Consti what speaking now?

We’ve had a long week. We’re tired. Yet we feel like we should entertain you at least a little. We need someone so nutty we can pretty much phone it in with the mockery. Praise Allah — here comes WND’s Devvy Kidd and her column, Constitutionally Speaking: Those Judging the Judge:

John Roberts should not be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Roberts, a Catholic, who did pro bono work in the landmark Romer v. Evans ruling demonstrates he has bought into the propaganda that sodomites are “born that way” and somehow entitled to special rights.

Ah, those sodomites and their special rights! This is going to be gold, Jerry, gold!

His [Orrin Hatch] support for the destruction of this republic and support of a one-world government cannot be denied: Voted for NAFTA, GATT-WTO and CAFTA. “Free trade” is one of the most important goals of the communists.

And who could dispute Devvy’s PDF link to the 1963 Congressional Record with the list from The Naked Communist.

The single most important truth here, though, is that all 100 senators sit in office under a law that does not exist.

Devvy, is everything alright at home?

The 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never ratified ? an indisputable fact that cannot be denied. It’s most unfortunate that there aren’t enough real men in any of the 50 state legislatures to challenge this fraud.

That is unfortunate.

Those who died birthing this republic must be spinning in their graves.

No kidding.


Comments: 26


“Free trade” is one of the most important goals of the communists.

Ah yes. You know how the American Communist Party just fell all over itself trying to get CAFTA passed.


woo hoo, baby, don’t smoke that. What Skousen is talking about in both those ‘free trade’ links (beware, the first one is a slow loading pdf version of the second) is TRADE WITH COMMIE ROOSHIA, esp ARMS. It was normal to dispute this in them far off 1963 type days.Devvy doesn’t seem to realise that this was the context, or maybe she is hoping the readers won’t use the links.


I’m still trying to figure out how free trade is a Communist goal. I can see why someone with an ultra-nationalist perspective would be OPPOSED to it, but it’s certainly NOT Communistic in any way, shape or form. I personally blame it all on ultra-Marxist David Ricardo and his law of COMMUNISTarative advantage. Wanker.


How the hell am I supposed to deal with this? Surely this author’s grasp of reality has slipped the surly bonds of earth.

Or something like that.


Ricardo? Hmmmm…Brad referring to Ricardo can mean only one thing.

He’s a commie.

Or maybe an economics major.

Or maybe both.

If you start quoting Feuerbach, I’ll know for sure. Who’d have guessed we have a commie in our midst? The horror!


He’s a commie.

Or maybe an economics major.

Try “someone who’s taken two econ. classes and an accounting course.” 🙂


Nice try, commie! I’m onto your game! Next you’ll be quoting Marx’s little known 12th thesis on Feuerbach at us: “Hitherto philosophers have only thought to understand the world; the point is to get it fucked up on really bad, cheap, high proof beer.”

Damn commies.


If you can find a beer that actually uses proof, I’d be impressed. Beer always seems to just use %.


Beer is the opiate of the masses, especially Steel Reserve.


More like the rubber cement of the masses- opium is an awsome high with high cost, whereas rubber cement is a cheap, albeit effective high.


>>Hitherto philosophers have only thought to understand the world; the point is to get it fucked up on really bad, cheap, high proof beer.

Everybody now:

Iiiiiiimmanuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table
David Hume, could outconsume, Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

There’s nothing Nietzche couldn’t teach ye ’bout the raising of the raising of the wrist
Socrates himself was permanently piiiissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, on half a pint of shandy was particularly ill
Plato they say, could stick it away, half a crate of whisky every day
Aristotle Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle, Hobbes was fond of his dram
And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart; “I drink therefore I am.”

Yes Socrates himself is particularly missed
A lovely little thinker but a bugger when he’s pissed.

Ah, good times…


This person sounds like a member of the Sovereign Citizen Movement…hang on, I’ve got a good link on them…

They’re interestingly loopy.


Oh, and fulsome: there are a couple of Czech & Austrian beers that use proof. First one that comes to mind is Eggenberg, whose pint bottles have a proof on them as well as a percentage.


I didn’t know the 17th Amendment was so controversial. I guess it’s a matter of state rights. (The 17th allowed direct voting on senators. I had to look this up.)


Beer is the opiate of the masses, especially Steel Reserve.

Steel Reserve is the masses’ fucking cyanide, actually 🙂


On the 17th-Amendment retardation: Dewy wrote an [url=]earlier column[/url] claiming that the 17th was certified before it had the necessary number of ratifications in the states, and cites “proof [seen] with my own eyes and…documents obtained by Bill Benson” as evidence. Naturally, she’s nice enough not to confuse our pretty heads by telling us what the evidence actually is.


Consti- pationally?


Doesen’t anyone drink plain old hard liquor anymore? Maybe I’m just old fasioned… *sigh*


Doesen’t anyone drink plain old hard liquor anymore? Maybe I’m just old fasioned… *sigh*


Try Bacanora it tastes like smoke and warms like fire. Viva Mexico!


This person sounds like a member of the Sovereign Citizen Movement…hang on, I’ve got a good link on them… link They’re interestingly loopy…Maybe ed, but the ADL are pretty loopy too. Pot kettle black so to say.


Didn’t Alan Keyes come up with the same arguments against voting for senators? While running for senator?
That man’s strategery gets more and more devious every day.


And yet he did once body surf a “rage against the machine” moshpit (keyes). I’m deadly serious here. I can find proof if noone else saw it.


And yet he did once body surf a “rage against the machine” moshpit (keyes). I’m deadly serious here. I can find proof if noone else saw it.


Yes–that’s because Alan Keyes is flippin’ cuh-raaaaaaaaazy! It was a pleasure to get to not vote for him last year.


You can’t take Devvy Kidd seriously. Apart from the fact that she’s published at WND, she’s a fucking lunatic who thinks that, among other things, the 16th Amendment wasn’t properly ratified.


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