No more bipartisanship
Look, Obamee, I know you made a bunch of Broderesque promises to be all nice to people in the Republican Party, but you’re clearly getting rolled here:
Boehner to GOP: Vote against the stimulus
President Barack Obama is coming to the Capitol later today in a bid to curry favor with congressional Republicans. But it appears GOP leaders have already made up their minds to oppose his $825 billion stimulus plan.
House Republican Leader John A. Boehner and his No. 2, Whip Eric Cantor, told their rank-and-file members Tuesday morning during a closed-door meeting to oppose the bill when it comes to the floor Wednesday, according to an aide familiar with the discussion.
This should dampen the mood for an early afternoon meeting with the president, who is making the trek to hear Republicans’ input on the legislation before Wednesday’s vote.
It’s time to tell the GOP to suck on it. Scrap all the provisions they suggested, put in whatever you think will be the best policy for economic recovery. While compromise is all well and good, you don’t actually need to compromise to achieve your goals here. Plus, in order to have a genuine compromise, you need to be working with people who are debating with you in good faith. Methinks most of the GOP is actually taking the Michelle Malkin approach:
Contraceptive funding thrown under Obama’s bus
By Michelle Malkin • January 26, 2009 11:27 PM
Goody. Panicky President Obama wants the Dems to eliminate Pelosi’s pet contraceptive funding from the Generational Theft Act of 2009. Only $800 billion more in needless, unstimulating stimulus spending to kill.
Dude, they want you to fail. They’re not going to do anything to help you. So just put the best policy you can out there and let that be that. If it works well then you’ll be rewarded for it. If not, then you’ll be punished. That’s politics.
It’s ironic that a guy named “Boner” doesn’t like to be stimulated.
The de facto leader of the GOP is John Boehner. This amuses me.
Brad, right on, right on. The hell with them. Obama has the ideas and the might to ignore them. I think it would be a nice little shock for the whiney Republicans. Like snapping a dog out of bad behavior.
This isn’t about “stimulus”. Its about transforming the middle class from tax payers to welfare recipients. The top 1% already pay 40% of the income taxes, and the Democrat Party still doesn’t think its enough! Amazing.
BREAKING AROO: Chief Korir Still Completely Insane, Now Loves Obama and Plans to Compile List of Angry RW Emails to Send Out in Time for 2012 Election, For ‘Healing’, or Something
I seem to recall hearing that if you want to set policy you should try winning some elections, because they have consequences.
The top 1% already pay 40% of the income taxes
Nonsense. If you include the true INCOME taxes, the payroll taxes which are based directly on, well, income, the richest one percent pay less than 25% of income taxes.
And even allowing for your ridiculous and exaggerated panty-twisted claims, that percentage is the LOWEST PERCENTAGE SINCE INCOME TAXES WERE INITIATED!
Also, RedStater75, and I quote: “If the federal taxation rate is compared with the wealth distribution rate, the net wealth (not only income but also including real estate, cars, house, stocks, etc) distribution of the United States does almost coincide with the share of income tax – the top 1% pay 36.9% of federal tax (wealth 32.7%), the top 5% pay 57.1% (wealth 57.2%), top 10% pay 68% (wealth 69.8%), and the bottom 50% pay 3.3% (wealth 2.8%).[11]”
Now, I happen to be one of the “one percenters”, RS. Are you? I’m willing to pay more in tax, so maybe you ought to shut up and realize the rich really DO get it?
FICA isn’t a tax, actor212.
The bottom line is Dear Leader has created a “stimulus” that is just a Trojan Horse for the left wing agenda.
Your Dear Leader is going to transform a nation of workers and taxpayers into a nation of welfare parasites–all except for the top 2%, that is. When the left wingers are through only they will pay taxes while everyone also will soak up their wealth.
actor212 — you’re willingness to pay more taxes shows you’re an elitist liberal who has nothing in common with hard-working Red Staters like the Walton family.
FICA isn’t a tax, actor212.
You’re done here.
“Now, I happen to be one of the “one percenters”, RS.”
Great. Then you’re going to be paying for welfare for 99% of the rest of the country now. Get used to it, especially once Dear Leader and the Democrat Congress start raising taxes to pay for it.
Dude, as we used to say in my finance classes, if it has webbed feet, feathers, and quacks, you can call it a dog, but it’s a TAX!
Just because it’s called a “contribution” is meaningless.
Your Dear Leader is going to transform a nation of workers and taxpayers into a nation of welfare parasites–all except for the top 2%, that is
LOL awesome.
Dude, please please please advise Republicans that their job is to represent the top 2% of income earners. The Dems will represent the remaining 98%. Then we’ll see who wins more elections.
What? Left wingers have told me for years that FICA is just a “contribution” to my future Social Security!
Then you’re going to be paying for welfare for 99% of the rest of the country now.
If by “welfare”, you mean fixing my roads, rebuilding my infrastructure, getting people jobs that pay a decent wage so they can buy the stuff that my companies sell, then you’re damned straight I’ll pay that welfare.
Now, the question is, why do YOU hate your fellow Americans so?
“If by “welfare”, you mean fixing my roads, rebuilding my infrastructure, getting people jobs that pay a decent wage so they can buy the stuff that my companies sell, then you’re damned straight I’ll pay that welfare.”
No, I mean the other 98% is going to get a welfare check funded by you (misleadingly called a “tax cut”).
Brad (unknowingly) just gave away the true purpose–to give absolute power to the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has always represented unproductive welfare parasites, so its going to transform the Middle Class from productive hard working taxpayers into welfare queens so they will vote Democrat.
Of course this transition to socialism will lead to a Soviet-like economy, but you’re too ignorant of economics to realize that. When we tax the top 2%, we ALL get hurt.
actor212 — you’re willingness to pay more taxes shows you’re an elitist liberal who has nothing in common with hard-working Red Staters like the Walton family.
it’s true. I’m ashamed. I’m proud of my country, except that we spend $8000 per capita on health care in the US, and yet trail every single Western European nation in life expectancy, infant mortality, and nearly any general health standard you can mention.
That $8,000 is private money. Western European nations spend less than half of that, in public funds.
Seems to me that it’s MORE efficient to have government run the damned thing and if that means one less tin of caviar for me, I’m all for it!
No, I mean the other 98% is going to get a welfare check funded by you
You mean defense spending? You mean interest on Bush’s national debt?
You’re right! I should insist on a tax cut and have my money directed to the needy!
“it’s true. I’m ashamed. I’m proud of my country, except that we spend $8000 per capita on health care in the US, and yet trail every single Western European nation in life expectancy, infant mortality, and nearly any general health standard you can mention.”
Western Europe doesn’t have the illegals dragging down their stats.
BTW, do you want to give healthcare to illegal aliens?
Are you under the impression that Prez Obama is somehow blind, deaf and dumb? I don’t know about you, but I’ve consistently seen (after the fact) that Obama is three, sometimes four, steps ahead of just about everyone else…
I know it’s hard, but you ought to trust to the fact the BO knows what he’s about…
The post-inauguration trollfest took longer than I expected to arrive, but looks like it’s here.
They must have had to spend extra time in fetal position in puddles of their own urine, or something.
The Democrat Party has always represented unproductive welfare parasites, so its going to transform the Middle Class from productive hard working taxpayers into welfare queens so they will vote Democrat.
Really? Cuz as far as I can see, the only President who raised the standard of living for the middle class in the past twenty five years was Bill Clinton!
Looks like Republicans are the ones hellbent on turning us into a welfare state!
Why do you hate America, RedStater75?
Why do you hate AMERICANS, RedStater75?
It was the Republican Congress that gave us the 90s boom, Clinton was just along for the ride. You should thank Newt Gingrich, lib.
I love America, and I realize that turning to socialism will lead in a decline in the standard of living for everyone.
Western Europe doesn’t have the illegals dragging down their stats.
Oh really? Ask anyone from the UK, and they will tell you about the Pakis and Muslims dragging their health care system down.
Do you even KNOW what you are talking about, son?
Brad (unknowingly) just gave away the true purpose–to give absolute power to the Democrat Party.
You’re just mad that the Republicans had it and pissed it away. Bwaaaaa ha ha ha!
It’s time to tell the GOP to suck on it.
Abso-fucking-lutely right, Brad.
Frankly, I think this is Obama’s plan: Start out all rainbows and moonbeams with the Thugs, so the people can clearly see exactly what kind of unpatriotic, hateful, greedy bastards the tighty-righties really are. Then (I hope) he will sigh softly, gently whispering, “Well, I tried to reason with them, but sadly, it was all in vain.” Then he’ll steamroll their asses.
all except for the top 2%, that is. When the left wingers are through only they will pay taxes while everyone also will soak up their wealth.
You say that like it’s a bad thing, Reddy!
I love America
No. You don’t.
You hate her, because you’re content to see it sink into the morass of a Third World nation, beset by oligarchs and their useful idiots like you.
Me, I see America can do better. We’ve tried it your way for thirty odd years and look where we are.
Let’s try it our way.
You’re just mad that the Republicans had it and pissed it away. Bwaaaaa ha ha ha!
Truer words were never spoken, Xey
Dick Morris had it right–your Dear Leader will take three steps that will ensure a one-party socialist state in America:
1) Transform the Middle Class into welfare parasites.
2) Give amnesty to illegals, who will vote Democrat in return, and
3) Give us socialized health care, forcing the current supply of health care to provide absolute demand which will lead to rationing. Nevertheless, now everyone will be dependent on the government and vote Democrat.
Listening to Congressional Republicans these days is like watching a rather large group of women* afflicted with premenstrual dysphoria disorder before the antidepressants and progesterone pellets finally kick in. Let’s distract them by showing a bunch of victim-glorifying Lifetime channel movies and attend to the nation’s business while their hormones readjust.
*All white with bad haircuts, orangey spray tans, and no fashion sense.
Empirical evidence, RS75:
Clinton raised taxes. The economy boomed. The biggest single economic expansion, both in real terms and on a percentage basis, in the history of the planet.
Bush lowered taxes. The economy tanked.
It’s safe to assume that raising taxes at this point is a GOOD thing.
Geez, RS, you’re starting to sound like, I dunno…Joe McCarthy!
“Clinton raised taxes. The economy boomed. The biggest single economic expansion, both in real terms and on a percentage basis, in the history of the planet.”
He cut capital gains taxes in 1997 (following a Republican plan) and thats when the economy really took off. Thanks to that, and Newt balancing the budget.
Ah, Republican trolls. Despised by 75% of the US and 99.9% of the rest of the world. And they still think the way to get back into the White House is to keep screaming about what they want to do.
Forty eight percent of us didn’t vote for Obama, Scott.
1) Transform the Middle Class into welfare parasites.
Funny, I don’t see many middle class folks lining up at the bailout trough, do you?
2) Give amnesty to illegals, who will vote Democrat in return, and
Immigrants are the single biggest economic engine this nation has ever known. I have no problem with this.
3) Give us socialized health care, forcing the current supply of health care to provide absolute demand which will lead to rationing. Nevertheless, now everyone will be dependent on the government and vote Democrat.
Again, every other civilized nation has national health care and every other civilized nation is HEALTHIER than we are!
Sheesh, a blind pig finds a truffle every so often, but that doesn’t account for blind stupid pigs, I suppose.
By GOP calculations in 2000 and 2004, that’s a colossal, Godzilla-sized mandate.
Go suck it, sore loserman.
I was against the bailout. Who was for it? The Democrat Congress. Barney Frank had to pay back his buddies after all.
Forty eight percent of us didn’t vote for Obama, Scott.
46 percent, a lower percentage than any other losing candidate in a first term election of a President since Eisenhower, son.
I don’t think listening to the wingnuts howling in pain and anguish will ever get old!
Dick Morris had it right–your Dear Leader will take three steps that will ensure a one-party socialist state in America:
From Dick’s lips to Gawd’s ear!
I’m from the UK, and here in Western Europe we have no illegal immigration at all. No sir, it simply doesn’t exist. In fact, we don’t even know what the term means. You say it to us, and we’re all like “ill-whubba immi-whubba?”
Therefore all of RedStater’s statistics and conclusions are correct. Suck it, libs!
I wouldn’t worry about it as of yet. According to Political Punch, at their last meeting Obama told that moron Cantor “I trump you.” Let’s see what today brings.
The GOP had to face a hostile media. The MSM (and ACORN) dragged Obama barely over the finish line.
I was against the bailout. Who was for it? The Democrat Congress.
The bailout that was proposed by President Bush and his Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, who was the one who insisted on no oversight, we should add.
Newt Gingrich was responsible for the Clinton tax increase?! Thanks, Newt!
Jonah the Whale was on BBC’s News Hour (via Chicago Public Radio in my world) pimping the British publishing of the shitstorm of words some call a book. Funny thing, the BBC commentator aint having none of it.
He’s somehow trying to make it sound like this book so long in the (ghost)writing is actually all about this past election. This is big-league jackassery.
McCain plus all third party candidates=48% who didn’t buy Hopey McChange’s message.
Hey, RedStater75 made the news!
The GOP had to face a hostile media.
John McCain, Media Darling, received bad press?
On my. Listen now to the cries of the exalted. The Elect are cast down into the shadows. The Evil Ones rule the land. Sic transit gloria America!
I never got to say it before, so here’s my Johnny-come-lately turn.
Ding dong dilly, libs! Looks like you’re being hit by a SPREAD of TRUTH, and you don’t know what to do about it! Better check yourself before you wreck yourself! The funky fact is, 48% of us didn’t vote for the Obummer, and the more you make fun of this massive minority, the more you’ll be hit with a right hook from Super Sarah, the Power Palin, in 2012! You better believe it!
Badoodle boo yeah! You just got served a RED STATE SPREAD! Urban out.
McCain plus all third party candidates=48% who didn’t buy Hopey McChange’s message.
53-46. That leaves one percent for the fringe candidates like Paul and whatisface in Georgia.
was against the bailout. Who was for it? The Democrat Congress. Barney Frank had to pay back his buddies after all.
I seem to recall His Holiness, Your Preznit, Bush the Lesser being somewhat in favor of it.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news- really, I do- but bogus voter registrations don’t exactly equal bogus votes. Mickey Mouse didn’t vote.
Also, this “barely over the finish line” you speak of…not really seeing it, seeing how the GOP lost in NC, VA, and freaking Indiana.
Thats one thing I disagreed with Bush on. He became more liberal near the end. Also he was liberal on education and healthcare.
Hey, Cool Coach. What do you think about New Majority ripping off the Fightin’ Gators’ colors?
Anything that follows this statement is not based in truth.
Universal healthcare will also lead to increasing government control over what we do with our bodies–soon we will have the food police telling us we can’t eat fatty foods, smoke, or drink anymore the keep down costs.
So much for “choice”, libs.
Why, no. I look forward to suffering and dying from drug-resistant TB, or possibly SARS, spread by illegal aliens who have no access to health care. It’s what America is all about–rugged independence in defiance of reason. If someone pours cyanide into the river upstream from me, I’m happy to die for his right to do whatever what he wants on his privately owned riverbank, in order to protect my right to direct raw sewage into that same river.
He cut capital gains taxes in 1997 (following a Republican plan) and thats when the economy really took off.
let’s take a look at that, shall we?
In 2000 dollars, GDP at 1/1991 stood at $7 trillion.
At 1/1997, it stood at $8.5 trillion. A 21% gain.
At 1/2001, it stood at $9.8 trillion. a 15% gain.
Even allowing for the longer time frame, your argument is weak.
It’s easy to fix, Hog on Ice. Build a big wall–one wall at the start of the border, with a road inbetween it for patrols, surrounded by barbed wire followed by a second even higher wall. The walls should be very high with barbed wire on top. Then we would have no more illegals.
You are making this a boring thread RedStater75. I’m gonna go look at motorcycle web sites.
Universal healthcare will also lead to increasing government control over what we do with our bodies–soon we will have the food police telling us we can’t eat fatty foods, smoke, or drink anymore the keep down costs.
Really? The British diet is higher in sugars than ours, the French diet is higher in FATS than ours, and yet these countries both have national health care AND longer life expectancies!
“While compromise is all well and good, you don’t actually need to compromise to achieve your goals here.”
b.t.w, what’s a “filibuster” ?
The food police are already happening in the UK, actor212.–tell-leftovers.html
It’s easy to fix, Hog on Ice. Build a big wall–one wall at the start of the border
Which state do you live in again? I’d like to make sure we pen in the right one…
If there’s one thing that conservatives are not OK with, it’s telling people what to do with their bodies.
“Forty eight percent of us didn’t vote for Obama, Scott.”
Elections have consequences. We care about your (incorrect) opinions less than you cared about ours for the last eight years.
STFU and enjoy the back of the bus.
Also, cry more n00b. Your tears are delicious.
The food police are already happening in the UK, actor212.
And which part of “health” was their concern?
They were advising people, who invited them in, I should add, on how to make LEFTOVERS!
Sheesh, do you even read the crap you regurgitate?
Some silly government outreach program starts in the UK, and it automatically means socializm in the US. I’m kind of at a loss here.
Just wait a few years to see what happens to Dear Leader.
You know what the difference between Blago and Obama is? Two years.
’cause you know NO ONE EVER escaped from East Berlin when the Soviets tried that wall thing…
Red, I’m going to quote you this, posted prominently on my blog, and I’ll ask you to stop highlighting your dislike of liberals:
“Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things…every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.”
The only people I hate more than chickenshit bedwetters proud of how cowardly they are in the face of Muslim terrorists are stupid ass country-destroying whiners obsessed with how many taxes the super-rich pay.
I hate all of you, and since you won’t just die, I wish you would all shut up. You’ve ruled the roost for 30 years, and now you go back to being 2nd rung. That’s still high up, but then, we had a couple of elections, not some popular revolution.
I really can’t wait for the HopeAndChange Impeachment!
To the rest of the commenters, just wait. I know PRECISELY what this moron is about to do: remind us that Lincoln was a Republican.
I’m still managing to drink quite a bit, and you can too, Reddy. You can still smoke yourself to death (and threaten the healthy lungs of any children you have in the house) in the privacy of your own home. And no one is going to take away your Doritos any time soon. Stop clutching your blankie and take your thumb out of your mouth, dear.
As far as smoking is concerned, private insurers are already all over that. The last time I had company provided health insurance, I got a big ol’ discount because I’m a non-smoker. So government health guarantees would be a good thing for smokers who can no longer afford private health insurance, if ya think about it.
You don’t know anything at all about Europe, do ya? Nope, no drinking, smoking, or rich, delicious foods allowed there. Not at all.
Wow. You sure showed us.
“#actor212 said,
January 27, 2009 at 18:40
To the rest of the commenters, just wait. I know PRECISELY what this moron is about to do: remind us that Lincoln was a Republican.
Not only that, the only former Klan member in the Senate is a democrat!
Oh, and there’s this one from JFK, too:
“What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label “Liberal?” If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” But if by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a “Liberal,” then I’m proud to say I’m a “Liberal.””
“I really can’t wait for the HopeAndChange Impeachment!”
It goes fasterest if you hold your breath waiting for it to happen!
It should be noted that, although Teddy Roosevelt was also a Republican, since he busted trusts and didn’t take his first oath on a Bible, he has been posthumously excommunicated from Teh Party.
To the rest of the commenters, just wait. I know PRECISELY what this moron is about to do: remind us that Lincoln was a Republican.
Not only that, the only former Klan member in the Senate is a democrat!
A) Byrd only outlived the Republican ones by a few years.
B) Lincoln was a Republican. So was Roosevelt. They were, however, liberals, and you fell RIGHT INTO THE TRAP!
You’re so concerned with tarring us Democrats as liberals that you forget it is your OWN party who created us! Yes, the Republicans, the party of Roosevelt and Lincoln, of Jacob Javits and Nelson Rockefeller and Lowell Weicker.
YOU guys foisted progressivism on America!
So long, sucka!
Europe is a dying, corrupt society. I can’t believe you libs want to emulate it. They’re being taken over by the Islamists as we speak.
I really can’t wait for the HopeAndChange Impeachment!
Right. Because we couldn’t impeach a minority elected president who committed war crimes…
It’s easy to fix, Hog on Ice. Build a big wall–one wall at the start of the border, with a road inbetween it for patrols, surrounded by barbed wire followed by a second even higher wall. The walls should be very high with barbed wire on top. Then we would have no more illegals.
Okay, I’m calling parody troll. No one is this stoopid. Are they?
Europe is a dying, corrupt society.
Which is why their economy actually grew in this decade and America’s contracted.
“B) Lincoln was a Republican. So was Roosevelt. They were, however, liberals, and you fell RIGHT INTO THE TRAP!”
Lincoln was not a liberal. Guess who he represented as a lawyer? Corporate interests. He also suspended habeus corpus and didn’t surrender to the enemy and did what was necessary to win a war.
Chief Editor Korir – why have you forsaken me?
To the Chief Editor/ API
Dear Mr. Korir:
You know that for months I supported, encouraged and prayed for you. I trusted you to do that which was right, what you promised you would do, release the Michelle Obama tape and Kenyan birth document.
Our Constitution states that a person must be a natural-born US citizen to become president of the United States. There were specific reasons that our founding fathers wrote it this way, the main reason being that they wanted to assure that there were no divided loyalties.
You know that Obama is not a natural-born US citizen. You should also know that he is not loyal to the United States of America. His refusal to salute our flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. are significant signs that he is not loyal to our nation. He calls himself “a citizen of the world,” not a citizen of the United States.
He supports some very evil and destructive policies such as abortion, homosexuality, etc. that are totally contrary to the Bible on which our nation was founded. Yes, our nation was founded as a Christian nation.
His fiscal policies, his plan to greatly weaken our defense, his plan to allow dangerous illegal aliens into our country, his plan to prohibit all Americans from owning guns to defend themselves, his wanting to “dialog” with our enemies unconditionally, etc. are all very frightening.
Obama is a Muslim. He claims to be a Christian, but the Muslim world claims him as their own and he grew up a Muslim. The Muslims now say “it is now our turn” and intend to make our once-great nation a Muslim nation and a third-world country. As a Muslim he will no doubt make Islam the official religion and outlaw all others, including Christianity.
The Muslims/Islamists try to convince the rest of the world that they are a peaceful people, but that could not be further from the truth. They are a very violent and cruel people and they will stop at nothing to get their way. Search their behavior in Muslim countries and you will find that I am correct.
I think you must not understand how very dangerous Obama is to our nation. Foreign Muslim people sent him millions of dollars to buy this election, and they intend for Obama to do what they want him to do for them, sell our nation out to them to make us a Muslim nation and a third-world country, as I stated above. Yes, with Obama as president our world as we know it will cease to exist.
I am a born-again Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross to pay the awful penalty for my sins that I justly deserved to pay. Until now I have been free to go to the church of my choice and worship Him freely. Under Islam I will be persecuted severely for my faith. I will no longer be free to go to church to worship with other believers.
The book you plan to publish with all of the emails, etc. included will not “heal” me when I am being persecuted for my faith. It will not “heal” me when I am stripped of all of my freedoms. It will not “heal” me if I am killed for my faith.
I am not a racist. Race has nothing to do with my fear of Obama. The white people of the United States did not make an issue of race at all during the campaigns, only Obama fomented race as an issue, and that for his own benefit.
Yes, I am very much afraid of Obama, his administration, his policies and plans, and I have extremely good reasons for being afraid. I have outlined above some of the reasons for my being afraid – even terrified of him.
I feel very much betrayed by you and I am very deeply hurt. I was very loyal to you and defended you all the way through. And now you have “sold me out”, betrayed me totally. I am on the verge of tears as I write this to you. I really thought you were an honorable man and could be trusted. Now I know I was wrong.
McFarland/ United States of America
Okay, I’m calling parody troll. No one is this stoopid. Are they?
I’m not convinced. He’s been too good at parrotting talking points.
Wonder wingnuts…activate!
RedStater, how’s about you fuck off and come back when just one of these Obama-related catastrophes has actually fucking happened? Your pants-wetting diatribes contain so many unsubstantiated ‘is going to’s and ‘will soon’s, I’m just waiting for you to ask someone to cross your palm with silver.
Democrats also support racial quotas, which is the last bastion of true racism.
“Not only that, the only former Klan member in the Senate is a democrat!”
but all of the douchebags are Republicans.
Wait, I thought Europe didn’t have an immigration problem.
Just how stupid is this RedState guy?
Lincoln was not a liberal.
Lincoln was anti-war, increased the size of government, backed by abolitionists…sounds very liberal to me.
Um, see, RedState, here’s the thing about Lincoln and corporations…the man also said this:
Democrats also support racial quotas
So do Republicans, except for Republicans, those quotas are “zero percent minorities”.
As your presence here has so amply demonstrated.
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
You know that quote is an urban legend, right?
Try again, moonbat.
I love how this new troll has completely overshadowed the Truth entry in this thread (see “TARP Money,” above). Looks like you’re being phased out, Troofy!
I kinda hope Reddy sticks around. I’m getting my schadenfreude fix, and the rush is just fine. (nods off)
Lincoln was not a liberal. Guess who he represented as a lawyer? Corporate interests. He also suspended habeus corpus and didn’t surrender to the enemy and did what was necessary to win a war against an army that is now idolized by racist goobers like me.
By the way, Reddie….Lincoln was gay.
Oh I’ll be here. I’ll be here to point out every failure, broken promise, and corrupt act of HopeyMcChange for the next three years (he’ll probably be impeached or resign by then.)
Can’t wait for the Rezko connection to surface after Blago squeals!
“#actor212 said,
January 27, 2009 at 18:53
By the way, Reddie….Lincoln was gay.
Man how many urban legends do you libs buy hook, line, and sinker?
Funny thing, too, Lincoln supported all immigration!
Hey, its not the DEMS that have the Log Cabin Republicans!
Boooooo. Troothy already did this one. Come up with something new! I like you.
“#actor212 said,
January 27, 2009 at 18:54
Hey, its not the DEMS that have the Log Cabin Republicans!
No, you quite openly support the Sodomy Agenda.
I mean, hell, I’m sure it was normal for men in the 1800s to share a bed with another man, for a night or two, but for four years???? 😀
No, you quite openly support the Sodomy Agenda.
Why do you think I’ve been trying to get you to stick around, Reddie? 😉
Get your own patch, kid. This is where I come to get punished, and it feels creepy when there’s other Johns about.
No, you quite openly support the Sodomy Agenda.
You betcha! I have a Sodomy Agenda bumper sticker on my car, and I’m not even Teh Ghey!
“#actor212 said,
January 27, 2009 at 18:56
I mean, hell, I’m sure it was normal for men in the 1800s to share a bed with another man, for a night or two, but for four years???? 😀
Living space (and beds) in a frontier state was at a minimum. What, you think they could just drive to Wal-Mart in 1840s Illinois and put another bed on the credit card?
The sodomites always want to “out” people post-mortem to further their agenda. James Buchanan (our worst President) was homosexual, however.
I think ‘Sodomy Agenda’ may be the best drag-queen name ever invented.
You are making this a boring thread RedStater75.
RedStater75 couldn’t have done that without help. It’s been a bipartisan effort.
Living space (and beds) in a frontier state was at a minimum. What, you think they could just drive to Wal-Mart in 1840s Illinois and put another bed on the credit card?
From the man who built his own cabin, you’d think he’d be able to slap a bed together. Hell, I built my own bed!
And besides, what about the diary entries of Thomas Chamberlain?
our worst President) was homosexual, however.
If this is true, George W. is gay. He has no close competition for worst preznit ever.
RedStater75 couldn’t have done that without help. It’s been a bipartisan effort.
Obama’s already working his magic!
Do you Obots see? Do you see? This is exactly what I was talking about when you put all your change into Obambi’s Hope and Change Express, when you disavowed the Democratic Party from its true roots, the true blue Reagan Democrats of Appalachia like RedState75, who would have supported our true future with Hillary Clinton had your festering sore of misogyny not wrapped its tentacles around the Party and sucked it dry from its true blue Bubba Vote voice. The sound you hear is the sound of a million billion boots walking away from your precious Obambi Party, myself and RedState75 included, to a Hillary future that you can never comprehend because you are Obots.
She’s not with me.
Hillary is no better than Obama . The Clintons are a corrupt left-wing political crime family that will stop at nothing for absolute power.
Remember Whitewater? Waco? Travelgate? Filegate? The Buddhist Temple fundraisers?
I am inclined to believe that Barack is just going through the motions with the whole bi-partisany thing. Now that the GOPers have shown their asses as being purely obstructionists, can’t Barack simply throw up his hands and honestly declare that he tried? And then whip out the bill he and the Dems wanted all along?
My Sodomy Agenda is made from soft Corinthian foreskins.
Tell me this, libs. Why should I be forced to fund abortions when I believe its murder? Answer that, pro-aborts.
Why should I be forced to fund abortions when I believe its murder?
Because we’re forced to fund a war that we believe is illegal. Same reason.
Yeah, because the Iraq war was funded by voluntary donations from people who really believed in it.
Now that the GOPers have shown their asses as being purely obstructionists, can’t Barack simply throw up his hands and honestly declare that he tried? And then whip out the bill he and the Dems wanted all along?
I got no problem with that.
Hopey McChange bombed Pakistan the other day. Should we try him for war crimes, libs?
Stop this illegal war! /snark
Hey, Nation, we’re in a depression now. Lots of competition for jobs. Trufy has been slacking off a little lately, maybe we need to look at some new illegal immigrant trolls that work for sub-minimum wage and no benefits! Let the market work socialist!11!!111!@@!!!
Are you suggesting that Barack was on the bicycle, Reddie?
Hey redstater, can’t support the troops unless you support the President.
BTW, did you know the President is BLACK!
Remember Whitewater? Waco? Travelgate? Filegate? The Buddhist Temple fundraisers?
Stop! You’re killing me! My sides are splitting! Man, you’ve got a million of ’em.
Seriously, as far as Obama and bi-partisanship goes, he’s done his duty. He duly reached out, as advertised, and asked Republicans to get on the bus.(Yes, I’m using that overworked bus metaphor). I expect that the smarter Republicans, at least the ones from moderate to liberal states, will do so. They can lick their fingers and stick them in the air to see which way the wind is blowing as well as anybody. The dumb ones will continue with their obstructionism, milling around in front of the bus like a deer in headlights, and will be run down when the bus gets rolling.*
The Rethugs from conservative districts feel like the have to put up a fight. They’re thinking about reelection. I think they’re not reasoning it through for the long run. If the recession deepens and economic times get tough, there won’t be any economically conservative districts left.
*Sorry about the bus and deer thing. I got a bit carried away.
Aquí está cómo bajará la semana próxima. Primero, los resultados de Virginia y Carolina del norte entrarán, y ellos serán declarados para McCain. Usted será decepcionado, pero “no trato grande, el cambio no puede venir de noche” será su comentario. Florida irá rojo, y un nerviosismo pequeño arrastrará en. Los sospechosos usuales se caerán en las categorías usuales. Cuando la noche arrastra en, Ohio, Colorado, y (mucho a su horror) Pennsylvania estará muy igualada.
Mi consejo en este punto a usted será de acostarse. Usted despertará hasta una presidencia de McCain y la Gran Desmadre Liberal estará en.
Marque esto, los lberales, como esto es exactamente cómo bajará. Usted será maravilla cómo el infierno que pude llamar esto.
I this a trick question?
No one is this stoopid. Are they?
Hey, Reddy Microwatt – if you want a border fence so bad, I think they’re taking up a collection.
What’s with RedStater continually bolding the key phrases in his whiny posts?
Is he pretending to be a gossip columnist?
Shorter Obama to Republicans: “Oh, so you don’t like this half a shit sandwich you helped to make? Then by all means, we’ll take off the ingredients you added and you can help yourself to an entire shit sandwich. EAT IT, BITCHES!”
I wish.
Although in the long run, they are going to end up choking down the entire shit sandwich.
As for the trolls, here I thought that after election day, it couldn’t possibly get any more fun. I should have known – the few & proudly stupid will always be with us. I’m lookin’ at YOU, John Boner.
Why can’t we build a border fence, libs? Won’t that be “stimulus”? At least as “stimulative” as grass for the national mall?
Sorry to interrupt the troll-fest in order to comment on the post, but I find your political advice for Obama rather ridiculous. Not the advice itself, but the fact that you’re giving it. Weren’t you the one pissing yourself from roughly January through November 5th? Frankly, it’s getting difficult to take you seriously, which is a shame because you’re a good writer.
RS75, I’d just like to take this opportunity to tell you that your bitter, bitter tears taste like nectar and honey.
Shorter RedStater75 (and this said while publicly rolling around in a pool of his own filth after having eaten a big bowl of sugar for breakfast): “Lookit me! Lookit me! Lookit MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!”
Seriously, I have to second the motion that this clown is just a parody troll. I know that the members of the Rethugs’ Little Online Cockroach Brigade are all of them none-too-bright, but this guy is just too conveniently stoopid to be for real. I mean, this can’t possibly be genuine:
“The GOP had to face a hostile media. The MSM (and ACORN) dragged Obama barely over the finish line.”
Really, RedTarder? You’re making that claim with a straight face? Really?
He’s proud that he knows how to make bold type, N.C. He’s just showing off his mad skillz. At least he’s not capitalizing random Nouns in the latest Wingnut fashion. I hate that.
Yes, John D. believe it or not the MSM had a sickening pro-Obama bias and that enabled him to eek out a win.
Oh, and here I thought it was
Shorter RedStater75: “Look! Look! A tight new hole for all y’all to rape!”
10 x = rnd (very_old_RNC_Talking_Point);
20 printf “What about”, x, “?”;
30 printf “HUH?????”;
40 GOTO 10;
I mean, hell, I’m sure it was normal for men in the 1800s to share a bed with another man, for a night or two, but for four years???? 😀
Little known fact: Lincoln’s nickname back in the day wasn’t “the railsplitter”, it was “the tailsplitter”. It got sanitized in all the history books.
Little known fact: Lincoln’s nickname back in the day wasn’t “the railsplitter”, it was “the tailsplitter”. It got sanitized in all the history books.
lulz. All the cliches apply: Coffee to keyboard via nose. 😉
that enabled him to eek (sic) out a win.
Freudian slip noted.
Why do you hate your American president so?
As for the subject at hand: I sincerely hope y’all are right about Obama’s motives here, i.e. that he’s showing the GOP the Velvet Glove before smacking them with the Iron Hand. “Well, I tried!” isn’t such a bad tactic to marginalize the bastards even further…if that’s what he intends to do. Whether he turns out to be another Jimmy Carter (a well-meaning failure) or Bill Clinton (a slick-talking corporate con man) rather remains to be seen…though I fear we have enough evidence already.
Deliberate, managed failure has been the Democrats’ Modus Operendi for the past 30 years, and I very much hope we’re not just seeing a fresh coat of paint slapped over the same old shit.
It got Hannitized in all the history books.
Fixed yer post.
“Dick Morris had it right”
End of any Red Stater credibility.
And hey, Red Stater, it was around 50% didn’t vote for Reagan, Either. What money sucking red state do you hail from? Because the states that voted for McCain all got more tax money than they paid. That’s right, you rugged individualist John Galts are being supported by the liberals.
Red Stater probably has a government job. Or works for a paving contractor, which is the same thing.
Wait a minute. Does the wall make the illegal immigrants already in the U.S. disappear? Or does it make them legal?
Or do you really think we will successfully deport 11 million illegal immigrants? We can’t expect all citizens to show as much due diligence as Romney in depriving illegal immigrants of employment. And those illegals aren’t deporting themselves.
But heaven forbid that we abandon the principle of rugged independence in defiance of reason for reality.
“? Because the states that voted for McCain all got more tax money than they paid. ”
Only if you include military spending, moonbat. Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
“Or do you really think we will successfully deport 11 million illegal immigrants?”
We take away all their benefits, throw their employers in federal prison, and win a war of attrition gradually. We make their life and the lives of their employers so difficult they volunteer to go home.
Hey, algorithm, you forgot to include the bold formatting that adds necessary emphasis to very important points about moonbats and such. Also.
BTW, I come from South Carolina.
I’m still intrigued by its insistence that it’s unAmerican to deny the richest 1% ALL of the money.
Deliberate, managed failure has been the Democrats’ Modus Operendi for the past 30 years, and I very much hope we’re not just seeing a fresh coat of paint slapped over the same old shit.
I hope not, too. I have to say that nothing in Obama’s track record indicates that he will perpetuate the pattern. He’s been very clever so far.The man plays good political chess.
Jennifer said,
January 27, 2009 at 19:37
I’m still intrigued by its insistence that it’s unAmerican to deny the richest 1% ALL of the money.
Its un-Ameircan to deny them the fruits of their labor and redistribute their wealth.
“Why can’t we build a border fence, libs? Won’t that be “stimulus”? At least as “stimulative” as grass for the national mall?”
So you favor giving DC citizens the right to home-rule? How progressive!
Build a big wall–one wall at the start of the border, with a road inbetween it for patrols, surrounded by barbed wire followed by a second even higher wall. The walls should be very high with barbed wire on top.
The third wall is even higher still, and the fourth wall goes all the way to the moon. Then there’s a fifth wall, but that one’s just to do something with the biggest stones that got dug up from excavating for the first four walls. And then there’s a really big “Keep Out” sign.
We kin haz registered commenting nao?
“So you favor giving DC citizens the right to home-rule? How progressive!”
I favor giving DC to Maryland.
Its un-Ameircan to deny them the fruits of their labor…
You mean “the fruits of their capital” because these guys don’t labor – they profit from the labor of others.
…and redistribute their wealth.
Well, gee, I wonder how they got all that money in the first place? It must have been redistributed from somewhere, eh?
I’ll be more concerned with the rights of a handful of people to own everything and have all the money, all 100% of it, when you explain to us how a capitalist, consumer economy can function when a few guys have all the money and no one else has any.
I play my stereo loud, I disturb the neighbors
I wasn’t enjoying the fruits of my labors
“Well, gee, I wonder how they got all that money in the first place? It must have been redistributed from somewhere, eh?”
Through voluntary trades of goods and services, not by government fiat.
We kin haz registered commenting nao?
I hope not – name-spoofing (not namestealing) is one of my favorite things about this place.
A heavier banhammer for the really clingy trolls would be nice, but I can live with how things are.
Where in South Carolina, RS? No snark here, my father’s family is from Berkeley (OH NOES!!!!!) County.
I miss Bruce.
A pure free-market economy works great for America because we have a perfectly elastic system of equal, rational economic actors who all possess absolute knowledge of all variables.
The Vanderbilts and Rockefellers didn’t acquire any of their wealth by government fiat, unless you count the giveaways of public land to them.
Hey, I know. This’ll be fun. How about no one respond to RedStater for a long long time, like maybe an hour or so (or until the next thread appears, whichever comes first). This would roughly equal ignoring him. Then we could carry on conversations around his increasingly sputtery baiting, until inevitably he reaches that foul ugly seething stage and everyone starts calling for his banning and wonders how this ever happened.
Through voluntary trades of goods and services, not by government fiat.
I don’t know that anyone “volunteers” for jobs that don’t pay enough to live on – sure, a lot of people have these types of jobs because it’s all that’s available to them, because the guys who own the companies they work for need big compensation for the “fruits of their labor”. Eventually everyone’s wages are eroded across the board, everyone but the owners are deeply in debt and no one can afford to buy anything. Sound familiar? At that point, the guys who killed the goose that laid the golden egg end up making nothing but in the long run come out ok, while the rest of us lose everything we’ve worked for our entire lives. Gee, that’s a great way to do things.
You can take your pick. Either pay people a living wage, which means billionaires will have to settle for having fewer excess billions than they can possibly ever spend, or accept high rates of taxation on the very wealthy. Because otherwise, you won’t have an economy. It’s sad that the magic economic unicorns of conservative utopia lose their magic powers when they enter the land of reality, but there it is.
Iris said,
January 27, 2009 at 19:02
Oh, hi, Iris. I’m just taking a break from riding my Magical Unity Pony (due to atomic transference I myself am now nearly 50% Magical Unity Pony but sadly, my wee wee has yet to be affected) to ask you if you’re aware that the abuse of cardboard Hillarys is another bipartisan effort. Granted, we disciples of teh precious started it, but it’s no longer just Obots that are showing a shocking lack of respect for two dimensional representations of our new Secretary of State. The atrocity is perpetrated at the end of the video so you’ll have to sit through some serious manifestations of CDS before you get to it. I know it will come as a shock to find that this syndrome exists on the right but I thought you’d like to know so that you can get Agent Flowbee on this guy’s case.
“I don’t know that anyone “volunteers” for jobs that don’t pay enough to live on – sure, a lot of people have these types of jobs because it’s all that’s available to them”
So, they do volunteer for them.
Hey Jen, why not raise the minimum wage to $100/hour then?
That you actually believe that the Clintons exist anywhere near leftist political thought shows how absolutely broken our national discourse has become.
Here, have a heart attack:
Nationalize the Banks!
BTW poverty, by 1960s standards, has been completely eliminated in this country.
If it works well then you’ll be rewarded for it. If not, then you’ll be punished. That’s politics.
Uhm, I’ve got all of this history that does not agree with this analysis. Seriously.
We’re still waiting for you to explain how capitalist consumer economic systems work when one guy owns everything and has all the money.
“Lincoln was not a liberal. Guess who he represented as a lawyer? Corporate interests. He also suspended habeus corpus and didn’t surrender to the enemy and did what was necessary to win a war.”
Um, Roosevelt was a millionaire, didn’t surrender to the enemy (like most republicans, such as Prescott Bush wanted him to at the time) and did what it took to win a war. So your list of Lincoln’s conservative bona fides is a little weak. Lincoln waged a vicious war against states rights, and against the Confederacy, which is the self-proclaimed heart of patriotic conservativism. So now explain again how he wasn’t a liberal?
Oh, and what corporate interests did he represent? Because large corporate interests for the most part didn’t exist before his death. Businesses were mostly privately held and run at this point.
BTW poverty, by 1960s standards, has been completely eliminated in this country.
Ooh, a Johnson fan!
“We’re still waiting for you to explain how capitalist consumer economic systems work when one guy owns everything and has all the money.”
That never happens. However, under a government run system (like the Soviet Union or East Germany) the government owns all the money, and that leads to economic collapse. Because government is not as efficent in direct resources as the free market.
BTW, answer my question. If you want a “living wage” why not declare the minimum wage as $100/hour? Serious question.
“Oh, and what corporate interests did he represent? ”
Railroads and bankers.
Yes, John D. believe it or not the MSM had a sickening pro-Obama bias and that enabled him to eek out a win.
We take away all their benefits, throw their employers in federal prison, and win a war of attrition gradually. We make their life and the lives of their employers so difficult they volunteer to go home.
That’s worked so well for Israel.
Weren’t you the one pissing yourself from roughly January through November 5th? Frankly, it’s getting difficult to take you seriously, which is a shame because you’re a good writer.
Yes – the “Spite Works” series were especially embarrassing examples of the form. He’s improved a lot, though.
As a sufferer of an anxiety disorder myself, I think I recognize the pattern, and having what might be a sane government in place has calmed me down a lot too.
Here, have a heart attack:
Nationalize the Banks!
Nationalize Mall-Wart! W00t!
Then we should re-name it. How about The People’s Plazapalooza?
I don’t know why, but lately I’ve been having fantasies of making the entire Walton clan live in a trailer park and wear only clothes from Wal-mart. They would be made to drive cars no newer than 15 years old. With bad batteries. In the cold. In Minnesota. They wouldn’t want any of that socialist food stamp or medicaid stuff, of course, so soon they’d be eating cheap dog food and trying to cure headaches by stripping willow bark. I like this fantasy.
I’m glad to know your hate for the rich and successful knows no bounds, candy.
Just more proof liberalism/socialism is based on envy and jealousy of the successful.
Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
Their inbred inhabitants are too stupid, lazy and incompetent to qualify for jobs in the private sector?
No, moonbat, its because warmer climates mean they can conduct year-round training and because military bases take up a lot of space. That’s why you don’t see army bases in NYC, genius.
Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
Their inbred inhabitants are so stupid, lazy and incompetent that they’re a danger to themselves and others and must be supervised by heavily armed troops?
I’m glad to know your hate for the rich and successful knows no bounds, candy.
Oh, hey, that’s not true! I love me some Dark Master Soros!
“That you actually believe that the Clintons exist anywhere near leftist political thought shows how absolutely broken our national discourse has become.”
During one of my very first ventures into the online world, I got caught up in a conversation at one political forum, wherein an ideological soulmate to our current simpleton, RedTarder, accused me of being a shill for the Clintons and for the Democratic Party literally 3 posts after I said the following (and I quote):
“Bill Clinton is little more than pond scum on the agenda of the Multinational Corporations.”
And he was serious. How he came to his conclusion based on the above comment, I’m sure I don’t know, but he meant it. Thanks to this kind of evidence, I must admit it’s very, very difficult to tell the parody trolls from the real thing these days.
To wit Warren Buffet, it’s a class war…and his class is kickin’ ass.
Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
Their stupid, lazy, incompetent, inbred inhabitants are scared-shitless bedwetters who need daddies with great big guns to protect them standing right nearby?
Their inbred inhabitants are so stupid, lazy and incompetent that they’re a danger to themselves and others and must be supervised by heavily armed troops?
Now, now.
You’re sort of right. I think it’s more that the Feds know that the inhabitants are authoritarian-follower rubes who will cheerfully live next door to nuclear test sites, nerve gas dumps, and bombing ranges without complaining. I live in Utah, so I oughta know.
…why do I stay? Well, the mountains are pretty.
Way to buck the stereotype of New Yorkers being loud-mouthed assholes, NYGuy!
I’m going to repeat my explanation for you from above:
No, moonbat, its because warmer climates mean they can conduct year-round training and because military bases take up a lot of space. That’s why you don’t see army bases in NYC, genius.
Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
So the tax dollars of evil libruls can subsidize their stupid, lazy, incompetent, inbred inhabitants?
Have fun while your bankrupt state raises taxes for even more spending, NYMoonbat.
I’m laughing my ass off at your pahtetic, over-regulated, nanny stating high-tax state.
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
That never happens.
Well, of course not, because when you get to that point, everyone else just kills the greedy bastard and steals his stuff. But it goes to the point that maybe it’s not such a good idea to set up a system that encourages that end result.
The question is how close can you get to that line, and the Republican answer has always been “get as close as possible without crossing it.” But just because it doesn’t get to quite that point doesn’t indicate that the model is a success. Because the closer you get to that point, the more economic activity decreases.
actor 212 listed some good stats upthread: “the top 1% pay 36.9% of federal tax (wealth 32.7%), the top 5% pay 57.1% (wealth 57.2%), top 10% pay 68% (wealth 69.8%), and the bottom 50% pay 3.3% (wealth 2.8%).” I’d add to that with this stat – the bottom 40% in this country own only 2/10ths of 1% of the wealth. And wealth roughly correlates to discretionary income – people who are at subsistence level will not accumulate wealth because they have nothing left over after paying for basic costs of living, nor can they contribute much to spending on consumer goods.
What this means is that roughly half of the population isn’t fully participating in the economy, which means less economic growth, lower wages, etc for the economy. It also, ironically, means that the very wealthy make less money. They saw a greater net gain in wealth under Clinton with slightly higher taxes due to the fact that people in ALL sectors of the economy were making gains, than they did under Bush prior to the meltdown with a lower tax rate and falling real wages for most people in the country.
In other words, there’s no good reason to cling to this idea that it’s somehow “unAmerican” to deny anyone the right to own 5,000 times what they can ever use or spend – or to tax it – even though it results in a less efficient economy for everyone, including the rich guy you think you’re “protecting”.
“That’s why you don’t see army bases in NYC, genius.”
Is Brooklyn still in NYC, dipshit?
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
Where you live, Kool Whip is one of the four basic food groups.
Ok, Jennifer, so lets raise the minimum wage to $100/hour and tax the top 1% at 99%! Right?
Elections have consequences and Republicans won 41 Senate seats.
So we get to dole out 41% of the money.
Is this so hard to understand, libs?
Do we really have to keep feeding the stupid, stupid troll?
Back to Brad’s post: As Obama had to remind Rethugs the other day when they, apparently under the impression that they’re still in power, sniffed at his tax-plan proposal: HE WON. Don’t like it? Tough shit. Get used to it. And fuck off besides.
That wasn’t me, that was a spoofer troll.
Somebody answer me: why shouldn’t we raise the minimum wage to $100/hour?
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
Where you live, “Hooked on Phonics” is considered higher education.
And besides that: He’s BLAAACCCKKKKK!!!!!!
Somebody answer me: why shouldn’t we raise the minimum wage to $100/hour?
Because your burger-flipping skills just aren’t that awesome.
Can we please stop feeding the stupid, stupid troll?
NYGuy proves that underneath all their concern for the “common man” liberals/socialists are at heart elitists that hate the poor.
Under Obama X’s wealth-redistribution plan the minimum wage will be $150.00 an hour. Then everybody will be able to afford everything they want. OMG, won’t that be dreadful! Whatever shall we do about class warfare! All I know is, people who are servers in restaurants and who clean other people’s toilets for a living DESERVE to earn $100 an hour. Schoolteachers deserve $200 an hour. Politicians should get maybe $10 an hour. My son the pizza-deliverer serves a more vital function than my local state rep, and that’s for goddam sure.
Somebody answer me: why shouldn’t we raise the minimum wage to $100/hour?
Because we can’t trust proles with that kind of money, duh. They’d spend it on Malt Liquor and Strippers…
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
Now that’s interesting!
I didn’t know there were trans-fats in squirrel meat.
Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh? Yeah, but what about this, huh?
I love how liberals can’t answer a simple question honestly. Why not mandate a $100/hour minimum wage and a top marginal rate of 99%?
Ok, Jennifer, so lets raise the minimum wage to $100/hour and tax the top 1% at 99%! Right?
Does this mean you finally understand the issue, and why it’s not a good idea to concentrate too much of the wealth in too few hands? If so, that’s a good start.
Minimum wage probably ought to be more in the $10 range. In some of the lower-cost areas of the country, a single adult could squeak by on that working full-time. Not easily, but it could be done. In more expensive areas, it probably needs to be higher – perhaps up to $15 per hour.
As for tax rate on the top 10%, they own 70% of everything and currently pay about that proportion of income tax. BUT – and this is a very big BUT – because they own everything, they disproportionately USE the resources of government – everything from roads for shipping goods to law and courts protecting intellectual property. And, as we’ve seen all too often, when they screw up, they get bailed out – their wealth is never really at risk. So, since we’re dropping several trillion on guarding their wealth right now, I think we need to tax the hell out of them – get that rate up to 45%, 50%, 55% for however long it takes for them to pay it back. Considering the alternatives, it’s a real bargain, and of course, nothing would be more unAmerican than demanding that the rest of us pay for their mistakes and insure their continuing wealth in spite of those mistakes.
Why not wear lacy panties on your head while singing “Al di la” to a Wellfleet oyster?
“Does this mean you finally understand the issue, and why it’s not a good idea to concentrate too much of the wealth in too few hands?”
Try again.
Why not make it $100/hour? If we can make it $15/hour, why not higher? A higher minimum wage is good, right?
I love how liberals can’t answer a simple question honestly. Why not mandate a $100/hour minimum wage and a top marginal rate of 99%?
Because you aren’t interested in an actual answer, asshole.
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
I don’t believe you. I don’t think that there are any trans-fats in squirrel meat.
Screw that guy! Look at me, libs! Looook at meee! Don’t listen to this joker, I’m still the king! Um, er….Bookmark this, libs! Remember that one? Teflon Fraud! That was a good one, too! Notice me! Is this thing still on?
Why not make it $100/hour? If we can make it $15/hour, why not higher? A higher minimum wage is good, right?
Right again, RS75. If taking a multivitamin every day is good for you, swallowing 100 of them every hour is bound to make you feel even better!
Yes, everyone! Answer RedNeck’s totally fucked-up “trick” question immediately and within the structure he has created! He’s growing impatient waiting to spring his clever little trap!
Excuse me, does anyone else smell something burning?
How the hell can you tell? You haven’t given me any answer to that, Polk!
BTW, don’t you moonbats consider Pokl to be a racist imperialist who started an illegal and genocidal war?
BUT – because they own everything, they disproportionately USE the resources of government – everything from roads for shipping goods to law and courts protecting intellectual property.
Don’t forget the army to take over countries that have resources they’d like to sell.
That may not always work, but they’ll damn sure try it.
Try again.
Why should I, when you either won’t or can’t (I’m sure can’t) defend this loony idea that you came in with from the beginning, that wealth concentration is a good thing. I’ve illustrated for you why it isn’t, and somehow you seem unable to respond to any of those points, or to defend your central premise. Instead you opt for general jackassery, as if that “wins”. Clue, brightboy: deflection doesn’t prove a point; it merely proves that you don’t have one.
So, by RS’ “logic” When everything goes all socialisty I won’t have to work sixty hours a week to stay “middle class”, and can just coast off to Welfare Nirvana? Sweet, I’ll finally have time to figure out the intro to “Hot for Teacher”.
Irony, met RedState.
RedStater- Yes, I do think raising the minimum wager to $100/hour is a good idea, if only because it would shut Ben Bernanke up. You see, my entire life I have been taught to stand up for my beliefs, to be a person of high morals and ethics. That’s why I feel obligated to draw an accurate portrait of Ben Bernanke’s ideological alignment. Instead of focusing on why Bernanke’s deputies are delighted with the potential for violent confrontation, I would like to remind people that Bernanke undoubtedly doesn’t want me to name and shame his pals for their lubricious acts of colonialism. Well, I’ve never been a very obedient dog so I intend not only to do exactly that but also to do something good for others. If society were a beer bottle—something, I believe, that Bernanke holds in high regard—he would indeed be the nauseating bit at the bottom that only the homeless like to drink. Bernanke, you are welcome to get off my back this time and stay off. Of course, many people are shocked when I tell them that his double standards emphasize the formation of small units of power-drunk representatives that can avoid detection by authorities, strike quickly and disperse, and, to some extent, capitalize on our needs and vulnerabilities. And I’m shocked that so many people are shocked. You see, I had thought everybody already knew that he is like a giant octopus sprawling its slimy length over city, state, and nation. Like the octopus of real life, Bernanke operates under cover of self-created screen. He seizes in his long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection.
Don’t let Bernanke delude you into thinking that one can understand the elements of a scientific theory only by reference to the social condition and personal histories of the scientists involved. He’s just trying to make nearby communities victims of environmental degradation and toxic waste dumping. Who is behind the decline of our civilization? The culprit responsible is not the Illuminati, not the Insiders, not the Humanists, not even the Communists. No, the decline of our civilization is attributable primarily to Ben Bernanke.
Of course, there is a lot of debate on this subject but the best scholars feel that if Bernanke continues to infringe upon our most important constitutional rights, crime will escalate as schools deteriorate, corruption increases, and quality of life plummets. I definitely cannot emphasize enough how much I resent his inveracities. Do I want him to promote, foster, and institute vigilantism? No, thank you very much; I would much rather work beyond the predatory plasticity of Bernanke’s cajoleries. Now, more than ever, we must see through the haze of recidivism. I guess I really can’t blame Bernanke for wanting to defuse or undermine incisive critiques of his jealous, mentally deficient behavior by turning them into procedural arguments about mechanisms of institutional restraint. After all, relative to just a few years ago, amoral, wishy-washy enemies of the people are nearly ten times as likely to believe that it is his moral imperative to pull the levers of jingoism and oil the gears of mandarinism. This is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of the times. Rather, it reflects a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by Bernanke to court a froward minority of the worst kinds of resentful-to-the-core protestors there are. A theme that appears repeatedly in Ben Bernanke’s fairy tales concerns his desire to spam the Internet with unsolicited anal-retentive junk e-mail. And that’s all I have to say.
“RedStater- Yes, I do think raising the minimum wager to $100/hour is a good idea”
LOL you fail econ 101! That would lead to massive inflation and unemployment. Prices and wages are natural laws, when the government interferes it causes all manner of problems!
Remember the wage and price controls in the 70s? That brought us stagflation and shortages.
Prices and wages are natural laws
Funny, I must have missed that day in Biology and/or Bible School.
Prices and wages are natural laws
Maybe when money grows on trees!
So? All I care about is getting back at Ben Bernanke. In my last post, I claimed that Ben Bernanke’s ignorance is encyclopedic, and that claim is even more true now. As I elaborate on that concept throughout this post I will use only simple words and language so that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that I, speaking as someone who is not a belligerent, homophobic harijan, am fed up with Bernanke’s nettlesome and revolting behavior. And I can say that with a clear conscience because there may be nothing we can do to prevent Bernanke from making good on his word to empty garbage pails full of the vilest slanders and defamations on the clean garments of honorable people. When we compare this disturbing conclusion to the comforting picture purveyed by his apostles, we experience psychological stress or “cognitive dissonance”. Our only recourse is to avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism and an optimistic humanism by combining the truths of both.
Finding the best way to stand uncompromised in a world that’s on the brink of Bernanke-induced disaster is a challenging problem indeed. We must therefore tackle this problem with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than it has ever been tackled before. Only then will people realize that Bernanke somehow manages to maintain a straight face when saying that every word that leaves his mouth is teeming with useful information. I, not being one of the many meretricious apostates of this world, am greatly grieved by this occurrence of falsehood and fantastic storytelling which is the resultant of layers of social dishevelment and disillusionment amongst the fine citizens of a once organized, motivated, and cognitively enlightened civilization. But don’t despair. Rather, take comfort in the knowledge that the justification he gave for turning voluptuaries loose against us good citizens was one of the most pesky justifications I’ve ever heard. It was so pesky, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: Bernanke has been trying for some time to sell the public on a hooliganism-based government. His sales pitch proceeds both pragmatically and emotionally. The pragmatic argument: “Metanarratives” are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity. The emotional argument: Women are spare parts in the social repertoire—mere optional extras. As you can see, neither argument is valid, which should indicate to you that any rational argument must acknowledge this. Bernanke’s drossy theatrics, naturally, do not.
Difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to scuttle Bernanke’s malodorous attempts to promote a herd mentality over principled, individual thought. Nature is a wonderful teacher. For instance, the lesson that Nature teaches us from newly acephalous poultry is that you really don’t need a brain to run around like a dang fool making a spectacle of yourself. Nature also teaches us that whenever Bernanke is blamed for conspiring to acquire public acceptance of his fickle roorbacks, he blames his grunts. Doing so reinforces their passivity and obedience and increases their guilt, shame, terror, and conformity, thereby making them far more willing to help Bernanke inflict untold misery, suffering, and distress. It is high time for someone to set the record straight. Will that someone be you?
“SomeNYGuy said,
January 27, 2009 at 20:42
Funny, I must have missed that day in Biology and/or Bible School.”
Another moron with a worthless liberal arts degree, I see.
Did that really cool English degree get you up the Starbucks corporate ladder yet? Oh, you’re still serving coffee and living with your parents at 30?
Remember the wage and price controls in the 70s? That brought us stagflation and shortages.
So then all price supports, like the ones for farm products, corn and crude oil, should also be dropped, right?
Talk about failing Econ101!
Ow! OW!!!
Not the Econ 101 argument…!
You didn’t respond to my last eloquent post, RedStater.
Only if you include military spending, moonbat. Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
Cuz folks in the heartland are sooooooooooooooo often attacked by missiles and terrorists.
Elections have consequences and Republicans won 41 Senate seats.
So we get to dole out 41% of the money.
You mean how like when Dems held 49 of the seats, we got almost half of the money?
it don’t work like that. Winner takes all, son.
Me? I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, when it doesn’t produce an economy that works better for anyone.
Somebody answer me: why shouldn’t we raise the minimum wage to $100/hour?
Works for me!
So when you going to lobby for this, RedStater? Just think, all your friends who flip burgers for a living will vote for you in a heartbeat!
No, moonbat, its because warmer climates mean they can conduct year-round training and because military bases take up a lot of space. That’s why you don’t see army bases in NYC, genius.
Warmer weather?
I’m guessing our lil fren here never heard of Ft. Drum. Right in the heart of the coldest swath of the United States south of Alaska.
Where I live I can still eat trans-fats, honk the horn of my car, smoke wherever I want, and have lower taxes!
Where I live, I can live to be 100 without transfats, without noise pollution and without second hand smoke, and spend your money for my Social Security!
It’s called “New York City”.
tax the top 1% at 99%! Right?
I miss the 1950s…
ReddyTroll demonstrates his extensive military prowess by supposing that they only train when it’s sunny out. Gotta love it.
ReddyTroll demonstrates his extensive military prowess by supposing that they only train when it’s sunny out. Gotta love it.
Well, cuz, you know, volunteer armies only fight in Grenada or Panama.
Has he gone away? Do I get bonus fairy points for asking him the most questions he wouldn’t or couldn’t answer? Or lashes for feeding the troll?
… California has a lot of military bases. Not as many as we used to, but still a huge number, and we still don’t get as much back in taxes as we pay in.
Then we watch Alaska hold out its hand to the Federal government. I suggest their state gov hang onto some of that money they like to refund to their residents.
Dang! why’s it smell like sulfer in here?
“Then we watch Alaska hold out its hand to the Federal government. ”
How about you let Alaska have all that federally owned land back so they can exploit its resources? Then maybe they won’t have to do that.
“… California has a lot of military bases. Not as many as we used to, but still a huge number, and we still don’t get as much back in taxes as we pay in.”
That’s because you’re a wealthy state. Cut income taxes, maybe that won’t be the case.
this troll has every single one of the Republican talking points! He must use flashcards.
I’m still waiting for that explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest possible virtue when it produces a less efficient and productive economy for all 300 million + of us.
The fact is that the ONLY way to stimulate the economy is by allowing people to keep more of their money. Obama’s stimulus plan is a plan of more taxes. A majority of jobs provided by Obama’s plan will be construction jobs which will be done by illegal immigrants and not American citizens.
Obama is a thinskinned shallow egomaniac. And he’s being brought back down to earth. The guy can’t handle dissent.
Obama’s daddy wanted to be dictator of Kenya, but Barack is learning that America isn’t Kenya.
BTW, Obama’s first media interview after being sworn in was with the pro-Al-Qaeda pro-Jihad channel Al-Arabiya.
Thanks to President Obama, we have..
a Secretary of State who has never been a diplomat heading our diplomatic efforts
a Treasury Secretary who can’t do his taxes heading the IRS
an Attorney General who gave out numerous controversial pardons heading the Justice department.
But at least they’re a good basketball team. When will President Obama bypass a qualified candidate so he can appoint Allen Iverson to the Cabinet?
I don’t need flash cards. I sleep with Gary Ruppert.
Dude, they want you to fail. They’re not going to do anything to help you.
This is sooooooooooo aggravating. Bush borrowed and flushed hundreds of billions down the toilet with no accountability, and these buffoons can’t approve a plan to bolster the economy. What would they do? Not spend a dime and allow the entire country to starve? These schmucky bastards. They deserve to be unemployed with no access to benefits.
If Obama had THE cure for cancer, they’d object to it.
Note to RS:
I wasn’t speaking to you.
seems WP is acting up again.
The fact is that the ONLY way to stimulate the economy is by allowing people to keep more of their money.
Clinton raised taxes. GDP grew faster than at any time in any nation’s history.
You were saying?
Also, America’s next President will be Sarah Palin. Palin will defeat Obama in a landslide after four years of Obamanomics leads to 20% unemployment.
If Sarah Palin doesn’t run, then an in-touch mainstream Republican like Rush Limbaugh or Bobby Jindal should run.
It seems that no matter how low you pay toothless redneck shitheels in the first TIDOS State , people still ain’t buyin’. And that’s even after their “race to the bottom” tactics against states like Michigan and Ohio.
When Obama gets through clintonizing the Bush Recession, Republicans will wish for the good old days of the 90s.
Talking points will not help; there is no road back. All that’s left for wingnuts is fear of the inevitable. Hard rain coming, wingnuts, hard, hard rain.
If Sarah Palin doesn’t run, then an in-touch mainstream Republican like Rush Limbaugh
Oh, this would be perfect! Better than Palin, we’d get to repudiate Satan himself!
The real troll is a lot funnier than the fake Gary.
How about you let Alaska have all that federally owned land back so they can exploit its resources?
And then when Alaskans come to us to ask for help cleaning up the mess, we can thumb our noses at them!
Hard rain coming, wingnuts, hard, hard rain.
They’ll never feel it in their double wetsuits.
Fake Gar @ 21:05 sez:
BTW, Obama’s first media interview after being sworn in was with the pro-Al-Qaeda pro-Jihad channel Al-Arabiya.
Better update that dooder:
Via Wiki-P:
“Al Arabiya was created to be a direct competitor of Qatar-based Al Jazeera.” And, “…Al Arabiya has… drawn accusations of pro-American or pro-Saudi bias, in part due to MBC’s Saudi ownership.”
“Clinton raised taxes. GDP grew faster than at any time in any nation’s history.”
The Republican Congress cut taxes in 1995 and 1996, leading to the GDP rise.
The Republican Congress cut taxes in 1995 and 1996, leading to the GDP rise.
You probably missed this higher up the thread:
Sorry, Gary, that argument don’t wash. Clinton’s tax HIKE created the 90s growth explosion.
“Econ 101”?
Why don’t you start at 1993?
A big part of the GDP rise is an affect of Reagan-era tax cuts.
The Reagan era tax cuts?
You mean the ones that caused the Bush ’91 recession?
Sadly, No!’s silence on the Texas girls basketball controversy is deafening!
“The Reagan era tax cuts?
You mean the ones that caused the Bush ‘91 recession?”
LOL Bush raised taxes in the early 90s, that caused the recession!
Clinton’s 93 tax hike did explode the economy, by bringing down interest rates so businesses could afford to borrow for expansion and start-up. The tax hike was seen by the markets as a signal that Clinton was serious about getting the enormous Reagan-Bush I deficits under control. And hey, he did.
If the score of the winning team had been taxed at a reasonable rate and the take apportioned to the losing team nobody’d be upset.
As for switching to 1993, sure, I have no problem with that. The adjustment still shows a 20% rise in the first period that I measured, just slightly down.
Some GDP history
Apr-1991 5.18%
Apr-1992 6.07%
Apr-1993 4.24%
Apr-1994 6.92%
Apr-1995 2.16%
Apr-1996 8.00%
You can see that the GDP was going up under Bush, then it sank under Clinton, rebounding due to the strength built up under Reaganomics, then slunking again, but the leadership of the Republican congress led to growth in 1995/1996
Please raise taxes libs. Do it. Do it without any Republican support, then run on higher taxes in 2012!
Oh please oh please oh please…
Bush raised taxes in the early 90s, that caused the recession!
Um, no. It didn’t. If anything, the laissez-faire attitude of the Reagan Bush economic team caused the recession, but the tax effects of the Reagan cuts created a market for junk bonds which certainly pushed the economy over the brink.
Gary, RS, you guys really should do a little research.
Apr-1996 8.00%
You can see that the GDP was going up under Bush, then it sank under Clinton, rebounding due to the strength built up under Reaganomics, then slunking again, but the leadership of the Republican congress led to growth in 1995/1996
Errrrrrrrr, uhhhhhhh, Gary?
1996 would have been the first full year of Clinton’s tax increase!
The 100-0 Texas girls’ basketball blowout was even bigger than Obama’s massive blowout of McCain, which was pretty monumental.
The 100-0 Texas girls’ basketball blowout was even bigger than Obama’s massive blowout of McCain, which was pretty monumental.
Didn’t the winning team apologize to the losers for running the score up?
Sort of like how the rich ought to apologize to the middle class for raping the economy so severely?
Raise taxes on everyone, please. Sky high. Then run on that in 2012.
We will have President Palin because it will cause the economy to implode on Hopey McChange’s watch.
“1996 would have been the first full year of Clinton’s tax increase!”
Clinton raised taxes in 1993, leading to an economic slump that Republicans ended, leading to 5 years of prosperity that ended with the Clinton recession.
The winning coach wants to forfeit the game because “victory without honor is a great loss.”
A concept foreign to conservatives. *cough*BrooksBrothersRiot*cough*
Also, for all the whining you do about $50M planes, remember this.
A lot of blue collar workers are paid to build those planes. In fact, jobs worse than those jobs are Obama’s proposal to revamp the economy.
But if you want to put a lot of union mechanics out of work due to your hatred for the rich, go for it.
Sarah Palin was such a positive force on the McCain ticket that I can’t wait to see how she does on her own.
Why, without her, McCain might have lost!
Bookmark this, &c.
Clinton raised taxes in 1993, leading to an economic slump that Republicans ended, leading to 5 years of prosperity that ended with the Clinton recession.
Your own numbers:
Apr-1993 4.24%
Apr-1994 6.92%
Apr-1995 2.16%
Apr-1996 8.00%
By your feeble logic, then Clinton gets credit for growth of 4.24%, and 6.92%, but Republicans get credit for 2.16% and 8%.
So average growth? Clinton 5.58% Republicans 5.08%
Clinton wins by your OWN LOGIC!
Nevermind that your logic is utterly wrong, but hey, I’ll play on your ballfield!
Sarah Palin revived the McCain campaign and provided valuable grassroots support.
And they would have won if not for the biased media coverage that held Palin to a higher standard than Obama.
“Sarah Palin was such a positive force on the McCain ticket that I can’t wait to see how she does on her own.”
Palin is the only reason this election was as close as it was.
A lot of blue-collar workers make rubbers. But fuck them – we can’t spend “hundreds of millions of dollars on contraceptives.”
Gary Ruppert said,
January 27, 2009 at 21:29
Also, for all the whining you do about $50M planes, remember this.
Um, Gare?
Nobody mentioned the Citibank planes until you whined about them.
Palin is the only reason this election was as close as it was.
Worst loss in a first term election in 56 years and you *credit* her for that?
I know Sarah Palin revived the McCain campaign, Gar. That’s why Wet Start Johnny won and we’re enjoying the first weeks of a McCain presidency.
Troll paydirt!
Remember, everyone: George “The Constitution Is Just A Goddamned Piece Of Paper” Bush is now a liberal, just like Lincoln is now a conservative (LOL), the TARP is all Obama’s fault, so is the economy, when you’re adding up redstates’ federal funding all that military-based baksheesh (like maintaining elaborate weapon-systems designed to fight the USSR in West Germany) doesn’t count, there are now no military bases in places like North Dakota or Alaska because they’re too cold for those sensitive emo soldiers’ poor little bones to bear (& cold-weather training exercises are a liberal myth), all of those reporters that om nom nommed McCain’s BBQ ribs (or “my base” as Wet-Start lovingly called them) were all in the tank for Obama when they edited out McCain’s worst fuckups from nationally-broadcast interviews over & over again (or for that matter when they oohed & ahhed over Palins ability to complete a sentence or wink at the camera, & called it a draw when she made a raging asshat of herself in the VP debate) … & Obama’s going to get impeached in a few years by his own party, even though Bush ran the USG as if he was fucking Al Capone for nearly a decade, with absolutely no legal consequences for him or his closest cronies.
Oh, & apparently “a living wage” is now $100/hour. Whoa dude – might be time to cut down on the meth: you can only sell so much blood before you go into a coma, y’know.
“Worst loss in a first term election in 56 years and you *credit* her for that?”
What the hell are you talking about? Dukakis lost by a MUCH bigger margin than McCain.
Clinton raised taxes in 1993
In the fall, yes, which means the breaks didn’t phase in until 1994, which means 1995 was the first full year yaddayaddayadda…go on, Gary, I can debate this all night.
Americans are sick of Minorities being held to a lower standard. Let’s hold everybody to the same standard. Let’s not make excuses for thugs who can’t keep their pants up. Even if those people are the Obama base.
What the hell are you talking about? Dukakis lost by a MUCH bigger margin than McCain.
Bush was the sitting Vice President.Doesn’t count.
Americans are sick of Minorities being held to a lower standard.
True, Gary, which is why we expect better from the vocal morons like you.
“Bush was the sitting Vice President.Doesn’t count.”
Having a fawning media doesn’t count. There.
Obama’s margin was padded by millions of votes from ACORN registrants and illegal immigrants
This fence thing to contain the USA is going to be big. From Wiki
The Canada – United States border is the international border between Canada and the United States. Officially known as the International Boundary, it is the longest common border in the world and is unmilitarized. The terrestrial boundary (including small portions of maritime boundaries on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic coasts, as well as the Great Lakes) is 8,891 kilometres (5,525 mi) long, including 2,475 kilometres (1,538 mi) shared with Alaska. It is Canada’s only land border, and Canada is by far the largest country with this distinction.
Mexican US border:
The border’s total length is 3,169 km (1,969 miles), according to figures given by the International Boundary and Water Commission.
Not sure of the accuracy, because some of it is in the metric system. I think we should wall off Alaska first so the immigrants don’t take all of our good oil. They might also start getting some of the socialized oil money that the Alaskans get from their government (commie bastards). Arizona should probably be last, because, pretty much all that is there is sand.
See how fun it is to make your own rules?
Obama gets 52% of the vote and you guys gush like it was Johnson v. Goldwater. He did marginally better than Carter in ’76, and we all know how Carter ended! 😉
By your rules, anyway, that makes 1952 the ONLY other first term election in 56 years, LOL!
Look. Palin, if she runs, will finish like 3rd in Iowa, 4th in NH, and will drop out of the race soon after that. Give up the ghost.
well i think these comments make the point. we tried reckless and irresponsible tax cuts already. they didn’t work. (in fact, i think we should stop calling them tax cuts and start calling them “service cuts.” because that’s really what they are. ask the people in new orleans.)
there’s no point trying to compromise with people who are arguing that more cuts in taxes/services are what we need. it didn’t work for the last eight years, it will continue to not work for as long as the republicans continue to force it down our collective throats.
“Look. Palin, if she runs, will finish like 3rd in Iowa, 4th in NH, and will drop out of the race soon after that. Give up the ghost.”
You guys laughed at Ronald Reagan once, too!
Conservatives are silent on Sarah Palin’s refusal to turn over the hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of RNC-funded clothes. What happened to “charity”?
Not surprising, quite revealing, &c.
I can’t wait to see her run in 2012 with the stains of Clothesgate, Methgate, Triggate, Troopergate, and so on.
What’s with the winger trollblast today, anyway?
Having a fawning media doesn’t count. There.
Probably why Reagan won, true.
It’s typical of you lieberals to care about that Texas girls basketball controversy but not a word is offered up in condemnation of the Harlem Wizards who I saw dominating a bunch of white teachers at a charity game last night. Here’s an example of them engaged in race war at another school. Hypocrites.
Obama gets 52% of the vote
53% and he did four points better than Bush in 2000!
Obama’s margin was padded by millions of votes from ACORN registrants and illegal immigrants
Yes, Senor Miguel Raton certainly voted very often.
I’m talking about the primaries. The GOP movers and shakers know she’ll get killed in the general election, so they’ll do everything in their power to sink her campaign. Not that she won’t help this cause immensely.
Obama’s win was padded by millions of racist voters who only voted for Obama due to his race. And unless Obama gives them reparations for slavery, they’re not coming back for him so easily in 2012.
OK, Nation, who would we nominate then?
I never once laughed at Ronald Reagan. Not even in those movies he made with that monkey.
Who do you libs fear the most as a general election opponent for Hopey?
No Reparations!
Palin ’12!
Obama’s win was padded by millions of racist voters who only voted for Obama due to his race.
As opposed to the millions of crackers who voted AGAINST him because he’s black…
Obama will fix the Bush Recession, and administer the necessary political discipline.
Days of wine and roses are over. Wingnuts will get used to it, no problem.
I never once laughed at Ronald Reagan.
I did. When he got shot.
Who do you libs fear the most as a general election opponent for Hopey?
The fine young ladies of The Covenant School.
“I did. When he got shot.”
Who would you like it if I said that about Obama?
Someone who hasn’t already shown themselves on the national stage to be a complete ignoramus? Palin is demonstratively an anchor to your cause. If you think the inevitable Palin roadshow rehash- probably complete with Joe the Notplumber- will be anything more than a joke, you’re really not keeping eyes on the prize.
As for who you should nominate, the massive gap in decent GOP leadership is your problem, not mine.
Who would you like it if I said that about Obama?
Yes, if you say it 30 years after. I’m sure you said it about Kennedy.
There’s trolls cause they see what’s coming down the pike, and they don’t like it.
Obama will administer the necessary discipline and steer the ship of state to financial stability, after eight years of runaway corruption and the Bush Recession.
Ah, good times, good times.
As for who you should nominate, the massive gap in decent GOP leadership is your problem, not mine.
I’m sure there must be ONE decent Republican left. Like that, what’s his name, Maverickybuy from Arizona?
You know, the guy who always talked straight and all that? Never sold out his principles, no matter what? He might have won this year.
MaverickyGuy, I mean.
But if I had to name someone, I’d wait and see how the Huckleberry-Goes-Hollywood experiment works out. Maybe him.
The problem with Awesome Bobby Jindal is that you haven’t done even a half-assed job putting him in the spotlight. Every time he pops up in the news, it’s addressing some whackadoodle far-right group or saying that he’s thinking about commencing to consider running for higher office. Boring.
I read recently that 2 million* of the illegals are Asians, primarily Chinese. I think we should wall of all of our ports… no, wait!
*I’m not sure how accurate that figure is, but when I lived in the SF area most people did not think of Hispanics when illegal aliens were mentioned.
So, libs, do we just do nothing about our borders and give amnesty to more and more illegals every 20 years until we no longer recognize the United States as we know it?
Whackadoodle is all they got. Oh, and the moose hunter grandmom.
Well dressed, though.
Wonkette has an article about Republican welfare queens!
Stick it, Reddie, Gary!
Obama only carried Texas and Arizona because so many illegals live there.
So, libs, do we just do nothing about our borders and give amnesty to more and more illegals every 20 years until we no longer recognize the United States as we know it?
You mean like how we let the Irish and Italians and Germans and Swedes transform this once-bastion of British migrants into a declasse version of Europe?!?!?!?
How lower class of you!
So, libs, do we just do nothing about our borders and give amnesty to more and more illegals every 20 years until we no longer recognize the United States as we know it?
Next question?
Why not just open all the borders and have no immigration restrictions at all, Candy?
There are billions of people who want to live in the United States. Just let them all in?
Come to think about it, the moose hunting grandmom mom is whackadoodle herself.
Only Native Americans in America!
Oh, wait…
Yes, if we can move you out. I’d be down with that.
There should be a law against illegal immigration.
“Only Native Americans in America!
Oh, wait…”
Yeah, open borders worked out GREAT for them!
There are billions of people who want to live in the United States. Just let them all in?
Why, there’s PLENTY of room…in the Red States! 😀
We all know that Troofy Jr. is following in the footsteps of his father, much like Oedipus. And as such he is obviously sexually frustrated beyond belief. I propose rampant sexiness upon this blog to make him unable to concentrate.
“She landed against him like a force of nature—a small woman barely topping his shoulder. His first impression was of wild black hair curling riotously over her shoulders and back. The emerald green was a velvet riding habit; she was booted and carried a crop in one hand.
He caught her, steadied her—she would have fallen if he hadn’t closed his arms about her.
Even before she’d caught her breath, his hands had gentled, his rakish senses avidly relaying the fact that she was abundantly curvaceous, her flesh firm yet yielding, quintessentially feminine—for him, elementally challenging. His hands spread over her back, then his arms locked, but lightly, trapping her against him. Full breasts warmed his chest, soft hips his thighs.
A strangled “Oh!” escaped her.”
If open borders and multi-culturalism is so great, the Native Americans should be the happiest group in the USA.
I can hardly see why billions of people would want to live in a high-tax hellhole infested by thugs with their pants around their ankles.
Yeah, open borders worked out GREAT for them!
Why do you hate America so?
So you think we should give it all back to the First Nationers?
Fence off the Bering land bridge!
I can hardly see why billions of people would want to live in a high-tax hellhole infested by thugs with their pants around their ankles.
For the buttsecks!
“Palin is the only reason this election was as close as it was.”
I see the Ex-communication of John McMaverick from the Party is coming along nicely.
“So you think we should give it all back to the First Nationers?”
No, but I’d prefer not to end up in their situation.
Ah, fresh air. Invigorating!
Geithner’s first act at Treasury, announced this morning, was issuing new rules that take aim at limiting the influence of lobbyists seeking rescue funds from the department’s $700 billion financial rescue program. The rules, which are modeled on restrictions already in use that limit lobbying on tax matters, would restrict employees’ contact with lobbyists in connection with applications for bailout funds or disbursement of those funds. They also require certification to Congress that decisions for using the bailout money are based only on investment criteria and the facts of the case.
No, but I’d prefer not to end up in their situation.
As the only economic group to make a profit in the Bush Depression?
I’d be cool with that.
Reddy, I was being flip when I suggested moving you out, but in all seriousness what we need fewer of in this country is racist, greedy, bed-wetting bigots like you.
In my neighborhood, the immigrants are the best folks around. Polite, clean, and friendly. I’d way rather live with them all around me than a whole bunch of you.
You’re right, Gary. The darkies never vote Democratic.
If someone were to agree with Retard Status 75(IQ) about helping the wealthiest americans with their taxes, here’s an idea. Right now corporate dividends are taxed twice, once as corporate income and, when distributed, again as personal income. If dividends were treated as business expenses, probable tax liability could be withheld, just like earned income, accounted for on annual returns. This would have the added incentive of stockholders and pension funds pressuring boards to distribute more retained corporate earnings as dividends, instead of holding them to the benefit of preferred instruments.
“In my neighborhood, the immigrants are the best folks around. ”
Try living in in the Mexican sections of L.A. or the areas of Charlotte were MS-13 is active. You might change your tune!
Try living in in the Mexican sections of L.A. or the areas of Charlotte were MS-13 is active.
As opposed to the Klan-terrorized neighborhoods in any red state?
Home to the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum is one of the Army’s largest and most important installations.
With over 60,000 Soldiers, US Army Europe trains and lives in the densely populated nation of Germany. It snows a lot, too.
Fort Drum is one of the Army’s largest and most important installations.
According to Reddie, Drum must have tropical strength sunlamps strung up along the border with Canada.
How about you let Alaska have all that federally owned land back so they can exploit its resources? Then maybe they won’t have to do that.
“The U.S. Senate approved the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million at 2 cents per acre, about 5 cents per hectare. When adjusted for inflation, the total sum paid equates to approximately $111 million in today’s dollars.”
The Southern European Task Force is headquartered in Caserma Ederle, Vicenza Italy. Its 6,000 Soldiers are located on a compact footprint in a former Italian Army barracks.
Fort Lewis, Washington is home to brigade combat teams of the 2d Infantry Division, the 25th Infantry Division, and the 75th Ranger Regiment, as well as the headquarters of I Corps. Located in the suburbs of Tacoma, Washington, its troops represent the largest deployable element of Stryker Brigades, a highly mobile unit based around the light Stryker combat vehicle.
Try living in in the Mexican sections of L.A.
It’s very pleasant here. Great food, friendly people, hard working. Probably better, mostly because people like you aren’t here.
MwahHahHahHahHahHah!!!! I see dat dis poor excuse for der troll, dis fool, who refers to itself as “ReddSchtupider” is indeed livink upp to its name! Vhere I to diagnosse der vorthless kreature, no doubt I vould find its pathetic desires to be der center of attention iss all due to its insignificant penis size. Ho! Ho! Ho! Like its confederate, “Herr” Garry Ruprecht Pupkin – und I use der term in der loosest possible vay, naturally assuming, as I do, dat “Herr” Pupkin kan barely be klassified as a man – “Herr” Redd is little more than der krawling vorm, fit only to be stommped on by der hob-nailed boot! I haff given mein diagnosis! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Home to the 25th Infantry Division’s Airborne Brigade, Fort Richardson is located in suburban Anchorage.
Sorry to detract from the debate with RetardState but here’s what the President had to say after his meeting with House GOPers:
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. We had a very constructive meeting with the House members, members of the Republican Caucus. I’m a little bit late for my Senate colleagues — former Senate colleagues.
And the main message I have is that the statistics every day underscore the urgency of the economic situation. The American people expect action. They want us to put together a recovery package that puts people back to work, that creates investments that assure our long-term energy independence, an effective health care system, an education system that works; they want our infrastructure rebuilt, and they want it done wisely, so that we’re not wasting taxpayer money.
As I explained to the Republican House Caucus, and I’ll explain to my former Senate colleagues, the recovery package that we have proposed and is moving its way through Congress is just one leg in a multi-legged stool. We’re still going to have to have much better financial regulation, we’ve got to get credit flowing again, we’re going to have to deal with the troubled assets that many banks are still carrying and that make the — that have locked up the credit system. We’re going to have to coordinate with other countries, because we now have a global problem.
I am absolutely confident that we can deal with these issues, but the key right now is to make sure that we keep politics to a minimum. There are some legitimate philosophical differences with parts of my plan that the Republicans have, and I respect that. In some cases they may just not be as familiar with what’s in the package as I would like. I don’t expect a hundred percent agreement from my Republican colleagues, but I do hope that we can all put politics aside and do the American people’s business right now. All right.
Who sounds like the bigger man, with a more broad long-term outlook, Obama or Boner? He’s got this. It’s just a matter of shaming a few Repukes into joining in so that he can call it “bipartisan,” declare victory, and move on.
How many of them are located in downtown San Francisco and Chicago, dumbass?
I said the military likes two things more often than not–somewhere where there is lots of space (rural) and warm. Sometimes, military bases are located in cold areas, Or suburban areas. But mostly, its in rural places. The Great Plains. The South. Upstate NY. The deserts of California.
Home to 2 combat brigades as well as the headquarters of the 25th Infantry Division, 25,000 Soldiers call Schofield Barracks home. The installation is located on the Hawaiian island of O’ahu, which is part of the City and County of Honolulu, the second-most densely populated urban area in the United States after New York city.
Try living in in the Mexican sections of L.A.
Actually, I am fairly certain poor little RedFaced75 has never set foot in East L.A.
USAREUR HQ called to tell you that you’re a dumbass.
What he said.
10,000 Soldiers can see the skyscrapers of Manhattan while they do PT in the morning.
“Actually, I am fairly certain poor little RedFaced75 has never set foot in East L.A.”
I bet if you livei n L.A., you live in an all-white gated community.
A full combat brigade of the 2d Infantry Division lives and trains in and around the metropolitan area of Seoul, Korea, helping provide the ROK a deterrent against invasion by North Korea.
Your exact quote, Reddie, was Rural and warmer states have more military bases for obvious reasons.
NY is a “rural state”?
Great, moonbat, you’ve cherry picked examples of bases in urban areas. No go count the ones in rural areas.
“NY is a “rural state”?”
Once you get north of the NY metro area, where the forts are? Yup.
You can cherry pick all the damn live long day, but most forts are in rural areas, or were built when the area they were situated in was still rural.
Its pretty crowded here, which is why we go to Yakima training area sometimes. Also, most forces use remote training areas such as NTC in the California desert or JRTC in Louisiana for live-fire training. But to say that all military bases are located in remote or non-urban or Southern areas is just wrong-headed and stupid. And it would be irresponsible as well, since its pretty certain that our future conflicts won’t be fought solely in the countryside in nice weather.
I’m a CPT in the Army, dumbass.
I bet if you livei n L.A., you live in an all-white gated community.
East LA has gates?
Damn, I must have missed that last time I was on Whittier…
“Its pretty crowded here, which is why we go to Yakima training area sometimes. Also, most forces use remote training areas such as NTC in the California desert or JRTC in Louisiana for live-fire training.”
Gee, thanks for proving my point.
Try living in in the Mexican sections of L.A. or the areas of Charlotte were MS-13 is active.
Poor immigrant communities have always formed gangs. My fellow Irish-Americans did. The Sicilians did. There were Jewish mobs. There have been Black gangs and mobs. When I lived in Seattle it was the Russians and the Asians. They are all formed to protect and empower people who have no power or rights on their own.
When these communities and ethnic groups rise in prosperity, when they can get good jobs and an inexpensive college education, the gangs lose their hold. (The power of fundamentalist religion loses it’s hold as prosperity rises, as well.) If we did a better job of giving poor people a shot at the ol’ American dream it would go a long way toward eliminating the problem of gangs and guns.
But you don’t want that, Reddy. You want to keep your jack-booted foot on the throat of the disadvataged. Those colored people need to stay in their places for you to feel safe. I almost pity you. You miss out on so much in life fearing people.
Once you get north of the NY metro area, where the forts are? Yup.
Really? Cuz Ft Drum is right near Rochester and Buffalo.
And Syracuse. And Albany. And not that far from Binghamton.
Sure you don’t want to rethink this? There are parts of NY state that are very rural.
I ought to know. I own parts of them!
“Since the late 1990s, gentrification has started to occur in formerly working-class pockets of East Los Angeles”
I bet you live between the Whole Foods and some over-priced Sushi place, and either don’t have kids or send them to private schools.
Why don’t you try moving to Compton?
Hi, RedStater75, I don’t believe we’ve been acquainted. Care to step this way?
Damn it’s cold here! And the city transit doesn’t even come on base.
bet if you livei n L.A., you live in an all-white gated community.
and you’d be wrong.
FT Bragg (50,000 Soldiers)
FT Campbell (20,000)
FT Hood (30,000)
FT Polk (10,000)
FT Riley (20,000)
FT Irwin (10,000)
FT Lee (10,000)
FT Bliss (50,000)
FT Eustis (8,000)
FT Lewis (30,000)
FT Richardson (15,000)
FT Carson (40,000)
FT Stewart (30,000)
Hunter Army Airfield (10,000)
Hanau, GE (10,000)
Grafenwohr, GE (20,000)
FT Jackson (15,000)
FT Macpherson (10,000)
FT Meade (20,000)
Macdill AFB (Centcom HQ) (10,000)
Heidelberg (USAEUR HQ) (20,000)
Kaiserslautern, GE (25,000)
Stuttgart, GE (20,000)
Yonggsan, KS (20,000)
Schofield Barracks,HI (30,000, incl. FT Shafter & USARPAC)
No cherry-picking here.
I’m still confused as to whether or not Brooklyn – where Fort Hamilton is – is still in NYC or not.
Hell it’s cold here too! Especially since we don’t get to huddle with our pal Bergstrom anymore.
Reddy doesn’t have a clue what LA is like. He’s maybe been to Universal City and shuttled to LAX.
Yes cheap land is a part of placement of Military bases but lets not forget the effect that a long term senator has on placement as well.
You are also forgetting one of the largest bases in the US is surrounded by urban and suburban areas; Ft. Lewis/McCord is inside the Seattle-Tacoma metro area- not to mention two navy bases close by.
Quit while you’re behind, boy-o. The mockery only gets worse from here.
Wow. That’s…well, that’s just delusional.
You are also forgetting one of the largest bases in the US is surrounded by urban and suburban areas; Ft. Lewis/McCord is inside the Seattle-Tacoma metro area- not to mention two navy bases close by.
And goodness knows, those four naval bases right near DC must be wayyyyyyyyy back up in the hills!
Do I need to explicitly point out for RetardSpate who surely doesn’t know how to use the intertoobz machine to look it up that we are all located in and around San Antonio TX? As is our Buddy Ft. Sam? Also, though city transit no longer comes onto the Ft. Sam base proper, there are shuttle busses on base that connect with city lines at the all entrances.
Thank you.
One cannot display any friendly relationship with reality and be a Republican. It is verboten. In fact, the more insane and reality-defying you are, the better.
And if this past camapign season (and hell, the entire past eight years) has shown us anything, it’s that the crazy isn’t pandemic just in the base. The party elite are long since infected. Fortunately for the Republic, it’s only a matter of time before the host party is burned up by parasitic delusions and a new GOP or its replacement rises in its place.
Now, now, mein dears, do nott confuse der fool vith such silly little thinks ass der facts or reason or logical consistency based in der real vorld. Der imbecile only vishes to wallow in its own filth, und for uss to view it vhile it doess so…Like its intellektual equal, der baboon. I suggest it be hung by its heels und beaten vith sticks.
Fortunately for the Republic, it’s only a matter of time before the host party is burned up by parasitic delusions and a new GOP or its replacement rises in its place.
Unfortunately for the Republic, infotainment news likes the crazy, so the Michelle Bachmans and Jonah Goldbergs of the world will have soapboxes long after sane folk have abandoned them.
You guys laughed at Ronald Reagan once, too!
No, we laughed at him a lot more than once.
The days of the Rush Limbaugh Republicans are finished, over, kaput.
It’s only a matter of time before the message reaches the brain. It’ll get there, by and by.
Well now I have to admit, no president was as good a nun killer as ol’ Puddinhead Reagan.
Can’t forget Camp Bullis, also conveniently located way the fuck out in the middle of nowhere on the north side of San Antonio
I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, even though it results in less economic activity for all 300+ million of us. There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?
Fort Dix. Fort Monmouth. Picatinny Arsenal. Fort Hamilton.
It’s only a matter of time before the message reaches the brain. It’ll get there, by and by.
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Tons of illegal immigrants in Compton.
Christ, RS can’t even remember his own initial point, that red states get more in federal funds than they pay in taxes because that’s where the military bases are(you know, like California). The fact that some parts of blue states are rural doesn’t really help prove that.
… then again, sometimes it’s good exercise for the kids to thoroughly kick well-fed troll ass. Makes me laugh too.
I smelled blood in the water, MzN. I couldn’t resist.
There’s also a large army base up in the North Country of New York State, near Watertown in the Adirondacks. I can’t be arsed to remember the name of it, though.
Gotta go, it was fun kicking your asses libs. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in the future!
Fort Drum.
“I’m still waiting for the explanation of why obscene concentration of wealth should be considered the highest virtue, even though it results in less economic activity for all 300+ million of us. There has to be some reason other than blind ideology, right?”
As near as I can tell, it’s not even “ideology” per se, not exactly. Bootlicking and sucking up to the Rich puts the average GOPer on the “winning side”, even if they personally get nothing out of it. It’s the whole “treating politics as a spectator sport” syndrome. Pimplebrains like RedStupider and his ilk are perfectly content to have nothing more concrete thrown their way by their Masters, apart from getting their Egos stroked and having their sick fantasies of never-ending persecution catered to. That way, they get to simultaneously whine and gloat, the two most salient characteristics of the Limbaugh Right.
So, yeah, I guess it is ideology, just ideology that makes no real sense. The rock-stupid American far right get to cut their own throats at the ballot box and scream how everyone but themselves is to blame when they lose their jobs, their homes, their futures…A nice little irony coming from the “personal responsibility ” crowd, no?
Land isn’t the only thing. You only need big ranges for certain kinds of training, like airborne or armored vehicles or artillery.
That’s not something most units need.
And like I said, wars happen in all climates, so the Army trains for snow, fog, sun, rain, forest, jungle, desert, what-have-you.
He’s an idiot. His military experience probably consists of some bitchin’ rounds of “Axis and Allies” or “Command and Conquer.”
Smells like damage control.
The “USS Free Enterprise” has fires on all decks & their Talking Point deflector-shields are shot to hell – Barack “Khan” Obama is pwning them already, & he hasn’t even been in the Oval Office for a whole month yet. The GOP thinks it’s still 1997 & they can be The Roadblock Party with impunity – & that delusion is going to buy them a political headshot.
Obama offered to play nice & got blown off … now he doesn’t have to play nice AT ALL any more if he feels like breaking out the brass-knuckles … & I’m pretty sure he counted on being given just that opening. He’s well-positioned right now to rip the GOP in half, & if he does there won’t be much sorrow across the fruited plains for the demise of America’s political Yakuza. Dude’s not fucking around – unlike the vacation-whore he replaced.
Teh Wingnutz can smell their bacon sizzling, & they aren’t loving it. But now their beloved FUD blitz just does a 180 & winds up all over their pointy heads … & unfortunately, they’ve long since forgotten how to think, so it’s all they know how to do any more.
Mammoths probably enjoyed those nice toasty tar-pits on cold Ice Age mornings … until they tried to get out of them.
Mostly I was just listing off the bases in my Greater Metro Area. Calling Picatinny urban is kind of a stretch, but at worst it’s suburban.
Also, I’m pretty sure there’s something U.S. Armed Forces-related in Syracuse. I know the NYS Air National Guard has a base, but I think there’s some training barracks over that way too.
Hell, I can walk outside and see a military-related installation from my house. Since I give a fuck all about the military, I have no idea what it is.
“Gotta go, it was fun kicking your asses libs. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in the future!”
And I rest my case. There’s nothing quite like some preening moron who lies through his teeth repeatedly, is inconsistent, relentlessly uses straw men “arguments” and is incapable of acting in good faith even if he wanted to…Who then struts offstage, parading like a peacock as he does so, declaring himself the Winner after roundly getting his ass intellectually kicked by everyone. It’s pathetic.
Sounds familiar:
Is he really gone? Persistent little bugger, isn’t he.
Do you suppose this is payback for all the mockery of teh
Wet Stale Trike Farce?
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route tohostFized.
haha redstate knows dick about the military.
Who then struts offstage, parading like a peacock as he does so…
And comes back in a few minutes to foam “and another thing!”
This is precious trollery:
Your Dear Leader is going to transform a nation of workers and taxpayers into a nation of welfare parasites
While Red ‘bater’s Dear Leader transformed a nation of workers and taxpayers into a nation of jobless, homeless vagabonds.
Wonderful to see how Obama is setting up the wingnuts.
They oppose condoms! Lol! Lol! Lol!
Way to fight for the Bush Failure.
Gotta go, it was fun kicking your asses libs.
Funny, does anyone else in here besides RS feel like their asses got kicked?
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
I guess not.
Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson.
(Sorry for being late to the base-naming party.)
There’s also a large army base up in the North Country of New York State, near Watertown in the Adirondacks. I can’t be arsed to remember the name of it, though.
Fort Drum. My baby brother was stationed there in the late ’90s.
Simba, is that the old Hancock Air Base up there?
Wingnuts will soon discover the real costs of obstruction on behalf of the Great Bush Failure.
Just watch.
Americans are sick of Minorities being held to a lower standard. Let’s hold everybody to the same standard. Let’s not make excuses for thugs who can’t keep their pants up. Even if those people are the Obama base.
Americans are sick of Honkies being held to a lower standard when they “compete” w/ other ethnic groups. How is it everything these clowns state is 180° wrong?
I’ve never made an excuse for “thugs who can’t keep their pants up.” Nor has anyone else, anywhere. I too agree, that not keeping one’s pants up is the single greatest problem facing America. Or does he mean that the 52% (us) are all saggin’ & baggin’? Cause I got a nice issue-style web belt, & my pants stay where they belong!
OMG, don’t you realize that WAS teh Stroke Fart?
I bet he and his comrades are sitting around the old campfire, passing the Cheetos and Silver Slipper, as he regales them with his adventures. He Engaged the Enemy behind Enemy Lines and Slew Many of Them with his Irrefutable Facts and Rapier Wit.
Count on it, he’ll be back, and he’ll be followed by teh Trike Farce in all its might.
But I think next time it might be best to ignore him. It does get a bit boring and repetitious. If you ran into this jerk at a party, you’d walk away after the first two sentences out of his mouth.
Man, I love this new troll:
Universal healthcare will also lead to increasing government control over what we do with our bodies–soon we will have the food police telling us we can’t eat fatty foods, smoke, or drink anymore the keep down costs.
So much for “choice”, libs
The Dems are gonna impose a 20% Vaseline tax, and this sad clown is really gonna howl!
Facts, logic, and history are sooooooo elitist.
I am forbidden to choose to smoke marijuana because of all the damn liberal hippie senators.
So much for “choice.”
I too agree, that not keeping one’s pants up is the single greatest problem facing America.
Ask Mark Foley or Larry Craig!
To be fair, I had two friends at Fort Leonard Wood (in the 80’s) and they said it a) sucked and b) was in the middle of nowhere. So, Redstater75 1, Sadly No, um, what’s it up to, about 30?
What’s with the winger trollblast today, anyway?
Just a guess, but do you think any of these fucks might have been laid off yesterday (“Black” or “Blue” Monday) by the surging Bush economic engine whose fundamentals are sound, leaving them w/ nothing but their bitter hate & far too much free time? Or maybe this is the Red State Stroke Farce w/ their first secret mission.
But I think next time it might be best to ignore him. It does get a bit boring and repetitious.
I don’t have a problem with it if it’s in the thread for a post this lame. Where there’s actually an interesting topic, I agree we should ignore it.
Just a guess, but do you think any of these fucks might have been laid off yesterday…
Or fairly recently, anyway, when the Obama admin took over?
Okay I got here late, so I’ve been stacking them up.
2) Give amnesty to illegals, who will vote Democrat in return, and
Too bad illegal immigrants can’t vote, dumbskull.
*All white with bad haircuts, orangey spray tans, and no fashion sense.
Real Housewives of Orange County?
Thanks to that, and Newt balancing the budget.
BWAH hahahahaha!
The GOP had to face a hostile media. The MSM (and ACORN) dragged Obama barely over the finish line.
Oh, stop it! You’re killin’ me!
What would Obama have done without ACORN’s 35 MILLION fraudulent votes?
Why, no. I look forward to suffering and dying from drug-resistant TB, or possibly SARS, spread by illegal aliens who have no access to health care.
And Leprosy. Don’t forget the Leprosy. Lou Dobbs told me so.
You know what the difference between Blago and Obama is? Two years.
I don’t know what that means.
“I really can’t wait for the HopeAndChange Impeachment!”
It goes fasterest if you hold your breath waiting for it to happen!
If you can’t hold your breath that long, try a plastic produce bag over your head. With an elastic band.
No, you quite openly support the Sodomy Agenda.
Whoa, there’s an agenda? What fucking kind of party is that?
What time does naked Sodomy Twister start?
Remember Whitewater? Waco? Travelgate? Filegate? The Buddhist Temple fundraisers?
Yup, sure do. Fucking ANCIENT HISTORY.
believe it or not the MSM had a sickening pro-Obama bias and that enabled him to eek out a win.
EKE OUT A WIN!!! HO HO hee hee hee! By 6 points!! MAN, that was a squeeker, wasn’t it?
You know what the difference between Blago and Obama is? Two years.
I don’t know what that means.
It means something truly horrible is going to happen to Obama’s hair.
I don’t know what that means.
Hair helmets like Blago’s take time to achieve.
Dammit, Xecky!
Hell, I can walk outside and see a military-related installation from my house. Since I give a fuck all about the military, I have no idea what it is.
Wow, Simba, you’re another Sarah Palin, except you didn’t absorb the military whatnot like she absorbed all of foreign policy by living closer to Russia than McCain.
Regarding the sodomy agenda… does this n00b even know the definition of sodomy?
What guy in his right mind would be against the sodomy agenda? Hell, I have a sodomy agenda every time I go out.
Hell, I have a sodomy agenda every time I go out.
I often order a milk shake from the sodomy jerk.
Only assholes are against the sodomy agenda.
Our Airport is called Hancock, and I’m pretty sure the local division/detachment/etc. of the NYS Air National Guard (these guys) are over in the E. Syracuse-Mattydale general area at what used to be Hancock field.
I don’t really know any of this, I’ve only lived here for a year and a half and what I know I’ve absorbed through my partner…who was incidentally in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) during his teens and early 20s. He wants to go back but hasn’t been able to for a few years for various reasons.
Eep, that link is (slightly) wrong.
Try this.
Was the 174th Fighter Wing the one that didn’t defend NYC in 2001?
Or was that a different set of uniformed cowards?
Hancock’s the only one I’m aware of, because I always mix it up with Hanscom AFB in Concord, MA.
No. Otis ANG in Falmouth, MA would have covered NYC.
Righteous Bubba at 0:12 wins for all time.
Was the 174th Fighter Wing the one that didn’t defend NYC in 2001?
Judging by this link, it looks like they might’ve had some technical difficulties on 9/11. Not real sure, though.
Oh, I was just being a hateful lib, putting down our noble “warriors” (real ones, not Big Ho style “mind-warriors”) ’cause I know it’ll piss off the fascists, & after all, today’s political discourse (per the right) is “irritate the other side.”
I do remember the fighter-jocks who were who were scrambled in the D. C. area had little idea of what was going on, and were wondering if the threat was from Russians, so they were looking more to the Atlantic than Pennsylvania.
Not their fault though, Bush’s Command & Control structure is to blame for that.
It’s still amazing to me that not one journalist or major blogger on either side or any in between (except for Politico) has ever analyzed the obviously true meaning of the phrase
“loyal but principled opposition.”
@ Righteous Bubba at 0:12
Thread closed.
Also, for all the whining you do about $50M planes, remember this.
A lot of blue collar workers are paid to build those planes.
F-n Gary, cheese-eating outsourcer doesn’t realize the plane was built in France.
Word press seems to be eating my AHREF tags!
F-n Gary, cheese-eating outsourcer doesn’t realize the plane was built in France.
Hey, they have blue collar workers, too, they’re just called “ouvriers”.
Dear MzNicky,
I tried so hard not to feed the troll, and was pretty good. Then I had to go out for a while, and right at the end when I saw the inane comments about East LA and Compton and gated communities I was all set to break that rule…. and it ended.
I love reading this blog.
Would YOU send your kids to a L.A. Public School?
The Sodomy Agenda….didn’t Robert Ludlum write that?
Spalpeen Hammer, I love your moniker! Hopefully the Obama plan will help all the spalpeens and their gossoons, too.
Red stater:
“No, moonbat, its because warmer climates mean they can conduct year-round training and because military bases take up a lot of space. That’s why you don’t see army bases in NYC, genius.”
Must be why West Point is north of NYC. You republicans are ardently stupid.
Abe Lincoln, conservative corporate lawyer: “corporations have been enthroned . . . . An era of corruption in high places will follow and the money power will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people . . . until wealth is aggregated in a few hands . . . and the republic is destroyed.”
Rev Wright asked me if I’d put my kids in public school in LA
And I answer YES! even though the LA school district is a shitty mess.
But I’d also be a classroom volunteer and I’d be kicking asses the whole time, which is the way I conducted myself when my kids were in the public schools in Riverside; my whtie kids went to schools where they were in the minority, and not just by a little bit. RUSD, can’t remember how they did it but our school wasn’t a magnet school, packed our elementary school with up to 70% minorities, but it turned out that the minority kids were rarely a problem.
Nothing gets fixed until the parents get involved, at least that was my experience, and there were some serious problems. I discovered a core group of parents who volunteered in the classes and in PTA. I was PTA president for two years for the elementary school, and I learned a lot from the other parents. We did battle with the school district several times, and I heard one of the most stirring speeches of my life given by another president welcoming any immigrant children in their school (Mexican, El Salvador, Romania, Vietnam, Nicaragua, we had all of those and more, some of them political refugees, some illegal), when another group of parents announced that they didn’t want so many.
By the time my son was graduating from HS, his mostly minority school had the best GPA in the county (some really rich neighborhoods in that county) and least racial tension, and the most dignified graduation ceremonies in town (6 high schools). The “most desirable”, mostly white HS had a racial problems and some really bad drug problems that year, a teacher/student pregnancyscandal, a rowdy, out-ofl control graduation, and to cap it off their Valedictorian gave his speech, pulled out a gun and committed suicide. And to think I was asked by my horror-stricken friends if I was really going to send my kids to that other high school.
P.S. I’m a short, unimposing white woman of 58. I drive through Compton every now and then on my way to take my husband to lunch. I know it has rough areas. It had rough areas when my dad was a teenager, and he’s 90.
Kudos, opie_jeanne – my ma was the same kind of involved parent, and it helped my schooling tons. Well done.
their Valedictorian gave his speech, pulled out a gun and committed suicide.
Holy shit – right there on stage? That’s world-class dramatic.
Yes, right there on stage. It was tragic, and not just for his family but for every kid at that school. We knew several of the students and a couple of the teachers. It sent shock-waves throughout the town.
Good for you, opie-j. This is the way of the world; friends I know who had kids kind of vanished as the school years started; they were spending loads of time in the PTA trying to make the California public schools functional, even after Jarvis’s merry band decided to starve them. Of course the voters could have put some property tax on businesses–such as the Chevron refinery right here in beautiful downtown Richmond–but that might have been bad for the economy, and cut into the executives’ ability to buy ermine mudflaps for their Escalades.
Since my own aged father has been soaking in Fox News, he too is worried about the inhuman brown hoards gathered at our borders. He is also an ardent Catholic who keeps pestering me about going to church. I tell him, Dad, these people are your co-religionists. And if you’re really so worried about the decline of family values watch how these Mexicans and Central American families hang together. Doesn’t work, of course.
Richmond? I know where that is. We lived in Castro Valley for 8 years.
Curse Jarvis; when he was diagnosed with AIDS (not that I’d wish that on anyone) it suddenly wasn’t a “gay disease” any more.
Prop 13 really needs to be revisited. Yes, it rescued homeowners who were being priced out of their homes by rising property taxes, especially the elderly, but it was all those little extra clauses regarding what qualifies as a classroom space that have crippled school districts across the state. Classroom space is defined under Prop 13 to include areas such as covered outdoor eating areas, covered hallways, the janitor’s closet, the school office, not to mention cafeterias and school libraries. If your school is one of the older ones with some of these features it is penalized for them when the money is being allotted.
Kopechne! Wright! Blago! Jefferson! WAAAAH pay attention to MEEEEEEE
Troofus- Nobody cared about LoweryGate. Sorry.
how high do you want your taxes to go?
How high? Real high Cause I’m just so fly
A young loveable, huggable type of guy
Ahh, nice to see The Queef pop by with some bullshit at the end of a thread.
Here’s a hint, cool guy: When the people getting all riled up about Lowery’s eeeeevil tongue are the citizens of ClownHall, the Krazy Korner Klowns, Glenn Reynolds, Gateway Doofus, and your butt buddy Bob “Cornfed Wank me” Owens, there’s a good chance that you aren’t getting a skidmark’s worth of traction with this. I mean, there’s you a veritable Who’s Who of Who Gives A Fuck. You really expect to not get your ass kicked in 2012 with this weak shit?
The left’s electoral triumph may not be permanent, yes, but you being a penis-envy douchenozzle certainly is. Fuck off, loser.
That’s what I thought.
“He also suspended habeus corpus and didn’t surrender to the enemy and did what was necessary to win a war.”
Surrender to the enemy? It was a civil war! You ought to know Mr. Secede from the Union RedStater.
(Yes I know that was an old quote, but I wanted to say it anyway).