
Anyone with TiVo grab a copy of ABC News tonight? There’s a brief segment with a truck driver outside of the Superdome. It might be on again during the late news.

Those are the guys we heard on the scanner. The one who was on ABC said that they were loaded and ready to go on Monday, and told not to leave. And then they arrived right as the President was doing his media circus.

If I come back here and see that nobody with TiVo recorded ABC’s late news, I’m throwing y’all off the levee, hear?

PS: Someone with a Kos account please post a diary ASAP. A little distributed networking, and we might have a nice little major scandal brewing.


Comments: 47


“The one who was on ABC said that they were loaded and ready to go on Monday, and told not to leave. And then they arrived right as the President was doing his media circus.”

Gavin, you had better be kidding us. I mean, there has to be a limit to this planned incompetence, right?


I’m not kidding. We need that clip. I can call ABC tomorrow, but if you can TiVo any info or cross-post anywhere, please help.


What Happens When People Fall Between The Cracks Of The Master’s Plan
By Marie Jon’

Every human being that has a heart is seeing what has taken place in New Orleans. What we are seeing is truly unbelievable! When looking at this disaster and the horrors that have taken place we are all shaken with sadness. Our eyes and ears can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing. After three days, thousands of people are still wondering when they will be rescued.
It seems that man has no way to pull themselves together to save and protect dying people. Bush Says “Relief results not acceptable”

We all can see that government is almost totally helpless to take care of things. This is the lesson we all need to learn as we watch people perishing as big government stumbles all over it’s incapable feet! However the local government failed it’s people! Where was their plan of escape?
Our president is working to take care of the total breakdown of communications and the lawlessness that now seems to reign. We have seen America’s breakdown as God has been shoved aside as if he were a monster.
Thanks to the ACLU and their ilk, any form of godliness is unacceptable. The very liberal and progressive one-world government envisioned by the ACLU and the United Nation seems also to be embraced by the far left in America. Thus we now see in these dire desperate days the results of their miserable works in New Orleans. Mayhem rapes the United States of her dignity at the hands of lawless thugs.
The Democrat’s (DNC) form of socialism robs people from taking stock of their responsibility for their own lives.

The lack of some people’s personal responsibility was very much at fault in New Orleans. How can one person by the name of G. W. Bush be expected to give back in three days what has been stolen for many decades of spiritual neglect and willful robbing a nation of it’s moral compass!

Open your eyes and see that lawlessness and neglect comes from a nation that has pushed the almighty aside and told it’s people that the Ten Commandments are really a relic and a man made myth!
The thugs and monsters of society are now the face seen all over the world as America’s new face. Everyone knew this horrifying event was going to take place, yet people rolled the dice and played the odds!

More than ever we need God in our lives. A Master’s plan was correct from the very beginning. We hide our faces from it. Without God being foremost in our lives, improper thinking to look after a city that was doomed for a disaster, has finally come to fruition. The bigger the government, the slower the response. Mayors come and mayors go. Mr. Mayor Of New Orleans, you are no Mayor Giuliani.
After five days the National Guard came in to save a people. We cannot think that big government can take care of all Americans. The Lord has a better time and a better place. Lets take ourselves there this day in prayer.
Following are writings from different newspapers

“Storm victims were raped and beaten, fights and fires broke out, corpses lay out in the open, and rescue helicopters and law enforcement officers were shot at as flooded-out New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday. “This is a desperate SOS,” the mayor said. ” The levy system needed attention as Alaska a bridge to no where!
“Anger mounted across the ruined city, with thousands of storm victims increasingly hungry, desperate and tired of waiting for buses to take them out.”

“We are out here like pure animals. We don’t have help,” the Rev. Issac Clark, 68, said outside the New Orleans Convention Center, where corpses lay in the open and the and other evacuees complained that they were dropped off and given nothing – no food, no water, no medicine. ”

“About 15,000 to 20,000 people who had taken shelter at the convention center to await buses grew increasingly hostile. Police Chief Eddie Compass said he sent in 88 officers to quell the situation at the building, but they were quickly beaten back by an angry mob. ”

“We have individuals who are getting raped, we have individuals who are getting beaten,” Compass said. “Tourists are walking in that direction and they are getting preyed upon.”

“In hopes of defusing the unrest at the convention center, Mayor Ray Nagin gave the refugees permission to march across a bridge to the city’s unflooded west bank for whatever relief they can find. But the bedlam at the convention center appeared to make leaving difficult. ”

“A military heliocpter tried to land at the convention center several times to drop off food and water. But the rushing crowd forced the choppers to back off. Troopers then tossed the supplies to the crowd from 10 feet off the ground and flew away. ”

National Guardsmen poured in to help restore order and put a stop to the looting, carjackings and gunfire that have gripped New Orleans in the days since Hurricane Katrina plunged much of the city under water. ”

” In a statement to CNN, Nagin said: “This is a desperate SOS. Right now we are out of resources at the convention center and don’t anticipate enough buses. We need buses. Currently the convention center is unsanitary and unsafe and we’re running our of supplies.”

“In Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the government is sending in 1,400 National Guardsmen a day to help stop looting and other lawlessness in New Orleans. Already, 2,800 National Guardsmen are in the city, he said. ”

“But across the flooded-out city, the rescuers themselves came under attack from storm victims. ”

“Hospitals are trying to evacuate,” said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan, spokesman at the city emergency operations center. “At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters come in people are shooting at them. There are people just taking potshots at police and at helicopters, telling them, `You better come get my family.'”

“Some Federal Emergency Management rescue operations were suspended in areas where gunfire has broken out, Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said in Washington. “In areas where our employees have been determined to potentially be in danger, we have pulled back,” he said. ”

“A National Guard military policeman was shot in the leg as he and a man scuffled for the MP’s rifle, police Capt. Ernie Demmo said. The man was arrested. ”

“These are good people. These are just scared people,” Demmo said.

Outside the Convention Center, the sidewalks were packed with people without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement. Thousands of storm refugees had been assembling outside for days, waiting for buses that did not come.

At least seven bodies were scattered outside, and hungry people broke through the steel doors to a food service entrance and began pushing out pallets of water and juice and whatever else they could find. ”

“An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered with a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet. ”

“I don’t treat my dog like that,” 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. “I buried my dog.” He added: “You can do everything for other countries but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can’t get them down here.”

“The street outside the center, above the floodwaters, smelled of urine and feces, and was choked with dirty diapers, old bottles and garbage. ”

“They’ve been teasing us with buses for four days,” Edwards said. ”

“People chanted, “Help, help!” as reporters and photographers walked through. The crowd got angry when journalists tried to photograph one of the bodies, and covered it over with a blanket. A woman, screaming, went on the front steps of the convention center and led the crowd in reciting the 23rd Psalm.”

John Murray, 52, said: “It’s like they’re punishing us.”

“The Superdome, where some 25,000 people were being evacuated by bus to the Houston Astrodome, descended into chaos as well. ”

“Huge crowds, hoping to finally escape the stifling confines of the stadium, jammed the main concourse outside the dome, spilling out over the ramp to the Hyatt hotel next door _ a seething sea of tense, unhappy, people packed shoulder-to-shoulder up to the barricades where heavily armed National Guardsmen stood. ”

“At the front of the line, heavily armed policemen and guardsmen stood watch and handed out water as tense and exhausted crowds struggled onto buses. At the back end of the line, people jammed against police barricades in the rain. Luggage, bags of clothes, pillows, blankets were strewn in the puddles. ”

“Many people had dogs and they cannot take them on the bus. A police officer took one from a little boy, who cried until he vomited. “Snowball, snowball,” he cried. The policeman told a reporter he didn’t know what would happen to the dog. ”

“Fights broke out. A fire erupted in a trash chute inside the dome, but a National Guard commander said it did not affect the evacuation. After a traffic jam kept buses from arriving at the Superdome for nearly four hours, a near-riot broke out in the scramble to get on the buses that finally did show up. ”

“Col. Henry Whitehorn, head of state police, said authorities are working on establishing a temporary jail to hold people accused of looting and other crimes. “These individuals will not take control of the city of New Orleans,” he said. ”

“The first of hundreds of busloads of people evacuated from the Superdome arrived early Thursday at their new temporary home _ another sports arena, the Houston Astrodome, 350 miles away. ”

“But the ambulance service in charge of taking the sick and injured from the Superdome suspended flights after a shot was reported fired at a military helicopter. Richard Zuschlag, chief of Acadian Ambulance, said it was too dangerous for his pilots. ”

“The military, which was overseeing the removal of the able-bodied by buses, continued the ground evacuation without interruption, said National Guard Lt. Col. Pete Schneider. The government had no immediate confirmation of whether a military helicopter was fired on. ”

“Terry Ebbert, head of the city’s emergency operations, warned that the slow evacuation at the Superdome had become an “incredibly explosive situation,” and he bitterly complained that FEMA was not offering enough help. ”

“This is a national emergency. This is a national disgrace,” he said. “FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans.”

“In Texas, the governor’s office said Texas has agreed to take in an additional 25,000 refugees from Katrina and plans to house them in San Antonio, though exactly where has not been determined. ”

“In Washington, the White House said President Bush will tour the devastated Gulf Coast region on Friday and has asked his father and former President Clinton to lead a private fund-raising campaign for victims. ”

“The president urged a crackdown on the lawlessness. ”

“I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this _ whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud,” Bush said. “And I’ve made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together.”

“On Wednesday, Mayor Ray Nagin offered the most startling estimate yet of the magnitude of the disaster: Asked how many people died in New Orleans, he said: “Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands.” The death toll has already reached at least 126 in Mississippi. ”

“If the estimate proves correct, it would make Katrina the worst natural disaster in the United States since at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, which was blamed for anywhere from about 500 to 6,000 deaths. Katrina would also be the nation’s deadliest hurricane since 1900, when a storm in Galveston, Texas, killed between 6,000 and 12,000 people. ”

“Nagin called for a total evacuation of New Orleans, saying the city had become uninhabitable for the 50,000 to 100,000 who remained behind after the city of nearly a half-million people was ordered cleared out over the weekend. ”

“The mayor said that it will be two or three months before the city is functioning again and that people would not be allowed back into their homes for at least a month or two. ”

“We need an effort of 9-11 proportions,” former New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial, now president of the Urban League, said on NBC’s “Today” show. ”

“A great American city is fighting for its life,” he added. “We must rebuild New Orleans, the city that gave us jazz, and music, and multiculturalism.”

“Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu toured the stricken areas said rescued people begged him to pass information to their families. His pocket was full of scraps of paper on which he had scribbled down their phone numbers. ”

When he got a working phone in the early morning hours Thursday, he contacted a woman whose father had been rescued and told her: “Your daddy’s alive, and he said to tell you he loves you.”

“She just started crying. She said, `I thought he was dead,'” he said. ”

President Bush, facing blistering criticism for his administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, said Friday “the results are not acceptable” and pledged to bolster relief efforts with a personal trip to the Gulf Coast.

“We’ll get on top of this situation,” Bush said, “and we’re going to help the people that need help.”

“He spoke on the White House grounds just boarding his presidential helicopter, Marine One, with Homeland Security Department secretary Michael Chertoff to tour the region. The department, which oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has been accused of responding sluggishly to the deadly hurricane. ”
“There’s a lot of aid surging toward those who’ve been affected. Millions of gallons of water. Millions of tons of food. We’re making progress about pulling people out of the Superdome,” the president said. ”

“For the first time, however, he stopped defending his administration’s response and criticized it. “A lot of people are working hard to help those who’ve been affected. The results are not acceptable,” he said. “I’m heading down there right now.”

PS. I want to talk to you by phone. Send me a phone number please. MarieMarie22@aol.com


I sure wish I could figure out what your point was, Marie. If this was God’s will for a fallen society, why did the hurricane veer east just at the last minute in order to hit the God-fearing areas of Mississippi? Why were the areas known for their “sinfulness” (the French Quarter, the gay-friendly areas) the [relatively] lightest hit?

And didn’t God promise after Noah He’d never punish sin by flood again? Oh, that’s right, He did.

Everyone knew this horrifying event was going to take place, yet people rolled the dice and played the odds!

STOP REPEATING THIS RIDICULOUS LIE. (That’s one of the commandments too, you know.)

112,000 households in New Orleans did not own a car. Many more lived paycheck to paycheck – and payday was four days away for most people. Do you understand what that means? Was that “rolling the dice”? I guess they were really taking their chances by not making more money, huh? Was that God’s will?

And if everyone knew this horrifying event was going to take place, why did it take five days for the National Guard to get there in the first place? Oh, that’s right, the power of prayer should have rendered the NG unnecessary.


Sorry about the extra spaces, guys. Blame the preview function…


Over at Blondesense.blogspot.com there’s a post about trucks not being let in the city. She’s got contact information and all. Not a TiVo of the news though. But thought you could contact her.


was it just abc news or abc world news?
im taping the world news (it seems to be the only one we canadians get) but i have a feeling thats not it.


Let me get this straight:

Republicans believe in reducing the size of the Government until it’s “small enough to drown in a bathtub” in the words of Grover Norquist.

So the Republican Bush government, in charge for the last 5 years, slashes funding for FEMA and to protect New Orleans from just such an event year after year.

The Bush government fails to plan adequately for an event of this magnitude, and fails to put the resources in place with 4 day’s warning before the hurricane hit.

And now the death and disease and degradation in the Gulf is the Socialists fault?

What the fuck are you talking about, Ma’m?

If it’s socialist to believe that a government has the responsibility to take care of ALL it’s citizens (yes, even the black ones) in the event of a massive natural disaster, then I’m as pink as the Pink Panther.

The “doctrine of personal responsibility” is conducive to three things:

1. Relieving any feelings of guilt that might occur. Example: “I’m responsible only for myself and I’m doing just fine, thank you very much! Those people dying of thirst and disease in New Orleans, they’re responsible for themselves. Not my problem. Aaah, I feel so much better now.”

2. Exonerating Bush and the Republican party who control all 3 branches of the US Government from any responsibility for their frequent massive fuckups, even those that cost American’s lives.

3. Getting Americans to accept the idea of living in a 3rd world society where the rich don’t contribute to the government and the rest of the people are left to fend for themselves with no infrastructure, no social services… Personal Responsibility feels good though. It’s positive thinking.

Do you realize how morally indefensible your position is? Would Jesus leave people to die just because they were poor? Would Jesus blame the victims of a natural disaster?

And by the way, to all the Right-Wingnuts and Spoiled Brat Libertarians, even the “I’m In It For The Haircut” Anarchists out there: the only way to prevent massive loss of life in a natural disaster is to have a government with adequate resources. If you find it acceptable, even desirable to live in a society where thousands of people who weren’t self reliant enough to afford a car are left to die of neglect then please get the fuck out of my country.


Oh my God, I love you.

Do you realize how morally indefensible your position is? Would Jesus leave people to die just because they were poor? Would Jesus blame the victims of a natural disaster?

In bold so she reads it again. WWJD, MARIE?


Marie, shame on you.

You’re going somewhere for the screed you just posted and if I were you I’d pack heavy on the red and leave the whites in the closet.



I Got it… saw the trucks and the guy, they were loaded since monday
got it on tape, will transfer to my vidcard and encode asap


Marie, it’s becoming plain that this Jesus stuff is just cover for your ugly, hate-filled heart, you soulless harpy.


Yeah, OK, fuck that, fuck Bush, and fuck anyone who tries to blame a goddamn thing on those people.

Have you no humanity, ma’am?


I know what Jesus would do.

He would delay the evacuation of refugees from the Superdome so that the guests of the Hyatt hotel could be moved to the front of the line for the buses leaving town. (Check the 3:34 entry). You know – the small handfull of well-to-do people holed up in the Hyatt who have not had to share their space with twenty thousand other people for the last week?

But class has nothing to do with this disaster.

I’ve come to the conclusion that if you feel attacked by claims of “class warfare”, it’s safe to assume it’s probably a counter-attack.


Anne, if my heart didn’t already belong to Marie Jon’ (to her periwinkle blue cashmere sweater, to be exact) I would say I love you too.

Heterosexually Yours,


Oh and marie… this isn’t something I say often, How dare you!
I thought your post was a joke, and then I realized the only joke here is the shriveled, blackened, pathetically poor and wizened excuse for hotdog filler you must call a heart.
Seriously… How fucking dare you spew that vile shit from your diseased mind while poeple die at this very moment. If I was a lesser person I would wish such hardship on you, but I’m a mature adult and realize that *no one* should be in the position of not knowing if anyone’s coming or if anyone cares or if you’ll starve to death while outside a gang of thugs are stealing guns and raping your friends and family in the street because Bush was on vacation a couple days too long.
Even if they are poor and black they’re still human beings you stone cold bitch.


Somebody get something up about that holding-back stuff. I wanna help break it too.


Arg! my hookup is wrong i gotta find a different vcr (Will post video soon)


So who’s excited to sign up (BY NAME…because it’s for FREEDOM!) and march in support of American Global Imperial Domination on September 11? It’s so awesome that we’re spending money on a military processional while people starve to death, wading in dirty water with corpses floating in it.

(feebly) “America, Fuck Yeah!” (feebly)


I posted a diary on this at dKos: Were relief trucks held back to time with Bush tour?. Let’s hope it gets some attention.


Oh man, this is getting harder by the minute, if noone else finds this it may be a few days before i can find the crap I need to get this on the computer


i can just send this tape to someone if they can encode it, that might be better (sorry i’m poor, no available hookup, thought it was less equipment than it was)


How can one person by the name of G. W. Bush be expected to give back in three days what has been stolen for many decades of spiritual neglect and willful robbing a nation of it’s moral compass!

Anyone who hides behind religion and blames victims of Bush’s incompetence for their own deaths should die choking on Communion wafers. Slowly.


Hey Timmah, can I get your email? Mine’s gavin@sadlyno.com


By the way, check out this comment from another dKos diary:
A friend of mine called this morning from Kentucky. A bunch of his buddies from a rescue squad went down to New Orleans with boats and trucks, etc. to help in the search. The FEMA guys wouldn’t let them in telling them to spend the night with the rest of the volunteers in this staging area. They were told that FEMA was letting them all go in “together” in the morning (just as Bush arrived!). They were really pissed that they had to hang around all night while people were dying. They have boats that could be out searching for people. But instead they were kept for the “parade”!


gavin: my email is Timmah420@hotmail.com
oh and you can email me too marie, i could see myself revenge fucking you if you give me your address
just kidding, i would never fuck a dirty witch like marie with a 10 foot authentic french baguette


Another Kos diary said the Red Cross is not being allowed in at all, and someone linked to this.


This last one about the red cross seems to corroborate (or at least reinforce) the original post about the trucks.

We need to keep people talking about this, because if they have done this, it is criminal.

Personally I have no doubt that Bush’s puppeteers would do something like this, and if there is evidence that they in fact did, then we need to make sure that everyone knows…


Any of these look familiar? Can you tell us the reporter’s name, or the driver’s?


I’ll call ABC tomorrow and get info on the clip. Their archivist might be working on the weekend.


I said the same thing Marie Jonoh said about Iraq. We still had to go “liberate” them. Good thing for them they aren’t poor black Democrats, then they’d have to liberate themselves.


Marie, you ignorant slut.


May God have mercy on your twisted, delusional soul.


Ahh, Marie Jon’–the smart money can always count on her being totally, absolutely, delusionally, and sadly wrong. About pretty much goddamned everything.


I guess a flood does flush them all out

welcome back mj’

glad you’re safe.


Marie’s right . . . electricity is on, schools are open, the MSM is focusing on the negatives.
Hey, wait a minute, am I at the right war zone?


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Very good site. Thanks!!!


Good site. Thank you!


Very good site. Thank you:-)


Very good site. Thank you!


Cool site. Thank you!!!


Good site. Thanks.


Good site. Thanks:-)


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