Shorter Ramesh Ponnuru
Posted on January 17th, 2009 by Tintin
- For the life of me, I just don’t understand why the inauguration of Obama, who was elected by a seven-percent margin, generates more excitement and souvenirs than did the inauguration of George W. Bush, who lost the popular vote and was appointed by the Supreme Court. And if Ben & Jerry’s can have a “Yes We Pecan” flavor for Obama, what happened to a “Heckuva Job Fudge Brownie” flavor for Bush?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
For Ramesh “Party of Death” Ponnuru, this actually seems like a surprisingly clear-eyed (if somewhat bitter) column.
Except for:
Um…what? Ironic detachment? Does he even know what that means?
Maybe it’s just me, but perhaps the fact that we’re inaugurating the first African-American President in the history of the goddam United States might have a little something to do with it.
Naahh, can’t be that. We’re all just fanatical liberal celebrity worshippers.
Any chance we can get Rammesh Ponnoru and Brad Schlozman to do some color commentary at conservative conventions?
It would sound like a Lollipop Guild chorus.
Another Shorter Ponnuru:
It is unseemly that these liberals I hate have occasional victories that are commemorated in ways that only serve to make us oppressed conservatives sad.
I think he means “ironic” in the Alanis Morissette kind of way. It’s like HUSSE-E-AIN, on Inauguration day…
Oh yeah one has to wonder…….. LOL
Jeez, thanks, Caliph. I just spit coffee. With my nose.
I think he means “ironic” in the Alanis Morissette kind of way. It’s like HUSSE-E-AIN, on Inauguration day…
And we have a winner for today!
I think a “Heckuva Job Fudge Brownie” flavor is a fine idea. Of course, it would be missing half the ingredients, and it would arrive several weeks too late.
Shouldn’t you be watching your Staurday morning cartoons, Troofie? Whattsamatter, run out of Honey Nut Cheerios already?
Shouldn’t you be watching your Saturday morning cartoons, Troofie? Whatsamatter, run out of Honey Nut Cheerios already?
Ah man, that’s going to run through my head all weekend.
Irony is the fact that Troofie fears most what he wanted Bush to do to us Homomexislamofascist sympathizers.
No, Irony is that troofie still shows up here after posting this.
As so often with things Wingnut, they will have to set up their own, subsidized industry to get the ice cream flavors they want:
Yoo, Light Up My Ass features chunks of Glowstick for those midnight snacks.
Dick on a Stick: for when your enemies are just out of arm’s reach.
Bush League Chimpy Monkey: the flavor of FAIL.
…perhaps the fact that we’re inaugurating the first African-American President in the history of the goddam United States might have a little something to do with it.
There you go with that Rev. Wright talk again. But I think ‘Meshie has a little problem with that concept of first. Sure Obama is the first African-American president, but we since W. is the first complete fuck-up moron son of a former President named Bush there should be more souvenirs for him, too. You know, other than millions of dead people, endless wars, and a completely destroyed economy for the sake of a handful of obscenely rich people, that is, cuz we already have those.
What’s his beef, they did whole calendars of Bush sayings. Anyway, I bet he has a couple cases of those flight suit chatty Georgie dolls.
Hey Troofie, point me to the thread or comment wherein we liberals said that black governments were infallible. If not, kindly shut the fuck up.
I thought Ponnuru was a crappy jam-band festival.
Since Ramesh Somethinorother didn’t compare Obama to Hitler or call him a baby killer (this time) I guess that makes him one of the “moderate” columnists at Time, Inc.
Zionist bastards!
Jesus hates it whenever a blatocyte perishes.
Palestinians, not so much.
“Renaming your kids’ elementary school after him, as people in Hempstead, N.Y., did? Wait until he’s got a presidential library.”
Because that’s the logical criterion.
The elementary school I went to was named after its first principal. That was decades ago, and he still doesn’t have a presidential library. Stupid liberals!
Even shorter Ramesh Ponnuru:
Hey, no fair…we got dibs on cult worship and celebrity kitsch with St. Ronald Reagan.
If the NRO crowd had its way, Reagan’s festering corpse would be set up in the Mall so that wingers could make pilgrimages to gaze upon His Greatness. They have no business accusing anyone of being in a personality cult.
Shorter Ronnuru:
What is with you people? It’s like you think Obama is your Ronald Reagan or something. Jeesh.
You folks must be responding to a “The Truth” post that’s since been deleted, because the one I see is a transparently silly forgery.
This is all the Republicans have left to attack Obama about: his popularity. They tried smearing him as a Muslim, a liberal, a radical terrorist, a neophyte, a lightweight, and a corrupt Chicago pol, but nothing has stuck. So now, all they’ve got left is whiny disparagement. The sneeringly refer to him as “The Chosen One”, or “The Great Leader”, as though the very fact that he’s popular is the biggest smear. They remind me of a bunch ugly high-school girls, attacking the beautiful, talented prom queen/valedictorian. “Oh, there goes little miss perfect! I didn’t want to go to their stupid winter formal dance anyway!”
Oh boy. The Queef is back, having finally cleaned the Bob Owens love juice out of his asshole. Just a reminder, fucktard:
Now beat it, pussy.
And let’s not forget all the 9/11 memorabilia, Ramesh! Most important moment of our lives, plenty of right-wing nutbags have the commemorative 9/11 dollar plate, the 9/11 windscreen, the unauthorized-infringement Calvin peeing on the WTC.
Y’know, classy shit like that.
Again, I get to say, “I’m with Me.”
Troof is many fings, but he can spell “illegal.”
GSD said,
It would sound like a Lollipop Guild chorus.
This is not being pointed out with anything like the urgency to the physics a coda of liberal fascism is central to fugue it
Or sumpin
You’ve REALLY gotta be going for gold in the Asshat Olympics to get a comment deleted on THIS site.
Hmm, it sounds like maybe someone wasn’t playing nice / picking his knuckles up quite enough … & knowing as we all do how amazingly generous the mods of this site are in regards to outbursts of high-octane semiotic brutality, that’s perversely impressive. Not as impressive as the stench of Chanel Number Wrong that wafts from nearly everything he’s ever said here, but still – not unlike an actual accomplishment (minus the achieving something part, but he can’t violate the Wingnut Code, after all … that’d make the Baby Chuck Norris cry).
A pretty gold star & a yummy cookie are in the mail, dude!
That constant need to derail threads? It’s attention-whoring, & unless you’re still in junior-high, it marks you as both an infantile narcissist & a flaming dickhead … a knack for being constantly clueless (& getting owned every time for it) is just the cherry on the “Everyone-Watch-Me-While-I-Blow-These-Goats” Sundae.
How does “if my ugly bile I continue to repeat, the banhammer won’t feel very sweet” sound?
Go ahead, shit-for-brains. Push your luck, s’il vous plait. We’ll all miss you so much, LOL!
We won’t be hearing from Troofie, #2.×3694752
He’s right — why did more of us fail to be enthusiastically inspired by Bush Jr’s uplifting speeches and soaring rhetoric?
As far as I’m concerned, any troll worth mocking must be at least reasonably literate. Sure, it’s also fun to laugh at the catastrophically stupid, but when someone is possessed of a functioning brain and the ability to reason (even if they don’t make use of it), they are far more deserving of getting their shit ruined.
Are oxymorons ironic?
mmm … Ramesh noodles sherbet …
Now, if the neocons had *any* wit or humor at all they could say:
“An economic stimulus isn’t necessary because the sale of Obama souvenirs and memorabilia alone will jump-start the whole World.”
But they don’t.
what the repubs fail to understand is that peace, love and understanding sells.
fear and hate does not but they are going to keep trying, which is fine by me.
Oxymorons are the nosh of the sarcastics
Ironic is the answer to all life’s question
How much ronnie can you eye , ron ?
Why is this idiot getting published in mainstream publications? Isn’t it enough that he gets to befoul the pages of National Review? His failed ideology was repudiated overwhelmingly in the last election.
Anyway, Ramesh knows exactly why people are so excited about Obama:
To find a similar episode of enthusiasm for an incoming President, you might have to go back to 1829. The outgoing President, John Quincy Adams, was the son of another President. He had won office in a way his opponents considered corrupt: the 1824 election had been thrown to the House of Representatives, which picked him. The new President, Andrew Jackson, was his era’s version of change.
Updated version:
The outgoing President, George W. Bush, was the son of another President. He had won office in a way his opponents considered corrupt: the 2000 election had been thrown to the Supreme Court, which picked him. The new President, Barack Obama, is his era’s version of change.
You forgot to end it with a, “They’re so BIIIIIII-ASED.”
Um…what? Ironic detachment? Does he even know what that means?
English is one of those languages that doesn’t have a word for irony.
Matt Taibai takes on porn-stached New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman
Friedman plots exactly four points on the graph over the course of those 30 years. In 1989, as oil prices are falling, Friedman writes, “Berlin Wall Torn Down.” In 1993, again as oil prices are low, he writes, “Nigeria Privatizes First Oil Field.” 1997, oil prices still low, “Iran Calls for Dialogue of Civilizations.” Then, finally, 2005, a year of high oil prices: “Iran calls for Israel’s destruction.”Take a look for yourself: I looked at this and thought: “Gosh, what a neat trick!” Then I sat down and drew up my own graph, called SIZE OF VALERIE BERTINELLI’S ASS, 1985-2008, vs. HAP- PINESS. It turns out that there is an almost exact correlation! Note the four points on the graph:
“Heckuva Job Fudge Brownie” would taste like shit — granted, it would be vanilla ice cream with chunks of turd and delightfully creamy swirls of whipped feces, but it would still taste like shit, and nobody would buy it. So don’t blame B&J. Blame the free market.
“What could go wrong with idolatry?”
A Terrible Conundrum, the contemplation of which will hopefully cause the Liberal’s brain to short-circuit, usually taking the form of: A Black Person Somewhere Did Something Bad.
Classic Truth said,
Now see, that’s what I’m talking about. Reasonably literate, and teetering on the edge of actually meaning something, but ultimately felled by utter confusion.
Now see, that’s what I’m talking about.
That is the stuff. This new racist dickweed is just about shrill screaming through a mouthful of Cheetos, which is gross. It will have had an aneurysm by Wednesday, though, or been harvested by police in the course of an assassination attempt involving a wrist rocket and a bottle of Drano or some such harebrained bullshit.
OK, here’s the plan. We tell the fReichtards that all the Obama memorabilia is made by companies owned by very wealthy Republicans and then run away real quick before their heads explode.
We tell the fReichtards that all the Obama memorabilia is made by companies owned by very wealthy Republicans…
They’d never fall for that! It’d be like a socially conservative Republican Mormon selling pr0n.
I guess Ramesh stayed home the day they covered supply and demand in economics class.
what happened to a “Heckuva Job Fudge Brownie” flavor for Bush
People won’t eat ice cream that has turds in it and it turns out that conservative chocolate = poop.
Shockolate and Awelmond Mission Accomplished Ice Cream.Sure it’s 2 billion dollars a carton, but once you’ve eaten one bowl of it it will keep coming back up for years to come.
People won’t eat ice cream that has turds in it
Repeated without comment and without accusations of naïvety.
Catapult the pomegranate ice cream. It says on the carton at leasr fifty times how wonderful it tastes but sadly, no! it’s crap.
Poop in ice cream? Heck, the chemical that makes poop stink, skatole, is used in the production of ice cream, so you could say that all ice cream is poop ice cream.
Really, look it up. Then buy one of these:
“…the chemical that makes poop stink, skatole, is used in the production of ice cream, so you could say that all ice cream is poop ice cream.”
Yet another in a long list of information “nuggets” I never needed or wanted to know.
Paging Billy Rubin to the white courtesy telephone!
jealous. Jus jealous. Heh.
Sparkles Lowry says he agrees wholeheartedly with Ramesh.
How dare someone suggest a Ben & Jerry’s John Yoo ice cream that doesn’t include crushed nuts!
I thought his name was spelled Pwnnuru, Dadburned furriners!
I wonder if Rameshbo remembers
W Ketchup
As an added bonus, there’s some Reagan pr0n on that website for some added pwnage.
How dare someone suggest a Ben & Jerry’s John Yoo ice cream that doesn’t include crushed nuts!
LOL! That is an oversight.
Repeated without comment and without accusations of naïvety.
bahahaha. you’d think it would be so, but the american public picked and ate shit sandwiches with gusto during the 2000 and 2004 elections.
Hey Ramesh, we’re STILL at war! Why the fuck aren’t you clapping louder?
Any takers for Maggot cheese that tries to eat your eyes?
It’s amazing what people will put in their mouths if you just call it an aphrodisiac.
Damn, get some of that cheese together with Mexican jumping beans and spoiled-rye ergot bread and you’d have the meanest molletes on the planet.
The maggots, starved for oxygen, writhe and jump in the bag, creating a “pitter-patter” sound. When the sounds subside, the maggots are dead and the cheese can be eaten.
There’s a brand new image for “The pitter patter of little feet.”
If the Amazing Race ever heads to Sardinia, the contestants will want to avoid the food challenge.
Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilgannon said, “When I heard that W Ketchup was donating a portion of their sales to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund, I shouted, ‘Hot dog!’ We relish the opportunity to be involved with such a great product and a great team.”
Perfect on so many levels.
It should go without saying that plenty of strong Obama supporters are not getting carried away. But they’re not the ones setting the tone… This fever will break because that’s what fevers do. Its sufferers are probably harmless. They sure can be creepy, though.
Yet another conservative calling Obama supporters “creepy.” However, nothing creepy about Palin supporters (hello, Rich Lowry) coming in their pants while watching her give good speech.
Give the man his due. He waited until the *third paragraph* before he used the word “messiah”. He’s doing better than most of the wingnuts out there.
Shorter Ramesh 2.0:
Creepy? Having a coffee mug with a picture of Obama.
Not creepy? Having hundreds of pictures of Bush’s Hands
For some reason I’m feeling nauseated.
Ha, I just noticed that Ramesh “Party of Death” Ponnuru could just as appropriately called Ramesh “Death of the Party” Ponnuru.
He’d have a worse affect on a gathering than that cheese would.
Poop? I believe you mean hraka, General.
And now I must have one of those t-shirts, damn you.
what the repubs fail to understand is that peace, love and understanding sells.
fear and hate does not but they are going to keep trying, which is fine by me.
No, not really. Fear really, really sells, and so does hate – see prop 8 in CA. Also, just about most conservative churches. Don’t forget 2004, red level threats, and Islam. 9/11!!!!! It sells, and they’ll market it until those fear-inducing things don’t sell anymore, and they’ll find new FEAR and HATE to sell, New and Improved, Now With Less Cyanide, For The Discerning Palate. It’s happened before, and will happen again. The fear that precipitated the Democratic win is the one that you will lose everything – when you live in a tent with other people who live in tents because one layoff and one horrific medical condition later you’re foreclosed on, no car, no health care, no money when the unemployment runs out, and hell, you ain’t even a statistic anymore because they don’t count the people who can’t move and can’t get jobs and have fallen off the roles because you can’t get the extension anymore. When everyone fears real things, they vote Democrat, when they are comfortable and fear imaginary things, then they vote Republican. We’re a nation of excess, and we’re horrible gamblers.
I keep thinking we’ve got to grow up at some point, but the fourth drink tells me that we probably won’t. I’m too damn young to be this cynical.
Sheesh, I just ate a huge plate of eggs and cheese, then toddled in to see what was up on Sadly. Reading about that maggot cheese was not conducive to a pleasant digestive experience.
More beer is needed. (Even if it is Hamm’s, From the Land of Sky Blue Waters . . . Actually, as cheap Amerkan beers go, Hamm’s ain’t the worst of ’em.)
I’m so damned old.
More beer is needed. (Even if it is Hamm’s, From the Land of Sky Blue Waters . . . Actually, as cheap Amerkan beers go, Hamm’s ain’t the worst of ‘em.)
Back when I was in collage, generic everything was all the rage. So the grocery stores sold beer that had a label “BEER”.
It wasn’t good, but neither was Piel’s.
(But they were both dirt cheap, and did have alcohol. I considered Black Label a cut above, in the cut rate beer market.)
It’s amazing what people will put in their mouths if you just call it an aphrodisiac.
I have tried using this argument but she was not convinced.
“BEER” beer was good because the bottlers printed rebus games inside the twist off caps. I spent a whole summer on unemployment, watching MTV, playing mah-jong, and drinking BEER beer.
Back when I was in collage, generic everything was all the rage. So the grocery stores sold beer that had a label “BEER”.
Ah, yes, Thunder, I remember it well.
A preemptive FU to WP, that rotten link-eating maggot-cheese prick.
So the grocery stores sold beer that had a label “BEER”.
Somewhere I have a t-shirt with the slogan printed in that generic no-frills own-brand typeface — ‘DRUNK’.
Back when I was in collage
This is you, right?
jealous. Jus jealous. Heh.
Still waiting for a RB recipe for jealous jus.
You know else never got an ice cream named after them?
I’m proposing St. Ronnie’s Sinful Slaughter
Back when I was in collage
This is you, right?
Why yes, that is me. (My friends, etc. grew fond of referring to the experience as collage long ago.)
P.S. U.S. Air 1549 video. .
What could go wrong with idolotry?
Maybe we should ask the folks who came up with this.
No, it’s not. It’s The Economist wearing its hat on its ass again, and you pulling down your pants and showing us yours (which we really could do without the sight of, seeing as we rather enjoy keeping our last meal down and all).
Helen Suzman knew whereof she spoke, and if you had read the South Africa chapter of Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, so would you. The ANC did sell out–to the IMF, the World Bank, and anyone else willing to “help” them pick up the mess the apartheid regime left behind…for a price.
Now fuck off, you dumbass wingnut projectionist.
Back when I was in collage, drinking BEER, this is what I was listening to.
(At least, some of what I was listening to, and this song is particularly appropriate when one is talking about BEER™.)
There’s nothing funny about burning a church, but the name “Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield” is pretty dang hilarious.
At noon on Tuesday, do we get to watch every wingnut’s head explode? Because that’s the only thing that could possibly divert my eyes from the televised image ot Barrack HUSSEIN Obama geting sworn in as THE PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES.
Then again, having everyone near a wingnut getting showered with diseased equine feces does seem a bit cruel…
Because I have no credibility to lose, I will be the first to point out that the fReichtards forced the lesser of their two Token Non-White Guys to put his name on this piece. It reads like one of Dough Pantload’s efforts to me, although I’m no expert on the finer distinctions between the denizens of America’s Shittiest WebSite.
After liberal fascism was finally established in South Africa, what did this hero of the left think?…
Yes, yes, white people who naively want equality for black people will always be bitterly disappointed, and racism on a liberal blog will always get lots of angry responses.
You’ve got it all figured out.
Back when I was in collage, drinking BEER, this is what I was listening to.
Ultravox for me. And listening to the voices in my head.
Oddly enough, they were all in the passive voice — “Mistakes were made” — so I must have been tuned to the same channel as GWB.
Obama has brewed a cult of personality around himself, much like his fellow tyrants Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
America is on the verge of doom, most states are bankrupt due to liberalism, Obama has proposed nothing except a giveaway to unions as a plan to stop this crisis.
Obama is going to be in for a rough term. Republicans will win back both chambers in 2010. The Democrat Party will be out of power in most areas that are not filled with minorities or leftists.
When millions of Americans find their TVs turned off next month due to a far-left liberal plan, they’re going to be very pissed off and they will see to it that Obama is a one-termer and that the Democrat Party is ushered into oblivion.
Let’s face it, Obama’s “win” was propped up due to the votes of millions of illegal voters.. illegal immigrants, dead voters, etc.. Obama’s win was due to fraud. Now he seeks to destroy our Democracy, turning America into a nation like Kenya, the nation Obama was born in.
I think gary & mr. t have collided, forming an object denser than the sum of its parts.
As I type, a “priceless work of art” is being shucked at me on the tee vee, a first issue collector’s plate, w/ electoral & popular vote totals on the back.
“‘Yes you can’ own a piece of history.” I kid you not.
Smut Clyde:
John Foxx or Midge Ure?
Fixed for SATSQ compliance.
Ramesh Ponnuru decided the relief from the conservative yoke and enthusiasm for a liberal who is not ideological is the result of a mental disorder. Though he writes quite well the despicable sludge that he opines is the most intentionally deceitful crap I have had the displeasure to read. I would not care if he wrote as well as Shakespeare his propaganda his manipulations are so repulsive that they make me wonder whose side he is truly on. Though he wraps his articles in patriotic fervor his point of view would be difficult for Mother Teresa to forgive. It astounds me that he is paid for his persuasive meanness, unless I missed the part about how important it is to keep Americans divided. After all, united Americans are more powerful than the military, government, and intelligence community. Obama is right to say that there are certain basic principles upon which we agree, but even if that were not true people will fight to the death to protect their family, home, and partners. Humans survive in cooperation more effectively than they do individually. RP die of food poisoning if he ate the previous sentence.
John Foxx. So carbon-date me.
OK, Gary, your assignment is: read this Wiki article, and then explain to the class how the Repubs are going to take over the Senate in 2010.
Did they have carbon back then? Me, I was listening to Alan Parsons Project and Pink Floyd when stoned, Sparks when not.
I can’t think an information theoretic model to explain how someone who reads could retain zero information. Therefore I think Gary must be a modern abecedarian.
He’s right — why did more of us fail to be enthusiastically inspired by Bush Jr’s uplifting speeches and soaring rhetoric?
Rasmesh needs to be kicked in the nuts as hard as possible while simultaneously being told it feels great. “What’s the problem? I told you it felt good”.
Maybe then the dumbass could grasp the insanity of the “words are more real than actions” neo-con meme.
Your actions speak so loudly I can not hear what you are saying.
But when the President spent decades in a rabidly anti-white church, and his wife is viciously and openly racist, it is fair to be concerned, at least for as long as it is legal to openly express that thought.
I’m pretty sure Bush has spent very little time in any church. I will grant you that Laura is a racist bitch.
But when the President spent decades in a rabidly anti-white church, and his wife is viciously and openly racist, it is fair to be concerned
Only if you have something to be ashamed of, Troofy.
It is an education for me to see what really touches a nerve with leftists;
Turds rarely touch a nerve with anyone, yet people flush them away anyway.
Please, oh PLEASE, Troofie, do tell us when President Obama plans to outlaw opposition speech. I’m sure your prediction will be as accurate as this one.
The naked racism, triumphialism, and identity politics sicken me, and it’s going to be an ugly day for the country.
Yep, I remember Bush’s inauguration in 2000 too.
Hell, I’ll cut the new President some slack. Why shouldn’t we, considering the challenges that await him? In fact, in the spirit of the inauguration, I even rewrote Mack the Knife. I think it’s a nice little ditty to hum while he takes the oath on Tuesday.
Of course, the Obama coins inevitably invite jokes about “change we deserve.”
But when the President spent decades in a rabidly anti-white church, and his wife is viciously and openly racist
Mrs. Obama seems very sweet, but I do secretly wish that she had a sadistic, Disney villain evil side to her. Can you imagine her down in her torture chamber taking “reparations” from her white male Republican victims? God, what I wouldn’t pay to watch.
B. O. junk slideshow, if anyone still cares.
Capitalism: The Deadly Menace
Mrs. Obama seems very sweet, but I do secretly wish that she had a sadistic, Disney villain evil side to her.
She needs the Cruella de Ville white streak in the hair. We cn hz photoshop plz?
An excellent, stripped-down ‘shorter…’. Great job Tintin.
I fucked your mother last night.
There was an email “announcement” of Yes Pecan, along w/ a list of 20 fact based bush possibilities. The Winner: Anchovie Fuckup Surprise ice cream.
According to the e-mail that was making the rounds, the candidates for George W. Bush were:
Cluster Fudge
Iraqi Road
Nut’n Accomplished
Chock ‘n Awe
Grape Depression
Heck of a Job, Brownie!
2 Terms 1 Nut
The Housing Crunch
Banana Republic
Chunky Monkey in Chief
Osama Split
and the winner:
Anchovy Fuckup Surprise
Hey Troofie? This Helen Suzman…I do not think she’s the bigot you think she is…
Suzman was noted for her strong public criticism of the governing National Party’s policies of apartheid at a time when this was atypical of white South Africans, and found herself even more of an outsider because she was an English-speaking Jewish woman in a parliament dominated by Calvinist Afrikaner men. She was once accused by a minister of asking questions in parliament that embarrassed South Africa, to which she replied: “It is not my questions that embarrass South Africa; it is your answers”.[4]
Ummmmmmmmmmm, seems she would be foursquare behind both Barack and Michelle Obama and if she had been American, probably would have been ragging you because you refused to vote for Jesse Jackson for President.
*clicking heels*
“Civilized” = wherever they think their racism will still be welcome.
Careful, Toothless, your racism is stinking again.
I can’t believe some of these people went to college