Friday Open Thread



Comments: 41


What the hell? A fractal cat?


I will see your fractal cat and raise you a shanked panda.


The Editors’ new cat is much cuter.


He’s cute but very expensive. We have had to take him in for 4 rabies shots this month alone. He seems okay then bam… frothing at the mouth again.


Kitties of Mass Destruction! AIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


dmm da-da dmm-dmm
dmm da-da DMMM-dmm
dmm da-da DMMMMMMMM

(Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”)


I love the smell of a catbox in the morning. It smells like…victory.


We’re gonna win this war.


Sorry, but i used to know that whole movie pretty much by heart.

I’m still pissed that i missed the get-pissed-a-thon last night.


Dr Strangelove, DVM.


Where did the kitties carry all those bombs?

I’m scared.


OK, boys, I just read through the thread below (snicker). It was funny and fascinating. How’s everyone feeling this morning?


OK, boys, I just read through the thread below (snicker). It was funny and fascinating. How’s everyone feeling this morning?

Awful. (But awake.)


Woke up with a bit of a headache but other than that none the worse for wear. I’m ready to do it again tonight but without the live blogging.


Dude, the live blogging is what makes you NOT an alcoholic, because you are not alone. You could be with 50 people, but if you are not on Teh Internets, then we don’t know that and you might as well be alone, therefore a total lush.


Wish I had been online last night, too. I was enjoying a beer myself, though I’ll never admit what kind since you all are so macho about your brews. 😉


Pinko Punko, I’ve never understood that stricture against drinking alone. I do it all the time, and I’m not an alky. I don’t go out that much, so I would never get to drink at all if I had to wait around for some other poor schlemiel to show up. Whoa, that whole paragraph is pretty depressing, now that I read it over. All I mean is I enjoy an alcoholic beverage at home and I’m not pathetic at all. My cat will attest to that. She’s the only one who undershtands me.


Also, I can’t quite figure out where my pants got to.


Ah, there they are. The darn dog used them to line his nest. He’s such a freak!


Poor Greg–his girlfriend goes out of town and not only is he girlfriend-less, he’s drunken and pantsless too. And those Valkyrie kittens are carpet-bombing everywhere!


It’s worse than that Lucy. These are the best times of my life!

Ex Lover of the Founder of People Political

This is an experiment to determine how narcissistic Dr. BLT really is. Does he scan every thread looking for his name?


Maybe he can re-write a jingle for the poor kitty that got shot down?


Ex Lover of the Founder of People Political (ExLoFoPePo), has Dr. BLT been doing that again? I took a little break for a while because he was driving me away, and then I went out of town, so I haven’t been following his tiresome exploits.GregH, I hear you. I hope that little lady of yours realizes how lucky she is. 😉


Hahahaha that kitten on the right that seems to be going down in flames had me going for about 10 minutes. Hilarious.


Dude, the live blogging is what makes you NOT an alcoholic, because you are not alone. You could be with 50 people, but if you are not on Teh Internets, then we don’t know that and you might as well be alone, therefore a total lush.

No no no. The difference between an alcholic and a drunk is that alcoholics go to meetings, therefore, if you’re alone, you can’t be an alcoholic!


There’s a crooner named Dr Bruce Thiessen
Who seems to believe he can reason.
He follows this blog
Like a half-witted dog,
Although he’s the guy everyone pees on.

Mr. GregH, M.S., P.E.

Yosef, It’s brilliant logic like that in addition to your adonis-like looks that earned you the title: HYCWOTI.I’ve got some dirt on Dr. BLTs doctorate. Nothing really that interesting but it’d probably piss him off no end. Diploma Mill anybody?


Nah, don’t go there GregH. If you do everyone will bring up that Rev Horton Heat didn’t actually go to a real seminary, just correspondence seminary. And we like the Rev around here.

At least I do. Speaking of which – Beer thirty anyone?


Good Point Yosef. I don’t really have any dirt on Dr. BLT’s degree; although, I’m sure it’s out there to be found. I just wanted to throw out a little provocation to see if he would respond.Thanks for spoiling Reverand Horton Heat for me but does that mean that when I got married to that crazy chick at one of his shows that it doesn’t count?It’s actually gym-thirty for me.


Wow! Now that’s what I call explosive diarrhea!

OK, that was stupid. Funny picture, though.



beer thirty five.



Hey, Pinko Punko. Did you order the thing from the thing you were going to do that you asked us to remind you about?


No, but thanks for reminding me. I really can’t afford it, and Marie is goign to get the profits, but we NEED it for Mond. Gold. Theatre.


I think I may have hurt the good doctor badly enough that he might not come back when I called him a disgrace to his faith. I think I called him a community college flunkout, too – I don’t remember.

Gee, I feel bad now. He was too good a troll to run off like that. Somebody spank me.


Must resist temptation. Must resist temptation!!!! Must resist temptation!!!!!! *SPANK* LOL!!!!1!


Hey Pinko just print out her logo and safety pin it to a pair of your tightie whities we’ll never know the difference. Is snuglipants goint to wear them in MGT? Or are they to be features as some pagan prize in a contest?


Quote: “Hahahaha that kitten on the right that seems to be going down in flames had me going for about 10 minutes. Hilarious.”

Personally I thought it could have done with far more butt fire. It is clearly not an accurate depiction of flak damage.



“Gee, I feel bad now. He was too good a troll to run off like that.”

Please. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I will take Asshat, Yosef and Marie over that witless nebbish any day. Not crazy enough to post hilarious nonsense nor intelligent enough to actually communicate with. Nor snarky. Nor any of the other qualities that make for a good troll. D+ at best.


I will take Asshat, Yosef and Marie over that witless nebbish any day.

I’ve become a troll now?!


LOL!!!!!1!! I was hoping that you would see that. Welcome!!!11!


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