Certain things are begging me to make fun of them

If there’s one big drawback to the Obama administration thus far, it’s that they’ve inspired wingnuts to write a lot about sex again. Witnesseth Michael Novak:

He ties his sexual power to self-sacrificing
communities of love.

Obama’s First Week [Michael Novak]

The Obama presidency is only one week old, but it has already limned its main moral outlines:

On January 20, President Obama called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. He also declared his intention to give multiple rights and privileges to homosexual couples.

On January 22, he issued an order announcing his intention to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year, but admits he has not figured out how to do that. President Bush had expressed a similar wish, but could find no nations willing to take responsibility for the detainees.

On January 23, President Obama issued an order that authorizes tax dollars for abortions abroad.

From these announcements we learn that President Obama recognizes no difference between the Jewish-Christian covenant between a woman and a man (a covenant that they will have and nurture children, if they are so blessed), and a civil contract between two persons of any sex, in order to set up a household of affection and sexual favors.

That’s just some gangsta shit right there.

Dude, if you knew gay people like I knew gay people, you’d know they generally don’t need a civil contract to procure sexual favors. The reason they’re getting married is because they (gulp!) love each other.

But wait! It’s about to get worse:

This is a relapse into paganism. The point of monogamous family networks is to treat male and female with complementary and mutually cooperative dignity and to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.

I can’t say anything to that. Literally, I’ve been staring at my damn computer screen for 20 minutes trying to come up with something funny to say about this, but it’s already perfect in its virginal untouched beauty. So let’s move on:

We learn, second, that this president’s guiding light in matters of national security is not a realistic assessment of the national interest but personal concern for what kind of figure he is cutting in the international eye. Good headlines first, practical thinking later.

Ah. I see. To recap what we’ve learned:


…is a righteous action taken by a God-fearing nation of Jack Bauers, who go out and do the dirty work of society while their Jill Bauers sit at home and cook and clean for them.

On the other hand, this…

…is a sign that our society has become deeply corrupt and amoral and will likely be smited by God any day now.

Dag, this is some hardcore foolishness y’all are putting out there.


Comments: 190


Oh noes, it’s teh Paganz. Naked dancing around the holly bush at midnight and such.
And I thought Obama was a Muslim! What a trickster he is


Was he separated at birth from Dick Cheney? Or Burgess Meredith?


self-sacrificing communities of love.

Yeah, these hedge-fund cats and credit default swappers are all totally into the self-sacrifice.


Seriously, if this is the best they got, then they got nuthin’.


If I knew civil marriages would lead to “self-sacrificing” community orgies I would have lgbt causes years ago.


They really are anti-life, aren’t they?

Always, always, with the projection.

I forget where I read it, but one commenter on a political blog a while back mentioned that they never used to believe in Freud’s theories, but conservatives caused them to change that.


This is a relapse into paganism.

One can hope. Pagans are delightfully easy.


This is a relapse into paganism.

Few remember that when Thomas Jefferson lisped his way through speeches he did so skyclad.


On a cheerful note, the Obama administration told Citigroup to put the plane back.

And I’d like them to be put to bed without supper.


Argh! Again with the “Jewish-Christian.” This doesn’t fool the Jews into thinking mainstream American Christians include them. It’s just a post-Holocaust sop of the sort that right-wingers usually decry as “PC garbage.”
It also makes it a lot harder to argue that marriage has been between one man and one woman throughout history, you schmucks.


Man, I hope that idiot Redstater stays on the other thread. Here’s a pic of Pam Gellar with that crazy-eye thing. This shot has her with a ferret.http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/images/cpac31_017.jpg

“limned its main moral outlines” has a bit of a linguistic rimjob feel to it, or am I just being sensitive?


to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.

If I’m reading this correctly, he either castrated himself or is simply wearing some kind of elaborate cock-and-balls restraint. And it arouses warm feelings in him.

Fetch the basin, quick!


Why is Novak rubbing his chin? Doesn’t he know which fleshy protuberance wankers are supposed to stroke?


Wow! He’s obviously got animal magnetism thang down pat. Like Dracula his own self. I’ve never see a look that more powerfully says “Let me tonguejack your shitbox.”


in order to set up a household of affection and sexual favors.

Anyone, now… Name two things Novak has never experienced. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Why is Novak rubbing his chin?

Limaugh spooge.


Yeah, that second blockquote stopped me cold when I saw it last night.

And then you see another overweight, balding, grayish-white-haired four-eyed Catholic priest/child molester type. Surprise!!

I think we all know about sexual repression & turning those energies to the purposes of the Church. But what happens to that “male sexuality” when it isn’t bound to whatever? Shouldn’t they be hitching those priests up w/ nuns or someone PDQ?


Make that Limbaugh.


Dick Cheney’s dumber brother.


Why the lapse into Roast Beefspeak at the end there?


OMG, I hadn’t seen that torture photo before. Is that what I think it is on the floor? JESUS.


P.S. Novak could be Cheney’s retarded twin. YUCK.


He also declared his intention to give multiple rights and privileges to homosexual couples.

Yes, he’s going to “give” gay couples the rights & privileges non-gay couples already “enjoy.”

Wow, what next? Free speech? The right to be secure from gummint search & seizure in one’s home? When does it stop? Is there no one we can be better than any more?


The point of monogamous family networks is to treat male and female with complementary and mutually cooperative dignity and to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.

Man, that sounds like absolutely no fun whatsoever. Let’s hear more about this paganism, then.


OMG, I hadn’t seen that torture photo before. Is that what I think it is on the floor? JESUS.

I must be seeing a cropped version. No floor — just a fiendish-looking creature with his hand propped feyly against his chin. Chilling.


I forget where I read it, but one commenter on a political blog a while back mentioned that they never used to believe in Freud’s theories, but conservatives caused them to change that.

The right is so fucking simple that the most basic of psychological theory sums them up.

Also: “Jewish-Christian?” What happened to “Judeo-Christian?” Did they get tired of explaining that “Judeo” means “Jewish” to their base?


Hey, why did his gawd intelligent-design/create men w/ such raging hormones in the first place?

It’s as someone said on the prev. thread, “it’s sweet that K-Lo loves gawd so much after what he’s done to her.”


to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.
If I’m reading this correctly, he either castrated himself or is simply wearing some kind of elaborate cock-and-balls restraint.

If ‘communities of love’ means what I think it means, it looks like he’s saying that he wants to harness the power of male ejaculation to provide electricity for brothels.


Lesley, I’d assume it was blood from the dangerous evil beastly terrorist’s knee. Are you thinking something else?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

On a cheerful note, the Obama administration told Citigroup to put the plane back.


Show ’em who the real welfare queens are, Hussein X!


On January 23, President Obama issued an order that authorizes tax dollars for abortions abroad.

Not exactly. The lifting of the global gag rule allows U.S. funds to go to organizations that provide information about abortion or carry out the procedure, but as Obama notes in the executive order, by law the funds cannot go toward the procedure itself.


Argh! Again with the “Jewish-Christian.” This doesn’t fool the Jews into thinking mainstream American Christians include them. It’s just a post-Holocaust sop of the sort that right-wingers usually decry as “PC garbage.”

In general, the media likes to trot out the racist, extremist, and wealthy 10-20% of the Jewish population and treat it as completely or seriously representative. So the Podhoretzen are just regular main-street Jews.

Which leads to stuff like actually being surprised by Obama taking more of the Jewish vote than Kerry. (As anyone outside of the hard right of either ethnic group could tell you, the first and hardest fighters for civil rights in America were the Jews.) And also redstate and freeper commenters calling for the destruction of Israel because the awful Joos have made them aaaangwy.

Seriously, ‘Judaeo-Christian’ (of which ‘Jewish-Christian’ is simply a hilarious variant) is used pretty heavily by anti-Semites of the lighter, philosemitic variety. Someone using it is a pretty clear indicator they’d be happy to see most Jews put into camps.


Why is Novak rubbing his chin?

Holding the mask.


From Wiki: he believes […] Western Humanism, […] does not ask “the fundamental questions about the meaning and limits of personal experience” and that “they leave aside the mysteries of contingency and transitoriness, for the certainties of research, production, consumption.”

In other words, “Goddamn universities, all about quantifiable shit when they know all’s I got is the Oil of Aphrodite and the Dust of the Grand Wazoo. Blephoot spillifack fnord! fryqill.


Lesley, I’d assume it was blood from the dangerous evil beastly terrorist’s knee. Are you thinking something else?

The single biggest development that made the Holocaust possible was not industrial or commercial but psychological: Himmler, a sly, devious fox from way back, justified the mass slaughter of prisoners and civilians without actually addressing them, asking the SS not to pity the vermin but themselves, to mourn what the terrible untermensch had made them do.

I’m not saying it can’t make good TV, but weeping over the hero being made by the evil Islamists to kneecap prisoners of war with a power drill is a social precedent that doesn’t exactly enjoy good company.


From Wiki: he believes […] Western Humanism, […] does not ask “the fundamental questions about the meaning and limits of personal experience” and that “they leave aside the mysteries of contingency and transitoriness, for the certainties of research, production, consumption.”

In other words, “Goddamn universities, all about quantifiable shit when they know all’s I got is the Oil of Aphrodite and the Dust of the Grand Wazoo. Blephoot spillifack fnord! fryqill.

Standard Straussian tripe. Defeating decadent Western humanist liberalism is the purpose they believe their superior intellect and carriage have been given to them for; they lie, steal, and cheat as befits them to achieve their anointed aim.

If you ever watch The Power of Nightmares – which do – it’s really, really funny to listen to William Kristol speak. He was raised by a Straussian, so he was brought up believing in his heart of hearts that he’s a member of the elite and that he can get the dumb peons to swallow any noble lie.

Neocon nepotytes are basically more crass, obvious versions of the originals. To call Novak a liar would be to complement him unduly with the conscience necessary to tell an honest lie.

Turbine Yukon Palin

in order to set up a household of affection and sexual favors

At least he recognizes that homosexuals are capable of human emotions such as affection. But not love of course. Certainly, that can’t be love. Because he gets to selectively define what love is (insert argumentum ad antiquitatem here), and love is only possible between a man and a woman, so what they’re feeling isn’t love, Q.E.D. It’s just friendly friskiness! Amicable amorousness! Companionable canoodling!

Spiders Everywhere

Dude, the traditional point of monogamous marriage is the same as that of polygamous marriage: tying a individual women to an individual man so he (theoretically) knows for sure her kids are his, so they can get his shit when he dies. The main reason you’d have one or the other is whether you’ve been having enough wars the skew the male/female ratio enough to make multiple wives practicable.

I believe the bible is pretty clear on this stuff.


“I must be seeing a cropped version. No floor — just a fiendish-looking creature with his hand propped feyly against his chin. Chilling.”

Second picture, actually. Though I think if it was THAT, there’d be more blood around …


Is that duct tape, holding the bandage in place on the interviewee’s knee? I thought it was sposed to hold Amurkins together, not the turrists.

Seriously, that bit about the power of sexuality just creeps me out, especially when he says “males, especially”.


those who regard abortion as the greatest evil of our time

Apparently it’s less worthy of action than taxation without representation, so I wouldn’t worry about those folks at all.


Hey! Isn’t someone going to welcome your new pagan overlords? So, when do I get minions?

Also, “Jewish-Christian”? So much for the inaccurate-in-any-case “Every civilization in the history of man” excuse for their tradition of marriage.


The main reason you’d have one or the other is whether you’ve been having enough wars the skew the male/female ratio enough to make multiple wives practicable.

Or if you’re the king.


insert argumentum ad antiquitatem here

You want to put what where? I don’t think so, Mister Novak.




Our sexuality is very powerful, for as much as 45 sec. to a min. at a time! Beware.



Black sites are black for a reason; given that it was part of counterpartisan SOP in the USSR and most of them are in Eastern Europe . . .


Ah, Cheney’s “new” Europe, as opposed to the old one.


Also, the old power drill trick is pretty minor compared to what goes on on a daily basis in Iraq – by the government, US-friendly and US-hostile paramilitaries.

You set off a modern civil war and you get modern torture – not to gather intelligence (which has always been the excuse) but for propaganda value. The Soviets did it to get prisoners to cooperate, which sometimes meant forking over fellow partisans but just as often meant denouncing the gang on the stand before being executed for wrecking; the more standard use is just to horrifically murder the head or scion of a household, rape and maybe dismember the women, and leave it all out in the open light of day as a constructive example.

Dolan has an excellent article on neocons urging Georgia to go through the same thing here.


I read the artical- ( owowowowow) I STILL dont understand how closing Gitmo is threat to marriage. Maybe there is something in Leviticus…


I STILL dont understand how closing Gitmo is threat to marriage.

Upstanding family men go soft when people aren’t being tortured.


I’ll say this right now:

If we have a terrorist attack on our watch after the actions this President has taken, he is finished politically. He will be TOAST!


Oh, I don’t know. W had a terrorist attack on his watch and still got re-elected.


W. made a mistake of continuing Clintonian policies on counter-terrorism, true.

But after 9/11, there’s no excuse to be soft on terror again. Dubya had an excuse in a pre-9/11 world.


That is to say he followed Clintonian policies before 9/11. But there is NO ROOM for 9/10 policies in a post-9/11 world.

Our policy cannot go back to where it was on 9/10/01, nor can our world.


Men, nice one! Wow, that’s all too short ya poor things….

I remember Lawnguylander wanting me to finally admit that my former (ugh) friend (more ughs) Pamela Geller is a nutjob. Well, Lawguy? She’s TOTALLY FUCKING NUTS! Certifiable! Whack-job! Wingnuttier than even PANTLOAD! OMG! OK, had to get that out, mainly because of this.
If not for the rest of her freakin’ posts. Jeez what a kook.


Oh, horseshit. The WTC was attacked in 1991. Clinton foiled several terrorist attacks during his watch, then Dubya dropped the ball. “Bin Laden determined to strike in US” – George got his warning, and blew it off.


As I said the other day, there’s no room for Prelutsky in a Postlutsky world.


If there is another attack, Obama will be blamed because of his soft policies. Mark my words.


Our policy cannot go back to where it was on 9/10/01, nor can our world.

Oh, listen to the Drama Queen. Christ you’re a chickenshit. Clinton had been after bin Laden since at least 98 – it’s not like these people dropped into existence in 2001. And no, Bill didn’t get him, but then nor did W, and that after bin Laden was a much more public figure.

Get over it, Nancy.


Fuck your world


Obama will be blamed because of his soft policies.

Of course they’re soft. He uses Palmolive. You’re soaking in it!


I read the artical- ( owowowowow) I STILL dont understand how closing Gitmo is threat to marriage. Maybe there is something in Leviticus…

Thou shalt not cut and run / thou shalt not suffer an Islamofascist to live / thou shalt not marry black to white or man to man, for it is Icky unto my sight / thou shalt not pay of your copper or ziff to build schoolhouses, for it is Socialism / Thou shalt take no god before me unless it should offer a tax exemption / Thou shalt honor the Second Amendment and keep it holy / I am the PENTAGON your God, who brought you out of bondage in the inner city


I’m sure Obama will be blamed. So what? You’re blaming Clinton for actions W took. Blame can be thrown around pretty easily.


Rat Shit 75, do you understand that a “war on terror” is like a “war on strategic bombing of enemy cities?” Or a “war on war,” for that matter?


There will be no going soft on terrorism if we tie the power of Jewish-Christian male sexuality to the global war on paganistic orgasms.


The Republican machine can no longer effectively frame the blame game. If they could have, Obama would have gone down in flames: they had been screaming about Pelosi destroying the economy since before the 110th was actually sworn in, and yet somehow the public saw it as a black mark on McCain and his party.

Obviously, it’s ACORN’s fault.


“#M. Bouffant said,

January 28, 2009 at 2:45

Rat Shit 75, do you understand that a “war on terror” is like a “war on strategic bombing of enemy cities?” Or a “war on war,” for that matter?””

I agree. It should be called the War on Islamofascism, or World War IV.


There will be no going soft on terrorism if we tie the power of Jewish-Christian male sexuality to the global war on paganistic orgasms

Wins the intertubes


The Republican machine can no longer effectively frame the blame game.

But they can still maim the lame dames.


I agree. It should be called the War on Islamofascism, or World War IV.

You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. Stop using the word ‘fascism’ right now. This is your only warning.


Haven’t you ever heard about the connection of the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler, Alec?

There are many similarities between Islamic Radicalism and Fascism.


To get back to the topic: I was married once. Last night, when a gay woman asked our town Dem committee to support our legislators in pushing for statewide recognition of gay marriage, I thought, “You fool!” However, I suggested that they not write the law to say that gays shall enjoy all the rights appurtaining to hetero couples, but that it should be written to state that heterosexual marriages shall enjoy all the rights appurtaining to civil unions. That sort of wording would take a lot of the wind out of the fundie sails, and bring about the desired result.


The fact is, liberals will surrender to terror as soon as terrorists promise rights for gays and muslims and hate-USA-ers. The bias of left wing hard liberal fascist biased terrorism media garantees that Obama gets the mic while the other side is silenced. Where is the fairness, liberals? You wanted so much fairness and bipartisanship but not now when you are in charge? Typical liberal crap.


Our policy cannot go back to where it was on 9/10/01…

Is that September 10 in the year 1 AD? You got a problem with the Emperor Augustus?


Off with his head!


Apparently I don’t work in the name field.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Our policy cannot go back to where it was on 9/10/01…

Now that I’ll agree with. Having a moronic drunk in charge and ignoring warnings of terrorist attacks was a crappy idea.


Red’s Tater75 said,

January 28, 2009 at 2:54

Haven’t you ever heard about the connection of the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler, Alec?

There are many similarities between Islamic Radicalism and Fascism.

There are many similarities between your “thought” processes and Montezuma’s Revenge.


Haven’t you ever heard about the connection of the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler, Alec?

There are many similarities between Islamic Radicalism and Fascism.

Yeah, because the Mufti of Jerusalem joining Jewish and Christian actors in Mandatory Palestine in seeking active cooperation with Hitler makes it exactly the same thing as the people who murdered members of my family in Auschwitz and Klein-Trostenez.


I would like to point out that there were terrorist attacks on our soil since 9/11. I am sure you don’t think they count, since they were not done by scary furrin darkies, but there were several arsons against abortion providers in New Mexico, for example.

But I guess politically motivated violence against law-abiding civilians by religious extremists is okey-dokey because… well, I don’t really know. Because the perpetrators were white christians, I suppose.

Cletus von Clausewitz

No, Retard Status 75(IQ), Duh-bbya didn’t follow the plans set up by Clinton. That’s why the terrorism group chaired by Cheney, established in May 2001, still hadn’t met in August when the Bin Laden briefing occurred. Duh-bbya famously said “Okay, you’ve covered your ass.” These facts illustrate how “un-serious” they considered it. Just more facts you’re not aware of, like you didn’t know that the electoral college was amended to the Constitution.


Marvin E. Schur (a veteran of WWII) froze to death in his home near Saginaw, MI after his power was restricted by the power company over his backlog of $1000 in unpaid bills.

And the Freeper response?

An elderly member of my Husband’s family did without… she didn’t want to have to ask for the assistance when her bill fell behind. And the utility company never offered.That is sad, but also inspiring. To me, it tells of an individual who accepted her fate without lowering her standards. Applause.

You know, death isn’t the worst thing that can befall someone with standards.

So… some people don’t make jokes about putting the elderly out on ice floes once they get a bit expensive to keep.

Apparently, some people mean it.


I wondered what Abu Ghraib had to do with gay marriage, but thanks to Novak, I now understand the Bush administration philosophy perfectly!


Haven’t you ever heard about the connection of the Prescott Bush of Connecticut and Hitler, Alec?

Fixed your post, son.


You know, death isn’t the worst thing that can befall someone with standards.

…and the worst thing is …?????


liberals will surrender to terror as soon as terrorists promise rights for gays and muslims

Sure beats letting Republicans crap all over us!


W. made a mistake of NOT continuing Clintonian policies on counter-terrorism, true.

Fixed your post for accuracy.

Bill Clinton stopped 16 separate terror plots, including the millenium bombings, the hiajck of seven flights over the Pacific, the plot to kill the Pope and the plot to, ohhhhhhh, crash a commercial jetliner into the Eiffel Tower.


He cleared brush.


Novak is a moral idiot. but then, he IS a winger so “moral idiot” is the default setting.


…the Jewish-Christian covenant between a woman and a man (a covenant that they will have and nurture children, if they are so blessed)

…where do they get this shit? Can’t they read!!!


“There will be no going soft on terrorism if we tie the power of Jewish-Christian male sexuality to the global war on paganistic orgasms.”

1. Tell it to the maroons!
2. Where do I sign up?


If memory serves, Republicans accused Clinton of going after Osama Bin Laden for political reasons.

They didn’t take meetings with the anti-terrorism czar they had inherited, Richard Clarke.

They didn’t think the subject was important.


Just to be specific about the implicit threat, RS pulling anything else out of his ass about the scary no-good eternal brown enemies of mankind results in the USS Arizona story.


Alec, thanks for the link.

I did know about some creative work being done with drills, but i back then it was not our side using the drills when I first heard it. I am horrified that WE are also doing this stuff; I mean, I’m not naive but I just didn’t realize we had gone so far.

. There was a moving article in Slate a couple of years ago by a guy stationed in Iraq.He reported on the death of his translator, a woman in her 30s with children. She volunteered for the work. He heard about it after he got back to the States, that she had been tortured and killed with a drill.


They didn’t take meetings with the anti-terrorism czar they had inherited, Richard Clarke.

They didn’t think the subject was important.

They had nothing but contempt for anyone from the prior administration, and all the significant players had signed on to war with Iraq.

You’ve covered your ass, now



2. Where do I sign up?

I too am willing to double my efforts for our noble cause! OR MORE!


The Milennium attacks. One was slated to strike a tank farm not too far from where I lived that year. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up when I read about it. The huge oil tanks sit beside the 580 where it joins the 205, near Tracy*, CA, near the Altamont Pass (Gimme Shelter). It was rural at the time, but it would have caused a lot of problems.

*I didn’t live in Tracy, some things are just not acceptable.


…but could find no nations willing to take responsibility for the detainees.

I think I’ve spotted the problem with W’s version of how to close Gitmo. Why would he be expecting somebody else to “take responsibility” for our mess?


They had nothing but contempt for anyone from the prior administration, and all the significant players had signed on to war with Iraq.

It is a part of neoconservative/Straussian dogma that the little people need, in addition to religion and other noble lies, an eternal enemy constantly threatening them to force them to discard their bourgeois concern for the lives of “innocents” and their own welfare, and to infuse them with a sense of Gunsmoke-like purpose. They drummed up the hilariously inept Team B to spook the public about the CIA’s unwillingness to confront Soviet space-lasers, they infiltrated the Reagan white house but good and eventually won him over, and as a result of that we got media-hound behavior like wetting himself and running like a little girl after a suicide bombing in Lebanon and then proceeding the next day to invade Grenada and decorate people who hadn’t even been in the invasion force. Also, not just aiding the Mujahideen but actively devoting the US’s public image to it, going as far as to dedicate the freaking Space Shuttle Columbia to them.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the primary antecedent to al Qaeda and affiliated groups, and they have basically the same ideology of contempt for the public and the modern world as the neocons. They’ve got little to nothing to do with fascism, which is a different beast altogether.

When the Soviet Union fell, the Sovietologists’ guild was basically blindsided; they refused to believe it had really happened until 1994 or thereabouts, and even then many of them went to the general public insisting there was an insidious shadow-Communism lurking in Russia.

The neoconservative movement was born during early detente; the entire movement saw the USSR as the Eternal Enemy, and continued to do so even after the fall of the Berlin Wall; at which point Clinton became the Eternal Enemy, and after the failure to impeach and his leaving office, the Chinese became the Eternal Enemy (and neocons in the White House actively encouraged the then Pan-Green government of Taiwan to make nationalist moves that would spark a possibly nuclear cross-strait war.

That (thank God) petered out after 9/11, at which point Iraq became the Eternal Enemy – and Rumsfeld and Cheney and the other neocon doyens worked nonstop to push the idea that Iraq was responsible for all that had gone wrong with America, that we had always been at war with Iraq, etc.

The main problem was that these noble liars began to buy into their own absurd fantasies; they evidently had an internal timetable in which Iraq would be relatively secure and their scaremongering would be vindicated by early 2004, allowing a full-scale invasion of Syria (expected to go over quickly) and a low-intensity “permanent” war with Iran – something which formed a backup plan for them, which they tried to push with stuff like the raiding of the Iranian embassy and the ginning-up of minor Strait incidents into casus bellorum.

The Iranians refused to play ball, and they’re pretty well discredited in the public eye these days. My guess is that the new Eternal Enemy will be one or all of Pakistan, Russia, and the EU – if they weedle their way into the Administration; if not, as is evidently SOP, Obama will be the eternal enemy of all good people everywhere.

Oh, and the main reason the neocons sling around “fascism” like a synonym for “cyberpunk” in 1990 is that their founding members were bad Trotskyites, and ‘fascist’ is a generic insult among low-rent Marxists.


…but could find no nations willing to take responsibility for the detainees.

I think I’ve spotted the problem with W’s version of how to close Gitmo. Why would he be expecting somebody else to “take responsibility” for our mess?

The Swiss government announcing that it would hear refugee applications in cases where the torture rule prevents deportation was pretty much the single watershed event in the end of the Guantanamo era. (Happened the day after the inauguration, if I recall correctly.)


I think I’ve spotted the problem with W’s version of how to close Gitmo. Why would he be expecting somebody else to “take responsibility” for our mess?

ummm….maybe because someone else always took responsibility for his messes?


More things that will be Obama’s fault:

When you totally forget to have Mom bring back more Mt. Dew when she goes grocery shopping because you were too focused on your post explaining why Obama’s stimulus package will make Islamofascism the law of the land, and you don’t realize you’re out until after the corner store has closed, so you gotta take your little sister’s bike (which she left behind when she went off to college, the sucker!) all the way down to the Safeway which doesn’t carry Code: Red so you have to settle for that gay-ass Voltage with the hippie ginseng in it.

The continued existence of scary brown people, especially your boss at the Plaid Pantry who obviously got the job through affirmative action and is far less qualified than you, yet he still always gets up in your grill just because you ate up all the Fiery Cheetos without paying for them and spent the entirety of third shift playing with your Ninten-dog.

That time a bunch of terrorist towel-heads ruthlessly invaded the Plaid on a suicide bombing mission and they tried to trick you into thinking they were benign by “buying” some cookies and gummi-worms, but you heard them talking in their terror-language and you just know they were there to kill you, so you called the police but they never showed up, but at least you scared off the terrorists but the next day your so-called boss fires you because the terrorists complained about you righteously chasing them from the store armed only with a wine bottle and of course the black guy would side with terror because they secretly hate the whites for no good reason, so when you go apply for welfare it’s not because you’re shiftless and lazy like all those darkies you see at the HS office but because you’re a victim of that race-baiter Obama.


They had nothing but contempt for anyone from the prior administration, and all the significant players had signed on to war with Iraq.

Absolutely. Their only concept was to do exactly the opposite of Clinton.

Also, the plot to send an airliner into the Eiffel Tower was not stopped by the Clinton Admin. Several Algerians had actually hijacked a French airliner & announced that their plan was to fly it into La Tour. I don’t remember the exact resolution (Note that the tower is still standing, unlike certain ones here.) but they were either talked into surrendering or they landed to re-fuel or let passengers off somewhere & were commandoed to death or whatever.

The important thing being that this was in the mid-to-late ’90s, & puts the absolute lie to Dr. Rice’s post 11 Sept. statement before Congress (or the 9/11 Commission) that “no one could ever have imagined that people would fly airliners into buildings.” (Paraphrase, but accurate.)


Why would he be expecting somebody else to “take responsibility” for our mess?

Because his entire fail-upward life was like that, & he is the spoiled child of wealth & privilege.


Incidentally, I bet the people who declared a Shock-And-Awe Victory in Greater East Asia Iraq day last year will be weeping over civilian casualties of the cowardly brown bomber Black Osama in Afghanistan before the year is out.


Oh. Hi, Jennifer.


“Incidentally, I bet the people who declared a Shock-And-Awe Victory in Greater East Asia Iraq day last year will be weeping over civilian casualties of the cowardly brown bomber Black Osama in Afghanistan before the year is out.”

And I bet the libs that screamed for War “Crimes” trials for Bush and Cheney for an “illegal” war will be goading Obama on in any wars he carries out, approved by the UN or not!


And I bet the libs that screamed for War “Crimes” trials for Bush and Cheney for an “illegal” war will be goading Obama on in any wars he carries out, approved by the UN or not!

The aforementioned ‘libs’ typically thought the same thing of Clinton. It may surprise you to learn that all of your enemies are not deviously conspiring to castrate you.


alec, don’t forget all the Pakistani innocents he’s already bombed. I’ve heard a bit of dissatisfaction on that already from the wrong.

Jrod, good one. Your understanding of the wing-nut mind is a bit frightening though. I know I’ll be sorry I asked, but here in coastal elite land we don’t have enough malls, & as I’m not a consumer I seldom visit those few we have, but what is a “Plaid Pantry?” (Sounds like a plot of the HMOs to increase morbid obesity, but what do I know? And no, I’m not going to Jizoogle™ it, you have to explain your work.)


alec said,

January 28, 2009 at 4:03

Incidentally, I bet the people who declared Shock-And-Awe Victory in Greater East Asia Iraq day last year will be weeping over civilian casualties of the cowardly brown bomber Black Osama in Afghanistan before the year is out.

They are pre-weeping already.


RedStater75, you’re not even a passable fake parody troll.

Give it up, d00d.


RB, that’s as much a must-see as a must-read.


And I bet the libs that screamed for War “Crimes” trials for Bush and Cheney for an “illegal” war will be goading Obama on in any wars he carries out, approved by the UN or not!

…you’re on, you stupid twit. Give me some odds.


Plaid Pantry is like 7-11, except they’re only in the Northwest US (I think) and they usually don’t sell gas. It’s a good job for people who get confused by gas-pumps and Slurpee machines.

(Nothing against any current Plaid employees, of course. In these times you do what you gotta do to pay the rent. I’m just saying, getting work at 7-11 would be a step up the ladder.)


Huh. Learn something new every day. And I used to live in Seattle. (Decades ago, in a previous millenium.)

The 7-11s here don’t sell gas. Do they in the NW?

Thanks, & what a diverse nation we are!

Cletus von Clausewitz

Say there, Retard Status 75(IQ), all your “I bet” and predictions and wishes don’t mean dick. You do understand that, don’t you?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The 7-11s here don’t sell gas. Do they in the NW?

The ones here in Salt Lake City do – or at least they used to; I’m a DFH who hardly ever drives a car so I’m not up on where the gas is sold. Here they sold Citgo, which IIRC was that horrible devil-brew that Hugo Chavez pees out.


…from the furrin parts … 7-11’s here sell gas (everyone sells gas)

from your parts, this is the (far) NE and into the land of the maple leaf


the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love

Now I remember – that’s a line from the lyrics of a tune by Huey Lewis and the News.

Oh, yeah.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Y’know, the thing that occurred to me here was this.

This is a relapse into paganism. The point of monogamous family networks is to treat male and female with complementary and mutually cooperative dignity and to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.

First he brings up paganism.

Then he supposes that men and women have complementary and mutually comparative dignity, and that sexuality has power to self-sacrificing communities of love.


This is, I’m almost definitely certain, cultural syncretism. When the Christians (not the Jews, we had our own problems) decided to recruit the filthy dirty God-less pagans what populated the barbaric non-Romanized world, they needed to sell their self-loathing spirituality to a group of people that believed this anyway. Believed it thoroughly, in fact, making their worship to earth-mothers and sky-fathers, where the vajayjay and cock the early Christians so desperately despised in themselves, thanks to Paul, were enshrined as holy things.

But the early Christians needed that almighty evangelical dollar, so they twisted and turned their theology until the two were integrated. The body (especially down there) was still filthy, but GOD (only him, none of this Dagda stuff) could make them into worthy objects through self-sacrifice and marriage.

So, worried about a relapse into paganism, Novak takes one of the many *many* features the Christians thieved from the pagans to shore up their theology and acts as if they came up with it first.

Frankly, I’ll take my chances with the pagans.

Think of it as Coca-Cola Classic as compared to Christianity’s New Coke. People love the former, weren’t that hot on the second except in certain parts of the South.


As part of our continuing series on Wingnuts, WTF?, I ran across this Alice Miller article in which she sees the acceptance of Hitler and his policies as a reflection of the famously coercive parenting methods extant in Germany when he was a child; and how that resonated in his fellow adults as he took power.

How eerie is it that we now live in a country where some Christians advocate beating even infants into obedience; a conservative woman thinks freezing to death rather than ask for help is an admirable thing; and a whole subset of our population were cheerleaders for torture?

I see connections between these things.


Does anybody think, looking at that picture, that this Novak guy is a bit of a drinker?

I’m betting he’s seriously into highballs.


to set up a household of affection and sexual favors

Sounds like the Prager family. At least, what Prager THINKS is going on.


I see connections between these things.

Only because they’re there.


Did RedFaced75 get laid off from down by the Wal-Mart? Because he’s got an awful lot of time on his hands.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

It’s just the old troll with a new face, g.



Brad didn’t seem to think so, couple threads back. He responded to this one as if he thought it was a new one.


RB’s link to photos of Bush was all very well, but only kitsch on the grand scale can capture the essence of the Bush administration.


M. Bouffant: As I recall, the plane (Air France, I think), ended up in Marseilles–maybe for refueling, maybe it was forced down. The CRS (French riot police) stormed it on the runway; I don’t think they…took prisoners.

Seriously. You do NOT want the CRS storming through your door.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

only kitsch on the grand scale can capture the essence of the Bush administration.

Guh. That is perfect.

There’s something especially repellent about a warmongering bastard “praying for peace” – all part of the drunken-abusive-dad model of “I wish you wouldn’t make me bomb your country.”


If there is another attack, Obama will be blamed because of his soft policies. Mark my words.

I mark them…as BULLSHIT, that is.

And since when did soft anything bring on terrorism? As I recall, 9-11 was blowback for the CIA’s support of the Afghan mujahideen…and OSAMA BIN LADEN. That was hard shit there, wetwipe.


RB’s link to photos of Bush was all very well, but only kitsch on the grand scale can capture the essence of the Bush administration.

The essence of the Bush administration was kitsch on the grand scale, that’s why.

The first analyst on that photo link nailed it for me, when he kept pointing out that Bush never worries about how things are, but instead only reacted to how things looked.

And that’s how the whole place operated. They took the Reagan “do the photo op like a movie set” and went all Cecil B. DeMille on its ass.


all part of the drunken-abusive-dad model of “I wish you wouldn’t make me bomb your country.”

We can take the drunken-abusive-dad model one step further with a third of our own citizens.

As it became clearer and clearer that beneath the aw-shucks exterior Bush and his gang were doing horrible things, this chunk of the populace fought all the harder, screaming, “He loves us, he loves us, deep down he must really love us,” as they made excuses for everything he did, while all the while he was the point man for plans to evaporate their jobs, kick them out of their homes, melt down their savings, and kill their kids.

Because admitting drunken-abusive-dad doesn’t love us takes courage they don’t have.


Augh, I’m getting ranty. Time for bed.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They took the Reagan “do the photo op like a movie set” and went all Cecil B. DeMille on its ass.

Part of the Truth and Reconciliation work that needs to be done should be a gallery of utterly fake shit – the Brooks Brothers Riot, the Saddam statue toppling, Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch hype, etc. etc. etc.

Has anyone gathered all the big-media bullshit into one space?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

admitting drunken-abusive-dad doesn’t love us takes courage they don’t have.

Not ranty at all – this is a tragic truth of the U.S.

I wonder sometimes if we can ever heal.


Where’s mikey?


Why would he be expecting somebody else to “take responsibility” for our mess?

Because his entire fail-upward life was like that, & he is the spoiled child of wealth & privilege.

Oh, right. Now I remember…


Where’s mikey?

I was wondering that myself. I’ve missed some threads, but I don’t think he’s been around much the last couple weeks.


Part of the Truth and Reconciliation work that needs to be done should be a gallery of utterly fake shit – the Brooks Brothers Riot, the Saddam statue toppling, Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch hype, etc. etc. etc

Nah, no Commission with the power to grant immunity. Attorney General Holder already has all of the power he needs. Imagine how delectable it would be: prosecutions of everyone responsible for those fakeries — and for the many other felonies besides — slowly consuming the GOP from the bottom up, with Boehner, Cheney, and Bush slowly realizing that their own former toadies would rather plea-bargain than save their once-exalted asses. Novak, and the others who cheered the Court of Ken Starr’s Chamber as it persecuted Teh Clenis, would screech in horror as that precedent was used to justify endless investigations of uber-macho torture-freaks.

And we’d have their tears to drink, toasting justice delayed – -but not fully denied.


I’d like to point out that RedStater’s own Snopes link quotes Lincoln thusly:

As early as 1847 he had written, “To secure to each labourer the whole product of his labour, or as nearly as possible, is a most worthy object of any good government,”

You’re right, Lincoln wasn’t a liberal. Sounds more like he was a socialist to me.


Isn’t the past-tense of smite “smit”? “I was smit by lightning sent by God the other day”…that sounds right.


Isn’t it interesting that the immediate knee-jerk reaction is to assign blame to the pagans? Many thanks Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico – you summed it up perfectly. The only thing you missed was they also built their churches on top of our holy sites.

Besides, pagans have the bestest holidays – sex in the woods, anyone?

You could do worse for overlords…



I lived in Paris in 1969 & 1970. We used to chant “CRS! SS!” at them all the time, as they sped through the streets.

Which doesn’t mean I’d want them storming through my door, or anything else.


The simple past of smite is smote. The past participle is smitten.


The pluperfect is smut.


The point of monogamous family networks is to treat male and female with complementary and mutually cooperative dignity and to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.>

I’d like to hear Ace and Dennis Prager elaborate on that theory..


mikey was at TBogg’s last night, but not for long.

Sheesh, this is a little lame isn’t it? Or is it?

I feel like a drunk at the bowling alley bar, telling the other barflies he spotted an absent barfly at a different watering hole the night last night.

Oh well. Bottoms up!


Smote or smitten.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Many thanks Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico – you summed it up perfectly. The only thing you missed was they also built their churches on top of our holy sites.

True. And you’re welcome. It just struck me as insane to act like a relapse to paganism is bad when you’re also trying to utilize phrasing a PAGAN WOULD FUCKING USE.

Besides, pagans have the bestest holidays – sex in the woods, anyone?

You could do worse for overlords…

I dunno. I don’t even like touching fallen pine needles. Getting bumped and ground into them would kind of suck.


Dude, that’s what cloaks are for!
Pagans are nothing if not practical.


There are many similarities between Islamic Radicalism and Fascism.

Except for the fact that fascism was nationalistic and corporatist and Islamists are neither.


Don’t forget that Obama plans to give $4 BILLION to ACORN.

Blagojevich is a Saint compared to the true agent of corruption. Obama.


Don’t forget that Obama plans to give $4 BILLION to ACORN.

Blagojevich is a Saint compared to the true agent of corruption. Obama.

A, isn’t this hilariously reminiscent of claiming that the half-trillion mortgage debacle was the fault of the $30 million total that had been lent out in mortgages in post-redlining neighborhoods (which, unlike subprimes, didn’t have a significant rate of default)?
And B, there’s a reason your just and bulge-flashing masters are no longer harping on ACORN, boy: the entire thing was a tempest in a teapot designed to defund GOTV efforts for the poor. (Including poor Republicans – something the GOP has never been able to get, because they pretty shamelessly throw out registrations done under the wrong party. They seem to assume everyone does this.) Of course nothing about the Dallas Cowboys or the scary radicalism is actually actionable, and ACORN is squeaky fucking clean, so once the election is over it’s no longer necessary to try and force through an investigation on them and then defund groups under investigation.

These investigations always end the day after the fucking election, and if you weren’t a witless daddy’s boy you’d understand why.

As part of our continuing series on Wingnuts, WTF?, I ran across this Alice Miller article in which she sees the acceptance of Hitler and his policies as a reflection of the famously coercive parenting methods extant in Germany when he was a child; and how that resonated in his fellow adults as he took power.

How eerie is it that we now live in a country where some Christians advocate beating even infants into obedience; a conservative woman thinks freezing to death rather than ask for help is an admirable thing; and a whole subset of our population were cheerleaders for torture?

I see connections between these things.

To be completely fair, Miller is nuttier than a squirrel’s cunt and her thesis ignores the fairly heavy historical and social importance of established right-wing forces inviting violent, regimentalized extremists into power to fight perceived left radicalism.

Also, say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed a lot of white people.


It may surprise you to learn that all of your enemies are not deviously conspiring to castrate you.

Speak for yourself. Me & the Islamodudes are totally gettin’ together to swipe Tater’s weiner and sell it on Ebay.


Over 4,000 Americans have been killed by right-wing Islamic terrorists since 9/11.

Apparently, some Americans don’t give a flying fuck about those deaths, as long as they didn’t happen “on American soil” (otherwise known by right-wingers as “anywhere near me or my stock portfolio”).


To be completely fair, Miller is nuttier than a squirrel’s cunt and her thesis ignores the fairly heavy historical and social importance of established right-wing forces inviting violent, regimentalized extremists into power to fight perceived left radicalism.

The long, ugly history of anti-Semitism in Germany is certainly a big factor. Hitler’s obsession was not invented out of whole cloth; he did share it with many others. And we must never forget the damn industrialists, as they were then known.

Yes, Alice Miller took some serious missteps in her career, but I think a lot of her insights still stand.

I still think it is instructional to ask “Where does all the hate come from?” and to explore why it is such a default setting for so many. I once read a little book that I have lost the details on, and it was published many decades ago. But it explored how the son of a once famous German author struggled with mental illness.

He would periodically be overwhelmed with various oppressive mindsets; he would have the feeling that his head and neck were encased in iron, he couldn’t sleep at night because he would wake up with a feeling of suffocation, and writing became a torment of finding just the right positions for his hand and body movements.

The doctor treating him was unable to make any headway with insights from the patient himself, who had been seemingly successful and well adjusted until he reached his forties. So then the doctor delved into the patient’s father’s work; a series of child raising manuals very popular at the turn of the 20th Century in Germany.

The father boasted of the good results for systems he used himself; a contraption to make the child hold his head with proper posture, a system of strapping them into bed to discourage masturbation, and an intensive method of training to produce beautiful penmanship. Encouraged with beatings.

So when Miller speaks of entire generations cycling violent abuse, she’s not entirely off base. The scholarship is there.

Occasionally these right wing figures publish biographical details of Life With Father; and they prominently feature fathers who were Authoritarian, bigoted, and often cruel. They defend these parents as making them into the people they are today.

And they are right.


“Also, say what you will about Hitler, but at least he killed a lot of white people.”

The fact is, this is proof that liberals, if they are white, are self-hating and wish they were one of there treasured minorites so they can get special rights. How biased and hateful.


The fact is, Obama is about to overreach and it will be his downfall, he will be impeached and the terrorists will strike because he invited them in.


…and the terrorists republicans will strike because he invited them in.

There ya go, gary.


I wonder sometimes if we can ever heal.

Xiey: Yes, but first we have to really want to heal.


“Haven’t you ever heard about the connection of the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler, Alec?

There are many similarities between Islamic Radicalism and Fascism.

“There are many similarities between your “thought” processes and Montezuma’s Revenge.”

Oh GAAAWWWWWDD “Red”…..like that one hasn’t been dragged out enough. Put that back where you found it.


Shorter Gary: Hey, don’t waste all your jizz on RedState’s colon! I need luv too!


Franklin County is under a Level 2 Snow Emergency and our offices are closed.



Franklin County is under a Level 2 Snow Emergency and our offices are closed.



If I skip work, the islamoterrorsnowflakes will have already won?


Occasionally these right wing figures publish biographical details of Life With Father; and they prominently feature fathers who were Authoritarian, bigoted, and often cruel. They defend these parents as making them into the people they are today.

Ann Coulter anyone?


Has anyone gathered all the big-media bullshit into one space?

yes, http://www.foxnews.com/


Franklin County is under a Level 2 Snow Emergency and our offices are closed.

Well, my parents live in Madison County and I can only imagine what it’s like out there…

Incidentally, we have quite a bit of snow here in Syracuse but the only thing out of the ordinary is the stream of signal 80s (car accidents) on Onondaga County Fire Dispatch radio.

We don’t close down for no white stuff, not around here…


The fact is, Obama is about to overreach and it will be his downfall

What? You mean Bush/Cheney’s precedent of establishing a dictatorial presidency will not be followed?

A president will be impeached by a Congress his own party controls?

Gary, seriously, you seem like a fairly informed (not well informed, since your economic background is woefully inadequate, among other things) person, could you really be THIS ignorant?


Also, the plot to send an airliner into the Eiffel Tower was not stopped by the Clinton Admin.

Actually, it was, sort of, so I gave them credit for it.

In early 1994, the Clinton administration received intelligence from the 1993 WTC bombers that there were three separate plots to drop planes into buildings/structures, including CIA headquarters in Langley (this was in conjunction with the Pacific hijacking plot). The Clinton CIA advised Algerian authorities and Filipino authorities, who were prepared when the plots began to unfold.

Of course, they were already on the tail of Ramzi Yousef in America.


The fact is, this is proof that liberals, if they are white, are self-hating and wish they were one of there treasured minorites so they can get special rights. How biased and hateful.

The fact is, you’re a bat-shit crazy racist who can’t accept democracy, let alone when it works. Here, I got a lemon wedge for ya–SUCK IT.

Rusty Shackleford

God bless those pagans.

Rusty Shackleford

Thirdly, we learn that the president is willing to do what a substantial bloc of U.S. taxpayers abhor, and will resist in conscience.

Substantial, maybe. But also a minority.

And as your kind kept saying over the past 8 years, “majority rules.”

Or, to paraphrase Obama, “we won.”


It may surprise you to learn that all of your enemies are not deviously conspiring to castrate you.

Speak for yourself.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It may surprise you to learn that all of your enemies are not deviously conspiring to castrate you.

I’m not, but only for the same reason that I’m not planning on trimming the leaves off my pine tree.


“Speak for yourself. Me & the Islamodudes are totally gettin’ together to swipe Tater’s weiner and sell it on Ebay.”

Hah! Yoo vould need der microscope to even see der puny little thing. Und even den, I vould not touch it vith Ann Koulter’s dick, let alone mein own hands! Vhat a vile suggestion! I must hide mein eyes!


I vould not touch it vith Ann Koulter’s dick


You mentioned She Who Must Not Be Named!


Actually, Lord Coultermort….I’m surprised I hadn’t thought of that one earlier.

Damn. It’s not original.


Nein, nein, Herr Actor…It iss der myth that Herr Koulter vill apprear iff yoo say his/her name three times. She-males do not possess dat power!


The pluperfect is smut.
I approve of this comment.



And no, I am not Ann Coulter. But I get that a lot.


A Horse said,

So why the long face?


I for one take it very seriously when some nimrod misuses the fine old word “limn”. It is almost as bad as using “privilege” with the opposite of its actual meaning.
If I knew horrible stories about the USS Arizona, which I could threaten to tell as a deterrent to such misuse, I would certainly do so.


I could threaten to tell as a deterrent to such misuse


Not the “weapon of limned destruction”!!!!



The point of monogamous family networks is to treat male and female with complementary and mutually cooperative dignity and to tie the power of sexuality (male, especially) to self-sacrificing communities of love.

Amen, brother! It’s about time, too – I’ve been waiting for the Born-Again Tribe to get here for ages!

Just to show there’s no hard feelings, I’ll gladly do my part to help these “self-sacrificing communities” reach their logical conclusion … I’m not very well-off, but I think I can spring for at least some of the cost of the altars & ceremonial daggers, if someone else is willing to do the cleanup afterwards. Cleanliness is next to godliness, amirite?

Heck, I’ll even hold those daggers steady so they don’t miss. After all, I’m totally down with “help thy neighbour” & all that … I’m here to help.


PLEASE! Don’t put NSFW images above the fold!


(comments are closed)