Who’s Wingnutty Enough to Defend Pat Robertson, Pt II
A few days ago I asked the question, “Who out there is wingnutty enough to defend Pat Robertson’s call for the assassination of Hugo Chavez?” At the time, only the predictably crazy Pastor Swank seemed up to the challenge. But over the last two days, WorldNetDaily has published not one, but TWO columns praising the deranged minister’s bloodthirsty rants! Let’s review them both, starting with this fine contribution from the Sultan of ‘Stache himself, Joseph Farah!
The case against Chavez
I guess there are certain things you just can’t say ? no matter how much sense they make.
And then there are certain things that you can say that don’t make any sense- things that will force sane people to laugh at you. Guess which category Robertson’s statements fall into.
Everyone who is anyone is repudiating remarks made by Pat Robertson in which he suggested it might not be a bad idea to knock off Venezuelan tyrant Hugo Chavez.
The State Department was quick to distance itself from the statement. The Defense Department explained that it doesn’t do these things. And lots of commentators had a good yuck over the whole controversy.
Us included!
Yet, I doubt many Americans would contend it is always, unequivocally wrong to kill foreign leaders. Can someone tell me it would have been wrong to assassinate Hitler? Is someone going to make the case that killing Stalin would have been a bad thing?
Because just like Hitler and Stalin, Chavez has slaughtered millions of people and has led wars of aggression against neighboring countries. If we don’t stop him, he’ll soon be occupying all of Eastern Europe! (And that means you, Seb, so don’t laugh… unless you live in Western Germany, in which case the USA Freedom Shlong will protect you…)
Given the cost of the war in Iraq, would someone explain why it would not have been better to knock off Saddam Hussein if we had the chance?
Would someone other than Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton or Jaime Gorelick make the case that if we had Osama bin Laden in our crosshairs we shouldn’t pull the trigger?
Yes, it was Chavez who mastermined 9/11 and used chemical weapons on his own citizens.
Let’s face facts.
This column has facts?
There have been many times in history when the smart move would have been taking out a foreign leader, perhaps saving many innocent lives in the process. I think Pat Robertson raises an interesting point about Chavez.
One could make the case that he is the most dangerous man in the world today ? right up there with Kim Jong-il of North Korea, bin Laden of al-Qaida and Mahmood Ahmadinejad of Iran.
One could, if one is off one’s medication.
Kim is a madman with nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles to fire them. Bin Laden has already killed more Americans than any other man on the planet and his thirst for more blood is hardly quenched. And, if you don’t know who Chavez is, imagine Fidel Castro sitting on the world’s fourth-largest oil supply, able to buy any weapons system imaginable and networking with the Chinese, al-Qaida and Iran, and attempting to build an anti-U.S., Soviet-style bloc in Latin America.
It’s amazing how, in Farah’s mind, all eeeeeeeeeeeevil people in the world are all sitting around and conspiring to destroy the United States. It doesn’t matter that the ideology of Chavez’s authoritarian leftist government is directly at odds with the idelogy of Iran’s fundamentalist theocracy, or that both are at odds with China’s now-capitalist oligarchy. Nope, if they’re all evil, they must be working together- it’s as simple as that. I sometimes think Joe looks at the U.S. and its fellow English-speaking nations as the Super Friends (Canada excluded, of course- they house too many Frenchmen), while Chavez, Kim Jong Il, bin Laden and Castro are Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Brainiac and Sinestro (“Axis of Evil,” “Legion of Doom”… it’s basically the same concept).
Is it crazy to talk about it? Is it a bad idea to let the American people know we have, right here in our own Western Hemisphere, a potential threat to our national security?
I don’t think Pat Robertson suggested assassinating Hugo Chavez because the TV evangelist is bloodthirsty. I think he suggested it because he is not.
‘Cause when you think about it, calling for someone’s assassination is one of the least bloodthirsty things a person can do.
We live in a very dangerous world ? a world more dangerous because of people like Hugo Chavez.
There would be nothing immoral about killing him.
Yeah, let’s just toss that Sixth Commandment right out the window. The only Biblical laws that really matter are the ones condemning anal sex.
In fact, if indeed he aided al-Qaida as charged, we have a moral obligation as a nation to do him in.
But we won’t.
You tell me, Joe.
Because our national leaders lack the courage to take out monsters like Kim, bin Laden, Saddam and Ahmadinejad. They fear a war like that could come home to haunt them. Instead, lots of innocent men have to lose their lives in wars where surrogates are asked to take the risks and do the fighting.
Strange world.
I got nothing to add to that, so let’s move on to our second pundit, Mary Jo Anderson. Mary’s column is pretty much the same as Joe’s, but it contains a some even more outlandish conspiracy theories:
Now we have reports that Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcast Network, is backing away from his call for Chavez’ assassination. Say it ain’t so, Pat. Don’t back down now ? turn into the pack, face them dead-on.
Yes, Pat, show them that you’re as loony and unhinged as they say you are! And if you can, spray some whipped cream on your face so it looks like you’re frothing at the mouth!
Once you have the media’s full attention, say it again ? and give them more besides. They will report your “loose canon” comments with journalistic ecstasy before they realize their mistake.
That they didn’t call the loony bin on you years ago?
By then the public will have heard some gems of logic that the politically correct-mad world of the press has suppressed.
And if there’s one person who’s a reliable source for gems of logic, it’s Pat Robertson.
Yes, Chavez needs to go. He shares more than an oil-based economy with Muslim leaders. You know that he signed a condemnation of Israel for their occupation of “Palestinian” territory.
As has just about every other country in the world. I suppose we should “take out” their leaders too.
You know Chavez has imported militant Lebanese Muslims by the thousands. Did you mention that the Venezuelan Air Force flew aid to the Taliban and Chavez starved his people in order to send money to al-Qaida?
I tried to verify this, but the only sources I could find were from other wingnut sites. Imagine my surprise.
So please, don’t tell us you were misunderstood, Pat. Chavez need not be assassinated, however. That would merely make him a martyr to Marxists and jihadists. What Chavez needs is an education about where old dictators go when they retire.
It’s only necessary for special ops forces to extract Chavez and take him on midnight ride to Iraq. Deposit Chavez in Saddam’s fragrant hidey-hole for a week or two. Then yank him up, snap a few photos of a matted-hair, blubbering Chavez for all the world to see, and take the newly educated Chavez home to his palace and his oil empire and see if he doesn’t settle down a bit.
Or see if he doesn’t get every country in the world to pass sanctions against the United States for fucking kidnapping him!
Some “cheese-eating appeasement monkey” (I stole that line from someone who has had a belly full of Jacques Chirac) is sure to ask why you are so intolerant of other religions. That’s easy. Tell them that all religions are not equal.
Well, that’s one way to deflect accusations of religious bigotry- just admit they’re true.
Then clarify, “All people have a right to religious freedom, we do not believe in religion by the sword.” Then repeat, “But that does not make all religions equal in truth or validity. Some are heresies.”
While they gape at you in speechless shock add, “Islam is Muhammad’s synthesis of Judaism and the Christian heresy of Arianism. Arianism denies the divinity of Jesus. It holds that Jesus is a prophet, but not God. That is what Islam teaches today.
Yeah, and those wacky Jews don’t see Jesus as the son of God either, so they must be categorically inferior as well. Pat, I really think you should consider taking Mary Jo’s advice- it’d do wonders for your image.
And while you are practicing clear-speak, try this one on the press who will by now be camped outside your door in hopes you will make another startling statement that they can ridicule: “The world hates a vacuum and if the United States is not the superpower, guess who will be?”
Uh, I don’t know… Vacuumstan?
Once you have their full attention, remind them that a map of the world is a handy tool.
And if anyone’s an expert on being a tool, it’s Pat Robertson.
You can get a map of populations, a map of natural resources, a map of geo-political alliances, a map of known oil deposits, even a map of the ancient silk route from Europe to Kashgar, China, where, it’s rumored, bin Laden hides among the Muslim population.
Yep, bin Laden’s in China… time to invade them too!
Tease them with hints like, “Guess who had a 22-year lease with Saddam to explore the Al Ahdab oil fields in southern Iraq? And were in negotiation for the coveted Halfayah field with a projected output of 300,000 barrels per day?” And remind them, too, that this same nation had supplied Saddam with offensive weaponry since 1981, including missile technology. Worse, this nation trained both the Taliban and al-Qaida.
Let’s see: this mystery nation supplied Saddam with weapons in the ’80s, trained jihadi “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan… why, I think she’s talking about the United States!
If the press did its job rather than coast for a month on Cindy Sheehan, they might know that this is the nation that ignored U.N. sanctions in order to secure a $70 billion oil and gas deal with Iran ? an Iran now loaded with money to pursue its nuclear ambitions. Ignore their quizzical looks and continue to say what needs to be said. Pat, go ahead, tell them that this is a nation that feigns friendship and commerce with terrorists so that it can harness Islamic hatred of the West to use for its own purpose.
Yes, Pat, spell it out for them- use shadow puppets if you have to!
“Now, see, this squid represents the long tentacles of Communism and Islamofacism.”
Quietly, this nation has built new warships carrying long-range cruise missiles, and new submarines. It whirls its satellites in space in partnership with Brazil, a country capable of nuclear weapons. When the press can’t stand the suspense a moment longer, whisper your final hint, make them lean forward to hear you say, “This nation controls the Panama Canal.”
Uuuuuh… Panama?
And for those in the back who did not hear, add, “And Hugo Chavez wants to divert oil from the United States to this nation.”
When a bright young reporter sneers, “So what if China becomes a superpower?” you tell her Pat. Speak plainly and slowly: “If you don’t think it matters, Miss, I’d be delighted to buy you a ticket to Beijing. One way.”
And if Bush ever gets around to sending people to Mars, I suggest we buy the entire staff of WorldNetDaily a ticket. One way.
“Vacuumstan.” Awesome. Then we’d know where that great sucking sound was coming from.
Chavez’s so evil I hadn’t heard anything about him until Pat called to asassinate him.
Holy Crap. I try to be a good person, really I do, but reading that person glorying in the thought of Hugo Chavez being publicly thoroughly humiliated made me viscerally desire the same for her. Now I feel guilty, and will probably go to Hell, and it’s all your fault. Bastard.
Robertson Apologizes for Chavez Remarks
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson apologized Wednesday for calling for the assassination of Venezu
Jesus- Mary Jo is a fucking genius.
I had no idea that my Papist brethren Chirac and Chavez are so highly thought of by fundamentalist Muslims who, by their own admission, are not fans of other religions.
Of course, by using Mary Jo’s logic, Abrahamic religions are all just based on a cut down combination of the Phoenician/Canaanite chief god ‘El (Semetic lingual root of Yahweh, Allah, et. al.), the Egyptian experiment with monotheism, Amon-Ra, the sun god and later adding elements of the Zoroastrian god Ahura-Mazda.
Do I think that’s true? Of course not- but the Hebrews certainly adopted practices from those religions, as every religion has taken practices from other religions.
Does that mean they’re necessarily wrong? No, it just means that they find practices which they believe either broadens their understanding of God (or ‘the Gods’ depending of the case) or fits within proper menthods of worship.
Idiocy by people with no understanding of world religions. That’s the price of free speech- unqualified people offering up idiotic opinions as fact.
Ah Brad, you’re back in fine form, m’lad.
remind them that a map of the world is a handy tool
There were so many jokes involving “hands” and “tools” that flooded my mind on reading the above that I suffered brain cramp and couldn’t decide which one was phallic and juvenile enough for my beloved Sadly, No bog’s mail bage. Please help me! I was just about to write them down, when, like Coleridge writing “Xanadu,” the phone rang and I forgot all of them. (Actually I was distracted by the similarity between the names of Mary Jo and Marie Jon’). Anyway, all I can come up with now is the old classic “I got your tool right here,” but since that is hardly on the level of “a stately pleasure dome did decree” I guess I’m not really as good a poet as Coleridge. Or something.
And having just read the Farah piece, I must admit there were several points at which it was laugh-out-loud funny with unintended irony, but let me shine the spotlight on one: “[Chavez is] attempting to build a 2-million-man army in a country not threatened by any external forces,” smack in the middle of a piece arguing why we should assassinate him.
In the Farah article, he lists the bad things Chavez has done, including: “attempting to build a 2-million-man army in a country not threatened by any external forces.”
Well, not threatened by any forces other than the worlds only superpower and the crazy right-wingers therein.
In the Farah article, he lists the bad things Chavez has done, including: “attempting to build a 2-million-man army in a country not threatened by any external forces.”
Yeah, I was gonna researchi this, since it sounds absurd, but I had too much of a headache. I’ll do it right now just for kicks.
Brad: Yeah, I was gonna lookup the other claims in the paragraph, but how do you refute something like “propping up Castro in better style than the old Soviet Union ever did” in less than 15 minutes. It’s like Gavin says… they can make 20 wingnutty untrue claims in the amount of time it takes for the sane people to refute one of them.
P.S. Also ironic: Chavez “has brought nothing but misery to his people ? expropriating millions of acres of privately held land.” Good thing we live in the US, where that could never happen
Ah. Apparently, Chavez wanted to increase RESERVE forces to 2 million, which is significantly different. And since that’s not likely to happen, it sounds like he was just blustering. Also, as of 2000, Venezuela’s armed forces stood at around 87,000. So even if he wanted to build a 2 million man army, he’s got a long, long way to go.
“One could make the case that [Chavez] is the most dangerous man in the world today ? right up there with Kim Jong-il of North Korea, bin Laden of al-Qaida and Mahmood Ahmadinejad of Iran.”
“One could, if one is off one’s medication.”
Would one not also have to be off one’s rocker? One wants to know!
“It’s amazing how, in Farah’s mind, all eeeeeeeeeeeevil people in the world are all sitting around and conspiring to destroy the United States.”
Well, yes, like in the comic books he reads for research! And they all wear Spandex body stockings, in Farah’s mind. A scarrrryyyy place, is Farah’s mind….
“And if Bush ever gets around to sending people to Mars, I suggest we buy the entire staff of WorldNetDaily a ticket. One way.”
Cool! It would be like the end of “Total Recall”, where Ahnuld and the cute chick and the Bad Guy are decompressing and their faces expand and their eyes bug out — but this time, it turns out that the Alien Air Machine was actually built by Halliburton, breaks down, and…
1. I didn’t realize intelligence was ‘politically correct’
2. …When a bright young reporter sneers, “So what if China becomes a superpower?”
Actually, a bright reporter would realize we are well past the ‘becomes’ part of that question.
These are the people who think torture is OK. Once you permit torture the next thing you have is man on dog assination, oops, assassination.
Arian heresy?!? So it’s a crusade after all. So let’s just call it The Crusade to End All Crusades (teh CEAC).
Here’s a funny bit of trivia: The inquisition grew out of the Albigensian Crusade (bit harder to say than Arianism).
“(I stole that line from someone who has had a belly full of Jacques Chirac)”
No you didn’t, you troglodyte. The phrase “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” is from the Simpsons, in an episode from way back in April 1995 (a month before Chirac was elected President of France).
I realize this is the least of the errors in that column, but people getting geek-trivia wrong really hits close to home.
C’mon, I’m not the only who has Van Halen’s “Panama” stuck in my head now, am I?
I missed the part where Osama bin Laden is a national leader, Mr. Farah . . .
Osama bin laden is king of terror-vania. It’s a small province, littered with caves, and located between pakistan and the west bank.
You will know you are there when everyone is either second or third in command.
Modern major, well put.
I believe a “D’oh!” will be forthcoming,
in the meantime
I love Farrah’s “logic,” that some world leaders could prove to be dangerous–so let’s kill ’em! Due to his general stupidity and, presumably, his buying into that old “American Exceptionalism” crap, he doesn’t see how quickly this can be turned around. If various factions around the world believe that our President is about to order the assassination of their leader, won’t they wish to preemptively strike? Do we really want a rotating array of world powers actively trying to assassinate our President? Including the present one?
Neato! Black-on-white comments (for the time being)! Somehow, this looks so wrong…
>>What Chavez needs is an education about where old dictators go when they retire.
Funny, most central american dictators from the 80’s ended up retiring in Florida.
I like the “not all religions are equal” argument. That’s the wingnut America for you – freedom to believe in any faith or creed, as long as you acknowledge the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Because our national leaders lack the courage to take out monsters like Kim, bin Laden, Saddam and Ahmadinejad. They fear a war like that could come home to haunt them. Instead, lots of innocent men have to lose their lives in wars where surrogates are asked to take the risks and do the fighting.
Guh…huh? You’d think he’d at least be crowing that Saddam has been deposed, instead of…well, apparently forgetting that it happened.
And I love that he apparently sincerely believes that the Bush administration is afraid to capture bin Laden. It’s a little nicer explanation that sheer incompetence, I suppose.
There’s a good article up by John W. Dean, pertaining to whether Pat Robertson broke the law. Seems he probably did, and that if anybody was interested in prosecuting him, he could get more than 5 years in prison if the judge really threw the book at him. Heh. That would amuse me too much. Too bad it isn’t gonna happen.
Yes, yes, show him what happens to dictators when they retire! A guaranteed seat in the senate, amnesty from prosecution, and immunity from extradition while in a London hospital will sure as hell show Chavez. Oh wait, I was thinking of Pinochet who as an avid capitalist is categorically not a dictator…according to the constitution he dictated. Never mind.
What a nutcase!! How can this tool be taken seriously?
Would someone other than Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton or Jaime Gorelick make the case that if we had Osama bin Laden in our crosshairs we shouldn’t pull the trigger?
Clinton, as you will recall, actually did attempt to kill Bin Laden only to be attacked as “wagging the dog” by Republicans at the time.