Deez Wing Niz-utz!

Many thanks to reader Steve for sending us “Gizoogle”, the official ebonics translation webpage. I tested its capabilities by having it translate a Kaye Grogan column. Here is the result:

Send in tha clowns
Kaye Grogan

Well, wizzy . . You gotta check dis shit out yo. . tha three ring circus is `bout ta begin featur’n Judge J-to-tha-izzohn Roberts, n tha Judiciary Committee . They call me tha black folks president. So witout gangsta ado . know what im sayin?: “Send in tha Clowns.”

Start’n wit Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specta, a moderate ta liberal (mostly liberal) Republizzle friznom Pennsylvania ? he is prepared ta dance or should I say “tiptoe” around tha abortion issue by steppin’ U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Trippin’ Jizzy Roberts, if he thinks tha Constitizzles has a “right ta privacy” clause ridin’ in mah double R. Come on now Mr . You’se a flea and I’m the big dogg. Playa jiznust ask Judge Roberts how he feels `bout abortion n be done wit it . Im crazy, you can’t phase me!

Y’know what? I think that actually makes more sense than anything she’s ever written.

Now, let’s put Gizoogle to the ULTIMATE TEST and see if it can handle Pastor Swank:

By J. Griznant Swank, Jr.

Chief Justice William H n shit. Rehnquist M-to-tha-izzust be replaced wit a shot calla of tha unborn fo shizzle. Doggy Stylin’ less is America perpetratin’ playa.

OK, so maybe nothing can make sense of Pastor Swank, but I tried, dammit. And you gotta admit, “J. Griznant Swank” is a pretty catchy nickname.


Comments: 22


That be fly, yo.

Or is that the shiznit?

Look, I’m half-white, all right?…


I for one applaud Justice Roberts’ repeated assertions that he will uphold and enforce the Constitizzles.


But will he get all up S-to-tha-calizzle’s grill on privacizzle?


It really works if you read it with an “Ali G” sort of inflection.


Someone needs to Photoshop Kaye into a backwards cap, huge sunglasses, and an enormous Flava Flav stopwatch.


haha yes, I was reading WND with this, and I thought “Sadly, No! would love this!!” The best one I found was on Agape Press about some GWU Professor getting fired for being too frank in an elective sex-ed course. Absolutely hilarious. I’ll be reading right-wing blogs with this permanently on from now on.

And yes, Kaye makes much more sense now


hizzle, m’nizzle


i can see ms. grogan writing a column exactly like that.


Use of ethnic colloquialisms for comedic effect by the dominant ethnic majority is the modern equivalent of black-face. On the other hand, adoption of the language and grammar styles of minorities gives them power in shaping language, and therefore some control over social constructions. That said, ‘crunk’ is still a pretty sueful word.


Use of ethnic colloquialisms for comedic effect by the dominant ethnic majority is the modern equivalent of black-face. On the other hand, adoption of the language and grammar styles of minorities gives them power in shaping language, and therefore some control over social constructions. That said, ‘crunk’ is still a pretty sueful word.

Yes, yes, I know. Not entirely PC. But really, how can you not laugh looking at that picture of Kaye Grogan next to the words, “Well, wizzy . . You gotta check dis shit out yo. . tha three ring circus is `bout ta begin featur’n Judge J-to-tha-izzohn Roberts, n tha Judiciary Committee.”


Kaye be doin’ a whole lotta finga snappin’.


Use of ethnic colloquialisms for comedic effect by the dominant ethnic majority is the modern equivalent of black-face. On the other hand, adoption of the language and grammar styles of minorities gives them power in shaping language, and therefore some control over social constructions. That said, ‘crunk’ is still a pretty sueful word.

This is crunked up, man.


Selwyn Duke come up good:” … An angry dawg is blind ta truth, coz anga is like darkness. Aint no stoppin’ this shit nigga: tha more there is, tha less you can see … “[Selwyn Duke lives in Westchesta County, New York. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. He is a internet entrepreneur n gangsta whose works have appeared on various sites on tha Internet, like a tru playa’. Selwyn has traveled extensively in his life, visit’n exotic locales such as India, Morocco, n Algeria, n quite a brotha of motherfucka countries.]Gizoogle


Kaye probably just figured out how to run a VCR and
maybe she just rented Steve Martin’s “The Jerk” for the first time.
Bet she has a black keyboard, loves black panties and lipstick, black dress and nylons, and thinks she’s gotten out of the 60s…
Or maybe she’s just a bigotted jerk!


“Use of ethnic colloquialisms for comedic effect by …”

“if the ride is more fly, you must buy. F’shizzle, Iocizzle” -Snoop Dogg

all bets are off, m’nizzle.





” … An angry dawg is blind ta truth, coz anga is like darkness. Aint no stoppin’ this shit nigga: tha more there is, tha less you can see … “

This makes me think of the Tupac poetry book that came out just after he died . . .


Godammit now I’m going to be playing with this all day! So much for working at work.

Kaye Grogan is a freelance crazy ass nigga who lives in Virginia. She writes, produces, n hosts a daily commentary called “Viewpoint” on her local radio station. She has written op-eds n articles fo` tha Daily Republizzles pusha to increase tha peace. She also writes editorials fo` online rappa n local crazy ass nigga.

Kizzle has many published poems, one published book, n has been featured in a popular woman’s national magazine. She is currently ho-slappin’ on two books fo` children.


Godammit now I’m going to be playing with this all day! So much for working at work.

Kaye Grogan is a freelance crazy ass nigga who lives in Virginia. She writes, produces, n hosts a daily commentary called “Viewpoint” on her local radio station. She has written op-eds n articles fo` tha Daily Republizzles pusha to increase tha peace. She also writes editorials fo` online rappa n local crazy ass nigga.

Kizzle has many published poems, one published book, n has been featured in a popular woman’s national magazine. She is currently ho-slappin’ on two books fo` children. works pretty well for this, too.

Senate Kills Bid for Katrina Commission
Senate ta Hillary: Hold frozen flounda by tail
in rizzight hand. Swing frizzom baller. Thwizzay!

St. Rita?s Crime: Wrong People
Maybe a few higha-ups should be in jail, too?

Hurricane Victims Pile Up Credit Card Debt
Historizzle Note: Wizzle blingin’ G.I.s gizzle starv’n
Berlin kids fresh milk, it mizzy tizzle very sizzick

A Generous Response Begins to Slow
One third spent. Red Cross Can’t tizzy how. Huh?


fo shizzle!

I had fun with this a few months ago.


mutant cat, your blog is cool n shit, know what Im sayin


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