Dude… We Get to Kill the Elderly?


Pinellas County probate court judge George W. Greer, the judge who set the stage for the mass killing of the disabled and elderly in the United States as part of the government?s effort to save on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security costs, is the recipient of first annual ?Judicial Tyrant of the Year? award presented by The Empire Journal.

So because we didn’t force a woman whose brain had degenerated into spinal fluid to spend the rest of her life hooked up to a tube, we obviously have to start killing off old folks. It’s the only next logical step. Our only hope to save the elderly now is to privatize Social Security.

?George Greer is the icon of judicial tyranny?, the publishers said. ?There is clear and convincing evidence that George Greer single-handedly did more to dishonor the judiciary of the U.S. than any other judge in the history of the U.S., engaging in a horrific abuse of judicial power, arrogantly thumbing his nose at the Governor, the President, Congress, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and even the Vatican while totally abandoning any trace of ethics?.

And if there’s one entity that American judges should bow before, it’s a foreign religious power. Next thing you know, they’ll be thumbing their noses at the Church of England.

?No elderly person or handicapped person in America is safe today because of George Greer and the band of attorneys who have their tentacles attached to the estates and assets of these vulnerable people through guardianship?, the publishers said in making the announcement of the award. ?George Greer has done more to advance the Culture of Death in America today than any one else this decade and for that, he should be properly recognized?.

I’m sure he’s proud. Were I in his shoes, I’d paint a giant skull-and-crossbones on my robe and legally change my name to something more menacing, like “Judge FEAR, 9th Circuit Justice for the CULTURE OF DEATH!!!” And if some punk-ass attorney dared raise an objection in my courtroom, I’d crush his skull with my steel-spiked gavel and say, “Overruled, BEEEE-YOTCH!!! Culture of Death! What?! What?!”


Comments: 30


Soylent Green is People!


Well, I’m sure there are a number of approaches, but if you’re part of a CULTURE OF DEATH!!!, killing the elderly seems like the least you could do.

I believe that a truly motivated culture of death could widen it?s scope considerably, however. Killing po’ folks through neglect, killing American soldiers in phony wars, killing brown-skinned folks in countries with shitloads of oil; hell, I don’t know, I’m a big picture guy! I got people who can take care of the details.

Jus’ sayin’…


I think we should all be impressed that the Empire Journal (“All Terri, All the Time, Even Though She’s Dead”) chose the judge for this prestigious award. I hope that Renew America will devote as much column space to the World O’Crap “Ultimate Wingnut” awards, because they are just as meaningful, if not more so.


No elderly person or handicapped person in America is safe today because of George Greer and the band of attorneys who have their tentacles attached to the estates and assets of these vulnerable people through guardianship

…that sounds like a line from the world’s worst Call of Cthulhu game.

I fully expect the corpse of Terri Schiavo to be someone’s running mate in 2008.


Dudes. Better get on the Bush-Condi note. Everybody is coming up with one. I feel like a Sadly, No photoshop express is in the works.


Jexter – nicely done.


Aw, shucks…[scuff, scuff, blush]


Goddammit, I’m an attorney and whenever I put my tentacles on someone’s assets, I get hit with a restraining order. Maybe I need to move to Florida.


Sadly, No!: 666th Circuit for the CULTURE OF DEATH!!!


Goddammit, I’m an attorney and whenever I put my tentacles on someone’s assets, I get hit with a restraining order. Maybe I need to move to Florida.

Yeah, it sounds like they have no laws protecting private property down there. Heck, I hear they even let their votes get stolen!

Modern Major-General

“Judge FEAR, 9th Circuit Justice for the CULTURE OF DEATH!!!”

I love you. I want to marry you and bear your children.

On second thought, that would require extensive and untested surgery on my part. Let’s just be friends. It’s not you, it’s me, I swear. Alright, it’s you, but I mean that in the nicest way possible.


MMG: If he goes for that with you after he kept turning me down, I’m going to be extremely bitter.
I may be forced to libel him on bathroom walls or something. “Brad R. Watches ‘Growing Pains’!”


MMG: If he goes for that with you after he kept turning me down, I’m going to be extremely bitter.

Well, if someone propositioned me who wasn’t a dude or a lesbian who didn’t already have a partner (*Nudge, nudge, D. Sidhe ;-)*), MAYBE I’d do something about it 🙂


Brad R., Male Prostitute. “Perhaps you could help me remove my elaborate series of trusses…”


Dammit! That was me channeling 70s Ackroyd.


Brad R., Male Prostitute.

“Prostitute” implies I’d expect payment for it. I don’t think I’m that good.


The Culture of Death is just something for the Gay Agenda-pushing, ACLU-member Death Squad Elitists have. They go see operas and go to museums and shit.

Us regular, everyday, Joe Six-pack Death Squadders are happy to sit back and watch TV. Maybe listen to some bluegrass.

Stupid elitists.


I think I’ve seen some of these Culture of Death attorneys in the manga they sell on J-List.

Modern Major-General

I don’t think I’m that good.

I couldn’t disagree with you more.


I believe that a truly motivated culture of death could widen it?s scope considerably, however.
No kiddin’ this unhooking pre-corpses from their glucose tubes shit is for pussies, easier than stomping on baby bunnies. Anyone who’s ever been to a GWAR concert knows what a culture of death is really about, and even that one’s only psuedo serious… Ahhh I remember it like yesterday.
(Yelling and screaming) ODERUS URUNGUS: What’s that about AIDS? Fuck that I don’t need no test, I KNOW I got AIDS… HERE HAVE SOME AIDS (begins to spray whitish translucent goo from his giant latex cock all over the crowd with pressure enough to put out an oil fire. Note: The goo has an unsettling viscosity almost a perfect imitation of semen.) Ahhhh those were the days.


This snarking is incomplete without showing the picture of the award.

And seriously, Judge Greer did more to dishonor the judiciary than any other US judge in history? Not the Dred Scott judges? Not the “seperate but equal” guys? Not the Bradwell v. Illinois judges? Really? No one?



Aaaah, GWAR… I fondly remember getting sprayed by fake jizz and blood in my early youth…


Well, if someone propositioned me who wasn’t a dude or a lesbian who didn’t already have a partner (*Nudge, nudge, D. Sidhe ;-)*), MAYBE I’d do something about it 🙂

Well, I’m not a dude, and I’m not a lesbian – unless you count that one time at college – so let me know the next time you’re in town……the Steel Reserve’s on me!


So let me see if I’ve got this straight: when judges overturn a law it’s judicial activism and when they don’t, it’s judicial tyranny.


Were I in his shoes, I’d paint a giant skull-and-crossbones on my robe and legally change my name to something more menacing, like “Judge FEAR, 9th Circuit Justice for the CULTURE OF DEATH!!!”

Yeah, Judge Fear is cool, but Judge Fire, Judge Mortis, and Judge Death are no pikers either.


Geeez, Brad, I already said my partner’s cool with it. What do I need, a note?


I never hit on straight guys…

…who are sober. Ah, those Steel Reserves don’t look so good now, do they?


“Next thing you know, they’ll be thumbing their noses at the Church of England.”

They really don’t want to do that. The CofE might excommunicate them. Oh, wait. Well, they’d be very cross, anyway.


(Yelling and screaming)
ODERUS URUNGUS: What’s that about AIDS? Fuck that I don’t need no test, I KNOW I got AIDS… HERE HAVE SOME AIDS (begins to spray whitish translucent goo from his giant latex cock all over the crowd with pressure enough to put out an oil fire. Note: The goo has an unsettling viscosity almost a perfect imitation of semen.)
Ahhhh those were the days.

Ah, they’re still on the road…I’ve been to every show in the Seattle area. True, the goo is getting a bit thin…but I think Dave is doing a pretty good job for someone nearing 40.


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