You Know He Needs A Small Vacation
Above: It don’t look like rain
Hal Turner must have heard something singing in the wires, because he’s gone searching in the sun for another overload.
I have decided to cease publishing my views, hopes, observations and dreams on issues social, cultural and political.
There’s much real work to be done – including the use of brutal force and violence
We wish you success, brother. All White men must be UA1 in SWP in the coming HOWA against the Jogger-Zoggers, because (and I make no apology for speaking the cant of the free White man, for I see that you are a White man familiar with the meaning of cant) when the NAU smashes its bitter iron fist into the breeding rights of our womenfolk — well sir, then that HOWA is of the RA variety, and Plan 88 means there’s no ‘you’ or ‘me’ in ORION.
Wood over mud, brother wolf. We must talk like this so hte Bl4XX0RZ don’t catch on and be like OMG and form some kind of a Bu Blux Blan, not to mention the Spu Spux Span, which is what the… No, hell no, because up at the top would be the Jew Juxers, and the next thing you know we’ll be in the freaking desert hiding out from the Iru Irux Iran.
[whistling tunelessly] Uh, I like that book about the invisible guy by James Baldwin, with the, uh, I also like jazz a real lot. Badonkadonk. [edges out door]
and this blog is a waste of time.
Hi, me again. No waste is a waste of time with the dumbly apathetic sheeple squished under the stinky iron sandal of Joggy Zogowitz and his ZOG-EAT-DOG war of screaming bitchfists vs. the WMNB!
I will not lie to you, Norseman; Schindler’s Fist is a remake of the classic Steven Spielberg comedy in which things do not come out well in the end. Remade from the acclaimed Polanski original is The Penis, while an original presentation entitled Cowabunghole features a surfing theme with a soundtrack of inexpensively made disco.
Internet Patriots are a lot like Voyeurs; they watch but won’t do anything in real life.
Ah, not exactly the case, for also like voyeurs, real life is what they wank into, and it is bestrewn by them with wadded fap tissues and empty airline-size bottles of Jergens. Another comparison is Internet Patriots and people who are clownpants. Sometimes. . .wait, ‘Internet Patriots?’ In the old days before telegraphy, we used to put notes saying “BLAR HAR HAR” into bottles and throw them out to sea.
…Because I’ll tell you what is best in life, brother. What is best in life? It is the rhythmic stomp of a million righteous boots of sonderaktion on the heads of the whigger, the, uh, whispanic, and I guess you’d say the whew.
There’s no time left for such useless people or hoping they will grow a pair or stand up for themselves, their children or their country.
There is a violent revolution coming in this country. The government and the invisible hand that pulls its strings are going to be confronted in a historic manner.
H8! H8! H8! H88eightyeight88!! Whapanese and whinese reverse-twinkies — H8M Sorry, what did you say?
There is a violent revolution coming in this country. The government and the invisible hand that pulls its…
…’Finger,’ ha ha.
Wait, wait. Okay. Wait.
There is a violent revolution coming in this country. The government and the invisible hand that pulls its…
…’Tighty Whities,’ ha ha that works on a couple of levels ha ha.
Okay no. Funniest white supremacist joke ever. This is totally set to go viral over at Stormfront and the Council of Conservative Citizens site. Okay.
“Who’s there?”
…strings are going to be confronted in a historic manner.
By Grabthar’s hammer, don’t mess it up, okay? By the sons of Worvan! Okay, wait.
“Who’s there?”
Above: Jöke is hümor clässic
Ha ha! War is beautiful because it initiates the dreamed-of metalization of the human body!
As I undertake the acts that must be done, the rest of you can sit back and watch; after all, that’s the only thing you’re good for. May your children forgive you for being cowards.
Posted by at 2/16/2009 03:17:00 PM
Oh hey, what’s 100 feet tall, comes from Africa, and preaches nonviolence? Martin Luther Kong. Bahahaha! By Wotan, that’s funny. Hey, goddammit, how come there’s Black History Month but no White History Month?
“Who’s there?”
“Anne Elk.”
EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE’S GONNA SOIL HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
“Illinois Nazis?”
“I hate Illinois Nazis.”
Why do I get the feeling that this glorious “revolution” will involve pathetic sneak attacks against meaningless targets? They’ll natter on about “asymettrical warfare” and all that, but what it’ll boil down to is just more depressing vandalism, and another series of misdemeanors added to their rap sheets.
Gavin! It’s like you are fucking blogs up, and it is amazing. It’s like James Joyce is doing racism in here. I can’t get enough of this.
I don’t know, I find these people genuinely worrisome. They won’t get their glorious revolution with the oceans of blood and rains of fire and the special detergent to wash the country whiter than white; but I think that while most are just talking big on the internets, some of them are quite capable of, say, flipping out and shooting a couple people in their home town before being stopped. Not like it hasn’t happened. McVeigh wasn’t any less of a loser, either.
You had me at “Hi, me again.” Genius, Gavin. Chicken Soup(tm) for the Insomniac Soul
It was nice of the Secret Service to let him write one last post before they took him in.
I agree, they are very worrisome. What is most likely is they’ll try to take some kind of advantage during the coming collapse. Though California worries me more. I look out my window and don’t see any crops growing.
So, if I read this Turner guy correctly, his superior genes (demonstrated by his pale skin) aren’t being praised as loudly as a person with his superior genes (see blond hair) SHOULD be being praised AND if he doesn’t start hearing more about how superior HE is then he’s just gonna have to get violent?
Hal, they have a name for that complex…
why is he not in jail?
why is he not in jail?
I am guessing because he was VERY careful to not name a specific person, ethnicity, or organization.
Actually, he’s shown no hint of his deeds. What the heck has he been doing? Or is he just sitting back and hoping one of his readers wigs out?
That’s what it sounds like to me. Always remember Wingnut Projection.
Your welcome for the inspiration. Anyfuckingtime, guys.
Alas! Even though I am intrigued by his ideas, I will now no longer be able to subscribe to his newsletter.
The Traditions of the Internet can sometimes be a cruel japester, even when one is aware of all of them. We are to them as flies to a schoolboy.
Ah woe.
On the bright side, this sort of over-the-top melodrama isn’t seen enough of these days. I for one (being safely across a major ocean) can delight in the prospect of a deluded loon finding that he can do his long-imagined worst and, like his best, it still won’t be good enough. You as his compatriots of course, may be wise to encourage the law-enforcement officials of your country to shoot him on sight.
“I will now turn off this computer and walk directly down the road to the Capitol Building, where I will single-handedly dispatch wave after wave of black-suited CIA guys until I am standing atop a big pile of their twitching corpses and Sarah Palin will stagger out of the rubble and her clothes will have fallen off and she will kneel at my feet and wrap herself around my leg like in a Frank Frazetta painting. I will definitely do this, therefore I have effectively already done it, and you have not, and therefore you are all pussies.
Thanks to all my blog readers, who are pussies, for supporting me throughout the years.
One Love,
Hal Turner”
You mean like Tampax Maximus Hale?
Yeah, I got that from the last S,N! post about the Great White Remora. He certainly gives off that vibe, only with extra amounts of GBCW/WATBishness:
“Well you guys are just a buncha losers. If you aren’t gonna do something I guess I’ll hafta do something. [shuffles feet] I’m gonna go out there and show ’em. You losers just sit here while I do all the work. [walks to the door] Well. I’m leaving now. You guys are gonna feel real dumb when I’m a hero and you hafta watch on TV. [comes back] Bye, I’m outta here. Oh, and when I called you guys, I really meant girls ‘cos you’re all scared and stuff. [walks to the door r e a l slow] Bye girly girls…” &c.
I’m betting the next “This is the last time you’ll hear from me before I begin the glorious revolution,” will appear in two weeks.
Actually, according to the SPLC’s Hatewatch, Turner’s been a paid FBI informant, a virtual provocateur. This doesn’t make him any less of a prick, but it sure does seem to make him a lot less of an actual threat.
Hmm… methinks an operation could be afoot.
Or, alternately, Hal Turner is a tool.
Doh! D. beat me to the punch…
I’m getting more and more confused by the “yay for violent revolutions!” crowd. Guys, you make up, tops, 5% of the country; I’m pretty sure it would end badly for you. Mebbe you should find a less guaranteed-to-fail hobby, like cross stitching.
We don’t have Hal Turner to kick around anymore?
Oh noes!
But wait…he’s quit before. Sadly, So! he’ll be back.
He’s already back, and out of breath from all that real work. He has, however, pledged to conduct on “operation” on a reader in Hudson, MA. More, he’s promised pics. I hear you can get some great silhouettes in crosslight, depending on the wood you use.
Because violence is always the answer…………….
Have a fun time in jail, douche.
The Penis? PENIS!
Let me say that:
Had me rolling on the floor. I think I may have pulled something in my fit of uncontrolable laughter. All that was missing was the lamentations of the why girls, the whatinas and the whAPs.
Huh. So he says that he can’t be prosecuted for anything he says or does on a blog.
Hal Turner, meet Neal Horsley. Be sure to ask Mr. Horsley about his “Nuremberg Files” website and how well that worked out for him.
I don’t know, I find these people genuinely worrisome.
The problem is, he’s not going to confront and take out the tyrants of government, he’s going to blow up a day-care center in the ground floor of the building.
Or inspire one of his mouth-breathers to do the same.
How do his fever dreams of violence square with the guy acts like a total pussy when THIS happens?
By Grabthar’s Hammer….oh what a savings…..
ROFLMAO…I thought I was the only person who liked that movie.
Great list of Blans and Brans up there.
ifthethunder–are you saying this guy is a tease?
Looks like he deleted that post. Cached version here.
I also took a screen shot of the cached page. Should such a thing ever become handy to have, see here.
@Lex: Galaxy Quest is one of my favorite movies of all time.
For a guy who’s stopped blogging, he sure blogs a lot. And considering what he’s decided to actually blog about is a larf too:
Quite simply, Hal Turner is an impotent zit who’s sound and fury signifies the magnitude of his tiny little cock (i.e. nothing). That’s the important information that he had to impart to his dear readers. This statement of powerlessness is why he decided to reverse his decision on the futility of his blog. Basically, he quit blogging because no one listens to him, but had to start again because it was vitally important to his personal freedom that no one listens to him. Or something.
Maybe soon Hal Turner will realize he’s also a waste of skin and end that, too.
Sadly, you made him do the unthinkable – CHANGE HIS MIND
I couldn’t find this farewell. has one from February 2007 though with a comment from, I presume, a Dorothy Gibson of Australia. It’s at
So the Turner Diarrheas is ending?
Somehow, I doubt that there are many white-powah freaks listening to him. The word has got to be out that he’s working for the feds. He’s probably lucky they haven’t targeted him for elimination…
This reminds me of sitting around my college dorm in the in 1970 talking about the coming revolution. It was really a downer when someone pointed out that the other side had an army and a police force and that, as far as the student/worker alliance, any time hippies got around workers the workers would beat the shit out of them. These guys have about as much chance of being successful as we did. We just had better drugs and music.
Holy shit. He basically said, “Fuck you useless cowards, I’m going to stop this pointless blogging and go kill some people,” and then deleted the post and immediately returned to blogging.
That was a pretty quick retraction. Remember, kids, don’t drink and blog.
I think the best post still up is the one about his German Shepherd killing a raccoon.
Because, you know, it’s just a slice of everyday life and shows he’s a normal family guy who can put politics aside when he wants to.
Not as off-topic, considering the subject:
Stay classy, New York Post.
He must have realized we were making fun of him for being a quitter.
Dear NYPost and racist assassin-fantasizing cartoonist:
Go fuck yourselves.
Tom Tomorrow keeps getting his cartoons thrown out of papers, but that fuckhead still has a job? The world’s fucked up.
I think the best post still up is the one about his German Shepherd killing a raccoon.
And you know damned well he kicked his dog that he had to type the “rac” bit…
But it’s definitely a German shepherd, right?
That cartoon, holy fucking fuck. I’m aghast.
I’m quitting my job, you fuckers!
….Just as soon as I go to work every day this week, next week, the week after that ….
Gavin, I’m shocked, shocked I say, you missed a chance to use this:
Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!…
Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
But it’s definitely a German shepherd, right?
Shaved head and all.
Did anyone ever see the (I think) Kyle Baker piece “Right-wing Cartooning”? It was pretty funny.
[Right-wing cartoonist stuck in traffic, waving fist] “Goddamn *@&%ing women drivers! Sa-a-a-y, that gives me a swell idea for a cartoon!”
[Right-wing cartoonist walking past group of young people] “Goddamn *@&%ing hippies! Sa-a-a-y, that gives me a swell idea for a cartoon!”
[Right-wing cartoonist on golf course, spies black person] “Goddamn *@&%ing ni**ers! Sa-a-a-y, that gives me a swell idea for a cartoon!”
&c., &c.
The fact is, communism killed 100 million people. Don’t debate me on this, its a fact and I read more than you. The fact is, Obama’s socialism is putting us on the same road toward poverty and destruction, and you liberals, the enemies of freedom, cheer him on. The free market should not be interfered with.
It’s fun watching the right wing meltdown into a puddle of its own flopsweat!
That’s not sweat, actor….
nice to see Gary still stopping by though.
*sniff sniff*
Gary, man…puleez go change your panties!
I love the Red Skull emblem, Gavin.
That also seems to be why Google hasn’t deleted the blog. Their policy is extremely narrow, and so they apparently have no problem with someone telling his readers to murder a couple hundred members of the US Congress.
It’s fucking bizarre.
You know you’re in bad shape (for a hate-soaked pusbag) when you don’t even have any credibility left with Stormfront. I hate to use tired media cliches, but <voice=”Muntz”>Ha ha!</voice>.
“Mebbe you should find a less guaranteed-to-fail hobby, like cross stitching.”
Nah, they couldn’t do that. It requires counting, many times past 10.
Be sure to ask Mr. Horsley about his “Nuremberg Files” website and how well that worked out for him.
It was powered by his mule. And the mule was powered by Mr. Horsley, in a manner of speaking.
Oh, and if telling his readers to murder a couple hundred members of the US Congress is legal, I want a new law, kthxbai.
But I’m more inclined to believe the FBI “informant” angle.
Isn’t this the guy who was asking for people to go out and kill off 51% of the population like, friggin yesterday? And he’s given up on them already!?
Not a patient people, are they?
Way to lead a movement, BTW, by calling your own followers a bunch of wimps.
Way to lead a movement, BTW, by calling your own followers a bunch of wimps.
Don’t they do that in the army when they call their platoon a bunch of girls? I bet he saw an army movie once!
Way to lead a movement, BTW, by calling your own followers a bunch of wimps.
Well, Rush calls his dittoheads and they still come back for more. If he promises to nail their balls to the wall they’ll follow him into hell, but he’s saving that one for the right moment.
The fact is, communism killed 100 million people.
Are you sure? I though it said communism kissed 100 million people. You know that communism is pretty romantic.
Remember there was also Michael Crook featured by Righteous Bubba whose hunger strike, to protest at the illegal inauguration of Malcolm Obama Hussein X Hitler, ended in a Happy Meal collision, after three days.
This are men of great prinicple who are willing to stand tall, strong and proud and die, well not actually stop breathing ya know, dying mettyphorically, in a sense.
So Hal Turner is saying he can blab about wanting to assassinate the president etc. because he is such an assclown that nobody could take him seriously.
Communism doesn’t kill people…
Or kiss them probably, probably they had Kissin’ Commisars who went around and did the kissing. They would have to be in Male/Female pairs so that boys didn’t kiss boys, eech. And what about kissing Old Leery McCloudstain. That’s bravery
Hal Turner’s mailing address.
Take a look.
Day by Day Chris Muir will filch that Dead Monkey cartoon idea, maybe put a thong and big breasts on the monkey ( big breasts are comedy gold) and have the cops say “Well, the singlest marmoset in the hen house is always the slipper in the deck. Barrak Hussein Obama!”
Brendan deserves Crook credit.
He lives in NEWARK!?!?!?!
Oh good lord! That’s practically like, I dunno, a socialist living in Bumfuck, Alabama!
The fact is, communism killed 100 million people
Man, Communism must have gotten a lot of XP for that. It’s like level 14 now.
And the mule was powered by Mr. Horsley, in a manner of speaking.
Yes, so to speak. And without benefit of marriage, yet.
Sure it’s a lot of XP, but all they dropped was bits of Soylent Green. Had it been Soylent Purple, it might have been worth the grind.
If you want halfway decent gear, you really need to stop worrying about the drops (ninja looters end up with the good stuff anyway) and take up a decent profession. I hear that jewelcrafting is quite lucrative.
I love the new killfile thingie. Definitely imporves my reading pleasure. Thanks!
Gavin @ Top:
Shortest Hal Turner: Yes, we cant.
Ah, the barely-sublimated homoeroticism of modern-day neo-Nazis.
I, Suzanne Somers, have decided to cease publishing my views, hopes, observations and dreams on thigh-related issues.
There’s much real work to be done – including the use of brutal thigh-exercising force and thigh-muscle enhancing violence and this blog is a waste of time. Thigh-Fatties are a lot like Voyeurs; they watch but won’t do anything in real life.
There’s no time left for such useless fat-thighed people or hoping they willgrow a pair of tight, svelte thighs or stand up for themselves (using their newly enhanced thigh-muscles), nor for their weak-thighed children or the thigh enthusiasts community. There is a violent revolution of Thigh Power coming in this country. The government and the invisible thighs that pull its hamstrings are going to be confronted in a historic manner.
As I undertake the acts that must be done, the rest of you can sit back without an actual Thighmaster between your legs and watch; after all, that’s the only thing you’re good for. May your flabby-thighed children forgive you for being thoughtless, virtually thigh-less cowards. Posted by Suzanne Somers at 2/18/2009 01:48:00 PM
Meanwhile, in Hal Turner’s Amerikkka.
Suzanne Somers apparently wants to create a Thighmaster Race.
(Well, her initials are S.S.)
I just lost it at work! Good job.
Be careful what you say about Hal Turner – he might send his playmates after you (this means you, Secret Service!):
They remember the “Clean Harry” situation in central New Jersey a couple years ago. Clean Harry posted a comment on my blog that caused the Secret Service to investigate him. They came and left. . . . . but returned to Clean Harry’s house with a Search Warrant a few days later.
Clean Harry called me and within an hour, me and five or six carloads of guys with guns headed down toward Clean Harry’s house. The feds found out we were on the way and the Secret Service tucked tail and left!
While Liberals protest, beat drums, carry signs and maybe once in awhile riot, MY kind of supporter rushes tumultuously to arms and heads out for a gun fight.
Anyway, I’ve never been one to run from a fight and with these child-like ninnies pushing for my arrest, I simply cannot walk away. I have to step-up —— and I am.
There is a little problem though. Now that a particular dingbat from Hudson, MA has annoyed me sufficiently, I have to annoy him back. So I’ll be reaching out to some of my Nazi Skinheads, Aryan Nations and Ku Klux Klan friends and put together a . . . . . . field trip . . . . to Massachusetts. This ought to be fun.
We’ll take pics to circulate after its “done.” In the meantime, this blog remains.
So much for “this blog is a waste of time.” Or maybe that’s central to his point.
I just went to HT’s site to check it out but it’s gone. You sure he didn’t change his mind?
Try this link:
O/T but I’m really excited about this one. I feel like I have won the lottery.
Gay Patriot wrote a whole post dedicated to one of my comments. (swoon)
put together a . . . . . . field trip . . . . to Massachusetts. This ought to be fun.
Excellent. We’ll start with a tour of Orchard House, and watch the reenactment of several scenes from Louisa May Alcott’s ‘Little Women.’ Then, as long as we’re in Concord, we’ll take a nice walk around Walden Pond.
Then it’s off to Boston, with trips to the Tea Party Ship (aka ‘Beagle’) and the U.S.S. Constitution. It’s just a hop, skip, and jump over to the North End for some espresso and cannoli, or maybe some pizza at Regina’s, before stops at the Paul Revere House and Old North Church (‘One if by land…’).
Finally, some bar-hopping at Quincy Market, with maybe a quick trip over to the Union Oyster House’s semicircular oyster bar, where Daniel Webster himself liked to slurp down a few dozen per sitting.
$129 per person includes bus from Concord to Boston, as well as all admissions. Booze and food is each tourists’ own responsibility.
Good times, man. Good times.
This is an interesting chap; he appears to be Hal Turner’s surreal twin.
Like I’m gonna click on that one.
t4toby’s famous!!11!
Like I’m gonna click on that one.
cocksplat? I’m clicking for darn sure…
Needs more cock – less splat.
Needs more wang – less chuck.
Even just holding the cursor over that makes me feel queasy. Its not Godlstein, is it?
If only there was a handy rollover message telling me what was in it!
The latest from Halibut Turner includes:
I couldn’t understand it – dull tired throbbing. I washed them in Savlon to try and ease the ache but no good.
They’re sticking out like golf balls – I look rediculous.
Dubious honor, indeed.
dull tired throbbing… They’re sticking out like golf balls
That is the downside of brutal force and violence.
While Liberals protest, beat drums, carry signs and maybe once in awhile riot, MY kind of supporter rushes tumultuously to arms and heads out for a gun fight.
More likely he’ll just lash out, swinging wildly with his purse.
This post makes me very worried for Gavin. Perhaps a vacation is in order. Perhaps a vacation … to Norway!
MY kind of supporter rushes tumultuously to arms and heads out for a gun fight.
And trips over his own shoelace, landing on his head, allowing the gun to fly out of his cheeto-dusted grip and impact butt-first on the pavement, setting it off the trigger and sending the bullet into his own glutteus maximus.
Gay Patriot wrote a whole post dedicated to one of my comments. (swoon)
It seems the increased traffic from the Sadlies has broken Dan’s internets. I was looking forward to reading him (metaphorically) biting the hand that gives his sad little blog most of its hits.
MY kind of supporter rushes tumultuously to arms and heads out for a gun fight.
Indeed, this very column may have saved SuperSoaker’s fiscal 2009.
Indeed, this very column may have saved SuperSoaker’s fiscal 2009.
Then clearly the revolution must wait until spring. Otherwise, their ammo might freeze.
Water cold! We wait until…oh, a chicken!
PeeJ, good going!!
But may I humbly add that he was kind enough to name check me as well?
And Rusty, I ‘m assuming you refer to the several infinities it takes for his gay site to load. It was doing that yesterday too.
Tired gerbils?
I am no expert on rushing to arms — or on arming Russians come to that — but if your supporters are doing it ‘tumultuously’ then it’s time to accept that someone has replaced your life with a Keystone Kops movie,* and is waiting to see if you will notice.
* We don’t want to overdo the Benny Hill comparisons.
You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
You’ll be the first to go
Unless you think
And Rusty, I ‘m assuming you refer to the several infinities it takes for his gay site to load.
Yep – got it now. Rats, I was hoping he’d refer to the comment I sent (and he never posted) asking why he was sticking up for people who believe he is going to be burning in a lake of fire for eternity for at least two reasons. C’est la vie.
Which got me wondering: is there a term equivalent to “Uncle Tom” for gays? If not, I’d like to suggest Gaypo.
Huh. GayPatriot is down at the moment so I can’t post my comment there just now. In the meantime, may I point out that *I* was also cited in the new rant at GPW. Yes I was!
So, I may not be as famous as t4 but I’m doing my best to change that.
Maybe I’ll post it here, just cause I’m kind of proud of it.. Shameless self promotion follows:
Hal is now moderating his comments, by the way. He didn’t want to post mine accusing him of being a loser race traitor & FBI informant. Imagine!
I saw that PeeJ: it’s on his site for now.
t4toby gets more credit because GPW recognizes a not-fellow-heterosexual when he sees one.
Tired gerbils?
No you DINNNT!!!!
Which got me wondering: is there a term equivalent to “Uncle Tom” for gays?
Like a “House Faggot” or “Little Gay Sambo”? I think the term is “Log Cabin Republican”.
is there a term equivalent to “Uncle Tom” for gays?
Roy Cohn?
Jeff Gannon?
Larry Craig?
Hal is now moderating his comments
No day job, very little site traffic, lots of time on his hands. Got it.
In sooth, there’s been a Roy Cohn award given by some gay org. or other for some years. Or maybe they don’t do it anymore. In any case, “Roy Cohn” is pretty well established as the Uncle Tom of gaydom.
Oh yes I did. I had to.
Besides, that watermelon he pulled out of his fundament isn’t going to power any patriotic blogs.
The one time he says something that isn’t total bullocks – & he doesn’t even follow through on it. Right back to draining that big boil on top of his neck within a couple of days. Presumably all his skinhead fanboys cried & pouted until he got his quota of ego-strokes filled, at which time he proved how willing he is to stand behind his words. So much for self-discipline.
Oh well … we’ll just have to take comfort from the simple fact that pretty well all of these hate-pimping cobags wind up ODing or suiciding after living out their teeny-tiny lives in a state of perpetual self-inflicted terror. The person most endangered by Hal Turner is Hal Turner.
Someone like Michelle Malkin is exponentially more dangerous – she can make her diseased world-view sound rational & she can get on TeeVee much easier & more often to do it. Next to a viper like her, Turner barely rates as a pubic louse.
Besides, that watermelon he pulled out of his fundament
I’ll have you know that ‘watermelon’ is an extremely offensive term among Martians, with its green-on-the-outside, pink-on-the-inside implications.
This Turner dealie sounds like the “Jeff Goldstein-Proteinless Idiocy” “retirement”, where he’ll end up commenting so much he might as well start writing again, which eventually he does.
In sooth, there’s been a Roy Cohn award given by some gay org. or other for some years. Or maybe they don’t do it anymore. In any case, “Roy Cohn” is pretty well established as the Uncle Tom of gaydom.
Seems to me ol’ Dan should be first in line if they bring that award back.
Which is it, PeeJ? AmI or ain’t I? 😉
And you, RB. We’ll deal with you later.
t4, I can tell you what makes you gay but I can’t tell if it’s taking effect.
For that you’d need to tell us a loit more about your days and/or return to Portland for another few hundred shots and beers.
why is he not in jail?
ever heard of an agent blogateur? The guy is a fed.
The FBI does know about this guy, right? Right?
writes and writes and writes………….. and then, BLAM!! Your face is impacted with the weight (or lack thereof) of his cock.
I’ll have you know that ‘watermelon’ is an extremely offensive term among Martians, with its green-on-the-outside, pink-on-the-inside implications.
*pelts Smut Clyde with watermelons*
*well, ok, actually with watermelon Jolly Ranchers because watermelons are too heavy*
*and out of season and I don’t have any watermelon*
*but if I did…*
Why do these racist wear a certain line of damn good polo shirts?
Gentlewoman pelts you withlife gives you watermelons, then… umm… make watermelon daiquiris. Or something.I give even odds at this point that Turner is either
1) too stupid to be taken seriously (which is why he’s not in government custody right now) or
2) an FBI informant (see above)
War is beautiful because it initiates the dreamed-of metalization of the human body!
You forgot the obligatory link to Tetsuo: The Iron Man.
I think if a guy named Muhammed wrote that stuff, he’d be in Guantanamo right now.
I wish there was a way you could transform these pieces into performance art because they would truly be as awesome on stage as they are on the page.
Conspiracies to ponder:
1. Turner got wind of a planned action and hoped to take credit. His announcements spooked the supremacysts and they called it off.
2. Turner learned of an FBI sting operation and was warning the supremacysts.
The fact there haven’t been any violent uprising of supremacysts only proves my point.
Just remember the Silver Rule, Hal. If you’re gonna do a murder-suicide, start with the suicide.
@RB: Thanks.
“This post makes me very worried for Gavin. Perhaps a vacation is in order. Perhaps a vacation … to Norway!”
Not Lapland?
Perhaps a vacation … to Norway!
More like SNOREWAY!
Hey, I hadn’t seen the Lapland one before! Nobody forwards me anything cool anymore, just lists of stupid “facts” Snopes debunked in the last century.
Shorter Hal: RAHOWA, skeet skeet skeet.
I look out my window and don’t see any crops growing.
Good, I knew I could camouflage the pot perfectly.
Stopped clock wisdom at its finest.
I missed the joke that starts this off. Turner’s blog is still up. What’d I miss?
put together a . . . . . . field trip . . . . to Massachusetts. This ought to be fun.
And…..after we make….sure they’re not home……we’ll paint a ….swastika on ..the garage door, and the third …………reich will be reborn!
“You Know He Needs A Small Vacation”
Maybe he’ll spend it getting a root canal…
Nice reference 🙂
Years ago, I was with a friend visiting his friend — I was in from out of town, I might add — and got to hear, but didn’t manage to record, a genuine KKK humor record! It was a 78 from an album of them. Most of the sides (I think there were four) were patriotic standards like “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” but this one was a sort of hillbilly number with two sort-of Junyer Bear voices, singing about how “Daddy Swiped the Last Clean Sheet and Joined the KKK.” I’ve searched online for this strange document, but never found hide nor hair of it.