Teabag: The Dampening

It’s the New American Tea Party, comin’ at ya with more new Republican ideas.

A visual representation of TARP and a warning against being lame.

This was sent in by Joe Tex Dozier. Hilarity.

Interesting. They have discovered fail pictures, and have succeeded in posting them haphazardly and in rude sequence, but it seems they have not yet mastered the technology to add the word FAIL to them.

We can help with this.

Well then, we certainly seem fixed here.

…Wait, no, it’s not the guy. You’re supposed to scroll down to a series of photos under the ones of the guy. The ones of wrecker trucks that originated like at Fark.com in like 1997.


But in other sadder news, Pittsburgh cancelled their event tomorrow? Why?


Look, maybe you are afraid of water. But just so you know, over 200 years ago when the real Tea Party happened, a bunch of really pale ethnically British colonists dressed up like Indians and threw the King’s tea into the harbor. They could have died.

Maybe that’s how you people act up in Pittsburgh. But down in Washington, we roll differently. We might have a drizzle, or it could be a deluge. We’re going right ahead with this, because there ain’t no party like a Washington tea party, because a Washington tea party don’t stop. Even for rain.

A Washington tea party.

A dirty Sanchez don’t stop for rain neither, if you know what I’m saying and I think you do.

Mah homey Mr. Sanchez gonna be up late tonight, dawg.


Comments: 172


Maybe that’s how you people act up in Pittsburgh. But down in Washington, we roll differently.

Indeed. Although those of us who grew up in Pittsburgh could already have told you that Pittsburgh is far less douchey than Washington.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

The ones of wrecker trucks that originated like at Fark.com in like 1997.

Not to mention that it’s a big photoshop. The second, or third, or whatever, wrecker never fell into the water.


This is like the old joke…

“Baby, I’ll move heaven and earth to see you, and walk thru fire for your kisses.

See you tomorrow, if it don’t rain.”


What’s this? What could it be used for?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Maybe that’s how you people act up in Pittsburgh. But down in Washington, we roll differently

More of those Beltway insiders dissing the Heartland. Why do those repig elitists who suck at the gov’t tit in DC think they are better than Real Americans?


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ratfarts! This just went up as I was posting on an older thread:

David said,
February 26, 2009 at 12:24
I’m sure Larry Craig has some ideas for Tea Room parties.

Tea hee hee! If (channeling concern troll Glenn Beck), hypothetically, one had a (strictly hypothetical here) rat-fucking disposition, one could place an ad on Craigslist characterizing these events as free tea dances.


because there ain’t no party like a Washington tea party, because a Washington tea party don’t stop.

All skeet, skeet, goddamn!


Most Republicans I’ve known would feel more at home at High Tea on FIre Island. All you have to do is stand and model or sip and twirl (I know, too intellectually stressful for the likes of Gay Patriot.)


because a Washington tea party don’t stop

I said a hip, hop, a hippity to the hippity hip hip hop
You don’t stop a party cuz, um, bippity boppity boo….


Shorter Tea Party:



You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

The Anti-Tea Party Facebook group is up

I just joined youse guys, but I show up as “John Smith”. I figured that since Facebook was on its way out that I would use this anonymous Mayflower patriot name.


Next up: Rick-rolling, LOLcats and such hot catchphrases as “Talk to the hand”.


What a surprise, the whole idea is plagiarised from someone else.

threw the King’s tea into the harbor
Is the blogger really this ignorant of actual history, or just pretending to be ignorant for satirical effect?


Sam Adams would have been fine, Repig.


I gotta admit though, this youtube of Obama’s speech to Congress was pretty damn funny.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What a surprise, the whole idea is plagiarised from someone else.

How long before the circular firing squad forms?

I imagine a slow-mo, John Woo-esque scene with shotguns blazing, teabags fluttering in the air…


“A dirty Sanchez don’t stop for rain neither, if you know what I’m saying and I think you do.

Much funnier would have been “a Cleveland Steamer don’t stop for rain…”

Just sayin’.


Wikipedia thoughtfully informs me about the history of movements that spring up as gestures of popular support after a group of leading citizens have acted in some way to benefit themselves:

Many colonists, in Boston and elsewhere in the country, pledged to abstain from tea drinking as a protest, turning instead to “liberty tea” (made from raspberry leaves), other herbal infusions, and coffee. This social protest movement away from tea drinking, however, was not long-lived.

“Liberty tea”. IT IS TO LAUGH.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“Liberty tea”. IT IS TO LAUGH.

Not as fonny as teh “Freedom Fries”.

Oh, and Smut, I have totally bogarted your “GLUTTONS!!!” meme.


Those sexually repressed wrongwhingers, what’s with them? This public obsession with teabagging is unnerving.


I just joined the group, too. Do I get a toaster oven?

Also–Teabag: The Dampening is one of the funniest post titles ever.

I once suggested that we should protest our lack of national health care by throwing douchebags into the some large body of water near DC and titled the post Summer’s Evening on the Potomac.

But I like this title much better. Ha!


Wouldn’t Summer’s Eve ring truer, Brit?


This public obsession with teabagging is unnerving.

It’s the closest they come to getting hot sex.


What a surprise, the whole idea is plagiarised from someone else.

Boy now don’t they look like fun group of swell people you’d like over for dinner.


Seriously, folks. Someone should covertly troll them and suggest that “Teabaggers for FREEDOM!!” is much more concise, marketable and off the hook than the clanky “New American Tea Party”, which conjures up images of little girly-girls in fancy frocks and pinafores playing with their dollies.


I still don’t really understand it. These are right wingers, yes? Showing their affection for an act of protest AGAINST tax cuts, and de-regulation of the international markets?

I thought the American right wing never saw a tax cut it didn’t like? Or are tea taxes somehow different?

Or do they wax nostalgic for the Boston tea party because of the racist attitude implicit in committing crimes dressed up as native Americans, or because they feel some kind of ideological kinship with the smugglers who became so rich?

This Washington tea party they propose is even more ridiculous. If you are going to have a tea party on the white house lawn, it should involve the actual drinking of tea, shouldn’t it? I suppose the cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off are optional, but isn’t drinking tea integral to the concept? What they are proposing is even more barbaric than adding sugar.

I suppose the Right wing feels it is running out of ways to be a public embarrassment. I hope they go ahead with it. We could all use a good laugh.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Boy now don’t they look like fun group of swell people you’d like over for dinner.

I’d bet a Long Island Tea that the mofos will still harp on Biden’s attribution failure in future.


Don’t they realize tea is for pansies? Real men drink coffee.


What I don’t understand about this “tea party” is, why does this Santorelli, or whatever his name is, think anyone gives a flying shit if he and his pals dump “housing derivatives” or whatever into Lake Michigan? They can throw themselves into Lake Michigan for all I care.


I just wrote the phrase ‘tea bag skeet shooting’, then realized this is a great way to describe a night at a full service male strip club.


I have totally bogarted your “GLUTTONS!!!” meme.
If you love a meme, set it free.


I suppose the Right wing feels it is running out of ways to be a public embarrassment. I hope they go ahead with it. We could all use a good laugh.

Don’t they realize tea is for pansies? Real men drink coffee.

I’m really looking forward to the photoshops of these tools showing them protesting in fancy frocks and pinafores.


actor212, I thought about that; I opted for using a suggestion–“Evening”–as opposed to the direct product name, because this was 2006 and it was, like, my second or third ever blog post, and I was nervous about causing unrest. (Yeah, I know.)

Also, it turned the word “evening” into a double-entendre: Evening as in the noun referring to the time of day, and Summer’s Evening as a verb, meaning, say, “to throw douchebags as public protest”.


It’s all so fay–what with the “Twittering” and “Tea Partying,” and such as.

I am laughing.


Someone should covertly troll them and suggest that “Teabaggers for FREEDOM!!” is much more concise, marketable and off the hook

YES! Someone should do this. (Someone who isn’t English, though. That much, they’ll see through.)


And yes, “Teabag: The Dampening” may in fact be the funniest title EVAR.


Don’t they realize tea is for pansies? Real men drink coffee Beer.



I still don’t really understand it. These are right wingers, yes?

Mainly, they are Democrat haters. They are getting right back to the ’90s, “protesting” a Democratic president who’s more fiscally responsible than any Republican president, real or imagined. They are too dumb to even notice when someone is doing basically everything they claim to want, starting with tax cuts for almost everybody.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

What I don’t understand about this “tea party” is, why does this Santorelli, or whatever his name is, think anyone gives a flying shit if he and his pals dump “housing derivatives” or whatever into Lake Michigan? They can throw themselves into Lake Michigan for all I care.

I think that will be the general consensus when these Portfolio Populists take their schtick to the streets.

Hard rain is gonna fall… at least in Pittsburgh.


It’s all so fay

They’ve done away with fay.


Don’t they realize tea is for pansies? Real men drink coffee.

But we smoke tea.


Oh, Jennifer, where’s Goopy when we need him?
If anyone could start up teabaggers for freedom, it’d be Goopy.


Astroturfing at its finest.

Wait, not finest. What’s that other word? Douchbaggyist? Yes, that will do.

Seriously where were they during the past 8 years when deficit was exploding? At least with this round we get roads and schools and energy out of the deal. That last round only got us rubble and an erection for William Kristol.


Internet. Number one in image macros since 1995.


Seriously where were they during the past 8 years when deficit was exploding? At least with this round we get roads and schools and energy out of the deal. That last round only got us rubble and an erection for William Kristol.


If your erection lasts more than seven years, see your doctor.


B⁴, can I help you out a bit here?

Hard rain is gonna fall


This latest deluge of posts from Gavin and HTML (and even Mister Leonard Pierce) is almost too much for me to take in. Also, the comment threads have been funnier and more entertaining than in quite some time. I can’t quite put my finger on why…


Pardon the O/T (and the gloating and the self-promotion) but mine is now THE MOST HELPFUL FAVORABLE REVIEW of Joe the Plunger’s opus dopus on Amazon.com:


I’m kvelling, I tell you … kvelling!


…THE MOST HELPFUL FAVORABLE REVIEW of Joe the Plunger’s opus dopus on Amazon.com:…

And a fine review it is, sir. Well done!


Seriously where were they during the past 8 years when deficit was exploding?
From their weeby sight:

We’re a coalition of citizens and organizations concerned about the recent trend of fiscal recklessness in government. This website is specifically dedicated to the Washington, D.C. effort specifically sponsored by the American Spectator, the Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, the National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Prosperity, and the Young Conservatives Coalition.

I would venture a guess they spent most af that in each other’s rectums. Specifically.


And such as.


Yeah but the previous 8 years of fiscal recklessness in government was for a worthy cause, to help the Jew of Liberal Fascism and to kill Ayrabs. So it was completely different. Also.


Overheard at the republican tea-bagging party:

“Why yes Polly Prissy Pants, you may have some more tea. What’s that? I am the strongest and the coolest? Why thank you!”


from the tea party site:

Liberty-minded people need to show that when the cause is worthy, they *will* rally. Let’s overturn the current wisdom that only activists can organize.


We’ll show you. Inactivists can organize! Nyah-nyah. Also.


The king has said he’s gonna put a tax on tea
And that’s the reason you all Americans drink coffee
Are you going to the party?
Are you going to the Boston Tea Party?


“If you enjoyed sticking it to the liberals by seeing Paul Blart: Mall Cop, be sure to stick it to them and go see this! Ha ha! Stupid liberals.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The New American Muthafuckin’ Iced Tea Party, a coalition of citizens and organizations concerned about the recent trend of fiscal recklessness scary Negroes in government the White House.

I’ll submit my editing invoice to them later.


From Rusty’s link:

two football jocks decide to attend cheerleader camp in order to apply their formidable sexual prowess to the extraordinary female-to-male ratio.

Hang on…football jocks can’t get laid in a normal situation so they have to stack (pun intended) the odds in their favor?

Isn’t this much like shooting fish in a barrel and the fish have been tazed first???

And this is supposed to be a conservative movie?

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica


NO to the big government bail out buffet/tit.

NO to welfare!


NO to welfare!

What? Did you want Joe the Plunger and his motherless children to STARVE TO DEATH?!?!?!


NO to big tits.

Fixed for accuracy.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

This country is rapidly being pushed into two classes.

Those who pay taxes, and those who gorge themselves out of the government trough. BHO and his minions want to push as many of us as possible into the latter category, while milking non-parasitic/productive citizens dry.


Why, oh why did the Right have to claim that movie as their own? I was looking forward to seeing it.


You know, hearing these idiots carp and demand Great Depression 2.0 reminds me of nothing so much as a classic Gary Larson cartoon, idea rendered here in photoshop.


Stupid troll is stupid.


This country is rapidly being pushed into two classes.

Man, you’re about thirty years behind the curve. We’ve been two classes for decades: the haves and the trickled down on.


And this is supposed to be a conservative movie?

Yes, because it’s stupid, but liberals think they’re so smart, BLAR HAR


Jennifer, that should read “untie!”


NO to the big government bail out buffet/tit.

…while milking non-parasitic/productive citizens dry.

Hates tits. Hates milk. Mother issues?


Hates buffets, too. Catering issues.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

What I HATE is parasites leeching off the public treasury.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps! Food stamps OR TAXES pay for! That’s a parasite.


Sure you do. Now go back to class.


Did you tell her to get a job?

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

If I did that she probably would have gotten some lib trial lawyer to prosecute me for “hate speech”.


Hates tits. Hates milk. Mother issues?
Hates buffets, too.

Needs to be invited to more family weddings.

Jennifer, that should read “untie!”
Congratulations, actor212, you have passed the membership test!


Food stamps OR TAXES pay for! That’s a parasite.

No, that’s a paradox, cuz it makes no damned sense.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

I meant OUR TAXES not “or taxes”.


Yup. Mother issues.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

If you want to go on welfare, you should have to agree to sterilization first. Period.

R-eturning A-sshole C-onservative I-s a S-tupid T-roll

If I did that she probably would have gotten some lib trial lawyer to prosecute me for “hate speech”.

If so, would you finally SHUT THE LIVING FUCK UP?

Jesus, I’ve never heard such whining in my life.


Killfile inmate # 283793 actually said some “lib trial lawyer” would “prosecute” him/her for a crime? Is this the same inmate who said that the Constitution “mandates” defense spending?

Hint to inmate # 283793: “lib trial lawyers” and prosecutors are distinct groups.


What I HATE is parasites leeching off the public treasury.

Hey now, Bush was duly elected.


NO to the big government bail out buffet/tit.

…while milking non-parasitic/productive citizens dry.

Hates tits. Hates milk.

When the way what he calls “productive” citizens(rich white guys who get paid millions to do diddly squat) get milked in this country is more like stud milking, the old-fashioned way.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

“Killfile inmate # 283793 actually said some “lib trial lawyer” would “prosecute” him/her for a crime? ”

Sue me. They would sue me for hate speech.


… that old stereotype of the perpetual welfare family disappeared during the Clinton administration, didn’t it?


Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps!


Where was her husband? Did you bother asking? Did you bother asking if any of her kids were disabled? Did you bother asking if she had just lost her job?

Did you bother asking if you were the fath– no, skip that. You seem dickless.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

BHO re-instated it in the porkulus bill. He took away work requirements, now they can stay on it for LIFE!

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

Welfare will be a HUGE issue in 2010.


Don’t you have a job you should be busy with?


If you want to go on welfare troll a liberal blog, you should have to agree to sterilization first. Period.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

“Where was her husband?”

I didn’t see any ring on her finger, and she looked like she was about 23. She chose to be in poverty by having so many kids.


Oh, so you’re such an expert on people that you can judge their situation just by their looks!

I see…so you must be able to heal people form a distance, too, right?

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica


O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

In BHOs America, if you work and are successful your income will be re-distributed from your paycheck to shiftless parasites like the Octo-Mom.


“But down in Washington, we roll differently. We might have a drizzle, or it could be a deluge. We’re going right ahead with this, because there ain’t no party like a Washington tea party, because a Washington tea party don’t stop. Even for rain.”

As long as it’s not a half inch of snow, ’cause that’ll shut Washington down for a week.


Sue me Laugh. They would sue laugh their arses off at me for hate speech my colossal ignorance.



Is it possible her husband got fired from his last job and was, you know, working two part time jobs at minimum wage to pay for the family that your party gladly supports as the American ideal?

After all, six kids, no abortions…


Maybe she had to pawn her ring so she could scrape enough to help pay the rent.

Or maybe all those kids overwhelmed you and gave you a wedgie.

The possibilities are ENDLESS!

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

BTW, whats up with the race card? I said she was WHITE.

Biggeted libs always play the race card first.


Gee, troll, I’ll be subject to Obama’s tax increase and I sure don’t mind paying my fair share.

So tell me, how are you spending your $250,000 income this year?


Damn it, why don’t the strikethrough tags work?


Actor, another troll recently tried to equate government-run programs with mediocrity. He hasn’t worked where my husband has, that’s for damned sure.

I asked mr opie_jeanne about who the most productive people in his department were and the least, and then about their political affiliations. He thought about it for a while, he doesn’t know how everyone votes, but he did say that the loudest liberals were the most productive people he works with or has working for him, and the loudest righties were the closest to mediocrity. He has one employee who fits this description, and while the guy isn’t a total wash he’s not above a C+ employee.

And before tollio starts something, mr opie_jeanne has worked in both the public and private sector, and trollio should thank his lucky stars he has someone like mr opie_jeanne working for the gubmint.


Don’t use the [ ] Darth, use regular HTML.


Opie, I was just wondering how much better our troll would feel if abortion had been available to the woman he saw today.

O-ne B-ig A-wful M-istake A-merica

You can have as many kids if you want, but the minute you take a govt check, sterilization.


I’m using : Check.


That poor woman.

Geez, another online group I play with just had this discussion sans troll, and we talked about how the system still strips them of all resources before it will help them. Got a car worth more than X? Got any money in your kids’ college funds? Get rid of all of that stuff that might help you land a new job, reliable car, the money to buy clothes and shoes for that interview, etc.

My sister just lost her job, two kids in college, a car payment, etc. She’ll be fine but not everyone is as lucky.


Ah, well, no big deal.


… you guys are talking about an “ignore” button kind of thing? Can you ‘splain it all to me?


To my using brackets, opie_jeanne, not to your sister. I’m really sorry about her having to go through that.


It works like this, Darth

Without the spaces…


This message is being done between shift+comma, s, shift+full stop and shift+comma, /, s, shift+full stop, without the commas or spaces.

Let’s see how it turns out.


Hey, trollie? What would you say if she went on welfare, got sterilized, got off welfare, started working and sued because the government forced her to stop having kids?

And oh by the way, sterilization? That’s something totalitarian states like China insist on.


“strike”, darth, not “s”, but that should work


See, it likes it when I do italics!


Darth, I knew what you were talking about.

No worries.


Jennifer, that should read “untie!”

Congratulations, actor212, you have passed the membership test!

ummm, it does read “untie”. But it’s upside down so it causes backwards dyslexia.


Got it.

Check. Check check.



Thanks, actor! I’ve been using FB too long…


Backwards dyslexia. I get that a lot.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In BHOs America, if you work and are successful your income will be re-distributed from your paycheck to shiftless parasites like the Octo-Mom.

I don’t know why this meatbag is complaining. He never seems to lack spare time for trolling.

If you want to troll a liberal blog, you should have to agree to sterilization first. Period.

The sterilization procedure would be a waste of resources, the odds that this gomer will ever reproduce are close to nil.


I think maybe I’ll start a blog. It’s not like we have enough of them or anything.


What the world really needs is more of me!


… you guys are talking about an “ignore” button kind of thing? Can you ’splain it all to me?
Offer is only valid for users of the FIrefox browser, which allows you plug in a feature called Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey in turn will automagically edit the appearance of given websites. So you install the Killfile or the Pie script — and Bingo, you have tuned out the shoddy wobblers and the shouting wallies.


How He Did It: A Diagrammatic Analysis of the Obama Campaign
By Paul Shlichta

“All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia.” —George Orwell.

The audacity and speed with which Obama railroaded the stimulus bill through Congress took Republicans by surprise. It shouldn’t have; it was a logical extension of his campaign tactics.

Like the spear-carrying soldiers of Ethiopia, overwhelmed by Mussolini’s tanks and poison gas in 1936, the Republicans simply don’t know what hit them in last year’s election. Some felt that they had conducted an old-fashioned 20th century campaign while Obama mounted the first truly information-age 21st century political blitzkrieg. Others blame the blatant media bias, the race issue, or the unprecedented scale of fund raising and spending.

The first month of Obama’s regime has provoked a similar bewilderment. A dazed Congress hastily authorized a huge document, filled with hidden booby traps like RAT, that none of them had actually read, let alone comprehended. Republicans are now cowering in corners, wondering what atrocity will come next

Anyone hoping to launch a successful counterattack must first analyze Obama’s campaign and assess the factors that contributed to its success. To assist in such efforts, I have constructed a block diagram [1] of the post-nomination campaign’s components, interactions, and successive stages [2]. A study of this diagram will, I think, reveal interactions that are too complex to be sorted out and comprehended from a verbal description alone.

The Diagram

Obama diagram

The diagram is colored according to the phases of the campaign, which, like a military campaign, can be divided into the resources provided by the terrain, available forces and weapons, strategy and tactics, and objectives to be taken [3].

The resources, which Obama, or any other black liberal candidate, had to start with, were:

* voter dissatisfaction with the prolonged war and the economy, which the Democrats had for years redirected and focused on George Bush,
* the decades-long liberal domination of our education system and the consequent liberalization of the last two generations of the voting public,
* the consequent liberal bias of the media, with regard to both journalists and entertainers,
* traditional liberal guilt about racism,
* the racially polarized outlook of the US black community and its radical leaders; an asset which any black candidate could count upon,
* liberal special interest groups, such as the gay rights and abortion lobbies, and especially the financial, strategic, and organizational support of George Soros and the numerous political action organizations he controls, such as Acorn and MoveOn, and
* experience and contacts with corrupt political machines such as (in Obama’s case) the Daley organization in Chicago.

The forces and weapons that Obama had at his disposal, both from his personal attributes and from his access to the above resources, included:

* his own personality and image as a young talented black liberal,
* his consequent value to the media as a “hot” newsworthy topic,
* his consequent personal attractiveness to the liberal elite in politics, journalism, entertainment, and finance; in particular, his suitability for backing by George Soros, who may well have been the eminence grise of Obama’s campaign-the “man behind the curtain”, as he has often been characterized,
* this popularity, in conjunction with his persuasive and oratorical skills, gave him the opportunity to raise abundant campaign funds, which in turn caused Democratic party leaders to look favorably upon him,
* the effect of his image {i.e. youth, dramatic appeal, charisma, and assuagement of guilt about racism) in arousing an enthusiasm that his revivalist style of oratory encouraged and amplified,
* for the same reasons, his persona and newsworthiness, which induced journalists to give him favorable media coverage to the point of blatant bias,
* in addition to these external advantages, his experience with the Daley machine and flamboyant Illinois politics, which developed his organizational skills and gave him access to numerous political contacts,
* his natural audacity, as enhanced and trained by these same associations, and
* familiarity with the arts of evasion, deception, and fraud, as learned from the same sources.

Thus armed, Obama, and/or his associates and mentors, employed the following strategy and tactics to exploit these assets:

* aggressive and well organized fund raising and lavish spending at an unprecedented level,
* the extensive use of the Internet for organizing and mobilizing activities,
* an intense effort to attract and utilize young people,
* the development of a grass roots network, based on both enthusiastic youthful recruits and money-bought hardcore organizers such as ACORN, to carry out registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns,
* additional use of the Internet for aggressive purposes by his famous “dogs of war” and by the 527 groups of Soros and others,
* the use of these resources and his media connections to attack and villify Bush and opponents, such as Sarah Palin, while appearing to be personally above such tactics,
* an intensive appearance and speechmaking campaign focusing on emotional and charismatic appeal, publicly centered on vague platitudes while on a more private level making mutually contradictory promises to every special interest group,
* emphasis on terms such as “hope” and “change”, which were veiled allusions to criticisms of Bush and the current regime,
* an unusually drastic post-nomination shift from far left to right of center,
* domination of a docile media, so that issues favorable to Obama were spotlighted while unfavorable issues, such as his lack of experience, faded into the background (the equivalent of the military tactic of seizing the high ground) while Obama’s gaffes, contradictory promises, and questionable associations were effectively obscured or covered up.

Finally, the attainment of the following objectives, or harvesting of votes:

* a massive voter registration campaign aimed exclusively at young, Hispanic, and black voters, thereby changing the Democratic to Republican ratio of the voter registry,
* a corresponding increase in young and black votes,
* the development, by intensive media and 527 group attacks, of a substantial anti-Bush backlash vote,
* the use of biased media coverage to divert centrist swing votes to Obama,
* reliance on tradition and anti-Palin sentiment to keep feminist and traditional Democrat votes within the Obama camp, and
* the use of questionable political forces, such as Acorn and the Daley machine, to allow indiscriminate and unchecked registration of new voters, who often turned out to be illegal aliens or frauds, and reliance on loyal Democratic state and city officials to sanction and abet voting “irregularities”; also the use of street money and other fraudulent tactics.
* Another critical advantage the Obama campaign received was a decisive “October surprise”—a tactic similar to Napoleon’s practice of reserving a hidden force to throw into battle at the most decisive moment. In the present election, the spectacular mortgage-market collapse in October seemed to be a fortuitous coincidence. However, some of us, bearing in mind George Soros’ previous financial coups and the dictum that in politics, there are so such things as coincidences, are wondering what really happened. For the present, however, this item is colored black and its source is marked as unknown.

This diagram is herewith presented as a starting point for further discussion and study. It is by no means complete. Some factors, such as reactions to the Republican campaign and threats to potential McCain donors, have been ignored since they shed little light on Obama’s overall strategy. In other cases, links have been omitted because of the limitation of a static two-dimensional diagram. For example, the links from “audacity” and “Soros” to other elements of the campaign are so numerous that their complete insertion would make the diagram difficult to decipher.

Readers are encouraged to modify the present diagram by adding boxes or links. Further analysis would be greatly facilitated by converting this diagram into a Muckety map, which would enable flexibility of arrangement and the tying of links to references. This might enable the construction and interpretation of a more detailed diagram, such as the one that James Simpson has constructed to show how Obama, in conjunction with his radical associates and Soros’ organizations, has orchestrated a strategy of manufactured crisis.

A Possible Interpretation

Two people can look at the same diagram and come up with different interpretations. I herewith present mine, fully aware that others may legitimately disagree. I seem to see the following major strategic trends:

* 1. The exploitation of dissatisfaction with the Bush administration, as demonized by the Democrats and the media in a seven year long campaign, by a combination of (a) attacks from newspaper-radio-TV journalists and commentators, (b) mockery by TV personalities such as David Letterman, (c) vicious attacks by 527 groups, and (d) more subtly, by Obama’s own emphasis on “change”. This hate campaign was so successful that even Republicans distanced and disassociated themselves from Bush and claimed that they were for “change” too. The similar campaign of hatred and mockery that was launched against Sarah Palin made the venom and brazenness of this tactic even more obvious.
* 2. The skillful double-edged use of the race card by embarrassing white voters into refraining from criticizing Obama, lest they be considered racist, while obscuring and downplaying the obvious (if forgivable) racial bias of the black community.
* 3. The equally skillful “choosing of battles”, i.e. refraining from activities that might do more harm than good. Note that no arrows lead away from the “black vote” resource box. Obama had this asset safely in is back pocket and, aside from intense voter registration, refrained from public activity in that sector. In the same manner, after defeating Hillary, he made no overt attempt to assuage feminist resentment or to publicly counteract the effect of Palin’s nomination. Instead, he kept quiet about feminist issues and counted upon them falling into line by election time.
* 4. The audacity of outrageously outspending his rivals while avoiding the accusation of “buying” the election, or of having been bought
* 5. The audacity of claiming to offer all things to all voting groups and of making numerous mutually contradictory promises, such as the drastic left-to-center shift after his nomination.
* 6. The enlistment of youth for the formation of a grass roots network (now maintained and mobilized by MoveOn) and its use for the massive voter registration that gave the Democrats a new voter advantage.
* 7. The complete domination of media coverage, so as to present voters with a highly biased slant on the issues and to cover up Obama’s numerous gaffes and contradictions.
* 8. The use of misdirection and deception to conceal Obama’s contradictory statements and scandals; also, the apparent use of fraud in registration and balloting and the sanction and cover-up of such frauds by Democratic state and local officials.

Some of these strategies, such as the intensive fundraising, made effective use of TV, the Internet, and other tools of modern information technology. But this is mere technological adaptation. Every one of the above strategies has been used, albeit in a more primitive form, in previous presidential campaigns. Jefferson used most of them against Adams in the notorious campaign of 1800.

To determine what made Obama’s campaign a success, we must look deeper to identify the basic psychological qualities that underlie these strategies. I perceive them to be:

* a finely developed skill in strategy, worthy of a great general [4],
* a tremendous audacity, enabling him to succeed in risky or controversial tactics that his opponents would not dare to attempt [5],
* a stage magician’s skill in misdirection, compelling the public to perceive only what he wishes them to see and ignore what he wishes them to overlook,
* a penchant for evasion and concealment—the very opposite of his much-vaunted desire for “transparency”—often achieved by saying one thing (such deploring “negativity”) while inciting others (such as 527 groups or his “dogs of war”) to do the opposite,
* utter ruthlessness: a willingness to resort to, or at least tolerate, deception and fraud to achieve desired objectives.

These are the qualities that I perceive in the person or persons who planned the Obama campaign, whether it was Obama himself, an associate or mentor, or a combination thereof. However, there can be no doubt that Obama at least assented to the use of the aforementioned strategies and therefore must to some degree possess the qualities that engendered them. Indeed, these qualities virtually define the sort of narcissistic personality that has been attributed to Obama.

If, as I contend, these are the root qualities that created the Obama campaign, then we should expect more of the same from the new Obama administration. For starters, the stimulus Trojan horse is a convincing example.


I don’t know why this meatbag is complaining. He never seems to lack spare time for trolling.

Who guessed he got points toward Hobo Beans with every comment? He’s one of the productive American, soon to be more so when those beans arrive.


Smut, I guess I’m doomed, at least for a while.

And cutty/pasty troll is back.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Smut, the Pie Filter is good, but a filter which changed all troll comments to ph’nglui mglw nafh cthulhu r’lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn
would be even better… imagine, the incoherent litanies of subhuman cultists swapped out for HPL’s most iconic writing…


Shorter scroll-troll:

Obama noticed Bush sucked and pointed it out; Obama won; therefore Obama is an evil, ruthless narcissist, because I cannot wrap my tiny scroll-troll brain around the concept that Bush might actually have sucked.


Every time I read about this tea party thing it makes me think of George Bluth in the attic in Arrested Development. Here’s a synopsis for those who are not familiar:

George Bluth Sr. (Jeffery Tambor) has escaped from prison the first season and is holed up in the family’s model-home attic. Starved for human interaction, George is forced to have tea parties with his grown daughter Lindsay’s old dolls that have been stored up there. It becomes apparent soon that the dolls are beginning to irk George Sr. with their nagging company.

I wish I could find a video excerpt.


a filter which changed all troll comments to ph’nglui mglw nafh cthulhu r’lyeh wgah nagl fhtagn would be even better…

[edits pie-script]
Oh yes, that does look good.


Pie filter. To keep pie out? But I love pie.

And my nickname elsewhere is Pie, because I used to have the sig line “Pie Happens”… because I brought pie to events linked to a forum.


That sounds funny Itchy Brother.

These tea bag people need to get a friggin’ life. I mean, don’t pay your taxes, do the time, be a man about your freaking martyrdom. You will meet some interesting people in prison.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


This is how I picture our resident troll:
huge, formless white polypous thing with luminous eyes


Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps!

You know, I think I know that woman. Her husband was killed in Iraq.

You can thank W. now.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

because I brought pie to events linked to a forum

Tell us of this (how you say?) pie of which you speak.

Ha, from now on, I’m going to refer to Bobby Jindal as Piyush Pie-ish: flaky, with a fruity gooey center, and half-baked.


Ha, from now on, I’m going to refer to Bobby Jindal as Piyush Pie-ish: flaky, with a fruity gooey center, and half-baked.

You do that and you’ll never get another piece of me as long as you live.


That Pie is not me.


I just gave another $10 to ACORN. I hope you’ll all join me.


Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps!

Liar. Unoriginal, shitbag liar at that.


That Pie is not me.

We are all pie. Well, okay, some of us are cobblers.

Tarts are something else entirely.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Tarts are something else entirely.

A life without pie, I can deal with.
A life without tarts, NAY-VURR!


Ah, go pound cake!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Liar. Unoriginal, shitbag liar at that.

All I can think of, reading this, is Debbie Anschluss telling off them baby daddies at the theatre.


Real wingnuts don’t drink tea. Real wingnuts drink urine.


Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps!

You know, they distribute cards now, not stamps. They are indistinguishable from a debit card. And no ring, you say? You must have pushed past that line of kids and gotten close enough to memorize her PIN number.


No pie for you, false Pie. I am the True Pie.


pedestrian, I didn’t know that but it makes sense.

Did you see the article about debit cards issued for unemployment benefits, and the banks are charging a fee to use them?


Did you see the article about debit cards issued for unemployment benefits, and the banks are charging a fee to use them?

Holy shit. I’m going to have to send out for some more yarn.


Real wingnuts don’t drink tea. Real wingnuts drink urine.

Well, that explains the popularity of Mountain Dew.


Did you see the article about debit cards issued for unemployment benefits, and the banks are charging a fee to use them?

Ice cream. I think I bought ice cream last time I was out. Let’s drown our troubles in a big bowl of strawberry… oh, and tequila!


and pie. Don’t forget the pie. mmmm pie.


she was buying groceries with food stamps! Sakes alive!

What do you think they were intended for, ICBMs?


I just gave another $10 to ACORN. I hope you’ll all join me.

Let’s give $10 to ACORN for every comment the troll posts.


“You know, they distribute cards now, not stamps””

No shit, sherlock. So? You’re just into semantics. And I saw it was a govt card.


Copypasta troll self-outed. No Sherlock required.


I’ll tell you what that “po’ whit’ trash” woman should have been buying: TAX CUTS!!!


No Pie for trollio


No pie for Trollio


And I saw it was a govt card.

Do you often stalk women in grocery stores?


Today I was standing in line at the store, and I saw some white trash woman with 6 kids on tow paying for all her groceries with food stamps!

Liar. Unoriginal, shitbag liar at that.

Especially considering that those things can’t pay for ALL the groceries people buy. Some foods are covered, some are not. That may even be one of the reason they use “debit-like” cards rather than the old “food stamps”–less hassle at the check out…


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