Fly, Monkeys, Fly!

Oh dear. I just visited the 2008 Weblog Awards and, judging from the Cheeto dust and Vaseline jars I found everywhere, an army of wingnuts with nothing to do on a Friday night invaded the place and started voting for some truly preposterous bloggers. So, SadlyNauts, when the haze of your hangover clears and/or when you finish your part-time job today performing gay abortions, you need to go over to the Weblog Awards and avert tragedy.
To make your job easier, I have a few suggestions.
In the Best Individual Blogger category the loathsome fake nun and über-hypochondriac who blogs as The Anchoress is in the lead. Lindsay Beyerstein, who blogs at Majikthise, can whip the Anchoress’s wimple if you’ll go vote for Lindsay. [UPDATE: Driftglass has now pulled ahead of Sister Hypochondria, so a vote for Driftglass is now in order.]
In the Best Humor Blog category, the totally awesome Jon Swift is running behind some loser in Baltimore who sits around in his underwear all day reading the comics page and trying to think up teh funny about Dick Tracy and Mark Trail. Go give the loser from Baltimore the flying monkey treatment and vote for Jon Swift.
In the Best Major Blog category, two Sadly, No! friends — John Cole and TBogg — are running behind an obsequious Mormon mommy-blogger who blogs as “cjane enjoy it.” I don’t know what is worse — cjane’s e.e.cummings schtick, her saccharin posts or her portrait of herself in her banner as a friggin’ angel, with wings, halo and the whole business. Please, please, please, I beg you to go vote for either John or TBogg, whoever has the best chance of catching cjane at the time you vote. [UPDATE: Tim F. at Balloon Juice has asked that all Balloon Juice voters vote for TBogg to prevent splitting the vote.]
So is cjanes underwear magic? The site is so bad its nearly a parody of itself.
Please, please, please, I beg you to go vote for either John or TBogg, whichever has the best chance of catching cjane at the time you vote.
In that spirit, why not vote for Driftglass for Best Individual Blogger category?
The guy puts out some great stuff, and is less than 200 votes behind the fake nun.
Last year I recall some wingnuts “bragging” about stuffing the box with automated scripts…any SadlyNauts hip to robo-voting?
I vote for Driftglass, early and often.
A favorite.
I’d like to urge people to vote for Created in Birmingham as Best UK Blog. Not because I expect any of you to care about stuff that’s created in Birmingham (except Ozzy, obviously) – I’m British and I don’t even care – but because it’s in danger of losing to our homegrown demented wingnut Melanie Philips…
Should the motto “In God We Trust” be removed from U.S. currency?
The Republicans today have nothing to do they are really starting to piss me off.
GOTV failure? We’ll always have this comment to savor:
Cry your bitter tears, troofie. They’re schadenfreudelicious!
Aw, now don’t bad-mouth the Comics Curmudgeon. Not everyone can explore the twisted relationship between Beetle Bailey and his subordinates in such loving detail.
Well, I can’t tell exactly how tongue-in-cheek you’re being, but you seem pretty serious about the other two, so I gotta say: The Comics Curmudgeon doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with those wingnuts. He’s a legitimately hilarious guy, and for what it’s worth, he’s a decent fellow and as liberal as anyone here. Nothing against Jon Swift, but I don’t see what this has to do with wingnut voting patterns. This is about whose blog is funnier.
Jon Swift is great, but so is The Curmudgeon. His commentaries on Mary Worth are great fun.
I hate to be a contrarian about this, but I think the Comics Curmudgeon is the correct vote for Best Humor Blog. Anyone who disagrees could be subject to the wrath of Margo!
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
How the hell did that cjane thing even end up in the category of “major blog”?
Mommy blogs are a scourge that must be eradicated.
Consider this another endorsement of the Comics Curmudgeon. Funny blog, good community of commenters. Much like Sadly No.
How the hell did that cjane thing even end up in the category of “major blog”?
The size categories are based on Technorati Authority — the no. of sites linking to a blog over 6 mos.
One jello recipe and cjane is on a par with Kos.
Last year I recall some wingnuts “bragging” about stuffing the box with automated scripts…any SadlyNauts hip to robo-voting?
No, but PUMA is all over it with their very own resident Perl haxx0r, who’s going to blow the lid off this thing and expose Kevin K. for the cheaty cheat McCheaterfuck that he is. hmph! Also.
If you love Freedom and America more than the Baby Jeebus, check out the Official Make a PUMA Cry for God Voting Recommendation List, here.
No offense to our fine proprietors or the gods of WP, of course.
I would have thought that a brainy group like the Naughts would eschew these ‘competitions’. Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Shrub has an MBA from Harvard. Gordon Hinckley (president of the Mormon Church) has a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Prizes are for putzes. Or, as my mother said, virtue is its own reward.
I thought everybody won a prize just for showing up anymore.
Pretty goddam shitty little nannystate we’ve got going here…
Whoa there! The Comics Curmudgeon is NOT a wingnut. Not even close. He’s fucking fantastic and well deserving of votes.
2008 Weblog Banner (Fixed)
“The only allowable modification is that you may choose to add the name category(s) directly below graphic in a modified version of the graphic… Any modifications should be consistent with the design of the original image.” — Kevin Aylward.
I say he’ll sue.
OK, I give. Is there really some reason that anybody should give a rat’s ass about these awards? I can barely work up any interest in the Koufax awards, much less these stupid things. Too much bloggy navel gazing for me.
This year we should really let voting go the way Whizbang wants. He has been trying SO hard the last few years to fix things just so…
OK, I give. Is there really some reason that anybody should give a rat’s ass about these awards?
Just to SJK Whizbang’s shite up. Isn’t that enough? It’s not like there’s any work involved…
Let the wingnuts have all the blog awards. That’ll give them something to suck on while the country slowly, inexorably moves leftward towards reality.
At least Chris Muir isn’t leading in the award for best comic
I have no idea who most of the other contenders are. They might possibly be worse.
Everybody follow the bouncing troll…
Jena 6… kid with heart problems… racist professors…GOTV…
Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.
My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.
Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
Juan Cole is losing to Michael Totten. Ugh. You can vote for Juan here.
Some nasty wingnut with a blog called “UppityWoman” is being touted by PUMAs and if you want to help them keep their record of non-stop failure intact you can vote for the leader, ~ synthesis ~ in the best new blog category.
And nothing against Lindsey but she’s 2,300 votes back while Driftglass is only 5 back right now so I second IT-diggity’s recommendation.
Maybe worst of all, JammieWearingFool is winning the Best Large Blog category. Won’t you help break his/her heart by voting for friend of S,N!, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.?
Lastly, Pharyngula is losing to global climate change deniers so those of you who are not to cool to care should go vote for PZ.
xkcd is decent and Garfield Minus Garfield is great; the rest I’ve never heard of.
They might possibly be worse.
Apparently, the key question here is what exactly is the status of Whizbang’s shitbox, and whether it should be Tonguejacked?
I lack the authority to make these important directions.
We need someone to take charge of the whole Whizbang Shitbox issue…
You are generating backlash w/ your anti-Curmudgeon shtick.
Go ahead & unleash the winged primates, but know that one smartass with a hot matrix can shoot the entire fleet of them out of the sky with one mouse-click.
Monkeys(ahem) & wrenches may very well be involved here – the numbers look suspiciously wonky to me … & I’ve heard the same said about YouTube & suspected it in regards to other sites as well.
Sorta smells to me like maybe they should just come out & call it the “Blogs Backed By Teh Greatest Warez/Sockpuppets/Reloaders Award” … you can get all the popularity you like on the Interwebs, as long as you can afford it &/or know whose feet to lick – not unlike politics.
Bookmark this, curmudgeonites, as this is exactly how it’ll go down…
Balloon Juice has asked that all votes go for T-Bogg. I am happy to hear it as that was a tough choice for me.
Go T-Bogg.
He posts a picture of himself in boxer shorts and I’m supposed to leave that by the side of the road? I don’t think so. He’s perfectly free to lampoon my silly haircut and my fey little white dog in return.
Mommy blogs are a scourge that must be eradicated.
There is only one decent mommy blog on the web, as far as I can tell, and that’s
She’s taken plenty of grief from the mommy hordes for not being mommy enough.
uppitywoman08 blog is godawful. is larry fuckface johnson writing it?
Sorry there, my little Belgian friend,
I had not clicked through to see the horror you mention, & I stand corrected, as well as a bit queasy. Some warning next time, perhaps, also, you betcha?
And your little dog isn’t “fey,” per se, that’s just how humans react to him.
Think of the animals!! (Or like an animal.)
From the shrieker who accused lefty blog award voters of cheating
This year we should really let voting go the way Whizbang wants. He has been trying SO hard the last few years to fix things just so…
My sentiments exactly. The Weblog Awards was conceived in the ninth Circle of Hell. Don’t waste your time on this hellish blasphemy!
Let the middle-class, suburbanite nun-person win a Penis Award. She deserves it.
And so does DailyKos, come to think of it. Getting Blue Dogs elected and then whine about it afterwards….
Anyway, Dlisted’s Hot Slut of the Year Award is much more important. The final round is coming up.
Well it touches the subconscious need in us all to fit in, don’t it? “See all these other people think like me” And teh final result is not that much of an endorsement seeing even lazy arsed persons such as I have been to vote several times. Did we really not know that the people who read The Anchoress (or wtf she is called) would be capable of voting everyday because they are so NEEDY, man, “She’s so awesome, just like me, and she’s a girl so suck on that feminists”.
It’d be nice if the intertubes were totally luberal and voted all luberul blogs into number one but it won’t happen. But all that said, PZ is coming second??? Hope it’s not cracker backlash.
Has anyone considered getting Diebold to run it? they have plenty of experience.
Ha ha ha… every time, every single time when actually cornered by someone who knows how the insecure, obsessive trolling mind works, our pal goes completely batshit insane. And here he is doing it again, because he thought that, after trying to stay away for a few days, he could come back and this time, this time no one would work out it was him. But bookmark THIS “liberals” (Yes, as AlanSmithee he even used the word “liberals”… but it’s NOT him again, seriously!) , this, this right here is how you PWN TEH TRUTH. I pwn you, bitch! 😉
Now to do some voting….
I’m personally convinced that these Weblog Awards are run much the same way the online tech press runs itself, hence the reason I hate them both—they nominate in such a way that is guaranteed to stir up the most emotion in the largest number of people, hence guaranteeing themselves pageviews.
I stopped patronizing CNET, Slashdot, and friends a long, long time ago despite being in the IT field, I recommend everyone do the same of these Awards.
The suburbanite nun-such is now losing, Erik W.
Anxiously awaiting link to this “Hot Slut of The Yr. Award.”
Is there such a thing as a “cold” slut? “Hot slut” seems redundant.
MB, I think there might quite a few “celebrities” who could qualify for “Cold Slut of the Year” males and females.
You betcha.
The point of my post is that your GOTV effort here could backfire, because I vote against the people you want to win. (I have zero interest in who wins, of course, but it seems to be important to you).
There’s no need to illustrate exactly how sad and empty your life is. We already know you wouldn’t show up here otherwise.
Any poll that allows more than one vote from a machine isn’t worth the powder to blow it up with anyhow.
I’m having a little trouble parsing that.
As someone who has blown up a lot of shit over the years, using any number of prepared and improvised volatile chemicals, I must say that I’ve never used anyhow.
Can I buy it on the intert00bz?
Aw, you’re just mad because you think a black guy stole boomers and evangelicals from you. You just know it was that nigger family down the street with the baggy pants – you’ve seen ’em watching Spike Lee and everything – but the police won’t take your leads any more.
I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not, but as a consolation let me just say you’re adorable, little man.
In before predicting that you winning over those teagues is obviously going to lead to trouble with your radical anti-family miscegenatory agenda, I could have told you those people wouldn’t stand for coloreds running away with their daughters but you wouldn’t believe me, &c.
Nah, you’re just tickled pink about it because NIGGERS
autoblog is winning? LOL
Q: How many Republicans does it take to perform fellatio successfully?
A: Trick question. They’re all excellent at it.
Okay; where’s the slate? “Individual bloggers” — who are these wankers? Tell me who to vote for and I will blindly obey.
(P.S. I totally agree about the Best Humor Blog category — WTF??)
Nah, Republicans give awful head. They’re too caught up in the idea of it to be anything but toothy and overenthusiastic.
They’re pretty good for a cheap lay if you tell ’em you’re an executive and you can’t stand Mexicans, though. Works every time.
Also, seriously, I love Jon Swift and all, but Curmudgeon is great, a great guy, and a major figure among the younger/more subversive/lefty people in newspaper comix (Sally Forth writers, at least one person on the Archie creative team, etc.) If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t know that Newspaper Spiderman (in spite of being totally pathetic) is weirdly proficient with modern technology; Hi and Lois is a reasonably positive/pro-teenager comic (one in which the characters actually age, too!) posing as a middlebrow Family Circus ripoff, and I would neither know nor care where to begin about For Better Or For Worse.
It’s an awesome read, and after the 2008 campaign season involving a greasy bald anti-Semite being angry on TV about a black man ruining his fantasy life, it’s kind of nice to have a good, reliable humor blog that is more or less independent of politics without being anything but politically admirable. Seriously: read it, vote for it, drop trou for Fruhlinger if he asks. Make sure Swift is at least second, though.
I gotta say that Comics Curmudgeon is very funny. He will split my comedy vote.
I just want to say I don’t support, subscribe to or appreciate any bad-mouthing of my worthy opponent Comics Curmudgeon or anyone else in my category. I think people should vote for blogs they like rather than against blogs they hate, but I’m old-fashioned that way. That said I would appreciate your support since I only need about 5000 more votes to vault into first place. Please take a look at my latest piece if you get a chance and decide who deserves your vote. And I hope you will support the other fine blogs mentioned here like skippy, Driftglass, Simply Left Behind, Juan Cole and others I may have left out, all of whom I consider friends, who deserve your support because they all have great blogs.
Wait, wait, is Comics Curmudgeon a wingnut blog? It’s been a while since I read it, but I don’t remember him putting political content in at all…
I love the things you learn when you start reading blogs beyond your normal purview: for instance, that people subject to recall are being recruited at least partially on the basis of two-year contracts offering a strong chance that Obama will wind up ending recall before they wear out.
In other words, the semi- or fully-official stance taken by military counselors and recruiters is, as vetvoice describes it, ‘ding-dong, the witch is dead’.
There’ve been a couple of times I’ve legitimately regretted voting for the fucker, but this isn’t one of them.
Nope: soft lefty. I think I remember him alluding to support for Obama in the primaries, and MD was kinda close (and was, pre-2006, pretty middle-of-the-road) so that’s saying quite a bit.
Vote Lindsay Beyerstein/Majikthise.
Not sure Lindsay will ever catch up. Voting for Driftglass will defeat the wingnun though.
Yes, the anchoress isn’t just a wingnut, she’s a wingNUN.
I’ve been campaigning vigorously at my blog on behalf of Driftglass, but I meant no disrespect to Lindsay. She’s an excellent blogger.
I consider DG to be one of the best writers in the blogosphere, and he is now leading only slightly in the category. So if defeating the “Bush is right on Gitmo” nun wannabee is your goal, Driftglass is your candidate.
Bless you, Sadly No!, for taking a stand against wingnut nuns everywhere.
>>Wait, wait, is Comics Curmudgeon a wingnut blog? It’s been a while since I read it, but I don’t remember him putting political content in at all…
>Nope: soft lefty. I think I remember him alluding to support for Obama in the primaries, and MD was kinda close (and was, pre-2006, pretty middle-of-the-road) so that’s saying quite a bit.
He also does a weekly column on Wonkette. It’s like CC, but with bad political cartoons.
Since when is Wonkette a liberal blog? I know she used to be, before she got sucked into the majesty of being on tv and turned into…whatever it is she is. But glad to help, especially with the (hopeful) beating of the Anchoress (definitely a good name for a conservative, something that drags you down into the deep dark fatal depths).
Wonkette is no longer really associated with Ana Marie Cox, which is probably not such a bad thing considering the abomination she’s become.
It’s run by a couple of people now, it used to be part of the Gawker Media
shitpilenetwork, but Gawker apparently sold it off after they decided they couldn’t generate enough ad clicks from snarkster wannabes.I read it; I’d hardly consider them edgy but it’s decent entertainment. The whole thing where commenters get voice from moderators always turned me away. Maybe that they’re out of Gawker’s orbit they could quit that now, but meh.
I’m actually pretty pissed that you guys slammed Comics Curmudgeon in the course of touting your support for lefty bloggers. CC is hilarious, and while I also like Jon Swift a lot, CC posts a lot more often, and nurtures a very active, fun community on his blog.
I really think you guys should suck it up a little and admit your swipe at CC is out of place here. The other bloggers you slam are your political enemies. CC is just a funny guy who happen to be in the same category as Jon Swift. Leave the innocent bystanders alone.
Okay, now I have to go hunt down that column on Wonkette. God knows, I see more than enough horrible political cartoons…
To be fair, I don’t think Clif knew who CC even was before now, so maybe his swipe was out of place in that you shouldn’t talk out of your ass about things you don’t really know about. But I see it as stupid, not malicious.
I’ll admit to only having a vague idea of who he was, but I’m not really eyeball-deep in this blog thing like some people are. I only regularly comment here; I read other blogs but have never been able to get into a regular commenting thing anywhere else. That and I care jack all about comics.
And to be doubleplus fair, it does seem to me everyone’s getting a little antsy about this popularity contest and some people are probably saying things they wouldn’t otherwise, and will probably later regret. I suppose in that context, if you were up against a guy whose entire shtick revolved around comics, you might evoke the whole basement-dweller wingnut stereotype too. It’s like how everyone makes fun of Trekkies (or furries!) but at least in the case of veteran fans of these sorts of things, you just stop being offended by this stuff after a while, and you might even join in on occasion. You certainly begin to see the humor in it after you grow up, and acquire the ability to poke fun at yourself.
Let it never be said that cynicism was such a bad thing.
You can all bet that I, for one, have never ever said anything even remotely like that.
I keep wondering something about the “Best Conservative Blog”. Would that be the LEAST batshit insane/evil/stupid one or the MOST bi/e/s one?? (slashes stand for and/or).
From cjane:
Spider spunk?
I don’t know why I clicked through to that site. I guess I wanted to see if the banner was as bad as tintin said. Yup. Maybe even worse.
I’m not sure I get it.
I mean, I like sports, so I read the standings, root for my favorite teams and care who wins.
But I didn’t know that writing a weblog was a contest. I don’t see how you can have a “winner”, although I don’t have difficulty identifying losers. I read what I read ’cause I like what they have to say, about 26 different sites I check every day and a bunch of serendipity that comes from clicking links.
I don’t read them because they’re popular, nor am I persuaded that because a bunch of people say they’re good I’m going to enjoy reading them.
As an example, people on this site seem to HATE Matt Yglesias. If I cared about what people said I should read, I wouldn’t read Matt. But I do, every day, and he makes me think about lots of things in a different way. A good thing.
So, hey, vote for who you want, that’s the whole idea, and if you’re invested in the outcome you SHOULD encourage others to vote for your guy (albeit for the reason that you LIKE them, not because you hate somebody else). And you should also recognize that it doesn’t mean a thing because it’s internet voting and lots of people are doing things to have an exaggerated impact on the outcome. But for heavens sake don’t get your panties in a twist over it, OK?
I don’t particularly care for Yglesias because of his obvious desire to be part of the Villager clique and his blatant careerism, but I ignore him most of the time.
The biggest threat that he poses is that he gives the powers that be, in the media, a nonthreatening excuse for a “blogger”. He tends to shy away from opinions or facts that might threaten the power structure that he wants to be a part of, and in fact he has, in the past, openly derided people on the left who worked to expose this sort of stuff. The Iraq war and his opinions on that are probably the biggest reason people on the left hate him so much, but, like all the other members of the middle-class blogger’s clique, he can be more than a little callous on class issues.
I think of him as a liberal blogger for the stereotype liberal yuppie that everyone seems to think is Obama’s base. The kind of person who is all over equality type stuff like gay rights but when it comes to things that might threaten their ability to buy overpriced coffee at Starbucks, they get all nervous and fall silent.
Sadly, it is hard to compete with their army of unemployable flying monkeys living in their mothers’ basements continuously surfing the net for porn, shit blowing up, and Wrongospheric blogs while they huff Cheetos’ dust, mainline Mountain Dew, and wank to war pron.
And that’s exactly my point, Simba.
You don’t have to read him, and just because I do is a crappy reason for you to do so.
That you don’t read him would be a crappy reason for me to decide.
We’ll both read the stuff that resonates with us, that makes us think, that contributes value to our existence.
You should no more read something I like than I should NOT read something you don’t….
Well put. Ranking (say, guitar players or anything else) there’s never a true #1, but a shifting top three (if one’s picky) or five or ten.
Spotting losers, that’s the fun.
about the “Best Conservative Blog”. Would that be the LEAST batshit insane/evil/stupid one or the MOST bi/e/s one??
Well, I personally voted for Pammycakes. 😎
I am voting for both the Comics Curmudgeon AND Sadly No, the two blogs I post on most often and the two I read the most!! Dagnabit!
What category has “No Quarter” listed, besides “worst hair”??
Here’s the Comics Curmudgeon.
Is it just me or were last year’s awards more fun when we were directly competing against these asshats instead of being told to vote for someone’s roommate’s uncle’s cousin’s BFF blogger friend?
I mean this shit seriously reeks of the same high school cliquishness that we’re always getting on the Villagers for. Complete with a cynical attempt at “war” and everything.
Ranking (say, guitar players or anything else) there’s never a true #1
But among guitar players, there is a true Number One. The one and only one: Yngwie Malmsteen!
To be fair, I don’t think Clif knew who CC even was before now, so maybe his swipe was out of place in that you shouldn’t talk out of your ass about things you don’t really know about.
I would just like to add that Tintin’s single comment in the post is not grounds for Panic Bear’s use of the second person plural. The comments in the thread by regular Sadly, No! commenters have been in the vast majority positive about the Curmudgeon.
But I didn’t know that writing a weblog was a contest. I don’t see how you can have a “winner”, although I don’t have difficulty identifying losers.
Once again, now with urgency, bring back the Cobb Awards! We need them! They keep us honest. Sort of.
Well, I personally voted for Pammycakes. 😎
I keep voting for Ace. He’s the most cookie-cutter indistinct wingnut there is (with the exception of his well-known criticisms of feminine ickiness, but those don’t stand out as much as, for instance, Pammy’s batshittery). I think the “best” conservative blog should be the most mediocre, so – Ace it is.
“I keep voting for Ace.”
I keep voting for the Canadian wingnuts, small dead animals, because they’re Canadian.
I keep voting for the Canadian wingnuts, small dead animals, because they’re Canadian.
Yes, but Kathy Shaidle also has the vast homosexual liberal fascist conspiracy throwing the vote for her. Oh wait, wrong poll.
Plus, I don’t think there’s one picture of her out there where she doesn’t look INCREDIBLY PISSED OFF.
No Quarter is in this one.
538 is crushing them all like bugs.
I’ll never quite get how Nate Silver went from a guy with a well-selected fantasy baseball team to a national phenomenon, but good on him any which way.
He certainly deserves it a hell of a lot more than Larry ‘bin Laden and black people are a myth’ J.
Oh dear, sometimes humor does backfire. I was just trying to make fun of a guy who posted a picture of himself in his boxer shorts. It was joke on the same level as Bloggess, nominated in the same category, who accused him of wanting to eat kittens and he denied the charge by saying he wanted to eat babies. Of course, whenever you have to explain a joke, you’ve failed. So, call me a loser who spends his days in his boxer shorts reading Ben Shapiro posts and we’re even.
No! Not infantile nonsense!
(And if there’s actually someone out there who’s odd enough to take the Weblog Awards seriously, I’d recommend that you take a long, soothing soak in a tub of warm chicken fat.)
Thanks, Tintin. Sorry to be so strident, but I was confused, since the scorn directed at the wingnut bloggers seemed sincere.
J—, by “you guys” I meant the original posters. I don’t know why I thought there was more than one.
‘Wonkette’ for Best Liberal Blogger??????
you frickin’ morons.
grow a brain.
I mentioned it the other day but I think it’s worth pointing out again:
One of our finest conservative blogs =
And, hey, I’m not the only, ahem, fan. Look at comment no. 4 in this lovely post:
Just a little background on cjane (Courtney):
“Stephanie’s prognosis was grave. She had a 60 to 70 percent chance of survival, her doctors said. Third-degree burns took almost all the skin from her back, chest, face, neck, arms and lower legs. Her organs were strong, her slender body working hard, but there would be months of recovery and years of pain.
Her hands were burned to the tendons. The doctors were able to preserve the cartilage of her nose, but that sweet face full of the freckles she shared with her sisters, gone. The sisters felt like Stephanie was gone, too.Courtney promised to continue her sister’s blog.,,
The four children could come home to Provo, Courtney thought. Already the mother of a newborn, Courtney took Claire, 6, Jane, 5, and Oliver, 3. Another sister took Nicholas, 2.”
Thanks for that Mary but she’s a Mormon and a mommy blogger and thus deserves to lose. I’m sure you understand.
Coelacanth — you sound just like the ignint hatemongers you lampoon.
Curmudgeon’s boxer-sporting picture was because some (obviously deranged) person wanted a calendar of bloggers in their undies.
He’s very funny, and I read him nearly daily. I can’t see putting CC and Jon Swift in the same category, though. The lowest common denominator to boil them down to, I guess, is technically “humor,” but Swift really is in a league of his own.
I read CC daily and comment frequently (“Muffaroo”). I voted for it, of course, but after the first time I saw that it was the likely winner and devoted my remaining clout to Mr. Swift, who deserved a higher relative position than his nearest competition.
I’ve voted for Medium-Large each time. It’s worth a look, if the Curmudgeon appeals to you, because it skewers the daily comics (including Sally Forth, which is kind of funny if you know what Ces’s day job is).
Then I voted for Avedon, cause she’s my friend.
ps: Voting for Ces also had the beneficial effect of knocking Muir out of that position. Also, I’m quite fond of xkcd and sans Garfield, but they were doing fine without me.