Best? Day By Day? Ever?
While we struggle to make sense of the Pajamas Media collapse,* as well as other such tragic collapses, it seems the world is rolling ever onward, minding its own business except for the strange guy sitting next to me on the Red Line today, who for some reason had crapped in his pants, and was trying to be all like, “Ew, it smells like a sewer in here — who’s stinking the place up?” in order to mislead other riders into thinking that it was another person, and not himself, who had for some reason crapped in their pants on the Red Line. Anyway, that’s what the world is mostly not doing, as it rolls along minding its own business.
Except for that guy and Chris Muir.
Above: Hair drawn by Mike Grell
It seems as though Muir is transcending narrative form and moving toward an aesthetic of pure abstraction, deploying a vocabulary of shape and word that confronts the viewer with her own expectations of the linearity of the comic form, but it’s also possible that he’s just way suckier than we thought.
* We are honestly trying to make some decent sense of this limitlessly enjoyable event.
Muir does that “I don’t know what the fuck this means but it pays the bills ” thing very well. I wonder if editors read them or just think “It must be good, I don’t understand it”
Love the first comment on Greta’s blog. “Please, Greta, don’t close the blog down. This is where we get our information since we cannot trust the MSM to tell us anything factual.”
The Redstate Stroke Farce is soooo masterful, isn’t it.
I don’t get it.
red line? In DC??
This… looks vaguely familiar.
That URL is
Jesus fuck I am getting beaten to the punch right and left.
In Boston, in this case between Charles/MGH and Central Square — a long ride indeed when serenaded by a pants-crapper..
Wow. he really phoned that one in- couldn’t even bother to actually DRAW Obama, so instead we have some weird hybrid of ‘iPod’ and ‘Taken’.
When is HIS wingnut welfare being cut off?
Anyway Obama should give Iran a big cake in the shape of a key.
Is Muir really trying to infer that Obama’s ego is so fragile that he needs to be eager-to-please guy to the President of Iran? ‘Cause other than that, the “comic” seems to be what would happen if you turned Red Dawn into some sort of buddy-comedy, but kept the wingnuttia.
Chris Muir transcends the human ability to conceive of suckiness. Think of him as the infinity + 1 or suckiness.
Jesus Blart, I think you mean.
It’s because it’s Tuesday in NZ, dude.
Not DC. Oh well.
Doonesbury said, This… looks vaguely familiar.
I was gonna say, Garry – I think you should sue this guy for defamation or something.
Crapped his pants, eh? I never pictured Red’Bator as a Mass. guy.
From Gretawire, I learn that “Technology is moving at lightening speed”.
From Gretawire, I learn that “Technology is moving at lightening speed”.
I thought its speed looked like it had lost some weight! I asked it just today if it had been working out.
And that people dream of doing other things. She’s, like, totally insightful, fer shuer.
Sounds like the guy on the T needed these.
Personally, I think that blog writing should be required of our media celebrities. No outsourcing it to interns, either.
Then post them on the front page of their Web sites.
How about insourcing it to outterns?
He spelled Ahmadinejad wrong.
Too bad the guy on the T didn’t have these.
I, like Tyrone, do not get it either. Oh I understand what he’s attempting. I just don’t get it.
Funny, I thought Greta was supposed to be Cable News’ “Smart Girl”.
She sure don’t look like Robin Meade.
Ha ha! That comic was way funny! It had Obama and he was bein’ all nice to that Iran guy! I like that kind of humor! It’s funny!
Terns terns the magical bird
The cleaner your car, the bigger the turd
I’m confused here but is that supposed to be Reagan?
Muir doesn’t even know the President of Iran. He’s transposed a bunch of syllables.
Last wordism!
Funny, I thought Greta was supposed to be Cable News’ “Smart Girl”.
“Smart Girl” is a relative term when paired with “Cable News”
I’ve seen some right-wingers (such as protein wisdom, aka prions are in my head!) insist that the loss of blogging revenue isn’t wingnut welfare collapsing. It all seems to me a strange way to argue that they’ve not stopping hitting their wife yet…
Also on that site, and others, I noticed complaints about a ‘$93K raise!’ that congress supposedly voted upon…
He spelled Ahmadinejad wrong.
Given the amount of work involved in fixing that, I don’t expect an update.
Not that his audience would notice.
Funny, I thought Greta was supposed to be Cable News’ “Smart Girl”.
I thought S*Mart went out of business?
such as protein wisdom, aka prions are in my head!
I think you get the science nerd vote with that one, but I liked Purblind Jism too.
That one probably gets the blog nerd vote.
If someone were serving an apprenticeship in poetry, would he or she be intern for the verse?
Hey, I found another Great Hair today too.
Hey, I found another Great Hair today too.
It’s Amy Alkon in reverse.
The wingnuts may not have Ahmadinejad to kick around much longer:
The problem is, to find that cartoon interesting or funny you have to make such a long chain of interconnected reasoning errors and false assumptions that it’s just too tiring to follow along, even for purposes of mockery. I just can’t be bothered.
Hey, I found another Great Hair today too.
And totally not gay. Just a really devoted Veronica Lake fan.
What a great name too.
1. Obamee is a big fat lying moozilum
2. As such he will sell out the country to his lying moozilum friends
3. He will do this by cell phone so that it will be a big giant secrit
4. Blocking in the background and not showing details is cheaper for comic strips.
The wingnuts may not have Ahmadinejad to kick around much longer:
Oh come on, if they don’t hear about the election, and the new guy just shows up for work one day, they won’t even realize that anything has changed.
Well, cut the guy some slack, willya? I understand that this is totally inappropriate, very bad taste, and offensive to many people. However, I would not pass out judgement before we know all the details: was he sick, mentally incapacitated, caught by surprise. What I am saying is that there may be a valid excuse for crapping your pants…
The cartoon is different story…
am i high? i just “read” that inasmuch as it can be taken as something to be read, not limned or just internalized as some kind of a post-thought transcendent comedic asshattery when the very question of intentionality is moot.
oh, sorry, i remember now: i’m high.
Oh come on, if they don’t hear about the election, and the new guy just shows up for work one day, they won’t even realize that anything has change
And they’re guaranteed to spell any new guy’s name wrong, too, so will anything have really changed?
henry lewis: But, but, but, I thought Ahmedinejad was a cruel and petty dictator! Lee Bollinger said so! How could a cruel and petty dictator, like Ahmedinejad, who is the undisputed tyrant-mullah of Iran, ever lose an election? Doesn’t he fix the elections and get 100% of the vote every time? Because he’s a cruel dictator. And petty.
Right? Please don’t tell me the President of Columbia University is lying to me!
As an old school Legion fan, you have no idea what a step-down it was to have Dave Cockrum replaced on that book by Mike “Trying Too Hard to be Neal Adams” Fucking Grell.
Muir’s Black period has begun. I’ll miss the funhouse mirror breasts.
The problem is, to find that cartoon interesting or funny you have to make such a long chain of interconnected reasoning errors and false assumptions that it’s just too tiring to follow along, even for purposes of mockery.
Well put! It is exactly so.
Did I ever tell y’all about the time I went over to the house of one of the big money guys behind Pajamas Media?
It was a pretty amazing experience. Cocktail party. Guy wanted to be on the board of a local arts non-profit, so he invited other board members to his place. Big fucking ostentatious house in the Brentwood hills.
We drive up, the valet takes the car, we get walked into this big house…..PAST the carpeted living room with two ornately carved grand pianos, the dining room with a big table and chairs, down the hall until we’re in this, like family rec-room or something, that opens onto a concrete patio. There’s hardly any furniture in the room, and the floors are white stone.
The guy has a little buffet set up with crackers and cheese, so help me god. And they serve us white wine and sparkling water. No red wine – the guy actually explains why no red wine – he’s worried someone will spill on his white stone floors and stain them.
I mean – the guy is entertaining the members of a non-profit board that he wants to join, and their spouses. And he doesn’t think they’re good enough for the living room. And he thinks they’re going to spill their drinks.
Unbelievable. He was a little creep, and IIRC they didn’t end up inviting him to be on the board. I’ll look for his profile somewhere and post it.
Please do, g. I look forward to it.
I can’t not try to help Muir find the funny.
it’s this guy
Now go google him + Pajamas
Ok, trying one more time:
I can’t not help Muir find the funny.
it’s this guy
Now go google him + Pajamas
one of the big money guys behind Pajamas Media
After reading that, I’m both glad an unsurprised he funded Jammies.
Did I ever tell y’all about the time I went over to the house of one of the big money guys behind Pajamas Media?
Damn. Just goes to show that because someone has money doesn’t mean they have any goddam manners.
Why? Why did I click the link? There’s never been a Muir cartoon that made any goddam sense, what reason did I have to believe this one would?
Now I’ve gone and irritated myself.
OT, but Roy’s post mentions Dennis the Peasant in a context that seems to have him as a wingnut blogger. I had him pegged for one of us, but maybe in a Jesus’ General vein.
I mean, he took his nym from Holy Grail. Don’t the nutters usually get theirs from World of Warcraft and shit?
DtP is a rightie, and apparently was one of the four guys who came up with the idea for PJM. His ire is from getting kicked out of his own idea by Roger Simon and Charles Johnson, but he’s funny as hell about it.
Roy’s post mentions Dennis the Peasant in a context that seems to have him as a wingnut blogger. I had him pegged for one of us, but maybe in a Jesus’ General vein.
He used to be the most amusing actual rightie to read, IMO. These days he’s obsessed with Amanda Marcotte.
I once sat on a coast-to-coast flight next to Larry King. I quite deliberately not acknowledged that I was sitting next to a famous person. After an hour into the flight the fucker started blowing SBD’s. I finally leaned over and said “Larry, I don’t know if you hear this often but you smell much worse in person.”
True story.
It was nice of him to include “SCROLL DOWN” in the second panel. It does serve his readers, most of whom view his work in 640×480 resolution.
I finally leaned over and said “Larry, I don’t know if you hear this often but you smell much worse in person.”
Ha! He does smell taller on TV.
DtP was quite funny about Chuckie and the whole PJ thing, but his obsession with Amanda is really quite sad.
However, his profile of Pammycakes a while back was quite funny.
What? What? Is the — wait. Huh? Is the next comic just going to be Muir Island licking Gary Trudeau’s fingers?
where is the three quarters naked, spine-tortured woman?
Wow, Greta Von Whateverischen thinks she’s pretty hot stuff and that people give a shit whether she keeps her blahg going or not. Imagine doing all the writing and decorating alone – just like every non-group blogger in the cybertank. Except she gets help with mounting videos and stuff ’cause that’s like, hard.
I didn’t know Jammies Media went belly up, but I forgot about them a long time ago.
Yeah, well, there was this whole “using electrons to do stuff” thing going on back in the 19th century. And I’m unsurprised to find that the Fox News “smart girl” can’t spell lightning.
Aren’t we all?
I swear, it’s like you people never watch fucking television. It’s an obvious (if poor) parody on the commercial for the movie “Taken.”
Just scroll the video thingie to halfway and see if any of it sounds familiar.
Muir sucks, but this wasn’t completely random. That’d be just a little too creative for the likes of him.
Just in case– WordPress sucks goat balls.
OK, I think Muir looks a little bit like Bérubé there. Just a tiny bit if you squint right.
Lesley has a great point – this Day by Day cartoon is just incredibly stupid and pointless. It manages to be the best one EVAH because it could well be the product of a brain-damaged infant, as opposed to a brain-damaged perverted creepazoid.
Gavin, please tell me you didn’t get on a train that did the Unexplained Stop on the Longfellow bridge with Captain Underpants there. That’s some never-forgive action.
No Unexplained Stop that time, but the always-surprisingly-long tunnel between Kendall and Central seemed twice as surprisingly long as usual…
When I was a kid I wanted to be a cartoonist but I couldn’t really draw very well. If I could have managed to simultaneously not think very well I could have grown up to be Chris Muir.
Now that guy in that picture right there is someone who’s just begging to be smacked upside the head.
I LIKE it — it’s so….um….psychedelic or sumpin. Makes me feel like I’m having a flashback, which means I get to eat snacks. Snacks are good.
Yes, it’s from “Taken.” You all must not watch ESPN. Even so, it’s not very funny.
Yes, it’s from “Taken.” You all must not watch ESPN. Even so, it’s not very funny.
I don’t know – after all, he changed it to “Given.”
Taken… Given… get it?
Hey, hey! Don’t insult Mike Grell like that; he’s pretty good for a Neal Adams clone. Muir’s hair looks like he uses bacon grease for pomade.
Speaking of Muir and cartoonist clones, do you suppose that there’s a Garry Trudeau Wing of some asylum somewhere that he and assorted other would-be political cartoonists periodically escape from? (I think that Berke Breathed was released from it after he created Bill the Cat.)
Man, check out the screeching infighting in the comments section over at PJ:
In a post dedicated to trying to get the party leadership to actually listen to the guys down at the base (and does that sound familiar over here in LeftyLand? where we bitch about the disconnect between the Blue Dogs, Hilary’s DLC elitists, and us?) long enough to realize that they have to start using New Media tools …
the commenters go batshit & rip into each other over who’s really a conservative republican, whether the party should reject the fundies or embrace “traditional values”, and a quite interesting bit about the brewing split between the “Country Club” republicans and the “Sam’s Club” republicans.
The latter group voted for our guys last election, BTW.
Is it wrong that I read the first few panels in my head in a really deep sexy voice? And then I pretended the last panel didn’t exist? Made the comic *so* much better.
I read it several times that way in fact. Mostly the first panel. (C’mon: “I know what you want”?) Mmmmm…Obama… 😀
Dennis the Peasant’s obsession with Amanda is so very weird. He’s been banging this drum for YEARS. I think it’s repressed feminist guilt he’s got. Marcotte’s words don’t affect him or his livelihood one iota, yet he’s got to rip her to shreds every hour to quell the voices in his head.
Geez, Dennis deleted all his “Wodger” posts and told everyone to go away.
How can you convince us you’re over it if you keep needing to tell us you don’t care, Dennis?
“Larry, I don’t know if you hear this often but you smell much worse in person.”
PeeJ, I think you’ve got it all wrong… his SBDs must stink a lot less than his damn softball interviews.
It’s an obvious (if poor) parody on the commercial for the movie “Taken.”
Which, I can say from doleful experience, you should avoid at all costs. This is not a film to be tossed aside lightly; it should be thrown etc. I can handle something with plot-holes you can drive a supertanker through. I can deal with laughable implausibility. But Qui-gon Jinn doing a Jack Bauer torture scene? Thanks, but no thanks.
I still want to smack that fucker upside the head everytime I see that picture. Where’s my sockfull of horse manure when I need it?
Hey, what happened to the misshapen females? I thought that was the only reason right-wingers read his comic.
I don’t know – after all, he changed it to “Given.” Taken… Given… get it? Cle-ver!
It’s hard to outdo the wingnut wit, but I think I’d have gone with “Token”.
I don’t know – after all, he changed it to “Given.” Taken… Given… get it? Cle-ver!
It is hard to outdo the wingnut wit, but I think I’d have gone with “Token”.