Renew America Round-Up: Wednesday Edition

Well, I ran out of stuff to write about again, so I popped over to Renew America for a quick, easy wingnut fix. Let’s kick off the festivities with our old, old, old, old, old, old, old friend Carey Roberts.


As longtime readers know, Carey writes a lot about the evils of feminism. Actually, that’s all he writes about. Seriously, if Jesus and Buddha appeared above New York and challenged Godzilla and Satan to a tag-team steel cage death match, Roberts would react by accusing the leftist media of giving Buddha preferential treatment for possessing humungous, effeminate Buddha boobs.

With this in mind, you may wonder if there’s any subject that Carey Roberts can’t turn into a rambling tirade against radical feminism, no matter how obscure and unrelated it may seem. Carey answers this question in today’s column and, unsurprisingly, the answer is “Sadly, No!”

Rape hysteria, redux

Carey Roberts
August 16, 2005

Can you imagine the German Bundestag issuing a formal apology for the Nazi atrocities, but then leaving out the fact that Jews were the primary victims?

Earlier this summer the U.S. Senate apologized for its earlier failures to approve anti-lynching legislation. The resolution was supported by liberal senators such as Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Joe Biden of Delaware, and others.

OK, let’s think about this before we go any further. Roberts starts off by saying it would be absurd to discuss Nazi atrocities in World War II without acknowledging that Jews were the primary victims. Fair enough. Then he segues into a discussion of the Senate’s recent apology for not passing anti-lynching legislation in the 1930s. Based on this, we can probably assume that Roberts is going to say that the Senate’s resolution didn’t recognize blacks as the main targets of lynching.

But if you read the resolution (PDF), it specifically says, “at least 4,742 people, predominantly African-Americans, were reported lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968.” So why is Roberts implying that the resolution didn’t acknowledge which people were the primary victims of lynching? Let’s find out (I should warn you that what follows will likely make your goddamn head fucking explode, so you might want to skip down to Wes Vernon’s column if you don’t have a strong stomach for complete and utter stupidity):

The resolution is well-intentioned, but it air-brushes out one essential fact: Virtually all of the victims were male, many of whom were accused of ravishing well-to-do white women.

Well yes, but lynching also affected the families of the victims, as thousands of wives and children were left without husbands and fathers. The point is that while lynching disproportionately targeted black men, it had disastrous ramifications for the entire black community.

Later in the column, Carey drifts even further into the Twlight Zone:

In 1991 Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court. He came to the post with a Yale Law School degree and broad legal experience. But then he was ambushed by Anita Hill, who claimed that Thomas had made sexually inappropriate remarks several years before.

Smarting under the allegation, Thomas complained to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was the victim of “a high-tech lynching.”

In other words, any allegation of sexual misconduct is analogous with racist practice of lynching, even if the allegation is made by someone of the same race.

Mr. Thomas was saying that the fear of male sexuality that fueled the lynching of Black men decades before was the same hysteria that now drove people to obsess over Anita Hill’s over-blown allegation.

But, but, but… it wasn’t the fear of male sexuality that drove lynching, it was the fear of black male sexuality.

Carey, I’d like you to examine the following picture:


As you can see, one of these things is an apple, while the other one is an orange. As someone who’s lived on this planet for the last 135 years, you should really know the difference.

On June 9, 2005 Sen. Joe Biden introduced the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that aims to thwart sexual and physical assaults of women. A reading of the proposed law describes a world made precarious by men. Sadly, the Act appeals to the same chivalrous instincts as when the zealotry surrounding virtuous womanhood swept our nation a century ago.

Is Carey saying that if you speak out against hitting women, you’re pandering to “chivalrous instincts?” Sadly, I think he is.

Only four days later, on June 13, the Senate expressed its “deepest sympathies and most solemn regrets” to the victims of lynching and their descendants.

And why did the Senate resolution forget to mention men in its apology?

Because they hate penises, Carey. That’s the only reasonable explanation.

Because the last thing that presidential hopeful Biden wants is for persons to draw historic parallels between the Violence Against Women Act which portends the widescale curtailment of men’s civil liberties, and the injustices that befell wrongly-accused Black men generations ago.

Yes, you may remember that key provision in the Violence Against Women Act that advocated deploying vigilante mobs to track down and execute all men accused of rape. Get outta here, you maniac!

Our next pundit is Wes Vernon, who writes that liberals are evil commie redistributionists who stay up at night thinking of cruel new ways to prevent Paris Hilton from getting a tax break:


The death tax and class hatred

Wes Vernon
August 15, 2005

QUESTION: What do liberals and hard core Marxists have in common?

They’re both hated by conservatives and neo-Nazis?

ANSWER: They both wake up each morning wondering how they are going to punish success and make whipping boys of entrepreneurs.

Which is why no entreprenuers ever give money to the Democratic Party.

Marxists use the term “evil capitalists.”

Liberals simply demonize them as “the rich.”

Or if you’re a Republican, you call them “frat brothers.” (Unless they give money to Democrats, in which case they’re “Jews who figured out a way to survive the Holocaust.”)

Whether you say “evil capitalists” or “the rich,” the meaning is the same ? i.e. anyone who works for a living and thinks he or she knows better than government bureaucrats as to how best to spend his/her own money.

So if you work hard and become rich, you, not the government, should be in charge of how your money is spent. Therefore, Bill Gates should be put in charge of running the war in Iraq, because his wealth makes him more qualified to combat an insurgency than those so-called “career military officers” (a euphemism for “weasely government hacks”).

That mindset is what is at work in the current congressional battle for permanent repeal of the Death Tax.

Under the current law, the Death Tax is on a sliding phase-out scale, and will be completely off the books in 2010. Then it bounces back at the full rate on January 1, 2011. In other words, if you want your heirs to inherit the benefits of your years of sweat and toil, the best year for you to die is 2010. If you don’t die until 2011 or thereafter, too bad.

And all you rich kids should have your parents knocked off by 2010- otherwise, you’ll have to pay up the ass.

The fact that these tax cuts are set to return like Dracula down the road is one of several factors inhibiting what would otherwise be a skyrocketing stock market. Investors are getting mixed messages.

Yes, it’s not things like rising oil prices that are keeping markets down. No, the stock market is obviously underperfoming because of a tax that affects roughly 2% of the population and isn’t set to fully return for another six years.

Finally, we have Nathan Tabor, who’s written an eloquent essay describing the differences between conservatives and liberals (basically, the former loves freedom, while the latter does not):

Conservatives, on the other hand, truly love freedom ? so much so that when necessary, they are willing to fight to preserve and protect it, as well as to export it around the world and extend it to other peoples less fortunate than we are.

Because there’s no better way to protect freedom than by invading and occupying a country that posed no material threat.

When Clinton later sought NATO military action in the former Yugoslavia, intervening in behalf of the desperate Bosnian Muslims who were being slaughtered in a ruthless campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Serbs, most Conservatives did not protest ? despite the fact that no vital U.S. interest was being threatened in the Balkans.

Uh, Nate? What part of “Sadly, No!” do you not understand?

“You can support the troops but not the president.”
—Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

“Well, I just think it’s a bad idea. What’s going to happen is they’re going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years.”
—Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

“Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?”
—Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

“[The] President . . . is once again releasing American military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not informed our nation’s armed forces about how long they will be away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound foreign policy.”
—Sen Rick Santorum (R-PA)

“American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreign policy.”
—Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

“If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain the y have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy.”
—Karen Hughes, speaking on behalf of George W Bush

“I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning . . . I didn’t think we had done enough in the diplomatic area.”
—Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

“I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarified rules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our over-extended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today”
-Rep Tom Delay (R-TX)

“Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is.”
-Governor George W Bush (R-TX)

So only a small handful of Republicans, including the House Majority Leader, the then-Senate Majority Leader, and the future President of the United States, criticized Clinton’s intervention in Bosnia. Have you had enough “Sadly, No!” Nate, or shall I taunt you a second time?

Here’s the hard truth. Liberals are pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-gay, and anti-American. They don’t love our freedoms, let alone the Constitution that guarantees them. And they don’t really mind the State’s using war to advance their utopian goals of universal peace.

Yes, because if there’s one thing that’ll bring about universal peace, it’s war. Get outta here, ya maniac!


Comments: 28


Sadly, the Act appeals to the same chivalrous instincts as when the zealotry surrounding virtuous womanhood swept our nation a century ago.How cute! He’s talking directly to you!


Conservatives like Nathan Tabor know that if you truly love something, you have to let it go. Maybe it’ll come back, maybe it won’t, but if it doesn’t you know it just wasn’t meant to be. Lefties are just too darn clingy when it comes to Constitional protections.


Psst…Nathan. No, a little closer. Just a little closer, buddy. I need to tell you something.


I enjoyed your measured takedown Brad, but sometimes these mouth-breathers also deserve some good, old-fashioned vitriol.


I enjoyed your measured takedown Brad, but sometimes these mouth-breathers also deserve some good, old-fashioned vitriol.

I know. Unfortunately, vitriol isn’t as funny 😉


Is it just me, or does Carey Roberts resemble Little Brittle from Aqua Teen Hunger Force? If he starts rapping about the evils of feminism & his colostomy bag, then we’ll know….


Wow. So this guy says liberals hate America and the freedom it represents. Let’s see, based upon his list how true that is.

1) pro-abortion: Liberals generally feel that women should be free to decide issues regarding their own health and reproductive processes. IOW – pro-privacy

2) pro-death: Hmm… truthfully, I’m not sure what he means here, but liberals are generally against the use of the death penalty and against wars of aggression against non-threatening countries. IOW – pro-life

3) pro-gay: Liberals generally believe that it is wrong to discriminate against groups of people based upon generally non-threatening attributes those people may posses. IOW – pro-liberty.

So, one can easily see that liberals stand for life, liberty, and the American way. Much unlike neocons who seem to stand for death, discrimination, and global domination of the poor.


Wow. So this guy says liberals hate America and the freedoms it represents. Let’s see, based upon his list, how true that is.

1) pro-abortion: Liberals generally feel that women should be free to decide issues regarding their own health and reproductive processes. IOW – pro-privacy

2) pro-death: Hmm… truthfully, I’m not sure what he means here, but liberals are generally against the use of the death penalty and against wars of aggression against non-threatening countries. IOW – pro-life

3) pro-gay: Liberals generally believe that it is wrong to discriminate against groups of people based upon generally non-threatening attributes those people may posses. IOW – pro-liberty.

So, one can easily see that liberals stand for life, liberty, and the American way. Much unlike neocons who seem to stand for death, discrimination, and global domination of the poor.


Oops, sorry about the double post. Please feel free to delete one and this one too. 😉


Let me see if I understand. These asshats “support the troops”, as long as that means buying a sticker for a couple of bucks and not actually having to raise any taxes?

Sacrifice, as long as someone else is doing it. I guess that’s what Jesus would do?


nice collection Brad. my favorite parts were Carey’s use of “ravishing” and Nathan’s concession that the Chickenhawk criticism is spot-on (“Conservatives, on the other hand, truly love freedom ? so much so that when necessary, they are willing to fight” – ok then, go and fight you freedom-lover!)


That’s OK, BruceH. I was going to say about the same thing, probably not so well.


Carey Roberts doesn’t even get any of the historical facts about lynching right. Which is surprising, because he seems old enough to have been to a few of them.

The sexual misconduct that African-American men in the South were usually “guilty” of involved looking at a white woman. And the person who proferred this charge against the man was usually not the woman, but some man in her family – her husband or her father or somesuch. It was simply known that if an African-American man looked at a white woman, it was only a matter of time until he raped her, so it was best to lynch him first.

There are also a number of cases where a white woman and a black man were having a consensual nonmarital sexual affair, and she gets caught at it by a male relative, and then gets out of it by crying rape.

This is not to say that black-on-white rape never occurred in the Jim Crow south, but think about it – if you have a man inclined to rape, why on earth would he want to rape a white woman when he could commit sexual violence against any African-American woman in the area and no white person would bat an eyelash?

And his account of the Emmitt Till lynching is unique in that it’s the only one I’ve ever seen that gets every single goddamned detail wrong, except for the name of the woman involved. Every other detail he gives is incorrect. It’s like an account of how the Till lynching took place on Bizarro World, or something.

And I thought liberals were America haters who knew nothing about American history.


What Jillian said. Don’t even get me started on Carey.

Liberals are pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-gay, and anti-American

It’s profoundly depressing and yet somehow amusing that wanting to leave gay people alone is listed alongside being “pro-death” (oh, and everything ALIVE will eventually DIE — saying someone’s pro-death is like saying they’re pro-oxygen, you cocksnot! Being in favor of it or against it is irrelevant!) and that it’s all nicely wrapped up with “anti-American.”

I would LOVE to knee all these guys in the groin. Man, that would be awesome.


Heh, he forgot pro-groin-kneeing. It’s as anti-American as clafouti aux cerises!


I’ve noticed that you only see Monty Python references on liberal sites.

That means we’re all cross-dressers too. or something.


Monty Python is the perfect blend of educated humor and fart jokes. Thus, it is the perfect humor for liberal-types, who are better educated than the right wing mouth breathers, but still down to earth enough to laugh at a properly timed “pull my finger!”

No one who lacks either a basic classical education or a strong background in languages and grammar would laugh at the “Romanes eunt domus” bit from Life of Brian, but those who take themselves too seriously would never laugh at Bigus Dickus and his wife Incontinentia Buttocks.

And now I must go watch Life of Brian.


“Liberals are…pro-death…”

No, he’s got us there. We definitely oppose legions of the undead forever walking the earth in a search for sweet, delicious brains (see Novak, Robert), and so logically must be pro-death.

Oh, and Anne? The sick thing is that these guys would LOVE IT if you kneed them in the groin.


Speaking of juvenile humor, BROAD legal experience? Over BLOWN allegations? hee. Paging Dr. Freud.


Carey is so very desiccated-looking that I think any woman I’ve ever met could stomp him into a fine, grey powder. So you have to give him about half-a-point for courage, ‘cos someday, somewhere, a woman will recognize his shriveled husk and WHAM!

And they don’t really mind the State’s using war to advance their utopian goals of universal peace.

Wasn’t that one of our Popular Wartime Preznit?’s many excuses for invading Iraq? Projecting much, Nathan?


My favorite part was at the end of his ridiculous, rambling rant,when he said:

Because the last thing that presidential hopeful Biden wants is for persons to draw historic parallels between the Violence Against Women Act which portends the widescale curtailment of men’s civil liberties, and the injustices that befell wrongly-accused Black men generations ago

Right. the widescale curtailment of men’s civil right to beat the shit out of their wives and girlfriends. That is an invasion of civil liberties!!! Not to mention a rejection of God’s laws!!! It is every man’s god given right to “correct” the little woman when she is out of line!!! To deny them that right is just like the lynchings!!!!

Christ. I had never read anything by this guy before, so thanks for that.


QUESTION: What do liberals and hard core Marxists have in common?

They think Duck Soup was one of the best movies ever?



Jillian, Carey’s even wronger than that. In the 1890s, a black journalist named Ida B. Wells analyzed over a thousand cases of lynching. Despite the widespread excuse that white Southerners became understandably unhinged by the bestial attacks on pure white womanhood — rape, or attempted rape, was cited as the “cause” of the lynching in only a third of the cases. (Among the other charges: burglary, “sassiness,” association with a suspected criminal.) Her research further showed that in many cases, the sexual relationship was consensual, with the rape accusation made only when the secret and illegal relationship was discovered. Wells herself was threatened with lynching when she wrote an editorial dismissing the we-only-lynch-rapists excuse as “that old threadbare lie.”

Carey might’ve been a mere whippersnapper in 1894, but still — you’d think he’d have better recall.


While Mr. Carey is being so persnickety about specifying who the victims of lynching* were, he might also have specified who the perpetrators were… Why yes, white men. Imagine that.

*Funny word, that, at least when the legal types get hold of it. Stout Maoist acquaintance of mine has a lynching bust on his record because many years ago, he freed a fellow demonstrator from the back of a police car while the cop was busting someone else. Taking someone from legal custody in any fashion is “lynching.”


My favorite part was actually his bio. In his spare time he admires Normal Rockwell paintings (hey, easy there Wild Thang) and collecting antiques (like his baby pictures?).


That’s funny, John, because Carey looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. “The Old Crank at the Chok’lit Shop” or something. Maybe he likes to sit in front of Rockwells because it’s like looking in a mirror. “See the pretty birdie?”


I, for one, deeply resent the socialist nanny state’s attempt to steal my right to smack my bitch up.


So, what’s the deal? You bash this guy, without really arguing what he says. How intelligent of you. Profanities are such a good way to win an argument. Unfortunately, in this culture, that seems to be how people try to win arguments. Only, they aren’t arguments anymore. Just bashing sessions.


(comments are closed)