Wingnutty Hurricane Coverage, 9/2/05: Justin Darr Edition
So far, we’ve heard people blame the wretched situation in New Orleans on godless public schools and homosexuals. Justin Darr has decided to pass over such obvious scapegoats and place the blame for this catastrophe right where it belongs: on the victims.
New Orleans: the nanny state’s bitter fruit
Justin Darr
September 1, 2005Two days. 48 hours. 2,880 minutes.
172,800 seconds. Justin’s learned to use a calculator. A round of applause is in order.
This was all the time it took for the fabric of 6000 years of civilization to unravel in New Orleans.
This is kinda hyperbolic, isn’t it? Hey Justin, ever hear of the Plague? Or the fall of Rome? Civilization unravels all the time, homey.
Streets which just last week were lined with the fans of Blues clubs and theaters are now patrolled by gangs of what in any other country would be called terrorists looking for their next innocent victim or store front to pillage.
Justin? Seriously, this is retarded. Why would you refer to common criminals as terrorists? Terrorists intentionally inflict harm upon civilians to acheive a political goal. The looters in New Orleans are just looking to make a quick buck by stealing flat screen TVs. Here’s a helpful diagram to illustrate the point:
Rapes and gang wars in the Superdome, gun fire at rescue helicopters, and the efforts to search and rescue trapped survivors of hurricane Katrina have been abandoned in a near hopeless effort to restore some semblance of public order.
Yes, efforts to help people in New Orleans have clearly been abandoned, which is why convoys of food and water are being trucked in there right now.
Think of it. In just two days time, authorities have been forced to desert innocent people to almost certain death because New Orleans has become unsafe for rescue operations. Two days.
.2857 weeks. .0054757 years. It boggles the mind, really.
How could this have happened so quickly?
Well, a hurricane decimated the city, left thousands of people without food and water…
Early reports of looting where portrayed by the media as desperate, hungry people breaking into grocery stores. In my opinion, this is not looting but survival. However, as the full scope of events has become clearer, it is evident that the mayhem in New Orleans is not a result of trapped residents trying to stay alive, but a carnival atmosphere where the bodies of the dead are pushed aside in order to steal their stereos.
A carnival full of dead bodies? It sounds like Justin used to be a member of the Insane Clown Posse (which would explain so, so much).
I was originally going to write nothing about hurricane Katrina.
Damn. We were so close to being spared.
Times of national tragedy are no time for partisanship.
Pffft, please. Stop playing nice and just get on to blaming the victims.
However, what is happening in New Orleans goes beyond the simple red state/ blue state debate…
These are the politically correct facts as we know them. Almost everyone who could evacuate New Orleans before the hurricane did. Those who stayed where the very poor or ill who did not have the means to leave.
The reality is that the poor residents of the New Orleans could have evacuated the flood zone on a public bus before the hurricane for about the cost of a bottle of water.
I love this. These wingnuts act like there were just thousands of busses lined up with the capacity to carry out over 100,000 people. Not to mention the fact that many of the people stranded in the city had no money for a hotel, and no relatives outside the city.
The total disabled population of New Orleans who might not have been able to evacuate is estimated at around 55,000 residents. So, the question must be asked why up to half a million people did not evacuate the city. The sad answer is that many of these residents remained because they where waiting for the government to aid them.
Oh my God! You mean these poor people who had no way out of the city actually expected the government to help them during a national crisis? Christ, how naive! Everybody knows that the government’s sole purpose is handing out goodies to favored corporations, and nothing else. Besides, if the local, state or federal government had stepped in with a competent evacuation plan, then these lazy bums would have even more incentive to stick around and get pummeled by natural disasters.
Many trapped in New Orleans right now are in a state of shock. They expected the nanny state which provides them with housing, medical care, food, and education to also come forward and provide them with the means of escaping a natural disaster.
The fools. Everybody knows that in a post-apocalyptic world, the only way to escape a doomed city is by heavily arming yourself and blasting your way out. Haven’t they ever seen Escape from New York or The Postman?
When a state of emergency was declared in August 26^th , they waited. When the inbound lanes of the highways around New Orleans where rerouted outbound to allow for faster evacuation by road, they waited. If things where really that bad, the government would come through for them and tell them where to go, what to do, and provide the means to make it happen.
Plus, helping people escape the hurriance would have taken precious resources away from the government’s fight against pornography.
Many residents in New Orleans remained because they have been so indoctrinated into the idea that they will be taken care of by the government that they are incapable to looking out for themselves.
Actually, Justin, I think some of the looters were doing a damn fine job of looking after themselves.
Now the government has failed them. In a culture where all the comforts of life have been provided to people as entitlements, their sudden absence has unleashed a violent backlash against the society these people feel has let them down. In other words, if some people do not get what they feel they are entitled to get, then something unfair must have happened, so now they have the right to go out and take it.
Yeah, all those Disaster Queens just sat on their couches, mucnching on bon-bons and waiting for the government to help them evacuate. The dumb bastards probably think the Feds will be there to protect them from a terrorist attack too.
Let me stress again, these people are not out just trying to get baby food and Grandma’s insulin. They are stealing electronics, guns, furniture, beer trucks, and Nikes. Along with the end of social service entitlements has come the end of the rules of behavior these entitlements require. So, if the government is not giving you anything, some of these people feel that they do not have to follow the laws of civilized society.
Yes, because all the people who were on New Orleans’ welfare rolls are now looters. All of them.
The nanny state has created a class of people in America not only unable to take care of their own needs, but incapable to existing within normal society.
And most of them write for Renew America.
In your neighborhood, laws and peaceful coexistence are not maintained by government or the police, but by the people themselves.
Oh. My. God. Justin, did you really just say that in most neighborhoods, police are not in charge of maintaining law and order? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THEY’RE THERE FOR, ASSHOLE??? Are you telling me that if someone robbed your house, you wouldn’t call the goddamn police? That you’d just phone up your Uncle Jethro so the two of you could form a vigilante mob to track down the thieves? What kind of crazy-assed backwater do you live in?
You feel that way because you have worked hard and are unwilling to jeopardize everything you have earned by acting foolishly. But those who have always been given everything and told that everything they do wrong is a result of their being a victim, there is no similar prohibition.
Yeah, those poor people trapped in New Orleans don’t know how good they have it.
New Orleans is a warning to us all. We must change our culture from one of entitlement to one of responsibility now, or we may have no culture left in the future.
And we really have to fix our public education system so it doesn’t churn out any more ignorant fucktards like Justin Darr.
“beer trucks”? I wish! Or, at least, I wish it was me.
6000 years of civilization? I thought New Orleans was only 229 years old, before which it was a settlement of those nifty monkeys whence men evolved…
6000 years of civilization?
Remember, in Darr’s world civilization started with Adam and Eve when God created the world in one week 6,000 years ago.
Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy. I didn’t think I could find a more ignorant, offensive, insensitive, fucking-asshole response to the tragedy at hand than Mike Marcovage’s. But damn it if Justin Darr didn’t manage to do just that. Picture all the dead skin cells the fell off Rush Limbaugh’s thighs from chafing together in the last 5 years, sprinkled over all of Michelle Malkin’s used tampons, and coated with Randall Terry’s drool. At the very bottom of that pile, buried deep, deep beneath it….is Justin Darr’s soul.
If we really had a nanny state, wouldn’t he have been forced to brush those teeth?
“So, the question must be asked why up to half a million people did not evacuate the city.”
the population of new orleans as of the 2000 census was 484,674. even considering growth in the past five years, i think justin’s numbers are a bit off.
Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy. I didn’t think I could find a more ignorant, offensive, insensitive, fucking-asshole response to the tragedy at hand than Mike Marcovage’s. But damn it if Justin Darr didn’t manage to do just that. Picture all the dead skin cells the fell off Rush Limbaugh’s thighs from chafing together in the last 5 years, sprinkled over all of Michelle Malkin’s used tampons, and coated with Randall Terry’s drool. At the very bottom of that pile, buried deep, deep beneath it….is Justin Darr’s soul.
Bill, would ya send him an e-mail telling him how you feel (using those exact words)? I’d love to hear the response 🙂
Nope, sorry, my outrage meter is broken. I just can’t get worked up about cunts like Darr in a situation like this. They are trivial to the point of invisibility (though I love the apples/oranges graphic).
What Happens When People Fall Between The Cracks Of The Master’s Plan
By Marie Jon’
Every human being that has a heart is seeing what has taken place in New Orleans. What we are seeing is truly unbelievable! When looking at this disaster and the horrors that have taken place we are all shaken with sadness. Our eyes and ears can hardly believe what we are seeing and hearing. After three days, thousands of people are still wondering when they will be rescued.
It seems that man has no way to pull themselves together to save and protect dying people. Bush Says “Relief results not acceptable”
We all can see that government is almost totally helpless to take care of things. This is the lesson we all need to learn as we watch people perishing as big government stumbles all over it’s incapable feet! The government has failed from the top to the bottom.
Our president is working to take care of the total breakdown of communications and the lawlessness that now seems to reign. We have seen America’s breakdown as God has been shoved aside as if he were a monster.
Thanks to the ACLU and their ilk, any form of godliness is unacceptable. The very liberal and progressive one-world government envisioned by the ACLU and the United Nation seems also to be embraced by the far left in America. Thus we now see in these dire desperate days the results of their miserable works in New Orleans. Mayhem rapes the United States of her dignity at the hands of lawless thugs.
The Democrat’s (DNC) form of socialism robs people from taking stock of their responsibility for their own lives.
The lack of some people’s personal responsibility was very much at fault in New Orleans. How can one person by the name of G. W. Bush be expected to give back in three days what has been stolen for many decades of spiritual neglect and willful robbing a nation of it’s moral compass!
Open your eyes and see that lawlessness and neglect comes from a nation that has pushed the almighty aside and told it’s people that the Ten Commandments are really a relic and a man made myth!
The thugs and monsters of society are now the face seen all over the world as America’s new face. Everyone knew this horrifying event was going to take place, yet people rolled the dice and played the odds!
More than ever we need God in our lives. A Master’s plan was correct from the very beginning. We hide our faces from it. Without God being foremost in our lives, improper thinking to look after a city that was doomed for a disaster, has finally come to fruition. The bigger the government, the slower the response. Mayors come and mayors go. Mr. Mayor Of New Orleans, you are no Mayor Giuliani.
After five days the National Guard came in to save a people. We cannot think that big government can take care of all Americans. The Lord has a better time and a better place. Lets take ourselves there this day in prayer.
Following are writings from different newspapers
“Storm victims were raped and beaten, fights and fires broke out, corpses lay out in the open, and rescue helicopters and law enforcement officers were shot at as flooded-out New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday. “This is a desperate SOS,” the mayor said. ” The levy system needed attention as Alaska a bridge to no where!
“Anger mounted across the ruined city, with thousands of storm victims increasingly hungry, desperate and tired of waiting for buses to take them out.”
“We are out here like pure animals. We don’t have help,” the Rev. Issac Clark, 68, said outside the New Orleans Convention Center, where corpses lay in the open and the and other evacuees complained that they were dropped off and given nothing – no food, no water, no medicine. ”
“About 15,000 to 20,000 people who had taken shelter at the convention center to await buses grew increasingly hostile. Police Chief Eddie Compass said he sent in 88 officers to quell the situation at the building, but they were quickly beaten back by an angry mob. ”
“We have individuals who are getting raped, we have individuals who are getting beaten,” Compass said. “Tourists are walking in that direction and they are getting preyed upon.”
“In hopes of defusing the unrest at the convention center, Mayor Ray Nagin gave the refugees permission to march across a bridge to the city’s unflooded west bank for whatever relief they can find. But the bedlam at the convention center appeared to make leaving difficult. ”
“A military heliocpter tried to land at the convention center several times to drop off food and water. But the rushing crowd forced the choppers to back off. Troopers then tossed the supplies to the crowd from 10 feet off the ground and flew away. ”
National Guardsmen poured in to help restore order and put a stop to the looting, carjackings and gunfire that have gripped New Orleans in the days since Hurricane Katrina plunged much of the city under water. ”
” In a statement to CNN, Nagin said: “This is a desperate SOS. Right now we are out of resources at the convention center and don’t anticipate enough buses. We need buses. Currently the convention center is unsanitary and unsafe and we’re running our of supplies.”
“In Washington, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the government is sending in 1,400 National Guardsmen a day to help stop looting and other lawlessness in New Orleans. Already, 2,800 National Guardsmen are in the city, he said. ”
“But across the flooded-out city, the rescuers themselves came under attack from storm victims. ”
“Hospitals are trying to evacuate,” said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan, spokesman at the city emergency operations center. “At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters come in people are shooting at them. There are people just taking potshots at police and at helicopters, telling them, `You better come get my family.'”
“Some Federal Emergency Management rescue operations were suspended in areas where gunfire has broken out, Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said in Washington. “In areas where our employees have been determined to potentially be in danger, we have pulled back,” he said. ”
“A National Guard military policeman was shot in the leg as he and a man scuffled for the MP’s rifle, police Capt. Ernie Demmo said. The man was arrested. ”
“These are good people. These are just scared people,” Demmo said.
Outside the Convention Center, the sidewalks were packed with people without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement. Thousands of storm refugees had been assembling outside for days, waiting for buses that did not come.
At least seven bodies were scattered outside, and hungry people broke through the steel doors to a food service entrance and began pushing out pallets of water and juice and whatever else they could find. ”
“An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered with a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet. ”
“I don’t treat my dog like that,” 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. “I buried my dog.” He added: “You can do everything for other countries but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can’t get them down here.”
“The street outside the center, above the floodwaters, smelled of urine and feces, and was choked with dirty diapers, old bottles and garbage. ”
“They’ve been teasing us with buses for four days,” Edwards said. ”
“People chanted, “Help, help!” as reporters and photographers walked through. The crowd got angry when journalists tried to photograph one of the bodies, and covered it over with a blanket. A woman, screaming, went on the front steps of the convention center and led the crowd in reciting the 23rd Psalm.”
John Murray, 52, said: “It’s like they’re punishing us.”
“The Superdome, where some 25,000 people were being evacuated by bus to the Houston Astrodome, descended into chaos as well. ”
“Huge crowds, hoping to finally escape the stifling confines of the stadium, jammed the main concourse outside the dome, spilling out over the ramp to the Hyatt hotel next door _ a seething sea of tense, unhappy, people packed shoulder-to-shoulder up to the barricades where heavily armed National Guardsmen stood. ”
“At the front of the line, heavily armed policemen and guardsmen stood watch and handed out water as tense and exhausted crowds struggled onto buses. At the back end of the line, people jammed against police barricades in the rain. Luggage, bags of clothes, pillows, blankets were strewn in the puddles. ”
“Many people had dogs and they cannot take them on the bus. A police officer took one from a little boy, who cried until he vomited. “Snowball, snowball,” he cried. The policeman told a reporter he didn’t know what would happen to the dog. ”
“Fights broke out. A fire erupted in a trash chute inside the dome, but a National Guard commander said it did not affect the evacuation. After a traffic jam kept buses from arriving at the Superdome for nearly four hours, a near-riot broke out in the scramble to get on the buses that finally did show up. ”
“Col. Henry Whitehorn, head of state police, said authorities are working on establishing a temporary jail to hold people accused of looting and other crimes. “These individuals will not take control of the city of New Orleans,” he said. ”
“The first of hundreds of busloads of people evacuated from the Superdome arrived early Thursday at their new temporary home _ another sports arena, the Houston Astrodome, 350 miles away. ”
“But the ambulance service in charge of taking the sick and injured from the Superdome suspended flights after a shot was reported fired at a military helicopter. Richard Zuschlag, chief of Acadian Ambulance, said it was too dangerous for his pilots. ”
“The military, which was overseeing the removal of the able-bodied by buses, continued the ground evacuation without interruption, said National Guard Lt. Col. Pete Schneider. The government had no immediate confirmation of whether a military helicopter was fired on. ”
“Terry Ebbert, head of the city’s emergency operations, warned that the slow evacuation at the Superdome had become an “incredibly explosive situation,” and he bitterly complained that FEMA was not offering enough help. ”
“This is a national emergency. This is a national disgrace,” he said. “FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can’t bail out the city of New Orleans.”
“In Texas, the governor’s office said Texas has agreed to take in an additional 25,000 refugees from Katrina and plans to house them in San Antonio, though exactly where has not been determined. ”
“In Washington, the White House said President Bush will tour the devastated Gulf Coast region on Friday and has asked his father and former President Clinton to lead a private fund-raising campaign for victims. ”
“The president urged a crackdown on the lawlessness. ”
“I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this _ whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud,” Bush said. “And I’ve made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together.”
“On Wednesday, Mayor Ray Nagin offered the most startling estimate yet of the magnitude of the disaster: Asked how many people died in New Orleans, he said: “Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands.” The death toll has already reached at least 126 in Mississippi. ”
“If the estimate proves correct, it would make Katrina the worst natural disaster in the United States since at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, which was blamed for anywhere from about 500 to 6,000 deaths. Katrina would also be the nation’s deadliest hurricane since 1900, when a storm in Galveston, Texas, killed between 6,000 and 12,000 people. ”
“Nagin called for a total evacuation of New Orleans, saying the city had become uninhabitable for the 50,000 to 100,000 who remained behind after the city of nearly a half-million people was ordered cleared out over the weekend. ”
“The mayor said that it will be two or three months before the city is functioning again and that people would not be allowed back into their homes for at least a month or two. ”
“We need an effort of 9-11 proportions,” former New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial, now president of the Urban League, said on NBC’s “Today” show. ”
“A great American city is fighting for its life,” he added. “We must rebuild New Orleans, the city that gave us jazz, and music, and multiculturalism.”
“Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu toured the stricken areas said rescued people begged him to pass information to their families. His pocket was full of scraps of paper on which he had scribbled down their phone numbers. ”
When he got a working phone in the early morning hours Thursday, he contacted a woman whose father had been rescued and told her: “Your daddy’s alive, and he said to tell you he loves you.”
“She just started crying. She said, `I thought he was dead,'” he said. ”
President Bush, facing blistering criticism for his administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, said Friday “the results are not acceptable” and pledged to bolster relief efforts with a personal trip to the Gulf Coast.
“We’ll get on top of this situation,” Bush said, “and we’re going to help the people that need help.”
“He spoke on the White House grounds just boarding his presidential helicopter, Marine One, with Homeland Security Department secretary Michael Chertoff to tour the region. The department, which oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has been accused of responding sluggishly to the deadly hurricane. ”
“There’s a lot of aid surging toward those who’ve been affected. Millions of gallons of water. Millions of tons of food. We’re making progress about pulling people out of the Superdome,” the president said. ”
“For the first time, however, he stopped defending his administration’s response and criticized it. “A lot of people are working hard to help those who’ve been affected. The results are not acceptable,” he said. “I’m heading down there right now.”
Oh. My. God:
We all can see that government is almost totally helpless to take care of things. This is the lesson we all need to learn as we watch people perishing as big government stumbles all over it’s incapable feet! The government has failed from the top to the bottom. Our president is working to take care of the total breakdown of communications and the lawlessness that now seems to reign.
So the government has failed from top to bottom. And Marie, who is at the top of the federal government? GEORGE W. BUSH.
I think we are witnessing the birth of the “Welfare Looter” meme. I wonder if they use the stolen beer trucks to go pick up their welfare checks?
Marie, you’re confused. According to you, we’re supposed to praise GWB for all successes, real AND imagined, of his administration, but NOT to blame him for its failures. He IS to blame for this fiasco; for the funding cuts to FEMA, for placing someone in charge at FEMA with NO experience in emergency preparedness or relief operations, for gutting the statutes protecting and funding wetlands which protect against storm surges, and for ignorance of the fact that a major hurricane hitting a population center has been a well-documented fear amongst local and state government officials of all Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic states as well as Hawaii. Contrary to what GWB said yesterday, this event HAS been predicted for a long time. There were a few buses before Katrina hit to take those who had no other way to evacuate, but where were they to go? Shelters were not set up until after the magnitude of the disaster was realized. The federal government was very slow to react. This is NOT what we expect as Americans. We expect our federal government to lead the way in relief efforts, especially here at home. If the feds cannot do anything with Katrina knowing where she would land for several days, how can we expect Homeland Security to protect us against a terrorist attack? GWB is NOT the savior you seem to think he is. We’re over 500 miles away and we have 3 shelters and will probably have more within the week. Some of the children are already enrolled in the local schools. The Salvation Army has requested help, not only with funds, food, and other supplies, but for volunteers to help cook the food. The local Democratic Party is sponsoring a Labor Day celebration in the park and has invited the shelters to send the flood victims for hot dogs and hamburgers. Local churches, groceries and other stores have set up collection centers for the relief effort. All the liberals I know are working to help, donating time, money, shelter and items. All the conservatives I know are also doing the same thing. Only a few people are mean-spirited enough to blame the victims and especially to blame the victims for being poor blacks. May God have mercy on their souls.
Marie (Jon),
I’m with you. Sadly,no makes me laugh too. I’m in dire need of a good laugh right about now.
OK, we’ll leave the spelling alone but, your grammer? Holy Jeebus!
And YES: Your ilk are the real problem. BRING AMERICA DOWN!
Although I don’t think that the boys of Sadly, no are up to the task. No time. There’s a bog that need attention.
Marie (Jon),
I’m with you. Sadly,no makes me laugh too. I’m in dire need of a good laugh right about now.
OK, we’ll leave the spelling alone but, your grammer? Holy Jeebus!
And YES: Your ilk are the real problem. BRING AMERICA DOWN!
Although I don’t think that the boys of Sadly, no are up to the task. No time. There’s a bog that need attention.
Oops. Nice double post there Snoop Bloggy Blog
Gee, I wish Justin had gone with his initial inclination and not written that cloumn, ‘cos eeeeuuuuccchhh!
Oops, dyslexic me-that should be “column,” not “cloumn.”
I can touch the back of my head with the soles of my feet.
Eat your hearts out!
Thus proof that intelligence is not required to have a top blog. Instead of engage in rational argument, you just threw some profanity at him and ridiculed him.
This isn’t a blog. This isn’t even a real website. Its a pathetic take off on Mystery Science Theater 3000 except:
1) Its less funny
2) More hateful
3) Less Intelligent.
Yeah, rational argument really reaches people who believe the earth is 6000 years old.
You’re welcome to go write your own bog and try to convince mouth-breathing fucksticks like these of anything. Good luck.
Wow, I just went and checked out your blog… “Stopping Chavez is about American liberty”?
Ahahahahahaahahahahaahahaha. Tell me, how old do you think the earth is?
In your neighborhood, laws and peaceful coexistence are not maintained by government or the police, but by the people themselves.
Actually, this is perfectly true. Societies hold together because of the social contract, which is the innate recognition people have of the ethical responsibilities we have to each other, and not because of some mythical thin blue line. If the cops were the only thing preventing society descending into chaos, we would have made that descent centuries ago.
Of course, the social contract can be eroded by destructive philosophies and policies based on the idea that the only obligations we have are to ourselves, our families and the diktats of some puritanical sky-fairy, but I doubt that’s the point Mr Darr is attempting to make.
Okay to all of you mindless fools who believe everything you here, watch this report by a guy that has been at ground zero since Wednesday who gives a TOTALLY different report of what’s been reported in the media…
…right after all of the interviews with the victims (about 5 minutes) listen to the report this guy gave when all of the killing and raping started getting reported. He didn’t see anything like this! There was some early looting of non essentials from a handful of individuals compared to the 10,000 sitting peacefully and waiting for help.
I am totally convinced all the so called rapes and murders are inconcieveable falsehoods brought on soley to cover the asses of the injustice to those helpless individuals in NO.
Yes, in every situation like this there will be idiots who act a fool but NOTHING was more important than moving forward with rescue operations in NO. NOTHING!
A rescue operation of this magnitude is always gonna call for some measure of disregard for one’s self in the attempt to save others. There is no way in HELL rescue operations would have been called off in a predominately white, affluent city no matter what the dangers were! If there WERE some idiots or histerical individuals who had lost a child or loved one due to the lack of response and had fired at a rescue aircraft the cops/military/etc would have dealt with those people and pressed forward with rescue efforts! No way they leave well-to-do white americans to die b/c of some “reported” gunfire and/or looting of any sort!
These latest videos of black, white, and otherwise looting stores is a result of these people being left to die for 5 days now with no food, water, NOTHING! I would be very pissed and doing whatever I could to survive and you would to – saying anything else is just total bs when they have locked you in stopped all rescue efforts!
I’m yet to witness one valid account of a rape or murder victim! If it happened it’s very sad and unacceptable but I have seen too much to the contrary and would need something other than some misconstrued hearsay to make me believe othewise!
In your neighborhood, laws and peaceful coexistence are not maintained by government or the police, but by the people themselves.
Actually, this is perfectly true. Societies hold together because of the social contract, which is the innate recognition people have of the ethical responsibilities we have to each other, and not because of some mythical thin blue line. If the cops were the only thing preventing society descending into chaos, we would have made that descent centuries ago.
Of course, the social contract can be eroded by destructive philosophies and policies based on the idea that the only obligations we have are to ourselves, our families and the diktats of some puritanical sky-fairy, but I doubt that’s the point Mr Darr is attempting to make.
well take a look at the report i linked above – this is exactly how 99% of these people at the convention center was acting.
they had done everything they were instructed to do and after 4 days they were still orderly, peaceful, and doing all they could to help one another.
this guy has been down there since wednesday and has seen none of this. he’s been all around the city and mainly in the convention center area where all of the madness was supposed to have taken place!
you have to get through the first 5 minutes of the victims asking for help and you’ll get his full and detailed report refuting everything that’s been reported.
he got no shots… NONE – of rapes and shooting occuring down there. a picture is worth a thousand words and then some in this situation. until i hear it from a victims lips that they were shot or raped i really believe this is an attempt to excuse the lack of response ordered by the federal and state government officials!
RobW, I completely agree. I have long argued that the only real morals are those of the social contract, and only those social contracts that prohibit things like theft and murder and rape, yet allow personal freedom, choice and liberty are stable. When that is breached anarchy results. That is what we saw in New Orleans. Police and other law enforcement and punishment barriers are all secondary. What it is Justin Darr and his ilk fail to account for is that this social contract, that is a society’s morals are all 100% human-based.
Marie Jon’… All I can say to you is welcome to the real world. Bush, for four years now has had only one slogan, “9-11 changed everything.” Well what we learned is that what he means is that his focusing on national security and protecting the people has made it worse not better. Four years later after promising to make response to national emergencies better, he has grandly succeeded at making them much, much worse, from hours then to days today. I know it hurts to learn that liberals were right all along and Bush and the GOP’s incompetence is laid bare for all the world to see.
There, see, not one single crack about your lousy grammar or your 16th Century spell checker.
Marie Jon’, what does this mean : “The levy system needed attention as Alaska a bridge to no where!”
I guess she’s referring to the same thing as this post is (I’m British, I never heard the Alaska bridge story before, my bad)
mentions alaska bridge
Adam Graham, having a rational argument would not only imply I have respect for Darr’s intellect and integrity, it would presume there was something rational in his screed with which to argue. The man suggests local intracity public transportation as a way to escape flood waters, apparently thinking local buses would take infinite numbers of people to Houston for a dollar, and yet berates the people who took buses to places actually on their route that escaped flooding, like the Superdome.
Thus proof that intelligence is not required to have a top blog. Instead of engage in rational argument, you just threw some profanity at him and ridiculed him.
There’s no way to rationally argue with a premise that is inherently stupid and backed up by zero evidence.
If profanity is the only thing he gets thrown at him for this he’ll be a lucky boy.
“I’m yet to witness one valid account of a rape or murder victim!” I can’t believe the bastards are holding out on you! (“Hey, are you dead?”)