Munch Munch Popcorn
Have you been following the war of all against all?
I’m pausing to take in the astonishing new developments in this fast-moving story — a story that we are helpless to resist, and indeed must cover with greatly alacritous joy.
D. Aristophanes adds:
Poking around the Ol’ Perfesser’s digs for some comment on what I shall dub ‘A Very Public Karmic Reckoning’, we find the esteemed Doktorer of Legamalism up to his usual trick of arranging others’ opinions in a Kabuki dance of plausible deniability.
But we do find this bit of oddness …
MORE STILL: Some business points from Tim Oren, including this one: “Anyone who’s paid attention knows that the effective CPM for both click-through and exposure ads on blogs s***s. I mean really s***s – like up to an order of magnitude less than run-of-site ads on big, topically diffuse web properties.”
… which has me perplexed as to what horrible string of mind-blasting letters this Tim Oren person is self-redacting, presumably on his family-oriented blog, when he writes ‘s***s.’ Because “… the effective CPM for both click-through and exposure ads on blogs shits. I mean really shits …” does not make sense to me.
Shitfuckcocks? It’s verby-sounding, no? Anyway, this whole PJM implosion must really shitfuckcock for the participants, I mean really shitfuckcock.
oh, somebody’s going to get SLAPped with a COCK before this is over.
Protein Wisdom is still around? Hunh.
What this means is that as of April 1, I am officially out of work…
…and will organize yet another fund-raiser!
I guess the wrastling thing ain’t paying off as initially planned.
Too bad they’re not rolling in those Soros billions!
I wonder if this will cause Sam the Sham to be stranded in the “Holy Land”… I still have that fantasy of him joining Al Qaeda and making tapes as “Yusuf the American”.
There’s an update with further gnashing of teeth.
“It’s not our fault when we fail in the marketplace; it’s the damn capitalists!!!“
From the update:
I am crosseyed with brain-bending pleasure at this.
you ever try paying a hooker with food stamps?
Please elaborate, Jeff. You speak from experience, I take it?
JanusNode and a knowledge of XHTML is a dangerous thing.
So, Jeff is the hooker, and Roger is the john?
Alacrity is all very well, but too much makes me come out in hives. I’ve found that a pinch of celerity is an excellent substitute.
Didn’t Godlstein put up a self-serving GBCW post about a year ago? What went wrong? Couldn’t keep it in his pants?
Incidentally the pjtv lineup verges on self-parody:
Is “Sharia and Jihad” by any chance hosted by the Shrieking Harpy? If so, I’m gonna have to tune it!
Which side are you on?
(NWS incidentally)
Pam on PJM:
I can’t help but laugh my fucking ass off at two very distinct possibilities:
1. Sending Joe the Welfare Queen over to Israel to tell us how wrong it is to cover wars was a last ditch effort to generate interest / revenue in an enterprise that evidently has been losing money for years. Moreover, this failing enterprise had to cough up a lot of bread to make this happen; and
2. The fact that the powers that be at PJM were hiding the fact that they were losing money all this time will likely initiate lawsuits among the principals. I don’t know what sort of corporate entity PJM is, but I gotta bet that the partners/members/shareholders are quite irked at apparently being misled as to the viability of the business. Whatever the result, it is likely to play out publicly, and hilariously.
The schaden must not be freuded before it is ready.
Recipes count!, people!
Some old dead guy said that modern history would be a struggle between labor and capital. I think it was Adam Smith.
Just read the update at PW, and I have never, ever experienced such a rush of endorphins while reading a wingnut blog. I see potential for a new Internet tradition here.
I don’t know what sort of corporate entity PJM is…
It would be irresponsible NOT to speculate!
The fact that the powers that be at PJM were hiding the fact that they were losing money all this time will likely initiate lawsuits among the principals
I imagine the mouthbreathers won’t be screaming about “frivolous lawsuits” and “tort reform” any more. I mean, they have real grievances, not like those lazy, good-for-nothing injured children and poisoned heroes.
Hey, no troll postings here lately, were Gary, Troofie, and Red ‘Bator11! counting on sucking on that PJM teat?
I’m baking Schadenfreude Pie.
Funny how the PJ welfare money dried up precisely when the propoganda model had run its course and needed to be completely retooled*.
*Pun intended.
It’s fucking hilarious watching wingnut welfare queens whine and stomp their feet about not getting free money any longer. Funny, it occurs now, just after the inauguration. Hmmmmm.
Is it time for a dead pool this third (or fourth or fifth) incarnation of pajammy media?
I think roger will find a way to blow the rest of the money by the middle of summer and then, no more pajammy anything.
I’m still laughing my ass at goldsteen and rest of the losers.
Cock-slappy fails to realize that this is actually a step up from sponsoring his blog.
Will Godlstein finally have to get a real job? Stay tuned!
It’s not all the wailing and self-pitying and “rue the day” talk that worries me. It’s the way his rants are interspersed with pictures of him and his girlfriend in the eighties and pleas that his readers acknowledge that he was hot once. Are you ok, Jeff? Does someone need to come take the bottle away?
It’s easy to understand, really. All of Wingnuttia is hurting because the sugardaddies that have been financing this (at a loss) have lost a pile of money faster with the collapse of the economy than they had with their “media” toys. They’re starting to pull plugs and the resulting holes are what are giving us the freude from their schadenheitness.
As for Protein Wisdom, I’ve found that Jeff is a thinking man’s thinking man…but he also has a wicked sense of humor. Anyone who has problems with that? Well, they have a mind that is so shallow as to be non-existant.
More fun with Pam:
“I was one of the original pajama bloggers. I thought PJM was going to rival AP, UPI, Reuters. Finally, a news portal of citizen bloggers and journalists that would counter the Pali stringers and left wing biased journalists of the news gathering agencies.”
I don’t know what sort of corporate entity PJM is…
This has been easy answers to easy set ups, part eleventybillion.
PJM did, to it’s credit, outlast it’s own death pool.
counter the Pali stringers
Nope, you’re not a shitferbrains racist at all, are ya, Pammiecakes?
So if it makes you feel better to take swipes at we
At we?
we find the esteemed Doktorer of Legamalism up to his usual trick of arranging others’ opinions in a Kabuki dance of plausible deniability.
You misspelled ‘bukkake’.
There are openings aboard the Channel Queen for peg boys and coxswains.
That’s what the Fremen would say. For Freedom™!!!
SC – a spell check issue, I will have to update the dictionary. Good catch.
I heard the Army needs soldiers…
right wing welfare queens:
“Seriously, you enter into a business agreement with these people, it doesn’t work out financially, you abruptly terminate, and you tell everyone that they were “on the dole”?”
Funny. Roger Simons says in the same post: “Actually that part of our business has been losing money from the beginning, so the people getting their quarterly checks from PJM were getting a form of stipend from us in the hopes that advertisers would start to cotton to blogs and we could possibly make a profit.”
Umm … if your “blog” has nevernever earned as much $$$ in ad revenue as you get in your quarterly check from Daddy Pojamas, then yes … you are on the effing dole.
how do these idiots pay their power bills?
oh wait …
Despite the bad news, the Pro-Victory Professor remains sanguine about right-wing blogging.
Big Hollywood, big money!
how do these idiots pay their power bills?
We’ll have to ask Assrocket. I mean Buttmissile. Err, methane toob.
Wingnut tears are surprisingly light! I’ve been stuffing myself for weeks, and I still want more!
s***s = sucks
Absolutely. With a little more business acumen, Roger Simon could’ve been the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin of Wingnutistan.
I thought that at first, Jay, but who the shitfuckcock would ever bleep out ‘sucks’?
I was on the receiving end of PJM’s original media kit, as well as subsequent pitches from their pitchman. He was total bush league. So, this news comes as no surprise to me.
As my pidgin-Yiddish-speaking friends will tell you, PJM was always a shitfuckcockte idea.
who the shitfuckcock would ever bleep out ’sucks’?
A complex heterosexual with a history of homosexual attachments?
Possibly. Or it could mean “sprays Cheez Whiz on my ass” or “shimmies and shakes like jelly on snakes” or “stops the formation of unsightly skid marks”. It’s hard to say for sure.
Said media kit:
Stop! Stop, will you?! Stop that! Stop it! Now, look! No one is to stone anyone until I blow this whistle!
Do you understand?! Even, and I want to make this absolutely clear, even if they do say ‘sucks’
Ow ow owwwow
Has Godlstein been released from jail already? I thought his nationally televised guerilla theatre in Denver at the Democratic National Convention has garnered him a serious jail term and not a judicial cockslap on the wrist.
Breitbart was offering $100,000 to Matt Damon to debate neoconservative warhawk Bill Kristol on Iraq.
I’ve got five bucks to donate toward Ted Nugent debating Juan Cole on Iran.
I am crosseyed with brain-bending pleasure at this.
Everyone else is as usual saying what I am thinking better than I could say it.
ittdgy: At your request, the ultimate schadenfreude recipe. I actually made this for a post-election party and can tell you it’s fucking wonderful.
Schadenfreude Pie:
Dang it, Willy @2:00 already posted it. That’s what happens when you come back from dinner and are too smashed to read through all the comments.
Does this mean we are beyond Peak Wingnut and on the downhill slope on the other side?
May I take this opportunity to tell you that yours is the most annoying online pseudonym I’ve ever seen.
noen: Gosh, I hope not. I’m having too much fun in this the post-Obama fReighttrdwing blogosphere meltdown.
you abruptly terminate
Abruptly? Aren’t we talking about April 1? Sounds to me like the WWQs got themselves about 8 weeks notice on this termination. Not too bad for anyone. (Of course, this does mean potentially leaving the basement, washing the fingers, etc.)
Were any of these tools actually making a living from blogging?
I thought only Great Orange Satan made a living from blogging.
I thought only Great Orange Satan made a living from blogging.
And Pinko Punko, of course.
Shitfuckcocks: better than “hte” – much perkier!
How will the Wingnut Welfare Warriorz’ noble keyboard-molesting crusade against thinking survive The Time Of The Dreaded Dummying-Up? Paybacks sure am a biotch!
D. A.:
The L. A. Times won’t print “sucks,” which of course seldom needs to be printed other than in what’s left of the Sports section. The same paper that raised a minor stink when they printed “shit” (as it came out of Nixon’s mouf) from the White House tapes in the mid-70s. But if a crowd at a sporting event chants (just for example) “Bonds sucks!,” it’s “Bonds bleeps!” in the fish-wrapper.
Shitfuckcocks? It’s verby-sounding, no?
The Interducts do not provide any images of that Claes Oldenburg sculpture, only the expurgated version.
I think it’s ‘stats’; it’s possible it’s censored to keep out of a spam filter? I dunno. But ‘stats’ fits.
M. Bouffant: The Oregonian not only refuses to print “sucks” but actually (in one of many mercifully-dead editorial features) highlighted and upbraided some other paper’s editorial cartoon for using the word… piously suggesting that “stinks” would have fit as well.
I don’t know what the policy on “bull” is. I’ve always found “shit” to be a much more obvious and automatic follow-up to “bull” than “cock” is to “sucks,” so I’ve actually been fairly surprised to see advertising campaigns for car dealerships and whatnot focused around “no bull.”
Can you imagine if I were given 20% of what was invested in PJM?
This kills me. Her affluent inlaws bought her the New York Observer, gave her access to their political connections, and let her run it. She parlayed it into vlogging in camisoles.
I can absolutely imagine what would have happened if she were given [far less money]. She’d have run through it much faster and she’d end up vlogging in camisoles.
“Bull,” & “No bull,” for whatever reason, are considered perfectly acceptable, &, I s’pose, “edgy,” at least for broadcast telebision, & I think some papers will do the old “bull…” so that everyone knows just what the quotee meant. Too bad they seldom go any deeper
… but who the shitfuckcock would ever bleep out ’sucks’?
Back in the 1980s, I actually got lectured at by a More-Homosexually-Correct-Than-ANYONE correspondent who asserted using this humble syllable as an insult was “anti-Gay”. As good feminists, several of us decided (decreed) the verb actually implied that the person/object/business model thus accused was so infantile as to be incapable of processing even pablum. (Which did not prevent His Lordship Sir MHCTA from committing a major in-print display of GBCW.)
It would not at all surprise me if the dimmer members of the Talibangelical/fReichtard legions were still avoiding the on-line use of “suck” as an insult for fear of inspiring Impure Thots. Especially since they’re still fellating the corpse of St. Ronald, another ridiculous fad from the same time period.
Which is why, Noen, we will never reach Peak Wingnut. Wingnut, unfortunately, is an infinitely renewable resource, like rat droppings or cockroaches.
“nobody in particular said,
February 1, 2009 at 3:51
May I take this opportunity to tell you that yours is the most annoying online pseudonym I’ve ever seen.”
My apologies, I wish you well in Dead Man 2, Electric Bugaloo.
Ah, if only they’d stuck with the “Open Source Media” name, none of this would be happening. That name was the best name ever. They’d be raking in money hand over fist if they’d kept it. Fools! FOOLS!!
Well, it only seem fitting that I misspell “Boogaloo” that I quits the internets anyway, for a long while at least. I have a job that’s going to keep me away from the best snark in the biz. All the best, y’all…
When I was a teenager, an eldery woman working at my high school yelled at me for using the word “sucks.” I think she was the same one who later yelled at me from another table for not using a fork and knife to eat a hamburger and fries. I’ve never seen “s***s” though. Just sad.
Wow, I sure hope they do some sort of minority shareholder lawsuit for not exercising due diligence or some shit like that. Because it would be entertaining.
Hmmm, begins with ‘s’ and ends with ‘s’ and can’t be said…
Oh, I know! ShitPissFuckCuntCocksuckerMotherfuckerAndTits
RIP George.
Suck Mary Beth suck….
Blow is just a figure of speech.
“Will Godlstein finally have to get a real job? Stay tuned!”
I hear McDonalds is hiring.
I believe they’re registered with the NYSE as a Limited Liability Circle Jerk.
Several Internet yrs. later, but only the next day in the “real” world, we find this from the LAT, concerning an Arizona cardinals fan:
Now what do you think “[stinks]” means?
Now what do you think “[stinks]” means?
It’s like [laughs] – Donnelly had emitted a gigantic SBD which just then came to the interviewer’s attention.
Remember when all the conservatives could talk about is how Air America was going out of business? Except it never did? Yea, good times. So, based on that model, how long can we use this? Infinity plus one years?
I think that they were really referring to Victor Zsasz, one of my old punching bags. It’s super easy to get the Ss and Zs mixed up like that.
Woe is they. When the hell was it ever anything else, anyway?
Good news – Ann Althouse is on the subject of breasts again. This time it’s the Anchoress’ ample endowment: “How large do breasts need to be before they make it impossible to appear on television?”
Slightly O/T but I like how Oren’s comment thread is the blogging equivalent of saying “Is this thing on?” while tapping the mike.