Have Some Schlußelschnitzel

necklaces for lushes
Now that Debbie Schlußelscheißen has made an appearance at Big Andy Breitbart’s Big Hollywood Big Website, I think we can officially declare Big Hollywood as the most wingnutterific website ever.* Debbie’s contribution to Big Hollywood’s war on Hollywood liberals is a post that proves that Marvel Comics has been infiltrated by Mooslims. Her evidence? Barack Obama makes an appearance in a Spiderman comic book. No, seriously:
Once, comic books were against Nazis and Hitler and were very up front in supporting America’s fight against them. But those days are over.
Now the comic books are against America and for the Nazis.
Both DC and Marvel Comics long ago embraced left-wing politics, and when it came to the war on terror, they were for the most part silent. Fighting “global warming” … was far more important …
You may have missed the lecture in your American History class where it was revealed that Hitler’s desire for world domination was motivated chiefly by his desire to end global warming.
Now, though, comic books are back to supporting the President, since he embodies their far-left ideology.
Making money has nothing to do with it. All comic book publishers are secretly funded by George Soros.
Yup, Spider-Man is in the tank for Obama. … In a special issue, “Amazing Spider-Man #583,” out on Jan. 14th, the President-Elect Obama and Spidey are shown doing the fist-bump (wanna know what I think about the fist-bump?)
I can’t possibly imagine what Schlußelscheißen thinks of the fist-bump but, if I were to hazard a wild guess, I bet she thinks the fist bump is Arabic Sign Language for “Hey, Omar, let’s decapitate a bunch of Christians and Jews and then go establish a caliphate in America!”
I’m just wondering: When Obama goes to share some baklava with his new friend Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or his buds in HAMAS, will we see Spidey cheering that on, too?
Actually Spidey will help Obama and Ahmadinejad push the button launching a nuclear missile strike on the United States, and he will then immediately fly off to intercept and destroy the anti-ballistic missiles shot by the Red State Strike Force to save America from destruction.
Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis . . . not sitting down to talk and eat wienerschnitzel with them or praising Presidents who want to do just that.
Speaking of eating wienerschnitzel, do you think little Ms. Schlußelscheißen has been … no, I better not say that or I’ll just get in trouble all over again.
*Big Andy’s Big Hollywood pretty much concedes its over-the-top wingnuttery and its resultant aptness for derision by attempting to prevent readers from selecting and copying the text of its blog posts. Apparently, the crack coders behind the site figured that we here at Sadly, No! couldn’t figure out how to copy the text directly from the source code of the page and would therefore would refrain from mocking the site. Well, don’t fuck with us, fellas, this ain’t our first time at the HTML rodeo.
UPDATE: Actually, readers using IE can select text, but those like me using Firefox 3.1 Beta can’t select text at the site. Perhaps the coders figured that lefties are more likely to use communist-inspired open source browsers like Firefox while patriotic conservatives do their bit for the country by using a corporate-developed browser like IE.
Isn’t this the same person who saw a Muslim plot in Good Humor ice cream trucks?
Sounds like she has some unresolved childhood issues if she is getting upset with comic books and ice cream.
I wonder what percentage of hits Breitbart’s site is getting come from SN and Edroso? When the novelty wears off their hit count will fall to zero.
If by “global warming” Schlussel means “Skrulls” then she’s kind of right.
I love that her thesis is basically, “In the past comics did patriotic things like hating Nazis. Nowadays they do unpatriotic things, like praising the President of the US.”
Man, what a worthless shit Debbie is. Sorry, I’d like to do some snark but I don’t know what else needs to be said.
Goodness, she’s stupid.
I can’t possibly imagine what Schlußelscheißen thinks of the fist-bump but, if I were to hazard a wild guess, I bet she thinks the fist bump is Arabic Sign Language for “Hey, Omar, let’s decapitate a bunch of Christians and Jews and then go establish a caliphate in America!”
Wrong! Here’s what she actually had to say about it:
Here’s a tip. When a 78-year-old with not-so-early-onset-dementia and an angry bitch who’s never before been proud of America do something, it’s no longer hip. It’s out. When the angry bitch who’s never before been proud of America does it multiple times, it’s just ugly.
Try looking dignified for a change. GROW UP.
Grow up and look dignified, you angry bitch!
Thanks again for sifting the dross and leaving me pure gold without the need to sully my beautiful mind with the rest.
Thinking of which, pretty please tell me the best bits of Mme Coulter’s latest. It sounds scrumpalicious.
I blacked out part of it but Note this X-Men frame.
This, on the other hand, is a more recent development.
The comic books are turning against us!
“Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis . . . not sitting down to talk and eat wienerschnitzel with them or praising Presidents who want to do just that.”
The FUTURE, Conan?
But really, what is it about, “You people and your president are about as popular as dysentery; Obama actually has pretty high public standing” that they can’t grasp?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Debbie = Unus the Untouchable.
What kind of red wine goes best with a Snickers bar, do you think?
What? No Superdickery?
Umm, I had uhh, absolutely no trouble copying and pasting text. Maybe it’s just me though, because I am one of the only people left in free world who, on a daily basis, continues to fight the Nazis!!!!
Jesus, Melissa Joan Hart looks like shit in that picture.
I really miss those days when WB put out pro-Stalin Bugs Bunny cartoons. Those were the days!
zeppo, ask Ann Althouse.
It’s called show BUSINESS for a reason.
And honey, that right wing shit just ain’t sellin’.
Ask Jack Abramoff.
And anyway, are you serious about complaining that your lame no-talent derivative polemics aren’t getting made by Hollywood? Get in line.
Try adding some mo’ fckin’ snakes to them scripts. That shit sells.
Hey Bubba,
All is not lost. X-Person and fellow likudnik Kitty Pryde shares Debbie’s antipathy towards those of the colored persuasion.*
*An unaltered panel.
Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis . . .
Lil’ Debbie is nostalgic for 1942?
> Try adding some mo’ fckin’ snakes to them scripts. That shit sells.
I can see the sequel to American Carol, the next nutjob/wingnut blockbuster:
“The Obamaislamiscist Hitler Is A Menace To The Free Market And Cheetos Factories (With Added Snakes)”
Didn’t I just get done hearing how TDK, Iron Man, Spiderman 3 et al., were all vindications of right-wing ideology? Memefail, Debs.
(wanna know what I think about the fist-bump?)
No, but I bet multiple droppings of the N-bomb are bubbling below the surface. Maybe Lil’ Debbie’s actually our “Since you liberals won’t admit that, according to this handful of random, misrepresented sources, you’re hypocrits for not decrying black people as ugly thugs whenever black people are even so much mentioned, you’re, um, hypocrits! Hey, scary black bookstore owners!” troll.
*An unaltered panel.
No, but an out-of-context panel nevertheless. I remember that issue. A couple beforehand, Professor X had been gang beaten by a bunch of mutant haters. At that time, mutants were very much a minority (as they are in current continuity), and if I recall correctly, the guy Kitty’s talking to was in on the beating. Couple panels later, Kitty’s maced and is almost administered a beatdown before, of all people, Magneto comes and saves the day. The story in general is about tolerence.
Awesome comments on the site:
I’ve been reading ‘Big Hollywood’–I don’t know whether to laugh or throw up. Those people really don’t have a clue as to how things work. If you need some relief, check out this old post on ‘Kung Fu Monkey’:
Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis . . .
Lil’ Debbie is nostalgic for 1942?
Well, to be fair, Sgt. Fury’s from the ’60s, and when two-fisted tales of Our Fighting Boys kicking some Ratzi tail in multi-cultural groups, natch, Jim Sterenko got ahold of him and turned him into Nick Fury, Agent Of Goddamn S.H.I.E.L.D. And Roy Thomas is well-known for his love of Golden Age characters, the Invaders (Captain America, The Human Torch, The Sub-Mariner and a bunch of friggin’ nobodies) for Marvel in the ’70s and the All-Star Squadron (every other superhero character, whether DC owned ’em in the ’40s or not) for DC in the ’80s.
It’s still fuckin’ comic books, Debbie. Superman doesn’t exist.
Couple panels later, Kitty’s maced and is almost administered a beatdown before, of all people, Magneto comes and saves the day.
Psst: they’re both members of the Jewish Conspiracy!
I really miss those days when WB put out pro-Stalin Bugs Bunny cartoons. Those were the days!
“Does your tobacco taste different lately?”
Good stuff.
as much as loveable Spidey/Peter Parker screws up,Obama would throw him under the bus faster than his pastor!
Nice! Of course Peter Parker votes Democratic, he digs science.
Maybe Breitbart and Schiessel can collaborate on a comic series about a bunch of “Creationist Friendly” superheroes.
Also: Baklava is forbidden? Isn’t baklava Greek? wtf?
Convenient of her to only mention Superman and Fury as Nazi-fighters, considering Captain America is still being published by Marvel and is still fighting Nazis in current comics.
I guess the stupid cow doesn’t realize that Stan Lee did “Sgt. Fury and the Howlin’ Commandos” on a dare with his boss that any crazy group of people can be made to be appealing if you write a good story to go with it. Stan proved his point and went on from there.
Wonder how Debbie feels about the commando who was a little light in the loafers?
Besides,I already promised my son I would not let “The Chosen One” take all his toys!
Ya know, that explains the whole “Obama’s gonna take our guns!” meme that’s floating around the knuckleheads here in Dear Ol’ Dixie. I heard it a lot when I went back to Mississippi and no one could give a source besides, “Oh, come on, he’s a liberal!” And I read today that Obama’s Surgeon General choice is against decriminilization of even medical marijuana because, and I quote, “marijuana really isn’t very good for you”. Oy.
Ugh. “Obama’s gonna take mah toys!”
The Nazis? Unless Spiderman wants to beat up 90 year olds, the Nazi era is over 65 years ago. Funny thing is that many modern cons would have been Hitler fans just like their grandparents.
Also forgotten is that the Nazis were an honest-to-God threat to the United States. Only bedwetters like Schlußelscheißen think about some religious whackjobs with box cutters.
Funny thing is that many modern cons would have been Hitler fans just like their grandparents.
Yep. American freedoms are anathema to the modern conservative. That’s why they hate America.
Unless Spiderman wants to beat up 90 year olds, the Nazi era is over 65 years ago.
That’s what you think. Friggin’ Red Skull is still running around loose. Comic book Nazis are like goddamn roaches.
Actually, you CAN select text in FireFox… however instead of the selected text being in reverse-video, it simply changes from black text/maroon links on white to dark blue text on white. But you can still choose text and copy it, as long as you squint a bit to see what you’ve chosen.
Some of the other articles are less colorful but more pathetic.
There are, I am sure, differences between middle-aged white guys whining about how hard it is to be conservative in Hollywood, on the one hand, and emo kids whining about how hard it is to survive high school, on the other. However, I have not yet been able to detect those differences.
That cartoon environmentalism all started with that Ted Turner series, Captain Billy Mays.
Actually Spidey will help Obama and Ahmadinejad push the button launching a nuclear missile strike on the United States, and he will then immediately fly off to intercept and destroy the anti-ballistic missiles shot by the Red State Strike Force to save America from destruction.
Fly off? Pffft.
I imagine those Red State Trike Force (TM Sadly, No!) anti-ballistic missles would be the kind that you pump up with water and shoot into the air.
Boy, I long for the days of Superman, Sgt. Fury, and other comic book superheroes fighting the Nazis
Wow! Schlussel is fucking OLD!
Someone with more knowledge of the genre should scope out how the big 2 comic book houses responded to 9/11. My guess: an awful lot of patriotism.
Seriously? A comic book publisher is part of a secret Mooslim conspiracy because they happen to be jumping on the bandwagon of making money from images of a wildly popular American President-elect?
Debbie should get worried. There are guys down on the Venice boardwalk selling beach towels with Obama’s image on them. Maybe she better raise the hue and cry about them
What will Ms.Weiner schnitzel do when she discovers teh Gay superheroes Just how big will the head explosion be? Remembering that vacuums implode, of course.
I can’t read her words without hearing that grating sub-NJ accent.
Besides,I already promised my son I would not let “The Chosen One” take all his toys!
Wait, is there someone out there telling children that the new President is going to take their toys away?
Convenient of her to only mention Superman and Fury as Nazi-fighters, considering Captain America is still being published by Marvel and is still fighting Nazis in current comics.
Him dead, kemosabe.
“Snakes in a Kibbutz”
“Snakes in a Missile Defense System”
“Snakes in an American Pre-emptive War”
“Snakes in the Waterboarding Cell”
“Snakes in a Free Market Economy”–Actually that one is a documentary.
Someone with more knowledge of the genre should scope out how the big 2 comic book houses responded to 9/11. My guess: an awful lot of patriotism.
Indeed, DC and Marvel both published a comics mourning the tragedy. Marvel, in particular, published a special comic dedicated to the real heroes (entitled Heroes), the emergency workers at the sites.
“Obama’s gonna take mah toys!”
Then he’s going to give them a wedgie, take their lunch money, push them off the swings and stuff them in a locker.
Seriously, they’re like one step away from asking Reagan, er, Mommy to do something to make the bad man stop.
Wikipedia says probably Turkish. I guess we have to stop eating hummus too. And just to be safe, we’ll avoid everything invented by a Mooslime.
Chemistry? Nope. Algebra? Can’t have that. Medicine? Only if you hate America.
OMG, teh wingnutz just get crazier every freaking day.
I don’t kow if this is comedy gold or if I should start worrying that these delusional wackos might start going McViegh on the rest of us.
About that fist-bump…..see if Fox News hadn’t mentioned it, they wouldn’t have even noticed it all.
The fact that Fox News did, in such a hamhanded way, and was ridiculed so greatly for it, the Wingnuts have to defend them.
So now they have somehow constructed all kinds of emblematic symbolism, embued with all kinds of politicized doctrine, and historical context, about a simple hand gesture – all because they can’t turn back from defending Fox News’ sophomoric behavior.
Superman may not have sat down for wienerschnitzel with the Nazis, but his pal Jimmy Olsen was Hitler’s henchman! Beat that, Spidhimman!
“Convenient of her to only mention Superman and Fury as Nazi-fighters, considering Captain America is still being published by Marvel and is still fighting Nazis in current comics.”
You do know that the All-American Captain America has been murdered (by I believe a Jewish agent of the government) and has been replaced by an ex-Soviet assassin, don’t you?
Don’t you?
Debbie Schlußelscheißen is freaking out over the Comic industries uses of capitalism? YAY!! WAY TO GO RIGHTWING DIP-SHITS!!
Comic sales are down just like all sales and she is complaining because they are trying to cash in on Obama-mania.
Maybe one day Debbie will see the forest through the trees, but then again I wouldn’t ever take that bet. (sigh)
Perhaps she’s more approving of the porn industry’s glorification of Sarah Palin.
Schlußelscheißen will get Tintin AND HIS LITTLE DOG TOO.
Also, as the name indicates, Wiener Schnitzel is Austrian. Yeah yeah Hitler and the Anschluss and all that. Still, it’s hardly common German fare. I doubt it was in the 1930s either. If you want stereotypical German, just pick anything made of pork.
Wait, what’s this?
Someone get the Oracle of Oshkosh on this right now!
I wonder what Debbie’s reaction would be if she found out that, in the Marvel universe, the 2008 presidential election was between Barack Obama and Stephen Colbert.
Someone with more knowledge of the genre should scope out how the big 2 comic book houses responded to 9/11. My guess: an awful lot of patriotism.
Both companies responded patriotically to the events of 9/11. If I’m not mistaken, Marvel had Dr. Doom crying in grief at ground zero, and he’s a would-be world conquerer. I think it was Marvel who also tried out a line of comics to focus on the real heroes of the fire and police departments. Both companies are based out of NYC, so it all hit pretty close to home for them.
As to the larger point, presidents of both parties pop up in comics fairly regularly in a positive light, at least in Marvel comics. DC tends to shy away from having real presidents appear in their in-continuity books to avoid making the comics seem dated or locked at one point in time.
If it makes her feel better, Frank Miller’s proposed Holy Terror, Batman! would have had Batman kicking Al-Qaeda’s ass, but it never actually came out.
Yeah, I like comics. They’re a lot more complex than the ones she remembers. They address issues from multiple angles and let readers form their own conclusions. That must drive her nuts.
What about the time Iron Man became the Secretary of Defense during Bush’s Administration?
Or when the Avengers Initiative stopped an assassination attempt on Bush?
Hell, in the new Thunderbolts storyline, the Thunderbolts’ mission is to kill Barack Obama.
Someone with more knowledge of the genre should scope out how the big 2 comic book houses responded to 9/11. My guess: an awful lot of patriotism.
They had a Spiderman comic showing Dr Doom at Ground Zero and in tears! Seriosly… Dr. Doom!
Maybe poor Debbie just needs a good stiff drink.
What will Ms.Weiner schnitzel do when she discovers teh Gay superheroes
Uhh… at the risk of pissing everybody off, aren’t all superheroes gay?
Overly developed, fetishized musculature…
Secret identities, known to but a few…
Outlandishly-colored, tight outfits…
Ducks hail of shoes
“Chemistry? Nope. Algebra? Can’t have that. Medicine? Only if you hate America.”
Not to mention 0.
You can now have zero zeroes in your numerology.
Guess we’re back to Roman Numerals
I wonder if Schlussel bought the Tek Jansen adventure?
How DARE she claim comics are not patriotic! Stephen Colbert….Stephen COLBERT!…publishes one!
See the rejoinder at Splunge– http://splungeblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/comic-books-have-liberal-bias.html
Clem said,
All is not lost. X-Person and fellow likudnik Kitty Pryde shares Debbie’s antipathy towards those of the colored persuasion.*
In Kitty’s defense, he called her the M word first which in the marvel universe is equal to the N word in offensiveness.
Obviously Debbie hasn’t been reading comics for the past 8 years, after 911, Bush was all but wearing spandex in Marvel, and Lex Luthor’s Presidency was a right wing wish list.
Honestly I would not be surprised if the artist of the Obama/Spidy crossover has the same panels penciled out with McCain in them just in case.
now if you will excuse me I am going to give myself a wedgy and lock myself in my gym locker
Worst. Comic book pundit. Evurrr.
Also, what about Liberality for All, a comic about a despotic future in which Al Gore’s presidency led to the United Nations supplanting the United States government?
And that UN government being opposed by…
Maybe the “Obama’s g’na take urr toys” thing has something to do with regulation of Chinese imports? But why would anyone knowingly give their children lead-painted toys (regardless of how inexpensive they are at the Wal-mart) and then resent the person who disallowed that practice.
Someone with more knowledge of the genre should scope out how the big 2 comic book houses responded to 9/11. My guess: an awful lot of patriotism.In fairness to Marvel, after the immediate response of Doc Doom n the rest they launched the Civil War storyline, which was a surprisingly complex story of hero vs hero that featured Captain America leading the resistance against the government allied heroes. And in the aftermath Captain America was shot and killed.
I give Marvel a lot of credit for how they’ve used Captain America over the years. He’s not a symbol of jingoistic nationalism, but an attempt at reflecting the better hopes for our national character. Yeah, it’s cartoony n childish n shit, but still.
Ok, I’m surprised that no one has brought this up yet, since it’s rich with lulz…but apparently it never occured to Lil’ Aunschlussel that maybe Obama showed up in a Spiderman comic because Obama is a publicly declared fan and collector of Spiderman comics.
Debbie’s just jealous because her avatar always played second fiddle.
…and it would have been harder to work him into a Conan story.
Making one’s website hard to quote from on purpose = admitting that your sources &/or ideas aren’t worth the steam off a sick horse’s piss.
NERDTIP: If you’re one of those daring souls that regularly uses IE & you go to a lot of new sites, or even if you do your own programming & don’t want to rub your lucky rabbit’s-foot every time you do test-runs, you might want to consider getting yourself a sandbox program like Sandboxie – it can keep nasty cooties off your HD when you’re boldly going where no n00b has gone before.
Then there was the time that Captain America fought Snake Reagan in his (Snake Reagan’s) underwear. I mean Snake Reagan was in his own underwear, not that Captain America was in Snake Reagan’s underwear. Here: http://prettyfakes.com/?p=998
Wonder how Debbie feels about the commando who was a little light in the loafers?
Debbie only maxes out at 350 milliAlkons, so she’s not hopelessly in love with him, but she’s convinced she could turn him.
…and it would have been harder to work him into a Conan story.
The way Robert E. Howard portrayed black people? I was shocked to hear that Obama was a fan! I mean, there was a lot of casual racism around in the 20’s and 30’s, but Howard seemed to go out of his way to trumpet his. Hell, he made HPL look tame (or at least subtle) in comparison.
Oh, and REH wan’t too keen on snakes, either.
Wildly OT, but I was hoping to get a Rugged in Mont. take on this:
Scientists aren’t certain what is causing pelicans to fall like rain. Dazed and confused pelicans have been turning up all along the west coast.
Noted at the GOS.
Matt T.,
Yes, that issue of “The Uncanny X-Men” is about intolerance, and when you’re 13-years old, the allegory is pretty heavy. Later, you grow up, and you realize that being a super-powered mutant really isn’t anything like being black in America, because super-powered mutants can rip the planet apart if threatened by a mob, whereas if you’re black and threatened by a mob, you’re pretty much screwed. Never mind the fact that “mutie” sounds about as ugly as “jellybean.” Wait, is jellybean a slur? Oh, great.
I wrote this a while back. Schussel bites.
I was Gazoogling about, trying to find something really disgusting in the nature of right wing comics or slash fic to make Deb jump for joy, and I found this:
LIberality for All from 2005. (You really have to see the proposed cover art at the link, although as it may cause serious eye injury I recommend looking at it obliquely.)
I wasn’t around the blogosphere in 2005 and never saw this abomination before. Some of youse guys may already know of it.
“Chemistry? Nope. Algebra? Can’t have that. Medicine? Only if you hate America.”
Not to mention 0.
Not to mention alcohol, itself an arabic word and invention. Cold dead fingers etc.
If you check out her horribly designed Web site, you’ll see that Little Debbie Snack Cakes considers herself quite the film critic. Of course, everything she views goes through the rightwing prism embedded in her corneas, but her ravings are absolutely hilarious.
It’s got to be tough to be a conservative filmgoer. You simply can’t sit back and enjoy a movie. You must filter it through your ideology. No wonder conservatives are such cranky, hateful folks.
Ms Slushy is not the only one getting exercised about this.
At Marvel HQ
I’ve been reading Marvel comics, and watching cartoons and films based on them since I was a very small child….However, upon learning that president-elect Barack Obama will be featured in an upcoming issue of Spider-Man, I have resolved to never buy another Marvel comic for the rest of my life. Spidey fan or no, Obama is an inveterate racist, and it is simply appalling that you would feature him with one of your most popular and identifiable characters.
Please understand that I am NOT a right-winger, or a Republican. I am a left-wing, liberal Democrat, an idealist, and a believer in the fundamental equality of all humanity. Sadly I actually agree with Obama on nearly every political issue, but because I truly believe in civil rights I am inherently opposed to Obama and all the hatred that he stands for.
For those who don’t know, Obama spent over 20 years in a psychotically racist church, and was best friends with a psychotically racist pastor. Racism in any form is just wrong, and is even more wrong when perpetrated by a public figure (who, by the way, REFUSES TO APOLOGIZE for his past associations).
Putting Obama in an issue of Spider-Man is like teaming Batman up with Louis Farrakhan….
Marvel may sell a few more issues because of Obama’s appearance, but it has cost them a reader for life.
John from LA’s first post evah? Hmmm
Sadly I actually agree with Obama on nearly every political issue, but because I truly believe in civil rights I am inherently opposed to Obama and all the hatred that he stands for.
I was surprised Obama was never called on that whole “YES WE CAN HATE” ad campaign. I mean Jesus, read between the lines.
Trumpet? Maybe, it’s been many, many years since I cracked open any of my pulps… OTOH, filtering Tolkien and Lewis through 21st Century sensibilities results in some squirmy moments, too.
Also, I’m guessing that the Conan comics, given their Orientalist nature, would be one of the few 1970s series that had anything approaching racial and cultural diversity other than the tokenist WW2-themed comics like Gravedigger. I could see the Conan series appealing to someone who grew up like Obama did.
Gotta hand it to Breitbart though…he’s compiled a masthead of EPIC FAIL over there. If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you crossed ClownHall with the Corner…wait a minute, who would bother wasting time wondering about a thing like that?
Another kiwi?
“Superman may not have sat down for wienerschnitzel with the Nazis, but his pal Jimmy Olsen was Hitler’s henchman! Beat that, Spidhimman!”
There were also a couple of stories where Jimmy (for reasons that were, shall we say, contrived) had to become a female impersonator while on the trail of a hot scoop for the Daily Planet. Fred Hembeck did a funny piece about these tales some years back called, “Superman’s Favorite Transvestite!” Heh, heh, heh!
In other “news”, methinks Not-So-L’il Debbie Weinershnitzel is none too bright.
This is parody, right? You’re pulling our legs, doing the old Steven Colbert ‘ha, ha, look at how uninformed and dumb I am! Isn’t it funny’ schtick, right?
Kiwi was quoting a dumbass who does not appear to be kidding.
Good, because I seem to remember that kiwi has always seemed do sensible.
Thanks, RB. You know I’m not the sharpest implement in the sharp implement box.
No worries 14toby, I should have put the whole thing in a blockquote but so much stupid was burning. Thanks RB.
Tried to post over there but WordPress eated it.
Finally found something we have in common with the troglodytes.
She “remembers” when Spiderman fought the NAZI’s? Doesn’t that mean she’s in her 70’s?
“It is 2021, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. America is under oppression by ultra-liberal extremists which have yielded governing authority to the United Nations. It is up to an underground conservative group (known as F.O.I.L.) led by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North to thwart Ambassador Usama Bin Laden’s plans to nuke New York City.”
Fucktacular Old Incontenent Losers?
Here’s my post from a while back about “Liberality for All.”
Definitely the worst pro-Republican comic book ever.
And yet she doesn’t write like she’s a day over 17.
Eh. I got no dog in the hunt. It’s ham-fisted, no doubt, but it’s definately stepping in the right direction. And, hell, for a 13-year-old reader in, say, rural, redneck Mississippi, sometimes it takes a hammer. It’s not exactly Huck Finn swearing he’ll go to hell rather than turn in Jim, sure, but I don’t see how it’s not a positive. Particularly from a hack like Chris Claremont.
And besides, not all mutations in the comics were kick-ass super-powers. Any time a book needed some heavy-handed socio-political allegorical stuff without actually having to make Luke Cage stop wearing the disco shirt, they’d use mutants with crappy mutations as cannon fodder. You know, ballerinas with really, really good ballance or the Beak character in Grant Morrison’s (I think) X-Men run.
ABOVE: Debbie models new line of necklaces for lushes
And also, 70s teen slut eyeshadow.
“John from LA’s first post evah? Hmmm”
Wait, Jonah can’t even spell his name right?
Maybe Debbie would prefer something like this?
Maybe Debbie would prefer something like this.
http://www.coffeespy.com/hostedimages/coffeespymain/ComicOther/GODComicSavageDragon31.gif – Maybe Debbie would prefer something like this.
And still begging for a publisher, the best conservative comic EVAR. Looks like its archive thingy is broken and you can only read that one strip, but that’s enough.
I’m sure Lil’ Debbie would approve of the wholesome message in this seriously fucked up Christianized ARCHIE comic book, since Betty and Veronica have Jesus fish plastered all over their tight, form-fitting clothes.
WTF? ARCHIE wasn’t wholesome enough without the Xian treatment? Remember that issue, “Archie Gets Betty AND Veronica Pregnant on Prom Night”? Yeah, me neither.
Oh, warning – the link is to a PDF file which takes a minute to download and open. Then again, if it wasn’t really stupid, I wouldn’t have given you a link to it.
Umm, I’m on Firefox as well. Again, it’s obvious you hate the Jews and don’t do enough in the eternal war against Nazis. You probably think that sending Joe Wurzelbacher into the one of the ongoing battlefields on earth is a bad idea as well, when we all know he’s just Captain America without his leotards on.
WTF? ARCHIE wasn’t wholesome enough without the Xian treatment?
I used to have one of the Spire Archies which had a non-conformist hippie bringing love and kindness to Riverdale High. People disliked the hippie but I think I recall the gang warming to him because that’s what Jesus would have wanted. At least it wasn’t Jack Chick Archie.
Oh, warning – the link is to a PDF file which takes a minute to download and open. Then again, if it wasn’t really stupid, I wouldn’t have given you a link to it.
Well, looks like someone decided to go all Hollywood and spring for the 512 Kbps screamin’ demon server package.
(IOW, it’s slow here too)
A few random thoughts on this thread…
*) The anti-Hollywood wingnut/muttjob whining site has some really enjoyable comments. Classic stuff like “the media caused the US Army to fail” and rants of “USA! USA! USA!”. But the muttjobs aren’t into editing. They are so enraptured with the vomiting of the random number generators they call their brains that they take many paragraphs to state the brainless “USA!” chant.
*) It seems to be the muttjobs are chanting “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” about every action or statement that comes out of the new majority party. Have they ever heard of Godwin? I guess they have to dig deep into the bowels of history to find somebody that all their prospective readers will recognize as evil. IOW, a more contemporary nasty like Pol Pot is probably unrecognizable to most of the muttjobs … they might think it is some kind of coffee they serve at Startbucks. Although a good deal of them might know the name but think he was quite a nice guy.
*) troofie and his numerous aliases still owes us a lot of stuff. If he shows up here again remind him. He owes us denounciations of the chimpo administration for not resigning after their failure on 911; he owes us an apology for being wrong 100% of the time; he owes us an apology for being a 19th century racist in 21st century America; and a whole lot more.
Personally, I’m willing to forgive any and all debt he has if he will get fucking bent and never come back here again.
I think she may have confused baklava and balaclava. Balaclavas are, like burkas and keffiyahs and those turtlenecks that French people wear, a sign of an anti-Jesus, anti-America agenda. If God wanted you to keep your neck warm, he would’ve given you a protective wattle like he did to Ms. Schussel.
The Spire Archies were weird, but Al Hartley’s non-Archie Christian comic books are the shit. Full-bore, glassy-eyed, froth-mouthed moralizing and “Late Great Planet Earth” eschatology.
Hartley was a born-again, and he did some pretty good girlie art for Marvel back before his conversion. You can see some of that history whenever he has to draw a Christ-hating strung-out hooker. His character art gets duller and stiffer the more Christ-loving a character is, though.
He also, of course, turned Betty into the moralizing imbecile we all know and love. No, I don’t read Archie comics. I’ve never read Archie comics. What, why are you looking at me like that? That’s silly. Stop it.
> The Spire Archies were weird,
Use “download this link” to download the cheesy Fundie Archie comic, and then go to about page 19. The thing was scanned in from a copy that some idiot muttjob filled in on the “God questionnaire” part. Hilarious.
Oh, and troofie, you still owe us a bunch of stuff. STFU until you make the various denouciations and apologies that are owed the S,N! community.
So, what’s the status of Frank Miller’s Batman vs. Al Qaeda project?
For that matter, where’s the Goddammed Batman?
Man, he’s like a Chatty Catchy doll, but he pulls his own string.
“That black book store owner said all white people should be exterminated!”
“GOTV passed Prop. 8!
“You liberals are hypocrits since you claim black people never do anything wrong and here is a black person doing something wrong!”
So, what’s the status of Frank Miller’s Batman vs. Al Qaeda project?
If I understand correctly, it was shelved when he started working on The Spirit, which I’ve heard is horrifically bad. I’m about half convinced Frank Miller doesn’t exist, and it’s all an elaborate plot to fuck with comic fans. And then I read comics blogs, and go “Oh.”
WTF? ARCHIE wasn’t wholesome enough without the Xian treatment?
Now, Jennifer, some of those Archie comics could be downright
If I understand correctly, it was shelved when he started working on The Spirit, which I’ve heard is horrifically bad. I’m about half convinced Frank Miller doesn’t exist, and it’s all an elaborate plot to fuck with comic fans. And then I read comics blogs, and go “Oh.”
OH my yes, its bad, sucked all the fun and Esnier out the of the Spirit and just made it Sin City 1.5. The problem with Miller is that he really did some ground breaking stuff once upon a time- but now he just goes over that same ground over and over and over and over and -you get the idea.
But didn’t Mack Bolan, after he ran out of living Italian Americans, start killing ayrab tangos? Along with Able Team, didn’t he kill pretty much a third of the middle east?
I dunno, I lost interest after Boston…
I don’t wanna shit on anyone’s hobbies, but I really hope this is the last comic book-centered thread for awhile.
This is honestly the first time I’ve ever seen Lord of the Rings claimed as a deeply conservative series of books. Is this just the logical extension of the current Breitbart-style tendency to claim anything popular is actually conservative?
(and additionally, that it’s popular because it’s conservative, not in spite of it, of course)
What are your thoughts?
Go to walgreens. Buy a dictionary. Carefully study the different meanings of “conservative”, “offense”, “aggression”, “defense”, “resistance”, “colonialism”, “justice”, “humanity”, “evil”, “freedom”, “subjugation”, “hegemony”, “unipolar”, “superpower”, “asymmetric warfare”, “blowback”, “nativism”, “tribalism”, “theocracy”, “crusade”, “occupation” and just for fun, “blockade”.
Study them carefully. Try to learn from what you’re actually seeing, I mean in the world and not in your stupid head, then lean forward, and shove the dictionary up your ass, ’cause you’re pretty clearly a reactionary asshole..
The air here is redolent with the stench of desperate, lonely, emotionally stunted troll.
I am prepared to listen to all of Troofie’s ideas patiently and respectfully as soon as John McCain wins the 2008 presidential election. I promise.
Er Mikey the first one he will have to find out about is ‘dictionary’. This is why he has the high ,no, perfect, failure rate.
I fucked The Trooth’s mom. I wouldn’t recommend it.
Remember that issue, “Archie Gets Betty AND Veronica Pregnant on Prom Night”? Yeah, me neither.
It was on Pr0n night.
The West, with it’s defense of individualism, human dignity, and freedom, is in fact worth fighting for. Evil exists, and you can’t wish it away – you must resist it.
Good point, troofie.
Now you get back to suxxing Lord Sauron’s (Dick Cheney’s) shriveled little tool, while the rest of us try to fix the damage your criminals have caused.
The West, with it’s defense of individualism, human dignity, and freedom, is in fact worth fighting for. Evil exists, and you can’t wish it away – you must resist it.
Apart from strawmans, liberals don’t disagree with these. We keep piefiltering you because you don’t distinguish between your caricature of liberals and actual people who exist.
Please stop posting this crap.
Evil exists, and you can’t wish it away – you must resist it.
Oh really? I killed a bunch of very honerable vietnamese gentlemen. We didn’t have any reason to do that. They said “hold this hill”, or “seek contact” and we did, but why? Were they evil? Or were we?
Yeah, butthead, evil “exists”. The questions of import is who is evil, and who needs to “resist”….
And besides, not all mutations in the comics were kick-ass super-powers. Any time a book needed some heavy-handed socio-political allegorical stuff without actually having to make Luke Cage stop wearing the disco shirt, they’d use mutants with crappy mutations as cannon fodder.
Yeah, the Morlocks. I don’t know how many of them are supposed to be around, though, if the entire mutant population is now slightly under 200 people.
And Cage is out of the disco shirt these days in favor of the new black badass look of shaved head and close-fitting shirts (leather jacket optional).
Regarding Tolkien: anyone else here read Michael Moorcock’s essay “Epic Pooh”?
Can we just drop the pretenses and call Israel a terrorist state and take the appropriate military action?
Oh, and Opera has no problem selecting text from the blog entries either.
People liked LOTR because the elves, male and female, were teh hawt, there was plenty action and the scenery was drop dead beautiful. No one gave a shit about the politics, imagined or otherwise.
The only thing conservativism and LOTR have in common is they are both based on fantasy.
When Breitbart promised “big minds” would be writing on the site, he meant fat heads.
Personally, I find hitting “(kill)” then launching a text editor to add the latest ‘nym to my Python script is therapeutic. It’s kind of like when my parents’ dog gets really restless. You just keep moving her out of your way, even though you know in a few seconds she’ll be back, panting in your face again.
Oh and Frodo and Samwise? Totally gay. No seriously, Ian McKellen coached Elijah Wood and Sean Astin on their character’s relationship and helped them to get just the right touch of deeply repressed homoeroticism. So… I guess truffie is right, it is a conservative movie.
Gorge … rising …
The Beta huh?
Mine is just the ole firefox 3.0.5
I saw “Frost/Nixon”, but it wasn’t very slashy at all.
LOTR is incredibly conservative. I remember walking out of the theater during that scene with Gandalf smiting abortion doctors in The Two Towers.
I saw “Frost/Nixon”, but it wasn’t very slashy at all.
Literal LOL
Hey, what could go wrong about worshipping a person and creating a cult of personality around them?
Absolutely nothing – say it again!
I don’t know! If only St. Ronnie were still alive to tell us…
Hey, what could go wrong about worshipping a person and creating a cult of personality around them?
It’s patriotic to worship me! It keeps me in boytoys, blue pills and hillbilly heroin!
Dammit, too slow.
Hey, what could go wrong about worshipping a person and creating a cult of personality around them?
That can backfire!
Tolkien disdained claims that LOTR were allegorical, but he did say that they were Catholic. He wrote before WW2, and its not related to fascism. Note that Aragorn’s crisis of indecision prevented him from becoming king until he resolved to defend all of the kingdoms of men and elves and dwarves. nerd nerd nerd nurd nird nyrd.
Hey, would all of you who were yelling at people like me about 3 or 4 days ago because we were “feeding the troll” care to fuck yourselves? Thanks.
So, is LOTR more or less conservative than Born in the USA?
I’m not arguing that LOTR isn’t conservative. I’m arguing that it’s a fantasy about hobbits battling orcs to destroy a magical ring.
Are you arguing that terrorists are like Sauron? I’m fairly certain that Al Qaeda doesn’t have an all-seeing eye, an endless army of the undead, or an impenetrable volcano base.
That would be Cheney, Jrod.
I’m fairly certain that Al Qaeda doesn’t have an all-seeing eye, an endless army of the undead, or an impenetrable volcano base.
Part of the pants-pooping modern conservative worldview is that your enemies are enormously more powerful than you are, even – especially! – when they aren’t. The Cold Warriors exaggerated the threat from the Soviets, though the Soviets did actually have nukes and a bunch of people. The War on Terror is the same kind of thing, only they’re having to exaggerate the boogeyman a lot more so we’ll be terrified of people who might get nukes and don’t have an army.
Believing that terrorists are as powerful as Sauron is as conservative as
apple pieweird closety gay fetishes. So, if you bring the right delusions to it, LOTR is very conservative.James Bond has more in common with Frodo Baggins than Eowyn has with Sarah Palin. Discuss.
Kitty’s Jewish, but I haven’t seen much evidence that she’s a Likudnik. Gentile Tony Stark seems closer to Debbie’s politics. And in this panel she’s just making a point, albeit in a “don’t try this at home, kids” manner.
James Bond has more in common with Frodo Baggins than Eowyn has with Sarah Palin. Discuss.
[Death Rattle]
Works for me…
So, is LOTR more or less conservative than Born in the USA?
Is Harry Potter more or less communist than “Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii”? Does “Kolchack: The Night Stalker” better represent Traditional American Values better or worse than the Rose Bowl Parade? Do Real Americans find David Lee Roth’s Crazy From The Heat properly uplifting in these troubled times, or do True Heartlanders turn to the old-fashioned comforts of Abbot & Costello’s “Who’s On First” bit?
Man, I could do this all night. Someone call up Town Hall.
And speaking as a member of the Reformed Church of the Gnostic Elvis, I’m upset and, yes, outraged in a manner not unlike Bill O’Reilly that no one’s wished me a “Happy E-Day” yet. If you liberals weren’t such big ol’ hypocrits, you’d admit he was The One True King of Rock & Roll and Jerry Scheff is a bad motherfucker.
Short answer is yes. The initial 9/11 specials from both houses were fairly classy.
DC Comics have been happily irrelevant for the most part. After all, the DCU has had Lex Luthor as POTUS for most of the decade.
Marvel has tried to be relevant, and there’s the trouble. Civil War showed the government and “pro-registration” superheroes committing horrifying crimes against civil rights and common decency, but ultimately seemed to endorse them. Captain America repented of his opposition just before he died. And Secret Invasion has widely been interpreted as equating Skrulls with Arabs.
I haven’t written for Marvel in 20 years, but we were a complete bunch of DFHs back in the 70s and 80s.
Geez, the Mutant Registration Act?
A character called the Black Panther–that my best buddy Don McGregor had fighting the Klan (complete with being tied to a burning cross) and I had fighting a bunch of South African superheroes led by a character named the White Avenger?
She never read comics. Just like the wingers who review movies they haven’t seen.
I’m not arguing that LOTR isn’t conservative. I’m arguing that it’s a fantasy about hobbits battling orcs to destroy a magical ring.
Absofuckinglutely. As, you know, people with the capacity to think, we’re perfectly able to both a) enjoy a fantasy film as fantasy, and b) not want the real world to be run that way, at the same exact fucking time.
A schmendrick named Bill Whittle @ Big Ho asks the quesion:
Need I even comment?
Tech note: Text copied w/ Google Chrome, which ain’t bad.
I never saw the LOTR movies nor read the books, so I don’t have any major opinions about whether or not some political ideology meshes up with them, to be frank. I wouldn’t be able to argue that they’re liberal, or green or libertarian or anarchist or fascist or anything else, either.
It just seems that as time goes on and the GOP’s popularity wanes, there’s a lot more columns and articles about how such-and-such reasonably popular piece of media is actually super-delux-ultra-fantastico-conservative, which means the Republicans are vindicated in perpetuity forever. There were the occasional examples of it back when Bush was popular (like that one “conservative rock songs” list on NRO, I think); but now the idea is endemic, especially since the “Hollyweird is a bunch of liberal leftist prigs who want to homobort your christobabies” blastfax fell on its face.
I always suspected My Little Margie was the liberal response to the reactionary sexual politics of I Love Lucy but I might just be very, very gay.
Wow MB, that’s some serious wanking there. You can almost hear the down stroke on the “how”. I count seven strokes before he climaxes.
That doesn’t make sense on any level, unless you equate all bad guys with Arabs. In which case, Spider-man’s latest tussle with Dr. Octopus is a clear allegory for the Glorious War on Terror.
I guess Skrulls are sorta like Arabs, if you think Arabs have a hidden fifth-column installed in positions of power throughout the USA, working to subtly undermine American civilization. In other words, if you’re fucking nuts.
Here’s some more awesomosity from Mr. Whittle:
What did the English language ever do to him?
Idiot Exploding 8 copies the sidebar text, but not the bodies (corpses?) of the things not in the sidebar. Not yet sure if it’ll paste what it copied.
Firefox 3.0.5 appears to copy, but won’t paste it.
The winner: Chrome.
The loser? This guy:
Hokey Smokes, does he miss/add as many notes as he does letters? Can Big Ho not afford a proofreader, or a real editor? And does Mr. Violin know what “public domain” really means?
What’s w/ the fucking links lately? I’m about to start a car-burning campaign here in L. A. (off my meds, had it w/ traffic) I’ll be happy to include TurdPiss in the project.
Now let me tell you about my cat. She jumped the “Truth” & killed him w/ her bare claws.
Why thanks, but how did you kn…Oh, yeah, yeah, umm, that guy is a, a wanker, isn’t he?
I cannot get through the National Anthem at Dodger Stadium without getting misty at the awe-inspiring scope and the terrible cost of it.
Dodger Stadium was pretty expensive, it’s true.
Of mystical, magical Arabs who can turn themselves into non-brownish people. Actually, that might be a good explanation of the Bush Admin., which has certainly played directly into the hands of the
SkrullsRadical Fundamentalist Terrorist Musselmen. And the Saud family.Oh, good thing I looked & saw Shecky G. up there before I typed the same.That prick McCourt & his bottle-blond wife have to keep their Malibu mansions going, though. Have a little sympathy.
Oh, yeah, remember back in the day, when comics published the right messages? Prevented juvenile delinquencey? Remember when comics weren’t allowed to depict any real authority figure in a negative light? Oh, those were the days… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comics_Code_Authority
If the Nazgul were all Men with Rings of power, what happened to the seven rings given to the Dwarves and the three rings given to the Elves? Why couldn’t those rings be used to find the One Ring before Sauron of the Morgoth could reassemble himself/itself/herself?
One last thing. Any of you kids (giggle) remember when Superman revealed his secret identity to Prez Kennedy? I think it actually came out just after The Truth killed Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll, & there was an explanation at the end. “We write this crap months in advance, sorry.”
I guess the idea being that if there was trouble, JFK could give Clark Kent a call at the Clinton Arms (Yes, that’s where CK lived in the ’60s, & I think that says all we have to about liberality & the comics.) & tell him what’s up.
Oh, wait. “Liberality For All.” No way in hell will G. Gordon Liddy be alive in 2021. Let alone stunt-riding on a bike.
The fact is, liberal faggotry of the far left will not be tolerated here in the heartlan, where we support President Bush but NOT Osama, who is just like Hitler in silencing conservative, patriotic, Heartland values.
Certainly the ideas that the West has something worth defending […] are ideas I would classify as conservative.
WTF do you not understand about the liberal devotion to sex and drugs and rock and roll?
Marvel comics has always strived for diversity and tolerance. Just look at all the Canadian characters featured, in spite of their lameness.
The fact is, the Fairness Doctrine would not be beneficial and should be a none issue. The media as a whole is biased toward liberalism and Fox networks that are tilted toward conservatism are pretty good are showing both sides, at least mentioning them. O’Reilly was recently voted the least biased in a broad poll, not just on Fox, in that his show shows both sides the most and tries to then let the viewer decide. Hollywood along with the media has made Liberalism a fad, the in thing, popular. Some conservatives say that the American people will have to see that it isn’t whats best for America fiscally if the liberal fiscal policies to come to fruition. I don’t believe that is true. It is so ingrained in so many peoples minds that Democrats are the champions of the working class, but when you ask them why or how usually I have found their answer to be that’s just what Democrats are all about. Many people seem to support the Democrats or say they are Democrats cause it is popular. How do you discuss politics with Paris Hilton? Freedom of speech, innovation, and hard work is what built this country and is the only way to restore its greatness. Handouts from the government will not encourage people to better themselves. Government policy should encourage people to invest in themselves and in turn others, and their community, this is what creates jobs and fixes many economic problems.
The fact is, the Fairness Doctrine would not be that beneficial and should be a none issue. The media as a whole is biased toward liberalism and Fox networks that are tilted toward conservatism are pretty good are showing both sides, at least mentioning them. O’Reilly was recently voted the least biased in a broad poll, not just on Fox, in that his show shows both sides the most and tries to then let the viewer decide. Hollywood along with the media has made Liberalism a fad, the in thing, popular. Some conservatives say that the American people will have to see that it isn’t whats best for America fiscally if the liberal fiscal policies to come to fruition. I don’t believe that is true. It is so ingrained in so many peoples minds that Democrats are the champions of the working class, but when you ask them why or how usually I have found their answer to be that’s just what Democrats are all about. Many people seem to support the Democrats or say they are Democrats cause it is popular. How do you discuss politics with Paris Hilton? Freedom of speech, innovation, and hard work is what built this country and is the only way to restore its greatness. Handouts from the government will not encourage people to better themselves. Government policy should encourage people to invest in themselves and in turn others, and their community, this is what creates jobs and fixes many economic problems.
The fact is, the Fairness Doctrine would not be beneficial and should be a non issue. The media as a whole is biased toward liberalism and Fox networks that are tilted toward conservatism are pretty good are showing both sides, at least mentioning them. O’Reilly was recently voted the least biased in a broad poll, not just on Fox, in that his show shows both sides the most and tries to then let the viewer decide. Hollywood along with the media has made Liberalism a fad, the in thing, popular. Some conservatives say that the American people will have to see that it isn’t whats best for America fiscally if the liberal fiscal policies to come to fruition. I don’t believe that is true. It is so ingrained in so many peoples minds that Democrats are the champions of the working class, but when you ask them why or how usually I have found their answer to be that’s just what Democrats are all about. Many people seem to support the Democrats or say they are Democrats cause it is popular. How do you discuss politics with Paris Hilton? Freedom of speech, innovation, and hard work is what built this country and is the only way to restore its greatness. Handouts from the government will not encourage people to better themselves. Government policy should encourage people to invest in themselves and in turn others, and their community, this is what creates jobs and fixes many economic problems.
The fact is, the Fairness Doctrine would not be beneficial and should be a none issue. The media as a whole is biased toward liberalism and Fox networks that are tilted toward conservatism are pretty good are showing both sides, at least mentioning them. O’Reilly was recently voted the least biased in a broad poll, not just on Fox, in that his show shows both sides the most and tries to then let the viewer decide. Hollywood along with the media has made Liberalism a fad, the in thing, popular. Some conservatives say that the American people will have to see that it isn’t whats best for America fiscally if the liberal fiscal policies to come to fruition. I don’t believe that is true. It is so ingrained in so many peoples minds that Democrats are the champions of the working class, but when you ask them why or how usually I have found their answer to be that’s just what Democrats are all about. Many people seem to support the Democrats or say they are Democrats cause it is popular. How do you discuss politics with Paris Hilton? Freedom of speech, innovation, and hard work is what built this country and is the only way to restore its greatness. Handouts from the government will not encourage people to better themselves. Government policy should encourage people to invest in themselves and in turn others, and their community, this is what creates jobs and fixes many other economic problems.
The fact is, the Fairness Doctrine would not be beneficial and should be a none issue. The media as a whole is biased toward liberalism and Fox networks that are tilted toward conservatism are pretty good are showing both sides, at least mentioning them. O’Reilly was recently voted the least biased in a broad poll, not just on Fox, in that his show shows both sides the most and tries to then let the viewer decide. Hollywood along with the media has made Liberalism a fad, the in thing, popular. Some conservatives say that the American people will have to see that it isn’t whats best for America fiscally if the liberal fiscal policies to come to fruition. I don’t believe that is true. It is so ingrained in so many peoples minds that Democrats are the champions of the working class, but when you ask them why or how usually I have found their answer to be that’s just what Democrats are all about. Many people seem to support the Democrats or say they are Democrats cause it is popular. How do you discuss politics with Paris Hilton? Freedom of speech, innovation, and hard work is what built this country and is the only way to restore its greatness. Handouts from the government will not encourage people to better themselves. Government policy should encourage people to invest in themselves and in turn others, and their community, this is what creates jobs and fixes many economic problems.
I think the conservatism in Tolkien’s LOTR is demonstrated by the fact that effeminate drug-taking English hippies wound up making psychedelic music about elves.
Also a big shout-out to Coach Urban Meyer.
The fact is, liberals have nothing but bias and full of hate.
Naw, let’s just talk about how comic books. Seriously.
Well, you’re the one that brought up Lord Of The Rings. Nerd.
What the fuck am I supposed to use to “invest in myself” if I can’t get some investment money from the gummint?
Hold your breath while you wait. Betcha can’t hold it that long.
Coach Myer & his jesus freak asshole QB can eat my fuck!!
USC would roll all over them.
Coach Myer & his jesus freak asshole QB can eat my fuck!!
That eye make-up – BECAUSE YOU KNOW HE’S GAY – was hilarious.
Naw, let’s just talk about how comic books. Seriously.
Take a look at what the post is about. Der.
Nothing says Individualism and human dignity quite like the Fellowship of the Ring.
Nah, Bubba, wasn’t it Reggie Bush who started putting his area code (619, for San Diego, & really, there’s nothing there to be proud of other than TBogg) on his anti-glare things? See, USC is all over everything first
But if he is gay, maybe I shouldn’t have invited him to eat my fuck.
Nah, Bubba, wasn’t it Reggie Bush who started putting his area code (619, for San Diego, & really, there’s nothing there to be proud of other than TBogg) on his anti-glare things? See, USC is all over everything first
I don’t really pay much attention to sports, but football is a pleasing noise so I turned it on just as the game ended and I got to see Mr. Sincere remind us that Jesus got nailed to a board, which must have really hurt.
Completely broken up that god’s goddamn redneck dipshit motherfucker quarterback won.
The guys at dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com are always right.
Nothing fails like prayer.
The guys at http://www.dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com are always right.
Link should be corrected.
Wow, he’s cute. I’ve never heard of him before. Closeted Jesus freak, huh?
He’s pretty open about the jeezis weaseltry.
Closeted Jesus freak, huh?
I have no idea about the closeted stuff really, I just enjoy the idea that that black goop under the eyes is really just girly makeup for meatheads.
Hey Coach Meyer? Ever heard of Tivo? Care to get fucked?
Simba B–
god’s quarterback’s EyeBlackBibleVerse tonight was the classic John 3:16.
This is my personal favorite, illustrated beautifully by the pre-Sandman team of Neil Gaiman and Steve Gibson in Outrageous Tales From The Old Testament, Knockabout Publications, London. My graphic copy comes from Everything You Know About God Is Wrong, Edited by Russ Kick, The Disinformation Company, Ltd., New York City.
The text version is straight from god’s lips to your ears:
“19:23 And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, and said unto them, Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly.
19:24 Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing.
19:25 But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go.
19:26 Then came the woman in the dawning of the day, and fell down at the door of the man’s house where her lord was, till it was light.
19:27 And her lord rose up in the morning, and opened the doors of the house, and went out to go his way: and, behold, the woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold.
19:28 And he said unto her, Up, and let us be going. But none answered. Then the man took her up upon an ass, and the man rose up, and gat him unto his place.
19:29 And when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel.”
The bible, ladies and gentlemen.
Send your concubine out to gang-raped and killed by a sex-crazed mob then slice her up and mail her to your relatives.
I’m amazed the world is as civilized as it is with this pile of shit as one of its primary moral compasses.
Well, I suppose one could explain this sort of behavior by his upbringing, in that he may not be aware of the, erm, implications of his behavior.
Wow, I’m impressed that the Debbie Schlußel comic book collection (Which apparently contains comic books, who’da thunk it?) has a copy of Sg’t. Fury number nine.
Of course, the fact that a middle-aged, female, divorce & evictions hack attorney has a comic book collection is a bit unexpected, but you really can only expect the unexpected from Deb Anschluß.
Look at this Sgt. Fury comic book from the Debbie Schlussel comic book collection.
Oops – I’d read that as Sgt. Furry. There’s some possibilities there.
Oh, jeezis, why have you forsaken me, left me w/o a semi-colon to look like a ninny?
“Well, I suppose one could explain this sort of behavior by his upbringing, in that he may not be aware of the, erm, implications of his behavior.”
I think there may be a few too many Leviticuses between god’s quarterback and reality, whatever that may be fr young Timothy.
Oh, here’s primary Timothy on teh ladies:
2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
2:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Guess whose namesake violates, um, all that?
god’s quarterback.
One is guessing that modest apparel, shamefacedness and sobriety are not among the biblical virtues of the young women who will be keeping his company tonight.
One is guessing that modest apparel, shamefacedness and sobriety are not among the biblical virtues of the young women who will be keeping his company tonight.
Probably not, but I imagine they’ll manage the shamefacedness and hangovers tomorrow.
“Probably not, but I imagine they’ll manage the shamefacedness and hangovers tomorrow.”
Heh. Indeed.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist–
Can I ask you what your prenom means? It’s an unusual spelling, but I think it’s Rongo-Rongo for Jim.
Is it Jim? It’s Jim, isn’t it? It’s Jim.
It is in fact Jim.
…I think. Righteous Bubba’s JanusNode name-making program invented it.
I usually pronounce it “Shecky”.
(or Checky, with the Ch as in Chanukah).
Ah. KHHHAHecklothxayyquou.
I was thinking it was THHHHHeccklothxayyquou, like in the Spanish.
My mistake.
My mistake.
No worries. I realize it’s not the easiest name to pronounce.
I come before you as a loving Christian man.
I come to tell you a story of adultery, polygamy, abandonment, repeated gang rape, murder and corpse desecration.
And that’s just SIX verses of Teh Greatest Story Evah Told (Judges 19:23-29).
I believe an innocent woman deserved to be willingly fed to a pack of degenerate lunatics, raped to death, dismembered and FedExed to people all over the country.
BTW homos are really icky and nasty. Really. Icky. Nasty.I don’t need the bible to tell me about this.
“No worries. I realize it’s not the easiest name to pronounce.”
My deepest gratitude for your understanding. Now, Gilchrist…
For people that used to rely on white frat boys to keep their party alive, they sure are down on fist bumps. No wonder they lost the majority of the youth vote. Then again, I’m perfectly okay with that. Keep isolating yourself, jerks, we’ll take those fist-bumping keg-standing closeted-homosexual inebriates and run this country forever.
It figures Truthy would be one of those rabid LOTR fans.
Fucking dweeb.
in which case you admit that these extraordinarily popular movies, which reject your nasty, collectivist, anti-Western ideology, are immensely popular.
Because no other Hollywood movie in history, all of which were shrieking liberal propaganda, has ever been remotely popular.
(And yes, Truthy, I guess we do have to admit that those extraordinarily popular movies were immensely popular. You got us there! Your Pulitzer awaits.)
The West, with it’s defense of individualism, human dignity, and freedom, is in fact worth fighting for. Evil exists, and you can’t wish it away – you must resist it.
So the Friday the 13th movies are also conservative movies?
“Evil” does not exist. There is not one “enemy of America & All of Western Civ.” who sits around like a comic book villain worshiping evil, or claiming that he or she does whatever for the sake of “Evil.” Every last one of them have a legitimate (certainly in their minds, & those of many America-haters like myself) grudge against the Newnited Snakes. But since they don’t have a huge Army, Navy, Air Force & Marine Corps, they have to find different ways of taking their grudge out on us.
It is nice that it admits that the only thing worth saving in the West is represented by monarchist shitbags whose only real value are in their bloodline.
Yes, those values are ones I’ll be happy to resist with my nasty collectivist ways. A government by the people, for the people, wherein the crowd, the unwashed masses as you dismiss the winners of the last election, have their say in government, that is the anti-Western ways of the liberals.
But the nice thing is we’re the ones winning, and you elites will die just like the rest of your romanticist bullshit.
Then again, I’m fairly certain the only reason it brings up the topic of Lord of the Rings is to despoil it, since it has no desires other than to shit on the carpet and strut around it.
Hey now, Aragorn wasn’t so indecisive in the book(s) (yes, I’m dorky enough to own the big red version). He just got all wussy in the movies. Still, what of The Dark Knight in which the villain is an anarchist of sorts? Oooooh, conservatism at work, those dirty Nolan Bros.!
OK, back to Sphinx’s comment from the last Schlussel thread if I may about the irony of Jewish bloggers calling for genocide, I posted this just for the viewing pleasure of you Sadlynauts as I cannot put a screen cap in a comment here. This is what I meant by Schlussel at least being somewhat subtle.
Feedback, anyone?
Lex, that’s rather frightening, to put it mildly. Obviously
I supposeMs. G. is unaware of the irony of her comments. And has no self-awareness at all.OMG…..Sadly, No! GOLD. Pure gold. Not to throw too many links into this thread, but this one cannot be ignored. Pajamas Media is sending JOE THE PLUMBER to Israel as a commentator. I’m not kidding, either, wish though I do that I was, I don’t think even I could make this one up!
MB–thanks for the feedback, yeah, I found it disturbingly ironic myself, especially as she included the comment about the Holocaust IN her post.
Maybe the “Obama’s g’na take urr toys” thing has something to do with regulation of Chinese imports? But why would anyone knowingly give their children lead-painted toys (regardless of how inexpensive they are at the Wal-mart) and then resent the person who disallowed that practice.
Because, why should their kids be smarter than THEY are, after all those happy childhood afternoons spent eating paint chips?
Seriously, a lot of eBay resellers & spare-room toymakers got their knickers in a twist over Congress’ bassackward attempt to protect ‘Murkin children from eevile Chinese lead toy poisoners…
… and then the Internet Homeschooling Community, because they are like that, got together and convinced each other that Tha Gubmint is going to TAKE AWAY THEIR TEXTBOOKS because there’s too much lead in the ink they’re printed with. (As though the toxins in the *ink* are the most dangerous things the Duggars are absorbing.) Except, of course, Tha Gubmint is actually using the pretext of lead-ink poisoning to CENSOR THE PATRIOTIC XTIAN IDEALS of our godly homeschoolers. All hail our new anti-American atheist overlords!
And, of course, “we” won’t be able to prevent the jackbooted thugs of the Obamadroid Revolution from stealing the kiddies’ creationist-friendly textbooks because “they” will already have stolen Daddy’s toys, I mean, guns…
ROFL–those Bob Jones U. neighbors (Pottery Barn Ruby Ridge) I chased off my street for calling me a “dirty Mexican” (among other things!) moved away to a farm to homeschool their EIGHT kids. I unfortunately know this mentality too well. But hey, they wanted their kids away from mine, whom they beat up, told that all Catholics and black people were bad and were horrified by certain of my family members being either gay or in Morbid Angel. A few rainbow flags later and they were back in the country licking their lead painted toys. No wonder their brains rotted out, this explains it nicely, Anne!
(I also stayed on the front lawn blasting Mariachi music and Morbid (MOTHERFUCKIN’) Angel at them, I’ll admit it, I play dirty…\m/\m/ )
Oh, laugh now! But when they put fluoride in our toys and Creationist-friendly/Indians-had-it-coming textbooks, we shall see who has the last laugh!
I’m hoping it’s me. I’ve been working on my triumphal laugh for the past three months.
If so, it’ll happen here. Kansas has a knack for giving itself a bad name.
Debbie forgoy to mention that Spiderman makes people gay?
………….who’s Tintin?
Thunder–“forgoy”? Are you hanging out at IDF sites again?
So the Friday the 13th movies are also conservative movies?
Hell, yes. The main message of the series is that if you have premarital sex, some freak in a hockey mask is going to carve you up with a hedge trimmer. It’s Schlussel ‘s favorite revenge fantasy
I think Lex meant to say Morbid Angel
That question usually illuminates things nicely.
The question I usually ask is “Who let this stupid fuck in here?”
I usually respond to troll questions about borders with
Should lawks regulating criminal behavior by big business, banks, and repigs be rewritten to include decapitation with extreme prejudice?
Do you think the US should be able to enforce its borders?
The better question is, can it?
Immigrants are the backbone of this nation. Immigrants are the economic engine that drives this nation. Immigrants should be welcomed, full stop.
Why do you hate America so?
Half of the links at that stupid Pajamas Media page are things like “How The Media is Causing Us Brave Right Wingers To Lose”.
More of the same. BORING!!! Can’t the stupid repigs figure out some new fictions to inculcate their acolytes with? Are they too stupid to be creative …. oops, answered my own question.
Oops – I’d read that as Sgt. Furry. There’s some possibilities there.
EPIC win.
Hey troll, the rule here is that you have to answer our questions before we answer yours.
So, once again, should laws regulating criminal behavior by big business, banks, and repigs be rewritten to include decapitation with extreme prejudice?
She “remembers” when Spiderman fought the NAZI’s? Doesn’t that mean she’s in her 70’s?
Actually, that would make Spidey 70 as well.
She said Superman. Her dad probably collected. She’s only 40.
Altho she LOOKS 70.
Ms. Schlussel could always find some of the late Steve Ditko’s “Mr. A” comics, which are Ayn Randalicious.
But I can’t believe we got through a whole threadlet about Spire Christian Comics without a shout-out for Hansi, The Girl Who Loved The Swastika!
“Well, don’t fuck with us, fellas, this ain’t our first time at the HTML rodeo. ”
sadly, no! is aware of all internet traditions!
I heard it was banal.
Have I been misled? Again?
The Democrats in particular seem interested in harnessing Hispanics as another lockstep voting bloc.
True, we did steal them away after you folks had them locked down with the Elian Gonzalez fiasco.
But hey, life’s a bitch, ain’t it? Maybe you guys should have overcome your bigotry and welcomed them in.
And you’re missing my point: the borders should be opened, just as they were when Ellis Island was operating. Yes, enforce them against criminals, but the default position should be to let immigrants in and let them work jobs, pay taxes and more important, own homes and start businesses.
Got a problem with that?
This seems to me to be a particularly unique idea which was not had by any other major United States political party.
Why yes, yes he does.
Why is it a troll question to ask whether or not the US should be able to enforce its borders
All questions from a troll are by definition ”troll questions”.
We know it’s you, Truthie.
“I mean, do you have any idea what the gang situation in California looks like? That’s where America is heading. On a smaller scale, look at Lex’s disgusting behavior towards his neighbors (which he BRAGGED about.)”
‘Cause no one’s EVAR been subjected to ear-splitting levels of Skynyrd or Judas Priest by some neighboring redneck drinkin’ beer and thinkin’ ’bout Jesus.
The current policy, of allowing the country to be overrun by anti-American, anti-white hordes…
I think we’ve identified the source of your fears.
Hey troofie/where America is headed, do you wash your klan sheets in your wash machine or send them out?
I can’t imagine a more appropriate acronym for the Truth than WAH!
Another question for troofie is:
Do you post here because your buds at freeper.com kicked you off for posting too-racist comments?
Teh troll: do not feed it.
Sarah Palin, angry at the media reporting, you know, the truth about her idiocy and her randy redneck brood, goes big time WAH here:
Some delightful samples, you ask? No problem:
“When did we start accepting as hard news sources bloggers, anonymous bloggers especially? It’s a sad state of affairs in the world of the media today, mainstream media especially, that they’re going to rely on bloggers, anonymous bloggers, for their hard news information.”
“What is the double standard here, why reporters would choose to believe lies, reporters especially not just taking one extra step to get to the facts . . . Is it sexism? What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst, in terms of gossip and lies?”
Asked by Ziegler how she would have fared as Barack Obama’s running mate, Palin accused the press of ideological “hypocrisy,” saying: “I think they would have loved me as a candidate. . . . You would have seen an absolutely different and . . . much prettier profile of Sarah Palin and the Palin family and my administration.”
Would she do it again? “That’s a darned good question,” Palin said, before concluding that she would. But she doesn’t want people in the “Lower 48” being “sucked into believing what too many in the mainstream media want them to believe.”
They’re not biased against you for any other reason than you might be the stupidest, least self-aware person on earth and that a syphilitic orangutan is more qualified to hold the office of vice president than you are.
Really. It’s not sexism. It’s self interest.
If the Nazgul were all Men with Rings of power, what happened to the seven rings given to the Dwarves and the three rings given to the Elves? Why couldn’t those rings be used to find the One Ring before Sauron of the Morgoth could reassemble himself/itself/herself?
The seven rings of the Dwarves were either taken by dragons(4) or captured by Sauron(3). The Elven rings were maintained by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf, but they had no power over the one ring, it was the only one with the power to find the others: “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.” Not that I’m a dweeb who would know any of this….
Some delightful samples, you ask? No problem:
Heh. I’m glad to see that she’s keeping up the attack-the-media (lack of) strategy. I have a feeling that’s going to be a key to success in 2012.
I also recall them having nothing but sunshine and roses for B. Hussein Arafat Musharraf Assad Ahmedinejad Mohammed Inshallah Obamamania: non-American, secret muslim and Trojan horse for the coming Brown Caliphate.
And you just know that the B. really stands for Bashir and he falsified that on his birth certificate also.
> Sarah Palin, angry at the media reporting, you know, the truth about her idiocy and her randy redneck brood, goes big time WAH here:
She’s pissed because she had to (literally) swallow a lot of jism to get her journalism degree and job, but now kids can just start a blog and become pundits without doing all the dirty work.
Hey troofie, are your klan sheets 100% polyester or a rayon/nylon blend?
It concerns me that my hair is better than Debbie’s and I’m bald.
He sent someone to Harlem to interview lockstep minority voters, all of whom supported Obama even when the interviewer stated McCain’s positions and policies as Obama’s.
Hang on…yesterday, you were crowing about how white voters still voted heavily for McCain.
I wonder how many of them voted “on the issues” of Obama being a nigger?
Again, you couldn’t find a single place like, oh, say, Colman County, Alabama where there were a bunch of uninformed idiots voting strictly on race.
Not in a place that in the early 90s still had a billboard on the country line reminding the “n*****s” that “the sun better not set on you in Colman County” and provided a helpful graphic of a Sambo-type figure running from dogs and armed men silhouetted against the sunset to further illustrate the point.
Your arguments suck.
“When did we start accepting as hard news sources bloggers, anonymous bloggers especially? It’s a sad state of affairs in the world of the media today, mainstream media especially, that they’re going to rely on bloggers, anonymous bloggers, for their hard news information.”
You mean how like Cap’n Ed and them all went after Dan Rather? Kerning, my ass!
“What is the double standard here, why reporters would choose to believe lies, reporters especially not just taking one extra step to get to the facts . . . Is it sexism? What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst, in terms of gossip and lies?”
You mean like how Barack Obama is secretly Kenyan?
Asked by Ziegler how she would have fared as Barack Obama’s running mate, Palin accused the press of ideological “hypocrisy,” saying: “I think they would have loved me as a candidate. . . . You would have seen an absolutely different and . . . much prettier profile of Sarah Palin and the Palin family and my administration.”
Right, because if Malia had been knocked up by some high school drop out inner city basketball “niggra”, the right wing would have been sooooooooo respectful.
Would she do it again? “That’s a darned good question,” Palin said, before concluding that she would. But she doesn’t want people in the “Lower 48? being “sucked into believing what too many in the mainstream media want them to believe.”
It would be nice if they paid more attention, full stop. She wouldn’t stand a chance.
> Lipstick, did you listen to the audio at the link I provided?
Troofie, I’ll answer as soon as you answer the numerous questions I’ve asked you, and as soon as you denounce the chimpo regime for not resigining in shame after their massive failure on 911.
Her neighbors, the ones who told my kids that black people were bad and called me a dirty Mexican? I was just takin’ out the white trash, baby.
And yes, that’s the Morbid Angel I meant! Azagthoth is the mophead with the red guitar;)
Is this the untimely end of Milhouse?
But I am also called Milhouse.
But I thought I was the only one!
(Sobbing) So this is what it fells like when doves cry!
Brothas & sistas – can I get a ROFLMAO?
Poor Sarah Bircher is pissed at how the media treated the family she shamelessly – & borderline-abusively – pimped out to the cameras at every possible opportunity! She feels “the mama grizzly rise up” when Tina Fey nails her like Jesus for drastically boot-fucking two young lives to suit the public image that goes with her good wholesome pre-modern lifestyle! She’s absolutely positive that there’s a “class issue” (whoa whoa WHOA, watch it with the c-word there, sugarbum – that there is pot-smoking devil-worshipping HIPPIE talk) with a direct descendant of America’s next most popular president after Washington getting better spin than she got last year! Her penchant for constantly emitting moronic horseshit had absolutley nothing to do with it, also!
Except that, er, well, um, actually, she backpedalled like a motherfucker on that one & has now said she’s sure Caroline Kennedy IS qualified & will do a spifftacular job – d’oh!
The mere proximity of a photo of Olbermann makes her squeal like a stuck pig (lipstick by Faberge) & proclaim “that man is evil!” It must be true, Edna – it was right there on my TeeVee! Who’s better suited to make that call than Our Lady Of The Rape-Kits, after all?
Matt Lauer may be somewhat of a dud, but he sure got it right – all Palin has to do to make media waves is face a camera or a mic, open her maw & let the raging stupid go free.
syphilitic orangutan is more qualified to hold the office of vice president than you are.
Syphilitic Orangutan/Jindal ’12!!!
> Matt Lauer may be somewhat of a dud, but he sure got it right – all Palin has to do to make media waves is face a camera or a mic, open her maw & let the raging stupid go free.
This is why Mooseburger will continue to get deluged with interview requests, which she will grant over and over due to her narcissistic disorder. The interviewers are hoping they will be there when she finally breaks down and starts ranting about Levi knocking up her spawn, or maybe pulls out a gun and starts wildly firing at the production crew.
And really, who goes to an ignorant, everything-ist fucktard jagoff like Howard Stern for their example of truth in reporting on race relations?
Go away.
I love that the ultimate attention whore is upset that the media is spending too much time on her. What a big giant “you asked for it”! I mean, when you start out in beauty pageants, it’s all downhill in terms of attention seeking, just IMHO.
you all probably already know this, but n-Jtn-P feels that he will be perfectly safe in midst of hostilities in Israel, because he is Christian and will thus be under God’s protection….
She’s not upset, she just wants them to pay attention to her still, and will take on any front, any face, in order to get that.
Like Trollfuck McGee there whinging about its meaningless, empty, for-now-racist posts screaming for attention disappearing because it might mean it has to take another tack for all of five minutes, before whinging about the next thing it’s sure will make us pay attention to it.
Sarah Palin has nothing in her, no anima. She is just the outer shell yelling for attention, because it hopefully forever distracts us from noticing she is empty and soulless.
The same goes for the troll.
Sarah Palin has nothing in her, no anima. She is just the outer shell yelling for attention, because it hopefully forever distracts us from noticing she is empty and soulless.
You’re right, and how very true. Like every Escalade or Yukon XL driving cell phone chatting woman I have to see every fucking day. BTW, Yukon drivers are assholes, but we think that the “XL” models increase the assholishness of the driver to a truly XL status.
Which makes me look forward all the more to “Joe the Collateral Damage”….
“Hey troofie, are your klan sheets 100% polyester or a rayon/nylon blend?”
They’d better not be a blend or troofie’s going straight to his god’s hell:
Leviticus 19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.
The GM animals and crops he no doubt supports aren’t looking good, either.
Then again, the odds of the troll being a Levite are pretty small, so its klan accouterments could be designed out of polyester all it likes.
Sorry to come so late to the party, but I’m dead, which is to say that I’m taking a little vacation, and letting some of the wannabes fight over who gets to wear The Best Goddamn Cape In Comics. It’ll be fun to watch, I’ll make sure to YouTube the best parts.
Anyway, Schlußelscheißen. Hey, I know Nick Fury personally, and he thinks that she’s an asshole too. See, that comic cover that she posted, it’s for “Mission: Capture Hitler!”, but it shows Nick and the Howlers being captured by Hitler. Way to rub it in, DebBBW.
Anyway, gotta scoot, I’m in St. Bart and Squirrel Girl is about to show me exactly how prehensile her tail is. Best crossover ever!
Troll namestealing alert.
Izzat a bannable offense?
Hi troll.
So depressed now that no one cares about you that you’re taking Simba B’s name like you’re the chick from Single White Female?
That’s kind of low. It’s too bad I won’t be able to killfile you this time, since I actually like reading Simba’s comments, so this is kind of a success for you.
On the other hand, you’re still a shallow, empty, meaningless prick.
And nothing is ever going to change that, either.
Personally, I encourage him to start talking shit about mikey, and how he smells, and maybe comment about a disease that is commonly, in his mind, associated with gays. He could even come up with a clever pseudonym for this.
Maybe then the banhammer would come down.
I just encourage it to stay to “The Truth” pseudonym, since that one’s already killfiled. It’s just in recent weeks where it’s become deadset on us reading its latest attention-grab that it’s become troublesome.
Just to bring this thread tangentially back on topic, but, assuming that there is some coding asshattery going on over at that site, it’s not surprising that they could affect selection ability in Mozilla and not other browsers. Since Mozilla, back when they were Netscape, invented Javascript, they tend to be at the forefront of adding the ability to script various aspects of the browser.
You know, as you liberals celebrate the demographic tidal wave washing over what was once a decent place.
America, love it or leave it, chum.
Maybe Debbie could root for the Justice Lords, as seen in the second season of Justice League on DVD. They look like her kind of heroes….
She, ah , show you her nut sack.? Just askin’
BIG HOLLYWOOD (featuring big-assed minds) is now moderating comments by liberals.
“You know, as you liberals celebrate the demographic tidal wave washing over what was once a decent place.”
But you see, as a black man, I know that white (and even some black) conservatives like you consider us part of that tidal wave…even though we’ve been here for a little while.
We won’t be fooled, Goober;)
Here’s a link to the famous ‘AnArchie Comic’, a desperate little affair of spontaneist, vanguardist, student anarchism.
Of course, what Debbie is really missing is that opposition to Hitler was one of the comic book industry’s earliest and most controversial leftist storylines. At a time when her 1930s counterparts such as Father Coughlin were praising Hitler as a noble anti-Communist, comic book creators (mostly urban, mostly working-class, often Jewish) were (at least symbolically) fighting against Fascism.
Great post. this is what I looking for, thanks
That was a nice read.