Sadly’s Best of the Blogs (Friday Edition)
An excellent post by Sadly, No!’s Brad R. raises the vital point that Glenn Reynolds is a c_m-guzzling monster tw_t. (Read-the-whole-thing index: Solid, Jackson!)
Instahonky links to this ABC News story called “PR Machine Behind Cindy Sheehan?” He adds, “I bet that if a GOP group were to send servicemen’s families to picket Democrats it would be getting more play. And more negative play.”
Meanwhile, at Sadly, No!, Gavin M. raises the supplementary point that Glenn Reynolds is a p__-gulping _ss-snorkler, adding that a heavily media-enabled GOP group founded by a PR firm is currently sending servicemen’s families to picket Sheehan. (Hat tip: Sadly, No!)
I dunno if you’ve ever read any Calvino (I’m thinking mostly “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller”), but that’s what this reminds me of.
I dunno if you’ve ever read any Calvino (I’m thinking mostly “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller”), but that’s what this reminds me of.
Holy crap, that moveamericaforward site is WHACK. Yet another red, white, and blue jingoistic ahistorical nightmare visited upon us by the ungodly marriage of inbred hicks and corporate whores.
Now hurry up and destroy that evil, America-hating institution called the United Nations (that America created).
Holy crap, that moveamericaforward site is WHACK. Yet another red, white, and blue jingoistic ahistorical nightmare visited upon us by the ungodly marriage of inbred hicks and corporate whores.
Ouch. (Heh.)
Yes- If on a winter’s night- so good- “Im gonna show y’all that I can write 50 awesome books in one book, but just chapters of each, and I’m gonna eff with your head the whole time”
Yeah, the glory boys get the limelight, once again. I, for one, feel that the Housekeeping II post was at least mentionable, if not the blue ribbon winner of the week; nay, the year. It brought us the news that something that delivered nothing now delivers .. something. You do your own math, but in my li’l ole world, sumpin’ from nuthin’ is INFINITE improvement. The delivery of the news of such an achievement deserves no less acknowledgement than that of the moon landing or the creation of Ice beer. Hats off to Housekeeping II. Kudos, indeed.
Well, I thought the last one set a new standard in circle-jerking.
I just want to give “propers” to the whole Instahonky crack. Heh. Indeed.
I appreciate all of the viewpoints on Cindy Sheehan, but they’re all wrong. Here’s my view:
The Cindy Sheehan Show: words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2005
Oh my god. Sadly, No! now has singing trolls. I’m so jealous. It’s not fair! (BTW, Dr. BLT sings as well as he uses anchor tags which is too say not well at all.)
Dr. BLT, you zany sandwich-named spammer you!
Oh man, Dr. BLT, that song completely sucks. You have absolutely zero talent.
I liked it.
What was with the bizarre organ breakdown at the end? It was like that long middle part of “Magic Carpet Ride,” but sucky.
You made it to the end of Dr. BLT’s song, Brad? You’re a braver man than I.
(Also, I demand royalties for your unlicensed appropriation of my proprietary term “singing troll” which I coined earlier in this thread. Otherwise I’ll sick the Acme Law Firm on you guys.)
(Added a link.)
Okay, I’ll call off the seasoned litigators at Acme Law Firm who were just getting ready to serve a summons in the comments thread. . .
Gavin says he likes the song, Brad says it sucks, and that I have zero talent. Brad, when you go out for dinner, do you sample one item on the menu, and, if you don’t like the one iterm, condemn the whole menu based on sampling that one item? All I ask is that you follow the ten-song rule before coming to the zero-talent conclusion. All I’m asking is that you listen to 10 of my songs, beginning to end. Then, if you come back and tell me I have zero talent, I will respect you more as a critic. Trust me, it’s an acquired taste. You’re used to ear candy. My songs are not sweet, but they offer food for thought. Spit it all out if you like, but please, sample more than one item from the menu before you call me a bad cook.