Steal This Book!

Incidentally, I was leafing through Ben Shapiro’s latest book, Porn Generation, in my local bookstore today. I only read five pages, but they were the most unintentionally hilarious pages of any book ever written, as Ben bitched at length about dirty Superbowl ads involving scantily-clad women (whom he’s really repelled by) and Mike Ditka shilling for Levitra. There hasn’t been such a startling depiction of puritanical sexual frustration since Malvolio stalked the Lady Olivia in Shakespeare’s classic comedy Twelfth Night– in fact, I expect Ben to don yellow stockings any day now in hopes of wooing the Fair Lady Coulter.

Anyway, long story short, I was really, really tempted to buy it, except:

a.) It cost $28.

b.) That’s $28 more than Ben deserves.

So, I’m going to write Regnery and ask them to send me a copy to review for a popular internet magazine (a.k.a., Sadly, No!). Failing that, I’m just gonna steal the damn thing. Let me know if you’ve got any ideas for how to get a copy of Porn Generation that don’t involve breaking the law or giving Ben any money (I should actually try the Boston Public Library, now that I think of it…).


Comments: 48


I’ll see if [certain magazine] has a copy in the book pile.

But failing that, there’s always the emergency research trick where you buy something from Borders, read it overnight, and return it for credit the next day.


Gavin- you’d be my hero! Incidentally, I noticed that [certain magazine] has yet to publish a review. Think if I wrote a review of it they’d give it a look?


Go the library route, then you can get in Homeland Security’s good graces! They will know in 17 months when their database catches up that you will have read it! Just make sure you don’t check out the Koran and Juggs at the same time and you are home free!


I’ll email you in a bit.

Are you going to attack the Poor Man again? We’re seriously low on evil cats these days — it’s like the last days of WWII when the Wehrmacht was made up of old men and pre-teens.


We’re seriously low on evil cats these days…

Shh! No weakness in front of the enemy (but yeah, I know what ya mean- it’s easy as hell to find cute kitten pics, esp. when you own cute kittens like The Editors… I’ll prepare a strike if he shows further aggression…)


You won’t be getting it soon from BPL – it’s on order. But you can place a hold on it.


Try Half Price Books or some other used book store. This is going to get remaindered as fast as “I am a Soldier Too.”

(That one is always stacked up at HPB.)


Yes, ugly cats for the Poor Man, he refuses to place his comments section on the bottom where they belong.


Steal it–from the library! You’ll be potentially saving innocent children from exposure to frank descriptions of pornographic material, which will scar them for life, probably. You’d be a hero.


…I found a new supply of evil death kittens, but I can’t talk about it because the Poorman’s spies are always lurking.

Oh, there must be dozens of them. Oh lordy.


Read it in the cafe at Barnes and Noble. Make sucking sounds as you drain the content from the book.

In fact, go to a bookshop that has wi-fi, and liveblog reading it.


Andrew- AWESOME idea. I’ll take a Sunday afternoon and read it at Trident on Newbury Street- they have brilliant brick-oven pizza there too…


The topic of the wingnut Bortz radio show this evening was the scantily clad teens in Abercrombie & Fitch billboards. The outrage!


Sweet Trident. Curse you Boston Blogger! Do what deserves to be done to that book. Go to Kelly’s Roast Beef, get a super sloppy sandwich and onion rings, get lots of grease on the book and then throw it to the voracious mutant sea gulls of Revere Beach and watch them rip it to shreds. Document the atrocity of course.


Maybe leave the book, once finished, in a rack of porno mags. And document the atrocity, of course…



Don’t waste anything from Kelly’s on THAT (well, maybe you could wrap those DELICIOUS Roast Beef sandwiches with the pages…)

Besides, feeding to the gulls would be animal cruel… well, not to gulls I guess. 🙂


“…don’t involve breaking the law or giving Ben any money…”

Have you thought about giving the law money to break Ben (like the cop in The Godfather)?

Then maybe he’ll just give you a copy.

Oh, yeah, I’ll scour the area to see if I can find more evil kitties.


*psssssssst*-Dogpile image search: “angry cats” “evil cats” “mean cats”…..the recruits await you!


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Yeah those cross garters are a bitch.

Try Ebay, Alibris or AddAll, and look for review copies. They gotta be going cheap.


yeah, i saw his book in barnes & noble. i sat down and read a little bit of it.

towards the end he goes on about how there are no more real men in hollywood anymore, because the gays have taken over.

he goes on about how all the manly men who were once the only men in hollywood have been replace with girly men. he then selects brad pitt as an example of a hollywood girly man.

i guess that’s opposed to the real men hollywood used to be full of, men like fred astaire and rock hudson.

hmmm… i wonder if “real man” ben shapiro would be willing to tell brad pitt that he is a “girly man” to his face. ‘cuz we all know that professional virgins like ben shapiro are the manliest men around.


If someone is able to borrow it over night, scan the whole thing and put it up on the internet, you can advertise it to all who are interested in reading and ridiculing it and maybe even add a running commentary.


i think i will spend the 28 on a pile of porn, read _that_, and draw my own conlcusions.


Hey, you could feed the book to this guy.

Or maybe get that cat and this cat together and smear the book with tuna juice and watch them tear it to shreds.

While this cat watches in horror.


You can probably find a scanned copy using your favorite file sharing program. My internets have a better selection than my library.


You can probably find a scanned copy using your favorite file sharing program

If someone is able to borrow it over night, scan the whole thing and put it up on the internet,

But failing that, there’s always the emergency research trick where you buy something from Borders, read it overnight, and return it for credit the next day.

Nice to know y’all folks advocate such high standards of conduct. Is it any wonder that some people look upon leftists as parasites?


It’s also nice to know your shit don’t stink.


Wohoo, we’ve got a troll!
Don’t scare him, everybody. Let’s try to make this one last….


Just a few points:
1) The pungency of my stool isn’t relevant to this topic, but for the record, it is quite noxious.

2) You won’t scare me off. Bore me with juvenile rantings perhaps.

3) Kittens amuse me, and they’re crunchy when properly battered and fried.


We love having you around.

As for the “shit don’t stink” remark- I take it you’ve never copied a friend’s CD onto a tape? Or rented a movie and copied it onto another tape? Or downloaded a song over the internet? We’re talkin’ small stuff here that just about everyone does, and I don’t think it bares any reflection on our overall moral character. Seriously, if you wanted to make fun of a Michael Moore book but didn’t want to pay him money, I wouldn’t care if you went into the library, photocopied the relevant pages, and took it home. Seriously, it ain’t that big a deal.


Honey: Best. Website. Ever.


For the first century or so of America’s existence we were a pirate nation that respected no copyright or patent. Now, we like to grant perpetual corporate copyright (because you know, without that extra 100 years of protection, nobody would ever write songs) and deprive other countries of AIDS medication. How nice!



There’s a difference between photocopying a few pages (which is permitted under the Fair Use clauses), and photocopying/scanning the entire book or outright stealing it.

I take it you’ve never copied a friend’s CD onto a tape? Not that I can recall. Although back BCD (before CDs) I may have copied a friend’s album onto a tape.

Or rented a movie and copied it onto another tape? Never

Or downloaded a song over the internet? Never. Oops, hold on, I may have downloaded one during one of those Pepsi (or was it Coke) free music promotions. But somehow I suspect that’s not quite what you have in mind, eh?

I do speed though, frequently, although never through school zones. Run red lights on occasion as well.

Aaron, it appears that your position is essentially “well, the US did this sorta stuff in the past, so its okay to do it now.” Is this a universal principle, or merely limited to intellectual property theft?


Hard for me to see an ethical difference between borrowing a book from the library and reading a scanned copy from the net. Intellectual property law is motivated by practical, not moral, concerns. Copyright advocates merely adopt the language of morality for rhetorical expedience.


I do speed though, frequently

Well, as long as you don’t steal to get a fix.


Hard for me to see an ethical difference between borrowing a book from the library and reading a scanned copy from the net. Intellectual property law is motivated by practical, not moral, concerns. Copyright advocates merely adopt the language of morality for rhetorical expedience. – tps12
The ethical difference is rooted in the hugely differeing constraints imposed by the physical laws of the universe, i.e. only one person can be reading the library book at a time, as opposed to multitudes reading the scanned copy. If a library has 500 people clamoring to read Book X, they’ll get more copies of Book X, resulting in more revenue for the publisher and author. 500 people wanting to download the scanned copy? Even if the demand results in increased costs of web hosting, none of that goes to the author. Yet the site with the scanned copy gets whatever benefit may acrue from the traffic interested in Book X. The author did the work of generating the content that draws interest, and the thief is getting the benefit. Undoubtedly, to a parasite the ethical difference is invisible, because only differences that affect the parasite matter. Hopefully, now that its been laid it out for you, you can see the difference.


The parasite remark is funny when one thinks about how much tax revenue the blue states pay out, and compares it to how much tax revenue the red states receive.

Bilking Benny out of his $28 kinda pales in comparison to the amounts that blue state voters shell out of their hard-earned paychecks for beneficiaries in the red states.

Parasites indeed.


Undoubtedly, to a parasite the ethical difference is invisible, because only differences that affect the parasite matter. Hopefully, now that its been laid it out for you, you can see the difference.

What’s missing from this equation is the value-added if Brad were to brazenly steal a single copy of Ben’s book, and then produce from that single $28 copy (retail, mind you) the product of thousands of page-views of fun and merriment throughout the Internet. What alchemy!

Plus, we should really be looking at the institution of ‘libraries.’ Each time a book is read at a library, that’s lost revenue for the publisher. Who’s idea was that — Kropotkin’s?


Bikerdad, if you want to troll here, you’re welcome to join the more active discussions farther up the page. This one isn’t getting so much traffic anymore.


Don’t you think that kids might be reading this, perverts!


what have u done to that cat that is not good .


hi anad …………….biy
haha xx


u r fuiking gay u prick u dont let me get da pic of da mad pussy wankers


this site sucks big time!!!!


i love you so mutsh


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