Sorry, Michelle- You’re Still a Vile Piece of Shit

Yesterday, Ms. Internment USA posted a link to Cindy Sheehan’s divorce papers and wrote, “it will be interesting to see if Cindy Sheehan continues to insist that she and her husband ‘are on the same side of the fence’ with respect to her anti-war activism.”

It was a vile act by all accounts, as Michelle tried to score political points by speculating, without any evidence, about a connection between Ms. Sheehan’s personal life and her political activism. Bloggers from all over rightfully heaped scorn on Michelle, calling her “a disgrace on the highest level,” “goddamned disgraceful,” and “a deeply disgusting, unforgivable, and vile piece of shit.”

Now while I’m not normally in favor in cheap ad hominem attacks (you may remember I took a stand a while back against calling Michelle the c-word), I find all of the above quite unobjectionable under the circumstances.

At any rate, Michelle is crowing tonight because the Associated Press is officially reporting the divorce. Writes Ms. Internment:

[T]he Associated Press and The Smoking Gun deemed the divorce petition newsworthy. So have Reuters, dozens of other bloggers, and hundreds of MSM outlets. CNN and the New York Times have also both reported on the Sheehan’s marital distress.

So, I guess they should all be expecting the same four-letter-word-laced blog diatribes and hate mails and declaration of “open war” against them.

Yeah, but unlike you, they didn’t see it as an opportunity to take a cheap shot at Cindy Sheehan. Nowhere in the entire Associated Press report do you find any speculation as to the reasons for the divorce. Here, read it yourself:

The husband of Cindy Sheehan, the mother camped outside President Bush’s Texas ranch to protest the death of a son in the Iraq war, has filed for divorce, according to court documents.

Patrick Sheehan filed the divorce petition Friday in Solano County court, northeast of San Francisco. His lawyer did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.

The couple’s eldest child, Casey, 24, was an Army soldier killed in April 2004. Cindy Sheehan has said the stress of the death led to the separation of the couple, who were high school sweethearts.

Sheehan has vowed to remain in Texas through Bush’s August vacation, unless he meets with her. She began her protest 10 days ago and has since been joined by more than 100 anti-war activists.

“Our message is to bring the troops home,” Sheehan, of Vacaville, said Monday.

The White House on Monday again issued a statement saying that Bush sympathizes with Sheehan. The president has given no indication that he will meet with her.

Sheehan, 48, and other grieving military families met with Bush in June 2004 at Fort Lewis, near Seattle, two months after her son’s death.

But she says the meeting was unsatisfactory, and it came before reports surfaced about faulty pre-war intelligence, which enraged her.

When Sheehan arrived in Crawford on Aug. 6, her small group started marching to Bush’s ranch, then was moved by authorities to a plot of land a few miles away.

And Michelle, do you know why they didn’t speculate about the reasons for the divorce? Because they have absolutely zero idea why the Sheehans are separating. And neither do you, but that didn’t stop you from writing, “it will be interesting to see if Cindy Sheehan continues to insist that she and her husband ‘are on the same side of the fence’ with respect to her anti-war activism.”

How do you know he’s not? Have you read any statements by him? As John Cole succinctly put it:

Cindy Sheehan’s marital status, her relationship with her husband- none of that is your damned business. Even if you think it ‘proves’ a point. If it proves anything, it proves that losing a son in war fucks up families. Thanks for the deep insight.

Heh indeedy.

At any rate, feel free to use this thread to spew whatever nasty bile against Michelle that you want (but nothing violent or threatening, please- we don’t want the MG Law Firm coming down on us again- childish name-calling will suffice).


Comments: 79


She’s the doodiest of the doody heads!


Gee, it’s really too bad the left and their apologists no longer have a dominance of the information, does it? Hurts, doesn’t it?

Where are people like you when the President gets the ChimpymCbushhitlerhaliburton treatment? Oh, that’s just politics.

Well, guess what? Cindy Sheehan is just politics now. Her comments are fair game. When you go public, you get to get talked about. Bummer if people like you don’t like it, but this is no longer about what people like.

It’s the combatting of the theater that this has become. When people like you holler about how unfair it is (meaning, a conservative is actually talking back to liberals), understand it is no longer effective.

So whine and moan, guys and gals. Whine and moan. Not like your whining and moaning means a whole lot.

(Rules for Radicals works both ways, dude.)


Who’s whining? I’m calling Michelle a vile piece of shit. And she is. A vile piece of shit.


On 4th and long, teams often punt.
I used to live in Chicago on a street called Lunt.
My friend has a daughter who has a shunt.
Of all the doors in my house, my favorite is the front.
I hope I can convey my feelings subtly rather than being blunt.


To Brad:

You are whining. Thought my comment was obvious, but since you apparently need it bluntly stated:

You. are. whining. And Michelle is not vile. She just ain’t playing the game the way you like.

Tough if you don’t like it, but this isn’t about a grieving mom. It’s theater. And the other side is pushing back.

Deal with it.


I wouldn’t fuck Michelle Malkin with Ann Coulter’s dick.


mmmmm, she’s bile-icious


Brad is not whining.


Case closed. Triple periods beat single periods.


If “playing the game” now includes absolutely trashing anyone you disagree with, over trivial matters, then get the fuck out of my country.

“It’s theater”

ever notice that most of the actors in SUCCESSFUL tasteful theatre’s are gay?

most conservatives don’t ‘get’ theatre, only propaganda and assault.


michelle has ONCE AGAIN put words into the mouth of someone who has not spoken.

Ed, i am also against ad-hominim attacks, but you really need a clue.

can you read for CONTENT?


not the thoughs of dead soldiers, and not the motives of her former husband.

When we wonder aloud about the President, it; sonly because he doesn;t tell us much, and half of that has been proven false…

so go ahead, Ed, blame us for getting cynical.

and shut the fuck up


On 4th and long, teams often punt.
I used to live in Chicago on a street called Lunt.
My friend has a daughter who has a shunt.
Of all the doors in my house, my favorite is the front.
I hope I can convey my feelings subtly rather than being blunt.

My favorite TV host was Alan Funt,
In baseball, sometimes one has to bunt,
In football, respectively, sometimes you punt,
When I get frustrated, I often grunt…


Hey, Ed. Were you one of those orca-sized W-worshipping bubbas brandishing images of Cindy’s dead son at her from the other side of the road? ‘Cos if you were, word to the unwise: your ass won’t eat your jorts if you opt for a bigger size. Or at least, cut back on the flash-fried lard and curly fries.


No, not bill gates. He types more accurately.

Stupid comment section.



No, Ed, you’re the one who’s whining; we’ve struck a nerve in your hamtastic wing-nut body, and posting here is obviously your way of crying “uncle!”


So whine and moan, guys and gals. Whine and moan. Not like your whining and moaning means a whole lot.

You forgot to say ‘bwa-ha-haaa.’


My favorite TV host was Alan Funt,
In baseball, sometimes one has to bunt,
In football, respectively, sometimes you punt,
When I get frustrated, I often grunt…

My friends say my kitten is a runt
And of the biggest jerks she bears the brunt
She fits nice in the hole of a bundt
For fish she does often hunt


Huzzah, we picked up a troll!

And one better- we’ve got one that seems to fancy himself as an articulate and “reasonable” debator.

Boyo- I’ve got some news for you: when you drag some grieving mother‘s divorce (which was reportedly caused by the stress of her son’s death!) into the fray, it serves no purpose whatsoever other than to prove you are viscious, immortal, piece of vomitous shit; and in Michele’s case, it further confirms she is, in fact, a cunt- yes, I said it.

Therefore, Ed- point out someone on the left doing something similar, and I will happily denounce their act- or put it in context should you choose, like many of your degenerate species often do, either make shit up around a fragment of a comment or just leave a fragment of a comment out there without putting it in context.

Otherwise, fuck off.
Go to FreeRepublic and wax about how the Left is hurting the troops and threatening freedom with their “free expression”. You’ll get a much warmer welcome… I guarentee it, in fact.
I daresay, however, you’ll have to stick to monosyballic words and make gratuitous use of bullshit. Have fun- because, after all, it is such a lonely world for a wingnut.


Or, as someone with both better typing skills AND better editing than I said:


Ed, you are an idiot (ad hominem). The POTUS is the POTUS. He gets called stupid and chimpy because he IS stupid and he says stupid things and he does stupid things. On top of that he is a liar, and his policies are disastrous. Equating the treatment that the most powerful man in the world gets with what a concerned mom pulling a publicity stunt does is flase equivalency. When you want to achieve a goal, you use the means at your disposal. Sheehan has the relatively unique experience of having her son killed in the Iraq War. It’s called a bully-pulpit, she’s using it. If you want to criticise her, criticize what she is saying, not throwing up some smokescreen about what she is doing. I am calling you an idiot because you have given me evidence that you are an idiot.


Yay! GuinessGuy gives us our first real cunnie of the day! He said the magic word! WOO-WOO, Chairie, WOO-WOO!!!


Cnut? As in, ‘fcuking cnut?’


Sometimes you feel like a cnut, sometimes you feel like a Mounds?



(Hey Cap’n T – Long time no see)


Gavin, is that a new french connection shirt? Cause I want it.


Yosef, we are sitting on 299!


There’s no way that Yosef will make it in time. WE’RE DOOMED!


Respect the power of Yosef people! May the people part and wait the coming of Yosef!

Oh, f*ck, Ukko’s probably coming on line now, if he is in Finlandia.

Ukko, show your love for Yosef! Allow him the great honor!


The real problem with lefties like you is that you don’t really WANT true free speech give-and-take.

You love Cindy Sheehan because you think that a mother with a dead son is somehow unopposable.

In other words, you don’t want good old American free speech, you want to spew to your heart’s content while enforcing some kind of “shut up, she’s a grieving mother” rule to anyone who responds.

And then call them names. Sorry, but this cheap ad hominem IS beyond the pale. Malkin is absolutely right.

Once Cindy Sheehan perverted her grief into politics, though, it ceased being grief. It became agenda, and agenda is not grief. Agenda politics is fair game. And frankly her agenda is deplorable. Those who truly support the troops are rightly upset about her abuse of her dead son’s name for her own (NOT her son’s) agenda.


Is he still with his date on Cape Cod with that ridiculous Lacoste sweater tied around his neck?


Wingnut panties are in twists all around the country thanks to the Sheehan protest, aren’t they?
That’s fantastic. Just read their comments on this blog.
They’re getting desperate.


Once Cindy Sheehan perverted her grief into politics, though, it ceased being grief. It became agenda, and agenda is not grief. Agenda politics is fair game. And frankly her agenda is deplorable. Those who truly support the troops are rightly upset about her abuse of her dead son’s name for her own (NOT her son’s) agenda.

So once she criticized Bush, she became fair game for any possible sliming.

I don’t have a word for you. What’s the word for someone who snorts liquid dog shit through a straw?


“Once Cindy Sheehan perverted her grief into politics, though, it ceased being grief”

WTF? Someone lost a child because another guy lied and lied. By all accounts, this was the person she cared about most in the entire world. Since when does her grief stop being grief? She’s making a point in the only way it seems she can, as writing letters to the media would do fuck all. Even in the extreme scenario where it would be acceptable to think that she was fair game, why not respond politically? Why make a political attack out of a personal issue?


OK, I’m going to take advantage of this tumultuous thread:

My bar is hosting a candlelight vigil to, in effect, protest the fact that Bush can’t take an hour out of his 5 week vacation to speak to Cindy Sheehan and her concerns. It’s on Wednesday at 7:30 PM so kinda last minute. Any St Louis area folk reading this or if they know any please let them know about this event that’s happening in all major cites. Hoping for lots of media and flocks of people.
Here’s the blurb that’s on’s site:

AMP – Alternative Music Pub
17 Aug 07:30 PM

We have all been shaken and stirred by the story of Cindy Sheehan,
the loss of her son and our President’s silence on the matter.
On Tuesday, the windows facing Manchester will honor those that have fallen during this war,
that will continue to fall during this war and will recognize the efforts of a grieving mother
whose lone voice is making a difference. Please join with us at 7:30 pm to light a candle
and you’re welcome to stay afterwards for some different shaking and stirring. Fellowship will be found in solemn observance and friendly conversation. We hope you will join us for the first and stay for the latter.

AMP 4199 Manchester @ Boyle
St. Louis, MO 63110
Host: Rob Thurman + Angry Black Bitch.

Sadly, No… Thanks for the forum to do this. I’m visiting all my favorite blogs and posting this. I have a forum with my very cool and comfortable bar and have been looking to get more involved on a political level. XOX Neil

P.S. I Thought that Marie-Jon was your only troll. This new guy, though, is SO not funny.


/you forgot to mention what a coward chicken george is, the man did run and hide on 9/11, after all. you can’t deny that. coward, fucking coward. gw bush


the right-wingers ARE going full-goose bozo on this one. before hurling taunts of “hypocrites!” at anyone on the left, take a look at your own side. miss malkin went ballistic over the “outing” of mary cheney last fall, and was shocked–SHOCKED–that the ny times looked into john roberts adoption records. now this. not that anyone expects consistency from her, but really…(go on over to THE TALENT SHOW for a hilarious debate between michelle and michelle.) sweet jeebus, she’s a…a…let’s go to shakespeare for a second: “there be her very C’s, her U’s, aNd her T’s: and thus makes she her great P’s.” (twelfth night)


And then call them names. Sorry, but this cheap ad hominem IS beyond the pale. Malkin is absolutely right.

Plenty of people have criticized what Cindy Sheehan has done, and I’ve had zero problem with it. The problem was when Michelle started speculating about the woman’s personal life and its connection with her politics. And while cheap ad hominems are normally to be avoided, I have zero problem with them in this instance.


Interesting how the lip service about American mothers being so important to the wingnuts has totally gone out the window.

Is there anyone they won’t sell out?


Seriously, we’re supposed to support the troops, not their mothers. Pfft, if they didn’t want dead sons, they wouldn’t have gotten pregnant.


“What’s the word for someone who snorts liquid dog shit through a straw?”

To hell with Finnish. That was strong.

So if, people have a problem with Cindy Sheehan’s politics, why not attack her politics? There’s no need to go after her personal life. And I don’t have a problem with someone calling her names, either. But of course, the big thing is, these people, like Ed and Michelle have no clue as how to rebut her politics. Michelle already tried to channel her dead son, but when people started pointing out that Cindy probably knew him better than Michelle did, she realized that wouldn’t work.

By the way, does anyone here think that Michelle is in favor of internment because she and her parents disagreed on politics?


I don’t know what people expected. Of course the president’s goons will respond with disgusting attacks. That’s all they know, especially when they are so clearly in the wrong.

What I think is funny is Malkin acting so hurt and defenseless. She’s the biggest scumbag of them all.
Oh and a complete cunt.


Citizen Malkin is only Doing Good by using a dead son and a divorce to attack a woman personally and by extension her agenda because Sheehan’s a public figure now, but Brad has just crossed the freaking line.


Maybe we need the list of Finnish swear words again.

I really think Malkin and Coulter are performance artists like Fred Phelp, except Phelps does his schtick because he’s mentally ill while Malkin and Coulter don’t really believe what they’re saying and they do it just for the money.


As a card-carrying (I know I have that card around here somewhere) leftie, all I can say is that I hope to heck it doesn’t turn out that Sheehan’s husband really does disagree with her politics. Because if he does, then, gosh, that would totally mean that her protest is wrong, the war in Iraq is right and justified and moral, and that everything that anyone has ever said in opposition to that war is just plain wrong and misguided and bad and evil. Q.E.D.


Once Cindy Sheehan perverted her grief into politics, though, it ceased being grief. It became agenda, and agenda is not grief. Agenda politics is fair game. And frankly her agenda is deplorable. Those who truly support the troops are rightly upset about her abuse of her dead son’s name for her own (NOT her son’s) agenda.

*coughTERRI SCHIAVOcough*

i think i’m catching a cold. 🙁


summer colds are the worst.

terri schiavo? that happened 20 media years ago. live in the now!


i emailed straight to malkin (i need a shower after that) regarding her statements that people who are so vehemently opposed to what she’s done to cindy sheehan are in some way mentally ill– to quote her: “Looks like they need their prescriptions refilled, Pronto.” She really didn’t *answer* anyone’s statements, just implied that the spewing of oppositional profanities (something of which i heartily approve) is the telltale that you’re bonkers. It would seem that living in a fantasy land where the “bad” people are all the same colour and in need of some kind of ethnic cleansing and that her belief that she can interpret what the dead know are a wee bit more telling of something needing significant doses of thorazine or haldol. or zyprexa. oh fuck it, give her 3 mgs of halcion every three hours.


Michelle Malkin really is a despicable person. She has written a defense of the indefensible racist concentration camps of World War II. She has attacked the grieving mother of a fallen soldier because the mother wants answers from an elected official. When her disgusting attacks provoked an emotional (and admittedly objectionable) response from a reader, she got the reader fired from his job. She seems to take delight in the suffering and pain of others, particularly if she can be the cause of it. Truly a despicable person.


All of you are being nice compared to the comments I have read relating to Michelle at other sites. I agree with y’all and don’t like her one bit…but these comments are compliments compared to what others have posted. That’s all I’ll say. Go to Crooks and Liars if you don’t beleive me.


All of you are being nice compared to the comments I have read relating to Michelle at other sites. I agree with y’all and don’t like her one bit…but these comments are compliments compared to what others have posted. That’s all I’ll say. Go to Crooks and Liars if you don’t beleive me.

Yeah, I see what you mean. Thankfully, we don’t resort to racist bullshit like this:

Excuse me, but since when does this slant eye chink ass import bitch think she has the right to even think about, criticizing Cindy?

I don’t personally care that it offends Michelle, but a whole race of people shouldn’t be insulted because she sucks.


Yeah, it’s stupid for people to refer to Malkin’s Philipino heritage in making fun of her. Make fun of Malkin, but she isn’t the national spokesperson for Philipinos or Asians in general.


Yeah, it’s stupid for people to refer to Malkin’s Philipino heritage in making fun of her. Make fun of Malkin, but she isn’t the national spokesperson for Philipinos or Asians in general.

No shit. You think THEY want to take credit for her?


Oh, and the person who first posted about racism being doubleplusungood was me.



She is not “unopposable”. Your dogs thumb IS.

I suggest you go Intelligently Design a new thumb for your dog, then stick it somewhere private.

The foam at the corner of your mouth makes my point.

Why don;t you take that vitriol and compalin about Osama being free? because you don’t care. because “everything changed” BACK for you.

now stop wasting my air and sit back down.



We gave him 4 years to succeed at catching one man with the most pwerful military in the history of mankind.

so it ‘stopped being grief’

and started being action.

and that terrifies you.

and it should.


What’s the word for someone who snorts liquid dog shit through a straw?”

I think “Republican” says the same thing so long as you add “…and claims it’s a chocolate shake.”


Mohommad writes:

“And then call them names. Sorry, but this cheap ad hominem IS beyond the pale.”

Oh, Mohammad, you’re such an ignorant, obsequious fucktard of a moron. Pull that butt plug out of your ass, it’s making you way to uptight.

“Once Cindy Sheehan perverted her grief into politics,:

No, wanting to hold our leaders accountable is not a perversion. This is America, and taking our leaders to task is the American way (no matter what the current crop of conservatives are crying). If you want a classic example of perversion you need to look up Republican Congressman Don Sherwood. He strangled his 29 year-old mistress (he’s 64), but claimed it was just a neck massage. You’ve got to like it pretty rough if you can’t tell the difference between choking and caressing.

“It became agenda, and agenda is not grief. Agenda politics is fair game. And frankly her agenda is deplorable.”

She does want the truth about why the President sent the troops into Iraq. That is an agenda. And I can see why the far, far right wingnuts find the truth deplorable. I’ve just never heard one of you admit it before. I’m glad to see this place is having an effect. Now if we could get you to accept the idea that the truth is better for America than a bunch of lies.

“Those who truly support the troops are rightly upset about her abuse of her dead son’s name for her own (NOT her son’s) agenda.”

Right. It’s those “truly” people again. Like the guy who drove his truck through the crosses, honoring the fallen, alongside the road in Texas. That’s the right wing version of “truly” supporing the troops. As a veteran, I’ll take Cindy Sheehan’s honesty about her anti-war views and what she has done over millions of people with a silly yellow ribbon sticker placed on the back of a car. Actions always mean more than symbols.


I think these pathetic trolls are hilarious.

malkin serves them, the party and their cause well. They should all rejoice in her journalistic accomplishments. A true disciple of rove.


And the thing about all of this is, it wouldn’t be such a big deal if people wanted to argue against Sheehan’s “agenda”. But they see her agenda, call it “deplorable” and then decide the only way to fight back is to talk about her personal life (which, by the way, has no meaning on what’s going on.)


Far be it from me to feed the trolls but…err…killing thousands of Iraqis and killing and maiming equal amounts of American soldiers for oil and lies is what’s obscene, and not a grieving mother. However, obsequious fucktard of a moron is going into my lexicon immediately. I will deploy it at Thanksgiving. Hey there Uncle Albert, you obsequious fucktard of a moron. Still impotent?


I think the conservo trolls plant some of those racist coomments. Remember, liberals are supposed to be the multi-culti ones? I’ve never heard anyone i know, and they have serious potty mouths, ever describe someone the way Malkin gets abused. I think those expressions are already on the Freepers tongues, and they love getting the chance to use them while trolling.


Isn’t it funny how right-wing hacks like Malkin constantly complain about the mainstream media and say they don’t want anything to do with them, then immediately giggle and say yes when the media asks them to the prom?


I agree with Pinko Punko. I believe that Michelle Malkin’s childish, cruel rhetoric is deliberately provocative and has a tendency to push Libs over the edge, but the kind of racist invective that was cited (slant eye chink ass?) is much more in keeping with the know-nothing Conservative tradition. Trolling as a fake Liberal strikes me as the height of Republican cleverness, which is to say not very clever at all.


“Those who truly support the troops are rightly upset about her abuse of her dead son’s name for her own (NOT her son’s) agenda.”

Trolls seem to love saying this. Unfortunately it relies on the assumptions that:

A) Casey Sheehan would be in full support of the war were he alive, and

B) All U.S. soldiers are Republicans.

While I cannot comment further on the first assumption, I can confidently point out that the second is most definitely untrue.


Aside from being a racist idiot, Malkin’s just wrong. The fact that Sheehan’s husband is filing for divorce is NOT an indicator that suddenly he disagrees with her politics or what she’s doing. People who get divorced can nevertheless agree with their ex-spouses when it comes to their children.

What it IS an indicator of is that their marriage has been subject to unusual stresses since Casey was killed and that he decided that he’d had enough.

And I do so love when people whose party holds all three branches of government and has beaten the media into quivering submission whines about their victimhood at the hands of those bad, scary liberals.


& the reason Malkin got divorced was because of the STDs, so I’ve been told or read somewhere, I think it was on the internet. Or. not.


I have to protest at the use of the “c-word.” This poor, abused Anglo-Saxon term has good breeding, with well-known relatives like “queen” and “kin” and “gyne-“: what has it ever done to deserve association with the likes of Malkin?

No, for Malkin, I think, we need to go the The Perfect Flame:

Dear Ms. Malkin,

“I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you…

You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot…

You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a loathsome disease, a dung-bred maggot, a drooling inbred cross-eyed toesucker. You make Quakers shout and strike Pentecostals silent…

You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just knowing that you exist. I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go
away. You are jetsam who dreams of becoming flotsam. You won’t make it. I beg for sweet death to come and remove me from a world which became unbearable when you crawled out of a harpy’s lair…

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I’m sorry. I can’t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me…


(Apologies for the funky line breaks–preview lied to me. Or it just sexed up the spacing for a good cause. Or it was misled by bad intelligence, or misquoted in the liberal media. Whatever.)


If this kind of random speculation is “fair game” now Sheehan is a “political” figure, can we start speculating about that threesome between Michaelle Malkin, Rick Santorum and an unidentified Eagle Scout?


Well, perhaps we should come up with a nice, catch-all term for wingnut women who go beyond the pale of wingnuttery instead of using the emotionally charged “c-word”.

My vote is for “evil bitch from Hell”- a term I devised for my high school Economics teacher, who somehow managed to combine the most negetive aspects of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman (or “Uncle Miltie” as she forced us to refer to him- I shit you not), G. Gordon Libby and Pat Robertson in to one strangly hot but evil as shit woman.

Anyone else?


I’ll just keep it simple: Michelle Malkin is an ass, and she loves talking out of it.


Well, Anonymous, as Peggy Noonan once said, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Dorothy, don’t forget to mention that she snorts liquid dogshit through a straw!

(I still love that, Gavin.)


You have no rhythm.
Dorothy, you go too far. Let’s keep it civil.


I loved the “singularity of stupid”

so good, Dorothy, thank you for rocking this morning. rock on.

thinking liberal

Ya know, if Bush and his ilk REALLY wanted to make her go away, all he’d have to do is walk down there (since he enjoys the outdoors so fucking much) and have a chat with her. Would take the wind right out of her sails. BUT, Karl Rove tricky son of a mongrel bitch that he is, is using Mrs. Sheehan’s grief to take the heat off his own lying self. The fucking traitor. Think about it. The Valarie Plame thing is still on-going and we hear nothing about it. NADA, people. Know why? Cause the mdia is focused like a laser on Mr.s Sheehan. It’s all about the slight of hand. Do I sympathize with her? Yes! Do I think Micheel is a evil bitch and should be keel hauled? Yes. But, I also think this is a VERY good disctraction of Rove to use as a diversionary tactic against his own treasonious acts.


Michelle Malkin may have despicable opinions but she’s cute in the nasiest way. I’d stuff her muffin in a minute.


You squealy pathetic dog ass liberal left wing communists. Michelle is a patriot..and you are cowards! Semper Fi


I’d like to fuck Malkin after severing her ugly fucking head.




You are insane and need help.

Fuck off, nut.


(comments are closed)