Hi Marie… Nice To See You Too…

Though Marie can be tiresome at times, in the end she’s worth keeping around for comments like this one:




For some reason, this rambling non sequitur reminds me of the introduction to the classic NES game “Bad Dudes”:




Comments: 51






I don’t think she jerk’s-off in Moria.

That’s reserved for nethack freaks.


That was for real? And I was so sure it was parody. It just didn’t seem prayerful or “godly” enough to be the mistress of peoplepolitical.org. Of course, I suppose I should have lowered my expectations after reading about her pussy on her godly parody of this site. Sadly, I did not.


Remember, she sells the PeoplePolitical thong too… plus, we’ve thoroughly corrupted her…


Marie! Marie’s back!! Now I’m getting all misty-eyed, dammit. “There’s no crying in Sadly, No!”

So nice to see she hasn’t lost her grasp of the English language.


Heh, I was reminded of AYB.



Someone set us up the bomb, indeed.


WHAT YOU SAY????????


What’s up Nancy Boys? Try getting a real girlfriend for a change. Or is the truth that you couldn’t (or don’t want to) handle a real woman like Marie?


What’s up Nancy Boys? Try getting a real girlfriend for a change. Or is the truth that you couldn’t (or don’t want to) handle a real woman like Marie?

Hey GregH! 😉






Okay, this is getting stupid. Everyone leave for a few minutes but before you go turn off your pilot lights. I’m going to have this bog sprayed for trolls.


I’d check the IP, but if it is real then we should be happy that MJ has time for both Haiuku lessons and the Learning Annex phonetic spelling classes taught by Walter K?enig.


What is this, 4chan?

Major Shortssniffer

Field Marshall, these punk-ass bitchez wouldn’t know what to do with a real woman from the right!



I just checked the IP- it was indeed the real Marie.


Ain’t that the truth brother! Fine looking moral woman like Marie and all these freaks can think to do is give her grief. If I ever meet won of these fools in person I’ll show him how a real man behaves!


Brad R, you ain’t fit to check the IP adrres of a woman like Marie *spitz*


Syllables rain down,
blows in a battle of wits
but one is unarmed.

Major Shortssniffer

Where’s CT at, Field Marshall? He’d let thes punks know what where they can tak theyre IPchecking!



*gnashes teeth in troop-hating liberal fury*

It’s just so funny to me that people fall for the meme that we who DON’T want to get them killed must hate the troops.


Where’s CT at, Field Marshall?

Why, in New England, of course.

Dudes, I have *such* a girl-crush on Marie Jon’.


Brad R. couldn’t check an IP address to save his life, except maybe I.P. Freely’s or Amanda Huginkinss’

EAT IT!!!!!!11!!!


“guess who’s back/back again/guess who’s back/guess who’s back/guess who’s back”

I wonder if you were to ever see MJ’s exposed neck if you would
a) turn to stone?
b)be blinded due to the preternatural whiteness?
c)be dead because that would be heaven?




Don’t you mean Corndogs? They’re the Sadly, No food of choice.


Yeah, why always with the hicky-hider? I bet even her bathing suit goes up to her chin. And is it just me, or does bear an unnatural resemblance to Mary Tyler Moore? Have they ever been seen together? Maybe plastic surgury just can’t iron out the old lady neck wrinkles, did anyone ever think of that?


Pinko- Punko Maybe Ukko can make us another poll? Alas, I think that he’s trapped down in the long thread. I’m starting to worry about him. It’s not natural to be down there all alone for so long.


Surgery, too, even.


Re: the turtle neck…My theory is that Marie has a little problem with excessive body hair. We already have photodocumentation of her with quite the mustachio. Perhaps this problem is so severe that she needs to cover her neck too. This may also explain her reluctance to give us a picture of her in a PeePo thong. Just a thought.


as i said on an earlier thread



Maybe that blue stuff is her naked self. Maybe she just combs it in the form of a sweater!

I bet CSI would have her nailed if she ever committed a crime. There’d be blue fibers everywhere.



You asked for it and you got it. Here’s the poll on what would happen if you were to see MJ’s neck.

(I wanted to include her lovely visage, but Sadly, No! the poll service only allows paid members do that now).


In the arcade version, it’s “PRESIDENT RONNIE”. Even better, no?


My god, that Marie is a gee-nyus! Oh, how I dream of showing her what true love is!…

Sweep me away, O Goddess of Goodly Written English!


War: War In Iraq ? Where is it Heading?
Since March 19th the attention of the world has been riveted on the skies over Iraq and the ground below, where Coalition missiles and fighters are striking numerous targets in the stated hope of ending an oppressive and dangerous regime. Patriotic feelings run high on both sides of the conflict, and the rhetoric of recrimination crackles on the airwaves.

War cannot be treated simplistically, if one is to be true to Scripture. God holds the authority to ?remove kings and set up kings? (Daniel 2:20), and He has, at times, used warfare as the means of effecting regime changes or radical alterations of national power and territorial control. See Isaiah 44:28; 45:1. But that does not automatically justify the policies and conduct of the nations God has used as instruments of correction. See Jeremiah 25:7-33; Habakkuk 1:5-11 which show how He used Babylon to humble many nations through military conquest and then warned Babylon that He would punish it for its national pride and overstepping of their divinely ordained role. Beyond the ever-shifting terrain of political disputes, ?The Lord has a controversy with the nations; He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, say the Lord? (Jeremiah 32:31). Meanwhile, the mere winning of a war does not necessarily signify God’s unqualified approval of the victorious nation any more than the losing of a war signifies His unmitigated displeasure with conquered peoples.

Aside from all political partisanship, what is the meaning of this strife that presently clutches the world in its grip ? not just in Iraq, but in the dozens of nations presently ablaze with internal conflicts and border disputes? Jesus foretold that, among other signs, ?wars and rumors of wars,? and ?distress of nations, with perplexity,? betoken the world’s approaching end (see Matthew 24:6; Luke 21:25). War and war-mongering are repugnant to God. Death and destruction bring no joy to Him, for God is Love, and all that He does and stands for is consistent with His nature of love (1 John 4:8). He ?scatters the people that delight in war? and declares that ?by strength shall no man prevail? Psalm 68:30; 1 Samuel 2:9.

God is entirely apolitical. His government operates on a plane of impartial justice. This truth is embodied in the fundamental precepts of political science voiced by Solomon: ?Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people;? ?the throne is established by righteousness,? and ?upheld by mercy,? not by nationalism, militancy or commercial enterprise (Proverbs 14:34; 16:12; 20:28). Governments worthy of their existence will specialize, as Christ did, in caring for the poor and needy, the widows and orphans, the downtrodden and destitute. See Psalm 72:1-14; Daniel 4:27; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:16-22; James 1:27.

But these concepts are not welcome to those who are exalted in their own eyes and driven by greed and lust for power. God declares: ?I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.? Psalm 120:6. So it proved for Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He was crucified at the instigation of those who regarded themselves as paragons of piety and virtue ? defenders of the faith, standard-bearers of orthodoxy, eliminators of subversive heretics and deceivers. Jesus promised that His true-hearted followers would ultimately receive no better treatment from those who think they are doing God a service. See John 15:13-25; 16:1-4. Bible prophecy reveals that, under the miracle-working instigation of Satan, the final world conflict will have a strong religious component. See Revelation 12:17; 13:11-17; 16:12-14; 17:12-14.

In the end, Satan’s animosity toward God and all who are loyal to Him comes to a searing climax. Those who love God and truth are people of peace who will not act in self-defense against their enemies, much as Christ stood before His foes as a Lamb who made no resistance (see Isaiah 53:7; 1 Peter 2:17-25). When Peter rashly sought to defend Christ and the gospel with his sword, Jesus healed the damage that disciple inflicted, and admonished in words that echo to the close of time and beyond, through the rimless reaches of eternity: ?Put away your sword, for all who take the sword will perish with the sword.? Matthew 26:52. ?If any man has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword, must be killed with the sword.? Revelation 13:9,10. Because of Peter’s hasty rage, Malchus almost lost his ear. Because of mankind’s mounting collective rage, multitudes have lost their spiritual hearing on the subject of true peace. Voices of strife drown out the voice of peace ? but not forever. See Psalm 2:1-12; 74:18-23.

Foreseeing the irreconcilable conflict between good and evil, Scripture depicts a time of trouble such as never was, a time of unprecedented anguish for the world, arising from humanity’s collective spiritual confusion and corruption. See Daniel 12:1 and Matthew 24:7-9. Jesus spoke of this time too. But He does not wish for His children to despair. Christ said that when calamities of every sort converge upon this planet, then it is time for the faithful and consecrated to, ?Look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near.? Luke 21:28. His coming will be ushered in not by some stupendous clash of arms between warring factions, but by the clear proclamation of the gospel that will lead all who cherish truth and peace to take refuge in the loving arms of Jesus. See Matthew 24:14.

It is crystal clear from God’s word that while police and military action are sometimes necessary for protection from madmen, tyrants and terrorists (see Romans 13:1-4), God’s Kingdom is not advanced by the use of physical weapons. Jesus declared, ?My Kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight? (John 18:36, se also Luke 9:49-56).

The ultimate war is not between political powers, ethnic groups, social classes or even conflicting ideologies. Earth’s final battle is against truth and error, hatred and love, loyalty to God versus self-interest which often appears in a variety of disguises that assume the benignant face of altruism, honor, and godliness.

Military conflicts distract people from a far more serious warfare whose outcome determines each participant’s ultimate destiny. That warfare is against the internal corruption of our own hearts, a warfare from which none can escape. Paul speaks of this warfare in the following terms: ?For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.? ?The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down imaginings [logismos, in Greek, meaning reasonings, thoughts, imaginary notions] and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into the captivity of obedience to Christ.? Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:3-5. See also Romans 7:18-25; Gal. 5:24. Self-conquest is the greatest victory we can achieve and that is possible only through the blood and grace of Jesus applied to the inmost depths of our being. ?For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.? 1 John 5:4. See Revelation 12:10-17; 14:12.

When Jesus comes, He will make ?wars to cease unto the end of the earth? (Psalm 46:10). For a vivid, accurate depiction of the final war followed by everlasting peace, read Revelation chapters 13-22. This portion of Scripture is infinitely more compelling than any science fiction or fantasy novel ever devised, and it has the incomparable advantage of being entirely true.

When the final conflict is over and all who are in the Lamb’s book of life securely dwell together as brothers and sisters from every nation, kindred, tongue and people, ?God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away? Revelation 21:4.

John the Revelator further describes what God opened to his prophetic gaze, ?And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads? Revelation 22:1-4.


War: War In Iraq ? Where is it Heading?
Since March 19th the attention of the world has been riveted on the skies over Iraq and the ground below, where Coalition missiles and fighters are striking numerous targets in the stated hope of ending an oppressive and dangerous regime. Patriotic feelings run high on both sides of the conflict, and the rhetoric of recrimination crackles on the airwaves.

War cannot be treated simplistically, if one is to be true to Scripture. God holds the authority to ?remove kings and set up kings? (Daniel 2:20), and He has, at times, used warfare as the means of effecting regime changes or radical alterations of national power and territorial control. See Isaiah 44:28; 45:1. But that does not automatically justify the policies and conduct of the nations God has used as instruments of correction. See Jeremiah 25:7-33; Habakkuk 1:5-11 which show how He used Babylon to humble many nations through military conquest and then warned Babylon that He would punish it for its national pride and overstepping of their divinely ordained role. Beyond the ever-shifting terrain of political disputes, ?The Lord has a controversy with the nations; He will plead with all flesh; He will give them that are wicked to the sword, say the Lord? (Jeremiah 32:31). Meanwhile, the mere winning of a war does not necessarily signify God’s unqualified approval of the victorious nation any more than the losing of a war signifies His unmitigated displeasure with conquered peoples.

Aside from all political partisanship, what is the meaning of this strife that presently clutches the world in its grip ? not just in Iraq, but in the dozens of nations presently ablaze with internal conflicts and border disputes? Jesus foretold that, among other signs, ?wars and rumors of wars,? and ?distress of nations, with perplexity,? betoken the world’s approaching end (see Matthew 24:6; Luke 21:25). War and war-mongering are repugnant to God. Death and destruction bring no joy to Him, for God is Love, and all that He does and stands for is consistent with His nature of love (1 John 4:8). He ?scatters the people that delight in war? and declares that ?by strength shall no man prevail? Psalm 68:30; 1 Samuel 2:9.

God is entirely apolitical. His government operates on a plane of impartial justice. This truth is embodied in the fundamental precepts of political science voiced by Solomon: ?Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people;? ?the throne is established by righteousness,? and ?upheld by mercy,? not by nationalism, militancy or commercial enterprise (Proverbs 14:34; 16:12; 20:28). Governments worthy of their existence will specialize, as Christ did, in caring for the poor and needy, the widows and orphans, the downtrodden and destitute. See Psalm 72:1-14; Daniel 4:27; Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:16-22; James 1:27.

But these concepts are not welcome to those who are exalted in their own eyes and driven by greed and lust for power. God declares: ?I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.? Psalm 120:6. So it proved for Jesus, the Prince of Peace. He was crucified at the instigation of those who regarded themselves as paragons of piety and virtue ? defenders of the faith, standard-bearers of orthodoxy, eliminators of subversive heretics and deceivers. Jesus promised that His true-hearted followers would ultimately receive no better treatment from those who think they are doing God a service. See John 15:13-25; 16:1-4. Bible prophecy reveals that, under the miracle-working instigation of Satan, the final world conflict will have a strong religious component. See Revelation 12:17; 13:11-17; 16:12-14; 17:12-14.

In the end, Satan’s animosity toward God and all who are loyal to Him comes to a searing climax. Those who love God and truth are people of peace who will not act in self-defense against their enemies, much as Christ stood before His foes as a Lamb who made no resistance (see Isaiah 53:7; 1 Peter 2:17-25). When Peter rashly sought to defend Christ and the gospel with his sword, Jesus healed the damage that disciple inflicted, and admonished in words that echo to the close of time and beyond, through the rimless reaches of eternity: ?Put away your sword, for all who take the sword will perish with the sword.? Matthew 26:52. ?If any man has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. He who kills with the sword, must be killed with the sword.? Revelation 13:9,10. Because of Peter’s hasty rage, Malchus almost lost his ear. Because of mankind’s mounting collective rage, multitudes have lost their spiritual hearing on the subject of true peace. Voices of strife drown out the voice of peace ? but not forever. See Psalm 2:1-12; 74:18-23.

Foreseeing the irreconcilable conflict between good and evil, Scripture depicts a time of trouble such as never was, a time of unprecedented anguish for the world, arising from humanity’s collective spiritual confusion and corruption. See Daniel 12:1 and Matthew 24:7-9. Jesus spoke of this time too. But He does not wish for His children to despair. Christ said that when calamities of every sort converge upon this planet, then it is time for the faithful and consecrated to, ?Look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near.? Luke 21:28. His coming will be ushered in not by some stupendous clash of arms between warring factions, but by the clear proclamation of the gospel that will lead all who cherish truth and peace to take refuge in the loving arms of Jesus. See Matthew 24:14.

It is crystal clear from God’s word that while police and military action are sometimes necessary for protection from madmen, tyrants and terrorists (see Romans 13:1-4), God’s Kingdom is not advanced by the use of physical weapons. Jesus declared, ?My Kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight? (John 18:36, se also Luke 9:49-56).

The ultimate war is not between political powers, ethnic groups, social classes or even conflicting ideologies. Earth’s final battle is against truth and error, hatred and love, loyalty to God versus self-interest which often appears in a variety of disguises that assume the benignant face of altruism, honor, and godliness.

Military conflicts distract people from a far more serious warfare whose outcome determines each participant’s ultimate destiny. That warfare is against the internal corruption of our own hearts, a warfare from which none can escape. Paul speaks of this warfare in the following terms: ?For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.? ?The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down imaginings [logismos, in Greek, meaning reasonings, thoughts, imaginary notions] and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into the captivity of obedience to Christ.? Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:3-5. See also Romans 7:18-25; Gal. 5:24. Self-conquest is the greatest victory we can achieve and that is possible only through the blood and grace of Jesus applied to the inmost depths of our being. ?For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.? 1 John 5:4. See Revelation 12:10-17; 14:12.

When Jesus comes, He will make ?wars to cease unto the end of the earth? (Psalm 46:10). For a vivid, accurate depiction of the final war followed by everlasting peace, read Revelation chapters 13-22. This portion of Scripture is infinitely more compelling than any science fiction or fantasy novel ever devised, and it has the incomparable advantage of being entirely true.

When the final conflict is over and all who are in the Lamb’s book of life securely dwell together as brothers and sisters from every nation, kindred, tongue and people, ?God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away? Revelation 21:4.

John the Revelator further describes what God opened to his prophetic gaze, ?And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him: and they shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads? Revelation 22:1-4.

ARE WE THERE YET? Talking Points of the liberal heart even spiritually they are impatient. Then they end wondering around a desert for forty years.
SOON! Might Be SOON. Look up. http://ltr.netro.ca/ee.html
I have not one thing to lose by taking Christ as my Savior. I know he forgives as “He is faithful and just to forgive.” You have not chosen LIFE! Please do so!
“I wish above all that you have life and have it more abundantly.” The real good life is with a loving God. If Cindy Sheehan got that part down in her head as well as her heart she would not be so miserable. Her son is with God. There is a great difference in the death of a Christian and the death of one who has rejected their Lord. Christians cry and we miss and we grieve. We also understand the rest of the story. Then we SMILE.
” Ye shall know them by their fruits whether they be good or evil.” This blog is LUDE, disrespectful and anti American as well as prideful with wickedness. “Their hearts are deceitfully wicked day and night.”

Change please. You only get this ONE life to except the Lord. Death comes to all if you live long enough! If in life you have not chosen the path less traveled , you wake up to a judgement that will have no Savior pleading your case. CHOOSE LIFE!
PS. Cindy is now talking out of line while putting troops in harms way. She is seen on Aljazeera . There are other families besides her’s that have troops in service of their country. Cindy is thoughtless and self serving as most LEFT ARE!


Hey Marie,if you really want to share long passages that are posted elsewhere on the web try linking the passage. There’s a reasonably good primer on how to do this at the Daily Kos site. He’s pretty much a commie but if you try it you might like it!
For example your post could simply be this link:
The apocolypse


Another thing, it’s sort of picky but that’s pretty much what we do here…… You confuse the words “accept” and “except” often in your writing. They have quite different meanings. I don’t really think that you meant to say: You only get this ONE life to except the Lord.


Also Marie, you are being completely unchristian in your treatment of Cindy Sheehan. Reread the words that you so carefully posted above and find the common ground between what she is saying and striving for and what Christ and the Bible teaches. I think that there’s more commonality than you are willing to accept.


I was going to write something thoughtful and serious, but my finger cracked off while I was trying to scroll all the way down. Was that the worlds largest duplicate post or were they different. My eyes always get blurry when the bible starts to fly. I wonder if MJ reads the thread or just piles on. Is it possible that she has comprehended what you have written, GregH. Or is she focused like GregP at the buffet when there are limiting eclairs on the desert cart.


Marie is an android. there is not doubt. she is not a native english speaker or an android. where the hell is she from??? not that it matters, but maybe we could communicate better with her if we knew her native tongue.

could it be binary code???


MJ’? Still there? Did I just tell you to go f yourself? Sorry.


Before the internets, people like MJ handwrote this drivel on mimeograph paper and passed out copies on streetcorners.

There are still technologically deficient homeless people in D.C. that still do it that way. They usually have the tinfoil lining their hats to protect them from the mind rays.

At least they have old skool street cred working for them.

Major Shortssniffer

Right on, Marie! Bet these leftwimps here don’t even understand any of that! You rock my world!


Marie, I just wish I had your ability to copy and paste LOOOOOONG comments on Sadly, No! If I were so blessed, I would paste full runes of the Kalevala and scenes from Romeo and Juliet to express my love for you and your writing skills.

But was I blessed with your skills? Sadly, No! I am reduced to using links that refer you to another page. Not only that, I am reduced to only using on-topic links. Poor me. Perhaps if I married you, Marie, I would gain some of your abilities.

Pvt. Jockstrap Johnson

Hah! These leftwimps are left limp in the face of Marie’s attacks! She sends such a long salvo at them, they just can’t keep it up. Is that too much of good thing or what?


There’s some bimodal distributing going on here. Might be time to fix the poll again Marie.


Wow. “Governments worthy of their existence will specialize, as Christ did, in caring for the poor and needy, the widows and orphans, the downtrodden and destitute” and yet you still slavishly support the “thoughtless and self-serving” Republican ideology. “Ye shall know them by their fruits whether they be good or evil” You call others lewd, yet remark on your pussy on your site, you attack, judge, and condemn those you don’t know. Yes, I think we do know you by your fruit.


Longest… commment…. ever.

I think you all remember your Beatitudes- “Blessed are the Peacemakers…” and all that.
So every true Christian should be working to come to a constructive conclusion to Iraq and Afganistan (which doesn’t, of course, mean total immidiete withdrawl, which would plunge Iraq into civil war- but instead refers to the myriad of solutions present beside “continuing our inept attempt at peacekeeping through force”, but that is beside the point).
GW Bush probably isn’t evil- but he is acting in a very un-Christian manner in continuing his little wars for oil while ignoring Darfur and other human tragedies.

Sorry Marie- but the Berrigans and the “Swords for Plowshares” members (including my aunt Jaquee and Uncle Frank (then in seminary)) were (and are still are) much more militantly anti-war than most of the stuff you see now, and they weren’t wrong with most of what they did either.
America is overcompensating for the horrid treatment of returning troops during the middle-to-late portions of Vietnam.
Those returning should be respected, but those government officials who prosocute this war without any sacrifice on their part deserve no such respect. They are the ones to be confronted with the wrongs done, and with the weight of the bodies of those their sacrificed for their cause.
If they truly thought that their cause was righteous, then they would not insist on passing the buck of responsibilty to those who do their work and would not direct all non-supportive commentary upon the troops as they currently do.


That’s “Swords to Plowshares”- In ranty mode, spelling, grammer and such suffer.
Mea Culpa :shrug:


(comments are closed)