High Transparency, As It Were
Posted on December 12th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Michelle Malkin:
Crooked Carol Browner: Obama’s ethically-challenged energy czar
- In an outrage so great that it has caused me to be infuriated, a woman who was once accused of impropriety by anti-Clinton zealots including talk radio host Mark “Landmark Legal Foundation” Levin is rumored to be the corrupt Obama’s choice as corrupt energy czar of government corruption, during his imperiled presidency.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Good God, that is one scary Halloween mask!
She is so not going to age gracefully.
She is so not going to age gracefully.
She doesn’t do anything gracefully.
But, it’s the left that’s angry.
The essence of Malkin, in one picture.
I apologize on behalf of the Seattle Times for unleashing this hate-bag on an unsuspecting public. Lord knows they never will. Apologize, that is.
Why they ever gave her a column in the editorial pages in the first place is completely beyond me.
I’m afraid to ask this but where do you find these pictures?
Shorter SadlyNaughts:
“Ewwwwww!! Malkin looks, like, totally gross, like, gag me with a spoon!
Like, who’s Carol Browner?”
The essence of Malkin, in one picture.
Needs more “vomiting with rage.”
This “goober” fellow… He’s not very smart, is he?
Here and there, pretty much. Sometimes when we run across something good we’ll grab it for later. This one is from an Esperanto blog, believe it or not.
What animal is that on her shoulder? It appears to be eating her brainstem.
goober is dumb.
I was going to warn her that her face might freeze that way… but too late.
To paraphrase the immortal words of mikey:
goober, is it really our fault that you think girls are repulsive? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Given Malkin’s reaction, I think it’s safe to say that this Browner person would be an excellent pick.
In an outrage so great that it has caused me to be infuriated
tee hee hee!
These are the very same groups – anti-business, anti-sound science,[…]
I suppose anti-sound science would be that science coming from the anti-matter labs? Which begs the question, is there an anti-malkin*?*
* (obsolete) malkin, lower-class woman; see merkin
Since messing around with the site seems to be the thing to do recently, I propose a new WordPress plugin—goober is required to leave two (different) comments before his comments show up at all. Seems that as of late his modus operandi is to drop his one turd in the punch bowl and leave.
I propose a solution to rectify that.
Margret Cho is the Anti-Malkin.
God help me, I clicked through…
It seems her big objection is that this person might have deleted some files. Once again, we see either IOKIYAR at work, or just the sudden re-discovery of how important government records are.
It takes brass balls to be upset about rumors of file deletion and improper lobbying from the [b]Clinton[/b] era.
Oh boy, bringing up brass balls is about to cause a whole lot of trouble…..
Shorter booger:
I think all Malkin “shorters” can be that picture. It pretty much sums up everything she does, thinks, feels, etc.
Is it really our fault that you think girls are repulsive? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
We beg to differ.
What animal is that on her shoulder?
A soon-to-be-rabid badger?
You DEMONcraps are a bunch of haters!! Now can we get back to the business of destroying the nascent Obama administration, P-L-E-A-S-E!!
lol you guys are making fun of wingnuts why aren’t you making fun of libruls ha ha ace i really showed them faaaaart
goober is required to leave two (different) comments before his comments show up at all. Seems that as of late his modus operandi is to drop his one turd in the punch bowl and leave.
What can I say? I got places to go, people to see, things to do.
What places, people, and things? It’s up to YOU, the dedicated SadlyNo! reader, to fill in the blanks.
Be cruel. Be snarky. But above all, be funny.
Ready? Set?
Is there anyone who was alive during the 90s and who was to the left of Torquemada who wasn’t accused of impropriety by anti-Clinton zealots?
Ace “in the hole” O’Spades does seem to be the hangout for guys who are OMG NOT GHEY but you know, what’s wrong with a little fraternal, uh, rubbing between friends? It’s more manly than those icky queers, and if we want to play “hide the sausage” every once in a while well no one has to know, right?
I see you found a picture of Grendel’s mother to decorate the post.
I can’t decide what is more pathetic about A.O. Spades type of adolescent man-child—that they could be gay and are hiding it by comically overdoing the masculinity, or that they really are straight but are so un-self-aware and insecure that they are literally scared like little schoolgirls that they just might be gay. In the latter case, they’re even more scared that they just might like it.
Fixed. Now quit making fun of us!
I wish I’d saved the link, but not so long ago there was a thread at a RWNM site about some d**n thing or other, and some contrarian pointed out a related issue from Dear Leader’s first term.
A noise machinist immediately rapped him/her about dredging stuff up from the distant past. Two posts later, same machinist was ragging on Clinton. It summed up a lot in a very short space.
Back to the Anchor/Anger Baby – has anyone ever wondered just what her homelife with Mr. Malkin must be like? Does she morph into a docile Susie Homemaker mode, or stay a Ravenous Bugblatter Beast?
Or is it wildly inappropriate for me to even mention it?
Let me guess: this was every site ever made fun of here.
I am still seeing the woman with the fruit on her head as the lead SadlyNo story on my iPhone- whatup with that?
There’s really no rhyme or reason re WP. My AT&T Tilt smartphone with Opera Mini has had no problem. My PC at work with IE 7 has had no problem. My laptop at home which also has IE 7 did have the groundhog day problem. But, as soon as I posted a comment, clicked through to the home page and hit refresh, it was fixed.
I don’t know, either.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Not only were all the top officials’ hard drives cleared and reformatted, but e-mail backup tapes were erased and reused in violation of records preservation practices.
I hate when that happens. I would link to Malkin’s ringing denouncement of Bush-era examples of this practice, but I just can’t seem to find any…
I got places to go, people to see, things to do.
Out to the sidewalk you go…you’ll probably see a person or two…then just scratch your ass.
“has anyone ever wondered just what her homelife with Mr. Malkin must be like? “
I believe that Mr. Malkin is CIA but that’s just rumor and I’d never wildly speculate like that. Wiki says he is a former RAND Corporation employee which is totally not CIA at all.
To be honest, I have never understood the attraction some have for this creature. I’ve never found anything about here even remotely attractive, least of all her mind.
What better place to hide somethng you don’t want any body to find than in plain sight . The perfect disguise for sanity is insanity , or rage in a pinch . Ipso ergo factsgo the perfect means to expose insanity is the sanity in the mirroring of the insane . This is why undercover police never have any problems with family life or social adjustment . After intimate involvement with an isanely stressful professional emotional betrayal it is so easy to just drop all the “adopted” feelings and go back home .
Honey I’m Home
Mommy I’m scared
Dammit! I was all gloaty and stuff (privately, of course) because neither of the computers I use have had any Groundhog Day shenanigans on either Firefox or Opera. But I just set up my new laptop and there’s that goddamned Cushman woman and her toxic fruit and she just won’t go away. Curses.
I’ve been able to reproduce the Groundhog Day issue with curl on one of my servers. Developing…
Perhaps the S,N technical difficulty has something to do with all you whippersnappers with your fancy-schmancy iPhones and Blackberries and multiple OS-es and computer at work and computer at home and desktop here and laptop there and so forth and I don’t know what all. Just get off my lawn and everything will be fine.
It’s the walking on the lawn that does it.
I’ve been able to reproduce the Groundhog Day issue with two tin cans and an Etch-a-Sketch.
It’s the walking on the lawn that does it.
Oh, no. It’s the damn lawn itself.
What you need is a concrete yard. Then, when it gets dirty from kids traipsing across it, you just hose it off. If you are esthetically inclined, you could paint it green, just be sure to use water-proof paint.
I actually had a neighbor who asphalted his yard. He didn’t use it for parking or anything, he just had an asphalt yard. Apparently, it was easier to just hose off the dog crap from his German Shepherds than if the yard was grass. Not sure how the dogs felt about this; I imagine it was like being in a kennel all the time, but with sky and (semi) fresh air.
This was just off Central Square in Cambridge, the house may still be there. The asphalt probably is.
As you can see from this comment, I prefer to contemplate dog shit removal methods rather than the workings of Malkin’s ‘mind.’
Oooh. Preview. Welcome home!
I just luv that Malkin chick. I bet she’s a great dominatrix!
I just luv that Malkin chick. I bet she’s a great dominatrix!!!!!
I’m still getting fruit head purple person so I’m trying Kristin’s fix from above. Please ignore.
Do you think fruits-on-head lady is trying to tell us something. Timmy’s trapped in the mine again!!
The person chosen to be Obama’s Energy Czar is Lady Satan because she wiped her hard-drive?
Methinks the wingnut doth protest over much.
Er … would Browner perchance be in charge of the Interior Department? You know, the one that was recently outed for years on end of happily doing drugs with, taking baksheesh from – & literally fucking – oil company execs & lobbyists, all on the public dime?
Golly, I wonder how deeply enraged Michelle Malzilla was about THAT wee peccadillo?
Actually, making that face should be relatively easy. I have a 6.5 horsepower, 60-gallon air compressor in my garage. If you were to (keep in mind this is all supposition here), shove the hose up your ass and open the regulator up to, oh, 125 pounds or so, you, too could look just as outraged as her. But then you’d explode. She, however, does not. Why is that?