Godwin Shrugged

If the Wall Street Journal’s fabled editorial section has been letting in too many drafts of puzzling and infuriating reality during these past few weeks, why not head over to the Washington Times or Investors Business Daily, grab yourself a straw and snort the Kool Aid mix straight up your nose?

Above: Washington Times editorial page, 2/11/09

Actually, it’s a fortunate day to visit the Washington Times editorial page, because you can go a lot of Hitler-free days over there before getting the Hitler. I mean they don’t always give it up. Sometimes it’s all teasing and tassels and then the curtain closes and you’re standing there with no more Hitler than you came in with.

This was not one of those days, nor was this or this. Nor for that matter this. Let’s examine the second-to-last one, there.

Is Adolf Hitler’s image in trouble?

There may well be a risk that the ongoing excess of commercial exploitation of the monstrous Nazi mass murderer’s reputation could turn him into a flattened cartoon, the way Vlad the Impaler was first reduced by actor Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula and then morphed into a Muppet character (Count von Count) and a children’s chocolate breakfast cereal.

Perhaps not. But it does seem that when the…

See, that’s pretty much what we were just saying, only right-side up and frontwards!

It’s almost a shame to disturb the irony by remarking on it, but this is in fact a pretty good book piece from James Srodes, apparently one of that rarest of North American wingnut types, the fluent thinker. (John Derbyshire is disqualified as a Briton; the rarity of the type is evidenced by Mark Steyn’s reputation as a humorist and Victor P.D.Q. Hanson’s as a classicist.) One of the books under review, Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam, seems to be one of those sausaged-out propaganda tracts that make ‘cases’ for things that conservatives wish were true — in this case the notion that Nazi Germany and radical Islam are in some way meaningfully coextensive with each other and with Saddam Hussein. Srodes wastes little patience on it, calling it “shameful hype” and offering that the horrors of religious fundamentalism (he uses this non-specific term) are only cheapened when falsely behitlered. This seems exactly right, although not exhaustive of the topic.

Anyway, designwise, you have to admit that the Srodes piece lends itself to an illustration of a flattened cartoon of Count Chocula or of other things relevant to the text. Something of the kind could also help raise the tone of the newspaper, since the Washington Times just drags out the same file photo (above) whenever the Hitler runs out and the paper needs rehitlering.

Above: What do we ever do around here but fix things for people?

But back to the main thing. What we learn today from the Washington Times is that medical records must not be digitized as the Obama plan proposes, but can only exist in paper form because YOU KNOW WHO LIKED EFFICIENCY HITLER THAT’S WHO. And certainly, such naïve, Godwin-unaware amuse-gueules of instaHitler are in the category of always-funny. I personally like to laugh at things that are funny, and would imagine that other people feel the same.

But it’s also the case that these tantrums represent something different to the wingnut mind than to the clinically normal one. To the wingnut mind, or according to the wingnut assessment of what would shock and upset liberals (a nearly identical consideration), the notion of the totalitarian dictator naturally refers to Barack Obama, and to a chain of previous images of Obama-as-cult-leader, Obama-as-false-prophet, Obama-as-Manchurian-Candidate, as usurper, as dictator, as “chosen one,” as false Christ. “Imagine,” the editorial is saying, “If Obama could access our medical records. What would stop him from euthanizing the weak, the so-called ‘unfit,’ or the ‘politically incorrect?'”

It’s not that wingnuts literally believe such things (or care what happens to the weak). They don’t really believe anything in the ordinary sense of the term, but rather make instrumental, conditional use of certain kinds of beliefs, much in the way that other kinds of people make use of thrill sports or porn.

The attraction of extremist politics is that it allows its devotees to indulge irrational, basically infantile impulses; and while the American conservative movement has in a sense chained itself to the devil in becoming a willful gratifier of such impulses, it’s also the case that the wingnut type has no fundamental affinity for conservatism per se, and will switch to any flavor of extremism that will cater to its needs. Wingnuts only care about the drama.

The elements of the wingnut drama are outrage, spite, self-pity, and gloating; and any irresistible fact or narrative will hold the possibility of at least two of these, together or in sequence. They mix to form emotions of other unique and familiar character. Wingnuts derive a similar catharsis from these things to the one that normal people find in laughter. Many enter into a characteristic wide-mouthed ecstatic state when telling a string of whoppers. If you tell them that something they’re doing is troublesome to you, an inner process results whose outcome is that they compulsively do it more. Many who are homosexual think that campaigning against homosexuality helps balance things out. Wingnuts rarely realize that they’re wingnuts, and instead suspect liberals of exactly the things they’re trying to get away with.

Anyway, I ought to stop getting carried away here. The Obama-as-totalitarian narrative began as an invention of the blar-harring, in-your-face hyperbole that wingnuts like to imagine is frightening to liberals, but which they actually do for its own sake. There’s more to say about it, but I haven’t even finished the Pajamas Media treatment I promised to do (or managed to properly answer email), so there’s no reason to believe me when I say I’ll try to pick this up again later, if anyone’s interested in such a thing. I mean, I totally will, but you know what I mean.

Abrupt transition:

Shorter Investors Business Daily Editorial Section, 2/10/08, All-Inclusive:

Stimulate Defense

  • Why suffer through the New Deal when we can skip straight to the World War II?

Juvenile Court

  • Find out whether the Bush administration broke the law!? What is this, a radical third-world Leninist banana republic?

U.S., Iran: Mutually Assured ‘Respect’

  • After Obama’s press conference yesterday, Iran is already showing signs of cooperation with the US, thwarting US efforts in the region. Fap fap fap Israeli bombing strikes fap fap

Free Speech Vs. Fairness Dogma

  • Cry outrage, for brazen out-of-context statements outline a shocking liberal plot for the hundredth freaking time already.

Jobs On Aisle Three

  • What, we need another one? Fine, just rewrite this press release from Wal-Mart. …Hi, are you still working on that?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 385

can one still say

blart around here?


Why so much of a focus on picking at conservatives, all of a sudden? I wish we could go back to what this website has always had since its inception, and by that I meant blart.


There’s more to say about it, but I haven’t even finished the Pajamas Media treatment I promised to do (or managed to properly answer email), so there’s no reason to believe me when I say I’ll try to pick this up again later, if anyone’s interested in such a thing. I mean, I totally will, but you know what I mean.

Gavin, this is just one of the ten thousand reasons why I want you to have my babies.

Bram Stoker (esq., dec.)

the way Vlad the Impaler was first reduced by actor Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula
What am I, chopped liver?


Bram, baby. Glad you could join us. Of course he knew nothing about you, he’s an American. And a conservative. We’re just lucky that he can read.


the ongoing excess of commercial exploitation of the monstrous Nazi mass murderer’s reputation
Yes, well, that is certainly ironic, given the context. Or do I mean Byronic? One of them involves a gifted, demonic figure who stands outside of society, and one involves iron, but I can never remember which is which. It’s like stalagtites and stalagmites.


By the way, vis a vis the stuffy pic of Adolf, I suppose they always use that because the WashTimes refuses to use the one where Ad-baby’s clowning it up with the false nose and fake boobies. Too frivolous for their Fuhrer (sorry, don’t know how to do the &uuml. Or perhaps I do. Hurrah!).

Ahem. F&uumlhrer. Now, why doesn’t it let me put letters after that? Sodbuckets. FYWP, and your little dog too.


Fardling sods of buggery, now neither of them works. Curse you, Evil WordPress!


You’re leaving out the semicolon after the uuml which signals the parser to change state mumble mumble convincing-sounding compsci bullshit.
Also pööp.


It’s like stalagtites and stalagmites.

Oh, Smut, I know you’re pretending here so as to make me burst forth with unnecessary comment and make myself sound like a total tit. But I can’t resist.

It’s stalactites and stalagmites, and one comes from the ceiling and one from the ground.

There, I’ve done it. Now I’ll go hang my head in shame, Sorry.

But on another note, Joshua Holland of Alternet has just posted his interview with Dean Baker, who actually suggests something not entirely dissimilar to something I suggested in my blog post last Friday. I’m so smug.

But not smut.


Come to think of it, the “Vlad the Impaler Reduction” probably belongs with all the other sauce recipes a few threads ago.
This is Smut Clyde, signing off and heading for the tub.


My own mnemonic is “stalagtits and stalagmitts”, where one hangs down while the other reaches up towards it.


My daddy once tolded me, “A stalactite won’t goose you, but a stalagmite.”


But what if the tits aren’t droopy? What if they’re fresh, young, perky breasts?

Ha-ha, then your whole theory falls to the ground!


Hello, colorful & idiomatic Anti-Podeans. Ha ha, now that all the awful yanks are having nightmares of financial ruin, or snoring their mates awake from their lay-off dreams, we can laugh & play.

“Sodbuckets.” I’m making that big in America.

Tomorrow. After a little nap.

Oh, yes, ’cause I know you all know each other (even the ones on entirely different nations & land masses) do any of you know what happened to Qetesh the something or other cat, who used to post often enough here & was from possibly Adelaide? (Wherever that is.)


“Well-behaved men seldom make history”–Adolf Hitler


I personally like to laugh at things that are funny,
In this photograph of Maggie Kitler, I call your attention to the authentic 1938-vintage map of central Europe beside her.


The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (as Robert Spencer never tires of saying) did offer alliance with the Nazis. So did the Japanese and the Italians. I see no equal smears of those groups, however.

I do apologize for linking to Front Page Magazine, however.


the rarity of the type is evidenced by Mark Steyn’s reputation as a humorist and Victor P.D.Q. Hanson’s as a classicist

This doesn’t take much away from your general point, but I guess it should be noted that Hanson, despite being a degenerate genocidal wanker of the worst kind, is actually a rather good classicist. His work on ancient warfare has helped set the standard in the field.

Other than that, you’ve been on a roll lately. Doughy of the Chumps on monday, Luskin yesterday, and now this? You spoil us, good sir!


Excellent deconstruction of the wingnut psyche, Gavin.

Indeed, it has been ever thus. But in the days before Ronnie Ray-gun, the wingnuts were confined to their tiny enclaves of fundie churches, “militia” camps, paranoid conspiracy basement ham radio clubs and lean-to hideout shacks in the middle of nowhere.

They need to be reduced back to the level of political power enjoyed by their extreme Left counterparts, like the Revolutionary Communist Party and Earth First, where that can’t do any more harm. Send them back to their roots, so to speak.


And just who enabled Hitler to “digitize” his records, why IBM via their Hollerith card technology.


New advertising slogan?

Read the Washington Times – It’s Hitlerific!


I’m always amused when people link me to articles in the Washington Times, I must admit.

I need an intervention…..I can’t stop blogging…..or Digging….help me!


My favorite:

They don’t really believe anything in the ordinary sense of the word, but rather make instrumental, conditional use of certain kinds of beliefs, much in the way that other kinds of people make use of thrill sports or porn.

If only they would use their fantasy worlds for sex or good fiction… but alas, both avenues are blocked to them.


Skinhead, deadhead. Everybody gone bad.


I prefer bedhead. It just has that casual, devil-may-care, je-ne-sais-quois, dog-eat-dog tri-state-area aura about it.


I don’t see why people got so upset about Hitler Crunch, the cereal with 1000 year taste!


Ooh, Ooh, I know….

Let’s tattoo our medical records on our forearms instead!

Hey, Washington Times,

You know who kept a lot of paper records on how many people they gassed to death?



Well, at least the Moonie Times didn’t go all out and claim that socialised medicine = Naziism. This time.

They usually leave that to the AMA.

I tellya, if the healthcare (lack of) debate gets any fuller of shit than it already is, those of us in the contiguous countries are going to have to muck out from the overflow…

There are no skinhead Deadheads.

Now that ain’t true; I’ve met at least two, personally. And I don’t know very many Deadheads (thank god). You wanna talk “sucking ass,” let’s talk about some Dead bootlegs, shall we?


For the record:

Military-industrial complex — not related to the Nazis

Digital health records — just like the Nazis

Though I don’t think I can improve on Gavin’s “do you know who else liked efficiency” argument. That’s a gem for the ages.


Speaking of wingnuts, a Maine woman did us all a favor by shooting her abusive husband. He had the ingredients for a “dirty bomb.” His wife:

She allegedly told police that Cummings subjected her to years of mental, physical and sexual abuse. She also said that Cummings was “very upset” when Barack Obama was elected president.

And this I found stupidly explicable:

Cummings grew up in California and lived in Texas before moving to Maine in August 2007. Although Robbins said Cummings told him he made his money in Texas real estate, it appears that the actual source of his wealth was a trust fund established by his father, a prominent landowner in the Northern California city of Fort Bragg. An Internet search of the James B. Cummings Trust indicated that it has an annual income of $10 million.

I think she should get a medal for her anti-terrorist actions.

Will there be a word about this from the Wingnuts?


Uh-Oh! Spaghetti O’s!!!

And here I thought Newt Gingrich was the leading wingnut for the 2012 bid. How will the Republican dip-shit fuck-face cock-sucking motherfuckers that they are take this reminder from 2006??

Gingrich: Health Care Systems Must Interoperate

To some people’s delight and others’ dismay, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is pulling up his chair in the private sector these days, as chairman of his own consulting firm and founder of the Center for Health Transformation. But Gingrich still has plenty to say. To the tech industry, in particular, he emphasizes the need for vendors, solution providers and integrators to get on the same page.

Too often, Gingrich says, innovation in the private sector happens in a stovepipe, with little consideration for the big picture. “This is not complicated; can you intercommunicate [with other solutions]? Set up a computer and try.”

Gingrich tells of an integrator that was developing IT systems for two of the largest health-care providers in Northern California. “I asked [the integrator] if they were going to make sure [the systems] could talk to each other, and the answer was no,” Gingrich says. “Here you have the same [company] designing noninteroperable standards for two institutions that occupy the same physical space. There’s a point where you go, ‘This is stupid.'”

According to Gingrich, Henry Ford’s greatest contribution to society was not the assembly line but standardization. And it’s standardization in terms of IT that needs to be better applied for the public and private sectors alike to really progress.

“If [your solution is the smartest] and you don’t get involved, you are by definition turning the solution space over to people who are dumber than you,” he says. “To really promote progress, I would say to [solution providers] out there, if you think you’ve got a better way of doing something, then you have an absolute obligation to explain how.”


Investors Business Daily says investigating war crimes (or, indeed, merely discussing the matter) will undermine democracy:

Any tribunal over which [Leahy] presides will be less about getting “the truth out,” as he claims, and more about trying to demonize a political opponent… President Obama and Leahy’s Democratic colleagues, however, would be wise to block his thirst for revenge. It’s not fitting for the U.S. to plunge itself into the depths of Third World childishness.”

What a difference a decade makes:

“Clinton and his aides have crushed reputations, ruined lives and used the machinery of government to do it. What makes his actions all the more condemnable, particularly in the Lewinsky matter, is that he was covering up such a venal, petty frailty. For those reasons, plus the fact that he has lied, the president should be impeached and removed from office.”


Don’t you see that Bill Clinton’s blow jobs were tearing the nation in half ???

It’s really an amazing inversion of reality.


Wasn’t it one of George Bush’s pet projects to make health records completely electronic and easier to exchange information?

Of course, he never bothered to elaborate, or attempt to make it happen, but he trotted this one out every time he had to tout his “record” on health care.


It’s this kind of thing that makes one think that just seceding isn’t enough. They should have their own planet. Something like Anarchaos.


Don’t you see that Bill Clinton’s blow jobs were tearing the nation in half ???

If a BJ is tearing anything in half, UR DOIN IT RONG! Yikes.


Talk about defining deviancy down.


I’ve only met one Deadhead. I met him on this board. Frankly, he’s a really fucking bad advertisement for the rest of them.

Who knew “peace and love” was about telling everybody else in the world that they suck?


It’s actually worse than this. Because Obama often sticks to a schedule, and you know what else sticks to schedules? Trains. Under BENITO MUSSOLINI. ::shudders::

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> I think she should get a medal for her anti-terrorist actions. Will there be a word about this from the Wingnuts?

No, of course. You see, he was opposing Malcolm ObamaIslamofascist X, thus he wasn’t a terrorist.

He was a Freedom Fighter.


Hey, you know who gave his citizens huge tax breaks?

Hitler! Hitler was a Republican!


“If a BJ is tearing anything in half, UR DOIN IT RONG! Yikes.”

Reminds me of this gem about arts funding from back in the 90’s on Mr. Show.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I only knew one Deadhead. She was crazy. And I mean in the institutionalized sense.

But she also adored the Velvet Underground, which was reflected in the fact that she actually wasn’t institutionalized but was capable of functioning in the real world, albeit as being able only to work (intermittantly) as a sales clerk, with no friends, and supported financially by her family.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Deadheads: what a bunch of loozers!

I thought being a Deadhead meant you didn’t have to desperately find other Deadheads, imaginary and real, with both imaginary and real credentials, to justify your musical claims of superiority.

I guess I was wrong.


Gingrich tells of an integrator that was developing IT systems for two of the largest health-care providers in Northern California. “I asked [the integrator] if they were going to make sure [the systems] could talk to each other, and the answer was no,” Gingrich says. “Here you have the same [company] designing noninteroperable standards for two institutions that occupy the same physical space. There’s a point where you go, ‘This is stupid.’”

That all depends on what the client wanted. There can be very good reasons to have separate systems that don’t talk to each other.

For example, if the two systems Gingrich was thinking of were Accounts Receivable/Billing and medical treatment records retention, there are actually federal laws against mingling the two. This is particularly important when it comes to medical collections — do you want some chump at a collection agency to be able to see your medical records just because you’ve got a past-due bill?

Thought not.

Even though we don’t have any context to go on, Gingrich’s tale smells like bullshit to me.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Some people just can’t seem to grasp the difference between a statement and a response, can they?

I thought being a Deadhead meant you didn’t have to rely on hilarious semantic hair-splitting to justify your claims of musical superiority.

I guess I was wrong.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Even though we don’t have any context to go on, Gingrich’s tale smells like bullshit to me.

We know from documented history that repigs lie 90% of the time and are incompetently wrong the rest of the time. In this case, I vote for ignorance (i.e, incompetence).


It’s actually worse than this. Because Obama often sticks to a schedule, and you know what else sticks to schedules? Trains. Under BENITO MUSSOLINI. ::shudders::

Sadly (or do i mean Happily?), No!


The Grateful What?

Is that like Phish?


I just love all you guys. I’m overwhelmed (wipes tears of laughter from eyes). Gavin, may you live on in infamy. Famy, too.


Is that like Phish?

You might call them urPhish.


They’re certainly not my Phish!


Wingnuts only care about the drama.

American conservative political theory in a nutshell.



They’re certainly not my Phish!

Well, they sure as hell ain’t MYPhish!


I’m pleased to see you still have this fascination for my penis, Fool.


So Phish is a band around which people gather and have fun, while people have to evacuate en masse from the Grateful Dead?


This has been another attempted thread at Sadly,No!®

We now join the actor212-Fool troll buffet/wienie-waving contest already in progress.


Even though we don’t have any context to go on, Gingrich’s tale smells like bullshit to me.

As bad as it makes me feel to take Newties side on anything, it doesn’t sound that odd to me. I worked on a project in mid-90s to make the four CHAMPUS (veterans health insurance program, now Trigon) intermediaries to share deductible information between each other. It was like herding cats – all them were “their way or the highway” about it.


Just keep feeding me!

I can derail as many threads as you like!

This hasn’t become the least bit tiresome!

And furthermore:



actor: Of course I’m still fascinated by your penis. Aren’t we all? Please, tell us more!


So Phish is a band around which people gather and have fun, while people have to evacuate en masse from the Grateful Dead?

I think of the Dead as a singularity that reaches a critical mass and then explodes outward, littering the universe with crap and debris.


LittlePig quoth: As bad as it makes me feel to take Newties side on anything, it doesn’t sound that odd to me. I worked on a project in mid-90s to make the four CHAMPUS (veterans health insurance program, now Trigon) intermediaries to share deductible information between each other. It was like herding cats – all them were “their way or the highway” about it.

As I said, it depends on what the client wanted and what the systems in question were. Newt seemed to be saying that there was never any reason why co-located healthcare IT systems shouldn’t be able to share information. My point was that depending on what systems were involved, there might be Federal law *mandating* their separation.


A singularity, by definition, exceeds the critical mass that would lead to explosion, thus collapsing infinitely inward until it becomes, well, a (non-exploding) singularity.

Look up the Big Bang, please. I don’t have time to tutor you in basic cosmology.


dude, shut the fuck up already. people are trying to comment on the funny


There may well be a risk that the ongoing excess of commercial exploitation of the monstrous Nazi mass murderer’s reputation could turn him into a flattened cartoon, the way Vlad the Impaler was first reduced by actor Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula and then morphed into a Muppet character (Count von Count) and a children’s chocolate breakfast cereal.

Well fuck, there goes my idea for Hitler Flakes.


I take it Hitler the Grouch is a no-go, too.


I gonna be mentioning this to people all goddamn day->

“It’s not that wingnuts literally believe such things (or care what happens to the weak). They don’t really believe anything in the ordinary sense of the term, but rather make instrumental, conditional use of certain kinds of beliefs, much in the way that other kinds of people make use of thrill sports or porn.

The attraction of extremist politics is that it allows its devotees to indulge irrational, basically infantile impulses; and while the American conservative movement has in a sense chained itself to the devil in becoming a willful gratifier of such impulses, it’s also the case that the wingnut type has no fundamental affinity for conservatism per se, and will switch to any flavor of extremism that will cater to its needs. Wingnuts only care about the drama.

The elements of the wingnut drama are outrage, spite, self-pity, and gloating; and any irresistible fact or narrative will hold the possibility of at least two of these, together or in sequence. They mix to form emotions of other unique and familiar character. Wingnuts derive a similar catharsis from these things to the one that normal people find in laughter. Many enter into a characteristic wide-mouthed ecstatic state when telling a string of whoppers. If you tell them that something they’re doing is troublesome to you, an inner process results whose outcome is that they compulsively do it more. Many who are homosexual think that campaigning against homosexuality helps balance things out. Wingnuts rarely realize that they’re wingnuts, and instead suspect liberals of exactly the things they’re trying to get away with.”

For a comedy site, that was one insightful bit of political psychoanalysis. Nice work.


However, the side market in Hitler’s Nutty Bars, More Nuts Than Most! could still gain traction.


OB, presuming that Gingy was being half-honest about his anecdote, it seemed to me that it was more a design of two parallel records management systems for the health care providers and not a billing system/health records system.

So one other alternative explanation could be that the two contracts were made by the now-merging health insurers and those systems were tailored for internal purposes originally, meaning the candy they chose on top of whatever basic structure they each picked, was causing cross-platform grief.

I ran into this on a consulting gig, where the IT consultant had used off-the-shelf AS400 software for a mental health provider, then tossed in the customized data facility. It could port some, but not all, into a SQL database for review, but she had somehow managed to make the database so customized that she insured herself a lifetime gig tweaking the system.

Which is what I think happened here: the software company realized they were in danger of losing half their contracts in this merger and designed flaws in.


Nibble Hitler’s Nuts? I dunno…

And Kordo, I agree absolutely. I thought that first graf was especially astute.


Is The Fool supposed to be funny?

Or maybe, more specifically, unintentionally funny, like Mallard Fillmore or Chris Muir or anything unfunny produced by conservatives that is the “conservative answer” to something that IS funny?

‘Cause The Fool ain’t either of these options.

I miss Bruce.






The Fool is as serious as cancer. He is not here to amuse you.

No, no, no. The Fool is here for one reason only: to pick up chix. To derail the thread.

Please don’t feed the fucking troll.


[I]t’s also the case that the wingnut type has no fundamental affinity for conservatism per se, and will switch to any flavor of extremism that will cater to its needs.

Yes. The right wing enjoys no inherent monopoly on polarizing political discourse.


The right wing enjoys no inherent monopoly on polarizing political discourse.

Weren’t most neo-cons, or at least many, once radical leftists?


-Ron Rosenbaum, writing on “Everything You Need to Know About Hitler’s ‘Missing’ Testicle,” on Nov. 28 at Slate.com

‘Nuff said.


Some people just can’t seem to grasp the difference between a statement and a response, can they?



… if anyone’s interested in such a thing.

I am, I am! More more please, Mr. Gavin sir. Awesome post. You’ve broken down beautifully what it is about the neoconservative/wingnut mindset that has always made me wonder if it’s actually some type of psychological disorder. Seriously. The thought processes and personality traits you lay out seem an apt description of a mental illness.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> what it is about the neoconservative/wingnut mindset that has always made me wonder if it’s actually some type of psychological disorder

Nothing to wonder about. There were at least two studies that found wingnuttery to be founded in youthful mental aberration, and plenty of books. Note that this is different than the lies and fantasies that wingnuts have about Liberals; they can never produce scientific studies connecting Liberalism and sociopathic mental conditions. Of course, they just chalk that up to, depending on the phase of the moon, to “Evil Liberal Academics” or “Evil Liberal Elitism”.


Rusty Shackleford

In my experience, a surprising number of wingnut email forwards originate at Investors Business Daily.


In my experience, a surprising number of wingnut email forwards originate at Investors Business Daily.

Irritable Bowel Disorder, you mean.


Actor quoth: OB, presuming that Gingy was being half-honest about his anecdote

Objection, counselor. Assuming facts not in evidence. 🙂

it seemed to me that it was more a design of two parallel records management systems for the health care providers and not a billing system/health records system.

Maybe, but as I said, we don’t really have that much context. And as Gingrich used to be my Congressman, I hope you’ll indulge my lack of trust in a single thing he says. Actually, the original posting simply referenced “IT systems,” which leaves a lot of leeway.

So one other alternative explanation could be that the two contracts were made by the now-merging health insurers and those systems were tailored for internal purposes originally, meaning the candy they chose on top of whatever basic structure they each picked, was causing cross-platform grief.

Entirely possible. I’ve seen many organizations that outright demanded their legacy IT systems be not only retained, but maintained and integrated within their broader IT network. That can be a total freakin’ nightmare, as I’m sure you know.

I ran into this on a consulting gig, where the IT consultant had used off-the-shelf AS400 software for a mental health provider, then tossed in the customized data facility. It could port some, but not all, into a SQL database for review, but she had somehow managed to make the database so customized that she insured herself a lifetime gig tweaking the system.

I can relate to that experience; I do ERP systems. It wasn’t so long ago that SAP used to use that same profit model; make the underlying code difficult and finicky, and you can rack up beaucoup green simply by refusing to certify anyone to support it other than your own employees. Result: you can cut the upfront price of your software, and then jack the clients for fat multiyear support/sustainment contracts because they can’t go anywhere else.

Which is what I think happened here: the software company realized they were in danger of losing half their contracts in this merger and designed flaws in.

That’s also a possibility. I just prefer to think that Newt doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about. Again.


When you threw cosmologists into this deadhead/skinhead/Hitler/Gingrich tapioca, it seriously fucked up the Venn diagram I was working on. Dammit.



Sorry, man. Try starting with a sunflower. HTH!


The Fool is as serious welcome as cancer.



Oh, and kiki says: bonus douche points for The Fool for referring to self in the third person. High score!


Can one of the proprietors publish the Fool’s IP address? It might be interesting to see if we can hack into his computer.


Dear Editors:

Do unwanted sexual come-ons fall under the umbrella of bannable offenses?

Thank you,



I’m a guy.

And I’m flattered, but shouldn’t you be stalking actor212 about now?


You can kind of tell that the Fool is over 45, though.


I warned you libs that Hussein Osama was going to institute Sharia law in this country if elected. This is clearly the first step. Soon everyone will be forced to change their name to comply. Just in case I already have chosen Kareem Abdul Jabbar (if that’s not available, Malcolm X will have to do). Then we will have to pray 10 times to the East and recite the rosary. SEE WHAT YOU LIBS HAVE DONE!!!

Rusty Shackleford

From the WaTi:

Think of it, a centralized, federal database tracking your every visit to a health care provider – where you went, who you saw, what was diagnosed and what care was provided. Chilling. The immediate concern is privacy – traditionally these matters are between a doctor and patient, but now the federal bureaucracy will interpose itself into that relationship.


What nondescript GS-11 will be cutting care from Aunt Sophie after her sudden relapse before he or she heads to the food court for some stir fry?

All of which makes one wonder whether the editorialist has even the tiniest clue about how private insurance companies operate.


Oh, man, that cartoon is wicked funny, Gav.



I’ve noticed that a lot of old men, when they look at forums, get irritated by the presence of vocal women and try to sexually harass (as a way of putting them down). They are particularly bothered by very feminine-looking names and go for them first.

He’s probably unemployed as well. How old do you think he is? My guess is 55 or so. (He said “forties”.)


This troll infestation reminds me of something I picked up in the showers at All Star fitness.

Luckily they made an over the counter remedy for that situation. Anybody got any troll cream?

Delicate Pink Lacy Underpants with Hearts on Them

I’ve noticed that a lot of old men, when they look at forums, get irritated by the presence of vocal women and try to sexually harass (as a way of putting them down). They are particularly bothered by very feminine-looking names and go for them first.

You too? I thought I was the only one.


That motherfucker isn’t a day over 25. It’s just a shtick.

I refuse to believe that someone can go 40+ years and be that juvenile.


But I ain’t buying it, sweetcheeks. I think you’re a special lady who is just awakening to her deep-seated long repressed urges that were awakened by The Fool and his description of his patented Up-On-The-Backstroke technique. Girl, I know you’re struggling with it but you gotta do what comes natural now honey (no pun intended).

Bill O’Reilly, is that you?!


You’d be surprised. He sounds painfully impotent, actually.


To all the women on this comment board:

I apologize for my gender. We’re not all like that, honestly.


Oh shit. You got me. Yes, I AM Bill O’Reilly.

Hey, when it quacks like a duck…

The Goddamn Batman Has The Utmost Respect For Dr. Leslie Thompkins, No Matter What Certain Comics Writers Say

There is one group of people with a strong Republican contingent that are opposed to electronic medical records, and those are your old-school doctors. Some of them just don’t like to readjust their work flow to accomodate EMR systems, and some of them don’t like EMRs because they can be used against them in lawsuits and disciplinary actions and they’re a lot harder to alter after the fact.

Of course, this sort of thing has been coming down the pike since long before Der Schwarzenführer made the scene, but they’ve been digging in their heels all the way, although I suspect that their main objection to The Dark Reich is that, this time, they may not be the ones deciding who goes straight to the ovens.


I am impotent.


Blame ac___ and al___ mostly. Certainly many of us have also contributed to the infestation. It was an amusing troll at first, so I understand why we fed it. Now it’s amusing in an entirely different way. There we were, playing with it, poking sticks into it’s eyeswhen, much to our chagrin, it became addicted to being poked with sharp sticks. Imagine our surprise!

So now we have a resident trolll who started as a parody troll and supplied more than a few yuks but which does not realize it is an actual troll. It still thinks it’s a parody troll (it’s apparently that stupid.

Well that’s my professional opinion which should be taken as gospel.


Also, I have the smallest penis of any commenter here.
Also also, blart.


Nuh uh! I have the smallest penis here and I can prove it! In fact, I already have proven it!


Well, it’s not like the Fool can fuck anything itself.


I have to go now – my Mom wants to use the computer.


And my little sister is bugging me to take her to the mall.


For realz, bro. Somewhere, I will dude.

Bro, Mr Left, somewhere. Swweetcheeks!! Impotent.


I know toby would like me if he met me. I’m the right man for him, I know I am. Gosh darn it why doesn’t he like me?


When I think about toby I touch myself. All it takes is one light stroke across my tense, quivering boypussy to make me shoot my little load!


I know I am. I pretend other commenters are homosexual, which is funny. Latina women are old and fat like me. Sweetcheeks! Impotent. Where is actor212? God, I hate being this old.


Not that I don’t think about actor and alec too. They’re dreamy.


I draw pictures of dicks because dicks are funny. Well, mine is.


I’m taking the SAT tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Who volunteers to make the first couple dozen comments in every thread “Frist!” or “Zed!” or some kindred assholery? I figure once that’s accomplished we can declare what once were the funniest comment threads on the internet officially dead. Seeing them linger at the edge of death like this is just too painful. I’d rather the demise had more finality.


People are pretending to be me! People pay attention to me! Talk about my PENIS! I draw my PENIS!!!! They are homos!!!!!1!11!!! Sweetcheeeeeeeeeeks!!!!!! HOMOS!!!


I make more money than any of you, too. If you like I can describe my patented Deposit-Paycheck-on-the-Backstroke technique.


anyways, did the headline writer think that ‘health efficiency’ is a scareword?

Because, yeah, having an efficient health database system is certainly one of the worst things I can think of.

And if an efficient one is BAD then are we supposed to be working to make the one forced upon us to be less efficient?



Just a simple ban. That’s all it takes.

There is no other cure.


Silly silly zombie. The Moonie Times believes that anything good is bad. And everything bad is good. Sun Myung Jesus tells them whats good and what’s bad.


I claim this thread in the name of Spain. Also, I declare it NSFW.


But what if the tits aren’t droopy? What if they’re fresh, young, perky breasts?

I’m intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


To all the women on this comment board: I apologize for my gender.

Well, it’s high time someone did. On behalf of women everywhere, I accept your apology.

JUST KIDDING Mr. zombie rotten mcdonald! Why is it always the ones who have nothing to apologize for who do the apologizing for those who have so much to apologize for? Or did I just answer my own rhetorical question?


Killfile’s kool.


I guess Hitler Ripple ice cream is a no-go.


He sounds painfully impotent, actually.

All the frustrations of male menopause and no accomplishments to show for the time spent.

Yeah, I guess that would suck.


Think of it, a centralized federal database tracking your every visit to a health care provider – where you went, who you saw, what was diagnosed and what care was provided.

Isn’t this the private-insurance-carrier system we already have, except it’s used by the medico-healthcare-industrial complex not just to violate personal privacy but also for discrimination and denial purposes? On what planet, and in which century, do these jackasses live? Or is it just that boogity-boogity word FEDERAL, and not the actual loss of privacy, coverage, $$, health, etc., that scares them so badly?


Today the clerical health-care records, tomorrow the world!

… It’s not fitting for the U.S. to plunge itself into the depths of Third World childishness.

Someone needs to tell the IBD that America’s Third World boat has already sailed.

There may well be a risk that the ongoing excess of commercial exploitation of the monstrous Nazi mass murderer’s reputation could turn him into a flattened cartoon, the way Vlad the Impaler was first reduced by actor Bela Lugosi’s Count Dracula and then morphed into a Muppet character (Count von Count) and a children’s chocolate breakfast cereal.

Speaking of boats that have already sailed


JUST KIDDING Mr. zombie rotten mcdonald! Why is it always the ones who have nothing to apologize for who do the apologizing for those who have so much to apologize for?

When Person A is a brainless moron, Zombie B might actually have a LOT to apologize for.

I guess Hitler Ripple ice cream is a no-go.

Dibs on “McHitler’s”.


Or is it just that boogity-boogity word FEDERAL

The perpetrators of the War of Northern Aggression!


Killfile’s kool.

Yeah, I’ve about decided that’s what it will take. Bummer.

And digitizing medical records was an ongoing debate when I worked for a Blue Cross in the 80’s. Nothing new there. Too many doctors quite happy to live the 50’s for that.


Oh, do tell! What’s it like?

Subjunctive comprehension FAIL.

Remember, boys and girls, this is the troll who claimed a perfect GRE verbal score, but who still can’t read somehow.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Dibs on “McHitler’s”.

Home of the new McPorkulus Rib Sandwich!


Who volunteers to make the first couple dozen comments in every thread “Frist!” or “Zed!” or some kindred assholery? I figure once that’s accomplished we can declare what once were the funniest comment threads on the internet officially dead.

Yeah. With trolling there’s always the possibility that it’s a clever asshole playing stupid. But seeing a wave of “first!” in unambiguously sad. You see it extremely often on FiveThirtyEight, which has a horrendously shitty comment section compared to the consistently high-caliber posts.

Killfile’s kool.

Firefox, Greasemonkey, Kill script. Kill The Fool and actor212. Done, 95% less trolliness.


On what planet, and in which century, do these jackasses live?

There’s the key, MzNicky. They still think privacy exists. It’s kinda like abstinence as contraceptive – to accept anything else would damage their delicately constructed “Father Knows Best” worldview.


MzN, you’re smarter than that. You know very well that facts and reason have nothing to do with it. Scare tactics, dogma, same old same old, thats all they got.

And you what? It’s worked pretty well for many years. The planet and the age are the one in which most people have been voting against their own best interests (cf. not Joe the not Plumber, et. al.). The planet and the age are the one in which many, many people don’t have a fucking clue what efficiency means much less what it leads to. In short, people are stupid. Too many of us are sheeple.


I really, really wish that Gavin would ban people before it gets to this stage.

I know I have contributed to this problem in the past by “feeding”. But it just doesn’t seem right that people should have to read through endless reams of misogynistic, homophobic, loathsome garbage merely because one commenter has/had a grudge against another.

You cannot expect female readers to just ignore this kind of stuff. To sit through it in silence, because to say something is to “feed the troll”. Sorry, that’s not okay.


Killfile, banning, etc. are unnecessary. All you have to do is scroll through the offensive comment and DON’T FEED THE GODDAMN TROLL. Nonviolence and passive resistance always work best in the long run. Unfed trolls eventually die. It works out quite well.


I don’t think that word “subjunctive” means what you think it means, Muffy.

Wow. The troll missed the whole sentence and now wants to lecture on mood?

That’s some quick googling there!


Dibs on “McHitler’s”.

It’s Hitlericious!


1: What’s this stuff?
2: Some cereal…it’s supposed to be good for you.
1: Did you try it?
2: I’m not gonna try it! You try it!
1: I’m not gonna try it…
2: Let’s get Hitler!
1: Yeah!
2: He won’t eat it! He hates everything!

[Munching, milk dripping off cute little moustache]

1: He likes it! Heil Hitler!


One of the many wonderful things about S,N is that the poster’s name is above the comment. Thus, I can skip all TehFoul’s comments and not get irritated or start muttering to myself.

Thank you Sadly, No.


What PeeJ said. We’d do a hell of a lot better if Congresspeople in general and Republican Congresspeople in particular would just grow the hell up.

Instead you get stuff like that moron representative yesterday saying FDR caused the Great Depression. Goddammit, the stupid people had their chance the last eight years to try their ideas. They failed on an undeniable scale.


February 12, 2009
The Emerging Liberal Oligarchy
By Christopher Chantrill
Anyone can make a mistake. But when a parade of Obama administration cabinet picks — Richardson, Daschle, Killefer, and Lynn — turn out to have ethics or tax problems, and are actual lobbyists or lobbyists by any other name, you start to wonder. But why be surprised? You expect stuff like that from today’s Democrats.

The problem started with the Obama campaign, which set up the absurd expectation that an Obama administration would drive the moneychangers from the temple. Then the Obama administration compounded the problem with the Obama ethics policy, published a week ago. First it said that lobbyists needn’t apply, then it said that one of them could.

You might think that this just shows that the Obama people are hypocrites, like all politicians. But I think it goes deeper than that; it goes to the fundamental delusion in the world-view of our American liberal elite. Its members don’t really understand that, at the beginning of the 21st century, they now constitute an American aristocracy well on its way to becoming merely America’s ruling oligarchy.

You Greek scholars will understand that we mean that our liberal elite is transitioning from the “rule of the best” to the “rule of the few.”

There was a time when our liberal friends could make a case for representing the best of America. They offered up political and economic reforms based upon the best ideas that they knew.

The Progressives of a century ago offered up financial reform, the income tax, the primary election, and popular election of US senators. The liberals of the New Deal offered up labor reform and old age pensions. The liberals of the Great Society offered up civil rights, Medicare for seniors, job training for minorities, and generous pensions for single mothers.

Let us give our liberals friends the benefit of the doubt. They believed, as they agitated for these reforms, that they were pushing for social advances backed by the best in scientific and political ideas. And when liberals launched their campaigns to convince the American people of the justice of their cause, the American people, decent and open-minded as they are, listened to them and agreed to let the reforms go forward. Those were the days when liberals truly deserved to be honored as an American aristocracy.

It truly is sad that all that youth and idealism has given us schools that fail the underclass, welfare that has shattered the underclass family, and health care that will bankrupt the nation. But anyone can make an honest mistake.

Right or wrong, the age of liberal idealism is over. We live today in a different era. As the American philosopher George Maroutsos puts it: If you have power and you haven’t abused it, you don’t have power. You just have responsibility. President Clinton was a man who had power. President Bush was a man who had responsibility.

The liberal aristocracy that once knew itself to be “the best” has become, after half a century of power, merely “the few,” just another cabal of ruthless men and women fighting to keep their hands on the levers of political power.

Our liberal friends do not yet understand how their years of political and cultural power have corrupted them; they still imagine themselves as plucky outsiders battling for the people against the powerful. There is a word for a misunderstanding of reality like that. The word is “delusion.”

It takes delusion to issue foolish slogans about Hope and Change, and make ridiculous promises to ban lobbyists from the political process. Think of it. The federal government disposes of $3.1 trillion a year. (That was last year. This year, who knows?) But any practical person understands that no mere sloganeering will bring change to this spending juggernaut, or drive the influence peddlers from K Street.

It takes an oligarchic sense of entitlement — almost like a bailed-out banker — to come into power and immediately give yourself and your supporters a trillion dollar stimulus bonus before you have achieved anything for the American people.

Things were not done that way back when liberals truly were young and idealistic.

In the early 1900s Progressives couldn’t wait to get into power and legislate the exciting new ideas that would reform the creaking politics of the 19th century. In 1933 liberals couldn’t wait to get into power and legislate landmark legislation to improve the lives of workers and old people. In the 1960s liberals couldn’t wait to legislate a civil rights revolution and put the findings of social science to work in helping the poor.

Now fast-forward to today’s liberals.

In 2009 liberals couldn’t wait to get into power and award themselves a trillion dollar bonus.

Don’t be discouraged! Maybe later they’ll get around to saving the planet, and pave over the nation with solar collectors and wind farms.

Sic transit gloria mundi.


I think the “Hiltler Breakfast” at Denny’s with Polish sausage is pretty good. And it’s ready in a jiffy.


Unfed trolls eventually die. It works out quite well.

Yes, but banned trolls die instantly. Which works out brilliantly.


I apologize for his gender.

Fixed for accuracy.

No need to beat yourself up, Zombie. He’s the one making a Fool of himself.


Reich-a-roni, the Bertesgarten treat!


tigrismus, I did NOT eat the branes of That Person….

eww. just eww..


You Greek scholars will understand that we mean that our Corporatist Crony Republicans are transitioning from the “rule of the best” to the “rule of the few.”

Fixed your post, Sally.


Jeez. Blankley has an op-ed arguing for censorship and suspending some civil rights. So The Washington Times conjures the boogeyman of government intrusion and loss of privacy in one piece – while conjuring the boogeyman of an “imminent” terrorist attack in another to justify stripping those same rights in another. Democrats want to give everyone health care, which means your health care will be cut! They’ve fought Republican efforts to kill social services, which means they want to kill grandma! (Conservative cartoonist Chuck Asay was pushing this same silliness not long ago.)

Somehow, I’m suspecting that while Daschle’s not my go-to guy for health care reform, he’s being grossly misrepresented here. It’s as sad as it’s predictable that most conservative “arguments” consist mostly of shameless bullshit. But I’ll go research nonetheless…

There are some lovely propagandists’ tricks in that outrageous op-ed, and I really shouldn’t be surprised by anything a group of stupid, lying assholes produce, but I actually wrote about the Nazi’s T4 program for International Holocaust Day last year, so I find myself more appalled than usual by this steaming pile of shit from The Washington Times.


The Emerging Liberal Oligarchy

Get used to it.


Thanksgiving turkeys will henceforth be called Goebbelers.


MsNicky –

Or is it just that boogity-boogity word FEDERAL, and not the actual loss of privacy, coverage, $$, health, etc., that scares them so badly?

Yep. The problem is not a giant bureacracy watching your every move, it’s that no one’s getting undeservedly rich off of it.


Yeah, I saw all those terrible liberal Bank CEOs yesterday getting their trillion dollar bonus.

Funny, I always thought bankers were conservatives.


This doesn’t take much away from your general point, but I guess it should be noted that Hanson, despite being a degenerate genocidal wanker of the worst kind, is actually a rather good classicist. His work on ancient warfare has helped set the standard in the field.

Eh, not so much:

If you are not familiar with him, Hanson, or “VDH” as he sometimes styles himself, is a historian of classical Greece, or at least he was a historian of that place and era. Now he is something different. Since 2001 he has laid claims to being a military and cultural historian for the ages, in addition to becoming a columnist for the National Review Online and other hyper-conservative outlets. Personally, I do not care what he writes in an op-ed, so long as he does not torture historical facts in order to validate his own pet theories. But Hanson does exactly that, and so, from my seat, he is the worst sort of polemicist: one who claims academic credentials as a neutral observer, but then insidiously inserts political interpretations of his own present-day biases into the historical record.


See also:


I don’t agree with everything Bateman writes (especially his views on Howard Zinn), but his takedowns of VDHanson are excellent.


Who is Chantrill talking to? The readers of “The American Thinker”?

Both of them?


Thanksgiving turkeys will henceforth be called Goebbelers.

And those fried onion things that get served with burgers will now be called Goerrings.


Andy: As I said, you DON’T have to read it. When you see the nym just scroll on through my friend.

Now: O/T. We had bad storms last night and a power outage seems to have fried my printer. I hated the piece o’ shit anyway, but now I get to get a new one. I want one that will produce decent photos and copy and scan and all that stuff. I’ve got a 6-month-old Mac version 10.5.6. Suggestions, you techno-brainiacs?


Goebbels and Bits, Goebbels and Bits. I’m going to get me some Goebbels and Bits.


I don’t agree with everything Bateman writes (especially his views on Howard Zinn), but his takedowns of VDHanson are excellent.

Concur. VDH gets overrated from being part of the Conservative Bluster Machine. He’s all right, but “rather good” is a bit much.


It’s as sad as it’s predictable that most conservative “arguments” consist mostly of shameless bullshit.

The rich lie to the stupid. It pays.


Is it safe?


I dunno, I see Hitler as running more of a Chotchkies kind of place. Cuz you know who else loved Flair? Hitler, that’s who!


should be noted that Hanson, despite being a degenerate genocidal wanker of the worst kind, is actually a rather good classicist.

I sorta like that MMMBop song.


I’ve had good luck with Canon scanner/printers but their Mac software is pretty shitty.



The Apple Store recommended the PIXMA line from Canon. I have the 620 (I think) as a backup printer and it does a nice job. Networking it on my Airport was a bit of a trick, but once I caught note of the trick, it really became pretty easy, if a bit time consuming.


The rich lie to the stupid. It pays.

Hey, John Stuart Mill wasn’t just whistlin’ Dixie.


Is it safe?

Consider the bitch slapped.


If I could fake it well enough, it would be awfully tempting to pretend to be a right winger, just to soak up some of that Heritage Foundation dough. They really seem to have no standards whatsoever. I just worry my true feelings would be exposed before the check cleared.



How much are you willing to spend?

Cnet has done me good in the past.



The way to cover that, when challenged, is to burst out laughing, and say “That was a pretty funny joke, don’t you think?”

They’re so stupid, they’ll write you another check for troubling you.


MzN: I highly recommend Kodak. They’re reasonably priced, put out very good to excellent quality, aren’t known for being problematic but best of all, their refills are far, far less expensive than anyone else’s. Factory cartridges cost about half what the competition charges. What’s more, they actually get more prints per cartridge than most others.

LexMark is Satan’s own operation. LexMark is beyond evil.


Hmm. Cause I swear to god I could do glibertarian elf better than Megan McArdle.


Slapped silly, apparently.


UiP, they accept Jonah Goldberg and K-Lo.

How hard could it be?

1. Get a fax machine and sign up for the daily talking points.
2. String all said talking points together with whattaya call em, ,words and stuff…
3. Profit!!


Remember, they think McCardle is funny.

So do we, of course, but for different reasons.


Hmm. Cause I swear to god I could do glibertarian elf better than Megan McArdle.

Yes, but Gordon Lightfoot would never write a song about you.


PeeJ: we have great pancakes at McHitler’s.


Slapped sillyier, apparently.

Makes more sense that way, at least for me.


It’s official. The troll has never had sex.

How much pity would it take to pity fuck some whiny old white dude whose cultural hegemony peaked about the same time as junk bonds and Don Johnson? I mean, I once offered to bugger the Virgin Ben, but that was for Freedom!


True, but my sense of humor isn’t necessarily the most sophisticated either. I laughed out loud at the Cheeto martini post, whenever that was.

Should do some sort of contest – first person to successfully get paid for openly advocating genocide in the Washington Post wins. First person to get paid for an article defending euthanizing the poor and elderly as a recession cost-cutting measure in The Atlantic as a second round.


I’d fuck the Virgin Ben for free, just to watch him cry afterwards.


Well, if *some* people can quote boring screeds at length, so can I. Only my quote is funny. From “Rain In The Doorway” by Thorne Smith, published in *1929*
A character Mr. Larkikn says: “We used to attack Graft in the old days. Now we encourage it. The only stipulation of the voters make is that our grafters must share enough of their spoils with the people, spend enough on public welfare, roads, construction, amusements and holidays to keep us all happy and contented. Thus we have all the fun of being dishonestly yet well governed.”


Kraft-brand Wehrmachtaroni und Cheese?


Dibs on “McHitler’s”.

Home of the new McPorkulus Rib Sandwich!

Isn’t that the McRibbentrop?


UiP, I’m betting both of those have already happened, but for real.


Thanks for the suggestions all! — my current printer is a Hewlett-Packard and I hate its hateful hatey guts, so I know for shur what the next one won’t be.


Also, I fucked Virgin Ben. He seemed to enjoy it but gave no reacharound. Typical selfish whinger.


my current printer is a Hewlett-Packard and I hate its hateful hatey guts

An HP served me faithfully for a decade. Then it swallowed one of its own rollers and became evil, kinda like Kay Bailey Hutchison.


Ladies too! You will be sitting their having sex with your husbands/boyfriends/whatever and you will NOT be able to stop yourself from thinking about The Fool’s patented Up-On-The-Backstroke technique. You will involuntarily…

Mr. Troll, If I promise always to think of this technique, could you cool it for today, please?

I can’t really hang around and ask multiple times, so I’d extra-appreciate it.

teh mgmt’t


UiP, I’m betting both of those have already happened, but for real.

Mmm, possibly, but the fun part is seeing how extreme you can get before they start to baulk. I’m guessing any real article would be (or has been) so swaddled in generalities and “perhaps it is wise” type phrasing that you’d be ages getting to (and convincing others of) the warm gooey genocidal center.


UiP, Alan Sokal might give you some tips.


Sitting their what, I wonder*?

*not really.


the warm gooey genocidal center.

The McHintler’s Hott Apple Pogrom!!!


In my experience, HP printers are either great or nightmares and nothing in between. My current HP is a dream compared to my shitty Lexmark that somehow sucked all the moisture out of its cartridges if I left it idle for a week, but my parents have had HPs that will just up and refuse to function out of the blue.




FYWP, the trool, and Jonah for good measure. In any case, it is NOT my fault.

I’m training for UiP’s wingnut Challenge, you see…


Now, if [the President] wants to nuke Baghdad, there is nobody to say him nay — and damned few who would want to.

That was Glenn Reynolds in 2001.

Tough competition.


FWIW, I’ve had an HP laser that has worked for almost a decade. One of these days I’m not going to be able to get consumables for it.

I also have an Encad (Kodak) large-size printer that has lost it’s mind twice, while my HP450C is still chunking away.


Also the cartridges are spendy, but so far I’ve gone a good eight months on one, as opposed to my Lexmark from Hell.


Canon hates Mac. Screw them.

We had a perfectly good Canon scanner that mysteriously stopped working… trouble with the driver. So I go online to get the new driver, only to find they have upgraded the PC driver… but not the Mac one that no longer works. Now this rather expensive scanner makes a lovely doorstop. We’re giving it to a friend.

They are now on my Do Not Buy List (and they were hanging by a thread by having the kind of phone menus that induce homicidal rages.)

We went with a Brother fax/laser/printer/flatbed scanner thing, foregoing all the Canon bells and whistles as an economy move. But Brother has treated us well, and most Mac people I know speak well of them.


Arbeit macht Freis with that?


Hmm. Gotta up the ante then. Pick a new target? How can we use conservative principles to convince the savvy WaPo reading public to wipe out, say, India?

I had to pick someone else non-white. I mean, they do have SOME standards.


For photos it’s really a lot cheaper overall to just go down to the store and get ’em developed.


I have to concur that Lexmark makes the cheapest ass printers I’ve ever seen, which is why inevitably when you see a “FREE PRINTER WITH PURCHASE” ad, it’s a Lexmark.

I had one that exploded when I printed and it jammed. I mean, the cover flew off and landed a good four inches away from the printer.


How much pity would it take to pity fuck some whiny old white dude

Are you talking about you-know-who? Seriously? Okay it would take about this much: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyDc-MxB9Rs


I’d say we go for the gold and work ’em into a rage against Australia.


we have great pancakes at McHitler’s.

Try the Begin and eggs.


Canon hates Mac. Screw them.

I dunno. I have four Macs hooked up to my Pixma and had no problems with any of them and that’s in addition to the Canon still and videocameras I’ve used with my Macs.

Canon posts their drivers on their website now, and I’ve never had a problem finding one.


Home of the Blitzkrieg Burger!


I might agree to nuke Australia for the spiders alone.


Try the Begin and eggs.

Menachem? Never! I love McHitlers!


Kuche, Kinder, Kine meals


How can we use conservative principles to convince the savvy WaPo reading public to wipe out, say, India?

How hard could this be? Didn’t they run with the “swim the Atlantic” story this week?


Arbeit macht Freis with that?



Don’t wanna hurt no kangaroo!


McHitler’s. Our ovens are so hot, you’ll think it’s home cooking.

Home of the World Famous Torah Tots.


My HP would never turn off. Never, unless I unplugged it. It would make copies if it was in a good mood.



It really is. Kraft durch Fries just doesn’t ring as well.


I might agree to nuke Australia for the spiders alone.

yeah, the radiation could result in some hella big ones.

That is, if all those movies in the 60s are to be believed.


That was Glenn Reynolds in 2001.

Conservatives are so cute when they get in a lather! Or maybe it’s just watching it all come crashing down on their heads that’s fun.


For photos it’s really a lot cheaper overall to just go down to the store and get ‘em developed.

RB: I’m sure you’re right, but I’m, what do you call it, lazy.


My HP scans a page like an old man crossing the street.


MBouffant asked a question, but WP eated it:
“do any of you know what happened to Qetesh the something or other cat, who used to post often enough here & was from possibly Adelaide”?

If you search the S,N! archives for comments from “Just Alison without Qetesh”, all will be clear.


My HP scans a page like an old man crossing the street.

cursing at other drivers?


Alabama = Iran.

This is not news.


I’m not the Fool and I refuse to think about him the next time I have sex.

Have you met his wife?

You two should talk.


There’s an old book called The Coming War with Japan (1991). It might give you some hints.

I would suggest a subject along the lines of “why we must invade Europe before it’s too late” — not because of “Eurabia”, but because the Renaissance was the beginning of Liberalism. Explain that everything European from the period 1400 on must be physically destroyed if American values are to be preserved.


No, I have not. What would we talk about?

Why, about how you don’t think about him during sex, of course!

She’s the only creature on the planet who’s more sick of his shit than we are.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Arbeit macht Freis with that?

That is FTW. I was thinking Fryklon-B, but that’s pretty clumsy.


Have you met his wife?

That is his wife.


I would suggest a subject along the lines of “why we must invade Europe before it’s too late” — not because of “Eurabia”, but because the Renaissance was the beginning of Liberalism. Explain that everything European from the period 1400 on must be physically destroyed if American values are to be preserved.

I think we have a winner. I’ll start working on it after finals.


Prussian Bluebell™?

No, that would be holocaust deniers.


That is his wife.

Now you’re getting nasty.


the Renaissance was the beginning of Liberalism. Explain that everything European from the period 1400 on must be physically destroyed if American values are to be preserved.

Mark Noonan has a head-start on you with that line of argument.


Explain that everything European from the period 1400 on must be physically destroyed if American values are to be preserved.

Make it “1492 on”. Let’s really highlight the sarcasm.


Oh Randy you crack me up you Pixar-lovin’ bore.


My idea of hell is having Randy Newman narrate every detail of your life, as you’re living it.


Even though my understanding is that several ladies around here, such as kiki, cerberus, and Ugly in Pink, all find their panties moistened when they think about it,

I don’t know about everyone else but i’m just incontinent.


Gary Numan would be OK, though.


It is my understanding that Satan offers you a choice between an annoyingly intrusive voice-over, or a really cheesy sound-track that signals every plot twist.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It is my understanding that Satan offers you a choice between an annoyingly intrusive voice-over, or a really cheesy sound-track that signals every plot twist.

I heard they phased out the laugh track in the early 80s, and are starting a test program of offering commentary from Ryan Seacrest.


Cue the tubas!


Grammar FAIL.


Posting FAIL.

The troll is like impotence incarnate.


As long as Satan doesn’t make it an annoying teenaged twit obsessed with genital size and impossible physical acts….

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As long as Satan doesn’t make it an annoying teenaged twit obsessed with genital size and impossible physical acts….

Never tell Satan what you don’t want! He’ll do exactly that because he’s, well, Satan.

Satan's Dirty Underwear

I’ll be doing the voice-over. My phlegmy voice is perfect for it.


*My HP scans a page like an old man crossing the street.
*cursing at other drivers?

More like slowly, shudderingly, haltingly, with doubtfulness of purpose and a confused look on its face? Yeah, I know that look.


Dumbass troll is still parsing the wrong verb!

Thought so.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You can’t parse a verb dumbass.

Still hopeless on teh punctu, as well. Piefilter!


Alabama = Iran.

You left out the hyphen.




Canon posts their drivers on their website now, and I’ve never had a problem finding one.

I hear ya, and I was astonished myself, but this was an six year old scanner and they just didn’t want to make it work on the Mac anymore.

As always, YMMV.


Never tell Satan what you don’t want! He’ll do exactly that because he’s, well, Satan.
No, Satan, no! Not Yakety Sax as a sound-track!


Didn’t Gavin very politely ask Mr. Fool to knock it the fuck off already today?


Never tell Satan what you don’t want! He’ll do exactly that because he’s, well, Satan.

Don’t tell him what you do want, either; I asked for James Earl Jones and Bartok, I got Gilbert Gottfried and Atari sound effects.


Actually, he asked him to stop posting about that technique he’s been hawking like Vince on the Shamwow commercials.


Didn’t Gavin very politely ask Mr. Fool to knock it the fuck off already today?

Aha! Killfile superiority established.


I bought a generic Slap Chop because of that guy.


You can’t parse a verb dumbass. You parse sentences.

And the troll self-destructs!

Having had to parse verbs in four languages, I’m laughing at the poor troll’s “800 verbal on the GRE.” The troll can’t punctuate, either, but that’s already been noted.

And then the dumbass troll comes back to talk about moods, even though I already raised the issue to point out what the troll missed in the first place.

What started with the troll’s seventh-grade snark has grown into its self-humiliation. But this is the n00b behavior I was talking about yesterday.


The issue for me with Canon software is just that it sucks shit: the scanner software it came with doesn’t let me do long filenames for instance. That’s an issue with the old Mac OS, but Jesus it’s irritating. Plus it likes making new folders for every fucking scan.


I wonder if this is the same troll who once invited me to “retort” one of his points. It would make sense. Someone who doesn’t know how to parse a verb (or who gets the mood wrong because he’s parsing the wrong verb without knowing it) would also be likely to confuse transitive and intransitive verbs.


I wonder if this is the same troll who once invited me to “retort” one of his points.

Did he actetate to post to you anymore?


Actually, he asked him to stop posting about that technique he’s been hawking like Vince on the Shamwow commercials.

Funny how the dumbass troll keeps calling it “patented.” I figured that one out (and many others) before puberty, just from looking at a medical reference book.

Gods bless the libraries!


Did he actetate to post to you anymore?

Oooh, that’s very good! Do you do other impressions?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

No, of course. You see, he was opposing Malcolm ObamaIslamofascist X, thus he wasn’t a terrorist.

He was a Freedom Fighter.

That woman is exactly like the Guatemalan death squads, except bad and not at all supported by Reagan!


Still waiting for the troll to find the fucking verb.


This should be good.


And now the troll changes the subject.

Safer for it that way, I guess.


Don’t tell Satan about Smell-o-Vision.


Don’t tell WP Satan about Smell-o-Vision.


Jesus Christ, I just telegraphed the fucking thing.

In the meantime, a song about the troll’s predicament.


I get the impression that this Satan fellow is a trouble-maker.


Oooh, that’s very good! Do you do other impressions?

I do a mean Al Kaline.


And now we’re treated to more grammatic errors by Mr. 800 verbal on the GRE.

The point, in case anyone just joined us, is that the dumbass troll attempted to fling something I’d said back in my face, only to show s/he hadn’t understood it. The way he cited his scores (was it yesterday?) told me immediately he was a fraud. But that wasn’t the saddest thing. Apparently, trollykins is not aware of all internet traditions and has committed every n00b sin in the calendar, taking refuge in the non-falsifiable and wondering why that carries no cache in the blogsphere.

Then I was able to draw the troll out on the issue. Then I was able to make the troll repeat the error in its own words. And then we got a bonus! Mr. 800 verbal on the GRE committed an own goal. Huzzah!

It is inferior.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I get the impression that this Satan fellow is a trouble-maker.

Oh yes. Never forget the Sunday school song about him:

You gotta watch out for Satan
You gotta watch out for Satan
You gotta watch out for Satan
He knows tricks and he’ll take your soul away.

He lives down in the hot place (x3) And he wants you to live there, too.

He wants you to sign a contract (x3) But you’d better read the fine print.

Actually that wasn’t from Sunday school, it’s a thing one my college buddies and I made up when we were really baked. But it is, theologically speaking, largely accurate.


But that wasn’t the saddest thing.



Sounds more like a malfunctioning Christian Punk Band Robot….


So, if I were to ask “how’s tricks?” Satan would know? Actually, I’m rather comforted by the thought that someone would.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Sounds more like a malfunctioning Christian Punk Band Robot….

Indeed it does. But with the right music, it could be a hit – it’s a bit more sophisticated than “Spirit in the Sky”.


Your last post is incomprehensible.

Comprehension FAIL.

You telegraphed what?

Continuing grammar FAIL.

You write like shit, Muffy.

Ironic FAIL.

Satan's Dirty Underwear

He knows but he never tells anyone. Not even me. Fucker.


But in the wrong hands, it could be a Creed hit….


Better to rule in Hell than to smurf in Heaven.


it’s a bit more sophisticated than “Spirit in the Sky”.

Now it’s on! To the mattresses!

Satan's Dirty Underwear

Also, he has crotch crickets and it’s driving me nutz. Little fuckers scrambling around dropping teeny tiny weensy wittle turds all over me. I didn’t choose this, let me tell ya, bub.


Little fuckers scrambling around dropping teeny tiny weensy wittle turds all over me.

Please elaborate.


Above: What do we ever do around here but fix things for people?
Gavin, while you are fixing Srode’s book review, would it be pedantic to correct him about
…the London publisher who 20 or so years ago published “The Complete Golfing Book of Cats” which was adorned by a N[REDACTED] widespread theory that Britons would buy any book about golf, about cats, or about Nazis…‘ ?

As any kno, the book was “Golfing for Cats”, it was published in 1975, and the theory was the author’s (Alan Coren) rather than a “London publisher”.
If only there were some way of connecting computers and searching a kind of communal database, so one could check these trivial details and make one’s book reviews seem better informed.


And I hate to break it you. As solid as your inferential case may seem to you, based on your expert analysis of quick blog posts (lol), I did in fact get an 800 on the GRE verbal section. It’s hilarious to read your triumphant boasts when you are simply, factually incorrect.

You see, I knew the troll was lying about taking the GRE when it cited its scores. There aren’t two parts to the GRE, there are three. Anyone who had taken it would know that. Anyone who had only heard about GRE scores in an admissions context wouldn’t know that. And any needle-dicked troll on Sadly, No!, trying to prop up an authority it couldn’t win with its own wit would have waved that third score around like the phallus it doesn’t have.


Others have already demonstrated the troll’s ignorance concerning IQ tests.

How gauche I am!

Punctuation FAIL.

The only thing the troll has established is that it is inferior, insecure, and laughable.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As any kno, the book was “Golfing for Cats”, it was published in 1975, and the theory was the author’s (Alan Coren) rather than a “London publisher”.

Is that “as any fule kno”?



Let’s go and annoy Amy Alkon now!


I do hope those who have been blaming me for today’s Fool-ing about are taking notes.


If only there were some way of connecting computers and searching a kind of communal database, so one could check these trivial details and make one’s book reviews seem better informed.

It would be like Star Trek.

No no: some super kind of Star Trek.



Funny when people start gloating in the subjunctive. Coulda, woulda, shoulda!

Funny that they’re not gloating in the subjunctive when they do that!


Oh, I can understand why. It must really seem like quite an achievement for someone like you you to correct me even on some matter of trivia.

Here the troll is either evading what I’ve already reminded it of, or it’s just running for cover. It no longer matters which. We’ve established that the troll is both ignorant and insecure.

And we can know that the issue wasn’t “trivial” to the troll because the troll responded to it. The troll cited abilities it doesn’t have, then demonstrated its ignorance in a failed riposte at yours truly.



The troll is sounding more and more like the transitive/intransitive troll, except that that one claimed to be some kind of international currency trader with a fortune and a trophy wife and a blah blah blah.

Some things never change.


it’s a bit more sophisticated than “Spirit in the Sky”.

Don’t make me break a foot off in your ass. It would make my yardstick too short.


Did I say Death Meal? I meant Happy Meal


Kert Rats Repus!


Is that “as any fule kno”?
If only there were some way of reading a post before hitting “Submit”, so one could check these trivial details and make one’s comments seem better informed.


I thought McHitler’s went nonsmoking?

Dept. of Corrections

Shouldn’t that be dully noted?


I remember discussing grammar in high school. Don’t remember talking about it much since then, since like most things discussed in high school it’s so fucking unimportant.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Don’t make me break a foot off in your ass. It would make my yardstick too short.


Just in case anyone missed it: my musical tastes are horrible and no one should pay attention to anything I say about music. Except when it’s about John Philip Sousa, who r0xx0rz.


punctuation FAIL — on a blog post lolololol

The troll made it an issue. Then, when the troll blew it, it decided it wasn’t important any more.

Weaker and weaker.

BTW: when I took the GRE, the 3rd section, which I believe they called the analytic section, was experimental. I don’t know what they did with it later. I’ll take your word for it.

And here the troll pretends to have known something all along. Funny how s/he didn’t know about it until I brought it up. It took the troll four minutes to google the GRE and find out what it had got wrong.

The funny thing is, the troll is still wrong. The “experimental” dodge confuses two different features of the GRE, making it increasingly likely that the troll has only heard people talking about the GRE and never actually taken it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If only there were some way of reading a post before hitting “Submit”, so one could check these trivial details and make one’s comments seem better informed.

Just checking. I’m a huuuuuge Molesworth fan.


Muffy’s fragile self-esteem is not sufficiently propped up by noting my punctuation errors, so now he is once again imagining that he pwned me in some other places and times on things I’ve never heard of.

The troll STILL hasn’t found the verb. The troll thought that this was very important … TWICE, but now it’s scared so it’s changing its notion of what’s important.

What a little bitch.*
*this is also a clue, but it’s over the troll’s head


“If Obama could access our medical records. What would stop him from euthanizing the weak, the so-called ‘unfit,’ or the ‘politically incorrect?’”

Hmm…. So they’re making the point that the free market health care system does this more efficiently, eh?


It’s been about one hour and forty-five minutes since the troll thought it had pwned me, concerning a skill at which the troll itself claimed it excelled. And now it’s running away.

This is not news. We expected this.


‘…the London publisher who 20 or so years ago published’
If only the newspaper world employed people to (as it were) “edit” the text submitted by an author, and revise sentences to avoid great clunkers like that.


Funny that they’re not gloating in the subjunctive when they do that!

That might explain why the GRE troll can’t find the verb.


Did someone mention grammar?
The first of the 4 rools of concord in lat is that a Verb agrees with its subjekt in number and person.


Dude, I don’t know what verb you’re going on about but I can assure you, I’m not looking for it.

Testicle FAIL.

My work here is done.


No one asked for my opinion on this, but I’m pretty sure that the internets were created for unsolicited opinions.

I think that responding to teh trolls can lead to some funny stuff. The key to it is to talk about and around the sad little thing, but not talk to the sad little thing. (I’m guilty of this kind of thing.)

Trying to engage teh troll and win a debate with the sad little thing is usually not funny.

So, don’t ban teh troll. It’d be nice if some commenters gave some thought about whether you can “win an argument” with a sad little thing that just wants you to chase it down a varmint hole, presumably because it wants to show you all the shapes and sizes of poop the sad little thing has collected.

Sad, sad troll.


As predicted earlier, Ghostbusters is the #10 conservative movie of the last 25 years pretty much solely because the EPA guy is a dick. (Or dickless, or Wally Wick, or some kind of rodent, I don’t know which.)

As a liberal I sure feel stuck it to.


If only the newspaper world employed people to (as it were) “edit” the text submitted by an author, and revise sentences to avoid great clunkers like that.

Hm, I’m not sure “author” really describes someone who files a “report” or perhaps “correspondence” on an event or item.


BTW: when I took the GRE, the 3rd section, which I believe they called the analytic section, was experimental. I don’t know what they did with it later. I’ll take your word for it.

Really? This means you took the GRE pre-1991, because that’s when I took it and the analytical portion most definitely was counted.


I think that responding to teh trolls can lead to some funny stuff.

Based on what I’ve seen around here lately, especially the last couple of days, I have to say: Sadly, No.


Oh, I see you did take the GRE back in the pre-historic era.

That just makes it even more pitiful that you feel the need to drag out test scores that are a full quarter-century old.


From Rusty’s link:

the solution to a public menace comes from the private sector.

Yes, I’ll look to the private sector for the solution when the next zombie apocalypse or demon-possession epidemic hits us.


The GRE had three sections prior to 2002: verbal, analytical (multiple choice) and quantitative. Post-2002, the GRE still had three sections: verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing (essay). It’s always had three sections.


commie atheist … meh … I wuz trying to make a distinction about kinds of responses … but, I hear ya.


Yes, I’ll look to the private sector for the solution when the next zombie apocalypse or demon-possession epidemic hits us.

Exactly. It may have been you, handy, who earlier pointed out that the EPA official was doing his job with a zeal the public would have appreciated if the pollutant in question had been non-fictional. For instance, I would like somebody like Walter Peck on my side if a bunch of private sector bozos were unsafely and illegally storing vats of dioxin in the middle of Manhattan.


If you tell them that something they’re doing is troublesome to you, an inner process results whose outcome is that they compulsively do it more.
Repeated for great justice.


Okay I just read about how you’re actually bragging about a GRE score that is older than me so I’ll just go back to blarting about all willy-nilly-like and not feeding the troll.


Re: Bubba’s link

In Filet-o-Fish Lake, do the fish just float helplessly?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The first of the 4 rools of concord in lat is that a Verb agrees with its subjekt in number and person.

Fancy a grown man saying hujus hujus hujus as if he were proud of it it is not English and do not make SENSE.


I knew it, bro, but it didn’t seem relevant so there was no reason to mention it until you made a federal case out of it.



Rusty, I think that points up precisely what the rightwingers find so appealing about the movie: that’s how they’d love to speak to any bureaucrat who stands in the way of them ripping people off preying on people’s fears exploiting natural resources making a buck.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Yes, I’ll look to the private sector for the solution when the next zombie apocalypse or demon-possession epidemic hits us.

The nice thing about private-sector solutions to these problems is that, if one company fails and you and your family get wiped out by demons, you can simply choose to vote with your dollars and support one of their competitors.


commie atheist … meh … I wuz trying to make a distinction about kinds of responses … but, I hear ya.

I know, but it all just gets boring after a while.


the solution to a public menace comes from the private sector.

If I remember correctly, the mayor gets them out of jail and sends them off to do their ghostbuster job, overriding Dickless over there. And the police and military help get them to the building. No public sector involvement there.


BTW, my score on the Honesty section of the GRE was 0, on the Humor section the same, and on the LOOK AT ME section 800.

These were experimental or something.


Not it wasn’t me Rusty, but, yeah kinda obvious that reviewer guy is playing with a loaded deck by citing Ghostbusters as a valid criticism of the efficacy of the EPA.


Did they charge the city any extra?


it is not English and do not make SENSE.
Without the Nigel Molesworth oeuvre, there would be no LOLcats. Would this be a Bad Thing? Discuss.


When Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) gets kicked out of the university lab and ponders pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities, a nervous Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) replies: “I don’t know about that. I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results!”

Hayward neglects to mention that Venkman is kicked out of academia because he is a weaselly, unqualified con man – which makes him a natural for the short-term success he finds in the private sector. Recall that, after the Zuul debacle, the Ghostbusters were reduced to back-up entertainment at children’s parties when He-Man wasn’t available.


1) There were 3 sections to the GRE in 1985, but only 2 counted.

The troll is still wrong. The analytical section was only “counted” by most graduate programs, which is why the GRE changed this section seven years ago. There are indeed “experimental” sections to the GRE, but not in the way the troll seems to think they mean. This is why the most likely explanation is that the troll heard someone talking about the GRE and got it wrong.

And, analytical or no, there is no way that this idiot troll scored an 800 on the verbal … which was the point.

2) I only mentioned the two that counted, which seems quite reasonable, doesn’t it, Muffy?

I have already explained why this score would have been waved around by anyone who actually took the GRE and was as insecure and annoying as the troll, but the troll is flailing now.

It’s a shame that the troll is having to ransack its manufactured memories rather than attempting to school me on the subjunctive, as it attempted to do twice (above) before running away like a whipped little bitch. That was so much more fun.

There is a clean thread above. One hopes the dumbass troll will realize it isn’t qualified to join.


Recall that, after the Zuul debacle, the Ghostbusters were reduced to back-up entertainment at children’s parties when He-Man wasn’t available.

That’s because Ramis and Aykroyd are commie libruls who wanted to “punish” their characters for embodying the heroic character of man and saving NYC from bureaucrats. Kinda like what’s his name in the Fountainhead. Or John Galt. Or something.


Hmm. The part where the EPA guy shuts down the ghost-containment-thingy … plot point in a comedy moovee, or clever political argument for private sector efficiency of public sector wrongness?

Let’s ask a wingnut!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Without the Nigel Molesworth oeuvre, there would be no LOLcats. Would this be a Bad Thing? Discuss.

I think the world without Molesworth would be poorer than a world including both it and LOLcats, personally. Some LOLcats are pretty funny, even. And if they were drawn by Ronald Searle, I’d be all over them.


That’s because Ramis and Aykroyd are commie libruls who wanted to “punish” their characters for embodying the heroic character of man and saving NYC from bureaucrats. Kinda like what’s his name in the Fountainhead. Or John Galt. Or something.

They also wrote a crappy liberal-laced second movie about peace and happiness and the NYC sewer system.


I got a 90 on the MAT…can i haz chzberger nau?


Hey Muffy:

I got sumthin for yooooo:

Considering the troll’s established track record, both the phallus and the homosexual desire it claims are miniscule.


Interestingly, William Atherton went from playing a manifestation of one right-wing boogeyman in the blockbuster Ghostbusters (EPA) to playing a manifestation of another right-wing boogeyman in the blockbuster Die Hard 2 (the MSM).

I guess not really that interesting, but there it is.


The attraction of extremist politics is that it allows its devotees to indulge irrational, basically infantile impulses; and while the American conservative movement has in a sense chained itself to the devil in becoming a willful gratifier of such impulses, it’s also the case that the wingnut type has no fundamental affinity for conservatism per se, and will switch to any flavor of extremism that will cater to its needs. Wingnuts only care about the drama.

I would say wingnuts are addicted to Certainty. Very specifically, perfect knowledge that has total security from error. A very ‘god-like’ emotional state. The Drama is their ‘Wrath’. Like Zeus hurling lightening bolts really. Its all part of being ‘God-Like’. “If you don’t ‘law down the law’ for the mortals you lose God status.” Conversely, the louder one tells people how they should live, why they are failures, and how you have all the answers because you are personally involved with the running of the Universe , the greater one’s claim to ‘God-hood’.


I’ve never used the killfile, but I’m seriously considering it now.


Atherton played the same role in DH1.

He also played a Defense Department stooge professor in Real Genius.


Oregon Guy, I promise I’ll behave better. Just give me another chance!


Atherton played the same role in DH1.

Remember when Holly punched him in the face? That was awesome…

He also played a Defense Department stooge professor in Real Genius.

And Darryl Zanuck in “Introducing Dorothy Dandrige.” But that’s irrelevant in this discussion, I suppose.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I would say wingnuts are addicted to Certainty.

I agree, which is why it’s so goddam funny that they’re wrong about everything.


Remember when Holly punched him in the face? That was awesome…

Bonnie Bedelia rules.


I got a 90 on the MAT…can i haz chzberger nau?

I greet you, fellow top-percentile-denizen.


Yes, I’ll look to the private sector for the solution when the next zombie apocalypse or demon-possession epidemic hits us.



Men? You will be unable to stop yourselves from trying out the Up-On-The-Backstroke technique. When it works beyond your wildest dreams, you will be unable to stop using it. Which means you will be unable to stop thinking about The Fool. From now on, EVERY time any one of you has sex, you will think about THE FOOL.

If the first part of that is true, I shall be thinking of Parliament/Funkadelic.


So Up-On-The-Backstroke is somehow related to either Funkentelechy or the Placebo Syndrome?


Hello, Qetesh, have been away for some time & noted your absence, but you seem to be here under a different “handle,” as we CBers say.

I must go “research” that.

Sir Nose D'Voidoffunk

Starchild, you have only won a battle.

I will never dance!


“If Obama could access our medical records. What would stop him from euthanizing the weak, the so-called ‘unfit,’ or the ‘politically incorrect?’”


Seriously, that guy reads “efficiency in health-care” and immediately thinks of euthanasia instead of streamlining and standardizing forms, processes, etc.? And I thought I was nuts.

And RB’s McDonald’s ad link is just about the best thing ever.


Hell’s bells, WHAT STOPS HIM NOW?!!!


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…you seem to be here under a different “handle,” as we CBers say.

I’ve been missing the old CB craze, lately. I’ve seen people compare various Internet and Web interactions to it, but it really had some nice properties that the ‘net lacks.

e.g., trolling and hogging up the channel were illegal, IIRC.



I bet bipartisanship wouldn’t have stopped Hitler. Sac up, Obambi!


…what with Hitler having only a uni-part.




Yeah, that makes me rethink the whole “Hitler Nutty Crunch Bar” thing. “The bar with one nut” sounds like a recipe for disappointment.


Golfing for Cats — try searching on this at amazon.co.uk: 0903895544. I think the cover must have been an inspiration for Jonah Goldberg:


So Up-On-The-Backstroke is somehow related to either Funkentelechy or the Placebo Syndrome?

Hey man, free your mind and your ass will follow.


M Bouffant, I was once Qetesh the Abyssinian. Alas, poor Qet shuffled off this mortal coil last year, and I had to change my name, declaring myself unvarnished.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Cats do not “shuffle”. They stalk off, or flounce, with a shake of the back leg to indicate disgust.


I’m surprised no one ever nabbed Burger Führer(“You’ll get it MY WAY”), Greater Germanian Heimat of Pancakes(home of the “Rooty Tooty Fascist Fruity” breakfast), Benny’s, or Little Duce’s Pizze Pizze.


Neocon bullshit shall reek for a thousand years!


Quick, Ethyl – the Flit!


I’m surprised no one ever nabbed Burger Führer(”You’ll get it MY WAY”), Greater Germanian Heimat of Pancakes(home of the “Rooty Tooty Fascist Fruity” breakfast), Benny’s, or Little Duce’s Pizze Pizze.

FTW. You can pick up your gift certificate to. Dunkin Dönitz at the ReichSad receptionist’s desk on your way out today.


Dunkin Dönitz
Nice joke you have there. It’d be a shame if someone stole it.


Nice joke you have there. It’d be a shame if someone stole it.

Halder you do such a thing, you cheeky Mohnke you!?!?

Oh, what’s the use? You can have it. Wermacht mercilessly for our fondness for such jokes but we know they keep us Junge at heart so let them sneer if they must.

Anyway, I know there’s some activity going on upstairs but I’m quite busy down here burning papers and making final arrangements. If anyone is looking for me just Jodl.


Keitel-fried chicken.


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