Well, it’s Tuesday…

email.JPG, …and that means it’s time to check the old, as the editors of People Political put it, email bage, where we find out what “the open minded” wrote in his lone email. Ready? From Las Vegas, someone writes Marie:

I read your response (email exeption as above noted) and I thought I was reading the rants of a drugged out hippie. […] When a conservative writes like an imbecile, they will be perceived as an imbecile. That is my advice to you.

Friendly advice if you ask us! What did Mary reply?

Also, I’m not sure what the word “exeption” means. My english dictionary didn’t seemed to know either.

Ooh, a spelling flame wankerfest!


Comments: 20


We should make “Sadly No’s Hate Mail Bage” a regular feature here too- I’ll start tomorrow with the Little Noah piece.


…The goal of my family is to bring to you the best writers that have that special gift of transporting their intellect into words.”

Hey, is Marie a graduate of the Pastor Swank school of writing? And, as her banner says “We Pray and We Get Political Things Done.” Dude, there’s some serious language butchering going on there….


We should make “Sadly No’s Hate Mail Bage” a regular feature here too- I’ll start tomorrow with the Little Noah piece.



BAGE. hahaha.

In regard to the letter, I would be happier about it if they’d capitalized “English,” but after all, I doubt any of them will figure it out.

Hey, they have the same initials as Planned Parenthood.


I think that this should be “Height male bagel”.


“One will have to make their own conclusions there, but I bet you are a bit partial to the ‘Magic smoke.'” Damn that’s got to sting. That’ll teach dumb old jeff to write critical letters.


Thanks, assholes. I just peed myself.


My english dictionary doesn’t seemed to know how to pronounce Jon’.


Why, that’s not just ‘someone’ on their email bage — that’s our own Tailgunner Jeff Perado!


My english dictionary doesn’t seemed to know how to pronounce Jon’.

You’re right, Big Worm. And it looks French, too!



“Is Karl Rove the spawn of Satan?”



Hmmm, magic smoke.


Hey, blow it out your ass, so I mispeled “exception”, but I do have her response to my comparing her to a drugged out hippie…

In reply, Marie wrote me:
“You are typical the moronic idiot that seems to feel superior. All the thoughts you have are presumptuous. I’m not the one that does drugs. The left is the moral decay in this country. Sandy Burgler, hmm! what happened to him? I already know what happened to him!

Do not show up in my mail again you self absorbed small time twit! I was born in the Big Apple and I moved to LA. Do not complain to be about wisdom , and or knowledge. You have none ! I have more going for me than you have in your calcium lacking fingernail!
A Kerry Wife Quote “SHOVE IT! “”

Actually, go ahead and make fun of my misspelling exception. You see, Marie is still not smart enough to have caught that.


Oh, and please, I’m called jeff-perado, not Jeff Perado.

Of course, you could just call me Jeff (the proper noun)….

P.S. based on what she said in her (public) “hate” mail. I will presume that she will not block my private emails to her anymore, contrary to what she *actually* wrote in her actual response.

But we’ll see.



I wrote up above:
“Actually, go ahead and make fun of my misspelling exception. You see, Marie is still not smart enough to have caught that.”

I meant to write: Marie is still not smart enough to have caught that English is also a proper noun (and not english).


“Do not complain to be about wisdom , and or knowledge.”

Pardon me?

Damn jef. That was a pretty harsh reply.


*psssssst-jeff-perado* “The left is the moral decay of this country”….Ummmm, ok. Exhibit 1: Neal Horsley; Exhibit 2: Jeff Gannon; Exhibit 3: Jim West; etc. etc. ad naseum. Hey Marie – you want moral decay? I don’t think you need look further than your own wingnutty back yard to find bestiality, gay male prostitution and pederasty…unless you consider those to be in line with your KKKristian “moral vlaues”!


Heeeyyyyy! Picking on two nancy-boiz, and only one man-on-donkey type! That’s no fair! I demand that you stop mocking these self-loathing Republifags… uh, well, no, I really can’t in good conscience defend them. Or Santorum’s queer-hating gay chief-of-staff. Or any of the other of the dozens and dozens of these traitorous, “Oh, please put us in the concentration camps, Mr. Preznit,” queer-eye-for-the-straight-fascist-guy ladies (that means you, Jeff Gannon) and gents. I truly cannot get my head around how they think.


Incidentally, herein lies the danger of reading blogs from the top down-I came across Brad’s Hate Mail Bage well before this thread and was like, “Wha?” Then a few posts lower, “Ah. Context!”


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