Housekeeping II

First, the good news: The style switcher (on the right) which for months sat there promising some old school dark on light action, yet delivered nothing, now delivers… something. It won’t help for extended entries, and it won’t help for comments. For the rest though, it rocks!

We’re trying to make it work at least for extended entries — if anyone can help, please get in touch. (We’re using this guy’s script to change the style sheet.)


Comments: 7


Thank you! Now my eyes may last through more than one or two posts at a time.

Seriously…white on black only works if you’re in a dark room.


I’m waiting for some of that smokin’ hot “Burnt Orange on Raw Umber” action.


I’m working on another project, but I’ll see if I can find time to look at your problem over the weekend. I’ve been working with web stuff for almost ten years and I’ve got an excellent grasp of XHTML/CSS/Javascript. Expect an email sometime late Saturday or Sunday.

And, sadly, no, my other project is not political. If and when I get it completed I may share the URL. It’s going to be a community site not too disimilar to Sadly, No! but focusing on the events of my beer club — probably not of much interest to this croud.


Yeah, no interest in beer here….*hiccup*


Well, I meant the club, not the beer. Who wouldn’t be interested in beer? I mean, that would be practically un-American 😉



seems less boggy.


Well, I meant the club, not the beer. Who wouldn’t be interested in beer? I mean, that would be practically un-American

So, you;re calling the Islamic terrorists who hate all beer Unamerican?! Huh.


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