Instaquaker Blogburst
Posted on September 1st, 2005 by Gavin M.
S,N! has donated to and recommends the American Friends Service Committee.
Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina
We’ll meet again, Mssrs. Hewett and Reynolds. Yes, we’ll be the ones putting the fish down your pants. Next time.
“There is absolutely no evidence that reinforced east bank hurricane levees would actually have prevented the flooding. Anyone who says differently is trying to use this tragedy to push a political agenda.” ’nuff said
But was there evidence that not providing the reinforcement would run an unacceptable risk?
Thanks for the reminder about the AFSC. Have much respect for those folks. The kind of people that someother socalled “Christians” would do well to emulate.
Another group that I greatly admire are the Mennonites. I don’t know if they take cash contributions though. We had some bad flooding here in Oregon a decade ago and the Mennonites just showed up out of nowhere. Set to work rebuilding homes and then, when done, just upped and left.
“But was there evidence that not providing the reinforcement would run an unacceptable risk?”uh, yeah. these angry outbursts seem to sum it up: outburst1 outburst2
The Friends are the best.
Bush Mobilizes a Huge Recovery Effort
President Bush mobilized a broad federal government response to the region devastated by Hurricane