Le deux minutes du TownHall
Posted on February 6th, 2009 by
Si c’est jeudi, c’est l’heure du 2 minutes du TownHall!
Shorter Ann Coulter: The only thing that’s more disgusting than a smoker is a single mom.
Shorter Carrie Lukas: I found a government program I like that Democrats don’t want to support! Stimulate this!
Shorter Paul Greenberg: Barack Obama is just like Bill Clinton.
Shorter Cliff May: COIN it like a hurricane!
Shorter John McCaslin: This is what not having an idea for a column looks like.
Shorter Scott Wheeler: Bill Clinton was not a good president.
Shorter Cal Thomas: Lincoln was a pretty racist dood.
Shorter George Will: Let’s make sure DC residents remain disenfranchised.
Shorter Emmett Tyrrell: It’s too early to draw any conclusions, but it’s pretty clear that the Obama administration is going to be a failure.
Shorter Matt Towery: Jimmy Carter said he would solve our energy problems within 90 days, and look at us!
Shorter Larry Elder: They say all economist agree on the need for an economic stimulus program — but I found one who doesn’t, Blarts!
Posted in Uncategorized
Couldn’t respond to all this without using the word “Blart”? Me either, so I’ll just shut up now.
The only thing that’s more disgusting than a smoker is a single mom.
No, the only thing more disgusting than a smoker is imagining Ann Coulter naked. Sorry for putting that image in your head.
I will kill this meme. I have weapons.
Good thing they’re all high. Snort.
FY Georgieboy. It would have been more honest of you to leave all the sputtering about consitutionality (which you, as a constitutional
lawyer scholar expertgasbag are so qualified to argue) and simply said the real reason why you support taxation without representation.Yeah, that’s the way.
Why not just move DC to Wyoming?
The Democrat tax problems, a summary.
Tim Geithner: refused to pay taxes
Tom Daschle: refused to pay taxes
Hilda Solis: aided a tax-dodger
Charlie Rangel: refused to pay taxes
and it goes on and on.
The Obama administration has proven itself to be immersed in corruption, and after 8 years of honor and integrity in the White House, the White House has been corrupted again
Yeah, give DC two senators. I’ll bet they’d have more than one congressman, unlike, say, Montana. So everyone in Montana having 2.4 votes in the presidential election while everyone in California has .85 vote is okay, but DC residents being allowed representation is “an end run around the constitution?” What happened to “No taxation without representation?” Blart!
The fact is, if he doesn’t use “the fact is” it is increasingly hard to tell fake Gary from real Gary.
There were no misspellings. That’s a clue.
Incurious George writes his memoirs.
From Coulter’s column:
If poverty caused crime, how did we get Bernie Madoff?
I didn’t know Bernie Madoff was the son of a single mother.
The Democrat tax problems, a summary.
Tim Geithner: refused to pay taxes
Tom Daschle: refused to pay taxes
Hilda Solis: aided a tax-dodger
Charlie Rangel: refused to pay taxes
and it goes on and on.
Funny, you’d think that Gary and the gang would embrace the above-mentioned people as anti-taxation warriors. After all, isn’t the GOP stimulus plan all about reducing the tax burden on our too-too put upon upper class?
c’est l’heure du 2 minutes…
Your idioms are messing with my head.
Incurious George writes his memoirs.
Ooh, I’m sharpening my crayons NOW!
Man Coulter’s rantings are the lexicographic equivalent of felching.
Sorry if that causes any unwanted imagery. I apologize for any inconvenience and/or damageI may have caused.
Coulter:(Obviously these conclusions were produced by people who not only have never smoked, but also don’t know any smokers, who could have told them smoking makes us 10 times more productive.)
Touchy little bint, isn’t she?
Bitter Scribe points out:
I didn’t know Bernie Madoff was the son of a single mother.
Wikipedia says “Bernard L. Madoff was born in 1938 in New York City to Ralph and Sylvia Madoff” so single motherhood doesn’t explain it. Maybe they smoked?
Funny, you’d think that Gary and the gang would embrace the above-mentioned people as anti-taxation warriors. After all, isn’t the GOP stimulus plan all about reducing the tax burden on our too-too put upon upper class?
…and on Joe the Plumber, too, who, wouldn’t you know, is a tax cheat himself?
And, gotta love Coulter:
Yeah I guess those commie hippies at the CDC are just…ermm…blowing smoke about the myriad health risks children exposed to secondhand smoke face.
Note that he doesn’t actual make any substantive argument against DC statehood. Just a questionable legal one (Wiki says he’s not a lawyer of any kind), and the utterly stupid “wah, Democrats want more votes” one.
AFAIK, the reasons for DC’s unrepresented status are ancient and obsolete. Yeah, when you had only a few states and a weak federal government, giving the national capital to one state could throw off the balance of power. But now…I mean, does any other democracy in the world have anything like this? I don’t think so. It’s got a population larger than Wyoming’s, so that’s not a reason either.
Note the might of Wyoming.
I’ve been having fun at Dwayne Horner’s column and am, apparently, a moron.
Shorter Dwayne Horner: Those Democrats are job-killing, gas-price-raising, fiscally-irresponsible fear-mongering ne’er-do-wells, completely unlike Bush the Younger and Saint Ron. I have numbers to prove it.
Wikipedia says “Bernard L. Madoff was born in 1938 in New York City to Ralph and Sylvia Madoff” so single motherhood doesn’t explain it. Maybe they smoked?
Well… you know, Madoff’s like… a… you know… one of those people wink wink… you know…
I’m just saying, is all…
Nothing racist implied, of course.
Cal Thomas: Now that Obama is looking and acting more like Lincoln, I will now abandon Lincoln, even though George W. Bush had a bust of Lincoln in his office during his entire 8 years in office.
I will also refrain from this point forward any parallels with Lincoln and Habeas Corpus and the suspension of the latter, now that Obama gets to make that decision.
Obama is still a muslim.
So Coulter is pro-smoking.
Blartyfuck. I’m gonna have to quit now…
How’s this for a latter-day Missouri Compromise? Make DC a blue state and we’ll give you Eastern Washington as a red state. In the words of 1968 Republican candidate for WA Commissioner of Public Lands, Richard A. C. Greene:
We want our John!
I am surprised there no calls to impeach Obama yet.
I am surprised there no calls to impeach Obama yet.
Harry Reid’s just biding his time.
The fact is, Obama should be impeached for his links to corruption and his abandonment of the Constitution and failure to protect USA from enemies by outlawing torture and by using socialism to make laziness mandatory.
Well… you know, Madoff’s like… a… you know… one of those people wink wink… you know…
You mean he’s the smoker?
using socialism to make laziness mandatory.
You type too much… no pay for you!
Surprised Ann Coulter didn’t compare the NYT treatment of single motherhood to the “hysterical anti-abortion zealots” & their approach to a “normal” person having an abortion. That would have been interesting.
So Coulter is pro-smoking.
Blartyfuck. I’m gonna have to quit now…
It’s not that she’s “pro-smoking,” it’s that she’s a weak-willed ninny who can’t quit.
You mean he’s the smoker?
Hey, some of my best friends are smokers!
Considering that the price of a pack is now $9 in NYC, that would explain his thievery.
That was so terrific that I had to look it up. Follow the link and find “From nick at zork.net Sun Jan 21 18:34:59 2001”
using socialism to make laziness mandatory.
Hmmm… tell me more about this socialism of which you speak.
You don’t count, Gary.
Poverty doesn’t cause crime, but it sure don’t stop it.
Creepy weird-beard Clifford May is still trying to make you wet your pants.
They must have been waiting w/ bated breath for Iran to launch something successful so they could whip that one out.
So G W Bush is a Socialist? Or is his laziness a natural one?
So G W Bush is a Socialist? Or is his laziness a natural one?
He wasn’t lazy, he just exhibited the well-earned privileges of the leisure class.
Better link for the saga of Richard A.C. Green.
Hey, that is amusing stuff about Mr. Richard A. C. Greene. Even mentions Seattle’s Blue Moon Tavern which was discussed here a while ago. Worth the scroll.
As far as E. Washington, spent 18 mos. in Walla Walla & met nitwits, but no rattlesnakes.
The Democrat tax problems, a summary.
Tim Geithner: refused to pay taxes
Tom Daschle: refused to pay taxes
Hilda Solis: aided a tax-dodger
Charlie Rangel: refused to pay taxes
And don’t forget Al Franken…
iNo, the only thing more disgusting than a smoker is imagining Ann Coulter naked. Sorry for putting that image in your head.
I once fucked Ann Coulter in the ass. Hard.
No, the only thing more disgusting than a smoker is imagining Ann Coulter naked. Sorry for putting that image in your head.
I once fucked Ann Coulter in the ass. Hard.
Hey, you missed some low-hanging fruit.
Shorter Marybeth Hicks: Some “kids” I know have a website where they are respectful. They can stay on my lawn.
The Republican governing problems, a summary:
So go fuck yourselves, all of you.
Shorter Marybeth Hicks: Some “kids” I know have a website where they are respectful. They can stay on my lawn.
I have a 17-year-old son who doesn’t believe in god, thinks Republican policies are nuts, and has never been anything less than respectful to me or his mother. So go fuck yourself, Marybeth Hicks.
The Republican governing problems, a summary:
So go fuck yourselves, all of you.
It worked in the 80s better than Jimmy Carter. Plus, we know the real reason for the financial meltdown is Barney Frank’s boyfriend.
From RB’s link:
Change we can believe in!!
Lorenzo Milam is my new favorite person, RB, thanks for that link.
More goodness
So… if I understand this right. He’s saying that Americans are in danger of being sacrificed to someone’s ambitious breasts. I got no snark for that.
That should be Douche minutes du Town Hall
You’re welcome.
Lorenzo Milam seems to be behind http://www.ralphmag.org/
the only times our country is in danger–true danger–is when some idealist finds himself in a position of power.
Exactly. Eight years of Bush’s crappy idealism and look where it got us.
FYWP! Strike-through “Bush’s.” FYWP!
Not just crappy idealism, but eight years of being nursed to Bush’s ambitious breasts. Which is pretty damn frightening if you ask me.
Ya know….. there is no wikipedia entry for FYWP. Maybe there should be.
But, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FYWP
Lurkbot, use (strike) (/strike). (s) (/s) looks nice, but it
doesn’t want to work.I’ve commented on 3 or 4 different sites that use WordPress, and there’s no consistency on that. What good is HTML if the idiots can’t standardize usage on just one system?
Not just crappy idealism, but eight years of being nursed to Bush’s ambitious breasts. Which is pretty damn frightening if you ask me.
The image of laying lips to Bush’s dugs is too much for any brain to consider and remain unfractured. Alas, I expire.
It worked in the 80s better than Jimmy Carter.
Yeah, it worked fucking fantastically. I’ve been laid off twice in the last 17 years. Both times a Republican was President.
Plus, we know the real reason for the financial meltdown is Barney Frank’s boyfriend.
Yup, Barney Frank’s boyfriend created derivates and commercial mortgage-backed securities. If only he had spent more time sucking Barney’s dick.
The image of laying lips to Bush’s dugs is too much for any brain to consider and remain unfractured. Alas, I expire.
I think it would be something like this:
Ambitious Breasts… great name for a band.
I thought it was supposed to be “Clownhall”. Huh.
Oh well.
The Republicans had all 3 branches of government, President, House & Senate, Supreme Court, but they were powerless in the face of Barney Frank.
That’s an excellent point, El Cid. Remember how powerful the liberals and the poor people’s lobby was during the shrub regime? Yeah, me too.
Yet the wingnuts will believe any lie their masters tell them to believe, and their masters will happily condescend.
Listen to this Manhattan Institute asshole:
A new president should push for outright abolition of the CRA. ..he might test the basic premise of the Community Reinvestment Act: that the banking industry serves the rich, not the poor.
Howard Husock deserves to be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.
“Teh gay looked at us! mummmmmmmmmmy”
That’s why they call it homophobia. The fear alone drives Republicans mad.
And ACORN defeated not just American war-hero John McCain and godly beauty queen Sarah Palin — but everything the combined might of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party could throw at them.
Is there any terrorist organization on earth as unbeatable?
Now that ACORN is in power, the enemies of America world-wide are surely trembling.
Ann Coulter’s still alive?!?
Well, whaddya know? Attention whores just never die, do they?
We could ask John McCain what it’s like to suckle at Bush’s teat.
Gee, that pic didn’t get much play during the campaign. I wonder why.
Ambitious Breasts… great name for a band.
I agree. I also saw an old cheap paperback in a used book store recently, and the title would make a great first hit for this band – “Commie Sex Trap.”
Maybe if we asked Barney Frank’s friend nicely, he’ll give all the money back.
but eight years of being nursed to Bush’s ambitious breasts
I vaguely recall Peggy Noonan once gushing about Bush’s eagerness to breast-feed America. Fortunately S,N! read the column so I didn’t have to.
Alas, I expire.
Clap louder, everyone! I believe in tigrismus!
I never pay attention to Peggy Noonan because I find retching is not the best way to have rock hard abs.
President Obama has started making speeches, I understand. I was at work or work functions all day today, but when I came home a little after ten, SO was dancing around, quoting great lines and hugging the cats.
Smackdown, activate!
Smut Clyde said,
February 6, 2009 at 6:28
Alas, I expire.
Clap louder, everyone! I believe in tigrismus!
Can tigrismus defeat Captain Hook?
I am eagerly awaiting affirmation prior to clapping compliance.
That’s why they call it homophobia. The fear alone drives Republicans mad.
Which is why I and many of my “str8 looking, str8 acting” have never “camped it up” except when it makes people nervous. We can always tell when someone is going to get really really fucking annoyed. Even if they’re (typically) fat and nasty looking, ogling and flirting drives em fucking crazy.
Alas, there is some danger in it as well. I do not recommend it except in safe circumstances.
Confronting the ambitious breast.
Barack Obama is @#$% tired of this @#$%!
You must run, not walk, to this place and read, listen and roar.
I will kill this meme. I have weapons.
That is not sufficient. You must also be guided by their beauty.
Has everyone else in the New World gone to sleep already? You people are getting old. Don’t fill me full of buckshot if I wander over your lawns in my dementia.
Ann Coulter’s still alive?!?
Wondered what she was doing? Always convinced she was a democrat plant.
Don’t fill me full of buckshot
Buckshot, I assume, is where you fill the blunderbuss with those lightweight $1 gold coins that were mentioned in the previous thread. Doesn’t sound particularly lethal, though possibly more painful than grapeshot.
Don’t even start me on the topic of ‘earshot’.
Hell if I know. I’d have to assume “buck” as in some kind of deer.
Gag knows what $1 gold coins they were talking about. All our gold coins are, naturally, made of brass.
But I think I really meant rock salt.
And please, don’t wax eloquent on the topic of “earshot.”
Lincoln WAS a racist.
Every law school in the country has a bound set of the Lincoln-Douglas debates; more people should read them. Lincoln vigorously pooh-poohed the slander that he was an abolitionist, noted that the black species was deficient compared to the white, and, not having footage of atom bombs to scare the voters with, painted a remarkably prescient picture of the socioeconomic rain of shit (and murderous bitterness) that would result if anyone was dumb enough to free the slaves and throw them into direct competition with poor white farmers. (Yeah, all cotton farmers owned slaves, just like all middle class families today have one working parent and a ten foot plasma TV in every room… except for one or two whiny liberal broken-home dead-enders here and there, the kind without health insurance.)
The punters didn’t buy it; they thought Lincoln was a bleeding-heart darkie lover. Also, he had a high-pitched voice that sometimes squeaked when he was being emotional. True story.
I’m a little disappointed in the ‘hall. They just don’t seem to be bringing the crazy like they used to.
Shorter Dennis Prager: I Know Black People
Shorter Michael Medved: I fucking hate Jimmy Carter. I mean really, really hate his dumb ass.
Shorter Mike Gallagher: Overlord Hussein X is taking your hard-earned money so lazy welfare queens can watch Oprah in surround sound
Shorter earlier Michael Medved: Jimmy Carter, fucking prick. Fuck him
I’m a little disappointed in the ‘hall. They just don’t seem to be bringing the crazy like they used to.
No, but the stupid still comes in abundance.
M. Bouffant sez:
They must have been waiting w/ bated breath
Can I just send you a big ol’ box of virtual cookies for spelling that correctly?
Aaaand Nazi Grammaire nitpicks: Deux minutes is plural, so “Les” is appropriate here, and “c’est l’heure des deux minutes de Townhall.”
Shorter Cal Thomas: Lincoln was a pretty racist dood
Well, yeah, that’s right. Lincoln WAS a pretty racist dood, just like the overwhelming majority of people who lived ~150 years ago.
But then, Cal is also a pretty racist dood, and he doesn’t have the excuse of living ~150 years ago when racism was pretty much the standard.
Wanting to check & see if Geo Will’s stupidity really was as stupid as I pictured it, I actually went to the stupid townhall website…only to find the most annoying self-advertising popup evah in the history of the internets I swear to god. FUCK those people. I won’t even bother to check, I know they really are that stupid, and I’ll trumpet it from the rooftops with no more evidence than I can find on Sadly, No!
Fuckheads. Jesus Christ.