Testing ‘worse, dumber posting’ capabilities…
How to Turn Iraq into Another Vietnam
The Fifth Column/JB WilliamsAugust 25, 2005 – The anti-war blame-America-first folks behind the movement to create another Vietnam in Iraq are well versed in how to accomplish their goal. They still have the blueprints from when they created the first Vietnam. But younger Americans impatient with the progress in Iraq have no real memory of how Vietnam happened. So I thought someone should provide a roadmap for success, or failure as the case may be?
JB Williams
The Rant is filled with monkeys,
Who like to fling their poo,
And when Iraq starts looking wack,
They blame it all on you.
*Sigh.* Another goddamn Baby Boomer who’s still fighting his generation’s battles. Who will rid us of this meddlesome demographic?
If only that were a clue-phone he were talking on there.
The pro-war, fuck-America-up folks have been amazingly successful at getting people to forget the false premise on which the war in Iraq was based. I hope they aren’t equally successful in blaming the war’s failure on its ideological opponents.
that lim-lick is lick-a-lishous ; )
ok that was fucking retarted, but seriously its a good post.
love your site
Why do so many people compare Iraq to Vietnam? One is in the Middle East and the other is in SE Asia! Geez!
How come when I read about these wackos the Carpenter’s start playing in my head, specifically “we’ve only just begun…..”
As an example, the Vietnam experience placed the word ?quagmire? on the tip of many US tongues for the first time. The word became synonymous with the Vietnam experience as a result of a very focused anti-war campaign designed to define the war with just this one word.
Maybe because it WAS a quagmire?
Ooh, ooh, let me try:
As an example, the WW2 European experience placed the word ?fascism? on the tip of many US tongues for the first time. The word became synonymous with the WW2 European experience as a result of a very focused anti-nazi campaign designed to define the war with just this one word.
They’ve been setting up the “blame the liberals” thing for a while now. However, I don’t think they counted on the low approval ratings and the lowering enthusiasm about the war.
That was me with the trying.
It’s astounding to me that the very people who turned out in the MILLIONS to protest the Iraq war BEFORE IT STARTED are now called traitors and are blamed for the outcome of that very war. Wha…?
JB gives good BJ.
Signed, JB
“Ollie, I don’t think you should…”
“You get out of my way, Stan; this is no time for your silliness.”
[Oliver Hardy climbs on roof, slips, falls into barrel of paint, is run over by clanging fire truck, staggers into vat of wet cement, climbs out missing his pants, slips on banana peel, knocks pie off windowsill, which lands on face.]
[He looks at Stan.]
It’s upsetting that every time I look at his picture I see a resemblance to the brilliantly funny Kevin Murphy of MST3K (the voice of Tom Servo).
I dunno. Iraq looks more like Afghanistan to me. I bet the Russians think so, too.
I have a feeling bin Laden is still amazed at how eager we were to completely forget every damned thing we taught him.
This bit was old when I was young. Right now, the anti-war movement (such as it is) is ruining our chances to win this gob-smackingly important war that we’re in, just like the Vietnam protesters ruined the Vietnam war, allowing International Communism to take over the world! And when we enter our next ill-conceived war, Iraq will be held up as an example of a war ruined by those pesky anti-war protesters. And the war after that will blame the protesters from the previous one. Etc., etc.,ad-infinitum. Until around 2057 when a pissed-off East Timor has had enough and wipes the remains of the US off the face of the map.
Gavin M., You’re a genius!
Hey now, this guy may have a point. After all, if we leftists weren’t loudly protesting the war while pointing out its lack of justification, its poor planning and execution, everybody here in ‘Merka’ would think it’s all just ducky. Right? So you see how it’s all our fault that things are going so terribly over there. I mean if nobody was talking about the abuses and crimes, they wouldn’t be happening, now would they?
Hey now, this guy may have a point. After all, if we leftists weren’t loudly protesting the war while pointing out its lack of justification, its poor planning and execution, everybody here in ‘Merka’ would think it’s all just ducky. Right? So you see how it’s all our fault that things are going so terribly over there. I mean if nobody was talking about the abuses and crimes, they wouldn’t be happening, now would they?
I can appreciate your feeling. I will give you my hearts attention to this matter that seemly troubles you.
I know some believe being a Christian means being a pacifist . Some are. Many do go into the service and take a corps man – medic job. They believe that the war on terror is just and honorable and they will attened to it. America was attract by those who came to rob and steal lives from our countrymen on 9/11.
Remember good American citizens are peaceful loving people. I have no problems with Christians that wish to serve their country in such a fashion. A corps men is on the line of danger as well as those for bravely fight to protect America from acts of terror.
I am 100% behind the president because he did what was correct and proper. Our president put America on the defensive instead of just putting a yellow crime tape on acts of terror. Our well meanings last administration never fully addressed the problem.
We now are in Iraq. It is our godly duty to protect and restore the people of Iraq. They are brave souls also that want a constitution and their freedom. They also depend on us just as those in Louisiana who have lost so much. When they are fully on their feet and strong and can fully protect their new lives and free country we will gladly bring our troops home.
We must not allow those who are evil to come and harm any more Americans. Thee number one job of a president to protect Americans from aggression.
Our troops have joined with great pride and patriotism to serve America and now to help a nation we rescued from the hands of a monster that murdered and tortured his own. Support your troops because they support you.
Marie Jon’
I posted your answer here because I know where you came from. You gave me a phoney e-mail address!
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(people@fiveshock.com) on Saturday, September 3, 2005 at 22:56:27
Your Name:: Dan Zimmerman
E-mail:: troubador1@dslextreme.com
Subject:: Justification for the Iraq War
Comment or Question:: Dear Ms. Jon,
After reading your comments, I just have one question: how, as a Christian, do you justify this war in Iraq? I enjoyed the beautiful presentation on the "inspiration" page, listing the Beatitudes, one of which is, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." How does one reconcile the actions of our current foreign policy with the life and words of Christ? Would you please comment? Thanks. (p.s. better change ‘beaitudes’ to ‘beatitudes’…)