godfather is a freakin’ heroin junkie…

Utilizing traditional Conservative arguing techniques of asserting falsehoods as premise in the question, you can witness their hearts breaking as they have to correct you that Tush is, in fact, hooked on HILLBILLY heroin.

Sometimes you get lucky, and they just whine about you being unable to forgive and forget.


There goes my lunch.


9-11 was caused by Zombie William Jennings Bryan.

Now why would you say that when you know that 9-11 was orchestrated by Ron Paul as the first step in his master plan for a foreskin-backed currency?


Innumeracy is an ignorance of mathematics and the scientific approach.

Hi! Thanks for quoting the dictionary at me! I was, indeed, not doubting the fact that such a word exists, but in fact, that you think I’m innumerate (and that I’m Alec and actor212 simultaneously).

So are you a scientist? Maybe a mechanical engineer? I’m still curious about why you have such a screechy baby response to all things academic yet primp and preen like you’re Mr. Escher Godel Bach, Jr.


Now why would you say that when you know that 9-11 was orchestrated by Ron Paul as the first step in his master plan for a foreskin-backed currency?

Overstimulation of this economy will lead to rapid inflation, wild swings near the peak, and a long, slow deflationary period.

Rusty Shackleford

This “Truth Before Dishonor” clown rattling around in my killfile – is he The Truth with yet another new nym?


Now why would you say that when you know that 9-11 was orchestrated by Ron Paul as the first step in his master plan for a foreskin-backed currency?

Zombie WJB has more influence than is widely known. He’s worshipped as a slow, lurching, decaying god by both the Illuminati and the Masons.


742 comments of tiresome bullshit. Trolls wins again with the help of brave denizens of sadly no…


742 comments of tiresome bullshit. Troll wins again with the help of brave denizens of sadly no…


WTF happened here last night?

The idiots took over.


On the plus side, I now owe ACORN $7,546.00.


On the plus side, I now owe ACORN $725.00.


Fuckin’ WordPress.


Yay! MzNicky has paid my ACORN salary for a whole year!


I think it must be that I’m really touching a nerve, and that my exposure of your liberal hypocrisy is too much for you.

No, I think it’s because it’s so much fun to make you whine.


Jennifer: They’re only paying you $725.00 a year?! Oh dear. (Keyboard got a little carried away with that first comment.)

Rusty Shackleford

If it’s okay with you guys I’m gonna donate my troll money to my favorite group, the ACLU, instead. (Even though they came to Rush Limbaugh’s aid.)


MzNicky – I’m only going to be doing 4 – 6 days per month for them.

The same day I got the ACORN offer, I got 3 other offers. Two of which paid as much or more than I had been making. The one I accepted will require me to work weekends with my days off during the week, and since ACORN had really been looking more for someone to work part-time, and they’re working on some stuff I really want to work on, I offered to do 4 – 6 days per month, and they jumped on it.

But, still, thanks for paying my salary! I’m going to be helping them get small businesses owners organized behind health care reform.

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

Seeing how everyone has once more decided to feed the obsessive delusions of someone genuinely mentally ill, let me just repeat once more one of my most accurate predictions;

It is not going to happen, liberals. Your echo chamber is reverberating now with your shouts of victory before you’ve won a single state. I almost feel badly for you, because when McCain wins, your astonishment will be overwhelming. I say “almost” because your ideology is nasty, anti-free speech, and absolutist, and every decent person will sigh in relief when it goes down to defeat once more.

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


The title of this post just gave me the mental image of Rush in Malkin’s cheerleader outfit, frantically waving a set of pompoms & attempting gymnastic gyrations a la the Dallas Cheerleaders.

Thanks a LOT.

(*gulps down own vomit*)


Jennifer: Awesome. Congratulations — and if Sadly whack-a-troll contributions to ACORN help pay your salary that’s just double-plus good.

Rusty Shackleford: ACLU is awesome. The reason they must exist is so that jackasses like Rash Phlegmball can depend upon them too. That conservatards don’t get this speaks volumes. I also think we should set up a rotating list of organizations, to include NAACP, NOW, NARAL — whatever makes trolls stamp their feet and hold their breath til they turn blue. I would say “makes them GO AWAY” but I’m afraid that with S,N’s tolerance level the trolls, like the poor, will always be with us.


(*gulps down own vomit*)

You’ll enjoy it much more if you sip it.

Rusty Shackleford

ACLU is awesome. The reason they must exist is so that jackasses like Rash Phlegmball can depend upon them too.

Exactly. But try to explain this to a wingnut and watch his/her head explode. They can’t fathom that the Bill of Rights doesn’t just protect their personal biases.



The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

I have so far kept to my agreement with Gavin to use only “The Authentic Moniker”

In other words, after realizing just how much extra work I’d have to put into trying to hurt people here now my appalling behaviour had finally gotten me banned, I begged and pleaded Gavin to let me continue to post because I was too obsessively addicted to just stop being an asshole… I HAD to say whatever it took to let me back onto these threads!

(although it is very cute that you liberals are seeing me everywhere – in truth I have never posted as much as you think)

In other words, yes it’s been me most of the time; It’s quite clear I suffer from a serious compulsive illness… but every now and then, you state the odd post or two is me when it’s not… and this I’ll cling onto as justification for my prejudice and hate for you. Even though I don’t DARE tell anyone just how much time I waste on this in real life… you don’t know exactly how much I waste here either, and this is the greatest victory in my life

In return, my posts are being deleted – so we’ll see how long this agreement holds up

This one’s a doozy; because I suffer from a Napoleon complex too, I genuinely think that because I feel like I’m smart, I must be the smartest person here in fact. And so I make a claim that Gavin supposedly agreed to allow me to be a collosal asshole as long as I do it under one name… and you, not being as smart apparently as me, are going to believe this was the case. Thus when I start losing control and spazzing out again, I’m setting myself up to claim it’s all Gavin’s fault instead. But YOU are the ones that are sick, not me!

At least it has already lasted longer than the liberal pledge to devote their meager academic paychecks to anti-white causes

This statement makes no sense, as no one so far has really said they aren’t going to do it, and I also don’t have any idea what income you have, but because I’ve insulted you, I feel better about myself, so it makes as much sense as I am capable of feeling!

Alec 2, your guess as to my occupation is not terribly off base (not dead on accurate though) but why is it relevant?

Or… I’m allowed to make insinuations about you, your income, and what it says about you, but when you make a good guess at just how pathetic I am… that’s not relevant to anything!

I’ve presented plenty of facts….

What I mean is, I’ve done none of these things, but just obsessively repeated “Jena Jena Jena” constantly, no matter what the topic is; I then ignore any criticism of my claims, and wonder why people call me a racist fuckwit.

craven, lying hypocrites you liberals are.

Although when I openly admit that I’ve used multiple user names to try and avoid responsibility or being remembered for the craven, hypocritical and racists mentally ill fool that I am, that’s perfectly acceptable.

Ah, I see the next thread looks interesting. See you there – bring your checkbooks!

But I won’t read it, I’ll just post my usual racial obsessions again… I’m not sick though, so don’t claim that I am!


SomeNYGuy said,
February 28, 2009 at 5:05

The story so far:

Troofus is some kind of “academic” who was passed over for a job he/she wanted. The job was given to a person of color.

This disappointment unhinged Troofus to such a degree that he/she can do little but troll this blog with repetitive, smug, factually questionable boilerplate.

The funny part is, Troofus assumes that he/she was passed over due to affirmative action/anti-white racism. Could that be the only possible reason? It certainly couldn’t be because he/she can’t conceal his/her virulent racism long enough to get through a job interview, or is socially maladroit/maladjusted, or a raving loony, or obtained his/her academic credentials by accumulating breakfast cereal boxtops, or perhaps even has two heads and a prehensile tail?

Try Bob Jones University, Troofus. They’ll love you, and I hear they need someone to hose down the outhouse.

Some years ago I was on a search committee at a university which shall remain nameless, for a position that I won’t specify. We got an application package that looked fairly good: terminal degree from a good school, some teaching and administrative experience, some OK publications. But the cover letter started, “I would like to apply for the position in …. at …. University, assuming that the successful candidate hasn’t been preselected and that a straight white male will actually be considered for the position.”


No no no no no no!! Troofus does probably have an employment history connected with academia, but it’s not as a faculty member. He is probably someone who has been in charge of something like……coding parking lot key-cards. Or working in the print shop. Or in the purchasing bureaucracy.

And he probably got into some kind of dispute with a faculty member about some kind of bureaucratic bullshit like what time of day the faculty member could pick up his key-card from the parking office. Or whether a particular purchasing request was authorized. And he lost.

And his co-worker in the parking, purchasing, or print office happens to be a person of color who gets along with everyone.

So that’s why he’s the way he is.


Some years ago I was on a search committee at a university which shall remain nameless, for a position that I won’t specify. We got an application package that looked fairly good: terminal degree from a good school, some teaching and administrative experience, some OK publications. But the cover letter started, “I would like to apply for the position in …. at …. University, assuming that the successful candidate hasn’t been preselected and that a straight white male will actually be considered for the position.”

That’s a sad but terrific story.

I suspect Troofus’ modus operandi is simpler — like scribbling “NIGGER! NIGGER! NIGGER!” all over his application in brown eyebrow pencil.


St. Jesus II said,
February 28, 2009 at 18:33

So are you a scientist? Maybe a mechanical engineer?

The Authentic said,
February 28, 2009 at 20:46

Alec 2, your guess as to my occupation is not terribly off base

I’ve got it!

Troofus (who majored in Mad Science) is the inventor of a skin-lightening cream for self-hating non-white people! His virulent racism is purely a business decision to drum up demand for the product.

The genius of capitalism triumphs again!

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

And these ignorant conservatard cocksuckers have the nerve to insist that liberals have fucked up the USA… just look at what Bush did, Troofus, you fucking idiot!

Both retired FBI officials asserted that the Bush administration was thoroughly briefed on the mortgage fraud crisis and its potential to cascade out of control with devastating financial consequences, but made the decision not to give back to the FBI the agents it needed to address the probl


I would be more true to Christ the second time around.

Don’t sweat it; He was fucking around on you behind your back.

This made me laugh until tears squirted out of my eyes.


That makes me very happy, Candy.


I’ve presented plenty of facts, proven through statistical analysis that blacks exhibit far more hatred and violence towards white people than vice versa, and all you can do is hand wave.

Troofie, are you suggesting that all crime is a hate crime?

“Hate” is a thought. Are you suggesting thought crimes should now be prosecuted?

I figured as much…fascist.


I’m still waiting for the post where Troofie proves that blacks are a gazillion more times likely to attack a white person than a minority, and point to how that excludes Hispanics.


(comments are closed)