I’d hoped that when Ms. Internment USA went on vacation, she’d turn her blog over to people who’d be slightly less crazy and maybe even somewhat readable. (OK, so those were pretty high expectations- I woulda settled for functionally literate.) Alas, ’twas not to be:
Joe Scarborough is on fire tonight. He is angry at Chuck Hagel for his Vietnam and related remarks and accused him of selling out the troops to gain favor from those in the MSM.
I wonder if these people realize how much they sound like twelfth-rate comic book writers.
Hey, maybe if I sold out the troops more often, I’d gain favor with the Dread MSM and they’d book me on far-left programs like Hard Ball and Hannity & Colmes.
UPDATE: The ever-shrewd Norb writes:
It sounds better if you read the prose like Marv Albert is announcing it:
“Joe Scarborough. IS. ON. FIRE. TONIGHT. He is ANGRY at Chuck Hagel for his VIETnam andrelatedremarks… and ACCUSED him of sellingoutthetroops! To gain favor from those in the MSM! Delivers the facial! YES!”
And our very own Yosef adds:
“And let me bite your ASS onemoretime!”
Heh. (Hey, I’m getting the hang of this “blog like a conservative” thingee!)
It sounds better if you read the prose like Marv Albert is announcing it:
“Joe Scarborough. IS. ON. FIRE. TONIGHT. He is ANGRY at Chuck Hagel for his VIETnam andrelatedremarks… and ACCUSED him of sellingoutthetroops! To gain favor from those in the MSM! Delivers the facial! YES!”
“And let me bite your ASS onemoretime!”
Also check out the “excellent points” from Kerry Westerwick just above that.
Shorter Kerry Westerwick: Comparisons between Iraq and Vietnam are harmful and inaccurate… P.S. – Iraq and Vietnam are easily comparable.