Hindenfreude: A John Hinderaker Triple-Header

It’s Not About Gaza

  • Here is a video of British Muslims yelling at police. Like the Nazis, one day they will try to kill us.

It’s Really Really Cold Out There!

  • The flat terrain lately underscores the fact that 2008 was the final gasp of the Round Earth so-called Theory, which is a conspiracy to bankrupt us.

Child Abuse In Gaza

  • Someone sent me a link to sixteen seconds of old Israeli TV footage that shows Hamas gunmen hauling children off to be eaten during sex orgies, or however it’s labeled this time around.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Bonus Paul Mirengoff:

“Gaza in Belgium”

  • Here is a report on Muslim riots in Belgium written by an official of the white supremacist Vlaams Belang party a former Antwerp police official and city councilman who is a victim of that city’s “Islamization.”

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 191


Here is a video of British Muslims yelling at police. Like the Nazis, one day they will try to kill us.

(Yawn) Call me when they become the police. In the meantime, I couldn’t care less.


This teaser:

The key to peace in Gaza is to help Fatah prepare the West Bank for real freedom, writes Jonah Goldberg of The Atlantic.

can be seen on the NYT homepage right now. They mean Jeffrey Goldberg, of course. God, that place is going to the dogs.


The “It’s Really Really Cold Out There” link is just too annoying by its mere title. I wish that you’d shortened that as well.


By the way, how do I get a good screen capture of that gem on the Times webpage? I tried just printing the page, but it looks all off.


It’s Really Really Cold Out There!

Fuck, winter is like Groundhog Season for them. They try this every year, hoping that no one will have any memory of the last time they tried it, i.e. last year. Either that or they really don’t remember when they tried it last.


Mac I think is shift-command 3 for full screen or 4 for crosshairs.


Years ago on “Firing Line” I watched Steve Allen make Bill Buckley look like a childish idiot while debating the death penalty. Maybe someone could convince Hindrocket to debate a knowledgable liberal comedian. He’s in Minneapolis, so Garrison Keillor lives nearby. Would the humiliation of being pwned by a man in a white suit and red sneakers make Hinderboy shut up?

Nah, probably not. Buckley kept clowning till the day he died…


I saved a screencap but due to a disk fuck-up my public HTML folder is not currently online. I will post a link in a few minutes when it comes online.


I want to say Shift-command 6 is something on the Mac but I have not been in the school labs for what seems like an eternity a month now.


Thanks, Bubba – of course I run Ubuntu and – duh! – there is a “take screenshot” utility right there under “accessories”.


er, for screen capture that is.


Link. Please copy it elsewhere, be nice to my server, etc.


Thanks, Bubba – of course I run Ubuntu and – duh! – there is a “take screenshot” utility right there under “accessories”.

Oh, in that case, pressing “Print Screen” should do the trick. Also, I think Shift+PrintScreen does a window-only capture.


Simba, thanks! You can take it down, I got it after remembering that sometimes the obvious thing to try is really the right thing to try…

Enraged Bull Limpet

Thank gawd someone else noticed that Jonah Goldberg/Atlantic gaffe on the NYT homepage: I’ve been bleating feebly about it on the last thread and hadn’t realized everyone was up here. Without corroboration, I’d started to question my sanity– or at least eyesight.


Can’t you just hold a piece of paper up to the screen and push ‘Copy’?


Yeah, I was about to fire an email to the Times that if they publish yet another Zionist op-ed they could at least find someone who can write (and read) on a six grade level. turns out their online copy editors are simply NRO addicts. Explains a lot.


“Sixth grade level”. Apparently I can’t spell on a first-grade level….

Enraged Bull Limpet

You were six minutes ahead of me on that one, christian h. It pays to get to the Times early, since there’s much goldberg to be mined in them there hills.


Child Abuse In Gaza

Are righties against child abuse now? I thought only pussy faggot lib Dems don’t hit their kids.


Honest to crap, AssRocket, links to Pravda via the Strib.

Yes, the Pravda that predicted the break-up of the U. S. of A. into six parts:

“There is no joint legislation on the territory of the country. The common Highway Code does not exist there either. The framework which holds the USA together is rather fragile. The armed forces in Iraq mainly consist of non-citizens of the USA. They serve there because they promise to grant them US citizenship,” Igor Panarin said.


Human shields only work against an enemy that refuses to bomb or shoot innocent civilians.


He is right, it is cold here in Minneapolis. It was -15 F last night. Oh no! I just refuted global warming!


“It’s Not About Gaza”

Pay no attention to the dead bodies behind the curtain! OBEY TEH WIZNUT! HE KNOWS ALL! HE SEES ALL! Plus maybe later (for a modest donation) he’ll give you a cookie!

“It’s Really Really Cold Out There!”

Yeah, it sure is … at least in some places … winter’s funny that way in the temperate zones – what a pity we can’t export all that cold to the fucking Arctic Circle – you know, where all that ice has been melting like mad for, oh, about the last decade or so. Maybe Hinderaker can lend Santa Claus his fucking extra wetsuit – by next year, he’ll need one.

“Bonus Paul Mirengoff” is an oxymoron.


How about “Punitive Paul Mirengoff”?


Here’s just a bit more from Pravda, written by & for Americans. There may be lessons (even for the people that invented the pogrom) for all Russia there as well.

The government dictates nearly every aspect of our private lives. The “powers that be” in Washington, D.C. have forced inter-racial marriage and homo-sexuality on America under the guise of equal rights through affirmative action and quota hiring systems.

“Hate Crime” laws are constantly enacted to protect “minorities”; yet, violence and criminal acts perpetrated against white people by those “minorities” are seldom, if ever, covered under these statutes and very rarely reported.

Unchecked immigration is not only destroying the job and wage base in our land, but an astounding number of dreaded diseases are brought to our shores with illegal aliens.

This is all in the context of a pro-KKK bit of revsionist history. And this is pretty much the racial resentment line of the wing-nuts.


Oh, and he says: “It was 40 below in International Falls this morning. (That’s temperature, not wind chill.) That’s colder than I’ve ever experienced in Minnesota.”

Sorry dude, no. You can’t really count International Falls, that’s Canada. I grew up in southeast Minn and the winters are decidedly warmer than I recall. I’ve been in 40 below and the wind chill brought that to a healthy minus 80 degrees. You remember that shit. I also remember 90+ consecutive days of below zero temps. That’s three solid months of not a single day above zero, from January to fucking March.

We just don’t get that kind of weather anymore. Now and then, sure, for a day or two, but that’s nothing. The really cold weather also starts a lot later than it ever did. Used to be winter hit us and hit hard right after or around Halloween. Now? We’re lucky if we get significant snow cover by late November. Moron.


It was 87 degrees in L.A. today. That’s quite a lot warmer than usual this time of year. I just proved global warming!!!! Also, it was really dry air, so I conclude there’s global dehumidification.


Here’s just a bit more from Pravda, written by & for Americans

No lie. When my neighbor drowned her fifth baby she got her $50 post-term abortion bonus and a medal from the state, but when I told the offspring of my state-ordered interracial gay marriage to go to his room, I got charged with a hate crime, just for being white! Russians don’t know how good they have it.


It was not 87 in L. A. today.

Um, OK, it was 87, but there were plagues of locusts, frogs falling from the sky & hordes of rats the size of cats migrating to San Diego for the winter. And then everything burned down. So don’t bother.

Try Florida. You’ll love the humidity.

Willem van Oranje

Not only is Bart Debie an “official of the white supremacist Vlaams Belang party”. Bart Debie has been sentenced to four years in prison – of which he will only serve one – for physically abusing suspects, withholding and stealing evidence, fraude, abuse of power, and lots of other stuff.

In Dutch: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Debie


When you’re an anti-jihadist, everything looks like islamofascism to you.

get Joe on the case!

Joe the plumber will be really busy reporting all these out.


violence and criminal acts perpetrated against white people by those “minorities” are seldom, if ever, covered under these statutes and very rarely reported.

I don’t think that the press should report criminal acts perpetrated against white people by those “minorities”. I think that those “minorities” should decide which criminal acts perpetrated against white people we should know about and then those “minorities” can write a press release and the press can pass that information along.


OT: don’t let the Fed have all the fun – play along at home!


Wow, it is shift-command-4. I usually just open Preview and select grab from the menu… They merged Grab and Preview in 10.4.

So, where are the white churches being burned down, or the heterosexuals being turned away from public places?

Also, it was over 70F in San Francisco today and over 80F in Texas. It’s January. Global warming is about the globe having, on average, more heat energy. Not about some specific place being warmer or colder. Also, do these people even know what historical data is?


I like his model of mentioning Minnesota and Europe and the North Pole and saying that this is proof that it’s now colder “everywhere”. We don’t need no damn faggot “globe” telling us how there are still other parts of the Urf some damn whur.


Global warming is about the globe having, on average, more heat energy. Not about some specific place being warmer or colder.

Yeah. Right. And I’m sure you believe they got some sort of fancy measuring devices and ‘calculations’ of heat and sh*t for the Urf.

Next you’ll be believing that they got magic space eye machines what look at the Sun and tell us how much hot we’re getting.

The scientists should be abolished from reporting on this kind of stuff.


I watched Hardball last night, where Chris Matthews has taken a hard line on how stupid the Bush Presidency was. (Yeah, now he gets it?)

But it was great to see the Republican shill sweating like a frozen drink.


Alls I know is that it’s been fucking cold in Berlin for the past few weeks.

There’s a reasonable debate to be had about what exactly to do about global warming, and how to do it. But it takes large stockpiles of stupid to deny it. If you understand chemistry, understand IR spectroscopy, it’s a very simple extrapolation that pumping large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere will prevent energy from escaping.


If you understand chemistry, understand IR spectroscopy, it’s a very simple extrapolation that pumping large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere will prevent energy from escaping.

Not if it’s CO2 from patriotic American fossil-fuel developed entrepreneurship. In that case, our heroic national will keeps it from blocking all but terrorist photons.


Wow, the sky falls daily online when it comes to Muslims, eh?


I love the description of the London thing (which involved a multi-racial crowd, not just a Muslim one) as:

way too reminiscent of the 1930s

You know who fought the police in the streets in the 1930s? The Jews.

No sense of history, no sense of irony.


Words of wisdom from the Power Line Forum.

You are arrogant to believe you can effect the climate. One volcano espouses more carbon then the entire human race -does in one year- in the first 10-20 minutes of an eruption.

Volcanoes understand that if you love something, you should set it free.


You are arrogant to believe you can effect the climate. One volcano espouses more carbon then the entire human race -does in one year- in the first 10-20 minutes of an eruption.

Right wingers love this example, and never seem to follow up with “OK, and then what happens?”


“Espouses”? Seriously?


You know, when these mensas were having their yuk-yuks over how it was cold outside LA last month, it was like 80 degrees here in Atlanta. The week of Christmas.

Not that this is an argument for anything, because despite the bleatings of Hindy-n-pals, weather != climate. But it does show that, even on their own ridiculous terms, they still fail at the debate.


This is way too reminiscent of the 1930s.

How, exactly?

No really, how? Explain. This is like Tony Blankley referring to Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa as “potential-caliphate-forming.” What evidence- what fucking evidence- do you have of this at all?


This is like Tony Blankley referring to Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa as “potential-caliphate-forming.” What evidence- what fucking evidence- do you have of this at all?

Michael Ledeen and Charles Krauthamer told me.


He sees crowds of them on the TeeVee.


No sense of history, no sense of irony.

We need to exterminate the muzzies to prevent another Holocaust.

Exterminate! Exterminate!


Ahh, Pammycakes. Looks like she’s basking in her SPREAD of VICTORY over LGF, badoodle-boo-yeah and all.


Did he really say he’s never seen it this cold in MN before?

Then he must have moved here after 1996, when the state record was set in Tower at -60 F.

And I echo the comment above, this is nothing like we used to get – hell I don’t even need to plug my truck in anymore and haven’t for several years.

God, what an idiot.


Yes, the Pravda that predicted the break-up of the U. S. of A. into six parts:

If that means we can ditch most of the former CSA, let Utah run off on its own, and let those flat states in the middle with more cows than people become Jesusland then I’m willing to discuss it….


OT, but Sadly,No! Industries are getting comment spammed in this thread.

It’s clogging up my RSS comments feed is all.


I had to look and see – yes he really said that.

I hope the next El Nino is a big one – and his A/C goes out in the middle of the ensuing July heat wave.

Fuckin’ tool.


“right, this is the last of it. now, are you sure you want to post of all this stuff?…you wanna put it all on the internet?…yeah, cos once it’s posted, you can’t have it back, you do know that?”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If that means we can ditch most of the former CSA, let Utah run off on its own, and let those flat states in the middle with more cows than people become Jesusland then I’m willing to discuss it….

Will there be a mechanism for people in Utah to defect to the Pacific Northwest bloc?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

cos once it’s posted, you can’t have it back, you do know that?

And it will cost the ‘net hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars!


Not if it’s CO2 from patriotic American fossil-fuel developed entrepreneurship. In that case, our heroic national will keeps it from blocking all but terrorist photons.

Wait, didn’t Palin tell us that we can’t track individual carbon atoms through the pipeline? If we can’t track the moozlim atoms, then how can we prevent terrorist atoms from warming the weather? Do we need tighter carbon border security before we can offer carbon work permits? Aren’t brown people mostly made of carbon atoms? Do they hate us for our atmosphere?

Wingnut physics is hard.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

If we can’t track the moozlim atoms, then how can we prevent terrorist atoms from warming the weather?

Some variant of Maxwell’s Demon could do the job, but the wingnuts won’t let us use demons. Even little ones!


Here is a video of British Muslims Red Sox fans yelling at police rioting in the streets of Boston after their World Series win. Like the Nazis, one day they will try to kill us.

I think my version is better.


Aren’t brown people mostly made of carbon atoms? Do they hate us for our atmosphere?

If this is true then creating brown people would take more carbon out of the atmosphere and killing them would release more carbon. So suicide bombers are obviously a plot to destroy the environment. We must prevent these brown people from killing themselves and we must stop killing them. We must try to create more of them. The solution to global warming is obviously more brown people, living longer lives.


Arghhh! Preview sucks. Strikeout doesn’t work.

Here is a video of Red Sox fans rioting in the streets of Boston after their World Series win. Like the Nazis, one day they will try to kill us.

I think my version is better.

That’s what it should have said.


if that means we can ditch most of the former CSA, let Utah run off on its own, and let those flat states in the middle with more cows than people become Jesusland then I’m willing to discuss it….

Will there be a mechanism for people in Utah to defect to the Pacific Northwest bloc?

Maybe a trade with Idaho would work…

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Frankly, we don’t even have to go outside Europe to find worse riots. I mean, I’m sure a win for Arsenal or whomever probably results in more property and human damage than British Muslims yelling at cops about *anything* in the history of Britain containing Muslims.


What I want to know is where Hinderaker is being filmed from. His law firm is in the beige building off to his left (our right). No building in Minneapolis has that view of the skyline. He’d be floating in space somewhere over the Metrodome.

I’d say maybe Cedar Square/Riverside Plaza apartments, but the buildings would have to look alot smaller.


Wait, wait, wait! I’ve been saving a Hinderaker: “Hinde-winder”.

Eh? Eh?

Also: once you see that wingnuts don’t accept science and have forgotten about history, it’s no mystery that “it’s really cold” -> “there’s no global warming” seems like a compelling argument.


The “powers that be” in Washington, D.C. have forced inter-racial marriage and homo-sexuality on America

Wow, how did I manage to marry someone of the same race but opposite sex, with all this governmental forcing? And why do wingnuts hate interracial and homosexual marriage but love volcano/carbon espousal? Volcano/carbon marriages are an ABOMINATION BEFORE PELE.


Noen, Mpls had a week of temps down near 40 below for a week in 1996. I remember because it was the week after I made the switch from apartment life to my own home. I also remember being happy because it was sunny and slightly above zero the day of the move.

My wish for Hinderaker is that he runs outside quick* to start up his car and let it warm up for a little bit, absentmindedly locks the car when he gets out, and then finds out that he’s locked himself out of the house. It’s been known to happen in MN…

*In MN that means going outside in sub-zero weather without a hat, gloves and probably without a coat.


Yeah, the interracial marrage line does make me want to probe deeper: What about people of mixed race? Who can they marry? Should they be destroyed? Who will kill them? How? What about abortions for children of mixed race? Would you support them? Given mitochondrial DNA evidence, how many generations back do you look to determine race? What about Hispanic people? How much native blood do they have to have before they’re not white? There’s also a lot of native blood in many USians. How much is too much? How much will tracking all of this racial data cost? Will you have to raise my taxes to enforce your CRAZYPANTS ideas?


It’s Really Really Cold Out There!

But not to cold to riot! You only have to torch a few cars to keep warm.


Tom: thew strikeout tag is “strike” “s” works in preview but WordPress eats it. Or bites. Or something.


paul mirengoff : me ur goniff pal
paul mirengoff : are lump goniff


Head Jerkin Horn
Handier Jerk Hon
Jehan on her Rink
On hand jerk hire
And he jerk rhino


Does that worthless sack ever do any lawyerin’, or is he just living on wingnut welfare these days?


Really, this thread spam is working up into a JanusScript maestro-worthy work.

Calling Mr. Bubba….


@ Tom – Cedar Square? I doubt Assrocket would be caught dead around there. Waaayyyyy too many brown folk. He’s probably just in front of a green screen at WCCO downtown.

Yes, gbear, I remember that feeling too. When you could actually detect he faint traces of humidity in the air again and you could risk unzipping your coat. I don’t listen to Garrison Keillor much, I got tired of his schtick, but he had a great line: “Winter in Minnesota is when mother Nature makes a real effort to take you out“. She succeeded all too often, but that’s what Charlie’s list is for.


Here is a report on Muslim riots in Belgium written by an official of the white supremacist Vlaams Belang party a former Antwerp police official and city councilman who is a victim of that city’s “Islamization.”

Well, he’s a fascist so he’s a socialist so I love him deeply and gayly.


Really, this thread spam is working up into a JanusScript maestro-worthy work.

Calling Mr. Bubba….

Slacking off on the JanusNode, but Gary Graham seems ripe…


Excellent, I do enjoy some of the comments on Powerline about Britain. The posters miss the point. Generally, we riot pretty much non-stop in this country, be it over the poll tax, criminal justice act or just over Football on a Saturday afternoon. These fellows are showing that they are integrated into British society by having a kick off at the Old Bill.

Now, if only we could convince them to drink 7 pints of lager and sing humorous songs questioning the parentage of the police prior to the violence then integration would be complete….


Oh really? If we needed them so badly, why didn’t the voters vote for a bond to fund them? If these projects are so essential to the lives of average Americans, why weren’t they willing to cough up the green to pay for it?

Surprisingly, G.G. isn’t talking about the Iraq war.


gbear, that was quite a winter. I remember Tower and Embarrass were competing to see who would set the record – Tower was accused of cheating by putting their thermometer in a lower spot. A bunch of reporters from the cities went up to the range to pound nails with frozen bananas and toss boiling water into the air to show how cold it was.

But that was weather, not climate and our winters in general are not what they used to be no matter what those idiots think.


Surprisingly, G.G. isn’t talking about the Iraq war.

Heh heh…


Meanwhile, in another internet tradition of which we are all aware, don’t forget to vote for the new definition of “saddleback” over at Savage Love.

I voted for candidate #5. Let your conscience be your guide.


If life gives you too much carbon, make Beef Carbonade.

Volcano/carbon marriages are an ABOMINATION BEFORE PELE.
The Mont Pelée eruption in 1902 was the equivalent of the Stonewall Riot, bringing volcano-carbon espousal into public awareness and ultimately stripping away the stigma. After Pelée, nuées ardentes are no longer an abomination and I can download ignimbrite pr0n on the Interducts.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

What about people of mixed race? Who can they marry?

I think it’s OK for mulattoes to marry other mulattoes if one of them has a black father and a white mother and the other is vice-versa. It’s sort of like that episode of Star Trek.


If I had a conscience, I wouldn’t be hanging around here.hurting people’s feelings 24/7.


And if I didn’t have the eyes of a 55-yr.-old, I’d be able to punctuate correctly. Or at least see the little things.


A bunch of reporters from the cities went up to the range to pound nails with frozen bananas and toss boiling water into the air to show how cold it was.

(Ummm, Stewart. Please don’t tell people that we pound nails with frozen bananas. Let’s let that be our little secret. OK? Thanks much.)


I can download ignimbrite pr0n on the Interducts.

I hear it can be tuff to find.


@ Trotsky – it wouldn’t take an Arsenal victory. All it takes is a dozen fourteen year olds and six litres of supermarket cider between them.


ARGH. Sorry for the mis-spelling Stuart.


OT, but from Politico, about Obama’s dinner with delusion last night:

Obama Tuesday night trekked to the Chevy Chase, Md., home of conservative columnist George F. Will to talk politics and get to know some of his fiercest intellectual adversaries: Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, Larry Kudlow, David Brooks, Rich Lowry, Peggy Noonan, Michael Barone, and Paul Gigot.

EPIC FAIL: It’s what’s for dinner.


Dear God Jennifer, I can’t imagine talking to those clowns all at once much less actually eating at the same time. What would be on the menu?


George F. Will…Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, Larry Kudlow, David Brooks, Rich Lowry, Peggy Noonan, Michael Barone, and Paul Gigot

An Alonquin Roundtable that ain’t.


Arsenal stll have the capacity to riot?!? I thought they’d drop their fig leaf ciabatta snacks at the muttering of a rude word

Three teams in the English leagues have swear words in their titles

Bristol fucking Rovers

Oh the joy of pointless local rivalries


What would be on the menu?



It’s sadly typical of today’s post-modernist Left to make excuses the most viscious, anti-semitic hatred.

I attended an anti-Israel demonstration in Los Angeles this past weekend and was horrified at what I saw; Leftists and Islamic theocrats standing side by side chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “Long live the Intifada!”.

Absolutely disgusting.

Go ahead, click my website if you want to see.


chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “Long live the Intifada!”.

Which chant is bad and why?


chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “Long live the Intifada!”.

Thanks for proving my point shit brain.


Thanks for proving my point shit brain.

What point?



Your pals The Truth and Goober have shuffled on. It’s recommended that you do likewise.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Thanks for proving my point shit brain.

There’s that wingnut thing of not putting a comma in front of a form of address. I wonder if there’s some sort of deeper brain miswiring that causes both poor punctuation and stupid politics.


I am a brain and his point is shit!


RB — Ringo’s a lizard, so you can’t expect him to distinguish between “Allahu Ackbar” and “Kill the Jews.” Only the Lizard King may make such nuanced decisions with the help of the extra nerve cells in his ponytail.

This one, well, he can’t even blockquote right.


The Arab / Israeli conflict = two madman in a burning house clubbing each other with babies each claiming moral superiority over the other.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I am a brain and his point is shit!

Hee hee

True enough, but he still punctuated it wrong. Must be from being a lizard.

Weird, tho. The lizards here in the Utah desert are all so nice. The most impolite thing they ever do is look at you with one eye and then close it really slowly.


The Arab / Israeli conflict = two madman in a burning house clubbing each other with babies each claiming moral superiority over the other.

I’m not so big on the equivalence thing.


The most impolite thing they ever do is look at you with one eye and then close it really slowly.

I wouldn’t put up with that shit from lizards.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I wouldn’t put up with that shit from lizards.

Me neither. When they do that to me I close an eye at them right back.


chanting “Our God is an awesome God” and “Kill the host-defilers!”.

Thanks for proving my point shit brain.

Of course, what with the last 50 or so years of Muslim anger at Israel being without historic or recent cause, and also totally unlike any prior racist phenomena, clearly the preceding 1600 of more or less unrelenting demonization, disinheritance, and slaughter of Jews by Christians is completely irrelevant. I simply bring it up because I am a Christ-killing extremist who supports the culture of death with scandalously radical behavior and ideas.


The most impolite thing they ever do is look at you with one eye and then close it really slowly.

We girls get the lascivious dewlap flash, plus the little jerks never look above our thoraces.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

We girls get the lascivious dewlap flash, plus the little jerks never look above our thoraces.

I often forget how much easier I have it being male. Apologies.

And indeed, this little perv looks like a chest-starer for sure. He’s an Arkansas lizard, apparently, but the same kind we get here.


“I’m not so big on the equivalence thing.”

Yeah, I agree. I guess… I’m just really really frustrated.


Yeah, I agree. I guess… I’m just really really frustrated.

It sure doesn’t help that Fatah and Hamas are the Palestinian options.


There’s that wingnut thing of not putting a comma in front of a form of address. I wonder if there’s some sort of deeper brain miswiring that causes both poor punctuation and stupid politics.

Thanks for correcting my punctuation, shit-head.


No, it doesn’t help and Israel is bigger and better armed. The only solution would be for some still bigger force to enforce boundaries. Or for Israel to be content with the land they have. Which they never will be.


Shit-head? Is that it? No wonder you lost. You lost the election, you lost Iraq and you lost in Vietnam. It’s all you know how to do.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

It’s all you know how to do.

Yup. Not only lost Iraq, but lost The War Of Ideas At Home, which is what all the chickenhawks insisted was even more important than sacking up and joining an armed service for the real war.


And indeed, this little perv looks like a chest-starer for sure.

Eerie, the eyes follow my abdomen around the room! Maybe I shouldn’t have painted my belly blue…


Pammy doesn’t like lizards staring at her thorax, or so she says.

Ace, snarky misogynist (this is the guy, when introduced to me at CPAC 2007, the first thing he ever said to me was ‘you got nice jugs ‘ – true story. Needless to say, it was the last time I ever spoke to him).


the first thing he ever said to me was ‘you got nice jugs ‘ – true story.

He was checking the kerning.


Ace thinks that’s foreplay.


It’s what Howard Roarke would have done prior to raping her.


It’s what Howard Roarke would have done prior to raping her.

Ball gag.


No staring at the thorax, lizard people!

P.S. I double dog dare anyone to listen to all 3 minutes.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Needless to say, it was the last time I ever spoke to him…

Was it the last time he ever spoke to her? Bonus pathetic-points if not.


Nancy Pelosi is aware of all internet traditions.


Still, white phosphorus can cause injury, and a growing number of Gazans report being hurt by it, including in Beit Lahiya, Khan Yunis, and in eastern and southwestern Gaza City. When exposed to air, it ignites, experts say, and if packed into an artillery shell, it can rain down flaming chemicals that cling to anything they touch.

Luay Suboh, 10, from Beit Lahiya, lost his eyesight and some skin on his face Saturday when, his mother said, a fiery substance clung to him as he darted home from a shelter where his family was staying to pick up clothes.

The substance smelled like burned trash, said Ms. Jaawanah, the mother who fled her home in Zeitoun, who had experienced it too. She had no affection for Hamas, but her sufferings were changing that. “Do you think I’m against them firing rockets now?” she asked, referring to Hamas. “No. I was against it before. Not anymore.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Nancy Pelosi is aware of all internet traditions.

I bet those cats were the ones who knocked impeachment off the table!


Getting rick-rolled by the speaker of the house is a good sign that meme is dead dead dead.


Next you know she’ll be calling everybody “dude”.


Buttmissile: “No matter how resolutely the Earth’s climate refuses to conform to their models, they ignore the evidence and cling to their theory. This isn’t science, it’s a combination of faith and politics.”

Classic wingnut projection.
To Hindy, EVERYTHING is a combination of faith & politics. So his belief is that everyone else thinks the same way, they just won’t admit it.

The Reality-Based Dave

The comment above was me. Forgot to change back…


Nancy discovers sockpuppets!


Was it the last time he ever spoke to her? Bonus pathetic-points if not.

Technically he never spoke to her, only to her breasts.


“Congratulations! I just discovered your blog because of the web blog awards. I’ll be stopping by here regularly now. And not because you’ve got a great rack. In fact, I didn’t even know you were a she until you shared that bit about your meeting Ace.

You know, you shouldn’t be so hard on Ace,,, you really do have nice jugs and he *is* a moron. Guess maybe I am too. You’re also quite intelligent and articulate but as a blogger, that wouldn’t be a surprise. IYKWIMAITYD”

From Pammycakes’ site… glorious


I am NOT The Reality-Based Dave.

I am Speaker of the Fuckin’ House, Beaches!


Excellent content here and a nice writing style too – keep up the great work!


C’mon Nancy, are you going to take that Meditation Techniques bullshit lying down? This is the internet!


Now they got them web blog awards on that thar intern net.


And not because you’ve got a great rack. In fact, I didn’t even know you were a she until you shared that bit about your meeting Ace.

Yeah, I guess a wing-nut couldn’t figure out that a woman was running that abomination, w/ there being no picutres whatsoever of her all over it.

And where did her upper lip go? Did she cut it off when she was shaving? Did Bolton’s ‘stache abrade Pammy’s lip into nothingness?


I can understand a woman being upset that men are looking at or commenting on her breasts, but why go through all the expensive surgery just so you can complain more often?



Jesus, when I clicked through to the comments I thought I was on (a less anti-Semitic) Stormfront or something. I know wingnuts are batshit insane, but I didn’t expect them to be calling Palestinians animals (and not just Hamas), denying the existence of a Palistinian people Ahmadinejad-style, and what appeared to be the advocacy of Nazi-style forced sterilization of Muslims.


Really it’s Pam’s right to alter her body in any way she sees fit and not get treated rudely by right-wing dumbasses who wouldn’t give PC bullshit and civil rights and feminists the time of day.


Thanks for correcting my punctuation, shit-head.

Look, fuckfart, just waddle on back to LGF.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Jesus, when I clicked through to the comments I thought I was on (a less anti-Semitic) Stormfront or something.

It is pretty shocking. I’d rather hang out with honest-to-goodness reptiles than that kind of lizards.

Or even grasshoppers, even though they spit that horrible stinky brown junk all over.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Thanks for correcting my punctuation, shit-head.

There’s no hyphen in “shithead”.



“I don’t know what’s more nauseating, folks: This right wing lunatic Palmor branding as a Hamas propagandist and leftist everyone who cites facts after having worked in this war zone or the United States Senate holding a vote while our nation is falling down around our ears in order to reaffirm Israel’s right to defend itself. Which is sort of like a judge reaffirming a wife batterer’s right to defend himself after his wife scratched his face just before he sent her to the Critical Care Unit.”


Righteous Bubba said,

January 15, 2009 at 3:15

Really it’s Pam’s right to alter her body in any way she sees fit and not get treated rudely by right-wing dumbasses who wouldn’t give PC bullshit and civil rights and feminists the time of day.

Not to mention, vlog from the beach.


Wonder how she meets all those complete fucking assholes? I mean, what are the odds?


Not to mention, vlog from the beach.

I’ve mentioned this before – becase I have real problems everyone! – but at 1:20 “now you have Bush”.


Don’t worry RB.

I’m granting you a Diploma in Freedom Studies™.

That should fix everything.


I had to Google that and was shocked that there were no other Diplomas in Freedom Studies on offer. HOWEVER.


Uh, something something, French fries, Hamburger U., mumble …

France = Freedom!


Meanwhile, in OTville, the kids are alright

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Hey, did anybody else follow the link over to Pammy’s nuthouse and see this little gem?

Ace, snarky misogynist (this is the guy, when introduced to me at CPAC 2007, the first thing he ever said to me was ‘you got nice jugs ‘ – true story.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Oh shit, I should’ve read all 593 other comments before making mine. I hate it when that happens.

Well, I guess I’ll just mosey along, folks.

Don’t anybody be embarrassed…



No, no. My fetishistic compulsion to read virtually everything before setting fingers to keys, while wasting much of my life, has saved me (actually, an electronic pseudonym that cannot possibly be harmed or embarrassed) a ton of unspeakable embarrassment.


But just to distract us from WM’s obvious embarrassment: Fresh from the shit bakery, less than an hour old!


The fact is, You liberals can’t stand the fact that smart people Like Hindraker, Joe the Plummer and others are calling you out on your left wing bias and USA hate. They know as do I that Obama/Osama is going to turn USA over to the caliphate as his first act and tax everyone who isn’t gay or black 100%.


Uh, don’t they have to get that “caliphate” set up before they can turn anything over to it?


Fine with me.


We’re gonna get you first, Gary!


Gary needs to watch PJ’s link. Really, I think he’d like it, a lot.


From the piece M. Bouffant linked to:

We have great politicians like Sarah Palin–who could well be president in not eight years but four–honest newsmen like Bret Baer and genius commentators like Rush–and Ann Coulter, who’s only about ten times smarter, funnier and more talented as a satirist than Jon Stewart or Bill Maher will ever be. The left can’t out-argue these mind-warriors so they try to ridicule, disdain and isolate them, to make us feel ashamed that we admire and respect them.

Is there an analogue to Clarke’s Third Law that states that any sufficiently idiotic wingnut commentary is indistinguishable from a Sadly,No! parody troll?


Dover Sole my ass.

Here’s the news, kids.

Stick with Tillapia or Catfish…



It’s pretty much beyond parody. (Is that Peak Wing-nut? When none of the “information” escaping the Inane Event Horizon can be determined to be actual horse-shit or parodic horse-shit?)

And that Klavan fuck-wad has books.

On shelves.

In bookstores.

For sale.


Holy Moley!

From M. Bouffant’s link to Andrew Klavan:

They’re lying. The left has to lie for the simple reason that they’re wrong and we’re right, their policies don’t work and ours do.

The last 8 years didn’t happen, or else they were a wingnut triumph?

Or was it that Republican majorities in the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, not to mention poor Preznit W (who was probably a lib anyway) were defeated by the ghost of Lyndon B. Johnson?


You liberals can’t stand the fact that smart people Like Hindraker, Joe the Plummer and others

I read where a philosopher once dreamed he was a butterfly


Never mind, Andrew Klavan answered the kweschun in his own article.

When people shame themselves that badly, they don’t admit it in a hurry. They savage their critics instead and continue their own shameful practices as a kind of defiant denial–anything rather than look in the mirror and confront what they’ve turned themselves into.

This has to be the best example of wingnut projection, ever.


Best comment there yet:

“You can’t have freedom without a moral framework. Religion IS freedom.
What you didn’t see the movie TRON?”


This one was pretty good:

Arthur Gutmann – January 14th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
Thank you for your military service, Mr. Klavan. We should all be grateful that you put your life on the line for your country, and that you came back alive.


The last 8 years didn’t happen, or else they were a wingnut triumph?

Or was it that Republican majorities in the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, not to mention poor Preznit W (who was probably a lib anyway) were defeated by the ghost of Lyndon B. Johnson?

Well, it couldn’t have been the wing-nuts, could it? I mean …

Maybe it could. This guy, also funny but not as anxious to murder as Klavan, can’t bring himself to mention any GOP pols after Reagan besides sweet Sarah (Who is no Reagan!). Pretty soon they’ll be convincing themselves that the prexys since ’89 have been Dukakis, Clinton & one term of poor [NAME REDACTED] who had to deal w/ all the wars that Clinton started while he was getting blown on PBS.


This has to be the best example of wingnut projection, ever.

As their projection gets more intense, so shall their fury. I hope everyone’s enjoying this particular moment in history, because it’s not likely to be repeated any time soon. Well, until the next election anyway.


Shorter Tom Purcell:

Dissecting The Obama Signature

Here’s a filler column mostly lifted from a handwriting analyst.

Jesus, I hate this guy. His website bills him as a “humor columnist,” for some reason. He must syndicate for free, because my local free daily rag runs him all the time.


I don’t drink coffee, but if I did I’d have spat it out over ‘mind-warriors’.

‘My mom says I’m not a wuss, I’m a mind-warrior!’


Ahh, Pammycakes. Looks like she’s basking in her SPREAD of VICTORY over LGF, badoodle-boo-yeah and all.

Bit late to this, buts its like 2 old drunks fighting over the last bottle of Buckfast (at 4am at Glasgow Cross).


They know as do I that Obama/Osama is going to turn USA over to the caliphate as his first act and tax everyone who isn’t gay or black 100%.

Well, if there’s a tax break involved I might be willing to turn gay. Just wondering, though, how is he getting this through Congress with Larry Craig gone?


fighting over the last bottle of Buckfast
Thanks to this blog, and Flying Rodent’s, I am now aware of the existence of Buckfast and its place in Scottish culture.
“In recent times, Buckfast has achieved a surprising level of popularity within working class and bohemian communities in certain parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland… Aside from ‘Buckie’, other nicknames include ‘tonic’, ‘commotion lotion’ and ‘wreck-the-hoose juice’.”

Thank you, Intertubes, for occupying more of my brain with irrelevant information!


Many politicians and social activists single out Buckfast Tonic Wine as being particularly responsible for crime, disorder, and general social deprivation in these communities

I don’t dislike the drugs, the drugs dislike me.


Caffeine (37.5mg/100ml)

Just thinking about it makes me criminal, disordered and socially deprived.


I think it’s funny that assrocket would whine about British Muslims at a rally overseas when we have a mob of bigots cheering on Israel’s atrocities in Gaza.


It was little more than a Klan rally without the white hoods and quaint rustic charm. Max Blumenthal interviewed some of these creeps (a number of whom talked openly about exterminating ALL Palestinians) and it was pretty shocking -and I’m not easily shocked.


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