BREAKING: Gay Patriot Election Scandal!


ABOVE: Kathy Shaidle, the real “Conservative Blogress 2009”

Sometime overnight, Kathy Shaidle was removed by the Gaytriots from their Blogress election, allegedly because she asked to be removed. Just like, as you might recall, Gore asked the Supreme Court to decide against him. Before this little bit of Florida-style election rigging, Ms. Shaidle had almost 2000 votes and more than 70% of the votes cast. Sure, sure, of course she just walked away from a landslide victory. Well, I want to let Ms. Shaidle know that she’ll always be the Très Très Très Grande Divine Conservative Blogress 2009 in our hearts and minds.

But, back to business now. Bruce and Dan don’t want to let your votes count. Are we going to take this sitting down? Of course not. Let’s not let Bruce and Dan flush our votes down the toilet, particularly where it seems that, if nothing else, our votes can disqualify a Blogress.

Behind the real Blogress of 2009, the second favorite was Pamela “Atlas Shrieks” Geller. If we give her 2,000 votes, perhaps Bruce and Dan will dish out to her the same fate they dished out to poor Ms. Shaidle. So vote for Pam as often as you can. Do it for justice. Do it for Kathy!

In case you need a reason to vote for Pammiecakes, which I shouldn’t think you do, here’s a reason. It appears that Pamela has been lacing her Crown Royal eggnog with a little crystal meth lately because she apparently can’t remember now what she has said from one post to the next. First, Ponzi-schemer Bernie Madoff was, according to Pam, the victim of Jew-hating FBI agents. Scarcely 3 hours later Pam was saying that Madoff was guilty as sin and a major Dhimmirat contributor, meaning that Dhimmirats should give back all those criminal funds they received.

So, kids, let’s get back to ratfucking and vote Pamela off Blogress Island.


Comments: 247


UPDATE: Kathy Shaidle has asked us to remove her name from the competition.

That explanation seems a bit terse.


Pamela Geller for Senate!


I would love to see what Five Inches of Fuckery wrote to GP:

“I have understanding that a bunch of f^gs and k1kes what are have been voted for me. I cannot accepting be approval from such filthy choppers off of the roots of heterosexual Christianity. Please instantly have be to remove me from the running. Yours in the burning vengeance of our kw33r and h3b3 smiting Christ, FFoF.”


And yes, your pshop wins the internons 4evar.


Having spent 12 years in Chicago, I have proudly voted early and often. Haven’t quite figured out how to vote the dead in this case, however. It is somewhat sad and pathetic that 40 votes constitutes over 60% of the total. Go Pammycakes!




Pamela has been lacing her Crown Royal eggnog with a little crystal meth lately because she apparently can’t remember now what she has said from one post to the next

I thought that was one of her *gack* charms.


And now, my vote doesn’t count at all. When I try to vote, Websense blocks the site that accepts my vote.

Funny, that never seemed to happen when I voted, over and over, for Five Feet of Filth. It’s almost as though they’re trying to prevent people from going to their poll from S,N and voting…


Pamela Geller, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Rankle Hiway Palin

Pamela Geller Palin, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Pump Bust Palin


Given Shaidle’s apparent opinion regarding teh ghey (anti), it’s not too surprising that she wouldn’t want an award for best Con Blogress from, well, Gay Patriots.

Pity. I’d already given her my vote.

Guess I’ll just head over to give my vote to Pammy instead. I’m surprised we didn’t settle on someone more homophobic, though.


Bill Rutherford, Princeton Admissions

“We’re sorry, you already voted in this poll!”


Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Wasn’t Pam also the one who said that Obama was Malcolm X’s love child, and that the fact that he was born to two American citizens on US soil meant that he wasn’t really an American?


But SHIT MOAT how can you top SHIT MOAT???!!!!!?//1!!?


I’ll vote for her if she promises to flash her tits.



2,000 strong! They’ll never silence us! COLB!



But SHIT MOAT how can you top SHIT MOAT???!!!!!?//1!!?

We can vote off Our Lady of the Shit Moat after we vote off Pammiecakes, who otherwsie would be most likely to win this poll.


Pump Bust Palin

Huh. This also seems appropriate.


I thought that was one of her *gack* charms.

Nah. The first post was her knee jerk response to any criticism of any conservative of the Jewish persuasion. The second was when she found out she had money invested in Madoff’s fund.


Amy Alkon is plugging the poll. One of her (three) commenters says, “You’re first on the list! I voted for you, and if you win, you should ask to have a few drag queens ‘be’ you, adding you to their Cher/Streisand/Madonna routine.”



I am not sure why some people are having problems with the voting. I just voted 3 times in a row (within 3 minutes) for Pammycakes and had previously voted twice for Wankita.


Wow, Pammie now has 110 votes and that gives her 80% of the total. Since 2000 was 70% before it looks like after they knocked off Kathy Shaidle and reset all the others. Fucking with these “people” is going to be fun. Ms Shit Moat is next 🙂


Ms Shit Moat is next 🙂
I’m going to have to draw the line at voting for someone who wants to win.


They must be on to us. I just went over and tried to vote again and got the “You have already voted” message. What fun is an onluine poll if you can’t stuff the ballot box?


There is a certain satisfaction in ratfucking meaningless internet polls seeking the most diva-tastic wingeress blogger, propounded by gay republicans.

Almost as much satisfaction as seeing Mark Teixeira in a Yankees uniform for the next 8 years.

See how I did that? See how I worked that in?


..recycle your modem, grab a new IP, and Bob’s your uncle (vote again, confident that the “serious” voters are either too “honest” or too “dense” to do the same)


Just use the write to the Governor link at her site with caution. She’s not just going for blog diva but for Hillary’s Senate seat. I’m still laughing too hard to not repeat that one.


(PS – probably have to clear your cookies, too)



vote again, confident that the “serious” voters are either too “honest” or too “dense” to do the same

Won’t much matter since the “serious” voters are also voting for Pammy — after all, Pammy is >Gay Patriot’s own special favorite.



I voted for Pammy!


Hmm, fucked up the link. Let’s try this again:


vote again, confident that the “serious” voters are either too “honest” or too “dense” to do the same

Won’t much matter since the “serious” voters are also voting for Pammy — after all, Pammy is Gay Patriot’s own special favorite:

Well, I suppose this violates some Diva Voting Rule….. but, FWIW, I am personally voting this year for Pamela from Atlas Shrugs.

All of our nominees are fab, but I have soft spot for Pam and I think she has earned the nod.

But choose for yourselves…



Are there any serious voters at Gay Patriot? I mean does he ever actually get any traffic that is not coming from Leftie sites wanting to mock him?


What if I wasn’t trying to ratfuck their little election?

What if I wasn’t just following Clif’s lead?

They tossed away my vote like it was so much tissue paper.

I feel violated.



Or ] if you like.


Won’t much matter since the “serious” voters are also voting for Pammy — after all, Pammy is >Gay Patriot’s own special favorite.

That’s the point behind voting for her and stuffing the ballot box: he can’t disqualify her.


I just don’t think that the folks over at Gay Patriot are in the proper seasonal spirit, what with suppressing ballot box stuffing and all. It is, as someone who is familiar with all of them, an internet tradition.

On the other hand, the polls are open over at The Editors’ place. I am sure that they do not discourage ballot stuffing.


the fact is, I voted twice for Pammie! It jumped from 298 to 303 just like that!

The Goddamn Batman Does NOT Smell, Robin Has NEVER Laid An Egg, And Who CARES If The Joker Stole The Wheel From The Goddamn Batmobile Because The Goddamn Batman Has A Goddamn SPARE In The Goddamn TRUNK

The “final” results don’t matter, really, because Four Foot Five of Frenetic Fitfulness* will always know what the real poll results were. She’ll keep them tucked away in her heart, the way that she keeps that one sex toy tucked in a corner of her underwear drawer–you know, the one that she bought as a “joke” for her friend’s bachelorette party but decided not to give her at the last minute, and she forgot about it until that one day when she was really bored, and she just happened to have the right size batteries on hand, and now she’s embarrassed to death of it because of the particular fetish that its design celebrates, and would be mortified beyond belief if the kind of people that she associates with (or, more precisely, thinks that she associates with) were to find out about it, but she can’t quite bring herself to throw it away because, damn, that one time it lit her up like the Fourth of July, or whatever the Canadian Fourth of July is.

Anyway, this time I’m voting for the Anchoress. Have a bit of a thing for fake nuns, you know.

*Reduction in height attributed to osteoporosis, aka “dowager’s hump”–a bitterly ironic term, ITGBO.


Nothing like a good old fashioned Christmas Eve ratfucking…..


There is a certain satisfaction in ratfucking meaningless internet polls seeking the most diva-tastic wingeress blogger, propounded by gay republicans.

There’s all kinds of awesomeness contained in that paragraph.


Okay, I’ll vote for the Pam, but Alkon would be more fun. She’d get so angry if they took her out of the running, she might dunk Gay Patriot in the shit moat. I’ve heard that if you get the stuff in Amy’s shit moat on you, the smell never washes off!


Amy Alkon shows a surprising amount of self-awareness in this post:

UNLESS YOU’RE A down-and-out drag queen with a talent for hot-wiring, your first choice of car to steal probably wouldn’t be my powder-pink 1960 Nash Rambler, with its white top, a big pink-and-white covered tire on its trunk, and enough chrome to solar-power Encino for several days. Any relatively recent Japan-mobile would chop up into bigger coin. If you’re just an exhibitionist, why not hijack an elephant and march it down Wilshire Boulevard at rush hour, with the Pasadena Marching Band and a bunch of majorettes on Dexatrim? (I can’t imagine a judge imposing a long prison term for Grand Theft Elephant).


UPDATE: Kathy Shaidle has asked us to remove her name from the competition.

You can remove her name, but not her spirit. Every blogress dies. But not every blogress truly lives. FREEEEE-DOM!!!!!


The fact is, you liberals are exactly what Ann Coulter says you are. You are like leeches, vampires, sucking off the blood of USA while contributing nothing but tax and spend, well here in the Heartland we work hard and support our current president and the troops. Obama will destroy America, which is what you liberals and the muslims have in common cause, why you are both arms of anti-USA terror and should be put in jail.


sucking off the blood brains of USA while contributing nothing but tax and spend, well here in the Heartland we work hard and support

Brains . . . delicious brains . . .

nom nom nom


well [sic] here in the Heartland we work hard and support our current president and the troops. take in more government revenue than we produce so I guess that makes me a leechy leech calling non-leeches leeches.



Jesus Christ, can I get a heaping load of scorn for the newest Prager column?

Shorter Prager:

When a Woman isnt [sic] in the Mood: Part I

“It isn’t rape if she maried.”


It’s like he saves up all his crazy for the holidays in order to be a downer on everyone. When’s part two going to be published? New Year’s? Maybe entitled, “The Largest Allowable Beating Stick: Diameter of your Thumb?”


Hey, they can buttfuck the polls all they want, but it doesn’t change the fact that the little gunnysack of stupid already won.

Memo to Gay Patriot:

The more you look like Norm Coleman, the less you’ll get laid in the new, hope-filled year…



Jesus Christ, can I get a heaping load of scorn for the newest Prager column?

Somebody a couple of threads back said they thought Prager was trolling for links from outraged feminist blogs, so while that doesn’t make him any less of a douchebag, I don’t think that he’s exactly being honest.


If a wingnut says something stupid in the forest and no one is there to hear it, is it still stupid?


And a Merry Festivus to you too, Gary!



The Red Chinese attempt to kill Christmas by selling us snow globes that light stuff on fire!!!!


Simba B said,

December 24, 2008 at 18:52

Jesus Christ, can I get a heaping load of scorn for the newest Prager column?

Somebody a couple of threads back said they thought Prager was trolling for links from outraged feminist blogs, so while that doesn’t make him any less of a douchebag, I don’t think that he’s exactly being honest.

I just can’t understand how such a fat, unattractive piece of wingnut shit could possibly blame his inability to get laid on women?!? Has anyone ever shown him a gym? Is this why he’s divorced?

The comments are even kind of sympathetic to Prager.

Also, why the Hell is Townhall so impossible to navigate? I’ve been trying to read the full comments, but none of the links lead there. Instead they only show a a couple of comments before displaying the “fill out this form to post a comment” thing.


426 votes (87%) for Pammy so far!

Somehow, since her ego is the size of an extrasolar gas planet, I doubt she’ll “remove herself” from the running no matter what.

C’mon, people – these rats aren’t going to fuck themselves! Vote Pammycakes! Early and often!


Prager = Borat.

Women choosing with whom they have sex (and when) is bad for both. Thing is, Borat is a cartoonish character created to make fun of backward cretins. Prager is allegedly a real-life “man” who also happens to be a backward cretin.


Enjoy some Xmas pie, Gary.

No, that filling isn’t pudding. The topping isn’t dairy, either…it’s a little something I tossed off in the kitchen.



You know, I’m starting to get the feeling that we’re the only ones voting over there. Pamela’s up to like 500 votes already.


Ooh, I do hope Pammy wins. That “Grandé Conservative Venti Double Half-Caf Conservatrix Divaccino With Room For Cream” icon will look lovely next to her “I <3 Jean-Marie Le Pen” and “Vlaams Belang Über Alles” banners. Yay!


The Red Chinese attempt to kill Christmas by selling us snow globes that light stuff on fire!!!!

I want a snow globe with a frickin’ laser beam!


Y’know Pundita is threatening to leave the blogosphere. What a magical Christmas it would be if she “won”.


I see we’re getting help from the noodly pharynguates on the polling…



Whew. My delicate eyes saved once more.


“If a wingnut says something stupid in the forest and no one is there to hear it, is it still stupid?”

Yes. Plus it’s funnier than usual. Sadly, by definition we’ll never be able to confirm this hypothesis by direct observation, which means it’s unrefutable. That’s why certain purists describe Wing Theory as being not a science and “not even wrong.” (Fuck THEM.)

The P-shop of Kathy and her beau is the greatest thing in human history, more or less.


While we’re Freeping polls, can I get you guys to vote for Arnold’s Randian Rant, “I AM JOHN GALT” over here?

It really is the most deserving entry, putting a new twist on Chickenhawkery. Iraq and the GWoT is getting old, even for the bloodthirsty, highschool-football-injured knee crowd, and Mr. Arnold has shown them the new way to Chickenhawk: threaten the economy.


even for the bloodthirsty, highschool-football-injured knee crowd



If a wingnut says something stupid in the forest and no one is there to hear it, is it still stupid?


See, this isn’t a matter of koan. This is pure unadulterated stupidity. Wingnuts are, and what they say is, stupid.

Now, a truly zen thought is: If a wingnut accidentally says something smart, and there’s no one around to hear it, is it actually smart?


Sadly, by definition we’ll never be able to confirm this hypothesis by direct observation, which means it’s unrefutable.

The so-called Heisenberg Uncertainty Theory of Wingnuttitude. Yes, I’m familiar with the science.

We can know that a wingnut is in the forest, or we can know that a wingnut said something stupid, but we can never know precisely what that wingnut said while alone in the forest.

We can only estimate how stupid it was. Or where precisely he said it.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

The P-shop of Kathy and her beau is the greatest thing in human history, more or less.

Well, I suppose that is true, unless, of course, we are ever going to see a P-shopped recreation of Pammy before and after her silicone, um, enhancement?

Hint, hint?


Say, has anyone heard from the Internets Comptroller lately? Oh, I’ve got a bad feeling about this…


We can only estimate how stupid it was. Or where precisely he said it.

Well, hopefully research will lead to the discovery of the Guage Boson that carries the Stupid Force, the Duh Particle.

Once we can understand the Duh Field that surrounds a wingnut, we may even be able to estimate the time it takes for the Stupid to decay…



we may even be able to estimate the time it takes for the Stupid to decay…

Stupid has a fairly long half-wit.


Once we can understand the Duh Field that surrounds a wingnut, we may even be able to estimate the time it takes for the Stupid to decay…

I concur with your theoretcail analysis, except I believe the particle in this instance is actually spelled “Bozon,” a particular of such immense density that in and of itself, it creates its own singularity.


I also concur that I am incapable of typing “theoretical”.


Do not dispose decayed stupid in the regular container.

Please use the bright orange recepticle.


the particle in this instance is actually spelled “Bozon”

Which can be observed by bombarding a vial of Diet Dr. Pepper with the nuclei of cheetonium atoms.



Once we can understand the Duh Field that surrounds a wingnut, we may even be able to estimate the time it takes for the Stupid to decay…

Stupid doesn’t decay. It’s more like entropy; it only increases over time.



Boy, the deletion crew is sure busy over there today. Can’t leave ANY posts unless you absolutely think on their level.

Why do the conservative blogs censor people so badly?

Oh yeah, nobody likes to be proven they’re stupid.


the particle in this instance is actually spelled “Bozon”

Which can be observed by bombarding a vial of Diet Dr. Pepper with the nuclei of cheetonium atoms.

Careful, tho. In one lab, a lazy and careless technician substituted a vial of Red Bull and ended up with the paired quark, the “Bozell”. It hasn’t shut up since.


The so-called Heisenberg Uncertainty Theory of Wingnuttitude. Yes, I’m familiar with the science all scientific traditions.


Close readers of Heisenberg recognize he admits that Bohr’s Wingnut Indeterminacy Principle is actually the correct one. Rather than being an epistemological claim about what we can know about wingnuts, the Wingnut Indeterminacy Principle is ontological claim about the status of wingnutness. Whether a wingnut is stupid or is dumb is not so much a matter of whether we observe it, but rather is a matter of the apparatus used to observe it–the stupid and dumb are inseparable but can be resolved separately given the right apparatus. The double slit experiment demonstrates that if you shoot a steady stream of wingnut through thin ideological slits, such as nativism or free marketeerism, you will get an interference patterns that appear as waves of wingnuttitude in which the stupid and dumb cannot be resolved separately. However, any modification of the apparatus to discern which ideological slit the wingnut went through, you will destroy the interference pattern and only observe discrete moments of stupid or dumb. Thus, the stupid/dumb duality is a fundamental element of wingnutness.



I marvel at your depth of knowledge in this field. Have you published?


Can I throw my vote in for the Norelco Santa?

Turbine Yukon Palin

I voted for Pam, but my Jewish, gay, spiteful heart wasn’t in it.

Shaidle occupies a special place in my esteem.


The Bozon is of such density that rather than decay, it accretes matter to itself, much in the manner of a miniature blackhole. This also explains why it is futile to argue with a wingnut.


Hey, I just noticed that the title of the relevant GP post contains an amusing typo:

In the immortal words of Dom DeLuise, it sounds like steam escaping!

(PS. I’m a queer gay homosexual, so I’m allowed say stuff like that.)



I meant to render the URL asss followsss:

To emphasssize the esssesss.

And furthermore, I continue to maintain that I am allowed to say stuff like that.


The Bozon is of such density that rather than decay, it accretes matter to itself, much in the manner of a miniature blackhole. This also explains why it is futile to argue with a wingnut.

True, because altho the particle can accrete a lot, nothing is ever absorbed.


Best photoshop EVAH! And I’m going to steal it someday.

Best for the holidays, folks.


John Lott schadenfreude

So where did Lott get the idea that the vote had been counted for Franken? Apparently from the Star Tribune’s website, which had it listed it that way. The Star Tribune, keeping an unofficial tally of more than 6,000 challenged ballots, apparently made a boo-boo.

This possibility appears not to have crossed Lott’s mind. Faced with two alternatives…

1. The Canvassing Board somehow determined that this was a Franken ballot;
2. The Star Tribune screwed up.

…Lott took Occam’s Razor and cut himself with it, and concluded that the former must be true, using it as his primary piece of evidence to allege the recount was slanted in Al Franken’s favor.


I woulda thought Kathy Shaidle is a relative unknown in the wingnut blogging world.



I marvel at your depth of knowledge in this field. Have you published?

I have not published on wingnutness, but I have published on topics tangential to Heisenberg/Bohr debates. There’s a lot of really crappy “quantum physics justifies whatever it is that I want to claim” in both popular culture (that steaming pile of mucus Teh Secret) and academic writing. But I really do think the dynamics of the debate between Uncertainty and Indeterminacy explains an awful lot of philosophical conundrums.


Kathy Shaidle hates welfare recipients and she once was one. I wonder if at one time she was gay too!


Someone named Tammy Bruce has apparently got a ratfuck of her own going and now has more than 10% of Juggsie’s total.

That would be this Tammy Bruce:

“Tammy Bruce (born August 19, 1962) is an American radio host, author, and political commentator. Her nationally-syndicated talk show, The Tammy Bruce Show, airs on stations throughout the United States on Talk Radio Network.[1] She is also an on-air contributor to Fox News Channel.

After having described herself as a classical liberal for years, she now identifies as an Independent Conservative. The Tammy Bruce Show broadcasts three hours a day, six days a week, including Saturdays. Bruce’s Web site describes her as “an openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty “progressive feminist” who has voted for presidents as diverse as President Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

During the 1992 election season she worked on the first Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) senatorial campaigns.[2] In 2003 Bruce was appointed to serve on California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Transition Team after the successful recall election against then-Governor Gray Davis.[3] She is a supporter of John McCain and Sarah Palin in the 2008 Presidential race. [4] In the past, Bruce described herself as a “lifelong Democrat”[5], but has stated on both her radio program and blog that she is now registered as a “Decline-to-State” as of February, 2008. [6]”

Who had this to say:

“I’ve Been Nominated for Grande Conservative Blogress Diva 2009

Yes, only the fellows at Gay Patriot could come up with the fabulous title. As they say, it’s an honor just to be nominated, but it would also be very cool to win, or perhaps just move into the double-digits 🙂 Would it be wrong or bad of me to ask you to vote for me? Possibly, and I do feel guilty, a little, but I’ll get over it, as I usually do.

Last year SondraK was the winner and I was honored to be named Honorary Co-Diva by Her Divaness. I was even photo-shopped sitting on her lap. Hey, not bad.

Please visit and vote. Perhaps we can get me enough votes where I’ll at least get the lap treatment again 😉

The vote concludes on New Year’s Eve and you can vote every day.”

Juggsie, on the other hand, does not mention the Gay Patriot vote.

Open politicking for such a meaningless designation simply cannot be tolerated.

We need a more decisive victory than that. Get cracking.


hola smokes, kshaidle is on twitter


And furthermore, I continue to maintain that I am allowed to say stuff like that.

Dood, I’m pretty sure that unless you whup out with a big ole Tranny Joke or ‘Shop a Sammich in a fat wingnut’s hands while wearing a fat suit and walking through a mall, you can say just about any stuff you want.

Um, except you can’t yell “MOVIE” in a crowded firehouse.

Or something like that…



tweet from K shaidle

Snow always seems whiter in Ottawa. or is that racist? (like everything else I say!)

and see her post on mexicans are mean to animals


I wonder which scenario is accurate:

1) Shaidle didn’t want to win an election tainted by the spoof votes of Sadlynaughts;

2) She became aware of the Gay Patriot poll’s existence through the machinations of this blog, at which point she withdrew because she didn’t want to be tainted by any hint of approval from faggots, even ones who agree with her on everything else.

I guess we’ll never know. Unless she chooses to tell us. Which is likely, since the woman seems incapable of suppressing a single one of the flatulent vituperations that passes in her world for thoughts.

Keep us informed.


Loneoak said,

December 24, 2008 at 20:34



“Perhaps we can get me enough votes where I’ll at least get the lap treatment again ;)”

Notice the emoticon. That’s a winking smiley face, which clearly indicates that the preceding phrase was a double entendre.

A more uncouth observer would likely point out that this seems to mean Tammy would like to skip the photoshop portion of the “lap treatment” program and head straight for hot wingnut-blogress-on-wingnut-blogress lap action with SondraK.

Not me.

Even more reason to go vote for Juggsie. I need to go wash my brain.


I nominate KShaidle for dumbest.


A few KShaidle quotes found by W. Kinsella

· On Islam: “…your religion is fucking retarded…ungrateful beligerent foreign savages…These are people who love watching beheading videos on the internet…A sick, sick religion. Basically Scientology with bombs. Pathetic whiny losers.”
· On Muslim and Pakistani immigrants: “Muslims…most of them can’t even read…What we really need to do is stop immigration from Pakistan and other crazy Muslim countries filled with illiterate, violent tribal peasants…”
· On Muslim children: they are “parasites.”
· On a group of Muslim students who object to some statements by Mark Steyn: they are “motherfucking parasites.”
· On Muslims: “Muslims always have to be on top, in reverse proportion to their ability to do anything with competence or creativity.”
· On Indians: they are “parasites” who “extorted tax dollars [for] booze, smokes and junk food. Not to mention free everything else, including university educations they don’t bother getting.”
· On blacks: “…there is nothing ‘compelling’ about a black man impregnating a white woman. In more than one Toronto neighbourhood, that’s what they call Saturday night.”
· On the only people who can get excited about Barack Obama: “black, stupid or both.”
· On Jamaicans: “Just think of how much Jamaican immigrants contribute to our culture and economy: monotonous, illiterate music that all sounds the same, filthy hairstyles, those little tricoloured Rasta doohickies.”
· On the blacks of New Orleans: they are “pathetic losers” who cannot have their IQs raised “a single point.”
· On the poor: they are poor because they are “too lazy and stupid to a) finish high school and/or b) keep their pants on.…I don’t care about the poor. They’re no more real than Bigfoot.”
· On AIDS: “From the beginning, AIDS activism has been more about mainstreaming the gay “lifestyle” than saving lives.”
· On Sikhs: “Backward foreigners [who] shit on hand that feeds them…Unable to invent their own iconic product due to too much time spent worshipping monkeys and cows, setting women on fire and obsessing over imperceptible differences in each other’s skin colour…”
· On blind people: “Giving blind people real jobs…is not working out.”
· On Chinese: “[They are] spitting and shooting snot on the sidewalk…throwing broken crates of rotten bock choy all over Spadina Avenue [and] eating dubious, illegal foodstuffs” [and cause SARS.]

She is joy personified.


Amy Alkon is plugging the poll. One of her (three) commenters says, “You’re first on the list! I voted for you, and if you win, you should ask to have a few drag queens ‘be’ you, adding you to their Cher/Streisand/Madonna routine.”

An AA DQ would win the Redundant Redundancy Award for the next 10 years. Twice.


An AA DQ would win the Redundant Redundancy Award for the next 10 years. Twice.

I believe the technical term is a multiple redundancy redundancy.


I believe the technical term is a multiple redundancy redundancy.

I’m not sure. Wouldn’t a drag queen Amy Alkon be a double negative and look like a normal person?


On Sikhs: “Backward foreigners [who] shit on hand that feeds them…Unable to invent their own iconic product due to too much time spent worshipping monkeys and cows, setting women on fire and obsessing over imperceptible differences in each other’s skin colour…”

Sikh, Hindu, I guess to “five feet of futility” wogs is wogs.


OOoooh, I’m heading over to Poorman, that sounds good. I voted the Pammie ticket. Wooohoo! But I still can’t stress her push for a Senate seat enough….

The Goddamn Batman spends too much free time with Robin, Boy Wonder

Pammy now leads with 772 votes for 75% of the total. Woo Hoo!! I wonder what Pammy’s campaign slogan will be?


Nice rundown of Shaidle’s pearls of wisdom. This is the sort of thing that, in a previous era, would be scrawled on paper bags in crayon and mailed as a Letter to the Editor of (pick one: National Review/ The National Lampoon/ The National Enquirer).

Now, thanks to Technology, her words appear as nice and “published” and formal as any sane person’s–and they have universal distribution.

We DO live in the future!


I read one of comsympinko’s comments with a reference to Pammy as “”

Which immediately smoked several million of my neurons.

Combining two appalling Internet Traditions like that should not be done on an open channel. Think of Teh Buttocks!


Pammy now leads with 772 votes for 75% of the total.

I think at least 15 of those were mine.

I was thinking of voting for some of the other nutters, kinda like make them have all the same votes, or a three-way tie or something.

Now there’s ratfucking you can believe in!





I wonder what Pammy’s campaign slogan will be?

“Look at my tits!”


“Look at my tits!”

That’s not only a campaign slogan, that’s how she runs her life.


Anyway, the wrapping’s done, I’m dressed in my monkey suit and I’m waiting to commute to Boston to make small talk while dinner’s made with in-laws and a certain daughter’s beau that I really don’t like.

So I might as well take the time to wish ya’ll a safe and happy holidays.


Gay Patriot:

All of our nominees are fab, but I have soft spot for Pam and I think she has earned the nod.

I’m straight and I can’t get hard for Pam either..


Kathy has a mad crush on Mark Steyn. Poor dear.


Lesley said,
She is joy lifelong virgin who will die alone in an asylum personified.



Pamela Gellar 2010: Tits You Can Believe In.


The banality of evil:

It was April 1972, and American B-52 bombers were pummeling North Vietnam. President Richard M. Nixon got on the phone with his national security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, for an update on the air assault on the port city of Haiphong. The men struggled to persuade each other that the war might still be won.

“They dropped a million pounds of bombs,” Mr. Kissinger said.

Nixon was pleased. “Goddamn, that must have been a good strike!” he said.

Then the president had a moment of doubt, recalling the dismal experience of his immediate predecessor, Lyndon B. Johnson: “Johnson bombed them for years, and it didn’t do any good.”

Mr. Kissinger reassured his boss, saying: “But, Mr. President, Johnson never had a strategy. He was sort of picking away at them. He would go in with 50 planes, 20 planes. I bet you we will have had more planes over there in one day than Johnson had in a month.”

Motherfuckers. People died when you dropped those bombs. Lots of people.

Estimating the number killed in the conflict is extremely difficult. Official records are hard to find or nonexistent and many of those killed were literally blasted to pieces by bombing. For many years the North Vietnamese suppressed the true number of their casualties for propaganda purposes. It is also difficult to say exactly what counts as a “Vietnam war casualty”; people are still being killed today by unexploded ordinance, particularly cluster bomblets. Environmental effects from chemical agents and the colossal social problems caused by a devastated country with so many dead surely caused many more lives to be shortened. In addition, the Khmer Rouge would probably not have come into power and committed their slaughters without the destabilization of the war, particularly of the American bombing campaigns to ‘clear out the sanctuaries’ in Cambodia.

The lowest casualty estimates, based on the now-renounced North Vietnamese statements, are around 1.5 million Vietnamese killed. Vietnam released figures on April 3, 1995 that a total of one million Vietnamese combatants and four million civilians were killed in the war. The accuracy of these figures has generally not been challenged.


Commie atheist: This is why it makes me crazy when Kissinger is perceived as some sort of elder statesman. The man had a big wad of poison where most people have hearts.

Same goes for Nixon. (I wonder if “Frost/Nixon” is going to mention that Nixon did those interviews because he was hansomely paid?)


Lott took Occam’s Razor and cut himself with it

Please keep your wingnuts away from sharp objects,so that they do not injure themselves.


(I wonder if “Frost/Nixon” is going to mention that Nixon did those interviews because he was hansomely paid?)

Based on the reviews I’ve read, (spoiler alert?) the movie apparently makes a big deal about Nixon taking responsibility for the Watergate coverup, even though, in reality, he didn’t.


Lesley said,
December 24, 2008 at 22:09

A few KShaidle quotes found by W. Kinsella

At least she’s an equal opportunity hater. I’m sure her self-loathing is pretty deep and ingrained as well.


Don’t underestimate Shaidle’s intelligence. She had the sense to ask to be removed from the poll, didn’t she?


Hello, is anyone else here? Or is WordPress up to its tricks again?


Phew. Thank Jeebus you’re here, Hoosier.


Senator Juggs’ platform:

I would pass anti-Jihad legislation. I would kill gun control. There would be no CAIR leadership sitting on any human rights boards.

I promise I would cut entitlement benefits. I would shut bad schools. I would give school vouchers to the poor families. I would lift all restrictions on small businesses – let free markets rein. All smoking in bar bans lifted. No congestion tax. I would not ban transfats from NYC restaurants. I would kill property taxes. I would fire 50% of social service workers – they make up what? One in four workrs in the NYC labor force? Let them get real jobs.

Yes, all those things would happen if she was Senator Juggs, because all senators have absolute power and can tell everyone else what to do. She lives in an interesting reality, doesn’t she?


Some people can’t switch IPs, but never fear. If you right-click & choose “Save link location” then paste it into the address bar of a new tab or window, & have cleared your cookies, you can’t be tracked back to this den of iniquity … or so I’ve heard.
I wonder if anyone’s running some auto-refresh warez to, er, emphasize their committment to Blogressian democracy … gee whillickers, I heart the Interwebs!

Atlas Juggz FTW!
880 votes & still rising, if I have anything to say about it!

She totally deserves it, just on the basis of the “Obama=Malcolm X’s love-child” post alone. Throwing her hat into the ring for the US Senate is such a beautiful sequel to that frothing wackadoodle, I may need a moment … sigh … okay, I’m better now. I think.

Y’know … maybe the Yanks among us should be getting suitably sympathetic folks to register with the GOP to turbocharge the glorious campaign to nominate Caribou Klaus Barbie in 2012 … I mean, since her last foray into national politics was such a smashing success & all. Consider how amazingly shrivelled & weak the GOP may very well be by then … how desperate … how easily hoisted by their own Rovian petard … ohhhh yeah baby, you know what I’m talkin’ about: poetic justice a la mode.

Santa Claus: the only pervert I’ve ever heard of who comes down chimneys.


We really got cheated on the snow here….anyone got a really really good storm?


You’re welcome, commie atheist. Praise Jeebus.

I’m at work. I had to ask for permission to say “Happy Holidays” until midnight.

Aren’t we all commie atheists this time of year?


We really got cheated on the snow here….anyone got a really really good storm?

Be glad you’re not in Chicago, pal. We’ve gotten a really REALLY good storm, and it’s going to continue through Christmas. Driving to my mom’s is going to be a blast.


Be careful Bitter! You got what missed us. Howdy there Hoosier, how is it back in Indy? Damn I miss that place. Good snow there;)


Who the hell’s Tammy Bruce and what impudence has allowed here to come within 61 percentage points of Pam?


I would lift all restrictions on small businesses…

All restrictions? Wow – that’s impressive. Small business owners will be able to strut down the street stark jaybird naked, to openly market LSD, to walk into anyone’s house and piss on the carpet, to drive around town with tommy guns, mowing down pedestrians and laughing maniacally.

Pammy offers the sort of incentives our small businesses need. I’m gonna have to vote for her a few more times.


Nasty ass grey wet damp pneumonia having motherfucker up here in marin.

Merry christmas….



We really got cheated on the snow here….anyone got a really really good storm?

Lots of really nice soft white fluffy stuff and more on the way. Going cross country skiing tomorrow – probably while it snows.


Merry Christmas to all and to all a dumb right.


and to all a dumb right.

We sort of get that everyday all year.


What fun. Pammy is kicking ass. They must be screaming over there.

You people give me hope, and I love this place. Laughter adds a minute for every cocktail, cigarette, and meth hit takes off. (Does one take a “hit” of meth?)

In any case, thank you all for the fun and games. I’m George Fucking Bailey rich, bitches. Plus, I’m only down 16% in my 401K this year.

Life is good. Two more gifts to wrap, and a Christmas cluster of family and laughs tomorrow. There’s a bunch of us (30+, but only because the weather has kept a few out) and we actually get along and enjoy each other’s company.

Not only that, but we have a whole new flock of toddlers around to hug and kiss and giggle with as they experience the standard toddler Christmas orgy of fun.


Hey Bubba. Merry chrismas to you and your eclesiastical camel!


I haven’t lived in Indiana for a while. I live in north Los Angeles County, in the high desert. We had more snow (ten inches) than the area has had in more than 20 years last week. But it all melted by Saturday.

Have they taken Pam out of the balloting yet?


Who the hell’s Tammy Bruce and what impudence has allowed here to come within 61 percentage points of Pam?

A really twisted and confused piece of work:


Tammy Bruce … has voted for presidents as diverse as President Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

This is like Jillian bait or something right?


And a Merry Christmas to you, mikey!

I was thinking of you when I told my boss and old pal that “I’m only a couple guns away from a fully functional castle!”

He said, “Don’t get a gun,” and I promised him it would be an un-concealable rifle. That made him feel better.


Nasty ass grey wet damp pneumonia having motherfucker up here in marin.

Merry christmas….


You always get the good rain over in Marin, Mikey. Here in Pleasant Hill it’s just spritzing rain, like the last few drops off god’s dick.


You always get the good rain over in Marin, Mikey. Here in Pleasant Hill it’s just spritzing rain, like the last few drops off god’s dick.

Sounds like a Montana downpour. We only have a couple of months where we get (barely) over an inch of rain the whole month. Need a good snowpack up in the mountains to keep the rivers from drying up. Supposed to snow pretty much every day through New Years. Already have a foot here in the valleys and they got over 30″ in the mountains in the last couple of days.


Some of the best, funniest shit in the world just disappeared in the sparkle of a purple and white hybrid Christmas present from a dude in Humboldt. Words are no longer necessary.


Merry Christmas Iraqi Christians!

That really sucks. One of the places I lived when I first moved to was near to an (Iraqi) Assyrian Catholic Church. Really impressive with a pair of cherubim (sphinxes) out front. These are descendants of some the first Christians anywhere. Funny how I don’t here any uproar among our talibangelicals about their plight or our role in it.


Down in Santa Cruz we’re having an amazing sun set slipping in under towering cloud banks.


Pamela Geller is a class act!


Oops! I meant to say that Pamela Geller is a Crass Act!


I’m very disappointed that there is no spot on the ballot for Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf.


Pammy’s vote total is at 994 and the poll just noticed that I have voted multiple times. Who’s gonna put her over 1000?

(994 votes out of 1374 votes cast – that’s awesum!)


Yes, all those things would happen if she was Senator Juggs, because all senators have absolute power and can tell everyone else what to do. She lives in an interesting reality, doesn’t she?

Let’s just say she can see Russia from her house and leave it at that.

Oops! I meant to say that Pamela Geller is a Crass Act!

You are mistaken sir. She is an Ass Crack.


Atlas Juggz FTW!
880 votes & still rising, if I have anything to say about it!

All. One. Guy.


All. One. Guy.

Nah. There are a couple more of us jacking up the total as well.


Holiday-induced melancholia has stirred up strong memories of how nice a good shot of JWB with a porter back would be. Right the fuck now.

Instead, I’ll point out that I once worked with a guy who referred to Somewhere Over the Rainbow as the “fag national anthem.” He’s dead now from the virus, but everytime I hear “Gay Patriot” I think of him and imagine a corp of men in stunning uniforms, all singing a beautiful rendition.

Add Pammy to the mix and this just couldn’t be more SadlyNoproriate.

Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true


Merry Xmas from a very snowy Vancouver. The snow is thigh deep in places along sidewalks, which is unheard of. It’s very pretty. Me and mine are celebrating Christmas Eve with a vintage port, goat brie on olive baguette, and Nostradamus unfiltered beer from Belgium (teh awesome!)

Have a good one, everyone. Roast some wingnuts if you must, but avoid eating as they taste awful.


Heh heh: Pope issues Christmas plea for end to child abuse

Well, he’s in the right place to get it started, huh.


Just popping in to wish everyone a merry festivus!

We got a fresh couple of inches of powder last night. It was above freezing yesterday, back in the deep freeze today with a brisk wind. Warming up again for Xmas, but in the part of the state to which I’ll need to drive if I do the family visit, they’re supposed to get sleet or freezing rain by afternoon. I’m keeping an eye on the NWS; if the forecast remains the same, I’m not going anywhere.


Happy holidays to one and all from the snowy northern Rockies. A foot of powder on the ground and more coming over night (and every day through New Years). The Dr. is going cross country skiing with Rudolph in the morning.


R. Bub, et al.,

You really have to give Tammy Bruce a listen if you don’t know her. She is to those of us to the left of, say, &#21328Ilsa, She -Wolf of the SS&#21328, as I suppose H. R. PufnstufClinton must be to those right of Ilsa, judging from their reactions to Hillary.

Ms. Bruce is shrill, screechy & screamy, hates Prez-to-be B. O., sees Muslims everywhere, “culture warrior,” the whole thing.


FYWP, & your anti-fascist censorship!!


Heh heh: Pope issues Christmas plea for end to child abuse

He’s been full of unintentional irony lately. Can you believe the gall of a dude in a dress who owns a private plane comparing the threat of global warming to the threat of blurring gender roles? For fuck’s sake he is a useless human being.


Literally a Christofascist, given his background.


And Hoosier X, your ex-neighbor’s glad you’re among those still employed in the newspaper biz!! Hope you & stay that way.

Best wishes for the New Year to All!!


Thanks, M.B. I work my ass off at this job. When they start laying off some of the lamers I work with, then I’ll start to get a tad nervous … but hopefully I’ll be gone by the tie they get to me.


Still waiting for that fat red bastard Santa to show. Drank & ate the cookies intended for him long ago.

Good night!


Just got laid off after 14 years at the same company. Merry fucking Christmas to me! They are giving me a very nice severance package though, so there’s that.

This is one of the most conservative (in the good sense) commercial real estate owners and operators out there, and this economy has kicked them in the ass. First time I’ve seen them lay off people since I’ve been there.

Thanks again, President Bush. You fucking useless piece of shit asshole.



Don’t lump me in with that president Bush guy!


Merry Christmas to all.


No snow here on O’ahu. Hasn’t been in about 500,000 or so years (I’m guessing that’s when our volcanoes were as high as the ones on the Big Island and Maui).

It rained a little, the local heroes lost to Notre Dame (fuck them), and I got some snorkel gear in my stocking which I intend to try out this weekend.

But it will be windy tomorrow, so sea kayaking has been cancelled.

Winter in Hawaii can be a real bitch sometimes.


merry christmas, sadlies! sheesh, i had no idea so many of you lived in the greater sf bay area…one of these times i’ll get to drink sadlyly with you folks.

thank you each for being part of one of the best commentariat on the entire tubes.

here’s to a better 2009.

xo, sarah.


Merry Christmas, motherfuckers.


Yeah O. G., I was sorry to see the Fightin’ Papists whump the Rainbow Warriors, too.


Just wanted to say, May Cuthulu grant you a quick and painless death in this season of cold and ice.

I used to say “merry Christmas”, but I’ve lost the “Christ” part of it, due to extenuating circumstances that revolve around my embarrassment of belonging to same church that Pope Nazi Ratzinger and Bill Donahue are a part of. In fact, I think “Pope Cuthulu” would be more apt than “Pope Nazi”, but that’s just the tequila talking.

And for y’all, you are awesome. Kept me sane in my hour of doubt that there was a god. Loanoake, that was awesome, and Mikey, I love you man, and yes, that’s strictly tequila talk. If I could hug y’all with the ferocity of a thousand suns, and I’m quite sure someone here could come up with that calculation, I would. But this being the internets and all, and being vaguely aware of internet traditions (but, apparently, more than John McCain), I hope you have a great season of ice and cold.

Kinda sorta still believing in God, I know that I will go to hell laughing at this, this, and this.


Merry everything, Sadlies, and thanks for being such great folks with the warmth and the snark.

And I’m really quite envious of the snow you’re all getting. The cold, not so much, but the snow sounds like fun.

I’ve had my Chrissy, now you have yours, and make it a good one.


Well, I’ll, um, skip over those Pope comments….(feeling a bit out of place now)….. So Commie! You’re in Contra Costa eh? We used to be neighbors it seems out in “sun valley”. I do remember well the sprinkling of God’s dick.

Huh, I guess I’m just a horribly irreverent Catholic after all.


Hey, DrDick – Merry Xmas! My sister says it’s beauteous up there. Here in LA it’s rainy – almost hailish. The problem, of course, being that 3 drops of ‘rain’ send every LA driver into conniptions, so driving sucks. I’ll just have to enjoy the pix of your snow.


May the FSM place you all under the protection of His Noodly Appendage. Here in Newport-by-the-Sea the rain has washed away most of the weekend snow, and it’s still in the forties so not only has it not frozen into sheets of ice, but we’ve got FDR back in the White House.



The morons here in Seattle are dealing with the snow by trying to hard-pack it, while it is melting. Sure, I love random holes in the road that re-align my vehicle by ten degrees or more at will. In Seattle America, road drives you!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I concur with your theoretcail analysis, except I believe the particle in this instance is actually spelled “Bozon,” a particular of such immense density that in and of itself, it creates its own singularity.

Of course, you can only determine a bozon by its nosons.

Yes, there’s a lot of bozons on this bus.


Aha, so there are other bored insomniacs out there!


The fact is, it is CHRISTMAS today and you liberals cannot take Jesus out of it. Eat that.


You all really need to get a life.

Merry Christmas!


Oh, look, Santa’s reindeer left a turd in our living room!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I would point out that it’s also Hanukkah today, and you conservatives can’t take the divine self-replicating candle oil out of it! So take that, bitch!


Gay conservatives telling us to get a life.

All I gotta say is…heh.


You know, you can create your own polls at this site.

For example.


Merry Christmas Sadlynaughts!


C’mon Truth, it’s Christmas. Could you take your medication just today so we don’t have to deal with you and your obsessions?


Wow, what a shitweasel. Socking on Christmas so he can’t be killfiled.

Merry fucking Christmas to you too.


By the way, the joke is on you.

I voted for Pam (Atlas Shrugs) and endorsed her in the comments early on.



The amazing thing is that he would expect a single one of us to care about Caroline Kennedy at all.


You all really need to get a life.

People we make fun of say this all the time.

And we’re not even the ones who made up the word “blogress.”


Merry Christmas!


It’s Happy Fucking Holidays.


Yeah, that endorsement was duly noted. However, parsing that requires reading ability.


I guess this would be a Sadly, Noël to you all.

It’s Happy Fucking Holidays.

Hmm. I must have missed those. I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


My fucking holiday was last Thursday, TYVM.


OK, I did it, I created a fucking poll. Now I’m just like everyone else. HoHoHo!


Evidently, the proprietors of Sadly,No! do have lives, seeing as how they seem to be out living lives rather than putting up new posts here. Good for them.


Yet we’re still commenting….heeheehee…


Yet we’re still commenting….heeheehee…

Yep. Well, I don’t claim to have much goin’ on right now. Teh fact is, I’m going to be cleaning house today.


if it helps, gay patriot, i will put actor212 in my next feature or tv show. i will also weave in some sort of subtle yet noticeable shout out to your douchebaggery.

in fact, given that i’m now producing a shitload of web content for fox, i think a “how much of a fucking idiot do you have to be in order to be a gay republican” may indeed be the topic of an entire show. perhaps actor212 will get a chance to play you!

actor212, you have my e-mail–drop me your resume/headshot and so on.

also, to all sadlynauts, i’ve been too busy to comment here lately but i wish all of you happy whatever makes you happy in this happiest of times.

also, fuck bill o’reilly, everyone!!


Evidently, the proprietors of Sadly,No! do have lives

I thought this place was like a Chinese restaurant, open on Christmas. In any event, even if the proprietors are spending time with family, don’t most family gatherings, Christmas or otherwise, quickly fracture into lone TV watching and internet surfing anyway? Or is that just my family?


I’m just eating pie and drinking coffee. Surfing teh t00bz, thinkin about rosemary and thinkin about the law…

Merry Christmas, mi amigos!



Happy Christmas to all Sadlynauts throughout the globe! Thank you all for your zingers, stories, and incredibly twisted thoughts over the past year. May 2009 bring you all much deserved happiness.


Johnny Pez said,

December 24, 2008 at 23:16

I wonder what Pammy’s campaign slogan will be?

“Look at my tits!”

Not fair!!! That’s Sarah Palin’s 2012 campaign slogan.


” Teh fact is, I’m going to be cleaning house today.”

Yeah, that’s what I’m doing today too. Also re-installing Windows. So… ton ‘O fun.


I just dropped in, to see what condition ya’lls condition was in.

Merry Christmas, Sadly Naughts. Here in the NY mountains, the snow is coming down daintily, as it should, I have invented Dark Pink Rum Sours, and we are only an hour away from some Whoville Roast Beast.

The kitties are nestled all snug… in our chairs. Wait a minute!

May the FSM bless us, every one.

Gratuitous Recipe

Dark Pink Rum Sours

1 can pink lemonade
1 can dark rum
1 can water

lots o’ ice

Shake it all up in a pitcher, but with some restraint if the pitcher is not airtight. Fill a large glass with ice, and then fill it from the pitcher.

Complications ensue.

Wimps who can’t handle SourPatch kids and such candy will need to dilute it further.

But not me.


Well, this holiday it seems that traditional values lead us to believe that the public are shocked by the state of society.

And a merry FY to the WP.

Just in case.


Of course it is Crass to say that I’m trussed and bound like an oven-ready bird.

And I’m thinking of Pammy.


Dang, every time I post ANYTHING regarding Pamela Robert Spencer just appears:

Robert Spencer has left a new comment on your post “Who’s Winning the Blog War/Soap Opera?”:

Pamela Geller is an immense hero of Western civilization. If we get through this, which is not at all certain, you who ridicule her now will be thanking her — or should be if you had an ounce of integrity.

I don’t think all of you do.

All I did was add a goofy poll on my equally goofy blog. Do I really spread the chaos this well?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> You know, you can create your own polls at this site.

Somebody better let Ms. Testicle know about this poll so she can fulminate and rant about “little turds” some more.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> “Look at my tits!”
> Not fair!!! That’s Sarah Palin’s 2012 campaign slogan.

I thought Caribou Barbie was going to use “Vote for me and I’ll swallow” in 2012.


“Vote for me and let’s end this experiment in democracy once and for all!”


Mrs. Shruggs can use it in 2010, & Goobernator Palin can have it 2012. She’ll have gotten someone to pay for a boob job by then.


Merry Christmas, Sadlynauts!

Can we start saying “Happy Holidays” again at midnight since, you know, Christmas is over and we still have Boxing Day, New Year’s, the rest of Hannukah and all of Kwanzaa to go before the holiday season is over?

Or is there something in one of the Gospels where Jesus hisself says: “Thou shalt get thy panties in a twist if some people say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” some of the time betwixt Halloween and Jan. 15, even if it is long past Christmas and thine stubbornness maketh thee look like a douche.”

What’s that? No Boxing Day?

Curse you, liberals! And we laughed at the concerned conservatives who tried to warn us about the liberals and their War on Boxing Day! And now it has come to pass! It’s almost as if Boxing Day was never even observed here in the United States!


Actor212, we were just updating our records, and we are trying to find any movie, film, TV show, play, or preschool ensemble that you were part of. Can you please indicate one instance of you actually being, er, an actor?

That’s what I get for hiring my brother-in-law to be my agent: no exposure, even when I do work…


Merry Happy Christmas, Sadlynaughts. Once the sugar high wears off, I’m sure the colors will return to normal.

I hope.


It’s a Gun Counter Gomer day today: First, Santa shot & killed some relatives. Note the three, count ’em three, guh-rillz in the crime scene yard.

Then, right there in Gomer’s own smart, hard-working state:

When shopping turns dangerous

Christmas shoppers were evacuated from a sporting goods store Tuesday after several bullets fell on an escalator and a round went off.

The Charlotte Observer reported that a customer who bought the .22-caliber bullets accidentally dropped them. Charlotte, N.C., police spokesman Bob Fey said one bullet was compressed by the escalator and exploded. Officials searched to be sure no other bullets were lodged in the escalator before allowing the store to reopen.

No one was hurt, but holiday shopping was delayed about an hour.

Do they sell loose ammo (in a fucking plastic bag, maybe) in N. C.? I get .22 rounds in a nice, big, relatively inexpensive brick. Was this bozo so anxious to load his varmint gun right there in the fucking mall? Maybe he saw Gomer, thought Gomer was packing that day, & decided he needed to be ready. Sheesh.


Was this bozo so anxious to load his varmint gun right there in the fucking mall?

I’m guessing… Yes.


Dark Pink Rum Sours

Nice. Stick a toothpick through a piece of pineapple garnish, and now it’s a “Honalulu Hickey.”


Happy Return-of-the-Sun holiday of one’s choice, Sadlynauts!

Candy — thinking about your kitten — folk remedy for ‘unthrifty’ cats & dogs is a little canned pumpkin (not pie filling, just plain pumpkin, if you can find it) in their kibble. The effective dose for a 10-pound dog was a tablespoon twice a day, according to the papillon foster-mom. Don’t know if your little street-Havanese will eat it, or if it will solve his litter-box issues, but canned pumpkin’s cheap and at least it can’t hurt…


Pamela Geller is an immense hero of Western civilization. If we get through this, which is not at all certain, you who ridicule her now will be thanking her — or should be if you had an ounce of integrity.

Fap, fap, fap, fap. Oo, Pam, you’re so hot. Fap, fap, fap.


Fap, fap, fap, fap. Oo, Pam, you’re so hot. Fap, fap, fap.

You know, it is (Christmas) dinner hour on the East Coast.


Teh Hulk is an immense hero. Is Geller the same as Hulk? Admittedly the prose styles of the two is virtually indistinguishable but, please DO NOT rip your shirt off in public Ms. Geller!! Think of the kids!!! At War-on-Christmas-time of all times.


Her children will save us from Skynet.


I can see why Pam would be a hero to the Bed Wetter Nation folks that the right wing imagines for the entire nation.


Thanks, Anne Laurie! I will certainly give the canned pumpkin a try.


This is how I choose to remember Xmas. I doubt we will ever again see a truce like the ones in 1914-5.

Hope you all had a safe and happy holidays.


A holiday note: to wingnuts, a description of a woman being exhibited as a scientific specimen and her genitals being pickled is “racy”. I definitely do not want to look in Colleen Raezler’s bedside stand. Sorry if this has already been mentioned.


And yet… only 44 lonely (and I do mean lonely) votes for Meerkat Malkin… I guess all that cheerleading finally put off teh ghey republicans.


only 44 lonely (and I do mean lonely) votes for Meerkat Malkin

Wow, Our Lady of the Concentration Camps is in fifth place, behind Juggsy, Tammy, neo-neo-neocon, and (wait for it) Lady Shitmoat.

O the embarrassment.


Gay Patriot? What’s wrong with pervert?


Went to Djur’s link to see what all the fuss was about Elizabeth Alexander. I haven’t even read her, so I don’t know. But reading the cherry-picked quotes from wingnut land was illuminating because they sure seem to like to hear about black women’s private parts, while pearl-clutching about how dreadful it all is.

Funny thing is – I don’t know Alexander’s work, but even from what the wingnuts wrote, I understood immediately what the context of the poem was. It was about a true historical event, where African women’s bodies were exhibited as sideshow attractions. And it was also obvious from the wingnuts’ writings that they had absolutely no knowledge of it.


Pamela Geller is an immense hero of Western civilization.

It’s hard to fathom the mind of anyone that genuinely believes this.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Pamela Geller is an immense hero of Western civilization.

It’s hard to fathom the mind of anyone that genuinely believes this.

Rightwing delusions- more powerful than drugs!


Rightwing delusions- more powerful than drugs!

And capable of destroying far more lives!


It was about a true historical event, where African women’s bodies were exhibited as sideshow attractions. And it was also obvious from the wingnuts’ writings that they had absolutely no knowledge of it.

We are talking about people who think:
1. African-Americans should appreciate the fact that if it weren’t for the actions of kindly Europeans many centuries ago, they’d still be in scary heathen dark person land. But do they ever say thanks for the free cruise? Nooooo.
2. Any reference to less than kindly treatment of Africans by said Europeans must be completly made up falsehoods put out by radical LIEberal nogoodniks and … uh … Because shut up, that’s why!


and I think she has earned the nod.

Careful, you could be having a Vente Mal seizure.


Just back from the mountains. You people seem to have had fun.


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