I don’t get it, man

I remember back in the Rightbloggers’ glory years of 2002-2005, many of them would stamp their feet and shriek at us for not being deferential to Anointed Wingnut God George W. Bush. They routinely questioned our patriotism and said that we hated America. Now that their dude isn’t in charge anymore, however, they’re proudly parading around these bumper stickers:

Now, I’m not really offended by this sort of thing because I never equated disagreeing with the president with being unpatriotic. But, like, these guys do. And now they say they’re proud to be unpatriotic. Me no get. Y’all is too weird.

Gavin adds:

Above: Speaking truth to power


Comments: 311


It’s Opposite Year, of course.


Never attempt to apply logic to wingnut thinking. You can seriously hurt yourself that way.


Bring ’em on. BDS was a shit acronym; ODS is lots funnier.


Do the Hip-O-Crit
Hippy hippy forward
Hippy hippy
Hippy hippy hippy


They mean we’ve all become traitors now for agreeing with the president? Bizzarro. I suppose that’s like having sex with other men doesnt mean you’re gay if you’re an american republican fundie.


I looked down in the sand…and there was only one set of footprints!


The hell’s a Porkulus anyhow? Is that like a pig crossed with a platypus? Or porcupine and an octopus? Or a Pokemon of some sort? Or a WoW raid boss in Burning Crusade?

Maybe it’s a vampire pig. How scary would that be? “All the Carpathian pig farmers fear the deadly Count Porkulus.”

I’m scared. Hold me.


The simple, unfunny answer is that it’s tribalism. Anyone who is not a member of their tribe is fair game, period. That is the extent of their “values”.


Hehindeezle. For wingnuts, “being patriotic” = “agreeing with the president when you agree with him”. So they’re as patriotic as they ever were.


Does this mean, FINALLY, they’ll volunteer for Iraq just so they can get out of Obama’s hair?


I looked down in the sand…and there was only one set of footprints!

And a bag of pork rinds!


Is Porkulus related to Reamus?


No, that would be Porkulus and Penis.


…or dude! Spartacus in a pig costume!

or maybe it’s bacon flavored lettuce!

or maybe Porkulus is the fifth Cylon! Frak!




It’s really true: The left really does have all the good graphic designers…


Extremism In Defense Of Treason Is No Vice!


It’s the same logic behind the press corps remembering that their job is to be adversarial whenever a Democrat is President:

Pulling a collective Rip Van Winkle, the White House press corps has awakened from its extended nap just in time to aggressively press the new Democratic administration, just as it dogged the last Democratic president during his first days in office back in the 1990s. Conveniently skipped over during the press corps’ extended bout of shut-eye? The Bush years, of course.

Suddenly revved up and vowing to keep a hawk-like watch on the Obama administration (“I want to hold these guys accountable for what they say and do”) and all of a sudden obsessed with trivia, while glomming onto nitpicking, gotcha-style critiques, Beltway reporters have tossed aside the blanket of calm that had descended on them during the previous administration, a blanket of calm that defined their Bush coverage.

Can’t say I’m surprised about the sudden change in behavior, though. Taking the long view, I recently went back and contrasted how the press covered the first days and weeks of Clinton’s first term in 1993 with its coverage of Bush’s arrival in 2001. The difference in tone and substance was startling. (Think bare-knuckled vs. cottony soft.)

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They routinely questioned our patriotism and said that we hated America.

Yeah – and it’s weird how we’re not hearing so much about the Commander-in-Chief™ and Respect For The Office™ anymore, either.

noen got it – it’s tribalism.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Think bare-knuckled vs. cottony soft.

Someone wrote an essay about Bush as “the Training-Wheel President” that spoke to this rather well, IIRC.


The hell’s a Porkulus anyhow?

The third cousin of Dr. Porkula.


Truthy, your bullshit was already countered in the last thread, with, like, linksand everything. So shut the fuck up.

OK, I promise not to feed the troll any more.


Tribe of the Fucknutz. Think inbreeding and devolution.


Not that I really agree with the sentiment, but now feels like a good time to throw that whole “America: love it or leave it” thing back at them.


You know, you really shouldn’t invest so much emotional stock in the executive. Imagine how you’ll feel when someone you don’t like is president.

– Me, 2001-2008


Truthy…So shut the fuck up.

Now now, he’s still wearing his short pants, so we have to forgive him for being needy.


All disagreement with the president is treason except if he’s a Democrat, all spending is pork unless he’s a Republican.


you know what I hate? People that post the exact same entry on threads over and over. I really hate that. Not naming names or anything here.


Unpatriot? Word fail.


And now they say they’re proud to be unpatriotic. Me no get. Y’all is too weird.

It’s because they’re so patriotic and noble that we filthy libs don’t deserve their patriotism or nobility. So now they’re not. But that means they really, really are. Because…

Oh, fuck it.


Blart won Blart, which means there were more Blart Blarts than Blart Blarts. Proposition Blart also passed, which means there were more Pro Blarts than Con Blarts.

So this means Blart Blarts, even if all of them voted Pro, could not have passed Prop Blart by themselves. Some Blart Blarts must have joined them and voted Pro.

With me so far? I know many of you work* in Blart, but this should be simple enough even for you to follow.

Take the Blart. If every or even most Blart Blarts had voted no, Prop Blart would not have passed. Can you see this Blarts?

So the Blart is “Which Blart Blarts also voted Yes on Proposition Blart?” Hell, I know you know the Blart to this Blart, I just enjoy watching you Blart trying to avoid it.

Now here is the Blart that is really going to get you: Could Blart have been elected without a massive GOTV Blart in Blart, and if so, would that have prevented Prop Blart from being passed?


So the question is “Which Obama voters also voted Yes on Proposition Eight?” Hell, I know you know the answer to this question, I just enjoy watching you squirm trying to avoid it.

Actually, the better question is ‘which pro-Prop 8 voters also voted for Obama?’ I know you know the answer to this question, so I’m looking forward to seeing you squirm around, trying to avoid it.


Not that I really agree with the sentiment, but now feels like a good time to throw that whole “America: love it or leave it” thing back at them.

I think you underestimate the potential of a bunch of guys dressed like pimps clogging the waters off Griffin’s Wharf with Cheetos.


I’m sure we’re all still guilty of treason, in wingnut eyes.

The next time they get into power, I really think they’ll start trials against everyone who didn’t love Bush enough…


I think Troofie’s new nickname should be “Blart Tits”.


Commie Atheist, link please that proves me wrong.

Didn’t think so.

Putting your request for a link, and a weaksauce sneer at the lack of a link, in the same post doesn’t make you right. It makes you someone who doesn’t understand how comment threads work.

On the other hand, we can just shelve that with every other thing you don’t understand. Or not. It’s kind of a crowded shelf.


Comedy Arbiter, please post the link that link that irrefutably proves you right.

Didn’t think so.


That’s true, Scott: all 53% of us who voted for Obama must clearly be anti-American, where democracy rules.


Comedy Arbiter, please post the link that link that irrefutably proves you right.

Here you go.


Not that I really agree with the sentiment, but now feels like a good time to throw that whole “America: love it or leave it” thing back at them.

I think we should encourage them all to move to a small-government, free-market country of their dreams, like this one:

Conservatives read The Times to motivate them against the paper’s principles. Yet the review of “The Case for Big Government,” by Senator Edward Kennedy’s adviser Jeff Madrick (Jan. 18), gushed even by your standards. The review’s title and subtitle — “Renewed Deal: The need for federal spending is apparent even to conservatives, as a time of recovery requires investment in the country’s future” — is completely misleading. Conservatives believe spending is out of hand and never use “investment” as a synonym for tax and spend.

Madrick’s statement, quoted by the reviewer, that “there really is no example of small government among rich nations,” is unsupported nonsense. Think Dubai, free and rich.


Look, you libruls just won’t admit that Obama is a failure because the n***ers voted in California. Soon he will be forcibly replaced by General David Gaius Claudius Vespasian Julius Antonia Banderas Petraeus, who will return the flag to its proper Confederate Battle Flag design.


Whatever happened to American flag lapel pins as being the deciding factor whether someone is or is not sufficiently patriotic?

I would like to see the rulebook, please.


The blarts are coming! The blarts are coming!


More on “Dubai, free and rich” courtesy of our own State Department:

The government’s respect for human rights remained problematic, and significant human rights problems reported included: no citizens’ right to change the government and no popularly elected representatives of any kind; flogging as judicially sanctioned punishment; arbitrary detention and incommunicado detention, both permitted by law; questionable independence of the judiciary; restrictions on civil liberties- freedom of speech and of the press (including the Internet), and assembly; restrictions on right of association; restrictions on religious freedom; domestic abuse of women, sometimes enabled by police; trafficking in women and children; legal and societal discrimination against women and noncitizens; corruption and lack of government transparency; common abuse of foreign domestic servants; and severe restrictions on and abuses of workers’ rights. […]

The constitution prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention; however, there were reports that the government held persons in official custody without charge; and that the government charged individuals but denied them a preliminary judicial hearing within a reasonable period. The law permits indefinite routine prolonged incommunicado detention without appeal, and the detainee only has the explicit right to contact with an attorney. […]

The constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press; however, the government restricted these rights in practice. The government drafts all Friday sermons in mosques and censors private association publications (see section 2.c.). The law prohibits criticism of the rulers, and from acts to create or encourage social unrest.


Sounds like a place only a Bushie could love.


I’m looking forward to seeing one of those bumper stickers (though it aint likely, here in deep blue Portland OR). I’m planning to vandalize their autocar contraption with my commentary sticker as suggested above, “America – Love it or leave it.

And maybe taking a dump on driver’s seat if the car is unlocked.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Unpatriot? Word fail.

It sounds like a Newspeak word to me. Maybe they’re trying to imply that, now that Obama’s in office, we’re living in an Orwell-type nightmare society.

In which case, Word fail.


Porkulus is an eeeevil Combaticon who can only be defeated by the good and mighty Protectobot Taxcutsor.


I would like to see the rulebook, please.

The rules for cricket were a warm-up to this book.

The American God-Bag Conservative

They routinely questioned our patriotism and said that we hated America. Now that their dude isn’t in charge anymore, however, they’re proudly parading around these bumper stickers:

Don’t blame us, we’re just God’s messengers!


who will return the flag to its proper Confederate Battle Flag design.

We’ve got some Confederate Battle Flag fetishists living down the street in our neighborhood. My wife calls them “flaggots.”


“Proud to be a nunpatriot in Obama’s America… No Porking!”


Funny, I had thought that Porkulus was a tasty, meat based sandwich spread . It comes in those little cans wrapped in white paper. It goes great on white bread with the crusts cut off.

That’s fine eatin’!!


We’ve got some Confederate Battle Flag fetishists living down the street in our neighborhood. My wife calls them “flaggots.”

That’s terrific. It will receive use.


Hey, at least now right wingers have yet another excuse to avoid military service. Now they can claim that they have no intention of serving under that n–, I mean, under that Muslim Hussein Obama Blackula X.


“Take the reverse. If every or even most Obama voters had voted no, Prop Eight would not have passed. Can you see this liberals?”

It still would have taken a massive majority of McCain voters to vote for it for the minority for Obama voters to make the difference.

But nice try. Do come again.


mmm dubai, has it’s own indentured class of peons you can see why the GOP would love it (that and the fact they use airconditioning as if there’s no tommorow). Good place for the next clownhall cruise, whoops I forgot, no-one wants to give them cruise money anymore!


“Uncle Tom” Steele calls for “Bling, Bling”-free stimulus
Yes, really.


You may not believe me, but even Neal Boortz hates teh Flaggots. From Sept. 2006, just before the elections:


Something else happening in Georgia. The Flaggots have crawled out from under their logs again.

And just who are the Flaggots? They’re a group … a very small group … of people who believe that the greatest problem facing all of mankind is the fact that the Confederate Battle Flag can no longer be found on the Georgia State Flag. The Flaggots have surfaced again to vow the defeat of current Governor Sonny Perdue. Their story is that they were promised a vote on their precious little issue, and that Governor Perdue didn’t deliver.

Know this: There is no way in the world that the Georgia State Flag is going to revert to the 1956 version with the Confederate battle emblem prominently displayed. The 1956 flag was adopted as a symbol to opposition to the civil rights movement, and it is NOT coming back.

How pathetic do you have to be to make this your number one issue in an election?

But given Republicans’ untamed addiction to cowardice and treason, the ‘Confederate Flag’ will always be around to them to express their fears that the dark people are trying to touch them in their special places.


The dogwhistle boys are on the short end of the stick with this one. Heard a NYT reporter on the radio saying his e-mail runs 20:1 in favor of the stimulus. An idiot caller (to whom Neal Conan was waaaaay too kind) called in to shriek “This is not a socialist country!”

Where in God’s name have you been lately lady? Hell, socialism would beat this – at least then we’d have some stock in the damn banks, rather than just pissing away $700 billion on them. She wasn’t a banker, just a dittohead: perfectly happy to see banks get $700 billion no strings attached, but good lord spend that on people that might include Mexicans and black folk?! Oh hell no!

Another one called in to say “we shouldn’t punish rich people! That’s a bad example!”. That one really pissed me off. The problem is not that they are rich, the problem is that they WERE rich, they fucked up on their job of risk management, now they are NOT rich and want ME to make them rich AGAIN, because that’s what they are accustomed to.

Jesus Christ on a crutch.


mmm dubai, has it’s own indentured class of peons

Said class rapidly shrinking as they flee the country.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Raw sewage threat to booming Dubai
Oct 13, 2008 … Illegally dumped sewage is washing up on the city’s beaches turning popular tourist spots into stinking toilet outlfows

Yes indeedy, a place REAL MURKINS can love.


No special rights for Flaggots!

Flaggot marriage will destroy the institution of marriage!!

Burn in hell, Flaggots!!!


Porkulus is from two latin words “Por ” meaning “my fucking brain” and “kulus” meaning “hurts so much”.
It is an expression used by the sewer workers of ancient Rome and is believed to have been an invocation for help from the goddess of the shit moat Anchoresslus. These prayers were seldom answered except by a fresh load of feces from the Palatine Hill.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


That is the face of a man who will get punched in the face if he ever wore that shirt in public.


Porkulus is the new blart…


That is the face of a man who will get punched in the face if he ever wore that shirt in public.

Might improve his looks.




The dogwhistle boys are on the short end of the stick with this one. Heard a NYT reporter on the radio saying his e-mail runs 20:1 in favor of the stimulus. An idiot caller (to whom Neal Conan was waaaaay too kind) called in to shriek “This is not a socialist country!”


Obama Aides Rip Cable News, D.C. Media And Political Elite
The yawning gap between what the pundits say about who’s winning the stimulus war and what the polls say the public think…


Is it just that they can’t spell “portcullis”?

Blart State seventy-blart

— Dad, I think he’s gonna pork Twoofie!

–He’s not gonna pork Twoofie. Finish you breakfast, Russ.

–I think he’s gonna.

–He may pork Twoofie, finish your breakfast.


To be Republican means to have no intellectual honesty.


even Neal Boortz hates teh Flaggots.

Ew. Boortz says it, too? Now my wife will have to find another word; she can’t stand him.

Neither can I, truth be told.


No special rights for Flaggots!

Flaggot marriage will destroy the institution of marriage!!

Burn in hell, Flaggots!!!

As you politically correct lieberals like to try and avoid, Obama won Florida, which somehow remains a bastion of flaggotry. Who was it that voted for both the flaggot and the Marxist? That’s right – gay Jews from outer space!!!



I’m kinda sorry they dropped IBH (Irrational Bush Hate.)

Because I enjoyed saying:

It’s not irrational.


“My wife calls them ‘flaggots.'”

Consider the usage of this term officially stolen.


Now they can claim that they have no intention of serving under that n–, I mean, under that Muslim Hussein Obama Blackula X.

Oh come on. They never had any intention of serving under *any* President, black, white, beige or otherwise, regardless of political persuasion. It never fails to amaze me how few Bushites actually volunteered, or, if they are older, ever served when they were younger.

Any conservative who uses that argument who hasn’t *already* been in the military should receive a fist, right in their frakkin’ mush.

That’s a quick test to see if they really believe in that ‘justifiable pre-emptive war’ boo-shyt.


Isn’t Porkulus the Latin equivalent of Jek Porkins?


It’s French for “my butt hurts” — poor cul is.


Go back to Flagula


RE: flaggots, it will never cease to amaze me that we as a nation are such strong supporters of tolerance and free speech that we allow the very symbol of the greatest treason visited upon us to be displayed prominently, without backlash or beatdown, and that those who display it tend to be the least supportive of the things that let them.

It is indeed tribalism, and treason still lurks in their hearts.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Isn’t Porkulus the Latin equivalent of Jek Porkins?

Isn’t Jek Porkins that spicy stuff they serve in Jamaica?


Indeed, justme. Point well taken regarding treason.

The state of GA spent more time, effort and money preparing for and holding the Olympics than they did in preparing for and fighting the Civil War, but you’re not going to find may Georgians screaming about putting those five rings on the state flag.


To be Republican means to have no intellectual honesty.



1st commandment in the Wingnut Bible

Thou shalt be a hypocrite.


OT (as if there were such a thing), but take a look at this – two economists who predicted the whole flaming mess we’re in right now, being asked for what amounts to stock tips by the idiot talking heads at CNBC:


Stupid, stupid people.


I think Nouriel Roubini’s buy recommendations would be for Charmin, Crest and a high-quality set of survivalist gear.


Where were the porkulus protests when the Bush Admin lost – and couldn’t account for – billions in Iraq.


I like that, in spite of the Dems completely botching the issue, Congress remaining resoundingly unpopular, and the White House remaining a political black hole, the public still finds the Republican behavior crass and unacceptable.

Kind of reminds you that the election wasn’t just some kind of crazy fluke, nor is it just a bizarre coincidence that the four-fifths of the country that felt Bush was doing a bad job trust Obama to do a good one. The entire thing where you just try and piss in the hated liberals’ faces and go fnar-fnar-fnar isn’t a good PR move when the liberals are the face of the government.

Republican projection: a bridge to and from nowhere built with $400 million of the already-inadequate Katrina repair and relief money is good planning for economic growth. $50 million out of two trillion dollars spent so far in economic relief towards underfunded government cultural projects (including pedagogical) is pork.

Just like the $800 billion housing bubble was ultimately because of the $30 million or so in loans which, due to the end of redlining, banks could no longer arbitrarily refuse to equally qualified homeowners based on neighborhood. Sure, they didn’t have an abnormal rate of default, but that’s just a clever political ruse designed to make the racist bank executives who have tried to sabotage non-white equity at every step of the way look bad. Haven’t they suffered enough?

And the Republicans being ‘unpatriots’ is hardly a surprise. They’re not just more filled with projection than one of the planetariums McCain wanted to replace with rootmarm manufactories, but they’re big on making grand accusations to cover up their feelings about any given subject. The only people who spat on any veterans in the 70s were American Legion cocksuckers, and in spite of the overpowering likelihood of David Broder’s retarded children writing the popular history of the teens, it isn’t gonna be Code Pink which regards the Iraq veterans as disgusting failures whose decadence lost us and poor sainted Bush the war.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

We were frankly too nice to their forefathers. I bet if we’d let Sherman off the leash, this shit would’ve gone the way of nasal sex and phrenology.

Because we’d just point to what Sherman would do and go, “you sure you want to go for a rematch? We have better weapons now, and this time Britain’s probably not going to back you up.”

I mean, I live down there, and I’d welcome the Union as liberators for sure.


No, no. Porkulus and Remus were the brothers that founded Rome. They both ended up with severe emotional problems, no doubt due to how they used to get lunch from mom. Remus went on to tell stories about The South, which was later made into a movie by Disney. Thus, the love for the Confederate flag.

See how all this neatly ties together?


Wait a minute here!

Hating this benighted shithole of hypocrisy, greed & murder is suddenly the right wing thing to do? I’m more than a little confused.

Do I have to hate my fellow Americans because they’re all a bunch of lazy weaklings who suck at the gov’t.’s ample breast, & are stealing Bill Gates’ billions to do so?

I’ve always tried to stick by my anti-American principles, but this 180° turn-around by the right has my head spinning as fast as theirs. Are they totally un-principled? They’ve somehow just realized that Americans are essentially a mass of undifferentiated tissue that goes wherever the free corn is?

At least they’ve admitted it is “Obama’s America.”


this shit would’ve gone the way of nasal sex
I finally understand this talk about “getting a nose job”.


Shorter Unpatriot:
My head asploded on November 4.

Sylvester McMonkey McBean

this 180° turn-around by the right has my head spinning as fast as theirs. They’ve somehow just realized that Americans are essentially a mass of undifferentiated tissue that goes wherever the free corn is?

Oh boy – this kind of situation is a golden opportunity.

Rusty Shackleford

I shall definitely watch this space.


It’s true. That shit is fucking golden.


Obama’s trying to be all Admiral Adama about the direction of the country and these jerks are being all Lt. Gaeta/Tom Zarek about the whole thing.


I got this in the mail today.

Dear Fellow Republican,

You are among a select group of Republicans who have been chosen to take part in the official 2009 CENSUS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

Enclosed is your new 2009 GOP CENSUS DOCUMENT, which was assigned and prepared especially for you as a representative of all Republicans living in your voting district.


There is no point in denying that the past two elections have dealt serious blows to our Party and our agenda. For the first time since 1993, Democrats have absolute power in Washington, D.C. Worse still, this unchecked power is centralized in the hands of Barack Obama, the most far-left President in American history, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid — two of the most ruthless partisans in Congress.

As I write to you, left-wing activists are descending upon our nation’s capital to assist the Democrats in their quest to make European-style socialism at home and weak-kneed appeasement abroad the official policies of the United States of America.


So please complete you GOP CENSUS DOCUMENT right away.

Based on your response, the RNC plans to print and mail a REPUBLICAN PARTY CENSUS to 6.2 million of your fellow Republicans so that we can get a statistically reliable sample of our Party.

But at a cost of $.42 each, our CENSUS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY will cost the RNC more than $2.6 million.

So along with your completed GOP CENSUS DOCUMENT, won’t you also enclose a contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or even $25 to the RNC?


Remember, your GOP census is among the first to be mailed; we are all counting on you.

Robert M. “Mike” Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee

Their silly questionnaire is included. Has anyone else received this?


‘Patriot’ is the new ‘Liberal’.
To be fair, this new meme of “not playing the Democracy game if winning is no longer guaranteed” is a natural outgrowth of the John Galt “I’m taking my ball and going home” story that’s been bandied about over recent months — apart from the absence of a ball to take home.


As I write to you, left-wing activists are descending upon our nation’s capital to assist the Democrats in their quest to make European-style socialism at home and weak-kneed appeasement abroad the official policies of the United States of America.

I didn’t ask for “weak-kneed” I asked for “mincing”. Obama you betray us yet again!


What OBY-GYN Kenobi said; also:

Hey, at least now right wingers have yet another excuse to avoid military service.

That’s like saying rain has yet another reason to fall on Seattle.

Rusty Shackleford

I love killfile.


Per Rusty Shackleford (That One? The Other One?) above:

Oh, oh, I’m gettin’ me a digital subscription (“Wow, that sounds really cool. It’s digital!”) to NRO or whatever it is so I can be the first to find out which 25 films of the last 25 yrs. have been mis-interpreted & fudged to become “The Most Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Yrs.,” as gotten wrong by JoBob LoadPants, & others.


It is kind of funny to watch the right wing chest beaters who are always screaming about killing our enemies and punishing the guilty deny their cowardice and traitorous aims in never serving in the military by blaming liberals for violent talk.

It’s really people like David Horowitz who get off on revolutionary violence, needing such ego-feeding that they have to go work in a Black Panthers office, until the violent loss of his friend checked Horowitz’ ambitions and made him forever neurotically ashamed of, not his horrendous egoism and ambitions to the center of a revolution, but that he picked the wrong ego-trend to bond with.

If it was up to the right wing, there would of course be no Constitution and Bill of Rights left to contextualize a discussion of conservative treason-mongering and military-avoidance-while-loud-mouthing-for-military-action, except for that 2nd Amendment, at least for white people.

Gore Vidal Sassoon

They don’t actually believe anything they actually say, apart from “ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME” or “KILL [SAND]NIGGERS” or “KILL HOMOS” or “ME”. Everything is subordinate to their goal of absolute whitebread luxury in every aspect of their life, at any cost unless it’s to themselves. Things like patriotism when the POTUS is a Republican and TEH REVOLUTION when he’s a nigger Democrat, those are just means toward that end.


I thought Jek Porkins was the host of “Biography”.


… left-wing activists are descending upon our nation’s capital to assist the Democrats in their quest to make European-style socialism at home…

It usually shows in their anti-gay-marriage diatribes, but here it is again. These people really live in a universe where Mississippi or Alabama has a better quality of life than Sweden or Denmark.


So let’s see, the Truth is that you would like your contribution to these historic times to be recorded as that you were so consumed with hatred and impotent rage that voters (whom you openly stated you despised) may have given the Democratic Party the full sweep of Presidency, Senate and Representatives spots… but that’s OK, because I’m taking comfort in the fact they also voted in line with my own bigoted views on Gay people. But it’s Liberals that are full of hate, not me. And the day an African American won the Presidency was “the worst day of my life” too.


I love killfile.

On the minus side, you miss it when he finally has to face the fact that there are black gay immigrants and flips a shit, weeping like a little girl and accusing us all of demographic impotence. And how will you know what to bookmark?

Rusty Shackleford

M. Bo, you can find out the truth about the 25 most conservative movies for FREE (but not analog, sadly) at Big Hollow-wood.


#25 = Gran Torino (hell of a good movie IMO, not sure why “conservative”)

#24 = Team America: World Police



Yes, there is usually an Blart of Blart to liberal Blarts. Intellectual Blarts in particular are fascinated by violent Blart, and who better to use it against than Blarts who stubbornly refuse to be improved by their social engineering Blarts?

Mind you, those Blarts sometimes go awry. Blarts still haven’t recovered from the body Blart given to gay Blart in Blart. They have not perceived that the huge low-information voting Blart they currently control doesn’t always sway in the Blart they choose.



In Ben-Hur, Jesus lives.


It’s really people like David Horowitz who get off on revolutionary violence, needing such ego-feeding that they have to go work in a Black Panthers office, until the violent loss of his friend checked Horowitz’ ambitions and made him forever neurotically ashamed of, not his horrendous egoism and ambitions to the center of a revolution, but that he picked the wrong ego-trend to bond with.

For some reason I was reading about the Red Army Faction the other day. Here’s the Horowitz with balls, who of course is more monster than buffoon.


I think Nouriel Roubini’s buy recommendations would be for Charmin, Crest and a high-quality set of survivalist gear.

I love the way CNBC set up that interview – “Dr. Doom and The Black Swan!!!” Shades of Alien vs. Predator.


Too bad it’s only the Best Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Years — otherwise “Triumph of the Will” would be the hands-down winner.


Yes, there is usually an undercurrent of violence to liberal arguments. Intellectual liberals in particular are fascinated by violent action, and who better to use it against than people who stubbornly refuse to be improved by their social engineering schemes?

Or maybe just against wussies who fetishize military service and veterans, but who don’t actually bother to volunteer themselves. After all, if you volunteered, all you’d be good for is hitting the bad guys with your purse.

Mind you, those schemes sometimes go awry. Liberals still haven’t recovered from the body blow given to gay marriage in California. They have not perceived that the huge low-information voting bloc they currently control doesn’t always sway in the direction they choose.

Yes, and military recruitment continues to be a sore spot for the DoD. Do help some nice Army or Marine recruiter make his mission box this month and volunteer, won’t you? I hear you’ll only have to serve a couple of Iraq or Afghanistan tours before your enlistment ends.


We all love the now legendary Bookmark this, liberals, but my favorite Troofy fail came a little bit before that. It had become mostly clear that Obama was pulling away in the polls and that McCain was doing very little to counter the turning tide…which never stopped Troofus, of course, who kept jizzing all over this place about Michelle Obama and whatnot. Anyway, I posted a bunch of poll numbers showing Obama’s lead and how little momentum McCain was even thinking about gaining. Troofus’ response, in full…was a link to the Wikipedia article on the Bradley Effect. Which is vapid and pathetic to begin with, but the Wikipedia article actually concluded that the Effect was probably dead.

Anyhoo, there’s probably a good reason why this chumpstain spends his time bitching about the Obamas, about college profs, about intellectual elites, etc. He’s a fucking moron, and can’t ever get beyond that.

And no, I wouldn’t mind if the brass here just up and banned this jerkoff. Has nothing to do with his politics. Has everything to do with hearing the same pathetic, previously destroyed arguments repeated over and over and over. Enough already.


Thank you,Rusty. Damn near had my debit card out. And of course I’ve BH bookmarked, along w/

Bookmark this, Li—Urk!!

Blart to the Blart, My Cousins!!

Gore Vidal Sassoon



Also, TPM slightly misreports that thing about the polls on Obama versus the Republicans on the stimulus: it calls the numbers for the ‘Republican base’, where in reality it seems just to be registered Republicans. No surprise, then, that 66% of them (as opposed to 0% of their elected representatives) think getting a stimulus passed is important, with 29% regarding it as critical and 35% as important but not critical.

There might be some people within that 35% who thought of ‘important and not critical’ to mean ‘only if Jesus gets a heterosexual tax cut’, but I don’t think it’s in the majority. At the very least, the Republican political elite is so obviously out of step with their constituencies that they think the appropriate thing to do after a historic election in which everyone but their hardliners regards their opponent’s victory as a good thing for the country is to start mining Rush Limbaugh for clever ethnic slurs.

Neither the American people nor the average Republican is that stupid. To be that inspiredly dumb, you have to be elected to Congress.

Gore Vidal Sassoon

And of course Heartbreak Ridge, solely because dey kills them some Commies.


“Triumph of the Will” would be the hands-down winner

Judgement at Nuremberg where the good guys are all convicted of “hate speech” & sentenced to hang for life.


Brazil indeed. Fake terrorist attacks staged by a police-state government to keep the population fearful and compliant. The GOP doesn’t recognize satire (which is why Republitards will be ordering those lovely black velvet paintings we were discussing earlier.)



Then we assembled a list and assigned capsule reviews of the films to the likes of James Bowman, Andrew Breitbart, and even Jonah (because he begged).

I love it when people live down to their stereotypes.


The Brazil recommendation’s worth stealing the text of for irony points:

Brazil (1985): Vividly depicting the miserable results of elitist utopian schemes, Terry Gilliam’s Brazil portrays a darkly comic dystopia of malfunctioning high-tech equipment and the dreary living conditions common to all totalitarian regimes. Everything in the society is built to serve government plans rather than people. The film is visually arresting and inventive, with especially evocative use of shots that put the audience in a subservient position, just like the people in the film. Terrorist bombings, national-security scares, universal police surveillance, bureaucratic arrogance, a callous elite, perversion of science, and government use of torture evoke the worst aspects of the modern megastate.



Smut Clyde said,

February 10, 2009 at 1:16

‘Patriot’ is the new ‘Liberal’.
To be fair, this new meme of “not playing the Democracy game if winning is no longer guaranteed” is a natural outgrowth of the John Galt “I’m taking my ball and going home” story that’s been bandied about over recent months — apart from the absence of a ball to take home any balls.


It would be nice if they did actually just go home, though.

Gore Vidal Sassoon

You see, Brazil is all about big Government and,


The hell’s a Porkulus anyhow?

I believe it is an older scientific term for this


MacBeth Spoiler Alert & LotR geek thing.
Note lady Ents.


Terrorist bombings, national-security scares, universal police surveillance, bureaucratic arrogance, a callous elite, perversion of science, and government use of torture evoke the worst aspects of the modern megastate.

Wow. Not very self-aware, are they?


MacBeth Spoiler Alert & LotR geek thing.
Note lady Ents.

Those woods definitely have some movement to them.


Why is twoofie obsessed with teh ghey? Seems it’s all he can think about. Why, oh I wonder wonder why.

C;mon kid – it’s okay. Believe me, life is much better out of the closet. You can do it, sure you can.


Obsessed w/ the less than lily white as well as the ghey.

He’s just obsessive.


Why is twoofie obsessed with teh ghey? Seems it’s all he can think about. Why, oh I wonder wonder why.

C;mon kid – it’s okay. Believe me, life is much better out of the closet. You can do it, sure you can.

truth and confederate yankee are gay lovers, just fwiw


Note lady Ents.


Comedy Arbeitmachtfrei

If I could only get a well-hung black stud to gay-marry me I’d shut the fuck up. I swear!


Hey shit Iceland is wide open for these conservofreaks to relocate to since their economy crashed and burned! They could dig up Reagan and Milton f’in Friedman to run it–they can’t stink any worse now than they did in life and they were brain dead as it was for real– and they could create their shock doctrine free-market paradise to their heart’s content cause who does Iceville affect except other Icevillians, and also from what I hear they got some hot blue eyed blond boys who could satisfy their closet freak shit as an added bonus.

Oh an is there a sadlyno tutorial available so that I could learn how the fuck to do italics and shit on replies and how to do those boxes when you’re quoting someone? lemme know unless there’s some secret ritual you gotta go through to be in on things.


Will anything get you to shut up?

Thought not.


What’s to get? They’re hypocrites. Or, as I like to say, Republicrites.

This is news?


If I could only get a well-hung black stud to gay-marry me I’d shut the fuck up. I swear!

Oh shit this is wild. I am the answer to yr prayers boy! Throw yr cell an let’s start the negotiations! OK but I won’t move to Iceland that’s out. . .


Will anything get you to shut up?

A big black cock in his mouth.

Gore Vidal Sassoon


1. The Lives of Others (2007)
2. The Incredibles (2004)
3. Metropolitan (1990)
4. Forrest Gump (1994)
5. 300 (2007)
6. Groundhog Day (1993)
7. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
8. Juno (2007)
9. Blast from the Past (1999)
10. Ghostbusters (1984)
11. Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003)
12. The Dark Knight (2008)
13. Braveheart (1995)
14. A Simple Plan (1998)
15. Red Dawn (1984)
16. Master and Commander (2003)
17. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (2005)
18. The Edge (1997)
19. We Were Soldiers (2002)
20. Gattaca (1997)
21. Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
22. Brazil (1985)
23. United 93 (2006)
24. Team American: World Police (2004)
25. Gran Torino (2008)

They said Groundhog Day would be there. They never said Ghostbusters would.


Oh an is there a sadlyno tutorial available so that I could learn how the fuck to do italics and shit on replies and how to do those boxes when you’re quoting someone? lemme know unless there’s some secret ritual you gotta go through to be in on things.

Replace brackets with > thingies: [i]italics[/i], [blockquote]quotes[/blockquote], [strike]strikeout[/strike], [b]bold[/b].

My HTML is wicked old and decrepit, and I dunno how to do acronyms or link titles, but…

Gore Vidal Sassoon

oh that’s how it’s done</strike

Gore Vidal Sassoon



The problem is not that they are rich, the problem is that they WERE rich, they fucked up on their job of risk management, now they are NOT rich and want ME to make them rich AGAIN, because that’s what they are accustomed to.

Exactly. There’s a whole lotta teeth-gnashing going on out there in finance-land, and it’s NOT about “Oh dear, what a mess we’ve made! How can we help clean up and make things better?” It’s as LittlePig said, beautifully, above. The sense of entitlement in these bastards runs way deep. Lotsa nouveau-richeness is going down the toilet, and when you’ve been not “riche” at all but then you are, you are rather reluctant to go back. In teh spouse’s line of work we’re seeing sad, but mostly ugly, examples of it just about every day.


300?!?!?!? Or, as I like to call it, Invasion of the Body-Builders?!?!?!? The single campiest, most homoerotic movie of 2007?

Hell, I’ve seen gay porn straighter than than.


I find the flowchart I made to explain his increasingly desperate ravings on Inauguration Day remains strikingly helpful.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Lord of the Rings is three movies.

And what the fuck, no “Passion of the Jews Beat The Shit Out Of God, Fuck Those Bastards” from the grand old conservative Mel Gibson? Just throw the Moral Majority under the bus, why don’t you?


[fucking blink tag]I want my fucking blink tag! Now![/fucking blink tag]

Replace brackets with hungry gator mouths, of course.


Gattaca is conservative? Gore fucking Vidal in a major role should be a clue that that’s probably not the case. I can’t remember, who was saying “lolwut @ bioethics” a few weeks ago?

Gattaca was primarily a stark warning about the consequences of allowing genetic discrimination. It’s not necessarily an ideological thing, unless you’re a glibertarian who believes that private companies should be able to do whatever the hell they want.


And what the fuck, no “Passion of the Jews Beat The Shit Out Of God, Fuck Those Bastards” from the grand old conservative Mel Gibson?

Obviously omitted because snuff porn doesn’t count.

Off-screen Announcer Guy

We’ve secretly replaced the contents of today’s trolling with Holy Fuck, Is This Troll Boring®™. Let’s see if anyone notices.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

We’ve secretly replaced the contents of today’s trolling with Holy Fuck, Is This Troll Boring®™.

Today’s trolling?!

Gore Vidal Sassoon

It was Porter Good for the money.

Off-screen Announcer Guy

Hey, I don’t write the lines, I just read ’em.


While I am loath to join in such reindeer games as “winning the thread,” another kiwi at 0:37 does indeed win the thread.


300?!?!?!? Or, as I like to call it, Invasion of the Body-Builders?!?!?!? The single campiest, most homoerotic movie of 2007?

Oh no no no, as they said, the faggy elitist Athenians are the ones who fuck boys. Also, the Persians are giant queer black ninjas bent on subverting our democracy.

It’s a fine conservative film in that it can’t even relate one of history’s more militarist stories without getting lost. (Never mind ignoring the helots and the Athenian navy that made the glorious manly last stand in Thermopylae possible; but for God’s sake, if you’re going to make a movie about a barracks society, don’t throw your crass, modern romance conventions into it. Jesus.) Also, because it deliberately roots against the side whose values it actually matches up with because they’re brown and unfamiliar. (While Athens had a democracy – Sparta was a despotate slave society – the portrayal of Xerxes as god-tyrant squares poorly with anything but his personal pecadilloes, as the Persian government was closer to a modern constitutional monarchy / federal system than anything else at the time.)

I could go on about 300 all day, but ‘kick the blacks down the well so my people can be free’ is about all I care to say about it right now. I’m surprised it wasn’t #1.

Of course, the movies between it and #1 are just ideological sops – The Lives of Others is only on there because it’s about the eevil East Germans lawlessly spying on their own citizens and persecuting them for crimes against the state ideology (a-hmm-huh-hrr), The Incredibles because in between stealing riffs from the Fantastic Four and the Watchmen it moves to espouse a nepotist version of Objectivism with a visible clunk, Metropolis because it was made before Hindoos could own land, and Forrest Gump because, as the noble intellectual supermen responsible for guiding our society between the twin rocks of decadence and a Google search for Obama’s “thug thizzle”, they feel an urgent need to promote the simple life of the marginally retarded common life in contrast to the glitz and glamor of kintergarten.


Re flaggots:

It is indeed tribalism, and treason still lurks in their hearts.

Could be tribal, but mostly it’s pure racism.


Red Dawn is at 5 I am outraged and shit!!!


Even at 15 where it really is, I am outraged!!


Their silly questionnaire is included. Has anyone else received this?

J__: No, but it sounds like fun.

What did you do to deserve this mailing, I wonder?


Ghostbusters?!?! WTF? Why is that rightwing movie? because gray jumpsuits are flattering to tubby men?

oh and yeah, 300: gaaaaayyyyy

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Maybe they think films with Bill Murray in them are immediately conservative.


Nor do I need to reflect on the fact that most white people still voted for McCain in a huge Democratic upswing year.

Brought to you by the same wingnut whiners who decry affirmative action, ’cause everyone knows they say racism is dead.

Absolute zero used to be defined as the theoretical point where all motion stops. Now we can instead define it as wingnut self-awareness. (Did it just get way colder out in space?)


In Ghostbusters, the bad guy is with the EPA.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Though the likely rationalization they have in place is:

“Ghostbusters is the story of three enterprising businessmen laughed out of academia who combat the forces of evil governmental regulation and save the den of iniquity (New York) from foul perversions masqueraded as gods (see: neoconservatives’ war on terror).”

Shit, writing that made my head hurt.


Maybe they think films with Bill Murray in them are immediately conservative.

Well, he does have the same complexion as Steve Forbes.


Ghostbusters?!?! WTF?

They’re battling EVIL, which liberals do not believe in. Also they run a business: liberals don’t run or patronize businesses.


In Ghostbusters, the bad guy is with the EPA.



Has anyone else received this?
I got one of those circa 2004. And photos of George and Laura, thanking me for being a supporter.

I’ve been registered Green since always.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


Unless it’s to point out that his lookalike, Brent Bozell, also has no dick.


I got one of those circa 2004. And photos of George and Laura, thanking me for being a supporter.

I’ve been registered Green since always.

No comment.



I have to admit it made me madder than a wet hen. Then I felt guilty for cruelty to animal idioms.


I think they worship Mr Stay-Puft. He’s their Adonis.


Of course, the Ghostbusters EPA thing is a pretty standard trope in films with supernatural plots, where normally reasonable behavior from an authority figure (cops, mayors, bureaucrats) ends up being counterproductive because, you know, there’s no contingency plan for giant Slorrs.

In the real world, Venkman & co. would be fucking lunatics or worse and the EPA man would be completely correct, because there’s no such thing as ghosts. It is possible for me to recognize this while simultaneously enjoying the film and rooting for the protagonists because, you see, it’s a work of fiction.


Wingnut patriotism: a mile wide and an inch deep.


Ghostbusters is conservative because people have sex, but they’re monsters, so there.


Imagine it… a 200-foot-tall fat white guy in a Navy uniform who’s made entirely from artificial flavourings. SUCK IT LIBS!!!!!!!one!1


So they were ashamed to be unpatriots during Bush’s reign? I don’t get it either. If there was any shame in their “unpatriotism” before Obama it sure didn’t show.


I think I fit a certain demographic, MzNicky, but I’m not sure. The demographic: white, male, Jewish, Florida resident, no party affiliation. Before the November election I received one of the RNC’s mailers which I, like the Democratic Party here in Florida, took to be a caging effort. But a possible caging attempt broke with the propaganda I have usually received from them. The other stuff, sent in the mail every election cycle, has been clearly aimed at a certain group the Republicans think can be wooed to vote for them. These are appeals to vote for Republican candidates—for governor, for senator, for president—because they are friends of Israel and friends of Jews in general. About two week before the election I got an automated call that invited me to participate in a conference call with John McCain and Joe Lieberman to talk about Israel and other issues important to Jews in Florida. I listened. Supposedly we the invited could ask questions. The thing was totally canned—an infomercial in which everything was pre-arranged. I think I got this latest mailer because they have me on some list of people they think may support them even though they have no formal evidence of any ties to the party.


The demographic: white, male, Jewish, Florida resident, no party affiliation.

You may also fit the demographic of “The more people I have on this list the better I look to the boss.”


I got one of those circa 2004. And photos of George and Laura, thanking me for being a supporter.

A search of the internets shows me a similar “census” went out in 2006.


You may also fit the demographic of “The more people I have on this list the better I look to the boss.”

Yes, maybe I’m over-thinking their desperate appeals for money. Perhaps it’s just spam delivered by snails.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

when you’ve been not “riche” at all but then you are, you are rather reluctant to go back.

And I imagine some of them are worried that they might re-encounter, in their newly straitened circs, some people they shat on to achieve the “riche” in the first place.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

J–: I got that same mailer, I think. Fit the same demographic, except I just laughed at it and then tore it into pieces. It was fun.


Except in the real world the EPA guy couldn’t do dick. This was especially true during the Reagan administration. Maybe after dozens of samples had been taken and tested he might could have convinced a court to shut the place down, or have them pay a fine and promise to clean up, or something, but even that would be a stretch because running some sort of electrical “containment” hooha is not something regulated by the EPA.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

On the other hand, in the real world, that “containment” hooha would probably suck up enough of the city’s electricity that they’d shut down after a week, absolutely bankrupt.

So, you know, take one reality away, you’re still left with Venkman et al getting fucked.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So, is Big Babywood going to end up just being a bunch of Top N Most Conservative Xs?

To be honest, that site has already lasted longer than I thought it would. Hasn’t it already doubled Blogs for Victory’s lifespan?



Grandpa Simpson! Epa! Epa!


Except in the real world the EPA guy couldn’t do dick.

Also in the real world, nobody would put Ghostbusters in a top 25 of anything ever unless you want to narrow it down to a Dan Ackroyd film festival or something.


Anyone watching Barry’s presser? He just took a big steaming dump all over the “OH NOES! PORK!!!!!!” question. And he’s still going after about 7 minutes.


Is anyone else just happy to see Barack Obama on the TV, no matter what he’s saying, even if he makes sense?

I’m still rather giddy, excuse me.


Pal and I just talked on the phone. Obama, for a president, has mastered the art of Fisking.


And I imagine some of them are worried that they might re-encounter, in their newly straitened circs, some people they shat on to achieve the “riche” in the first place.

You got it. There are a million stories in the newly-naked city.


Does it look like t-shirt guy’s thumb is throwing up to anyone else?


Hasn’t it already doubled Blogs for Victory’s lifespan?




I just laughed at it and then tore it into pieces. It was fun.

Mr. Trotsky, E-i-M: What’s even MORE! fun is to fill those things out and return them. I remember way way back in my college hippie days I’d get “questionnaires” from my (always and forevermore) Rethuglican Congresscritter, with Qs along the lines of “Do you believe as I do that the ungodly and unpatriotic opposition to the Vietnam War as vulgarly expressed by some fellow citizens who are clearly Communists is useful in these dangerous times?” etc. I’d check “Yes” “Yes” “Yes” etc. and mail it back. HawHaw! Good times.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Anyone watching Barry’s presser?

I’m still not in the habit of watching TV politics/gubmint although I keep meaning to look at some Obama stuff (not going to happen now, my wife wants to watch Top Gear, believe it or not.)

Did it take electing a Democratic president to get the TV stations to give a Democrat air time, or what?


#26- Ben Hur vs. Porkulus and Remus: This time, they’re goin’ down. And More…


I’m watching Obama’s press conference, and I am confused as to where all the Fruit of Islam are, as I thought they’d be shooting the white pig mother f***ers.


I shit you not. In my wondering what I would ask, I asked that question out loud before the press conference started. God, she’s got nads.

I’m betting he won’t answer…


His answer was “I don’t want to speculate.”

See, I was going to ask “Will you be the first U.S. President to admit that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, or will we keep it formal policy to avoid the question or pretend it’s not true?”


Aw, sh*t, he ignored her follow up, and someone took Helen Thomas’ mic away. F***.


I don’t think he did answer. Now he called on Sam Stein of HuffPo! What next?


Well I am loath to join in MzNicky games.


Funny weaselling on the prosecution of Bush officials.


It looks like there’s an asterisk at the end of that T-shirt’s slogan. Does that means there’s fine print down around the hem that says “I’m just kidding I didn’t mean it oh god please don’t kill me I have a wife and a pork rinds distributor to support”?


These f***ing sh*t head reporters are obsessed with this bullsh*t question of “bipartisanship” meaning “Haw kum yoo din’t mak Repulkans luv yooo??”


El Cid: He took one of Thomas’s follow-ups. She tried for three or four, as usual, and then he cut her off. She’s just doing her job of course, and she does it better and has done it better for longer than anyone else in that room ever, and I adore her, but she won’t STFU until someone takes the mic-bird away. As I said, doin’ her job.


Lord. Fire the bad teachers!


Civility. My eyes are crossing.


I just want to take this opportunity to reiterate how grateful I am that we now have a president who is coherent, lucid, intelligent, respectful and not a fucking blithering idiotic jackass moron.


Wait, wait, wait. I was under the impression that Hollywood was a snake pit mare’s nest fever swamp echo chamber of lock-step liberal thinking, totally dominated by rootless cosmopolitan fellow-travellers, where rival world-views are ruthlessly oppressed and where it is impossible to make a ‘conservative movie’ — hence the need for websites like BigHollywood as an outlet for dissident thought.
Now you tell me that there are at least 25 conservative movies.
This way lies confusion, and confusion is an abomination.


So, is this board pretty much going to be “Let’s rape Truth in the ass 24/7”?

‘Cause that got old pretty quick for me.


If only someone would rape me in the ass 24/7!

Then I’d chill out and stop bothering all of you.


Unpatriotic? Porkulus?

Holy shit. George Orwell meets Biggus Dickus from The Life Of Brian.
From stealing election victories to developing an allergy to them in eight years flat.

These people may as well just come clean & sell bumper-stickers that say “Dont Blame The GOP: You Fuckers Already KNEW Bush Was A Blithering Idiot When You ‘Re-Elected’ Him, So STFU!” Gotta cover up those “BUSH/CHENEY 2004:Let’s Bungle In Da Jungle” stickers with SOMETHING, after all.


You know when you hear the same word repeated over and over again, first it loses it’s meaning and then it becomes ridiculously funny?



Its meaning.



Holy shit. George Orwell meets Biggus Dickus from The Life Of Brian.

(American The world weeps at the thought of the past eight years being this harmlessly amusing. Or incisively clever.)


I don’t get it, man

I’m going to take this opportunity to note that as far back as 1993, I asserted to a rightwing aquaintance that the hostility toward President Clinton then rampant was a startling contrast to what I’d heard conservatives saying since at least the ’60s, namely that it was unAmerican to show blatant disrespect for the POTUS. I further went on to predict that once a Republican was back in office they would no doubt revert to their former stance, and that open disrespect for the President would once again become a treasonous offense. I only stopped short of taking my predictions even further into the future (i.e., to a future Democratic administration) because it seemed redundant, and I’d already made my point.

I take no special credit for, or pride in, these observations, as they seemed quite self-evident to me both at the time and during the subsequent 15 years. In other words, if you didn’t see this coming, “Duh”.


I must have missed the Helen follow-up.


Sorry, folks. I can’t deal with a Preznit who speaks in complete sentences. One who doesn’t say “ummmm” every two seconds while he tries to phonixread the answer or listen to the ear bug. Barry Hussein X is a FAILURE!


Obama addresses one of the issues raised by Brad’s post (my emphases).

First of all, when I hear that from folks who presided over a doubling of the national debt, then, you know, I just want them to not engage in some revisionist history.


Now, just in terms of the historic record here, the Republicans were brought in early and were consulted. And you’ll remember that, when we initially introduced our framework, they were pleasantly surprised and complimentary about the tax cuts that were presented in that framework. Those tax cuts are still in there.

The second paragraph, in response to Liasson’s moronic question about what have you learned from Republican obstructionism. This, from the same response, made me laugh:

I mean, I suppose what I could have done is started off with no tax cuts, knowing that I was going to want some, and then let them take credit for all of them, and maybe that’s the lesson I learned.

Ha, ha, we got a player in the White House, haters.


Also, now that Helen has asked her question, she should retire. Old bag looks fucking awful. God bless and good night Helen.


Helen and my Mom are the same age and they are both Lebanese and both from Appalachia and both named Thomas. Just sayin’


Gore Vidal: Don’t tell Chuck Heston about it – he’d freak out.


I’d just like to ask if it’s possible for Truthie to be forced to only use one name so greasemonkey can shut him up more consistently.


Mom does look better than Helen, though. Always has.

Joel Harris Chandler

btw, I wrote several stories about Uncle Porkulus but Uncle Remus whipped my butt and made sure I revealed no actual secrets.

Joel Chandler Harris

oops – that was me, I mean

George Washington Harris

You were ever a hack, beotch.


Don’t talk shite about Helen Thomas.


Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico: Do you also get the “Charlie Crist [or whoever the GOP has running for office] will stand strong with Israel” crap?


A fag can’t get a decent role. Goddamn Hollywood liberal elite.

Conservative Observer

Well, Obama has be the house on his “stimulus” package.

And it won’t work.

And when it doesn’t work, the Democrat Party can’t claim it was “bi-partisan”, because it wasn’t.

“The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.”

— Milton Friedman

The other Sam Harris

You keep using that word ‘god.’ I do not think it means what yoiu think it means.

Also, FYWP with a ginormous black PrezNiggerous cock.


There’s two subtexts in the press conference (watched the whole thing.)

RE: TARP, he is pretty ticked off that all this money got thrown at the banks and absolutely nothing happened except a bunch of executives rolled around naked in the money and then gave it to themselves. He’s behind the cap on executive compensation (with McCaskill as a very effective stalking horse) so I anticipate some serious strings on the banks, he’s going to play real hardball here.

RE: torture prosecutions, he is going to make a clear cut example of some people when they have all their ducks in a row. These have to be ducks wearing armor and carrying maces, so it’s going to be a slow but sure process. Going forward, as he’s fond of saying, there will be a complete 180 on the subject. I’m screaming for heads on pikes myself, but I’m not trying to revamp the governmental process with some of the people who are at least knee deep in this. The ones up to their necks in this will get handled in some way, but he’s not going to ignore it; though he wishes he could.

I know a lot of people are pissed off with this “going forward” stuff. But look at his careful word choices whenever the subject comes up. He’s focusing on this and that.

That leaves the door open for other people to do what needs to be done. This isn’t something he can’t walk point on himself; not and get the other urgent things done. But his choice of AG is heartening, I think. The way the Republicans acted (like slugs facing salt) indicates this was not an ingratiating pick.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Well, Obama has be the house on his “stimulus” package.

And it won’t work.

And when it doesn’t work, the Democrat Party can’t claim it was “bi-partisan”, because it wasn’t.

Should we… bookmark this?

Plus if Joe Lieberman votes for it, it’s bipartisan. Democratic and CT for Lieberman!


And when it doesn’t work, the Democrat Party can’t claim it was “bi-partisan”, because it wasn’t.

And that’s really been the whole point of Republican obstructionism, hasn’t it? Talk about “betting the house”. They have absolutely no ideas of their own on how to fix the problems they created, so they (and by extension, you) have gone “all in” on hoping the country plunges into another depression.

Hell of a position to be in. Glad it’s not me.


Parmesan chicken
– flattened fouwl teats rolled in aborted children then dredged in bread crumbs and grated Parm Regg.
Farfalle with slow roasted cherry tomato(e)s, roasted garlic, Kalamata olives, toasted pine nuts and feta. Dressed with chopped fresh herbs.
Green salad.
Apple tarte Tatin.

I’m just sayin.


Umm, saute the chicky tits in extra weerjin olivio oyl. Add some chopped parsley to the breading.

Did anyone see the new Rachel Ray venture? She’s selling fucking dog food. No shit – they’re actually callling it “dog food” this time.


Did anyone see the new Rachel Ray venture? She’s selling fucking dog food. No shit – they’re actually callling it “dog food” this time.

That’s honest change we can believe in.


Food made for dogs, or food made from dogs?


Oh, and Elkhart.


Sooo- this “Comedian-whatchamacallit person” is really RUBBING IT IN to us Liberals that We don’t vote in lock-step with one another?

Or do I misunderstand the 7 or 8 words of his I read?

could not agree more

“The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.”

– Milton Friedman

This was proven by the US government’s invasion of Iraq.


“The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem.”

– Milton Friedman

Social Security made old people die faster.


rolled in aborted children

I’m guessing they’re “egg-children,” not “womb-babies.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

This was proven by the US government’s invasion of Iraq.

I’m not so sure – was there a problem that was meant to solve? I mean, a real one?


Ever get the feeling early Republicans were the ones in the back of the cave, making fun of Og and his “wheel thing”?

Early humankind must have had some mechanism for shutting these people up, or we’d never have had civilization.


I’m a little confused. The words say “No Porkulus!” but they are covered with a red slashed circle, which is the international symbol of negation. So does that mean the bumper sticker is a double negative – i.e., rejecting the idea of “No Porkulus”? So is it saying “Yay, Porkulus!”? Or is it just that some rightwing nutsucker* doesn’t understand that he is confusing his already-confused message by use of a double negative?

* We get rightwing nutsuckers every winter around our feeder. They are loud and obnoxious and frighten the other birds.


The problem in Iraq was, women weren’t repressed enough, & the society was too secular. We’ve just about solved that.

The problem in Afghanistan is that women were repressed too much, so now we’re going to follow the Limeys, the Russkis, & probably a few Indian potentates down the path to the valley of death to solve that one.


Early humankind must have had some mechanism for shutting these people up, or we’d never have had civilization.

Yeah, they’d get beaten to death in their sleep by the whole band. Unfortunately there are still some around.


It’s like the kind of person who says “return that back to me.” Morons who want to extra-emphasize everything, even if it’s redundant.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The problem in Iraq was, women weren’t repressed enough, & the society was too secular. We’ve just about solved that.

Heh. I was thinking more like that the problem was that we didn’t have a problem (remember, the invasion was on their wish list long before 9/11) and that “wartime presidents” could have the absolute power Bush and Cheney had such a hardon for.


The problem in Afghanistan is that women were repressed too much, so now we’re going to follow the Limeys, the Russkis, & probably a few Indian potentates down the path to the valley of death to solve that one.

All-time favorite verse from Rudyard Kipling:

“When you lay dying on Afghanistan’s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Then roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
And go to your god like a soldier..”

All of imperialism summarized, and such…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It’s like the kind of person who says “return that back to me.”

Just so, and “Porkulus” is the same kind of clumsy-ass attempt at wordplay that brought us “The Coalition of the Wild-Eyed.”


We’re Sailing At the Edges of Time
We’re Drifting At the Waterline
Oh We’re Floating in the Coastal Waters
You and Me and the Porter’s Daughters
Ooh What to Do Not a Sausage to Do
And the Shorter of the Porter’s Daughters
Dips Her Hand in the Deadly Waters
Ooh What to Do in a Tiny Canoe


I will not think about that list of “conservative” movies … I will not think about that list of “conservative” movies …

*head esplodes*


Re the Black Ghostbuster:

“But he was ghostbuster. They didn’t give him enough to do, but he would have been a great ghostbuster if they had given him great ghostbuster job and said, ‘Go do that and be successful with it.'”


As loing as I’m injecting some real music here, try this.


1. The Lives of Others (2007) “conservative” because of teh evil commies! But wait, didn’t that guy end up choosing human rights over his patriotic duty to the state? *head esplodes*
2. The Incredibles (2004)
3. Metropolitan (1990)
4. Forrest Gump (1994) – “conservative” because that hippie chick got AIDS and died! *head esplodes*
5. 300 (2007) – “conservative” because fap-fap-fap *head shakes in weary contemplation of other’s self-denial. then esplodes*
6. Groundhog Day (1993) “conservative” because *head esplodes*
7. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
8. Juno (2007)
9. Blast from the Past (1999)
10. Ghostbusters (1984)
11. Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003) “confurvative” … heh … *head esplodes*
12. The Dark Knight (2008)
13. Braveheart (1995)
14. A Simple Plan (1998) “conservative” because the pursuit of wealth leads to murder *head esplodes*
15. Red Dawn (1984)
16. Master and Commander (2003)
17. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (2005)
18. The Edge (1997) “conservative” because of gutsy and smart survival skills, which are totally *head esplodes*
19. We Were Soldiers (2002)
20. Gattaca (1997)
21. Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
22. Brazil (1985) arrrrrrgh!!!!1! *head esplodes*
23. United 93 (2006) “conservative” because … wait, they would seriously consider a movie about heroism and tragedy to be something that can be assigned to a political belief system? *head esplodes and asks for its remains to be spread somewhere nice and peaceful*
24. Team American: World Police (2004)
25. Gran Torino (2008)


Hey PeeJ, following the Eno links (thanks much!), found that there’s a Peter Schmidt website, here: .

Did I say thanks? Oh yeah, guess I did.

BTW: Thanks!



Anyway, the prints from Before & After science are there, along with a bunch of different prints of the Taking Tiger Mountain etc. cover.

And, I’ll see your “Here He Comes” and raise you a Third Uncle


Early humankind must have had some mechanism for shutting these people up, or we’d never have had civilization.

Generally, that mechanism has been to simply carry on with whatever human-advancing plans you’ve already got, ignoring the bleats from the backward section of the tribe. Perhaps, early on, some jokes were made around the campfire–“How about that Og? He thinks the wheel is a bad idea. But then, he thought the same about fire!”. Followed by much mirth, and cries of “Am I right, ladies?”.


Gary Larson got mileage out of Og.



When will people learn to wait more than 5 seconds before condemning WordPress to perdition? About 99% of the FYWP posts I see refer to posts that appear perfectly composed and exactly to their authors’ specifications.


That is the face of a man who will get punched in the face if he ever wore that shirt in public.

It looks like he already was punched in the face. What’s up with the left eye? Definitely looks all swole up.


True, that. It fucked up exactly the way I told it to fuck up.


I think secession is the only real option for these troglodytes.

Just out of interest, when did conservative start to mean rabid fundamentalism (in every sense of the word), overt racism and public displays of stupidity combined with ignorance to the point of parody?

It meant something different awhile ago. Something more measured and less noisy.


being conservative…


The words say “No Porkulus!” but they are covered with a red slashed circle, which is the international symbol of negation. So does that mean the bumper sticker is a double negative – i.e., rejecting the idea of “No Porkulus”?

Yes. They are that stupid.


I think it would be cool if they tried secession. Because these guys are so fucking stupid and cowardly that what they’d probably do is barricade themselves inside the Tampa Bay Hooters on a Monday night, and refuse to come out, in the name of the New Confederacy.

that is, until the waitresses knocked off shift and went home. Then they’d break into the taps, get shit-faced and fall asleep, and when the day manager came in, that would be the end of it.


Aww. Why didn’t Troofus ask us to Bookmark(TM) him?


When will people learn to wait more than 5 seconds before condemning WordPress to perdition? About 99% of the FYWP posts I see refer to posts that appear perfectly composed and exactly to their authors’ specifications.

The comment you see aint the comment that was originally intended. If WP aint doing sumpin to you which you don’t like, UR DOIN IT RONG!!! you


Also, FYWP you blarting son of a blarter.

Also, also, Brian Eno roolz, dewd.


“Early humankind must have had some mechanism for shutting these people up, or we’d never have had civilization.”

As I understand it the Eskimos had such a mechanism. When you are living in a harsh environment like the arctic you can’t afford someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Which is what our 20 percenters and assorted wing nuts have. Living at the top of the world a narcissist asshole won’t set aside his own interest for the good of everyone and that can get you killed. So what they would do is he would have an unfortunate accident.

Oops!, I’m sorry, did you just slip and fall into freezing water miles from anywhere? Pity.

I can’t recall the source but I do remember reading that. I’m sure that other groups had similar ways of dealing with self absorbed assholes who threaten the entire tribe.

Civilization cushions things so it isn’t immediately obvious that assholery is a threat to all and besides, there is physical and social distance between you and said asshole.

The internet is changing that, shrinking the world and making it more obvious that NPDs and assorted sociopaths are a direct threat. So… that’s a good thing, I suppose.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Do you also get the “Charlie Crist [or whoever the GOP has running for office] will stand strong with Israel” crap?

Oh, yeah. I also got the “Obama wants to talk to terrorists! Boogity boogity!” flier, and just laughed and laughed. I just don’t have the heart to tell them I’m one of those self-loathing anti-Zionists, so they just send me that shit every election cycle.

On the other hand, there really is nothing more satisfying than tearing that stuff up. If I had a safe way of disposing of them, I’d set the shit on fire. But until then, I just rip and tear, tear and rip, until I could make a fine bedding for rodents.


Because these guys are so fucking stupid and cowardly that what they’d probably do is barricade themselves inside the Tampa Bay Hooters on a Monday night, and refuse to come out, in the name of the New Confederacy.

We’ll know the WOLVERINES!1!1!! have risen by the large number of guys suddenly admitted to ERs, each in pseudo-Special Forces drag with one foot blown off, each clutching a big, manly, .50 caliber-or-larger handheld artillery piece, which has been buffed and polished and polished and buffed and oh baby yeah yeah yes! yes! YES! and is now armed with a full magazine, minus one cartridge, the one which carried aforementioned foot away.

We’re gonna need another $800 billion just to pay for their medical bills, because our healthcare system remains broken…


I read that EskimoInuit thing very recently too. (Here?) There’s also a psychologist or evolutionry biologist or someone who has assumed such behavior world-wide, as I posted up there somewhere.


now armed with a full magazine, minus one cartridge

Naw, it’ll be a full mag, period, ’cause Red Stroke Wolverine forgot about the round he had chambered.


Did anyone see the new Rachel Ray venture? She’s selling fucking dog food. No shit – they’re actually callling it “dog food” this time.

Bet it’s got EVOO.


“I read that EskimoInuit thing very recently too. (Here?) ”

Yeah, I thought about changing that to Inuit, but I wasn’t sure I should. Yes, I think is was here. Hey, I’m gettin up there. I’m just glad I remember to put on my pants when I leave the house.


Whatever. I’m more mocking PC, & French philosophers who strike through, but if they wanna call themselves Inuits, & be called Inuits, OK by me.

Leave the house? What?


Personally, I can’t wait for the militia’s to start forming up again…

You have to figure a good chunk of the God-Bags WANT a break down. It would fit right in with their Rapture fantasies. That and they believe a gun is all it takes to ‘live free’.



but if they wanna call themselves Inuits, & be called Inuits
Ha! According to one school of thought, Inuit is the politically-incorrect term, since it is the preferred self-designation of only one of several specific Arctic groups — other groups (the Yupik, the Inuvialuit, etc.) are feeling antsy. So ‘Eskimo’ is coming back into fashion among the correcter-than-thou crowd.
I read about this at LanguageLog, so it must be true.


MzNicky said,
February 10, 2009 at 2:36
While I am loath to join in such reindeer games as “winning the thread,” another kiwi at 0:37 does indeed win the thread.

Crikey, Thank you MzNIcky. Very kind of you.


That is the face of a man who will get punched in the face if he ever wore that shirt in public.

I think the Germans have a saying that goes something like “The face that begs for a fist in it”.


Braveheart can’t be a conservative movie, because the people who want to fight actually go out and do the fighting themselves instead of getting others to go do it for them.

Waitaminit. You say it’s actually the English who are the conservatives in the movie? Because they’re the financially rapacious ones? Who don’t really understand how to prosecute a war against a native insurgency? And they kill some of the gheys, but tolerate other ones? And the king is a complete asshole?

Okay. Maybe I can go along with that then.


You say it’s actually the English who are the conservatives in the movie?

Well they used torture, so it certainly fits.

Rusty Shackleford

It’s like the kind of person who says “return that back to me.” Morons who want to extra-emphasize everything, even if it’s redundant.

I’m going to print that out and keep it with my PIN number for the ATM machine.


I’m going to take this opportunity to note that as far back as 1993, I asserted to a rightwing aquaintance that the hostility toward President Clinton then rampant was a startling contrast to what I’d heard conservatives saying since at least the ’60s, namely that it was unAmerican to show blatant disrespect for the POTUS.

Recall that JFK was warned about going to Dallas because there would be hostile and conservative crowds “greeting” him.


What’s not to get? It’s all about projection.

They knew that they would be unpatriotic if they had to deal with a President that didn’t live up to thier wank-dreams of religiosity and dumbassitude-iness, so naturally they had to believe that we would too. Certainly, in thier tiny hind brains, everyone thinks and acts just as they do (or would). They’re incapable of understanding anything that’s not exactly like themselves.
Once we all understand that these people live thier lives in front of a mirror no one else can see thier illogic will become perfectly logical to us.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I can’t recall the source but I do remember reading that. I’m sure that other groups had similar ways of dealing with self absorbed assholes who threaten the entire tribe.

The term “fragging” comes to mind.


They knew that they would be unpatriotic if they had to deal with a President that didn’t live up to thier wank-dreams of religiosity and dumbassitude-iness, so naturally they had to believe that we would too.

I dunno. Stages of grief and all that, after November. Shock (Bookmark this, librals!) & denial (he’s not really AMERICAN!), followed by pain and guilt (we lost because McCain wasn’t conservative enough, because Bush was too liberal, we didn’t push them hard enough to be conservative!), and then anger & bargaining (OK, we’ll let him get inaugurated, and make a pass at bipartisansh– what? A SPENDING BILL?!?!?!?!?).

And now we’re seeing the next stage: depression, reflection and loneliness (He’s not MY President!).

After that comes the upward turn (Hey, it’s Spring! Baseball season!), and then reconstruction and working through (y’know, we really fucked up that election…maybe we could have been a little better about the whole illegal immigrant thing) and then acceptance (Meh, he’s not that horrible a President)

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

After that comes the upward turn (Hey, it’s Spring! Baseball season!), and then reconstruction and working through (y’know, we really fucked up that election…maybe we could have been a little better about the whole illegal immigrant thing) and then acceptance (Meh, he’s not that horrible a President)

I’ll believe it when I see it. These people live anger.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Not to mention the denial, projection, and batshittery.


I’ll believe it when I see it. These people live anger.

Admittedly, it will take some form of miracle to get to stage six for them, but if anyone can pull it off, Obama can.


Oh, yeah. I also got the “Obama wants to talk to terrorists! Boogity boogity!” flier, and just laughed and laughed.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about those. They were funny. The negative campaign materials was much more fun than the positive stuff. It all went to the shredder, nonetheless. Whee!


This explains Rush’s and creation of and affinity for the term.


Thomas Sowell in today’s NRO:

1. How can a president of the United States be reelected in a landslide after four years when unemployment never fell below 15 percent for even one month during his first term? Franklin D. Roosevelt did it by blaming it all on the previous administration. Barack Obama may be able to achieve the same result the same way.

2. I realized how far behind the times I am when I saw a TV commercial for some weight-loss product, showing Marie Osmond “before” and “after.” I thought she looked great “before.”

I think someone forgot to water the Sowell.


Just out of interest, when did conservative start to mean rabid fundamentalism (in every sense of the word), overt racism and public displays of stupidity combined with ignorance to the point of parody?

I believe the correct answer is August 11, 1984.


g: …what they’d probably do is barricade themselves inside the Tampa Bay Hooters on a Monday night, and refuse to come out, in the name of the New Confederacy.

There are several Hooterses in the Tampa Bay area, including the original ur-Hooters (previously Harry Gagne’s World’s Worst Pizza) on Gulf-to-Bay in Clearwater. Which one? I want to make sure to avoid these guys; I don’t want to be their human shield against the snipers in the Black Helicopters.


I think the Germans have a saying that goes something like “The face that begs for a fist in it”.
Despite the popularity of this story — No, they don’t.


I always thought it was the Greeks who said “The face that launched a thousand fists”?


“That face is worth a thousand fists”


I think Howard Waldrop put it best when he said, “He had the kind of face you can’t hit just once.”


And I think it was George Bush who said “Uh Mr Cheney, my fist is stuck up my ass, again”.


(comments are closed)