God I love FOX News

Glenn Beck discusses what would happen if a bunch of hicks rose up and decided to violently overthrow the evil gubmint:

I just don’t get it.

During Bush’s presidency people like me were called traitors on a fairly regular basis because we didn’t show Bush the proper deference when he’d do some goofy shit like choke on a pretzel. Now we have guys on the teevee that are openly talking about armed insurrection against a democratically elected government and it’s considered the most patriotic and pro-American thing a feller could do with hisself.

This sort of thing doesn’t really offend me because I think most of Beck’s viewers would back down from starting a new civil war once they learned that it would likely lead to Cheeto rationing. But I am amazed at the sheer cognitive dissonance involved in simultaneously believing that it’s treasonous to peacefully oppose an unjustified war but that it’s patriotic to lead an armed insurrection against the government because they want to pay you unemployment benefits. If there’s a weirder political movement than American conservatism, I’ve yet to see it.

Via Glennzilla.


Comments: 125


Shorter FOX News: Failed Socialist Muslim OBAMA Preseident, or FAIL FAIL FAIL Communist OBAMA Prseiendent, oR mark OF the BAEST?!?!

We rant, then decide.

Doctor Missus Marita

I’ll come in OT on another comment thread. Anyone interested in a Boston Sadlyfest in March? Lemme know, ok?


Glenn Beck discusses what would happen if a bunch of hicks rose up and decided to violently overthrow the evil gubmint

The world would find out exactly how WRONG Rush really is…


Oh, get Becked.

I so love that he’s gaining national prominence. Stupid really should be put on public view, don’t you think?


I am still gobsmacked by Jindahl’s speech. Using the Bush Administration response to Katrina to show how Government is Bad?

And, ooooooooh, eeeevil bureaucrats will ruin your healthcare!

Unless it’s your Grandma, I suppose.


And to be OnT:

I think Beck’s ass problem is rearing its head again.


What is so magical about the year 2014? Another idiot on the right mentioned that same year as the Year of Revolution. I thought they wuz gunna take back the gubmint in 2012, so are they planning to overthrow Prez Palin?


Even I think Beck is a tool. He has no talent. And that eye thing he did creeped me the hell out.


If there’s a weirder political movement than American conservatism, I’ve yet to see it.

I was going to say you’d forgotten to include the word serious between ‘weirder’ and ‘political movement’, but then again, modern American conservatism is arguably a parody of itself already…

Doctor Missus Marita, if there is a Boston-area Sadlyfest, I will do my very best to show up for it — hopefully not two hours late, this time.



If there’s a weirder political movement than American conservatism, I’ve yet to see it.

Bobby Jindal cites the incompetence of his own party’s administration during Katrina, and expects America to view it as proof that government doesn’t work.

Also? Someone should tell Jindal that lying about the stimilus plan featuring a Vegas to Disney supertrain doesn’t exactly help his pleas for Americans to trust Republicans.

Weird doesn’t even begin to cover it, though I wholeheartedly agree with the assessment.



During Bush’s presidency people like me were called traitors on a fairly regular basis because we didn’t show Bush the proper deference when he’d do some goofy shit like choke on a pretzel.

[Sigh] How many times do I have to explain this? We’re godless Bible burning mandatory gay abortioning Osama bin Laden fondlers. George W. Bush was anointed by the tiny hand of the Baby Jesus. Of course it was WRONG WRONG WRONG to do anything but bow down before his greatness. Obama on the other hand is the unholy foreign usurping spawn of Bill Ayers, Malcom X and Hanoi Jane Fonda.

Psyche! Those assholes don’t feel truly alive unless they’re squealing about something. Their ultimate goal is a visit from the S.S. They could milk that for years.

In fact, anyone care for a little wager? $50 says that before the middle of next month Beck blow a minor household accident into proof that Obama’s trying to KILL HIM!


Bobby Jindal cites the incompetence of his own party’s administration during Katrina, and expects America to view it as proof that government doesn’t work.

A definition of chutzpah: “A boy, having just been convicted of murdering his parents, begs the judge for leniency because he is an orphan.”


He was talking about the incompetence of the Democrat Governor and Democrat legislature at the time of Katrina.


You go, Bobby! Heh, heh.
Sounds like they wrote his speech a week ago and napped through the President’s actual speech….


Some people like you libruls will never understand that only those who most love the Confederacy and wish it to live again can truly be American patriots.


Mormons are weird people. Like the other end timers, they love to seem rational and seriously whacked out shit.

There’s really no reason beck or any of the other faux news talking anuses should make sense now, they never have. It’s all about what they want and fuck everyone else if they can’t have it. This is no different and make no mistake, these assholes are trying to start something. If you don’t think that somewhere on the big roster of cool shit the gop and faux news would love to see isn’t “militia battle”, you’ve been asleep for a very long time. They’ll talk around but they won’t stop talk about it.

Divide and conquer, it’s all they know.


Bobby Jindal cites the incompetence of his own party’s administration during Katrina, and expects America to view it as proof that government doesn’t work.

I gotta admit — there were times after Katrina that I was sorely tempted to go the Glenn Beck route and move up to a shack in Montana with a bunch of guns.


I’d be totally up for a Boston Sadlyfest, but either that deflation has to really kick in for airline tickets or they’re going to have to make it easier to hop freight trains. Not to mention low couch-crashing rates.

SoCal, AllCal & Left Coast Sadlynaughts in general, maybe sometime this summer we all should organize something, so we can spill our drinks on the troll-feeders. (Or vomit on their shoes, if we’re really having fun, or just can’t hold our cheap liquor.)


That thing here in Iowa to which that crazy man refers has just left everyone here scratching their heads. Local CBS anchor Kevin Coony (a known librul) actually said something like, “You’re kidding!” to the reporter when he was talking about the controversy. As I understand it, it was a planned exercise to train guardsmen who likely would be doing house-to-house searches when deployed to Afghanistan, and the people of the town of Arcadia said, sure, anything to help out the guard! Next thing you know, every screeching talk show wingnut lunatic in the country is whipping up the crackpot brigade to call and write and make incoherent threats anonymously via the t00bz. These people are 100% stone-cold barking nuts!

Fortunately, it seems they’re in a very small although quite VOCAL minority . . .

Watching the six o’clock news on the local CBS afiliate KCCI, it was entertaining to see anchor Kevin Cooney – a known librul – quite obviously flabergasted by the whole thing. He exclaimed something like, “You’re kidding!” at one point. I’ll see if they have the clip up on their site.

Did preview run away from home again?


Jeez, WP disappeared part of my post in the comments box, so I rewrote the part about the KCCI report. To what new depths will WordPress sink?


Didn’t Beck have surgery on his pooper last year that went badly and in response he posted a rambling video on you-tube? Maybe the rectal craniectomy left him with even less of a deck than he’d already been playing with.


Oh nurtz, WereBear got there first. Darn your hide!


As I understand it, it was a planned exercise to train guardsmen who likely would be doing house-to-house searches when deployed to Afghanistan, and the people of the town of Arcadia said, sure, anything to help out the guard! Next thing you know, every screeching talk show wingnut lunatic in the country is whipping up the crackpot brigade to call and write and make incoherent threats anonymously via the t00bz.

Do you have a link or something? I’ve been trying to explain this to someone who isn’t normally a dumbass but who unfortunately comes into contact with dumbasses. I’m trying really hard not to use the word “dumbass” to this person’s face because I don’t want to sleep on the couch.


I’m beginning to think that WP is generating the trolls as well.

Sadly, No!.blogspot.com or bust!!!


Uh-oh, Arky married or co-habits w/ a …
Let me save your relationship.


Sorry, I just recovered from rolling on the floor laughing my ass off watching Bobby “The Exorcist” Jindal blow Obama off the teleprompter. Or something. But wait, it gets even better!

After Jindals ….um,,,,speech, PBS cut to David Brooks looking gobsmacked. You really have to watch it. Bobo is momentarily speechless then says “Holy shit! What a disaster of a speech!” [my paraphrase]

Now that they’re no longer in power, they’re funnier than ever.


I like this one especially. Note the writer’s name.


Agggh, wish I’d a been watchin’ PBS!! (Please don’t revoke my party credentials.)


Thanks M.B.

The city didn’t object, but gun-rights advocates are concerned, sending e-mails and making phone calls.

Uh. Gun rights advocates objecting to soldiers reeks of ammo envy to moi.


I have to hand it to ol’ Steve, he made it through that whole bit about the Heritage Foundation, just like it wasn’t a GOP front, without so much as a TITTER!


Less than two months in and these asshats are already talking insurrection. What are they going to be like after four years? Is there another Tim McV sitting reading Atlas Juggs and watching Glen Beck?


We were watching it on MSNBC, so we got to see both Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews looking gobsmacked, and Rachel said:

“I know I’m paid to talk for a living…. but…. I have nothing to say.”


So when can we expect The Turner Diaries to be sold on Amazon and go mainstream?


Here is the KCCI story Arcadia

Kev didn’t say “You’re kidding” he said, “incredible stuff” but he’s obviously pole-axed.


Also, terribly ugly typical DFH woman whines about NG action in Roseburg, Oregon.

Wherever she lives, I’m moving there.


This talk of insurrection is all a load of crap. What really pisses these people off is Abortion. The want to murder doctors and providers. They want to bomb hospitals and clinics. That’s what this is really about.


Another favorite moment was “The country that won the battle for civil rights.”

Umm, Bobby? That was the other country, not the one you live in. Congrats on your execution of the southern strategy; you must have pissed off every redneck racist in the south. Way to go, d00d!!

But shit, now I can’t decide whether Palin/Jindal or Jindal/Palin will be the the best ticket.

Americans can do ANYTHING!ELEVEN111!1!!

PS – the freepers are having a civil flame war over whether Palin or Jindal is the future of the party.
There is a god.


No I’m not, she is a hippie, & beauty is only bone structure/hair-style deep.


Thanks to both of you. Hopefully this will stop the latest bout of Black Helicopter b.s. because the couch is only good for brief naps.


What really pisses these people off is Abortion.

Some them also sincerely fear the Spanish language.


MB, Roseburg is a not too nasty town not to far from Rogue River survivalist country. I’d recommend you sleep on the idea. Erm,….


For them to pretend the “future” (if…) will not be another white male, maybe a bit younger than McCain or Dole but otherwise interchangable, is just silly.

There may well be a division between the Brooks/Frum urban/suburban white guy w/ a stick up his ass wing of the party & the red state macho, rural, pry my guns outta my hands once you get my pee-pee outta there too, Sexy Sarah, stick shoved up someone else’s ass while they’re dragging him behind their pick-up wing of the party. We can only hope it comes to violence.


oh, the three of them get a little hot under the collar about; “Motorcycle Gangs”, erm… I wonder why….. bit of a fantasy there, boys….


In other news, Michael Steele does the hip hop flip flop.

The rappin steppen back’n?


Naw, turns out the hot blond doesn’t live there & she’s a new age ninny. What’s the Rose-something town near Portland, or am I just confusing the whole “Rose” thing?

But hey, if it’s not too nasty, neither am I.

Glenzilla sums it up well, as far as motivation:

In doing so, they revealed themselves as motivated by no ideological principles or political values of any kind. It was a purely tribalistic movement motivated by fear of losing its cultural and demographic supremacy.


The really funny thing is that Arcadia is in the rock-ribbedheaded Republican part of the state, hardly a bastion of surrender monkey gubmint appeasers.

It’s a mad, mad world in Conservativeland, all right. Heh indeed.

oh, the three of them get a little hot under the collar about; “Motorcycle Gangs”, erm… I wonder why….. bit of a fantasy there, boys….

Yeah, I noticed that too.


Well, when they talk about ‘Motorcycle Gangs” then they can plausibly deny the racialist fears of anarchic brown hordes. “See, we said sickle guys. Big mean white people on meth scare us too, as well as everybody else.”


“God I Love the Smell of FOX News in the Morning?”


Boy that’s was uplifting show, eh?
Thought the Fox News talking heads complaining like just 10 minutes ago that Obama was being too negative about the economy.
Maybe Obama should consult with Beck on how to be the life of the party.


DrMizzuz- I could probably be convinced to come up for one, but I’ll be away the 18th to the 27th next month.

Back on topic, it’s called watching bullies freak out. Nerdo-bama said something they didn’t understand, but they do recognize everyone else is laughing at them now because of it, and it’s inspiring homicidal rage in some of them.


Glenn Beck is going to have a hard time finding a tie to match his straitjacket.


Damn, I missed the speech because I was at – get this – another job interview. Unbelievable – 2 months and I come up with nuthin’, then 4 offers in one day. The one from this evening is the one I’m going to accept.

So, anyone know where I can find the speech online? And I’d love links to the asshats’ commentary too.


Speaking of the Apocalypse — Billy Crystal is back punditing.



Good for you, Jennifer!

Now if my youngest brother could only do the same thing. He’s 18 years younger than me (You’re what, Mom? Pregnant?!? Ewwwww!), a great guy, sports writer, who got laid off in January after 13 years with the local fish wrapper. He’s married, with two kids, and his wife’s an elementary school teacher, so they’re in a world of hurt right now. If you could send some of your surplus good fortune his way, the karmic world would smile on you.

Again, congratulations on your new job!


Owww. Billy Kristol, not Crystal. Totally different. They’re both funny but in very very different ways.


Sorry. I’m bad. it’s the douchey Kristol – not the guy who used to be in Soap.


William Kristol’s political punditry is almost as distinguished as his military service.


Billy Kristol (Crystal?):

The only particular place mentioned by Obama, in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan, was Israel: “To seek progress toward a secure and lasting peace between Israel and her neighbors, we have appointed an envoy to sustain our effort.” The Israeli-Arab dispute and its envoy merits a mention. Yet Iran and its nuclear program does not?

Maybe I was wrong. Could that have been written by someone other than a comedian? Surely there’s a ton of archival stuff where Kristol (Crystal?) slams Obama for even saying he’d talk to Iran?

Can Kristol possibly be unaware of transuranic density? I’m serious, I always thought he was just a shitbox tonguejacking lackey but I figured he knew he was a cheap whore. Is it possible, can it be he’s really that fucking stoopid™?


fuckity fuck
“of HIS transuranic…”

WP is a poo munching scabrophile


From MyDD, full text of David Brooks’s reaction to Jindal’s response:

JIM LEHRER: Now that, of course, was Gov. Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, making the Republican response. David, how well do you think he did?

DAVID BROOKS: Uh, not so well. You know, I think Bobby Jindal is a very promising politician, and I oppose the stimulus because I thought it was poorly drafted. But to come up at this moment in history with a stale “government is the problem,” “we can’t trust the federal government” – it’s just a disaster for the Republican Party. The country is in a panic right now. They may not like the way the Democrats have passed the stimulus bill, but that idea that we’re just gonna – that government is going to have no role, the federal government has no role in this, that – In a moment when only the federal government is actually big enough to do stuff, to just ignore all that and just say “government is the problem, corruption, earmarks, wasteful spending,” it’s just a form of nihilism. It’s just not where the country is, it’s not where the future of the country is. There’s an intra-Republican debate. Some people say the Republican Party lost its way because they got too moderate. Some people say they got too weird or too conservative. He thinks they got too moderate, and so he’s making that case. I think it’s insane, and I just think it’s a disaster for the party. I just think it’s unfortunate right now.

Emphasis mine, of course. And here’s how the assholes at Fox saw it:

BRIT HUME: It read better than it sounded… this was not Bobby Jindal’s greatest rhetorical moment.

NINA EASTON: The delivery was not terrific.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Jindal didn’t have a chance.


Actually, it reads pretty fucking awful too, Brit. I think you and Krauthammer just mean to say that you think Jindal talks funny, right?

The Republicans have no fucking idea how to deal with Obama.


Thanks, CatStaff!

Has your brother any entrepreneurial instincts? He might be able to pick up some writing gigs online or – and I’ve thought of this myself – he could present himself to all the businesses in his area and offer to write fresh web content – there are tons of businesses out there with websites they might as well not have, because they never add to them or use them.

In whatever case, consider the good karma sent his way.


For my money the Jindal delivery sounded like Kenneth the Page, while the speech itself was another attempt to pursued people that tax cuts to save america IS a new idea.


Glenn Beck on the other hand is scared by what the guys he brought on to scare people said? Isn’t that a bit like hiding from your own shadow?


Wow. Just wow. I can’t get very far into that.

Now I know why I don’t have cable, and will not watch that channel ever.

Just wow.


I tuned past Jindal after hearing about three words that sounded incredibly douchey. I’ll have to watch it on line if it’s that funny.


Wow…watching the speech via Tivo. Just got to the Jindal rebuttal. Did he just say that racism is over because Big O gave a speech?

Well, that’s a relief AND a feather in Obama’s cap!


Jennifer, that’s a good idea, and one that I’ll pass along to him. I feel so bad for him and his wife. They are two of the world’s really great people, and I’d say that even if I weren’t related to them. Just deep down really good people. Don’t know how Jim managed that, coming from our family, but there it is. Possibly the older siblings served as cautionary tales.

Anyway, thanks for the positive energy.


Hah! LawnGuy, I was just going to post an excerpt and link to MyDD as well. Great minds….
The thing is, you gotta keep your eyes out for the video. Bobo’s look as he struggles to find speech is priceless.

Also, to Jennifer, so this is not ACORN, not the territory educational rep, not whatever the other thing was? Well what the fuck IZZIT girl? (said in a hearty, congenial way)


Holy fuck, “government isn’t the solution?” Look everybody, it’s Rip Van Jindal, asleep for 20 years!


Did he just say that racism is over because Big O gave a speech?

No, he said racism is over because he was able to run for office and win in Louisiana under his own given name, Piyush.


Rat on, rat on, Jennifer!!

I may have an apartment soon, People actually returned calls today! It never rains but one is flooded out of house & home. (Or into, I guess.)

I’d imagine most of the news sites would have the video. MSNBC for hot commie action. Or …

Thanks, LGL, for the Brooks quote. Wonder what his twin Frum has to say?


I thought he said racism was over because the South Louisiana GOP North America was the country that won the war for civil rights? Did I get that wrong somehow?


Wonder what his twin Frum has to say?

Please clean your glasses, sir. Frum is the model for Spongebob Squarepants’ Squidward, while Brooks is a dead ringer for Foghorn Leghorn’s little nemesis Egghead Jr.


Also, I thought it never rained in California. Must have been a lotta lies going around in my formative years.

WP felches Dominican boy butter from Rush Limbaugh’s enormous anus

Awright, WP. You wanna fuck with me? YOU WANNA FUCK WITH ME?!?!


Well whatever, I’m just glad to hear racism is a thing of the past. I half expected him to dust off his hands as he spoke.

Sadly, the Tivo quit recording not far into Jindal’s speech. Now I have to find it online for my guffaws.


Sadly, the Tivo quit recording not far into Jindal’s speech.

It was a purely aesthetic decision.


Found it here.

Bonus guffaw: Jindal, talking about his dad making payments to the hospital for his birth: ‘Fortunately for me, he never missed a payment.’ What, does he think he would have been retroactively aborted upon non-payment?

Maybe sent to Fiji to work the cane fields to pay it off?


BTW, Brooks & Shields’s response to the speeches can be found at the PBS / News Hour page, specifically (maybe) here.


Can Kristol possibly be unaware of transuranic density? I’m serious, I always thought he was just a shitbox tonguejacking lackey but I figured he knew he was a cheap whore. Is it possible, can it be he’s really that fucking stoopid™?



Considering that the current crop of wingnuts come from the deep racist South, the hope of another civil war (one which they would win against those effete homo-bait northerners) is never far from the surface. The fact that they have a “nigra” in office is a plus, since it drives their traitorous wet dreams to a fever-pitch.

I say, let’s do a Bush Doctrine on these guys. Since there is a chance they will attack Americans loyal to the Constitution and it’s ideals, we need to react preemptively and lock them up in the Malkin-Style Concentration camps (I hear from Alex Jones that they exist all over the country, usually where black helicopters come from).


Well, I was talking ideological twinnery. In the mushy, mugwump way they have. You know, where they see that Palinism may not be the very best thing for, well, anyone but Palin, but aren’t willing to go farther in rejecting idiocy or being rational.

And the fact is, I’m the personality model for Squidward.

“Get off my fucking sand, you hatchlings!!”


On tonight’s Daily Show Jason Jones interviews two complete lunatic pastors; one says Obama is the Antichrist and the other says Obama is the next Hitler, only worse, cuz Obama’s going to do worse things than Hitler did. CNN and Fox have given these assholes air time. It’s mind boggling.


“Get off my fucking sand, you hatchlings!!”

You must be watching Nick at Night.


SoCal, AllCal & Left Coast Sadlynaughts in general, maybe sometime this summer we all should organize something,

Yeah, man. Listen, I have a place in the mountains in Topanga. I’m up for hosting something. Whaddya think?


Lesley said,
February 25, 2009 at 8:18

On tonight’s Daily Show Jason Jones interviews two complete lunatic pastors; one says Obama is the Antichrist and the other says Obama is the next Hitler, only worse, cuz Obama’s going to do worse things than Hitler did. CNN and Fox have given these assholes air time. It’s mind boggling.

That was an amazingly great segment.

My only regret is that when the loony “Barack is Hitler” preacher claimed that Obama was bisexual, Jones didn’t ask him if he’d ever personally sucked his cock.


Oh – and because I haven’t read all the comments – didn’t Bobby Jindal say that he was an Anchor Baby?/????????


didn’t Bobby Jindal say that he was an Anchor Baby?

Yes. Also a chronic bedwetter.


g, I hope you’re referring to a park somewhere.


I’ve been watching Obama’s speech and I have to say some of those Republicans just aren’t clapping hard enough.

Why do they hate America so much?


owlbear, didn’t you love the Republicans bobbing up and down when they realized that everyone else was going standing ovation? It wasn’t quite a wave, but I imagined it that way. Cracked me up.


yes please to a california sadfest! i’m personally pretty partial to bay area sadliness…but i would really like to meet some of y’all and thus could maybe even be persuaded to travel outside of the reach of BART.

ps: fox=bonkers.


$50 says that before the middle of next month Beck blow a minor household accident into proof that Obama’s trying to KILL HIM!

Well, that fvcknutz thief “trader” conman Rick Santellini, or whatever his name is, has been running around the FauxNewsverse claiming that he was threatened by Obama’s press secretary!!eleventy-one!!. The PS (Gibbs?) said that he “didn’t know where Santellini’s house was”, which in RethugCrazyWorld means that he knew *exactly* where Santellini’s house & tiny, innocent children were, and that he was threatening (in front of dozens of witnesses, live on television, nation-wide feed) to harm Santellini’s children!!!

I only *wish* I was making it up. Eight years of committing crimes against humanity has left these pervert sociopaths so paranoid about the depths to which a pack of soulless weasels can sink that they’re starting to hear ghostly voices and see blood dripping from every wall.


Oh wow, I just went over to MSNBC and watched the speech, Jindal’s response of FAIL, and the reactions to both. Seriously, Jindal’s delivery was almost as fucked up as his (lack of) ideas. Came off totally fake. As for Obama’s speech, damn, there was some fine bitch-slapping going on there. I love how he specifically called people out, CEOs, big agri, etc. Don’t mess with B, dog!

Thanks to the well-wishers above. PeeJ, correct, this was not the ACORN job, though I think I’ll keep the offer to do some part-time stuff open to them. This job is actually sales for a homebuilding company, one of the top 100 builders in the country, who have actually increased sales over the past year. They focus on building starter homes, priced here in the 100K – 150K range, which is the one segment of housing that was actually underbuilt in the past decade in a lot of areas, Little Rock included. Since their focus is on first-time homebuyers who want new homes, it’s actually a pretty solid niche to target – these are folks who didn’t get burned in any of the craziness of the past few years, and our housing market is much stronger than most of the country’s. In any case, it pays double – and potentially much more – than what ACORN or the other sales job would pay, and it won’t involve spending weeks at a time in Oklahoma and living out of a suitcase like the ed publishing rep job would…so I feel good about it. The damndest thing was the way they did the interviews – they basically did a cattle call of all the people who submitted resumes they wanted to meet, did a presentation, then each of the applicants spent 3 minutes in front of the company managers selling themselves as to why they should be hired. They started out with 27 and weeded out to 5 – I was one of the 5.


You must be watching Nick at Night.

The DVDs have two soundtracks, one for the hatchlings, & one for us big fry.


Jennifer, gratz and good luck with the new gig.


Well, that fvcknutz thief “trader” conman Rick Santellini, or whatever his name is, has been running around the FauxNewsverse claiming that he was threatened by Obama’s press secretary!!eleventy-one!!. The PS (Gibbs?) said that he “didn’t know where Santellini’s house was”, which in RethugCrazyWorld means that he knew *exactly* where Santellini’s house & tiny, innocent children were, and that he was threatening (in front of dozens of witnesses, live on television, nation-wide feed) to harm Santellini’s children!!!

Clearly, Gibbs is doing it wrong. By wingnut standards, if he had simply bombed the limbs off of Santelli’s crotchfruit he could claim moral high ground because he “freed” them, right? And Santelli. Whoa. That boy looks like the barely reanimated corpse of Martin Landau’s anal polyp trying to cosplay Elric. Damn, son. Go outside once in a while and get out of the dungeon.


Alas, my quick search for “squidward rule 34” comes to naught.


Oh, and of course, re: Santelli, The twit pegs a zero on the self-awareness scale, but big points on the irony meter for spreading that screed on G. Gordon Liddy’s show. Liddy, of course, has actually conspired to kill political opponents.

OTbwhatever, Liddy did make an exceptional bad-guy on Miami Vice, back in the Eighties. One got the impression that he had said lines like that before, and meant them.


Also, my apologies to Martin Landau, and anal polyps everywhere.


Jennifer @ 07:01 – hardcore. Nothing quite like a job to pick up one’s spirits, & being tapped for no less than 4 interviews in one day, in this economy = serious mojo.

Holy Toledo Scale … Bobby “You Get The Goat’s Blood, I’ll Get The Rosary” Jindal cited Katrina?!? Yow!

Bad enough that he looks slimy as hell & can’t even lie convincingly (an essential job-skill for any politician), without willfully screwing up that badly on national TeeVee. Okay then – that’s it … every Yank that wants Obama to get a second term has to express mortal incontinent dread, lest your wily foes pick him as the Repubs’ nom for 2012. Jesus – he may actually make McCain look smooth.

The GOP: re-enacting The Charge Of The Light Brigade until further notice.


Number one, they’ve already conceded the 2012 Presidential election. Good.

Number two, “motorcycle marauders”? “Motorcycle marauders”??? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


he made it through that whole bit about the Heritage Foundation, just like it wasn’t a GOP front

I think it’s actually the other way around.


Sadly, the Tivo quit recording not far into Jindal’s speech.

It was that or dye its hair black and start cutting.


Boby Jindal: Slumdog Governor.


Re Glenn Beck’s “Bubba Effect”:

The word is “Cracker”, Glenn. Not “Bubba.” “Cracker.”

But you knew that.


The best part was the ending capper. “Where does GOD fit in all of this?!”

Indeed, Glen. Indeed.


“Where does GOD fit in all of this?!”

Beck was pointing at his anus at the time.


I wonder a lot about your country–we are right next door–and yet sometimes I am astounded by the weirdness of it.


Lilian, many of us who are right here in the middle of it are equally astounded.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“In fact, I think everyone on this set is praying that these things don’t happen… for the sake of decency, guys, KEEP YOUR HANDS ON TOP OF THE DESK!!!”


Indeed. I specifically asked for a footie.


You just put that stuff about the cheeto’s in to be cruel . Tsk


Brooks, re Jindal–earlier in the show, before the clip quoted above, he lost it completely and said Jindal’s was the worst response to a political speech in the history of democracy, worse than [some greek geek] responding to Plato. His little hands were flapping around, his little pink tie askew–extremely funny.


Shorter Glenn Beck: When the GOP loses, it’s OK to kill the winners.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I predict a rash of “obese crackers die of heatstroke in the woods” stories in the near future.



The government betrayed the constitution? Where in the fucking constitution does it say that a Republican must be president?

We are disenfranchised? What about the past eight years, when the Republicunts pushed an extremist rightwing agenda without any opposition?

Anyway, I think they should allow the Democrats actually to create a tyranny before they overthrow it.


And LOL at the idea that soldiers won’t shoot homegrown terrorists because they read the constitution.

“Men, shoot that cracker.”


The old “can’t you take a joke??” rationalization is too work out to play anymore.

So now they’re rolling out the “Purely hypothetical scenarious that none of us WISH will happen – we’re just sitting here in a pile of Kleenex and vaseline” thing.

Well, I certainly don’t *wish* that Glenn Beck is sent to hell and forced to listen to a continuous screeching loop of Michelle Malkin while taking an entire seven-season box set of “24” up the rear. Just, you know, hypothetically speculating on what *could* happen if God feels like I do right now.


…If there’s a weirder political movement than American conservatism…

Well, the deadenders haven’t quite made it to The Battle of the Windmill II, yet.


Be patient. 21st century American conservatism looks likes its growing into a weirder political cult, I mean movement, than, well, 20th century American conservatism. At the rate they are going, we’ll be seeing Hunter Patriots heading off to liberate Canada in a few years.


What is so magical about the year 2014? Another idiot on the right mentioned that same year as the Year of Revolution. I thought they wuz gunna take back the gubmint in 2012, so are they planning to overthrow Prez Palin?

I believe that was the year predicted as the impending apocolypse, according to Ghostbusters 2.

…gotta be at least as accurate as the Bible, right?


So when can we expect The Turner Diaries to be sold on Amazon

It already is.


how many of you are blogging from your parents basement because you’re to much of a loser to get a job?


But… my job IS to blog from my parents basement.


There is a legacy of theft in this family. Mom used to steal supplies and had for DECADES!!! Despite the existing legacy from prior generations, to maximize damage they likely told the preditor why::To establish a legacy so they can justify pushing me into stealing, ensuring indifference from society’s elite who will be positioned to be involved in this Situation.
They offered him the temptation of maximizing the prices he commands by pushing people into buying at above market value. And I suspect his selling history will attest to this.
Think this will shut the tough guy up? Because I can go on about his schitzophrenia and how it makes him more likely to be a recidivist pediophile. Even more alarming is his lack of personal growth:::He still engages in the same behavior that he did in high school.
Thank you, all of you, for stealing my jewelry. I wash my hands of you all.


Thank you so much for having this site. It’s hard to find good wholesome sites on the internet and this was such a joy to literally stumble upon. God bless!


Eine sch?ne Perspektive auf das Thema, so habe ich es noch nicht gesehen.


you people are all hatemongers in spite of your leftist comittment to “tolerance”.


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